HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 22*••
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Too late for Christmas, in time for Epiphany
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_INinoDUCTION for hrough Joseph's trade, So , packing wtost Woold be it is still eorninsiii Place in sopa
lived out their days in Isiazareth needed for the trip on the back occurred "in (hes-fullness of
, In f; ubmitting this article for publication 1 in no way hi- , reising-a family'and keeping..to
.. „
• of a do-nkey,-on top- of which areas, and women sif-tiie day time." Did . the birth actuallss
The angel Gabriel appeared hesbelongings1 -• the remainder ,.s in-theof.- theis prided- themselves 'on. easily take place on Decernbes '.,M,•
tend, to repreSent it n'S the outcome.of my own atudy, it may ''' Jewish law. Lukes. tells us what Mary would perch, and leaving delivering their own offspring.
inciafftcl he: the' result of my resparch, however limited, hut
.. happened shough. 7
•s, care of Luke. says simply
none of the information put forward can .he consideresi sth, thoogh? Almost certainly not,
' parents and friends the couple gave birth to her first-born son,
.25 1 A.D. because history quite
original in terms of my authorship, =,
, ,
• ,a, to Mary saying, ' "Hail, 0
set out. • wrapped him in swaddling accurately records that Hefo_d
Instead, liheall journalistsI have simplygathered d'
"sfavered. one, the Lord is with
wide variety of information from a mtinber of sources, com- . ,;vou! ... And behold..yOu will The holy- land *is a rough clothes and laid him in the feed the Greassetied itr4 B.C. and as,,,,,
figt 1 hope is a readable farm, arid present it to ,,,Vccmceive in your womb and
, 1 s
, rising and falling from , the tiible,\relates he was ver
piled it in wy
„thespublic. c4 i . • bear a soh, and you shall'call sea level t the Mediterraneantrough. .
- The Major misconception iimuch alive 'et the. time of
which .has crept into our ver'.. Chri,st's Asirth: '
There will be those who agree and diSagr. . -That is tobe his name Jesus. He will be ,
great, an willbe salted the Scholars generally. .• set the
. ,. • ceast, to the Dead Sea 1 286 ' sion ,of the Christmas story has
expected and that is good. My horss only i at this article
might throw' a slightly new light' on your celebrations of i, sari (ghg,„Ntost High ..: and of feet below sea level, to mount to do with time. First of all it is vear . . eof His Ler* as sometime
Christmas 1974. . - , , his •kingdom there will be no' „1,-lermon 9,210 feet above sea unlikely that ehrist was acs - dosing the wint,er of 5-4 • B.C.
level to "the Sea of , Galilee Wally born, during* the 'night of (or B:1-1, 'Before Himself if you
. „,•41' ,
t of toda
• M
potations show that for 10
months in 7 3,C Jupiter and,
--Saturn ' travel (lose to each, -
Other and then the •night sky
was further brightened during
, Mays September and December
of that year 'bssa near conjenc- •
tion, Mars ,,joined s them in
February "Of 6
So, sometime during the win-
—R w s end-
which is alinost 700 feet below , 'December 2425 .bot I'll be • Will). • It should also be 'kept in
I do not propose hese t'o.'
It is a country of rock discussingthat in moredetail
Who shall we blame for this mind that at no time during
sett level. '-, '
(the Milky Way) oiccurred in
604 and • was so' brilliant' *
could even he seen lo'daylight.
Ancient' ""ChineSe- records,
again 'provide a Isbssibility. A.,
year after the comet mentioned
earlier mere is a record of
another 'comet' but this time it
is, .noted as being a comet
withont tt tail: 'Ancient. recdrds
-ster'Stf 7-6 B.C.,Theems to be a Often do not distinguish bet -
very liltely datfor the birth of ween nova and cornets but
Christ. Though it may be a s'ar sliscuss two type-ss_of cornets,,.
or two early to fit otlwr those with and those without a
evidence. , tail. It is believed. those without
course, aide whim of engage in the arguments
sore : Roman dictator,' the cir• surrounding the treth .or fiction narrow Passes. • ' error?, A monk by the name of those months did any of the
BY RON SHAW -strewn hills, dusty roads and later, ,Secondly although -the
comstances surrounding ., of. th,e virgin birth: Highly ' - shepherds probably worshipped Dionvsius 8xiguslotgionysius three planets actually join in
There is something strangely Acceptings,that geographythe Christ child while it lax in the Little) who specialized ,in the. sky. They : Would rather
permanent about the holy landMary's being with"child" were qualified Scholars and
, .
far from normal., • . theologians haVe been squab- made Mary and Joseph's jour- the manger it seems reasonable mathematics and astro'norny. , have formed a Sart of triangle,
that tract of near, desert lieing'ney an asdueus, one what was to assume the other visitors of His most outstanding work was One should also remember
between the Jordan River and ' In obedience to the edict bling -over that for nearly'2,000 I,
the weather like? Well not note, the wise men,' did not the refarmktion of the calendar though that the :stars of 'tise
Joseph and Mary prepared to ,., years, Instead I choose to. ac -the Mediterranean Seta, houns 'actually impossible that there arrive on the swe until to pivot, about the birth of desert sky are a •gseat deal
to . the north by, the Golan donkey, ,, from Nazareth to varue.
Bethlehem. . It. ' LS ioteresting , to note , .
heights. This minute piece of The, trip Was made in the win- presented at the temPle 4.0 days . from the foun.ding o onie (th,e,„ vouch for that fa(t) and the
But beforewe make that however that of ' ' ...,
make the 80 mite trip, by cept,the scriptures at their fade'
ded on the south by Sinai and was snow, perhapa in the high sometime, afterward. Probably Christ and in doing solhe dated brighter than what one secs
". places, but it seems surilikely: not until after Jesus was the Nativity in thi&year *753 further north (I can personally
real,estate has seen more recor-'' trip,. insteadbeing ter though FITITIrke mostdesert, -later. • ' smer calendar system) failing close alignment of these major •
go back a few months too stared silly,. which seems t
• ded history' that anywhere-elseor hear desert, countries the The ,facts orthe Christmas totake into account that Herod planets would *indeed have •
in the worldbut despite it all the'engagement (betrothal) of me a logical initial reaction to .,
Israel (or if you prefer, Mary and ,Joseph'in Nazarethan angel visitation, Mary snits
Palestine) has about it
Taking . it from Jewish ply acted puzzled sayieg; "How
. a
character reminiscent of old
custom of the time it's safe to can this be, since I have no
testament times -and still fits assume that' one days Joseph husbatid?" Of eourse Jewish,
the baSic description we.have of asked his parents if h,e could teaching of the time acce.pted
it in that winter of 1,974 years . marry that girt-Maryslwho was •such visits as almost normal
agoa distant relative.) Now this and probably, in her simple,
Certica4:it must bethe most was a titre • when marriages uncorrupted, peasant faith, it
fought' over chunk of land ever were, at leagt technically, was' in such a • frame of mind
, known... Through the divine arranged by the parents isf the ` that Mary appraoched. the
'pledge to Abraham theparties- conCerned. . .-- 5ituation.
. - .
Hebrews claimed it as' the There 'wouldn't have been Luke recorded the answer.
`Promised Land', but they had .0 much of a courtship or romance . "The Holy Spirit will, came
to defeat, the. Philistines, to.'get ' preceeding Joseph's request but opensyou, and the !sewer of the
y their -hands, on it. ,Then came he' and 'Mary would have. been Mot High will overshadow
• the ,Assyrians, and 'Babylonians aware,.of each other in a mori,- you; therefore. the child CO he
t� take 'it away from them. Iii than casual way, perhaps 'born' will,be called holy; the
turn the Egyptians occupied, making it a point to bump into ..., Son of God." -
then t e.Syrians had their turn, „, each other atthe village well. Again. Mary's all • encorn,
nes le the., Ro an After Joseph,'s ,reatiest , probably 'passing faith 'is made obvious
/1 -the r ty' of christ, th iciture,..-...wasts4-"" gteatis spy', e to hi , in her reply "Behold, I am the final hours of, fhe day by "Tdere
, (,' di 't • change. Was-
. • - father 'then' Fi st ,, /all th' handm- id she Lord: 4et i Mary's announcer -tient th t she • the
7 .
._:.• ' conquered, by, the Persians, the Mary had profs ly 'Nen trien-q to me , C(Cs; ing.tosyour wo *as' in Aabor •/ ' ,,/' ,
.., Arabs, the. Crusaders, tioned at some time or another ' '
Although Mary' was willing - - ()ne can /a most "pre' re the, ey e
days would prebably have beep tory, although -admittedly few, died in 749. produced a brilliant light,
warm enougth but the nights odo- not•contribute to that final • There are some clues The Greek terni for 'star'. as ,
-bitterly cold. see:66 before the curtain fans. however wwhickhelp ussat least it appears i,p the Gosoek
I have personally -done some .with aniels, shepherds, wise get close to the actual date.. 'aster' and that can mean any _
travel recently by donkey, in an. •men, .Joseph and Mary alt' ' Luke's explaqations dealing heavenly " body, including
area not dissimilar to Israel, gathered around . the manger with the decree of Augustus comets, meteors, planets'anC1_
"that all the world should be on, so
and it seems reasonable ,to worshipping the new born
assume that Mary and Joseph Christ, The time frame of these enrolled," is one such. - It Is it possible -that the wise
would average sebout 25. miles events has become Mistakenly' remairialS"only a cluehowever. men were not follo‘sing a star,
Scholars have found little suc- -but a,cornet?.The best known of
per day (Oen the. going was cinnPacted.
good) and pethapS 20 Miles per The shepherd:34..1[one takes it cess in attempting to date the theexisting comet:Sip ofseourse-
day in rougher-eountry. In allsis, chronologically, were -lite first Nativity on this basis. • 'Halley's. comet which lasts
likely took them about four • 'to hear the "tidings of' great An °Imperial Citizens' census passed in 1910, Reports' freen
was.ordered in -8 B.C. and this Jersulem at the time hear some •
days to reach. ,Bethlehem joy". linmediately they left
having l 'pent three nights their flocks, to the dangers of might have found its *ay to,- similarity to - the_ description
possibly camped by the road. the night, and madestheirsway Palestine, in Ifie----farm of given in the • Bible but ..the
One imagines the anticipation dawn • from ,.their hillside general census', sometime bet- carnet would have passed over
-.with which they approached pastures to view arid worship ween' that date and. 6 or 5 B.C. Palestine in42 B.C. somewhat '
a tail were actually nova.
If_so this nova would have
appeared oves_lsrael in March
and April of 4 B.C, Perhatis
,this was the wise men's star.
Other 'historical . eon-
siderations aside„ the first
suggestion, en alignment „ of
O -Jupiter, -Saturn (and perhaps
Mars), seemS the most likely
explanation . for the star in
terms of astronomy.
.Butsthat is a wide period of too early to be considered..
Bethlehem -and the. promising the Christ: ... • ,, ';'''':-"': fl
time ih which to attempt pin- Another comet though, found
comforts of an :inn. An an ' Shepherd are poor and.Prac-
pointing a given date. • in ancient ,Chinese records, '
tictssation heightened in the tical men and I have often won- ,
w-hether they, left one of •,„Loke• also notes, -"this was would have appeared over thes
r ou ber to mind the sheep' the first'. enrollroe.nts. when ' region for about 70 days in
thei absenc r • whetheriri
'rely trti d their
ius was governor of • M and, of 5. B.C.
• •
Remember the suspicious
King Herod, seeing a threat to
his throne, asked when the star -
had first appeared. The, apswer
to that qu.ery not recorded
but it is interesting to note that
he decided (on the basis of this p
lOr1). to. have all male,
'itiftsnts Bethlehem
massacred '"who were two years
old „or under.' •
This would mean the guiding
star had been in exiAtehee too
long to haVe`!„-, been either the
cornet:as the nswa recorded at
alms the same time.
FustlierhsOres-ihe star seems
to' have disappeared ' when the
wise men reached Jerusalem
and the'n reappeared as they
left •to continue their search.
This might he explained by the .7
stars moving'in and, out of con-,
junction -.t hroughout that win- -
ter of 7 and 6 B.C.
But he it a/ ar, planetary
•woul hay seemed .to conjunction
Marneliskes, 'Turks and 'then in the - pest and furtherrh, ore to accept the angel "Gabriel at frantic Joseph, his wife -about to„ God'. protection. One Man records note //
estward a,oross the sky qu nig wise men
British. . ' , , Nazareth was a small Yipage his •word Joseph, was under- to bear her first child, rushing seems likely though, they Publius _Sulpicius 'Q,uirinious this time and•could easily aye Christ, vv -s, i
..Iti'•194$ the Jews took. it back' and parents do have a way of • •standablyupset at the news ' from one hostel to another ,ority hastened to count their animals and he had. been a -consul-but been the star in' queStionThe ted their gifts.
- but to hold*. on . -they haVe being aware, of such things, , that his wife to be was to have to be .turned--a.way by the upon returning fasthem in the. he w,as, not a gOvernor of Syrie . ,„time at least' fits., .' , . . Beihg vvarned in, '''a sirearn..
repeatedly had to faceinvading' . especially in such a close 'knit. ' until 6-7 A.D. which Maks_it a , Although,- the naine'Novg' ,l'oseph took his family to Egypt ,
a Child. • frustrating and heart breaking morning. • , y, e ,
'-''-• , armies of Arabs ' - • s society. ' " ", Indications are that Joseph ' announcement, "NO _room" . „Now. comes a time lapse of decattestoo late for the Nativity implies a 'n4w' star tit is ac s .ind there escaped the wrath of
et or .nova. e
the new
ped and pr sen -
One might well ,ask. why so Joseph's •parehts would of• was not entii.ely ,Willing to ac- Anyone Who' has failed to near•ly a rnooth and a half; 40 -/census. On that point though,. tually a s.tar 'that •has an in- the despot King Herod and ,
Much effort, and blood was -course discuss the _matter bet- cept -MatY'S° story about. the call ahead" as Bell days to be exaet, The next 'we Istflse's • accuracy ,has been credible, iricre•a•se in brilliance, later returned to NazarethT
spent over such a small, and at .. ween themselves first weighing angel and an immaculate: on 7 Telephone advertisee; can ap- hear*of the new 'barn -Christ he questioned. ' • , 'due •to internal explosion. 'where. "the child grew' and
best, poor tenths...The primary the pros and eons of such as ception. AS a result he faCed a preciate Josepg's Sproblem, is prese,nted 'at, the _temple,. However, some ar- When this happens it cart in- became strong,. filled, with
reagon, is that Israel was the ' match. Such points as parehs tough decision., Should he There Were no 'nem.) signs given back to God, as instruc: - chaeological evidenceindicates . deed be spectacular. The last --wisdom; and the faVor-of-Gd
birth place - of -three -major , tage, ancestry. and 'resources , marry ,-h8r tiuickly' and hope flashing "no vacancy" in :led' in Exodus , "Dedicate to that Quirinius may have had • recordeds'nova ,insseur! galaxy was upon him,„
faiths and at various times one • had to be considered after a .
11 •
that those *village gossips who° Bethlehem, but the message -sine eVery :first-born Moses , an earlier term aagovernor, or
s . •
or the other, has mobilized it$ 'Respurces„ Wouldn't 'likely „,
' law also required women to .
just a special com-„ !, •
so recently, yvould one 'In many a.Christmas pageane purify themselves after TP•:,411116....
gathered ,odiside• her father:s Was the sarne. - perhaps
armies in an effort to oust the.
represent much f a point. --ssirsd-s-s-s mission to, carr'y out such a. cen-
other two, • °though because everyone daY tire's)! the,scandaI9, should the :innkeeper is portrayed as birth by offerings at the temple sus. He wa's in •the East at the '; -
„. For the Jews it is the land of Nazareth was poor, Joseph and he bl 1y div o rce her on •ometh'' o f Villain but . 40 days after thb
e, irth of a .,--pu .- rightstime SerVing as a military,. !.
the Taroah, to Christians it, is Mg's families included.
grounds' of adultry and thus have always had great' ad- and 80 after the birth of a girl. commander. '
. the land sof the Bible and to Probably Joseph's request sentence' her to death by . miration for the man who of- This represe---nted a much •The star, which I will.dis,cuss
. Moslemsit is both the land of , was approved enthusiasticallyto:ri'itig? Or, shouldshe quietly,'” fered what .shelter he ' had' shorter trip far Mary 'end' 'in' a moment,. adds other clues
Abraham (who don't forget is • The • next ,seep. -wa-s for have the marriage, put off for a 'available; the stable. We don't." JOseph,, only about,' six miles,) to this attempt at ''Clating. .
-also a Moslem patriarch) and Joseph's father to pay a call on while s� .Mary •Could go off, know • whether or not ,it was and afterward they returned to What about the actual day
from Jerusalem Mohammed is Mary's' parents. After some sOMewhere and' have her baby. "provided free of tharge, but LI. Bethlehem. During their visit_ though, ---December 25? Begin-
, to have asceN'ed into heaven small talk' he would get around Certainly anabortionwas not a 'like to think , it .was. , • ' to. the temple though,the story ning in about 300 A.D, the
astridehis. steed,. 6 to the purpose of his visit.arid
earlier Christian • Church
fourth alternative as it would:- Chr-iiitrrias • -- cards and of ,Simeon, whom God had
I .
Religious beliefs should not ' Marys parents would act duly be today "
religious art .have given us *Med to live until he laid eyes celebrated Christ:s birth on
'gave to Wholly bear„ respon- surprised. No doubt the sur-. ,.. re-
December 25 in the West'but on
. Joseph deeided on the third many different impressions' of uoon the Christ and Anna the'
, . sibility for so' much bloodshed 'w prise was feigned however since' , '
possibility but before he could -,'"that steble. Most are' based temple prophetess, 'took place. January 6 in the east. , •
-si ,of Decem
of h
hFirsttoug: all politics in ' just as Mary ss had crop . n.-
act upon it anether angel ap-" upon the European, and even-. " By this time the young Jesus The final selectio
countries, far ' removed from • ped u'p ,a rou nd Jose:fib's 'pease , this to . osep . s tua yNorthmeritan„ , wouldvebeen circumcised,
dtimeI h ' 11 A — image ha' • her 25 may be actually.a matter.
Israel, were in part,respensible, household- we can assume the 14, '.
'Do not fear to take Mary of 'a stable and while it. really on the eighth day after birth, as of substitution, The Romans.of,
especially When combined with • carpenter had, crept into con- •
. that time thought Dgc8tri6er 25
.s/our.*jfe," he was told.ss"For makes little. difference to the by Jewish law, • . -
the, geographical factors which .'• versation, one way or the other, • , , , .. ss
tnatswm.cosws conceived in her outcome of the tory it. is in ' ° It seem, doibtful therefore, . marked the date Of the winter
placed the holy land at the jun- at Mary's dinner table • is of the feisty Spirit; 'she will teresting '. to ' note that'', a -judging by the time lapse if
. solstice (instead of December
ctute of Asia and Africa. Israel With approval in principle,.
bear a* son, •and you shall call - Palestine stable of 2,0(10 years nothing eke, that Mary, Joseph 21} and alseLcelebrated their
is a cross-roads, and every in- the fathers weold get down to • his name Jesus, for he will save , ago was much mote different. and the infant Jesus were still Saturnalia festival,satsthe close
vading arniy, whether heading the. real negotiatioes. Two
his people froro their sins," :'' Perhaps with the loan of a 'the residents of a 'Stableof the same moriths'AppareOtlys
east or west , had to pass that thousand. years ago, in Jewish , .
. .• For Joseph this must have 'lantern Joseph would have led Surely, at some .time during scheistienity, in anat,tempt. toj
• way. Frm a olitary. point of,
. •• s ye . culture, marriages United not . seemed like anthat month e donkey eve witness ap- his sure footed littl, and a halfJoseph
, replace these- pagan festivals
was avani
peeringn the
view it tItageor • to • only the young couple but also - ' final hoursof a behind the inn l ._
., and, down a had Managed to obtain better with a Christian celebration,
the greatesncient empires to their: families in a sort of. , trial to prove innocence. He • steeP,.w.inding,' narrow path 'at acco.rnmOdat'on. 'The' story of decided December'25 was close
• contro this roadway . covenant so eertain other mat -enough.
changed' his mind. and decided, the grptto ... a small cave, or the young zareati , girl who '
•' • A erIcan 'Support of the ters:hatt.to be ironed out in ad.- •
to marry his betrothed as seem enclave in a-r•ocky hill. face. gave birth to er first Child in a . This may seem like a hap-
State of Israel today 5erves as a ditiart to the dowry which cer- — .
The country side around stable muse , li a v e opened a door'. s ••
hazard or sloppy approach to
as possible. , ,,
. , ,
, semetisi rig tvvestoday _consider of
0 1 .
O prime example of, this Military tainly didn't amount to much.'
_ The wedding was indeed Bethlehem is dotted bY 'such samewhere.' ,
strategy:In 1974 this rand Ser- In Mary's home, probably.
major' tmportance but the ap-
, soon celebrated, probably' formations and where con- •* 'We 'three Kings of Orient'
.. ves as a potential beaat-head ':-Isvo" or three rooms built otprpximate dating does not ,in
within 10 'clays, and Mary vesicant they vireee often used as are ;.' ' Kings? Not likely. '
• for the Wes„Sern^ Empire mud bricks --6-ri" the.grOurid floOr ' any way indicate a lesser
AU.S.A.) shoUld '-canflic'e' ever .
, . ,and possibly iise&md -storey of' :
• she lived for about five months Perhaps the niouth was' walled Matthew sim lk,/ d "
moved to Jospli's,htiose where . stable.s. or Sheph,erd'a*.folcis, Orient? EVens more unlikels,/..
y , ..recor s, . degree of iniportance ,attached
develop between, it and its •, 'w'ood and a roof top patio, the. ,,(now obvioUsly pregnaht) until off in part With a pile of rock, to behold, wise, men froin the east to the.h.frth,of, Christ by earl,
eastern -'adversary the U.S.S.R. ,details would be hammered out wordChri#ians. It is simply in- •
• ' came of Augustus' census., better break. the, wind, and in- ' came to Jerusalem, Aaying
or, more recently, hostile Arab over a glass of wine supplied hy .. Now it °Seems doubtful to side were a few donkies `where is he'whohas been 'born' • di*Cative -of the fact that 1500
, many. scholars that Mary'•s(belatiging to other -tr"avellers , k,ing. of the Jews.' " It should •
states. . •a, ' • Mary's mother froms.a ,bottle ..
years ego people had. a" less
such has geography con- lepton a high shelf for suchexaetingview of time, They had
needed to have gone on fhat 80 staying at the inn') a sleep ar ajso 'be noted that .Matthew '
tributed to theconstant turmoil' sp,ecia I atcasions, Outside, no. clocks, • or'calendars (save
mile jaunt bY donkey at all. It . goat and thaybeeven a cow as says nothingabout how' Many
wRich has 'enveloped what .yve, ,pefhariss two . or three neigh- . . 1 the moon and stars) and so
call the holy land iand 76 ,, it, was bort:load 'busy -bodies' •tried
• :-,, to would Likely 'haVe- beensoffice - the-Christrhas carol woeld have there were.
b&• e In addition t1ere ' The visitors f di' ' '
0 Sy es . ouse , p„.s,,.........,s, _ I.e. Y. .. , ere _ , . . _ ...r0P1 _ .e eA.1..s.t-- . .,
numbers', dates an.d., so oortre.....
near -1Y '2,0D0 years ago- -Ain look hi-iii-clialant- ..aa--':ithe'Y i•fdLhe'tviieL/C1- ' 11*. j/' '11 41 ' roundedf off. . • .7
the Ronians' were occupying t, eavesdropped at the 'oPerill(Siti-
, . Moor' to, .ga as a represen- swould he some fadder . and whiefirie.,,,vp,.irsoeb-liiilbeiyo,..,:Mameonrr;.r f)ltenaerr.-
As 1,noted, a moment ago the
this country, for not dissimilar dow, each one eager to spreld tatiVe'' to 'Bethlehein. But perhaps a bag of grain, .
perhaps Joseph saw this as an , The floor would have been of things,•they were astronomers star, which ha' -;become such a -
reasons. The first,chaniteter to the news first. Marriages were opportunity to solve were not *kins.-
some per- -tratriped mud, littered. 'with since it was. a _star sOsish,',:ied , central:figure, itlsiS story, 'c
Soria! problems . some straw and, aniretaleting themoo-
appear on the scene in hattwell . (as they are now) a 'happy oc- - ...,„ • to seek out the hew born tributes bit more toward, the
': '
known Christirtmitory was, af- casion in Jewish life and not , r ysi•rstl,y ' there was no way, the doubt, arid theManger, re-.wi. Theyuesionable date,(although it
• ,. ter all, a Roman. Caesar ' likely either Joseph or Mary, or - trip -rauld. be . made, to which has , become such ' a Most historians and'
no — ---9-g
doesn'tby any -means solvs the
• Augustus, .Roman Emperor, their parents, minded in thevv's.some
Bethlehem and bads, before the :primary fixture in our visionof theologian S today feel the wise problem) and also throws.some
had sent :but .a, decree "that all' least haviorthe village gosSipslight on other events of thd
the world should be enrolled." ove4lea'S their plans . ' birth of Jesus so therefore., . the birth prate, wO4t.ild have trreb were either' Persian or
-44 ",And all went to be enrolled, - Mary could .have her Child . been of hollowed stone. (after ,Babylonian. Persian because a . Nativity, , ,
Finally ,Joseph was' brought t „ 'Historians and theologians'
away from Nazareth and the the fast -1'1'6n' of ,sthe era") not pq•Werful "magi" cast of prie4-
eech .to , his own city. And before Mary and their parents _ ,
ave puzzled over the starsa
computatioosof village gossips, wood. Wo0O„ was, and is, in lie' sages existed in their '
Joseph else/. went up from uttered a formals). benedictfongreat deal. Some would cast it
The other •ImaY be 'toniecture .short supply in the Holy Land. tult u re .. At ' the t ime or
• • Galilee; from the city of over . them. • This -betrothaloff g been merely a
but stirs& bY this time:Joseph - Isswaa-here, amid the smells Babylonian', because Babyloas haein
Nazareth, to Judea, to the city though was in:. , riiddern *was beginning to wonder what,' and:sounds of'a stable, by the • WAS noted for its study. -and sliteresy de,vice . while thers
of 'David, which is Called engagement„ it • Was far 'mdse 'have, claim!!! that. it was a
was expeCtesi of him since, if in: ' light of a 'flickering lantern, '," knOWled'ge ' of astronomy.'
Bethlehem, because he was 'of binding. It could be broken ,
.special star, placed there by
-deed this ,.ellild was to be a that Mary, gave birth to the Whichever, they 'did Come from
the lineage of David, to Be only by divorce and, even •Go,d'hand especially to mark
saviour, _the 'baby should he Christ - child, -apparently 'the elist. * ,
enrolled with 'Mary, his though the marriage ceremony' , the event, and reinsived after -
betrothed, who was With itself had yet to -be performed, born in the city of David., Was unassisted, "7 • . As for there„, having heen- '
, .
raffle? - Luke 2: 1-6.; had either. been unfaithful to :JosePh.-exper•red to I Ae Mary By all accounts there was ,n0.., three.'this seems to he based on vverd
I p,refer, as do othersstd look
'Now except for the decree.of ' the other It wotild have -been thereon his rtiv ,::: he ancient mid.se-ifei probably because '-he presentation of three kilts,
for a more logical explanation.
prophets, cour•I oe, fritfilled, or ,Joseph was so busy trying to' golcl,f,,frankincense and' myrrh,
Augutitus that.,a census should ,s„ considered adultry (punishable If one follows that, train of
..' be taken it ii fairly safe to by .death 14 -stoning) and had was the propls ' . • lie fulfilled find a room he never thought of' In •other. worils, one, gift„one
thought there are three
in Nazareth 1,1, tier than seeking out the local mid -wife. wise man. Some tyaditiarts . _
assume that any•son of Joseph Joseph died Mary would have Bethlehem. 'possibilities: a planetary con-
. . . .
the carpenter and Mary would . been his legal widow. , ' :Certainly ,Joseph did not assist, have it that there were a great
junction, a come Ora nova...
Par fermi representing a since there is no record of such • mahy inbre, as many as 12, but
have been born' at Nakareth: Btat-for the special part MaryEverv•en5 years the planets
"But that same, decree dictated Wasto play in God's, plan '..the . biiiheis'orne hardshilflas it did, activity on his part and since by the exact number is not known.
Jupiter_and slinrn come into,
' that *each" should go "to his young couple would have, in to most peaple) the decree of custom' husbands were hot. to. But, no matter 'how many
very repeated coroonstion With
play 'the tole of mid -wives, Fun,
a third planet, Kars, joining
own city" and for Joseph that due cure, been married, -se‘ 't. 4
ra s.er • ugus u. p . .
therroore self-delivetv was not 'Whaigvee..bmeeentis
the group a •year later. Oen
• meant• 84hlehem. But , of 1 li0 hdOsekeeping, -and provided e God4send' to Joseph, and wite rael i ma agree
atchtauta, lilny
• Marv. . at all tincomtOon at the time, as The words of Paul, the Nativity
ss , s...........
Worry is like a rricking chair,
it will' give you something to,
won'.t get you any
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lett spent
• the New Year's weekend in
Spendings New Year's Day
withMrs:' Henry MadKenzie
and Neil were Miss Edna Cook
Of Owen Sound, 'Mr. and Mr's.
• Donald McCharles and family
•of Chatham: Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm.
Hayden of Goderich, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan . MacKenzie and
family. Mr. and' Mrs. Oliver
MCChar.le,s and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim MacKeptie: ,
- MS. and Mrs...Bill garrett.
&Billy and Mr. and Mrs. Rey
MacKenzie' were -1-loliday
-vi'sitors sivisth Mrs: 'lie nry.'
„MacKenzie and Neil and with
Mr. and 'Mrs Ross MacKenzie
arld boys.,
O 'Mr. Doug Martyn "-returned
dine* where he' had been 'a
. patient over „the holidays
having had sunset -v.'
'MrS: 'Oliver McCharles
as guests her China Painting •
crass on Saturday afternoon.
-Mr: and Mrs. .,Finlay ,
M.aCDanald returned. home
from Florida to the snowy
weather. •
---Viss.Donria-Wy1WW-as one. of
'the lucky ones in the last Olym-
pic, Draw, winning phe of the
many ,prizes. - •
• Mr. ',Jaltn Bradley- returned
• to his home, in Locknew for the
holiday season and 4visitectss
many- friends in this •
. telling of his experie'ncesile
in, Ireland and his wir„avels • ip
Other countries before retur-
-hing hoine, '
The Gibii-FamilieS held a .
family gathering at the M &
Re.stattrant in Lucknuw- ,on
December 29.
home froni hospital io Kincar-
; " • ',
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