HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-23, Page 14tr • • • • .•• „ ' • • • ,........*•••••••••••••••••••••••• TKG..8A-re ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1975 • , FROM THE MIISTER'S STUDY -BY CAPTAIN GRACE H‘E\RBER SALVATION ARMY CITADEL UMW MODE D'EMP1.01. . . the his, -y of mankind. 'T We Oh. '.-ave problems- as what does that mean?? Just they had tt, `h relationships turn the package over or one .with anot. TJe Blbje turn the tin around and you has .been given py God kg, will see pn the other Side the Christians in this year 1975 word DIRECTIONS'. And to use and understand as a underneath this word you Guideline or Directions to will find. just haw to use the the Christian way of life. particular item which you Now 1 know the,$irst set of have in your hand. Whether laws you will -point to are the it be a tin of souk a new Ten Commandments in electrical godqet or some Exodus 20 in the ,Old item to add tyourhobby... Testament. And you May if you have one. But the say it' is a list , of Do's and majority of items we buy Don'ts. today have some kind of - However if 'you read on directions on them to help us further into the Bible you use them in the proper way... will also 'seethe lives of men and women and the pitfalls There is a 'Tool' which we that they endured in their sometimes neglect to•use the life can we, not learn from directions for ... and we as them and avoidthese pit7 Christlans,followers of falls? You will also see' that Jesus Christ, may learn -how• 'they told of one who would 'to live a successfullife as a come into this world .,. who Christian only 15.'57 following would show to mankind ... the Direction Book which we God in the flesh ... that we have been given and that k may now andunderstand book is call,ed The Bible, mord fully what God is like Now t there may be a Problem ... we hear from the young people in school that they find some of, their subject§ really don't, in their minds, relate very well to life which they live now in this point in time arid th'us there may he thoughts in this' direction as far "as our reading' and understanding • --the Bible.1 We may think of. A SIN BYANY the Bible aas history,of•-a OTHER NAME • nation long aka ... done up in • Accept any responsibility. He .a language which is out Tozer.says„one of the wants to be free. And he is date and therefore we put ittroubles with our s'riety, is free; in a SenSe. . . just as a aside. •However the: Bible is, that sin has "beeric••driven tramp is 'free. The tramp is not a datedr book it is ,as up underground these days and,, free to sit On. a parkbench to date now as it was when has come', up, with a new by . day, . sleep on a first , written why ... name ..and a new face. He being neWspaper by nizbt, get com e h ' called- by various fancy chased out of, town ' in the' morning, and find -bis way . namds r... anything but what up a 'set of creaky stairs in it really is. in attitude ... • and action. And that. through -this man, Jesus Christ, the Son of God would be provided for each One of us forgiveness of sin...if we repent, and are sincerely sorry for that which grieves God. • Paul in his writings speaks to LIS about a modeof life ... what we should believe concerning Chri§f4r:-4am,es teaches us that if ,our tongue is not put under control, it will get us irito trouble ... Peter tells us of the attitudes and dealings which should have no part of our life and then gives' us suggestions on what our. time should be consisting of. ..„•-• Our whole lifwhether it he at our emplo y ment „.. in, our home with our family, all aspect S of it can reflect to others .Christ and his teaching's; The Book of • Directions is freely available to each of us ... let use it more effectively each day. • • ° o /. • • 'sider two men. • One will not pledge himself to anything; he will. , not beCatise .humannature has not. changed Very much in tiortliet.n • — • •• some flOphouse' ' in the He admonishes •us, "So if you're- jdatous, c 11 it evening. Such -a man is free; but he is also, useless.* jealousy . If you ten pity • 1t2 yourself and feel th you're. Another man ... maybe the • not appreciated but are, like prime minister or any gregh a,flower born to blush ,un. man who carries Upon' him seen on the • desert, can it the weight of government is . what it is .,.' •self-pity." •, ,not free. - Such men; in . • Tozer is right, of course. sacrificing their freedom 4 ThecirroSto4Lai.r4iz3C41gle,S....with,,,,,„mi,st.,, of. . us- tate-. tadeal.; , step up their power. If they anticipation, ' -' ,,,, - firmly with Sin in our liVes. ' want to be free, they can be, The night ties relaxed on the (Though we re riot so .,just like 'the tramp, but- they white earth, reluctant W •point it out in choose rather to be -hound. ' A slow moon dazZles-the- ottiers!)---- --'----:-.---- ' • Again, Tozer says there rooftops with silvery light Take reSentfulness. If :• are many, religious tramps And a thou -sand candies you're reSentful, admit it, * in the world who will ,not he probe the dark valley below . instead of being like a lady I . hound by anything. They with theirflame. ' '"" • 1/4 .' ,• .'know who. acts like a hen have turned the grace of God The velvet curtain moves to thrown out of--,•ber• nest: She. .into personal license. But the silent rhythms . of coloured sputters about, , running great people are those who, light, • . ' hither and thither clucking though they know the flesh is, i eak, will Still.' dare to And the trees stand dark, and coMplaining • w ,'. immovable, in reverent oawe somebody is always doing commit .themselves :65 of this passing miracle. her wrong or --rnisun- certain sacred vows; and What . mysteries lie 'beyond derstanding - her • Well, if who, even though they may k , "the moving veil ,, our e finit youve gotthatkindspirit - ' o f • . fail to keep': those vows on .. 9, .occasion, ,know- they can go minds can only speculate yoil had better deal with ..it ' In the fulness of time and instead of covering it up with'. to , God- in-' humility, ask • - evolution • an artistic sounding Greek • forgiveness and start all , „....... .. _ . Wh. ._ ,- , erirthe 'Cruelties of llYall .transit 15y It takes courage lation. 'Call . - 't i s over again 'have 'ceased ' •- ,, . right name and get rid of it to commit oneself but with And love is proclaimed king by- the cleansing. power of God's help we can all do it 3• of all the earth Jesus' blood and the grace of . . We may he ready to see God. . „ truth unveiled; .. And then there' is your - ut no v, in the night of our 'te ' ' ' • your mper. Don t try to christen ignorance„ ....._ . --. ' it, by some other.name like We only. sleep and await the righteous indignation. Call it TT ' -daWn. • what 'it is. Because 'if you • ., ,,,7--b,,Lorna Vincent have a, bad temper you Will • either get rid of it or it will get rid ofMuch, "of your spirituality and much . of • your ioy. , Mr: "Tozer • says . God 'love's candid peoPle_and we Must look to and trust Him fo,r deliverance from .corisciaus arid deliberate Sins 9in our •lives. _.„, .--• Another factor modern man' hates to face is . discipline., He , often refuses to commit 'himself. '`IWant-' ' to he free'!, he says, "I don't . want to commit myself to; anythirig."•_Well, let's' con- , BOLD. MCCALLUM Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich • January 21st. is World Religion Day ' Set aside to observe the Great Religions of the world and their effect on mankind. In the western world we are familiar with' Judaism and the Covenant God made with Moses • a stern training period and -the. social code were bast' morals which developed inti) Our civic,laws (the Spiritual truth was the command to love the one true Ged.).-Chrrstianity and the Covenant God made with Jesus gave us an awareness of the .. soul of man andihe need to love ohe another which developed the phi man and hropic and brotherhood, apPreacb,to our fellow etc. Wit In oeudrec4itiileosp.m.rehnetiosifahmosicpiFtaalistha‘nadndwocielfsiarse,Ceogveenncaienst with Mu ammed warmed usof the end of the era of prophety„ Warned s to return to the Gospel and Torah atid,to love of God and ehckrted us to unity and love(' within us, state or country. This day the lialia'i Faith and alnew Covenant God • made with Be 'u lah tells us the earth is one ,country, exh0rtsp5to wo diti ity and gives man for the first time an Administrative Order)o ehable us to achieve this lofty goal. --... , 13.0: 'BOX 334 ' P.O. BOX 212 ' 6 00‘41 • • _ Clinton • • • PUC r erti. ent a ifqu.,e.t , PAJC Co,rnMissioner flarrV•Worsell preented.a retirement giftito AIIan .MacDonold and his wife. • • • Wanda who were present on behalf of Aan s father George Filsinger, George retired from the 7c-Ommission "after 1.4 years of service The,PQC employees also.prese,nted the past commissioner • with a gift. (stoff-photo) •• T. S E f.4 death I hoillear no 1,1 1h.. rl••• Oh me .-23td Psalm • WILFRED ROBERT ' (BOB) WATKINS ' . Suddenly -at his home,' 34 Chester St., Durham, Wilfred Robert (Bob) Watkins, itp, his 32Dd year, passed away due to a hear attack, tle7 was born in Clinton on the 13th day of March, 1943: He was educated in the town' of Clinton. He lived several years in Goderich Township, RR 1, Godenich. He served as a Military Firefighter with the Canadian Armed Forces. " Bill Murney,, Dick Carter all He was employed at the ,of Clinton: Flowerbearers Listowel Memorial Hospital were 'William Craig, Wilfred Wore leaving to work for Castle, Maynard Hymers all the Department of Public. of Clinton, and Jack Hicks of Works, Hanov,er. He was a Burlington: , member „of • the Ontario Street ' (Jnited Church, ,, Clinton. He is survived by his • •mother Mrs. Mildred Watkins,' .daughter Shirley, and one sister Kaye, The funeral took place at the -Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, with Rev., Lawrencee: Lewis presiding. ' Interment Was =in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Bob Galier; Hayward Beaton, Bill McIVIillan, all of Durham, David Colclough, Evening Unit • North_St. UCW elect full slate of officers , • 4TI Tuesday evening, January Officers for 1975 are: 14, the Evening Unit of•the ..Leader, ,Mrs. D. Currie; United Church Women of treasurer, • Mrs, E. North Street began the year Crawford; secretary,' Mrs. with a pot, luck supper A. Lockhart; press - followe,d by, •the regular, secretary, Mrs, A,. Monthly:Meeting. McTaggart; program,: MI's. Theme of the meeting "In • N. Pickell, Mrs-. F. Looker; the Beginning" was catried 'social committee, Mrs. Wm. out in songs, ,poems, prayers Garro.w, Mrs. E. Bender; and Slides depicting the first' foster 'child tikasurer, .Mrs.. chapter of Genesis, ShOwn by ,C. Anstay; telephone_ Mrs, A. McTaggart. A skit; • committee, Mrs. E. -Sipes, •"-Are you listening?" was Mrs. I. Anderson_; pianist, presented by Mrs. E.-Eleh• Mis. E. Bender; nominating der, Mrs. N. Pickell, Mrs.'J. committee,. Mrs. R. SMith, Rap and Mrs. K. Jones. Mrs, J. Remington. • Corporation of the TOWN OF GODERIC1j: NOTICE.. Effective Febrory 3rd,"1975, the Goderich Town Council Will L* conducting its regular Council business on the first and third Mondays of each, month, and the'Committee of Council 'will be held` oh the second Monday of each month., in the Coupcil ' Chambers of the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. When 'a statutory • holiday falls on a Monday, the Council will. meet on the following Tuesday eVening. • J. Harold Walls, A.M.C.T., Clerk -Treasurer 1 • r• THE BAHAI FAITHFT-EACHES Baha'u'llah, the Glory of God, was sent to m an from God to° bring us world unity and peace througti world order, His firm Covenant gave us an administrative system to which all , Bohai§ are committed, and which is answe rable and -under . the protection of God. It is the potent souree of growth of humankind at.all-times and under all conditions. It is• • , dedicated to the furtherance„of the tranquility of the peoRle, Goderich is a part of this Covenant. Goderich P,O. Box 212 Clinton P.O. Box 345 • . %.‘ s • ta This Sunday Rev. Ross Nicholls A wW' belhe sbeaker %VOX tp • Special' music PriCivide , at Huron ,Men's. Chapel Auburn at 800 0.m All Weiconie • "Evil Prevails 'when Good Men do Nothing" • „it Next Sunday, Feb. 3 —7 THE PROVERBS. L.•,•;'"'',?. • •,*,;1•• • • • • r• r , et, • • • , • • •-•••.•?,....• • •••..•11.•••••••••••1.• 17,- • ••••••••...... ••••• •••••,0110•••• • 1•-••••• ••••••• 9,r • •••••.• •-•••,.•••••• • •-•••.• 04•!...•••••,....14••••••••••••• • • •••••,‘ •• • ••-••••••-•••.....•„.„.•••••.....---. •-••••• • •••••.:•-.....••••.....•• .••••••„•••••••••••••!. ,.. ',., SUNDAY ,,...SERvic,gs ‘. , p , 4 ' , 10 ' . • ' ill'' ' 1 , A ' 1: t ) .The family .that prays ,together....Stays:together:,..": ,:i' 4, . . , -,..:.........i.4..ragal........6*,•-•• .7.........,......4,...**,....•, -...o.• • . • . . ,,. ' r.'"..-.1.....'":-"..-.'"."'fr.s-"-...""S.'e,P • •• 0 , ..'.7. l VT, . Toi 11.41•••••.••••...••••••••,••••••••...11,••••••••,••••L,•••••••,•, 1 BEREAr-BY—THE—WATER i ' 4' ' , Don t lust watch us grow Come and help us grow .1 .. • 1 • ' LUTHERAN CHURCH. ., Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle i,. , ,,.. i`i . Affiliated' with the Pentecostal ASieniblies of Canada -,-- CORNER OP ELGIN AND -WATERLOO STS. 1 '`•REV,="PETER G. ST. DON, Pastor . . • SUNDA:Si; JANUARY 26, 19751/4— 1. . i . 1 1. . . ' ' 10:00 a.m.L-SUNDAY SCH04!s" ' -: •, •., . „,, .• 11:00:a.m. Worship . .. , 1 1 • ire. ,, • ' ',Free •Bus Transportation .4 . , SERMON: "THOSE' BEAUTIFUL't.EET" . 1 E •You ** i ' .524-2235, , 11.:00 a.m.---PAORNI.NG SERVICE ' i ... " -'1, 'Reading i • Marvin L Bdrz, Pastor pi - • 1. The . 7:t10• p.m. -EVENING, SERVICE A ' Quotes?1. . .., , y • • Tues. 8:00 p.m.•BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER i i • 1.1Being jdstified by faith, we have peace. with',God through our 4...? i Lord 'Jetais Christ" Romans 5, 1 . ' .' ' ,?, i i n . , , Friday 7:30 p.m. -Youth Service 1 4••••••••••••• -••••••10...•,...4117.447,71.,••-••••:••••••-••••••••°••...1. 1••••.•• 1,..• .-4 01..••••••••,••••011,••_••-............. ...T.....,,. 1 "If you den't. keep' becoming better, you will, stop ..- being -.good," ‘- ' , i •,....,-,,•'.......-,..-........-7.z.................,.........•,........-........-.....,.............--......................-.....:............-........1---i •., . I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH _1/4'• , •',i,.i FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT CHURCH SERVICES I CALL 524 4506 (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) / i ., MONTREAL STREET'neir The Square . . ., • • . i .......••-......".7.-..-.....-......4....„,,-.........,........--....:-.........7-,...:•,....,...1,;.....-...---...••-....”--...........7.-....--. ; . 1 - REV. W.H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S. .. , , 1 f%............irm......,,,,,..6S.- .18,..1.............,-.4.6.7••••••-•.....,-......................••-•••-e•-•••.:.••••••••-•...n•-••4.0,-,...••••••,••-•:-.r•••••••'4. : Orgahist: Mr. Frank Bissett ' , ..„ • ' • . '"- 9:45 a.m.----Sunday"Schocil., i i THE' SALVATION 11:60, a.m. Morning 1Norship . il ' ' Come and Worship with us I ( 18 WATERLOO ST. S • . . siit-slit • •All Are,Welcome .1. I '' ' ,,. • / Jan. 24, 1975 ANNUAL CHURCJI MEETING SUNDAY SeITOOL-7- 9:45' A.M. • ., . . FAMILY WORSHIP- 11:db ...At• ....................r\Ili,...•1,..•11,.....11.1.11,...41.-\•1.1.81,\TI,.....•-•.......,.....1.7".....••-•.-os....Ant..ain...,m-ft....-.....**-'4 1 ? ....-,,,,,......1.7,....•,....41.,....487.....11,...-6,7•••.-••••••-•rn.••••••••••-••••••••••:7••-•••••••-••••••-•••••••,..1.,...................-,•,...•,•••••••••••*. '1. . - ' i . WANG EHLoinlieieLoSari:TI:d".jos ;T :.emd.,, i) 4. The Ftee Methodist Church 'i ri.. WEEKDAY Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7: i '...m. 1.- • , t . ' ' • . OFFICERS - CAPTAIN G., HERBER, -,"CAPIAIN M. MacKENZIE 1. Park Si.'at ViotOria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls i 1 i 1 Meeting at Robertson Memorial Sdhool (Blake"and Eldon Streets, Goderich) • SUNDAY, JANUARY 26,1975 -' •9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all •• (1,1 • • • ' . 4)s ; .1 , ,..."All` Are cordialiy inViteci to Attend". . . '10-:00 a.m. Sunday 'School. ___ ' ',. ' ' • , ? I,,,...•-.........,......7.......-........r..-er........--..... •-••••• •••• • ........."7.......r,....1.-.....••,..! 9 •••••••••••• 11,...• ir.....,--........• • "•ft. • o•••••0 i • • . 0 , O . . o , t rol•••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••:•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1111 •• ' :•••••••••••••••18 • ••• • 1•••••••••••••••••••••1 1.• ' •• • 1 1 : 00 "WORSHIP" , : ii i. • ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH . 6:30 fil.m. B16LE STUDY ,....... ,Ariyone needing bus transpertition phone 524-990,3 '. , ,,, ,i i. ',,. . • ;,.._,SUNCIAY,, JANUARY 26; 1975 ..„ , . . 1 I ,,' 1, 4,EPTUAGESIMA• . Everyone W,elcome . ' /.......-,...-..........;----,--7.....--------,---.......,-.....................-..,.........,,,-......-....•••••............. ........,,,,..,. ,,i..........1 ..; . 1, ,', HOLY COMMUNION AT 830 A.M. )4 AY B • MORNING PRAYER &.;*SERMON AT 11 A.M. i • CLVARAPTIST CHURCH t , ... , .s, . 1 it CHILDREN'S PROGRAMME AND NURiERY AT 10 & 11 A.M. • si. .4. i., BAVFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET' 1 1 ' * , Reocir: Ono') G.G. Russell, B.A., B.D. • ' •" ' 1 / EVANGELISTIC 4.-- FUNDAMENTAL , . • .„,.._ LL Choir:master:Organist: Joseph [1: `Herdman • i . REv. R. C R. ' ' ----'-.. , ....,................................,.....,....-............,......7......-4.4,.......-.........,..........‘,...-do,...r.......r.......-.................. ? ./.; i •-• 10:00 a.rn. WELCOME T,0 OUR SUNDfAY SCHOOL i 1," . ' . , , • , moo a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. ...... `1 . . SERMON,.. 1.'il1N.15HpY.ml.B.E.WLOIERVDEOJFELSIUFES CHRIST IS GO07'. ' i I CLUB: ', ;) * i' 1 „ Victoria Street United•Cliurch .........• .,......_............_._..•.......„.:......_.__......_.........•,,....._......•,...:. . . i..p,,,2,..aE2RvieE . ..,. i t , HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP . REV, LEONARD WARR 1 0W ' WORD QF LIFE RALLY • • - 10 aom. 'Bible School For All Grades MONDAY JAN. 27th'8 P.M. „„,, id i . . 11 a.m. Worship 'Service SPECIAL IVilltiC •MR. BILLY SPEER ' " 4, . . • '' . ? ? . a Sdrmon: "THEUNCHANGING GOD" OUTSTANDING SOLOIST '• !,0 MESSAGE • MR:WAY-NE LEWIS , - / i ' ' ........W_E-.....t___C..../....0.......m..L....E. '1* ' COME AND''BRINGA FRIEND •,.. i 'i. Mrs 'J. Snider, Organist & Choir Director' ;,. . ,..—..... :.. WELCOME TO THE' FRIENDLY CHURCH ' . , i ? 1••••••••• •••• 111. •-•••••••19.,•••••.••••••••••••.• V.,. •-•..............•,-...6.417............r....••-•....••••....-.....................-......,-........7.1 ..... • • ••••. • ••••••• 1,•••••••.•••• • ••••••• • • ••••• • • •••••• ..9'.••••••••••••••••••• • ...•••• • • .•••••• • • ••• •••71•••• ••.• •••••. II •-•••• • ••••• • V.*. • 11,1.41 1.-.....4- i • •,,,,.............••••••..••••••-• 9 •1ft. • • ••••011 •••••••••••. 4141, • TS. • • •••. • OT•oi•-• • 40....• 0 ••••• • • TS. • 1,•••••• • T•41. • ••••• • .......• •••••• • -••••.• 6°,1, . 1,0 ••••14,07.0 • • •••;90.• • -•••••• • '1OTT • • 'a...1'. 97•••• ...S. -sr,. • • ••••11 O.,. • • .11a, • r••••••••••••••-•...• •-•••••• .....••••••••••••••,•••••••• ..-4..... • •-•••••• i 1 . .., Knoi'Presbytariaprch-1 —Citu ---1- North:StioitAlnited Church' , , , • _ 'THE REV. G LQCKHART ‘ROY,AL„,B,A. Minister ' ,' f f :,.- ,The Rev. Ralph E. King, B.A., B.D.,,Minliter ;. THE ;REV4 RONALD C, M,cCALLUM, AMiss Clare McGowan Visiting Aslistlintssistint „ - 'i •i WILLIAM,IVr 'CAMERON', Director of PraiseMr, Lorne H. Dotterer ,. Director of Music SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1975 ' • ' I 1 -SIJNDAY, JA-NUARY 264,975' , ,: ., • 1.0 10:00 a.m. Sunday School ; 1 1 :60- a.m. Divine Worship - i 1 - : Sunday School ages 10 and up at 9145 a.m. i ( 4 Ages 3 to 9 from Warship at 11:00 a.M. i, .. •S•erm, on:"LWorship at 1100 a ;IFT UP NOW THINE EYES"',---, (Nufon) eery and Junior Congregati•• a.,,• t i ' - '.m. , • I, ,'; . .1 ' Sermon : "TH SILENCES OF l; , SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMM,UNIQN i c , . Annual Congregotion6i Meeting 7:30.p.m. y t''' 7 no p Tn Communion in the Chapel, . ' " 'Ntirsery facilities t ' • Enter to warthip I o , • • 1 • • Come and, Worship with us. .- (......4„„,„,..„,...........;,..•....,,„,•,,,,.................-....—.,--......-.......................,-.............Z....,.........................1.-1.......................................................................4..............„......................,.........,,,,,,:,....,,;•,..................1, ' ( ( ,., • Aiepart to Serve . , „ • 14 4 • • • • T.41 • 1 •• ”••"•1'• 4' • ill • • • 11 •