HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-23, Page 1, — .4 .t---'... E.RS A.SSO 1 28 YEAR -4' TH4as915- M ,,. � Y JANUARY . 2•, ..1 9'T 5• . SINGLE COPY 24 The town of Goderich is needed to widen `the highway faced with a debt of aboyt is ysubsidized 90• percent as $250,000 if council approves ma,' as all new sidewalks the widening of. Highway 21.. needed as a result of the_,. The widening 'project, on widening. Repair of the the books for the past two sidewalks not affected by the years, will cost over one roadwork areoutside the million dollars to .complete area of subsidy. but , the subsidy available Storm sewers , up• to. 27 from the province of Ontario inches ate covered by ,seduces the town's cost provincial aid. Half the cost considerably. ' of such a sewer is met by the • The committee of works province, the other half by and engineering met with an the town. Anything over 27 official of the Ministry of inches must .be paid for by Transportation and.: Com- the town. • munications t� discuss at Telephone and hydro lines - length what areas, of the affected by the project come • project are covered by under the. aid system. Half provincial subsidy. the cost' for labor and trucks Ross Jackson', a Stratford needed to alter the cables is area MTC employee; met paid by the province and• with'the con mittee to advise half by the fbwn. No new 'them what areas•v of the equipment •is.pa'id for. reconstruction job they are Rerouting cable TV lines and responsible for and to help natural gas lines is generally them establish a projected c.overed -6y 'the original ..,.,cost for it, agreement between the town The council committee is and the company and. Mr. t Ie An early Monday morning fire destroyed •a mobile •lho in Meneset Park" leaving a family of four homeless: Gordon Fisher, his wife Beverly and their two ,children,. in the process of ,gathering `Jackson advised the com- nine-month old Ril-ie and three year old, Bradley were _rut? themittee.•: to " check their asleepwhen the.fire_h,roke out ust aft'er�mid`night in the. loose ends of the plan_� ...,..._.. in .preparation---for_-'a•.-,public- agre.emint. , wii i Th—e ..---- _:. �� _.,.� • • Which they hope to' answer they are liable for.' He Health Co-ordjna P all .questions the taxpayers' pointed out that the ,common may....: have concerning ' the agreement is that , the .gas, project. Council has delayed. company bear the total:cost: .. their decision on the matter' of 'alterations heeded for until after the meeting road, r. tieconstruction. ' hoping to gather the public's ° Sg-eet lighting is 'a half , input. . ' •• and half situation. Half the • • Mr. Jackson detailed the labor and truck costs will be subsidies "available to the paid by• the province and town and informed .hem that -half .by the. town. No new the basic rant .for all '• equipment will , be • sub-• construction was. 90 percent. sidized. ., •T He broke a grant system Sanitary sewers" --sand down into the various areas . watermain subsidies are , of construction to offer •a - based on a balance of nor - total picture of the costs the n, at"• life formula,- If the • town will have to bear: sewer or, main is new then a The actual roadwork '(continued on page 12)' meeting on February 5,. in °. businesses• td see' what cost R 'con, It) ti• Pedestrian safety is'the . pupils _across the propo;;ed largest hurdle Goderich town four -lane highway. while council has to clear on. the • consulting • with a Ministry'of , . proposed widening of High- Transportation, ' and , Com:. _ way 21 south of Goderich. munications official, • Ross_. Studies done - by the -Jackson, ,; committee " of works and Underground,passageways-. ;, engineering have dealt with. were considered to be the, 'traffic .flow, regulating most effective Away; forr41;,',, traffic, property purchasing safety problem to be solved, and costs but` have riot yet but 'the high costof such,, 'a effectively solved the venture 'could make, it im question of pedestrian practical. " trailer park•t.wo milesnorth of Goderieh. Julie wa, taken , safety, mainly Victoria ,The passageways were to Alexan�dra'Marine and General. Hospital for treatment School children walking to 'fav'or6d by the, counc•il,. l h from school of smoke inhalatiQ"tr•. The' other' members of the family and escaped without injury. The fire is still under in- The , committee in- � � and the H•parents £ ns ouof the .pupilnty Board' of esti atian staff hats g ( P l ouncil won't pn time loss accoun • v e s fi g a t ed several Education.Town engineer. -•_.._ _ . . _ __ . . - 7 ........• su tions •fori? ettin the . Burns:. Ross to1'd� ..'the com;=- g London to examine similar Mee a had gone to Committee be established 111111111.6..P NIIINININA ytunnels built, by that city for. • 'students leaving, the campus ' • �� of the. University of Western , 'Ontario. '-He said the two tunnels there were built at 'a , , cost of $170,000 but that the same '• thing in Goderich would probably.ost more.. The . London project :was • done without interference, from sewer , or water lines. and according .to.... Mr. Ross; ' the Bayfield Road site, would ° involve :•both sanitary and • storm sewers as welt as then ould be late water A.ains•e, and un Ny ferently than the 'separate improvements for Victoria dergroitind ,•cables. He said after school. '' ' school board" - stude,nts be considered.• the depth required for the. • The• Huron County board of ' Position to co-operate more education is interested • in fully. • having a school health co- Complaints from paren o r d i na t ii ng co m i t t e.e ,,,,of ,grad` students -4 • established ; in the-•,.....cot'nty: ?�aderic The . hoard chairman's visory . committee " was authorized' at a hoard meeting in .Clinton Monday to ask thea executive com- mittee• of Huron `C'ounty Council to meet to discuss setting up the committee. It would include -elected representatives 'from each body.• Goderich town council could have been made up on elected 'to refuse payment of another job and felt that'the ove-,3$,,11;000• to MacLean town should pay the cost 'of " Foster Construction Ltd. for work done on the' $88,000 South Storm Sewer last year. The company asked the town ' for the "money to - compensate for , time lost during " the construction period and for repair work done -to the sewer after it erupted in. heavy rains. The time loss, according to a company, letter to council, was during the delivery delay of pipes necessary for construction. . ' ' receive.• `T` • The town , had agreed to 'Councillor Haydon also purchase the pipes-., them- * moved that the other bill for selves to avoid the price hike " $3,079 he .refused. Slee said announced '. by , the ' .pipe- that the company should supplier. The purchase' was • have examined the sight for made prior 'tothe letting of.. the sewer ,prior to submitting* the contract on the basis that' a tender and-; should have • the. material would be made known that these problems available to the contractor, could ' be encountered. She The' supplier' encountered 'said that she'did not know if difficulty in meeting the the- company, tried ' to cut town's. order and could not corners on the job or if they have the pipes ion the job in were sim`p-ly unprepared, but. time for construction. As a that, it was not the fault of result ,MacLean: -Foster was the tovVn. ,, aye.d., on :pie__God Qld h the'.. Co oncillor- J'�w?? :'eters =The company - 'e stioned. Councillor council that the time , loss (continued on page"12). the time, $8,000. ' tCou'ncillor Elsa Haydon moved that the bills "be refused on .the basis that the town was not at fault for the delivery delay. She said that shame had • examined the contract 'carefully, and that there was .no- .• clause • stipulating that the town was liable for the costs. ' She added that it was very un- businesslike,' to pay. for, 'something you do. not The suggestion, to form the Co-ordinating Committee. was made in a letter to the board by Dr. G: F. Mills, Medical Officer of Health for Huron: Trustee Mollie Ktinder..of Seaforth . chairman •of education ,,committee said- with aidwith the oo-ordinating committee ,the hoard would know • ahead of time of n ewe" types . of programs in- troduced into the schools of • • an lea .0 -se • a Mrs . Dorath W all e' • -tunnels would- make ahem: ar.ding the use two'' ee' cies the total. E. Cayley Hill, both -jg- his resignation- from � • ,ifficult to drain ..arid 4e .' ham said to y, ac andD'h,vui.Jefferson submitted ' . b Goderich that lI e would -interfere distance they have to walk to cost per day was reported ,to ,were appointed 'to•. Goderich District :Collegiate Y' school to attend classes at be., $80,., and Mr. Cochrane attend a public, meeting on• Institute effective December with the• gravityµ fed Sewer Robertson Memorial School said he. questioned the extra Wednesday, February 5, in 31, 1974; and Mrs. Janice system.' , .. was referred back to the high cost for this,• E. Cayley ,Goderich regarding • the Brouill.ette to Robertson Traffic committee management ,committee 'of Hill of Goderich asked how, proposal to. widen;, Highway,,, Memorial Public School and chairman Stan . Profit told al the board and the academic . much grant ,was ,available 21 from' a two"lane•to a four-�� Randal ... Smith to 'student thecoinni ttee he person°ally superintendents of• education and was told . 93 •percent if ` lan°e' highway in.Goderich inp. services have been' engaged was not in favor of un - for, further, study. ;The below ceiling, but that the the Victoria . Street on •, proh,ationary contracts derground.passages since in parents. feel it is unfair for. $80 figure was above. o BritanniaRoad - Bayfield effective • January. 1. Miss his opinion they were ideal some of theiriildren to Mr. Hill said it was a Road -area, '•' Janice 'Booth/goy has ac; spots for muggings and have to -walk more than two miles to and from ,school daily, in all kinds • of weather to get to that • school when • they have Victoria Public School:. in their areas -with students up to grade 6 only, Ronald Bushell, i epreseritat•ive • for. the concerned Goderich ratepayers, in a letter to the hoard last month, statedthat *all the children should he bused who have to walk one mile or more one way to the.county, such as the birth'4' school and that while the control,, type of program put .Huron County • hog, •d of into the schools, which she ,„. education is carrying• qut a learned•of.second hand. She. construction progr,lin .at said the sooner the hoard Victoria; School in Goderich and council committees "we • would like -tr•, ,-.,see meet th'e.hetter: "'arrangements made 1( r the - Trustee Charles Thomas of • accommodatioh of .gr -Ides 7 Brussels said the Board of and 8 to • he taught *a • this Health . in Huron is different_ . school," than in 'most other' areas In his• letter; -Mr. Bushell ' where the Board.; .covers _had pointed out +. the present time all S(: crate School children in'Crtder[ch who attend St. Mary's School , and living more, than one wn t-le-away..are bused •to°-ar4•d•-- • from school in'tFie morning, at noon• ated after school, "We feel if this can be done for some children in' .our he area,' wrote. it, can be done for all," R. L. cningha'n, transportation manager .for the' hoard, Who had looked .into costs of busing0 these students, advised that the quoted price- from Huron -Autornotiq and Supply, Goderich, is $40 her day for." a morning and ,after school route 'around the perimeter Of Goderich (similar to the . route followed lis the Huron - ,.Perth County Roman Catholic,_ Separate School Board) or, $60 per day if transportation is to be 0 provided at the noon hour. • more than one county. or where there are separated • cities or towns. He said in Huron, the' Health. Board is directly accpuntable to Huron County --Council only, and the two hoards are in' a "• Almost `all the wtthesses • ranging in size from 20.•to 60 , ness, Herb VanAmersfoort. called to the,stand by Crown .people,,, allegedl'y poured. _ Mr. VanAniersfooil, the Attorney Doug ,:Page Nave some of the contents of a soft only witness not amongst the testified that . they saw ,'drink on Rificer Hills a�k,s he group attending the party„ • Constable John Hills level was writing '`'out a tY'affic said he was alarmed that -the • his "revolver" and fire at d' ticket to Ken Kelly who hada constable would take a : shot fleeing youth after a,• been stopped.—for Causing at the fellow right after the ° disturbance at 4,1, -ie Square on unnecessary noise. %;warning tB' stop. October 27 of last- year, or Jones is reported to ,have The crowd had, gathered that they heard the shot. poured the drink on Hills as around' the police cruiser to The _ witnesses, mostly part of a protest against the protest the traffic ticket n youths attending a •hour! : ticket and' then fled on foot. claiming Kelly liad to squeal art that night, were asked Hills then, ., according to his tires 'to stop• for party g. t•..' to give their account of. the testimony, jumped out of his pedestrian% crossing the • incident -that resulted in.Hills "olice cruiser, drew his. �Squave, They said they were beiTig charged with unlawful revolver, shouted for Jones trying' to tell Constable. Hills use of a firearm and to stop' and subsequ tly why Kelly had to stop., So careless driving. 0 , fired in his direction seconds suddenly and •that.l4ills was The shooting occurred after his warning: ignoring,thi m;,• after Wayne Jones, wise was "He didn't have a chance ^ '1 think we were told to • a member of the group tp, estop,'" claimed' one wit. ' (,:ontinued on•`page 12 R 4 "�» D. J. Cochrane, director trf • • bdiication, `pointed out if a single bus was used to make the doubl'e ruffi morning" and. night . then some students 'Would he depo:Sited at the 'cllool•4.1ong before bell time "fairly hot issue in . , Mrs. Wallaee and• Cayley Goderich'" but • it I is • something that should not= -be co fined to Goderich and the man gement. committee should look into - other areas across the county where students milk walk , more" than a mile Nom school. He said the board would be,open' to criticism i1 "we 'do dif- U Hill had expressed their concern. at an earlier board meeting that the school -crossing ' at Victoria Public School over this widened highway and the Changes in 'the present traffic pattern would make the area ex- tremely dangerous. They had- requested some safety cepted a transfer to Usborne Central . Public • from Robertson Memorial, ef- fective January 1, Cayley Hill was appointed chairman • of the hoard's ad rapes `- H� added,., that he personally would not, use one 'after dark. Mayor. Deb Sliewfelt told the group that in his opinion the cost factor' was secon= ^.hoc salary'negotiating dary to safety. •• • committee with the teachers "We can't pot a price tag, and he was given authority, on safety,"• he said. "Our to 'choose 1a-cona-m-ittee of...fii st, concern should, be for ... .fll!e..^additional^ trustees. " the safety of the children regardless of who .pays. . He, added that the present - system would '• not be prac- tical for'h restricted crossing area. He said that the children left"he school whew they pleased and that the hoard 'had •be.en "lax in not providing_ sufficient fencing around the sdool to funnel the S1- ents • t - a cross -Mg area'. • , .Another,os1,a.,hility con- sidered was a set of traffic (continued on page 12) The Signal -Star Is pleased to report that` the Snow Family is alive and well sand Dying on a ,small front lawn on•.Bruce Street lit Goderlch. •J,eslie,Willianns and a friend Sharron Whitely-bullt thin family oyer the weekend at the. Wllllams'home4tt t' 133 Bruce Si. (staff . a • 1311610 Two accidents .Investigated— A ' The Goderich Police Department • reported iT only, two minor accidents during the past week,..A -_two car collision on January '1'6 en Colborne .Street near The' Square involving vehicle,, driv,en by DonarA. &'snarl, 151 Bruce Street Goderich and Philip Abbott,' 222 Oxford $t. Goderich caused an estimated $300 damage to. the vehicles. There were no injuries. A 'second two -car collision on .Elgin Avenue near South Street .January 20 resulted VI a total. .of $30Q damage' to vehicles . driven by Robert .t Brak, RR 2 Paisley,-eand Wayne Draper of 20 Bennett Street Goderich. Theme were no injuries. ry During the week the police also laid 12 'eharges under the Highway Traffic Act, -severs under the Liquor , Control Act and 12 ttndfir local bylaws. ' s.