HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-23, Page 3Tyr
(continued from page 2)
_ "As far,as Heinz Australia
is. concerned they were faced
with a very poor crop and
were forced to find alternate
'purees -of supply. This also
„ applied to 'Campbell Soup
Company and other canners.
"We in Heinz Cana& nave
long.' 'valued our strong
• relationship' with Canadian
farmers and• rely almost
entirely on their products for
our Canadian operations.
"As a. good .corporate
citizen of Canada we $hare
the concern of all Canadians
about human starvation
throughout the world. Only
last month we sent from
• Canada' a plane load of baby
food to Bangladesh thrbugh
a , non-government relief
agency. We vtlill be eon-
' tinning in this,. program in'
the months ahead, and we do
this without publicity of any
kind, 'as we would never
• want to, seek gain from the
misfortune of others,
"If in the future; you have '
any questions concerning•
Heinz Co. ' in Canada or
around the world we would
be pleased to talk with you
and perhaps `avoidthe. kind
"of inaccurate publicity of
this past week."
• .In this letter Mr. Forsyth
• of Heinz Canada seems to be"
saying „ "Let them eat
dollars."`. How much money
do Ethiopian farniers get.
from the export of -their
beans anyway? If' you were
a starving Canadian farmer
would you count on Heinz
Co..of Canada?
G. Austin
Lasagna lovers.
Dear Editor, . ,'
I am writing to complain'
of the poor quality of •food•
served at a°local restaurant.
On 'Sunday, December 29;
1974, • Thy wife' and myself
were visiting, some friends in
Goder-ieh and went out to eat
at •Jim's Restaurant. There
were nine of -di, and two
ordered the lasagna. ,
When our orders came we'
noticed, tine- lasagna was not
made of the' standardized
ingredients of noodles,
-ground beef and tomato
• paste. We received a dish
with noodles and pepperoni
floating in a watery tomato,
sauce. °
After 'eating' a portion, of
this .`phony' lasagna, we
complained ,and the dishes
were removed frond the table
but no substitute was
brought. We therefore,
refused tcz, pay for the two
lasagna dishes . which cost
$2.25 each,'
Not only was this ,dish of
inferior quality, but we felt,
falsely advertised. Although
the order ; for our ' party
totalled .More than $20, the
oWner refused to allow us to
leave without .ming for
these dishes. • •
The police station is lust Tourism. and good business
acrces the road, so to settle in the "Prettiest 'Town in
this matter -peacefully, we • Canada" when we can't even
decided to get a pence. of- satisfy, local residents.
fiver to arbitrate. .,� • Yours sincerely,
' The police officer said Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finch
there is no law that protects Editor's Note: A , member
the unfortunate custom'ers'. ". of the Signal -Star staff
h seem -S' that . usually the sampled the lasagna at'
• owner gives refunds'because..,,,tJim's Restaurant' and the
he does,. not want a"' had description of the dish given
reputation. Supposedly; it'is i1i the letters by the Finch
a courtesy. - ' ^ '5:r -others was accurate, "
As,' frequent Visitors to The "owner , of Jim's
Goderich nd after having 'Restau'rant ' was contac�e�'d
Upon returning home to that it has been bn the menu,
Windsor, I checked the..The lasagna, hasbeen a good
Better Business Bureau to seller and he _cap find no
learn if it was,; true ' that his for the complaint since'
.- restaurant -eaters have no thet'e9 are many different
rights as „the police officer ways of making the dish.
Short of taking the • Supports Peters
restauranteur to court, this
appears to be true. Because Dear'.Editor:
I have , steady job, 1 was
not inclined to press to see if .Y•� g g is in our
the,. owner,' would ' have a•
Mrs Joe Courine9 529-1189
test'Mrs and 1V1rs.im Hunter James Garvex.l This com-pass.
and family of R.R. 3, petition has been held in the ..
Wallace, '
-Mrs, Dorothy a a is artificial learning which ,.
member of the Huron County . they. gain from T V dhut'not Goderich nod on Thur month of May but has been
Board ^ of °Education? while first hand experiences.` slay, - January 16 to- the changed to this earlier time The: monthly meeting '
discussing„ ` ` T d s house vacated by Mr.'" and so as -not to coincide with the ",,the Goderich" lr figure Skating'
Daysaid that h Dungannon.Jan y-
o- � Y 'The American Networks Mrs.. I3i1,1 Livingston, R,R. 1; Spring Operetta. Club was ' held Mondays'
Education with Women s have !recognized that T V. bar 20 at the Moore -y,
Out t a she
was violence can over stimulate' Sincere__ sympathy is < ex the president,' Mrs, Joan
delighted to be there because children and can lead to Many "activii<es in this tended to Mrs .Lames
although ' she ^ represented hy,peraction: 'They . have area were cancelled as Chisholm; of Goderich, ,the the, Skating Club carnival
As a 'voter who exercised Goderich and district on the offered to police their own Thursday evening due to the former Angela Chisholm of is slated for Friday and
School Board, she had `'little hrinfe time shows ,to' avoid stormy weather. These Kingsbridge, on the death of 7 and 8:'
m vo.tin ri hSaturday, Febru�cry"
contact with the people. ;government c n�nrahi activities were the Town and
h h d p g „ p her husband James on Theme for the carnjval. this
She felt that she was Another interesting Country Hockey games, at Sundayafternoon, Januar
me arrested feel I must offer my corn. t• Vacuum with bl "Wh h the Lucknow Arena The Girl Y year is Sentimental Journey.
recent' municipal elections, I
merits o •opera trig in a ac pia em was': hether .a 12 at the Alexandra Marine Mr BettyHarris,- car
We therefore paid. This n what seerris to be Guide activities sand several'
the over -cillo issue" no Home "and School, no .child should. be allowed to
letter to inform lasagna-- and General Hospital in naval chairman says a 1
le ter isisitors and residents presently `before our Townquestions or comments from fail or should he he• pushed n1ectings, Goderich in his '77th year. parents'' 'and people in from .class to 'class, never The first card party for .
e Y plans are• in full swing.
in Goderich and.to inform council, That' is: Should this season was held on The body rested at the Stiles Tickets are available now
people that perhaps more„ Town Council; meetings be general. She told the women quite able to .cope".' Some funeral Home. Several from
Saturda ,,venin from all club members..
held Mondayor Thursdaythat: if • they, had .an schools seem to use split Y g January this area attended'' the wake Many skaters from
stringent laws should apply . educational problem ,to give ,classes to handle this 18 in r,kie�Kingsbridge Parish `
to the restaurant business: nights . Hall. Prizes were given to and. the funeral Mass of- Goderich went to the `London
It would appearher a call and she would do problem, with the aggressive ficiated b Reverend Father,.n
Yours truly, that the high lady,,,. Mrs. Teresa y' � .Great Lakes competitions on
her best. to come up with an kids, in one class and the Moynahan in „ St. Peters the weekend.. Results are as'
David G. Finch majority of councillors Courtney and second ,high
answer. slow learners' in another.' Church., on Wednesday, follows:
prefer the"Monday evening, lady Miss Marguerite
Mrs. Wallace regretted �,Preliminary'
However, bur council has The women thought grades January 15. Mr. Chisholm is Pre 1 i m i n a r y L,a d i e s
Yore on lasagna "H Arid. 0 Connor The fo the
prize r
traditionally met -on, Thur.- that
there was no ome one and two were too early survived b one daughter,
Schools where arents and men was a tie between Mark y'(Green) Dana ' Elson 10th;
p to lock a child into a social Alma Mrs. Ted McLean,, of Preliminary -Juvenile Ladies
Dear Editor, - • slays, and when individuals teachers could discuss Doherty and •Eugene Austin, '
and educational .grouping. Gode.ricli: (Green), Michele Harris' 7th;
On December 29, 1974, my agreed to stand for election, with Mark Doherty winning behind Duncan
classroom problems and co- An opinion poll was taken A cottage, Nancy Jacobson 8th; Tracy
wife and I and seven friends some no doubt took this w� the cut for, men's' high and ,
• operate to help a child on whether a child should Simpsons near' Kintail McEwan 10th; (Blue) Connie
.dined , at Jim's Restaurants precedent into account. Eugene getting second high. '
through a social or fail. The majority thought owned by Mr. and, Mrs. De Haas 10th* Christy Boddy
This `is our story , It is a known fact that Dr. The' next game will be held +
bf the nine people who ate,; Peters, who has objected to educational crisis. the child" should be failed or, 'in the, Parish Hall on geese of Waterloo burned to 12th; boil''r eagan 12th.
One • of the interesting held back in the early grades Utthe ground- last Wednesday, Finals; Michelle Campbell,
two "ordered Lasagna. This the' change, has'4 been pro ems discussed was the so that theywould be able to Saturday evening, February Januar 15.' The Lucknow
dish served - consisted of driving- force- behind'. our p ' 1, beginning • at 8:30 p.m.. Y Free Style 3rd, Figures 3rd;
effects of. T V on school cope later. V " Fire. Department responded Juvenile Men's (Blue)
pepperoni slices and pasta excellent town band, which, ' children' ,The Special sharp. swimming in a thin tomato also traditionally ,has met When Women's Day O t' Rick ,,
w .
`oel son of Mr. and to the call but was unable to George°'Dierolf, Free Style
Education teachers for p save the building or con- 4th Figures 5th• Juvenile '''
sauce and covered with every Monday night: y broke for -lunch some "were Mrs: Joe Boel was taken to +
readin and s eech therapytents. Mr. and Mrs: Bees,, Ladies """
cheese.'This particular dish Now, after having cast my gpthe discussing . the Alexandra Marine and t a les (Blue) $renda Love
enthusiastically g living in the cottage a=tVicky
was listed on the menu as vote for Dr. `Peters, it' ap- find that TV affects the reorganization of Home'General Hospital, Goderich g g 10th; Dierolf 13th; Pre
child's 'ower" to visualize the g e` were iv of the fire. Novick Ladies (Blue Debby Lasagna; however we feel pears that he might not be p and School. If you are in op- Sunday . afternoon, )-+
this Is a form of misleadingable- to' fulfill his res •on- words he or she reads. A fire at the home of Mr. Jeffrey, llth.
p terested calf 524,-9924 or January 19 'following a two -
and Mrs. Michael Dalton on •,.
labelling. Upon refecringto sibilities with either .of Wor.ds.'do not make picturesleave •_your name at the car,..collision,:Qa .l�igh�uay 21:' .',Unitary:
mind.'TV does. .
vicious Eook books we find these!" Needless to say, I, Sunday- _
in the child s
Women's .._Day _Out _sign-rn it1,.-front...Df .MBr.k D'alton's. ----.
that Lasagna consists of and echo s other votet�s, this mechanically, so he or 19 was quickly ;extinguished •
g „perhaps table next Wednesday The driver of the second car, Bi b e Society,
she d h h f f h passing motorist
alternatin layers of round will feel we have been s e oes not have t e o of . when a -
g g Next 'week Marilyn Pen- Harvey` Lassaline,
beef, Lasa ria alta and`' cheated. imagining r the story in his notified Mrs. Dalton of the
Lasagna p fold, Budget Counsellor m at Goderich was taken to the bl She was alone m the
c_bees b Muchthinghasmind
e as well as t mato the same C.hildrn's Aid will talk on emergency at the' same ri
at the ti e. b#6-
d�'nations up
ened to .others, I am 'Although the T. V does aid "How To Survive Inflation". hospital where he received
bours and of r motorists
sauce. hap¢
After informing the sure: You offer, your, time' to eye -focusing. and 'the -ability - Women's -Pay Out is mit- several stitches for a cut on
waitress that: the "Lasagna" community or church or, t track forreading the eye the only: day out the side of his head Mr. and the fire was
we were served was •n
o roc . n
of as agree to act
, in some tracking Is. only 'far. a ;short, • I„assaline was treated and under -con't'rol when the
L,,"ucknow Fire Bri ale after canvass--
expected,. she' suggested capacity with • an distance., T V . helps con-• released. .,Mr, Boel ..was g
bringing it _back. However organization, and then half centration and the attention ,-•• her..apeutic.-•exercises are suffe>jing from, a badly arrived at the scene. Neigh
the hill was 'not adjusted .way 'through, they change span' but the ,child, may not conducted by., Torn YWor- , swdllen knee. He is still in bours Pat O'Neill and Paul The current world demand
ace,ordin 1 When we meetingdates on you, or call thin ton, Director of , 'Frayne using a chain saw for• the Christian Scriptures
g Y Y + s be aware of, what is really g the hospital at time of ' Ch . p
refused to- --p-ay,, for the,, omeetings with one or two ha e in on therscreen. Recreation, every Monday, writing. , ,, c Ouse roo , exceeds the abilityof the
. ut through the h f to
pp - $ ain r access' to the blaze. .• ¢Bible Societies of- the world.
"Lasagna" which was not days notice that you can't Speech, teachers are- 2:30 - '3;,30 p.rn. at •,the Mr. and, Mrs. Jerry Vogt, g
eaten, ; the man 'behind the possibly meet because you discovering that the child G o d,e r i c h' P s ch i a.tr i c y "January 13 Meanwhile' other helpers u to supply. Quer. 250,000,000
Y °left of Moeda - ,
mounter " demanded 'that' we have W Made other cocci -Hos ita�ls Gym, where the moved all the downstairs Bibles, Testaments, Por -
has not learnedthe T Vd'oes' management and staff have for
a 10 day holiday yin furniture di§hes, etc."outsi
speak'de tions and ' Selections 'were
`pay, even though, it was ,not mi'tments. � ' ' listen because. mea, Florida.•-"""""',""""`"""'• to safet, � safety,-}t•'bell ved� that
My not answer their "why" Y Y g y distributed last yearinover
what we have been ac- ' M solution to this •has . �• 'Very, kind! allowed the use ,Miss Marguerite. O'Connor � Y
'customed to . in sirna.lar finally become' sometimes questions There should be of the .hospital facilities. -Too cif Pickering' spent the aspark .from the fireplace 150 countries. The challenge
_, ignited the blaze ' is to"increase 'this by 15
establishments., We then; .reluctantly, „Ae following. an enlarged vocabulary tent partrcitwte, ytou must havelp.weekend at the home of Mr.
u y � • '. a y m w .,
you are physically alile "to J;im ' Sinnott 4nd Danny • 'C „
h it
"''suggested the police be The meeting`•"'Fiat has been, ,,the words- are not f Il' your doctor's consent that Raymond Dalton and 'ferry, ''II -
called: to enstire a - recorded first in', my date' 'understood. BRID•
professional settlement • book' take's 'precedence,
take light exercises. Each of Wilson are spending holidays •
' The officer was courteous unless at ''would adversely• TV. has been used -as a the local doctors has consent aCtheir homes here. At the January 14 meeting received 4,,,,. $154,291:26' in
• and sympathetic, but on his, affect my students, or my hahysitt.er too long...._,Families forms in their offices. If you Grades 5,6,7,, a'1=f'd 8, b''f"'th`e'"Gad'erich Bridge Club '-donations for this world-wide
advice we ,paid the bill, and job.• . .r;'' '.` do ..not talk together because need a ride call 524-6146. students' of St, Joseph's Mary Lionnelly and Eleanor work, an .:increase of 17
,left. " ^ ; • I think Dr. Peters should of F V,, competitkori.• • -school at Kingsbridge .,are :Erskine ,,copped,. top honorn a percent over 1973.
It ,seems to us that it is a adopt this same solution, and Communications between Card players .meet •-every' preparing speeches for the with a point total of 491/ There are 159 Community
shame to pay for something perhaps- ,, the rest of the . members .of a family - Tuesday, 2 4 •p"m. at. Garvey Public Speaks g ..Auleen ' Collins, and 'Mary branches ofthe Bible Society
, we didn'.1 want becauselt rio :council will see that it is the • become words, not dialogue.. MacKay Hall to enjoy an Competition which will be;` Lapaine settled, for second in Sout;pwestern Ont•ar,io
way resemb�le'* what we only'reasonable on;e.. Please The child spends too much afternoon of euchre, 500 or held at 'the , 'school_ ..on •, place with -401/2 while Lee which are, organized to
"desired or, a'rfti.cipated..• ' ',settle this ...issue, and let time" munching food before bridge" Thursday, January 30 at 1:15 Ryan and Joanne Duckworth contribute to the;aworld-wide.
Of the nine of us' who- ate ° council''get on with the work the T V becoming fat and, Carpet howling has just p•m, This cpmpetition began 'were `a' close third with 40. work • of trans! -a -tion,
at Jim's Restaurant that of governing out corn- passive in a make-believe started at i,!1,'cKay ..-Hall, in. 1970 and • was made •,,points. Bill Cochrane and production and' distribution
night four- of us are ,frein—inunity! world, too lazy to exercise Friday 2 - 4 p- so come on - available through funds left W.J. Egene'r took fourth spot of the Scriptures. „, d.
Goderich and eat o
percent each year, • r
-In 1974 the Canadian Bible
Society in. Western -.Ontario ..
about .D.R. Bundy and explore his own. There out and learn the game. - for this purpose by Mr, with 39 points.
twice weekly at the. local
• establishments. We have'UnfairC( ectswon
rtev,et• fciund""" "'r"eason to
complain. before this. Our
guests from London and
"Windsor, were. appalled -by
the 'attitude of (the staff- at
Jim's •for their lack:. of
ethical practices.
How can... we.. promote
enjoyed, mar'y,good meals in and stated that there have
"restaurants, " "we feel, we _ ,been no complaints about the
„� - 'been treated s1iafihily. --15sagna in"°she"Fight„months.
•*have , g -
n '
Contributions - from the
w ' Bible . Society Branches in
... _ _ � . 1974 (with 19 -
_ this area follows in,
s ' in brackets): 9
Goderich ,. $2;685,,,60
g' • ($1,939.65); Auburn $516.00
Three Field .Trips were holidaying in etorida since ($433.00); Bayfield $423.00
approve -d': 20 ' students, December and is reported to ,n . ($253.90) ; Dungannon $172.50
m,emhers • of the Senior,. .be staying until'Ma"rch."The ($18B4O0)' - Nile $142.15
Outers Group at Soi.><th Huron ' management committee was ($118,25) ; St. Helens `$164.00 ,
District High School for an. _asked to name 'another ($80) ; Saltford $1'76.00
overnight excursion in the merhher of the committee to ($145.00).,,
Editor �.
I wonder what the courts
u �'a t' O n
i coming to. I nontv ef y
m this town s g
q was it -court this morning. I +•, -
,vas ten minutes late. They , An allotment of $4,500 was
had already heard' the 'case, granted to . be used :for a
sq' when Court 'was .over;• I "seminar from'after schoot'on
was allowed to spk on my - Thursday April 3 until noon
behalf. �A on ' ,Saturday,' April 5,
w I might as well - have possibly at the Sutton.Park
-stayed at work because it Inn Kincardine, or another
didn't -make any difference. I suitable' location?,., to' which
was_ charged with driving an.� would ' be • • invited al -1
unsafe,,vehicle=which was not
e ' ,:. .e.le'mentary' school ^pr• -in-
mine, but belonged : to -a cipals, principals of schools
licensed mechanic for 40 for -the-trainable retarded,
years. q - all elementary school vice-
' I was told in --court by the principals, trustees and
judge that he wasn't a very , . members of the executive
good' mechanic. ' Who are council and that secondary
they to say that he is Or Isn't. 'school principals and vice -
a mechanic;? They would • principals. he - invited after
sooner take the -word of a 'school on n Friday to the
police ol;fi'cer. I don't think conclusion of the seminar.
th-is- is veru fair. A roval was given '*for
... p
1• ,
be elected as the fifth
member of tlie.committee .at
the inaugural, meeting.
An amendment ' was
made to,,the by-law that the
chairman's - a d`v'is`ory»,,, cdm- w
mittee shall act as an lex- Exeter area on January 24- act in place of . 1VIr.
.ternal relations committee of 25, at no cost to the board; -Alexander. ,
the hoard to deal with about 15 students,. members ' ° - largest in the history of the
liaison, .communications” and of the Junior Outers Group Society in Southern Ontario:
problems affecting harmony, '`'at ,Exeter for 'an overnight The board approved the The increase is greatly
co-operation between the elcursion to the Hay Swamp group insurance- coverage needed to meet M, rising'
hoard and other branches of on January 24-25 at no cost endorsed by the Ontario . de'ntands for Scriptures
local government, and to the Board; 'And -for 50.. Tl,ustees, Council µfor -•"-hoard overseas and inflation •'i'
between the -hoard and grade .8 students at Clinton trustees 1while on board everywhere. The cost • of
representatives of, the news Public School¢ for an over. 'business'"for 1975 at a cost of producing .bibles and
night -Visit to'the Maitland $18 per trustee and as testaments is rising every
Block on January 30-31 at -a •- supplied by the,Reliahle Life week! •
cost to the hoard 'for one Insurance Company: Any Western Ontario has un- fr
Commenting On the final supplyteacher and trap trustee wishing to have the
1974 pilling from Harvey dertaken to raise' ,$8,000'•to
sivrtation. additional coverage of the help in printing. the 'Caval
-:J„- _ ,, - -W_ - - -: eat•h--_a.nci Dism e.mbe•r-meat
Clarence Ball, custodian at clause in effect --W when ae1"' Testament for 'a Hill
and R. ,J,. Elliott, Blyth, to, resulting from the de- Central Huron.' Secondary Tribe -people an. Taiwan who
trilstee is •'engaged 'on . act the budgetactivatingrleak Tay.al. Translation
School will be retiring e.f- than beard business may do
as representatives from the School septic system for a`.,i,ctive January 31, andwork was done largely by
education committee. total cost 0f $5,125, Trustee 'soy if the 'coverage of $25 is the Rev, Clare McGill•° of
Kenneth C. Bridges, audio- paid -by the trustee hirdself. '
Alex Corrigan yard 7 dont su,al technician, South A..r_.borrowing by-law for. Glencoe. This project
think we should be paying • Huron. Iaistrict High School, - . be.ora-rn-e' known only i1.
„ � + eight , Million' dollars was November and by the year's
out this kind of money. will retia e. effective June 30, _, nppwved for the hoard to
Asked when he thought Mr, . D ',Gow°er will be end $5,000 had been raised in
Blyth might have.a sewage borrow if necessary to carry Western Ontari5_.. for this
y gpromoted to the position ,of on board business, To the
system,' John Elliott. of -Blyth night supervisor to fill Mr,over.aiid above project!
said 'the word ,,,is still 1976 'question as to whether the • "
Ball's position. board had ever borrowed the ` Appreciation is expressed'
,,but •1 am doubtful, I predict - - full amount leg. Dunlop,. by the District °,Secretary,
another two years."I know 1•H board approved a superintendent of husine'ss�� Rev...J.C. Thompson, Lon-
ic)n that wren
di -fairs, reptied the most was • don, to all who prayed,
half a million and only for a worked and gave <that the
day or a few -days to tide the Biale cause might flourish in
-oar over until a' •geant. Western natio and
Th"e total contributions._
received in 1974 were the'
• • D'a e. o inton or umpin
T• k�
. ne tic er'. ,.. _.,. �,-"�__....._�..
• • Mrs..• Marion Zinn, Lucknow g
and r.em^ovin . ser -vices
,ipnsile LIMITED
T-06 THE SQUARE, 524-8551
SPECIAL! • 10 LB. FOR zgc LB.'
,�. 99c
La 9 8 c
Ls. $ 1 • 69
F •
Three trustees were re-
n4ppointed to aet on , .the
^advisory committee on
Schools for .,trainable -
'Retarded Children -for 1975-
76 -
' Turkheim of Zurich, Mrs.
Kunder and Mrs. Dorothy
Wallace of 'Goderich.„, ,
An amending by, -law as
approved for the chairman's
advisory committee to in-
clude the rAst chairman of. -
the hoard if still on the hoard
so that thece mmittee will Abe
com'posed of the chairman of
tY the hoard, the vice-chairman
of the board, ,the chairman
D of the education and the
O' management com)littees
o'' 1 �� " and, the past'cha}rman,SHOPPnut.if
he is no longer on the hoard
then, a member at large to
they are trying. . He said a rn r1 Claren
suitable site 'had not been Mi1CDonald, Exeter, act on
Word- as yet th'`' ' ;r� t o
the; budget. committee.... as
government approval, - ' representative from the d Ontario
Mr. Elliott said members Man.agen7elit Committee but
. Mr.
Blyth count^ hail been payment name` through - throughout the world.
ry r elected a motion that Jack '
down to Toronto several Alexander cif"'Wingln -he w
t:i'nies and . Moira j 'Gaunt, named to the committee. negotiate terms with 'the
MPP had• been working on R J. Elliott; Blyth, bank.
Mrs. Mollie Kunder of discussed interest rates paid
getting the sewage protect, Se�ifnrth first° raised the -
hy, different banks and Mr. Dunlop suggested that
underway tent no progress ohjcction 4a in it was not
Y g " C�ayley Hill, G6'de�ich and._.. if the board asked for school
has been mad -that t IVir. Elliott right for someone to he put Charles 'Thomas Brussels,, levies to be paid oftener than
suggested -that the problem on a cctiimattce "when the agreed that rates should be. .
at the school should be a� would i' `1t be here to attend'', twice yearly by the Various
matter for siudy by a inv'es-tigated authorized
r.•Dunlop municipalities then intof'est
committee. Mr,, Alexander has ,been was authorizers to re- would be 'down considerably..
— � 4
� JP