HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 11”••••••,,, • ;AA' - • • • -4•141,, • - 1.444 • A AA.r" • . , ta••• " -""'"'"."" „•••'.1•1 • " 00D,RRICK.KONAt.40AR; TfiV13$P,A,Y, 014R4144Y,41/.i*- " ' • A ,e 'INTENDED FOR • LAST ,WEEK • A large crowd filled , St. Joseph.Stheol gymnasium at Kingsbriheon •Thuraday eveningfAecember 1.9 forAhe .A.npual Christinai Concert, P.Apils from Kindergarten to • Grade 4 took part... Reverend • Father Ed Dentinger'was the:: chairman for the following 'program, Maria' Dalton gave the oPening recitation with the opening chorus by Kindergar. ten and Grades '1,2,3, and 4. -There was Scottish dancing with Lisa Frayne and Linda Sinnett; a song by Patrick Foran and Brent., Vaii0sch,; a playand a dance by Grades and 3, pre-schoolers Michael Steffler end Ricky Sheardown. and 'Special guests Jairflidkey and 13ill Kinahan spoke briefly. Clem :Steffler presented Mrs. John VartRooy, and Father Ed Dentinger with Christmas, Poinsettias. . The Three Billy Goats Gruff, were portrayed' by Vicki Doherty, " Christine StAipleton,' Mary Jo Steffler and ,Kenny,,,, VariOsch; Jingle Bell Rock was performed. by 'Rosemary Gilmore, The singing orChrist, mas carols was led by. Father Dentinger and Ed Stiles. Christmas Around The • ., World brought The Eir'3t Noel 40,P, Mary Anne O'Keefe' With Mr. and Mrs. Joe Olcepfe; Denise.. Dalton University of Guelph with her .narents Mr. and Mr 's;•72' Mark 1-3yrilton, Ben Miltenburg, University of Guelph 'with Mr. and- Mrs. John Miltenburg, An Dalton, ilfrel Laurier University, Waterloo, 'tvi.th Mr. and Mrs. Mark- Dalton, Leona . Hogan,' the Mohawk, college, Hainilion with Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and the Hogan • family. • . Ben Miltenburg, Seneca • College, Oakville, with , his parent g'' Mr. and , Mrs. Ries Miltenburg; Ke.n Moran, ,,De Vry Institute 'or Tech/to:10U, TorbntO with Mr. and Mrs..Bob Farrish and the Moran family, Mary,VanRotiy, School of Nur- sing, St: Joseph's Hospital, London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Van-Rooy; Betty Hen- ' driks, School of Nursing, Georgian College, Owen Sound,,„,, . with her" parents Mr. and•Mrs. Martin Iiendriks; and Henriette VanDiepenbeek, School of Nursing, -Victoria , HosPital, London with her parents t•Mr. and Mrs. Frank„ VarOlepenbeek, Joe O'Keefe, 'son .of Mr.nd Mrs. Joe 0:Keefe_ and Sandy Sinipson, sora of 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson, of Medicine Hat, Alberta spent the Christ- mas holidays with their ' from France; A 9hild•is Born Parents. from Holland; Swinging Bells Jim Sinnett, Chief on the from Japan;, I Saw ,Three Ships :tlieSel boat the J.B. Ford sent” from, England; African Noel three days atChristmas with Af i T 11 It 0 Mrs Sinnett and- famil m r ca; an o e n . • Y• • The Mountain, with slides from Canada. The ' farewell recitation was Ricky. Be.ch,ard. ' SuPerWsor is MiSs Nancy. Anderson. Special thanks goes to William Ander." son -for helping with. the slide . Pianists before were' Denise- Con- ol Foran,,Sandra TornMY Christine Stapleton, Heathtr7 Ann StapTeton, Diane - VanGsch: Grades 56,7; and 8 will 'be presenting a Spring Concert. • • SOCIAL NEWS A. bridal ghover was pl,anned. for Miss Nellie • VahDiepan.;' • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Are VanDiepari in the Kingsbridge Parish Hall Monday evening, December 30. Nellie is ,being married to Theodore Joseph Legris, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Theodore Legris of Auburn on. Saturday, .January '11 in St. , • 'Joseph's " church at, Kingsbridge. ' Students spending 'Christmas hblidays at' their homes here • are: froni the University of Western 'Ontario,•.LOndon: Ralph -Austin with hi's parents • • Mr. • and Mrs. John Austin; Peter., Frayne with Mr. and 'Mrs.' Donald Fraytie'f' 'Ken Doherty •with - Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Doherty; Kathleen Hogan with Mr., and -Mrs. John Howaid and the Hogan•family; pre entat'• th cone lly, u tie Kevin Austin son of -Mr. and Mrs. Vincent: A irgti n and Frank ..NanDippenbeek, son'of Mr. arid M. 'Frank. Varibiepenbeek arid 'two other 'friends- left' on Saturday December 21' .by car to spend' Christmacholidays in- .' Florida. • . / Mr:- and Mrs. ,,1 n Parker' (Donna Lannan) a d/family of, , ,R.R: 1„Arva spent /two weeks Christmas yacation.at the Billy , .Lannan farm. Visitor-S-'w-ith, •• them on ,Friday • were her, father,: Billy of Toronto and her brother 'Eldon of Eondo'n. . . Miss Fay Hogan of .Oen Sound, .1bhn Cusolito of • Lon- don and Mrs. Mary- Hogati-or Lucknow, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Connie Hogan. Mrs. DorotriY. Moore,. Mr. .,anci...:. Mrs. Charles Schin'dier and' -Charlene of Marine City, Michigan, an Mr. and. Mrs. ' 'Lloyd. Breker0.from California. 'spent *the Christnies •liolidayis. with Mr. MiCheel O'Neilland •, the O'Neill families here, '"- • ' Mr. artd •Mrs, Rob Coleman. • of Guelph; Mr. Larry McIntyre and 'family of Brampton,' Mr. and Mrs.Jim O'Neill- 6,r Toronto spent_ the holiclgy, seasqn at the hor,ne of Mr. and •, Mr: Joe McInty're. 't • Doctor and 'Mr. .Pei'er •••Boiland'and family of Clarkson, spent the ,Christmas, Holidays at the BOJland farm 'here. • Miss., Maria Dalton of Lon- don, Mr. ,and" M.rs. iMaurice, . Dalton and Tamils, of Port Elgin,. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold IViarsman (Frances) and family of London spent the Christmas Irolidays :With Mr: and- MA: Dennis' Dalton- Mr, and -,Mrs Brian Dalton and family of Guelph visited with them on the: Stinday previous%to, Christ- ) ma's. Mr. arid Mrs. Art? Bowler and children of §ebringville1 spent the holiday season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred„sella and family. Mr.! a nd Mrs..- -Wayne Cor. nack of Toronto spent Sunday, Decerriber 29 at the home of Mr, ancl4irs4ohn...Austin-and family and visited thecoUrtney relatives. A. large crowd attended the Ontario Federation of Agriculture Christmas dance which was held at the Saltford Valley Hail on Saturday evening, December 21'. St. Joseph's church at Kingsbridge was packed on Christmas Eve for the singing of -Christmas carols followed by Midnight Mass, officiated by. Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, C,R. Earlier ipAhe evening, St. Joseiih's Youth Club met at the chu,rch and went carolling. Refreshments were served to them at the home of the president, Miss Margaret Frayne. Mr.-lind Mrs. ,John. Shear - down and,son Ricky of Pur- cupine spent the Christmas holidays at 'the home Of -.her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Heffernan: Miss Annie VanDiePenbeek; of St.. Mary's spent' the Christ-'. mas a'eation at the hone/. of her parents- Mr. and Mrs. Frank YanDiepenbeek and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kerry, Hogan •and sons yodd and Chad /of 'Glencoe "vSited -at the home of - • his‘parepts ,Mr. and -Mrs. Con -- Me Hogan and Fay. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare iind Mary Luanne 'sp,erit the • Dav• id,oss on of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ross spent the: Christmas holidays with Floyd and Carl, Courtney: • Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill „farnity .Jackson, Michigan silent holidays with Mr. and - Mrs. John ligyvard and ▪ he .Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Larry Millin of Goderich spent Christnias,at, the.. home,•of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Vincent ,Austin. • and Mrs. J.A. Macpher- • .son- and family of Brooklyn, • Ontario visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and IyIrs. Drennan. They all spent Christ- mas witlf•Mr: ankMis. Michael Dreenrch nain,. apdfernity in God Congratulations to Mr.- and • • Mrs. Bert Alton who celebrated „ their 40th Weddingvanniversary on Saturday, December Their family', -relatives, .friends and neighbours joined with them at the Brookside School • for games of progressive euchre and dancing:- A buffet lunch' was served. Mrs. Bernadine Kinney en - • tertained at her hot:neon Satur- , • day evening, December 28. were given.. Mr. and Mrs. Steye Elliott ,puTchaserA the house:owned ,by her .brott4tv Sandy' MacDon4ld auction • d".70a. S-aturday afternoon, Decernber 28. The auctioneer vols,_ Grant 'MacDonald,' It is a pleasiire welcome Steve and Sally baelt to the area. • Granas etsioy sacia •`, The PastNobl ......... Club o the Goderich Rebekah's held t eii- Christmas -meeting and )art .„1-.) t b 10 41 -the ... ... - . • Qiange Hall with art atten- dance of 17 members, A committee •was conned to take care of Christmas goodies for seven shut-ins. -, After the Meeting closed 500 was played. The high winner was MrsIDella Johnston and the low, Mrs. , AM,elia. Straughan. (INTENDED. FOR LAST - W.EEK) 'Miss Doris Wylds of Toronto „ and Don Wylds spent- Christ - riles day with Mr. and MU. An exchange of gifts' took place, and a delicious' salad plate lunch was served by can- verierSister Irene HarnaCk And committee and a good time was -had. Mrs. .Irene Harnack of- fered her,, home for 'next meeting. Th Lodge No,. 89 regular Meeting was on fiecember,J7 in the MacKay Hall: A discussion was. on a 500 and Euchre Marathon takeLplace .in the New Year to. raise funds, • A committee -was. named to look after shut-ins With, treats and- flOwef*s. 4 Sister Alice •Moas and corn— m.ittee ,had arranged an enter- taining pibgrahl for the Sisters Christmas party with ."Soloists , Mrs. Gordon Keating and Mrs, Mamie Sutcliffe accompanied by Mrs. Ella Snider and Mrs.' Phyllis McTaggart Christma$ carol. • ". "Mrs. Sprung gave wherel humorous readings enjoyed- by • all., An exchange of gifts took place and a 'lovely lunch was e GoderichRebekah • Served. • • usan White assumes WyldSand family: • • • ‘,4 • • aie[nds - • •• Dep.tirrtment Closes • 6P4141., SATURDAY, :1A,NUARY-.1 ,THIS.IS FINAL CLOSE.OUTOPREMAINING' LADES WEAR...— • • <THUR_ • , • S. .FRL SAT.- THIS' WEEK • 'GIVE" A W AY'",PRICES! • • THIS IS WHAT CA THE :LASI: OR LOWEST 'SALE PRICE' ON EVERY GARMENT. . , REMEMBER, THAT'S 1/2 OF THE SALE PRICE! CE-EVERYTH (NG- IS -MARKED:-NOW AT .HALE 'PRICE OR LESS, THIS MEANS THAT YOU BUY DRESSES-- SLACKS - .BLOUSES - SKIRT,S „ • AT 25c oN fHE'DOLLAFI, OR LESS! - T. -EXAMPLE: A 'REG. -PRICE gRESS AT 25.00 IS _ ,'SALE -TAGGED' -AT10.(110i, STARTING ,THUR- *DAY, vi50.11VOULD PLY -ONLY 5:00 FOR A 25.00. -GABOONT.:- • ' 1.1T1.....THEILAST THREE 0AYS OF THIS CLOSE -OUT SALE • DON'T MISSJT • - • • THE UPSTAIRS DEPT. WILL BE. CLOSED AT 6 P.M. SAT. ' JAN. 11. — ham Supper with arl the trirri-i, rpings,• •Cards • were played. _Ladies 'high ..prize, was won, by qrs. Eugene •Frayne. $ Mari's high was a, tie between Father ,Dentinger and Frank. Austin, with 'Mr.; :Austinwinning the • draW.' On Sunday r'afternoon,• December 29 St. Josephs Hall Was packed with,' the children ,ariCteerragers, whO had taken. part rliiritig the pastt year Altar servers, Lay -Readers,' members, and Youth Club ,enjoyed- the 'annual Chriknias party. A film was "shown, games and ,cards were played and prizes and treats -„- • • Mrs. Dick West and Miss Mable MacDonald had as their guests for Christmas Mr. and, *Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDo'ugal-1 -and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim, West an,' family:, • Jim West was called on Din- ner Winnei• oN;er CKNX recen- tly. Doug Matthe4wman of Kim- berly and Miss Margo Mat- thewman of GUelph spent 'the holiday with their patents. Mr. David Farrish of Sud- bury and Mr. Ken Farrish of Cambridge;Mass. • spent the , holiday with- their. parents alio. Mr. and' Mrs.' Finlay' MacDonald 'are enjoYing halides,' in Florida with Mrs. MacDonald's father.' . Mr. and Mrs. Ro t. Ma ;In-, tosh and fathilyar ficlid ying in Florida. Mr. and Ifs. eorge- MiCDonald and Julio of Lon- don 'are • holidaying with Mr. andMrs. mer 'Culbert. ...._Do.ug.4v1..artyn• spent Christ.' father's place atitelm 8iika9 White- has taken .over .the helni as editor, of the 1-iurOn • ExpoSitor • in Seaforth, suc- ceeding her father A.Y. McLean, becoming, the paper's firs i female chief in more than a 100 years of pub. Ica ion. - Mrs. White is the fourth' in • "her family to be Expositor editor since her great- grandfather, Murdo-Y. I,Lean and'• his brother Alan MLean purchased the paper' in 1870. Her . father, the third • gel'teration editor, 'will continue • as publisher, Mrs. White Served as assistant editor for the pltst. 11/2 years while also -acting, as editorof the Brussels another, family-owned paper:, YOUR HEADQUARTERS • ,Ottf.rr tr'eRPOERS IVIVETIC TV •Exp,q). SERVIC( • ANTENNA. -at TovvER. iNsTALLATIoN„,.. . 162 MARY ST. GODERICH 52 DRI,LLIN Latiiiit *modern equipment si* Domestic - Industrial - Municipal, ... • * , Free Estimates You and your family c1serve the best. Of water ---- sO4don't hesitatento call • , ,.. TOM LANG - PHONE • , COLLECT 855•4665 2 MILES NORTH ON HIGHWAY 21,'GODERICH • A 4' .r• mas in Kincardine General Hospital where he is recovering irwn, surgery. Little Ainsley Martyn, retur- -ned home from licispital in Lon- don wherepshe had been a patient. 4For over two weeks. Mr. • and- • Mrs. ..kwan-. MacLean ' held Christmas for Mrs. Isobelle Netartyn,bf-R-iple3e-''' •Mr:- John Martyn ofiLonclOn and Mrs. Doug wrtyp, Ainsley - and' Donald. - • Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles'for the hOliday were Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCharles and family, Moritrealr'Mr, and Mrs. _Donald McCbarles and ramilv of Chatham and Mr. John McCharles and, Mrs. Brenda Jay of •petrolia, yisiteeliMrs. -Daisy McC,harres who is goite ill: in Clinton. • Mr. and. Mrs., H..D. • MacTavilsh of Montreal vverg also visitors of the McCharles ,farnily. Ler_ us all strive- tdo something, constructive every week in 1935 and Happy NeyyYear ,a11 the way. ,ONLY YOU'CAN •OIVE-114E-GIFT OF LIFE!' ••- JACKET Combed_ Cotton• " &. Nylon Outershell With 100 % Rayon.;. Pile Lihing. ' JACKET Cord Outershell With Acryllc Pile Lining In Autumn Gold '7/ • CARIBOU COAT - • • • • il-oomed and; Crafted in Canada of a Fine Wool Blend • 100% Cotton, Duck •Outerifidll With 'Rayon Quilted Lining .'"irlAt. 4 HYDRO PARKAS , 100% Showerproof ' • CottOn oD'uck.Outer- shell — Pile Lined • As Low As, • 100% Nylon,. Outershell With - Quilted Lining 4 As 'Low ,.A1 $ 211 •.9 5 •, • chilcr!L . SNOWMCIBILE. • 100% Nylon •" Outershell With • Quitted -Lining•. . • As Low As 10 9 5 • • WINTERBOOTS- WORK -BOOTS - FELTPACKS SNOWMOBILE BOOTS * SEtOND,MORTGAGE5„, ' Rates as low - 14.98% •,qinvie Interest ,• • Cash available now • • Up to $10,000 • No bonuses or hidden charges • Pay off at anytime • Noipreppyment penalty • Enquiries Welconte HOUSEHOLD REALTY-: ' Corpciretion Limited 1:160SEI:iitYLD FINANCE Corporation of C.atj,acia • 35Aph:VV5o2Asteet4S3ttro • • Men's SNOWMOBILE'. • BOOTS -- Canadian Made AS LOW $ 1 1 9 5 • _1# • • • Men's • ' • flLTPACKSzi ". joanattiart Made • Plain Toe As Low As $1 • • STEEL TOE' Tt • Steel The Lined 011 Proof 'Solo Can.adian Made' • SALIE; • • • 9 5 $ 2 3 Kaufman' KIngtread. WORK -Lib 01 at. 4.- Shinok --Waterproof Insulated — Steel Toe -- Top ,Quality • 'SALE • P'0•3,•, AIMMOLOMMII.11.4r. ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD? • For a good solid building -at reasdifTii rates • • Contact: RAY LAMBERS.. 45 CONSTRUCTION • . CLINTON.- • 014 Boy' NINTER :BOOT All Rubber • tA1E $6.2 Men's All Rubber 482--3305 WO have had over .8 years experience in all tomes of .1. farm buildings JLmoimmialmimmommummiagrimite '0 • 4„, *INUSTRIAL& GARDEN CENTRE 66 Hamilton St. — Goderich, Ont. "WE—SEILVK.VET PHAFttitACWIMALSff Ends of Line Welik.BOOTS Maki & Steel Toe. •0 • • „ 4cT4, • .* , 4.* • . , " . • - • • :•••••,'.„•• -1•'4,110$ • • ok•-•34, •-• -`,y' • 00 • ., • ' 0.•4". '"