HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 23r
BY d'uG:0UNDY'
"BurOfficer., h was only doing: 100! . .
Sound 1dnreasonable? Not If he was talking about
kilometres per hour, which he and all the rest of us will .be in
two or three years.
In order to keep up with the•rnore than 90 percent of the.
Our club hosted the British
Consuls .Saturday and Sunday
January4 and 5, during which
time somempe
very fine cotitive
curling took place, „
Our -own Goderich team was
the winner . Ron .1ilages, skip-'
ped, Mike Thomas was vice,
Ge ry,Durst played -second and
countries in the rest of the world, Canada has decided to go e a .It -Mackinnon played lea
, metric" by 1078
• They „won '"•'" f o u r 17 a rhes:
In some respects', the change willybe a diffictilt and an ex- Congratulations men and' good
;pensive one. However, .the transition need not be ex- luck in the next level.
Provincials d
cruciating, and the economrc implications ;�� this .week - thy;°club is. au beehive
can only, be beneficial to. Canada.
Learning the Metric system is' not .
in the long run ";� are, underway
a difficult task:Y'ome of ' of activity with all .,the curlers-
your children are doing it now in school. The problem is •
unlearning' the old Imperial 'system!rThis series of articles
Farmers Union
will, the a ,�.r hopes, help you to find out just what
"Metr' :: ion" is all about.
• begin with, the new system of measurement is based on
t e French "Systeme 'International", commonly referred-'to
s SI, and is a modernized version of the metric system of.
weights and measures used in •Europe for more • than 100,'
In SI, the fundamental units for Length, Mass, Time, etc
are agreed upon' and a .standard set up. All finita larger or
, smaller than the ftiindamental one are simply decimal fac-
tors of that fundamental unit. This -makes the SI system
similar to our own .monetary system,' Where" --all
denominations are factors of ten of the fundamet% al unit,
• . the dollar.
Let us first take -the SI unit of length. It is a world-wide
agreed upon length, `roughly comparable to the yard. -in the
Imperial' system, and it Is called a metre. (Notice that it is
'spelled metre,' -not meter) All other units of length are based
upon this basis. -fundamental unit. tt.
For example, , long ... distances from one town to another
would be measured in kilometres, which is 1000 metres. The
distance from. Goderich to Clinton „is about 18 kilometre's, or
'18000 metres. A shoat distance, such as the thickness of your
finger would be about a centimetre, or onelhundreth of. a
metre. • • " -
-- So; under the• new••�'system, that Playboy centrefold. beauty
- might have these .dimensions: 92 crn, 61.cm, 90 cm!.;...house
lot` would' be advertised 'as being 10 m by 35 *m; 'and' the
speed limit on provincial highways will 'no dour be • 100'
.km/hr (roughly: 62 rnileslhour) r.
,The chart at the. end of this. article. draws a'' comparison
between our own monetary system and the .SI -system of •
.length. It also givei;' approximate comparisons to .equivalent
lengths.in the Im tial, system,,, the one we presently use. Cut
stick 't p where you can see it frequently.
longearn the,new narnes, and their ap-
�It won't
It's nuch > sir t(o learn than the Old inches=feet-yards-
rod-=miles system where numbers neverworked out evenly.
No longer will long division or Multiplication be necessary to
go from "one unit to the "next: With the SI system you simply
'have' to move 'the decimal! Try it: If your height is 1.8 m,
how many cm is this? How many mm?
The next • article will deal , with the measurement of area
and volume.
and spectators. The dining
room is operating under the ex' -
pert supe-rvision of Mae Shaefer
and her. Orfirnittee with all the'
meMbers lending, a hand..
Kay Duncan, Hazel Beaver.,
Beryl Harper and Eileen
O'Brien witkeliresent our club
at the ' "Seniors Competition
/, ;lapuary 13. They play at 9 a.m.
'in ' Walkerton. .,Best . of luck
gists. •�.,
Our ladies ' jitney will .be
Thursday January 16- sign up
. on the pdster or callMary
- Lapa-ine to enter this event.
- When ,the National Farmers
Union met'ln Winnipeg.Dec, 2-
6 for its annual convention, thetheme was '. "The Politics of
Food."' that
Among convention speakers tested; and anything
was Romeo, Marione,', Director gOe,s wrong with an integrated
has" its' consequences
holds convention
economy, an energy economy, a
Latin Annerican economy, a
Japanese economy, a
European economy, an
American economy - it's all in-..
Interhaii nal Affairs 'Depart-
ment, Canadian Labor.
Congress. Mr. Marone has has
longe experience in the inter-
national . arena related, to the
needs of developing conthes.
Part of Mr. Maione's address
stressed the fact that' we live in
a total economy, "One of„ the
'first things we have to realize is
that we are the first generation
of humanity that lives in a
total economy. That means
that. there is no longer such a
thing as an -'agricultural-
teconomy, an industrial
on. all all parts of the economy."
"So these people who think •
they are 'going to -solve 'the
agricultural problem without`""'
discussing the indu•stria•l,
. problem, without discussing.• in-
flation, without discussing: the --
agricultural policies of the
United States, or of Europe, or. -
of India .and Bangladesh 'are
living not in , a world of today,
but in the world of yesterday,"
he said.
"The decisions that wilt be
made in Canada about ' the '
prairie economy will mean life
or death' for millions of people
Ali' our wort,.; I,n other words,
,the_prairies which for millions.,
of year have been protected,
' have been 11 essed by man and
by God. The Indians took care
of this land for' thousands of -
years before we came into it. .
Now We haye come to integrate•
it into • ,the whole/ world .
Iters - °
o ertc Welc her economy, 'and we /must be.
respon foie," he remarked.
to tit great gra�tdchyild d. � world demands � that
dears Day. 'The "baby girl, people grow up to 'understand
'daughter of Kenny and Diane . people
real _world in which they
Ginn, Kitchener, checked in�at
„ Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital at live. The whole society doesn't'
1 am New Years Day to become Fant you to grow up and think.
the first baby born in 1975 in .When 'certain. 'things start to
that city. She is the second happen you develop divergent
issues so as to not rliake.,people
grandschild of Mr. and. Mrs. think,", Mr. Malone said..
R b t G' Kitchener,'
s. Captain/John Vic
od h wet teed
o er inn, . On a .perapheral issue - Eggs,
Comparing our dollar -system t
'Dollars - Metres
One Thousand 1000.00 -
On Hundred 100.00
• Ten Dollars 10,00
One Dollar ' A.00
,Ten tents .10
One Cent •• .01
One' Milt .001
e metric system
Kilometre km
Fiectornt tre hm
Decametre dam
Metre m
Deci me€re dm
Centimeter cm
Millimetre mm
I'm' against waste. But how _
Much ,ink " haye twenty-eight '`
million eggs gotten in the
of ' " press?Tremet'►dous waste, they
tell you with children starving
in the world," 'he added".
"You fur the page and you
.-, realize th't the U.S. is going to
' build a polaris sub -marine
which is going., to cost.' $17
million., It gets no editorials, it
gets no headlines. This -$'17,
million means' a . rriillion'
chickens could be laying, an eggs
a day for 365 days per year for
• 700" years!!" he said. -
Approx. • length in old system
• 6/10 of a mile .
• Length of a football field
Width of a town lot' - °
39 inches 0
4 inches' '
'Thickness of your Tinge;
Thickness of a dime
� ' e� � pay
`�We� dnnt talk � about that
� '�� m, waste.
t rtiaturtty. -The first
A support price of $23°21„ a
" humdredveight has been
"established for ¢Gracie D1, D2,
D3, and D4' cows. - . ,
• Farmers will be eligible un-
der the, po.gram for a
deficiency payment on cows
sold at the rate, of two percent
of their herd per month -up to -a
maxim►lmi.of five percent of the .
+' herd. '
Owners of synall herds will
receive the deficiency payment:
on a maximum ,of two cows
marketSd at any time during
••the program—period and the ,
percentage limitation will not
apply r •
All_ cows marketed between
. November 16th and December
'•13th will be °'eligiCle, for 'the
payment. ' -
The price of $23.21 ls ,100 '
percent of the weighted ,average
price,Rfor the past five years'. at
the Toronto, Calgary and Win-
nipeg markets.
If the average price for the
period"-Novemb-er-16tfr. to- Apr ij-
'30th falls below- that' figure, a
det}cciency ' •payment,.._will - be
made directly to producers on
•• 'theft eligible `cows. '
The rate of payment will be
the same to all .sellers regal="
dless of the price received for
Country: At Its Best.
'Saturday Matinee
3.6 p.m.
Corning' - Mori. Jan. 13
Enjoyable for All Ages
indiyidual .animals. necessary, says- S.J. - Paque
Associate . Agricultu
Application forms Will: be
_ R reseritative for Hu
, County.
availableafter Aprt -• �,
if a deficiency payment is eluded.
1975 ep
.. . `This. is .whywe must
"grow ' o• °
rte, ,:aspect of growth' is that you
ra.l have to organize, and you must
'ran have knowledge," , he con=
_.---.. � .SignaIStar � JUVENILE
' • ' The f. ..
SaturclaY, at -8:39 p.m. .
-thy GotleriCh Aienct
434o -this Sunday seethe ChesteY',Juveniles - -
I=Star Juve'nil'es
• the Signup
dt 4:36.p.03e n 'the Goderich Arena'
A very economical! way to 'dress up
your rec room' pr cottage.. Small de-
., leots in manufacturing` or colouring: -
make these panels less...I~han first
ade of a long -weaning, easy
care :"olypropyIene..Complete
with cdmfo -cushioned backing. fled,
Gold, Rust and. vocado. 12' wide.
gshell, Available
Each panel is 2' x 4' x 1/2".
A carton covers 64 sq..tt:
An - economical, practical
way to dress up an unat-
tiartive ceiling A canon of
1 2" x 12" x ' ]" tiles covers
64 sq te' We will rent you a,
stapler 10 help yob rio the
Duo -Fast Gun is handy for re-.
.upholstering and fastening
ceiling tile. Uses 5 different a
sizes of staples, •
Box of 5000 staples
5./16' 89c ..,x3/8" 99c . 9/16" 1.19
1/2" x 21/4" Bevel Casing ,
318" x 11", Door 7S•top
• 7i16" y'31.'4" Bevel Base '
1/2" x 21/4'' Combination ,
5/8" x 11/4'; Bed Mould •a
3/4' x 34' .Quarter Round
• /4" x .34" Corner Mould,
1 1 '8:' x 1 1 8" Corner Mould
Helps keep, your carpet
beautiful, cleans • •
and new looking.- 09
" 27 ' wide AvaiL
abler, in .green lin, t1•
and gold •
Allows lighl'irom , a
fluorescent, fixture in-
stalled above the ceiling
to brighten,the room..2'••
x 4' panels • :.__
%rorrtatic Ce
Comes .in 'ra'n
lengths,. Each bit
covers 16 sq, ft. Save
carries all the _Appall
you will, need to'cerrtple
.your project`' •
d l.e
Sturdy steel cdnstryctron
supports 9000 lbs. CMH_i
approved Adjustable from
60* to 96 Top and bot-
tom plates included. -.
141Cea.L -.
8d ea
• 201/z C eq
161/2c ea,
15 !h c
10c ea, • '
21 1/2 C ea:
Naturar Mahoany colour .All,doors are
1 f 8" tick.
113/4" x 79:' 9.99
14V4" x 79" . • - 12.20
153/4" x 79" • 12.70
173/4" x 79' . - 13.99
4 different woodgrai'n•'
shades to choose from. An
inexpensive way to add
the beauty and warmth of
real wgod to your horrie.
.one 11 oz car: .
!ridge will aOply
three 4 x 8 pa-
nels .enc
4') 8' PANEL
Available in 1= arid 1 5,5'
lengths. Black; 'beige',
brown, white.
tan One pkg. of
,nails tor appr'ox.
"live panels.
'Prices in effect
-at London store Until
Jan. 13,
Mon. t•,Thurs,
8:30 - 6:00
,Friday '
8:30-- 9:00
X8:00;- 4:00 -
. ' ONLY
u•. MN-. .1