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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 20
! RIGH 'SIGNAL,=STAR, 'T HUR,,81)AY, JAINUA.RY 9, 119,5 c'. Ifl M. it ii(,6 441. MOTO-MASTER STANDARD n... .;.,.� }. Reg -59.39' Reg. S8-19 . Reg. $5,29".-- _ rs+ R1~t.is installation ..Pt.us iosta.Llali21) Plus installation ,boner9ples'fit fu°Il;size 1965-68 Chev• & Potltiacs --6 cylinders /////ITALLATIU/IXT/7 .M k riiir appointment today . • 1ASTFR MOTO-MASTER MOTO ASTER • �`AMPL"tlS'fINGS ONLY — tiOTi�. ". STANDARD' 30 Mtn' Guarantee 24 Mth_ GGarantee_ 18 Mth. Guarantee • Similar Low.Prices on other makes of SUPREME. ,:I .HEAVY-DiiT Y Ca�r,adian of'A_m_eriica'n-Built Cars' _. ,_•__ i Asa'dtan. Nova,Chevy Ii & Ventura. $12.23 ta, 1968. -72 -All ert rtes 1 - S14•�10- , .,,..;1-8ize Crrpv. & Pont, --1965-6,8, 118 with 39 . .. ' S1.59 • h •$5:75 . ;;:",7 •?27 & 350 engine with 2B13L Garb _ -,._-_._. -� S7T.49 to 5.8.E � 56 55 to 57 59 $ :. '64�-69 AII 6 -Cyt eng ._ . ,_ ,�eaumont-- r,zvtrt;e & _ to 55.7 elle t iwionte''Cail° —1970.72 1 .I eng. 1511 99 to Si Z.30. _ _ __ .. _ _.._ __ •;_hev Lodge & mout --.1966-71 a' - 58.95 .t . 6.915o .S55 10 . i ��, size. D Ply •S7 ,;__.,..5.9._9____... 6C i1 831'8e:ng. Sateill , & Belvedere & Caroraet —=1966.71, 59.10ir `. I 56.95 to 59,19 $7 -- 6 Cyl. ; V8, 273318 eng• 49 .,..t _;._. orO r ercury & Meteor (Full Size Pass Ca,r) ,( 5.10:19 to x ..&V.8,30.2;351,390Eng,.l 51.1 .15 .. .�_.._ 1968.73 6:Cyl , 51U.07 to Cornet, Maverick & Pinto 12 710 , ._. 10.7D-7.2'4'& 6 Cyl. eng. I $_ . �r. _ � • F -�3 Au en roes':_ :x.1.1. 59 -to S11.951..�y _.�.��. Vega & Astre _971 9 �_. r.t —56.63 Valvalrt & Dart-1967.71--=AII 6 Cyt. en ines 58.95 �not include Dt,ai'Exh� .....�., NOTE -Above (rstings' do ust or Station .wagons. . ;tHRfE.GUARANTED 11/IOI0-MASTER MUFFLERS A suhtitantiul 2W.4 ott our logy rcp.ular.nlutt1cr- prices!. . three '. t\ pes arc clti;tlits LUnstrif tLd to 'give nya\imiipi 1)r6te tioti(ig,tilist \l��itll` L \h.a'trsc plus '. 1n o.th pert•4)rrn'\ti1c:e. SpccictiI\-de,si red i,�liler C'l.)n1po'r1ents:•-7-rtn(1 sound c'liambers tO nlininli�c�! pm\ (1'-roh.1)1ngMic, pressttrc, OLinaYIeI,tv,: iiv, nock • 'MUFFLER BANDAGE Reg. 890-7 VW TAIL PIPE Reg• $1.95. P..rL' urL-sensitiv.'e fibre- Volks‘vigen, c(i.ronreil glass rt inPrced ali:tipM,um.. • pipe.. with ,.reson.rtor IL', foil, pernittrlenll 69 car' ''Cluil't heat �e�rled. '' •nc�titi. E�•orI9 Sup.. •V . `w•KlAIC,Y +tA ` •t ,.',, !,',4i111)1...1r ,Hit.t tyk:•,.L..t1111;2‘.. `tL.'L in•1\\hi.'(.dl Lett ti),.lYi'\ t 11'1)11'1,. •-,1)111-1.,2:s. ',h41t.',I.�, ;td.:t.t'�t \(\+Cerbt`,1r ai:�� ti , , se ds. ro eI.Ali nr nt- and Suspension Check c��'l ,�:, �1t�rt'r6, �,tll,lhcr:� tlr=4it_l.rl ha �dciju�tnl�nt. s%ct'rMlg. \. Itccl Lk iitL'ri);,,.. .,rdlustment. '1 heel hear ,,tcliu'st.trcnt. C't,r;,rcctlire ,ij'c\,- .�. sure'. 'spin to check vv heel halLtricc•. he beet hcarin�c noise • correct,toe ®9S ,ch.ui�c' General inspection of `teer- •ing wild front/rear tnpcctiorl.' For car' - . (Part$ and instollation. extra, if'requtred) E)epiendahle' shocks at a"pricc'ihat spells value!' autontaCi.c;-•huilt-it,,controls adjust' trl.provide a .cushioned`t-ide 'at lo\‘ speeds avid hettcr'st'uhiliti' Ltt'hioh ' speed~, ASk ahoui'Canadian Tire's cguaranttt::. Ride-0-\Iittit_ ‘,l OLL\ arc iwarantced for:as lona as the purchaser.�r\��ns thc•vehic,Ie on \\ hich thc` C1 \\cr :iiii =i`'haI1y installed. For most Popular cars. M INS! Cash Bon • us Cou ,o.ns .on all parts , --EXTRA SAVINGS! ... p _.,, • ° or use your Canadian Tire CREbIT CARD at spel OlflhlDIRhl TIRE BRAKE SHOES Example: Full-size '59,-70 Chevrolet and..Pontic- DISC BRAKES Example: Full-size .68=72 Ford, Mercury, Meteor h , Front Wheels ' .69 FrOnt Wheels P,Ciis1om BiiiIded'_. _. Li.nmgs . • EXCH. ` Disc Pads •r Check the low price~,: offered on all brake parts a installation.. And ask. your Canadian 'lire Marl ahout The • genrcrous 12,0(,i�) miles or 12. months (whichever occirrsy PARTS, and SERVICE GUARAN 1 EE otferc�d wrrth,ever\ . cord pyletc hrakc system overhaul. 6 ` , a l , ' es on other makes-- Check our ION pine Expert Installation available (extra,)' h r• 4R• -524-2121 • . G O M E R I C 1 ■ nA • • •� ; d • Yr 11, IRh