HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 19��t%'ii�';5�"ri•,���irvn,r}n..'e�• 44N °�4�' ? ':Ti,",�'A 0. gOD1RICH- S oi'sw,ST B T; chance to Iea:rn 1 ' .raw Thoughts for the se:aso,n j h •p g y a�' f rg that I he p v br I V •'° o e you of Jo nd i e , ou a leve in a you hdn't, .I ,•-hope you" were life after 'death. ' r•happy with Myrtle or Hazel or ,.And if you„ were a father, ,, 'Ands the same to you. I well; all J can say i5 that I hope this winter to bone up {on to answer th sti$n, where and estate planning'.,' on Pearl' or Genevieve,p u-1 r adcording t •list re theprofit ", -and the ebr-uar • " 4 :and ;5 and the you • tcao believe in a l i 'n g g1�.g. l y ,r , Huron farmers ore courses by Ministry • Huron `County farmers will at the 1, indesboro Hall, o'ne on crested in the courses gntitled- •have a large number of,chanceg;r Mgpday-, March 3, will at:temp '"farm business arrangements„ proba t y should have sent off a If y iu wanted a pair -of those world r a rrc Lure a car rn o a a �r pro r an F g Merry Christmas column to alt •the. Y hereafter. Preferably' 'of courses being offered in the �ither on March' 13 '11 be a "weed' contrdi clinic'; or foam rubber knee -pads • for next several months by the• • "swine -'health seminar. fered on February 5 and 6. my, . headers about the first of t' hope vo of them, segregated. �• sorbing, p µ g + N ' ti t 'make sure it was ministry of agriculture • The Ag. office will kms? a in: "Farmer's' legal rights ;did oven er, o z I f••.�,,,� received by December 25th. leader or anyone in the a er • The . educational program4two tours, sometime in arch, ob'liga ' ns';,. should - prove a An if" velli wanted a mink' you are a tycoon, a union wrap L hope you dada t r,. pp ....Alerted 'last Wednesday with a p.ne entitled "beef cow,ealf I h t echelons of education I hope �'•• �� very.._..i teresting course on no. y I now this won't be. But it's t our faithful chronicler's ope you were not pregraan beef ration' buildin workshop econmics and farm tour," and if you didn't w d your ulcer ruined your Christ- g p February 18, and the. dairymen fault, nor the fault of your wa•nt to be, an and next Wedriegday, January the „other entitled "dairy will be it -Ate -rested -in the "milk mss dinner q favp.rite weekly newspaper,. The Fere it you wanted- to be. I h want mrope you�did ri't o. be, If you are an 'old maid, and 'entire blame mist. 'rest on..,the and"were.. if you ,wanted to be. have been lurking these many br.oa4 shoulders--they'have to " years. in the fold of your "sick" doe. broad - of :that mcadern I hope you didn't bust your hum on, those new downhill "' mother's nightygown, I hope Canada menon..''of efficiency, skiffs, or hu,t your heart_ c�n you decided ,at Christmas • to Canada Post. ' , `' those new cross-country skiff , unlurk. • Same for male spin- ' People in that august in both' of which you are too - seers. Unlurk: Boy,.that almost tingion, must be afraid of get -young or, too .old tea - be doing . sounds like a dirty word, if, you ting their hands soiled by ban practise. Try it. Unlurk! anything* with except feeding dling the average weekly" the livingroom fire. _ ;�,• Whatever happened at newspaper, full of violence, , , ; Christmas, hang in there. We rape, murder, and muggings, ;--1f you are old and lQpe.ly{ . ' • ptiop, you received a warm need you. We hewers of wood - They probably use a shovel• and drawers of water,_ as Shovel it info a corner until telephone call - about is nutes worth, arra not collect - Canadians; are known, have .to' rn --as�zme day, between • coffee stick tc ethOr and kee on from - someone who is. oun.g p breaks, tley are, so bored that and loves you. And if you are , hewing drawers, they resort to,sorting and gen Every time t young and -lonely, I .hope vou here comes a ding the weekly paper, got a long telephone call, crack,, ahou•t ewers " and When I was in the business, drawers, I burst into a hue and we used to mail the paper on collectfrom someone e who is h p cold'°andloves you. cry. Bursting into a hue is fairly Thursday, and • people in -Ohio f f you are a farmer, I hope simlile. I can turn purple on or Texas would receive it on very liter provocation, as- my Monday. Nowadays, I count on you slept on earistmas Eve with visions Of sugarplums and family will tell'.• my weekly paper being a week' Almost anybody can 'hew or reindeer fast in your head, deet, in arrivin Time after' the ' late g'an encouraging note to a !' ' . 0 reind. eer, , ... , -,,,:,,,,,aravizers -any „more. How lean.,..,weekly e•ditor Who haS Written. ' if yoU. are a• schoolteacher, I ybil-CiSi them when there, ain't .. .hope .you remembered at '• none. This is- a problem. thata _ particularly •- pungentChristmas that ru too - were Canadians are going to have toeditorial, only_ to pause„,in the,, certainty 'that ,by t'he timeiLd (-)4('C a.,(at and--tigly. .0.44,01-igic.„, give a•good deal of thought toreceived his paper,, and . the 'riddled yv.ith pimples, shy to 0,19 -TIT tbe -dOir-iih-g-3,T-9fr!f--,,:' -;--- - "'- time he'd' received ..my letter, point of fainting if aSked a,. ' Well,„ those are 'my seaStin'squestion, lazy as.a cut cat, sort greetings to Awl anti Sundry* the hot issile he'd attacked' or 'defended:would be three Weeks, of dirty, really, 'and, yO. a (My • legal repreSentatives), as,1, striving, yearning, beseeching well as to all you faithful time, I've been tempted to. take ' a g£yhcan't/make any Might money li -,n. bye. But :the ,'Nobody are Well, we m;,rstn't,be mean at human bean. Christmas, must we? Alt Idon't seehv not. They fserable ii4ods ar goiri round ^t)n $oxi ngDay, a .'d the same. i fficie t; ins lent " in- . stitut.io 5 " w' be • hack ...in business on Jan. 1. -- 1 $ince• it's too,, late -to wish` '_everyone a Merry, 1:11 put eter..ything• in the past tense. I'•ho'pe" you got exactly what you wanted for Christmas, whether' it -,was a baby or a kazoo 'or a •sober husband.• WELCOME • SERVICE would like to call you with ,• housewarming gifts and in- formation about your new, location. The Hostess will, be glad to arrange your subscrip- • tibri to the Signal -Star Coll her at 524-7854 • Ctr!titma;'/-, Well, all I/ in tiay, -reader:-' Arri%lang may w Year •� alum eek, e! 1.5' "economics in a; beef feedlot" will be offered' All courses are at the Agricultural offices in Clinton unless other- wise noted.- . •Beefinen' will. have another , course "parasites and their con- trol on beef .cattle" on .Wed- • nesd•ay, January 22, , and dairymen will have three chan- ces to discuss dairy „management with Harold Clapp, a dairy specialist, on Monday, January 13, ,11t'e,hday, February 10 an'd • M,onday. March 10. , Stre�--mIine- for wo a ams es Amendments to • the, ,Dog hybrid dogs or coyotes causing-. Licensing and. Live Stock and •damage should no longer. he. of Poultrv•Protection A'ct•were ari- concern to. the .farmer -- all nounced ,hy - the Minister • Of forms of injury. or death 'will Agriculture and Food, the Hon. now he compensated through a ., "Wm. A..•Stewart.'• ,,central source."'., Under Bill 143, • c•ompen The .,,,Ldive .Stock. Com- satton 'payments have been ex- missione'r 'cif Ontario will make "tended to i.ntlude 'injury to ,grant availahk ,to reimburse •-Livestock or poultry Ifijured or .municipalities foo payments for killed by wolves • as well as damages caused by wolves. The 'dog~.1 o a1-' municipalities :Commissioner may refer an ap- Collecting dog taxes will now . plication by a municipality for pay compensation for, both wolf_ a grant for wolf damages to the and dog. 'damage while' tht newly created -Wolf Damage Government • cifOntra will Assessment, Board. in any reimburse municipalities .,for event, :the owner sustaining wolf damage claims paid out. •'I,os ei Will he compensated even - In.iiiakirig the announcement if the' aptili:•aticiri far nrnicipal Mr. Stewart said, "Through the reimbursement is Forwarded to provision's: of this Bill; we have ----- the .Commissioner.. for a review. streaiilined the prrocedure- • The°powers of the local dog • whereby a,. farrier ..can be corn= catcher have'been'extended un pens,ated rot.. livestock .and der the Act to include the im- • ". Poultry- losses, sustained by pounding of dogs "running at - wolves or -dogs. I am confident large" to cover private -property . this Bill Will remove the con-. if per"l aission is • received from' fusion surrounding payment of the owner. ' Previous to, .the claims based, on either wolf or amendments a dog catcher dog activity. The • question"- of could only import-0-411•4nals--.••• • - "found -•-•in, a highway or „other "Farm income tax' management and asset trap sfer" will -be the subject of a short course cin Monday, ,January' 2.7, and a course en- titled "cash 'grain budget short •course" will be offered on two days, February_.,,ll and 25. Two courses will be offered would you sell your.house dor what i.t's °insured. -pulalic place and riot under. con; trol of ariv person. ' In a ,new Part .III. of the , Act _which was added hv'13i-ills`'143, provisionh are, made, for c•'zm-- pensat io�p to beekeepers f- t - • 'colony Of honeybees is damaaged, a csr '. destroyed " by hears, • Payment:; shall not exceed $50' _-- for th-e hive -equipment -and --$2,6-- . Jot ive-equipment:a-nd•-$25-- fot the honeybees. All claims in ',ra!,tig, regard would be directed to the Live.Sto`k,Co-mmissioner.• of •On. ario4 a. -•"With the new amend hts we feel farmer~ will he corn en- , sated for injuries to livestock 'tr • poultry caused. by wolves,' dogs . or crossbreds.' Prior 'to this •a � -there Was ,no ,,vehicle aailable v for receiving recompense where hybrid, Wolves were involved";° '•adtle*--Mr~:-Stewa-rtd ..., ,, ...,---- . _••----;,----- for? --,_----_ dor? Let -us review . your poacy today We'll; Come to you, call - PETER S. MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY • • 38 St. DAVIE ST.', GODERICH 524-9531 oho Schnelkei, Salesman • 4 • M +6 management -tour." • quality workshop"""'ci'n March 4. Huron farmers are asked to The courses will -only :cost P return the interest card - they . per day .Jus meals and there is' received in the mail, or phone limited overnight accom'- the, Clinton agricultural office- modation- available - at, the at 4ii'2=,34287ii roll free Zenith • college, The fees are • payable fieavh.course. Centralia College at Huron In •orrst7-2800, !hederday toof ensure a seat at Park ' is also offering a. well- any 'of' ° the courses, farmers balanced course `program this - should either return" the in - winter, that starts off with terest card as soon as possible, "sow herd management" on` or contact the` Clinton • Jan•uarq 15. agricultura•l office or Centralia "Feeder pig management" College . , will be.the topic on January.l6, • and •-"understanding . farm Fruits' and ,Vegetables financial statements" is a must ,,,Most Canadian fruits and bn .January,'??:• ' vegetables grown in large quan- For the •heefinen, "beef"cow-"' titles are -iota .by' grade. Grades calf herd management" on are based on such factors -as January 29 and "beef feedlot uniformity of size and shape, management workshop" on diameter, length, color, 30 should be of. ,great •, maturity, freedom from disease other will in- ,packaging, January ince rest. Many farmers • be. 'and and .defects, cleanliness V cuum.'f Pe ,, Washtr/SPIP .4„, ryor • Portablo Dryer*' available .on Cosy terms, HUTCHINSON :APPLIAN 'TRADE INS -ACCEPTED ••- 308 HURON RD, LOWER INT[REST RATES Now Available On " IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere ,in Ontario •, On . u RESIDENTIAL, C10•MM.iRCIAL,'INDUSTRIAL and FARM PR'OPERTiES ° Interim Financing For New Construction do Land Development , For •Representatives In Your -Area Phone • SAF.tWAY.INVESTMENTS ANDS • CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect" 'Head Office - 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont. —We Buy Existing Mortgages for In..tant. Gash --- ate• , The gas dryer. But not all fabrics are latest colours, and the latest. . ? . There's ,nothing.like it �d • created equal: And therefore, styles. And operate for just for.instant service. Because shouldn't be treated the same: pennies per load. , t e e'-&-riothing like -it -for instant - So today's,natural-gas-dryers -"- • You9 see, natural gas is heat.. m - give you a choice; a setting for efficient. There's no refining or • And isn't that what dry- time dry, a setting for perma- generating involved, you re get - tip Iothes is -all about? ' - nent press, and even an au- • ting fuel energy.nght from its - So if ourpresent gas ' tomatic setting that doesn't shut source. Now that's a wise'and Y off until your clothes are con= efficient use of energy. 'pletely dry (specia! sensors .When it comes timejor measure the moisture).: a new dryer, "Natural gas dryers order a.., natural gas dryer. And get and - order of dry ;clothes to go: " dryer: just isn't warming up to the job anymare,-maybe it's time to replace` it with a new. natur-al ga s.d r'] r. 4 The instant -heat feature come with lint screen, vent on of the new gas dryers means 'the side, or vent on the back, your clothes start drying' - electric ignition spark or con- tinuous pilot. All come in the instantly. - � � � 47 • wn • Let us assist,you with yo9r spring ' rwr Fertilizer & Chemi'cal-requirements o Prices Will never be better! POt1-AIbert 549-7135T'. Our ielection is at its best! Itk , 1 . •0 • lid