HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-6-7, Page 1*" e ' , AND HURON 84 MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. VOL XX.I. NO, 40, "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY KAY EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING.* JUNE 7, 1894 1 3. FORD Woodham. tOur prices are crowding our 1 by J. Shier, the councll adjoutrned to lay. Scam, Ratrorte.-The following is the May Report of S S No 2, Hay. Nemo are in order of merit; Fifth- ° 0 Ross, R F Chapman. Sr Fourth - Maud I Muni), F E Ross, Nellie ee O'Brien. Fourth -J W Todd, Nellie Gould, M /S1 Russell. Third -- Willie Jackson, Sarah Northcott, E O'Brien. Second-, Willie )3usob, R O'Brien, Fred Corbett. Second Part Sr-. Ethel Northcott, J,Tatikson, Hervey. Second Park Jr- L Munn, Louisa Armstrong, le Northcott. Tee store with mbestb t speswere:ellersinFtittftehfRontebhlysappniellainng buyers. TSAI' LOT OF BOY'S CLOTHING AT REDUC- ED PRICES IS MAKING 'TALK. "Nicest Stock of Boy's Clothing in this loart of the Country" is the Verdict. Our Stock ot Dress Goods is complete and a look through this:d.spartment will 0011VID.00 you that oar prices ,and qualities are right. Sr Fourth -Maud Russell. Jr Fourth -M Ruesell. fhird-Sarah Northoott. Second--Bertie O'Brien. Second Pt -Ethel Northcott. First Pt-Lulie !Intl nit W. H. Jomeseow, Teacher. (era/3.ton.. Benies.--Court Carlton 0 0 F of this place represented strong at Liman Sunday last, also Court Devizes, Court Bryanston including Court Lucan Egetee easel() a very fine display of Forestersheaded by Crediton Brass Band marched to the Church of Eng- land marshalled by our amiable friend eer W E Stanley, who indeed uuder- stands his work Well. Arriving at the church all were oordiallY seated with- in the church. Awaiting them was Rev Mr Shaw who delivered one of the most instruatiee and interesting sermons that could possifgy be delivered in a pulpit on such an ocoasion. The Rev gentleroati went to show bow tbe.0 0 F are British subjec *L -M J Walters and W Johnston were in our towe on Sunday. -The new Methodist e. ,. , church is to be dedicated on tbe elth A Big Lot of leaCHOS insthltuth discord and dissen.sion slimmer vests liege in, at has been rife, of late artioag a: car- • tain class of llifethodists but it is to be .5 cents each.. , hoped that the opening of so grand a OttUrch will bring all together and that , happy union may ever reign here - R 8 FORD ce CO - • - . after beveral of the members turned out Monday to level up and gravel (*nand Bend Bninys.-Opposition is the life o trade and also of societies. -Mr. 11 Bossenberry while ratting logs took a drop tett) the river for a bathe -Otto of outeldshermen hauled in over forty sturgeon on Monday . -Mrs. Jas D41 .Z& arrived from Sarnia last week and will take up her residence ein Grand Bead, -Tee ladies of Dorcas Tent are makmg every preparation to entertain their visitors on the'lltte Remember the place, Mr Spackman's grove. - Quite a, number ofvisitors turned out to see our foot ball club practice on Saturday evening. The club is now ready to play friendly matches with any visiting club. re mew Clinton. Enters -Mr Parker, of Goderich township, picked wild strawberrien on the 28th a May and had garden roses in full bloom on the same date. -The death of Miss Eila Jessie daughter of Principal Houston of the Collegtate, is much regretted on all hands. Con- gestion of the belie was the immediate cause of death, -Her age Was but 15. -Court 13ismarck of Zurich having in- vited their brethren from Clinton to join them in their enamel 'church ser- vice a large delegation re- aponded to the invitation. On arri val at Zurich they were entertained by the beettaren there, and at 2.30 rnerceed tohthe town ball, vvhereeservines were Conducted by the Rev Mr Henderson Presbyterian Minister of Hetet:II, preaching a magnificent sermon from the teacbinge of Tames" eto comfort the widow and the tatherlees." After service the Foresters marched back to their hall where resolutions thanking the visiting brethren,' the, Rev Mr Henderson, also the ohoir of young tattles and gentlemen who merited a hearty vote of thanks for their part of the service. The Clinton brothers were greatly delighted with the warm bettrted and brotherly hospitality with Wieneet. they were treated by their Zurion brethren. -NettatneOOrci, Mitaard's Liniment curewia grippe, the ground surronnding the church. All come to the opening on the date prow -tetra Braithwaite had A finger amputated on Monday last. The operation was performed by Drs Lang and Thompson. She isdoing -Mr. George Stanley of Lucan oc- cupied the pulpit m •the - lelettionist church on Sunday lase la the abeence of Rev Ferguson. -Mrs John. ,Tanuson, McIntyre s Corners, visited her parents Mrand Mrs D White, on Sunday last. -A game of base ball was to be play- ed here on Saturday last, betveeen the married and single men, but owing to the wet weather it has been postponed until further notice. Bieldulph Council The Coaticil met pursuant to ad- journment. The reeve and all the members were present. ItInautee of previous meeting were read anti ap proved. d' By-law No, 5, of 1885, was amended by prohibiting all entreats including sheep and lambs from running at large on the public highway. ' The clerk was instructed to prepare a by-law to enforce the commutation of statute labor in unincorpora,ted villaget The following accountsvrere ordered to be paid: -M Boyd, part pay grading con 3, Div. 1, $12; G T R freight on concrete tile, $13.50; John Hoveard, cultets and repairs S Road, Div 1,87.75; M Fulton, balance 01 gravel contract Div a, $7; Do, filling washout nT 13, Moiety, 75o, Joseph Thompson, ditch- ing, Div 8, $1.25; W J Smyth, rep. road, 50c, E. Preth, concrete tile, n130.23; A Gleeon, man and tearn, grading .Div 5, $3; Thos. Neil, grant to W B, per vvat•d, $21.50. The oonneil adjourned to meet again on Monday, June Ilth, at I p. en. The Court of Revision adjourned te meet at 10 a, in. of the same day. W. 1). Stanley 'Clerk. Rheumatism reeks' the nystem like a thumbserew. ft retreats before the power of Hood's Sattlapatilla which purifiet the blood. lane, eittMerfeelleatieteeleggtents=eiggisorwerestmeett ▪ tet. To Read this Advertisement, and after you have read it, think of what you. are paying others for the same Goods. railent, 14.4Zoetioira.es. -Regtilar 25c Bottles for rec. '-Regular sac Bottles for d.ocl. •-lR.egular $1,00 Bottles for 75c. -2 Lbs. Pure Blacls'Pepper for 250. -5 Lbs. Spktaid Japan Tea for -The wonder is how we can sell so much good Electric Soap for 250. e • -We are doing it, come and see for yourself. Highest price paid fOr all Faun Produce. A AlloGOVVAN & CO ' • • 1 .Eiensall. On motion of Be clercliner seoonded A cotninunication from J. awl W. I italeta Craig. Ilaid over until next meeting, The reitort a the Reeve re the settle- ment of boundary Accounts:wit/1 Stanley wae dcloptecl. Action re the water on the highway on the Zurich road east a the Little Marsh was tale over until some future date. Aneeniber of aceounta were passed and the council adjourned to meet again on June 23rd. at 10 a. m, JOHN Weeteeeff seetts ettlianorm and lertoprtetons fittecial Bargains for earth in all kinds et Boott ea Shoes at e. Weselobes. Cali and tee itlitIrttnareti a, Som lines at halt prioes. tn thlted sernenlas oash. ere rou to show good. Sign. of nig 13oot. A. WRS131.0110, edoEwee's Block: Following are the market quotations ; Wheat 05 to 53 Barley 35 to 35 Oata ....... .. . .. • 30 to 31 Peas • • .. 50 to 50 Hay 6,00 to 7,00 13110er. e 15 to le 13 ee 3,3 Hogs .... ... 600 to 6 25 Clover eteed Baxnes-Tlaere are a large number of new buildings being erected in the village this season ---e. t feat electric light plant has arrived, and by August next we expect to have the system full operation. ---Our towns- man, IVIrD Weismiller eis busy cam- paigning, and all ever the riding Is tneeting with great euccess.-Mr. Pierce and wife and Miss Dyer, of Forest, were guests at Mr Sutherland's the past week, Miss Dyer will remain in the village for some weeks, -We are to have another jewelry batmen established In town; by a gentleman of Clinton. -rhe Methodist ministers are attending Conference at Gocierich. set Goderich Township. • IVEIWILLE WS MEETING-. --The poll - tical meeting on the 9th con. last Mon- day night was a great suoceits in every respect. The sohool house wait filled Mr. John Beaconi occupied the ohair in his well known and s.oceptable manner. Mr. Wennniller spoke for over two hours and nendled the poi - morn questions of the day in a master ly and forcible way. He made a de- cided impression for future success - gated delivery, honest critinism, and the happy modiutn of presettong facts without being offeneive. He was inany times applauded and at the close pheered to the echo. Mr. Hannah of Seaforth, was present but declined to address tlae meeting against the Con- , servative candidete ,in fact he wished him suacess. Mr. Hannah gave a short address ow the creamery indue- try, without referring in . any way to Tlae meettiag .olosed with cheers for the Queen, W. le Meredith, and Mr. Weiamiller.-The vote here will be strong for , the Coneervative candidate. 'Us borne Council. COURT OF REVna0br. The council met on the 2nd inst., as a Court of Revision. All the mem- bers were present and duly sworn. On motion of 3. Shier seconded by R. Gardiner, the Reeve was appointed chairman. Moved by ,L Halle, seconded by W Eeddy and reselved that the appeal of S. McCoy, be dismissed and the follow ing changes and a.dditiona made in the Asseasment Roll. for 1894,eviz ;- Edward Christie, assessed. as owner of lot 10, con. '1, vice John Loachnan, struck off ; Albert Penwarden, owner N. 1,1 con. 4, vice Wm. Pugsley, struck off : Win. Smith, owner lot 2, con. 9, vice Marer Penwarden and Al- bert Penwarden struck off ; Williatu Whiteford, owner lot 1, con. 6, vide John Cornish struck off ; Joseph Stephens, tenant, lot pt. 12, S. E, B.. vice Thos. Fotlaeririgham, changed to tenant pt 13 S. E. B. ; John McCurdy owner pt U S. E. B, vice D. W. Dun mage changed to owner pt 8, S. E. B.; Esther •Hotney and Minolta Horney assessed as OWnerEi of lot 23. eon. 6 ; Harriett Harris owner lot 25, on. 5; Sara,h Horton and Elleit Horton, owners lot e. 6, N. E. B. ; Etzebetet Heywood, owner lot S8, coo. 7; Richard Tasker, tenant, lot 17, coo. 9 • Henry VVestoott, loteE con. 8; M. In doseph Campbell, lot 16, S.T. On motion of R. Gardiner seconded by J. Shier, the Assessment Roll for 18g4, as revised was oontirmed and the Court of Revisloa closed. Thi 'cr---MoOTTNOIL AtasITWO, gala The council meet after the Cour* of Revision had closed. All thennembers Were proton t. The rainutes ot the last meeting read and approved. Moved by W. Keddy seconded by J. Hang tbat the Assessment Roll for 1894 be reettieed acid an order drawn on the Treasurer for the aesessoe's sal- aree--Oarried. Two tenders for supplying the muni- cipality with rook elm required for the carrent year were opened. Moved by R. Gardiner seconded by W. Ineddy that the tender ot R. Bell jet Henget, for rock elm leather tor the township at $10 90 per M. be accepted, it being the lowest --Car- ried. The following orders were granted ; T, Sneale„ 12 rods 6 inch tile drain $10 20 ,• Daniel Dew, cutting bine and widening road $10 50 ; G. Ferguson, cutting hills and widening road $8 00; G. Harrow, repairing rotd $1, 505 R. Danisete, drain encl culvert $5 00; L. Rueter, tile &inn $1 00„; M. Sanivvell, keep of J., Hewitt and Wife $13 00 ;5. Polon, putting in neve Culvert $3 50 5 G. Rutherford, do and repairing cul - Vert $6 00 ; Dr. Grardiner,eitataination of 5, Hewitt and wife $5 00 ; Dr. Hobbs, do $5 00 ; Slavin, breaking stoao and ditching $3 00 Wt 'Miners. gentry as Usenet' 350 00. Oeselt re the Zerich etwarnp drain, was meet !Again Saturday, July 7th at 1 30 tri. ciE0, gOLNIAR, Clerk, anolinAntYr Benere,-A large number of guests ' were very pleetanely entertained at the home of Mr. Laing one evening last week. -Quite a nember of our yoang people are taking holidays just 33019 -Mr. Neil Gill- expie left on Saturday to spend a week with friends at Whiteehurele-Mr W. ,Ba" has gone to Calloaen for a,short stay, -Mies Mary D. Gorle hag been the guest of Mies May Williame Dublin, doring the past week. -We are sorry to learn of the illueea of Ur. Hugh Inertia, tr•-efellyalopei new residence is being. puttied, rapidly forward . . Ceettiton. 13ntees.-Mitesrs. Chas, and Wm. Taylor of Elkton, Mich., Mrs. Kerr, of Chicago, together with, other .rnernbees of the family are heme visiting their parents, Mr. Taylor being very ill, -Mr, D. Weismillernthe Conservative candid" ate is quite the favorite in fthas locality,. The Gerrnahe having learned that the &tomb. elet'n ent Inade the statement that we want !no Dutchman to 'represent us ire Parliament, are quite indignant and intend showing their Scotch friends that the.y:can put him ettere. At present there is not one German representative in the Legisla- ture --The band was trl 'mean on Sun- day, playing for the Foresters there, who celebrated their anniversary by grand parade to church. --The Reeves are in Goderich thee week attending County Council. Ureelaway. eineepe.--The Corbett Presbyteria-n Garden Party as to be held at Me Scot* neer Moray, ,Tune 20th. -Mr. D. Brophy end iennaily trete called away last Thursday to attend the funeral of . Dash:wood. Sear. J. Lem, CIerlr, • Me G Belem -Mrs Ieaae Lewis ha* been away attending the funeral of an uncle near London -An accident happened lad $at. urday at Mr • S. Porte'* that might have ibwieeliainageratobutlding:, had a number of men they had the bent pert- ly leased whale something gave way and the bent fell striking several of the men. Hcppily no one was badly hurt. Stephen G'ouheil Cot= Ole RtvisT0.1". Company desired some changes- ohanges made. J Reagan, dog off. G Mangue, J Kerr -no change. Lots 5 and 7, eon. 3, reduced each $2. C Finkbiner, dog off. T Gunther, dog off. 0 Essay, dog off. No change made in the cases of Masers Bloomfield, Blathers arid Bastard. Commie Meratect. Minutes read and signed. B,esolved that the following orders bs granted: R Et Collins, attendance on Dalzere arbitration, .$60. 0 Prouty, a ehool statistice 670.50; W Huston, stones, e7; 11 Essery, stones and culvt, 32; I Bastard, 31; Ceder Posta, 342.45; Charities, 622; G B 0 witness fees, 4268.61; M Finkbiner, oul $1. Tenders for M C D will be opened next meeting, July 3, at 10 o'clock, a. nt. C. PROUTY, Clerk. Mrs. D3rman who died. at her hom near Alain Craig. She was well know in this vicinity and a number of he friends from here attended the funeral -Mr. John Sherrite is itnGoderich thi week attending the County Council -- Mrs. John Bellieg returned home las week, after visiting her friends at Yale playing lo atbell les Tuesday eveniog, nter. „Coo. nelendenine received a severe kick tei the lag. H has not been able to be oet eince.-The McPiterpon. manufacturing Co., are cutting out a large number of bee hives and racks. Their pumps, hay racke, wash tubs and celebrated churns are in great demand. e n Binees.-The 24th pasSed off quietly ✓ m our burg, a large number taking fn the sports in other • towits.---Mr. - and Mrs. e Thomas Johnston. of Rieke, were visiting at Mrs, Hang and Geo. Kellerman's on Senday.-Mr. North Fried and daughter, Elate, of Parkhill, were the gestate of Mr. M, Fenn, on &today . -nehe Ladies' of the " nesecebeee held e. epecial meeting Ma Sat- urday eveting whea was decided. to Beaers.-Mrs. Sheardown, of Credit- on, is visiting her son, Mr. J. Shear, down. -Miss Stevens-, of Orediton, is visiting friends here. -Mr. C. W• Smith. is at present in London,, -Mrs. 3. W. Sheardown is on the sick list at presenee-Rev. W. H. Butt left last Monday evening for the annul confer- ence which is to be held ab Pidontown. -Dr, Shoults has started Co more in his goods end expects to be settled soon. He has had very good success iet obtain ing ram -liners for the '‘Ohosen Friends." We wish him greater suctiess.-A. load of Cantrete citizens went to the Bend feat Friday. Al! enjoyed themselves wall. They say that the Bend has im- proved. in appearance quite a bit. -The peen men are busy putting up it shed. --Mrs. D. Elliott is yery tow, and is not expected to live any length of time. Doctors of Toronto are atteeding her. -The debate that wee to have been given last Friday evening wee postponed until a week from Friday. -The eloob- ion of officers of the R. T. of T. took place last F riday evening, and are as <Mows Select Councillor -C. Fairhall ; Vice S. Evans ; Herald --Miss G. Oke ; Secretary -Mr. Beet; Treasurer -R. 0obleigh ; Guard -J. Neil ; Sentittel-R. ElandfOrd. Hay Council The °mantel notIas a, Court of Revis- ion in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, May 26th. • The following appetite were disposed of :-John HOward, Nn?; 40, N. B., not sus tamed ; Peter Durand, 29, N. 13., reduced. $100 ; '1'hoinas 32, L R. W., reduced $150 • John lVfansoin not sustained ; Annie Itiirtman reduced $10 ; Philip Hartman, net sus - twin ed. The following changes wore made in the roll Frona Bouthron, 311, 312, S, Ileasall, to John Zoefle ,• Wret Buchanan, 83. Or. of 21,con.3,raised to 3100; From D. Surerus 115, 116, V. S. to J. In tniekbell ; Tt, Mc- Intyre, 132, 133, P. S. Rental!, to R. Oudmore ; do Holmstead, 85, $4, T. S., Zurich, to Wm. Rupp ; , Holm, stoaa, 85,80, K. S., Zurich, to T. and el, Johnston ; .Win. CfahlWell, N. E. Or. 20, con 4, to Win, E. Cook ; do Thomas Vine, w 22, Ti R East ti Theater; %halibut ; do ,Ittcob Schroede,r, $ 81, S 13., 1 dog; do D. 8. 'Faust, 183, V, S, 80, to Samuel Deir.t. A nember of clogs wore taken off and the roll as revised was adopted as *he assessment' roll for 1804. Atter Court at Revisiou elosed ordinary busiess was taken op. .1. Belmfordt Chas. Troyer, R, Otte. title. Colin Smith, O. Oswald, Nelson Maifee,D, Schaefter rind Jastua Wagner were appemted Road COtrillii3SiotiOril., Ot" ;1'44 celebrate the 13th anniversary of the drcler by a grand picnic and dinner at Grand Bend an the llth of June. All are cordially invited to attend, Dinner 25e. -Rev. eft, Eifert preached in London on Sunds,y.-Mr. and efts. Shettler are visit- ing Mrs. Shettler'a mother at pretent, in Hullett towcaltip -Mr. Charles Hattleib of Zurich, was renewing acquaintances in the village on Sundear.-A large number from here left on Tuesday meriting for Logan township, to attend the marriage oeretnony of Adam Willett of Stephett, to a fair bete of that townehip.-Logan must be mute a hunting groend. Who will be next. -Mr. Jos. Bide caffein Park- hill on Teesday on businees. He brought home a large watch deg. -"At last" a long felt want has beeu supplied and that is the petty office of magistrate The vinage will now be ruled with it rod of iron, and everything will from now on be put ender lock and key. oven the petture Aelds, and it heavy fine will na imposed on ererybody who does not pay his, cow's rent in advaatte. So beware, for ignorance of the law delta not excuse any man for having to appear before the one* die:ties of the Peace. Ches. ',Fritz took in the sports in Forest on Toesclay, and -met with his usual good It -wk. -Hay council passed through here oa Thursday on a tour of inspection, -Masons are now beey Blv tToscpli Suet's widition to hla residence.-Mraud Mrs Kellerrnann ters Wertz and Mrs It Kibler, returned home on Tuesday evettiug from e several days visit with frieeds in Listowel. Miss Liezie Hapeel of Chicago, is et present visiting bleeds in this vicinity. -Mrs G Staabus and ter sister 'Wise Maggio Wertz are visithait friends in John lefoPhereon, of Sault Ste Martel is the guest of Mr Chas Fritz at prertent. -Remember the picnic of the K 0 T M at Grand Bend on Mondey, June Ilth. McLean ane Mr Weiernillerwill be present road deliver eddreasee, also the Zurent String Band. Dinner to be served in Holt's grove, Dont forget the right imot.-On Tuesany evening an exhibition of pettieg the ehot was given by Messrs McPherson of the Soo, Wm Fritz of Creclitan le Sipple of Zurich and C Fritz of this village. The game was witneseed by it very large crowd of people, -111. lioseenbetry had his trotting hertse, "Tom Berke" in tee village on Tuesday tweningt The semi-annuel buainess meeting of the Y P A. was held hiat Tuesday eyeri- leg whou the following officers were eleeted: President -Mitt Mary Senile Vice Pres --Adam Birk. Rec See -E M Brokenshire, Corr Soo -Eliza Shettler, Treesurer-Moses Organett-Miss Fanny Snell, Librariette-Thos nnell, • I know elINARD'S LINIMENT mires diphtheria, French Village. John D.flontiler. know MIIIARD'S teNTMENT wilt eine croup, °ere Ulan& J. F. Cetininghern. I know ARD'S LINIASNT is the beat remedy ott earth. eforway. Me Jorteph A, Snow. attain te SkiseDiseases are more or less dieeetly occasioried by ba ct blood. B. B. 13. cures the follownig Skin Diseaeete 8111141es, 31'yd/setae, ltehing Bashes, Salt ;Rheum, Seale Head, Ereptioes, Pimplort end Rio/oboe, by removing all imertritioa from I the blood from it et:mei-don Pimple to the wevet Serofulone nese Bins -We are sorry to hear that John Anderson, mon of Dr. Anderson is ly- ing ill in London. His father is yieitiug him this week end reports hen better - Mr. Jas, Topping is moving tato the prop.' me role :.P BoPlittle theti tttnglCanadianltPi I:0a utnkroe of aeve3:111: ings and intends to have it tasty earl coal. fottable.-Theefiremen are elated over their %Neese on the 24th May. They expect everything in conneolion with the brigade will be put in shape and are looking for a grant from the Oeuncil.-The augel 01 death has pot a gloom over several of the homes in this limit), during the past three tveeks. On May 1.0th Mr. Richard Williams, an old and much reopected resident of Mc, Gillivray. died, in the 71st year of hie age. His death was quite sudeleneze en- joye his usual "leant until a few days be- fore he died. -Mrs, Catharine telaPherson died recently at the residence of her brother Mr. John 34e. Pherson, townline Mc Gill- ivray and East neillisms, in the 89th year of her are. She was among the oldest resi- dents of that part of 'the townabip. She had been in poor herath for some time, and death was a release from pain and a The Verdict. Given by our many customere and all who have seen our ofGents''Furnishiiigs is that our ,Men's Straw }fats are the Vi?,ry „ latest styles, the very loweE'd prices and give A 1 satisfaction in wear, See our line of GENTS' NECKIN'EAR 4 in hand ties ior 20c, usual price 4oc, and our 500. margate ttee ttt 3oc, Derby's and all other ties at similar prices. Gents' fancy colored shirts and two collars for 5oc. regular price translation to the kingdom where sickneee eoc. or parting never enters. -A few daya ago, wbiate4tehr815ntelljt etaol.fallehHiseahgea4Mbreet3aohvneeSyealli produce Price paid far iarie for some time and the visit of our °enamors enemy was not unexpected. Deceased had for:a long time resided itt Batt Williams, da nieae awe ea s aa nrnda no:ladf eangeerg detie a ctitivieI frt eo'swbetirst asiee. Blans.aard Council. The munioipal council mot as it court of R evision on Tuesday the 22nd ult, The mernbere baying all been sworn in by tbe clerk, it was movedlby J Sinclair sec. by St. John that COUR. Fotheringham take the cheer. The roll of 1S94 was then hid on the table and the following appeals disposed of Nemi Antilop, elide:eine to be assessed too high -Reduced, 3100, W. R. Carr, elautung to be assessed for full value of property -Reduced $200; Leonerd Her stone, regarding James Thompson, should be assessed as owner of pert lot 16 in the 19th con. -Allowed; John Bailey recitest- ing to be put on roll as tenant of Dawson property- .Allowed; Johnston Stewart, also requestioe to be assessed as tenant of the property formerly owned by Samuel Moore -Allowed; P. S. Armstrong. le- eardieg Frederick Dickey, should be put on roll as M. F., lot 8, E.. M. R, -Allow - J. P. ROSS. - Maricet Denat Follow ar Crowd \„0- WHERE? TO MANSON'S Big Slaughter Sale of Boots and Shoes. He has knockecl the old time prices dealt out of existence. For the next 60 days or Cash only he sells (our own band MeneFrenohleie Boots at $I; M en' s Imperial wie nootsat $3.60; filen's extra, good Oowhide 'foots L men's, Woreen's aol Cbildree's shoes 311 endless va,rietiee at 20 per cont. dis- count. Reese -fingerer -aptly- and neatly done at the following prices etenle Half Stele c&Lly -tee. ; woreeres flair Soles on!y 35o . dome end seettre 80016 0! theso Bargains. G -EO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store Next Door to Post Office. Hoene Seekers' Excnrsiorr Tickets. ' The erTeals beme dispozed of, tbe 1\ 111 be eold by the Chicago eke - Reeve resumed his position In the chair & St. Paul Railway on 51tiy Sth and nfay arid the business of the township proceed- 29t1i. 1891, front Ohigago ana St, neat. ed witb. Mr. Wm. Johnston ft om the W. Minneapolis, ontahn Knew: boundary was Present and asked that the city, and points hs,vonti et emetically one following lots be changed from pollingsult- fare for the tound trip, Ereersion division No. 2 and 3 and placed it; No 6 tickets will be good for return passage polling eub-division. ynietyeaye from date of sale, but are good St. John- Fotheringhain -.That the for going passage only on date of sale, matter be left over till next meeting when For further particulars apply to any they will consider the adviasbiliey of each Couport Ticket Agent in tee United a change.-Carriece ' States or Cauada, or address A. J. Teetem, St John-Ullyot-That tenders for the Canadian Pase, Agent, 87 neelo St.., construction of one stone bridge abutment To.ronto, Oet. at Henry Peacock's will be reeelved by Reeve or Clerk up till Monday the 411.1 day of June, 1684, plans and specificatiorts to Look at the'date on your label this weelc, and see that your narae is mark- ed well in advance. " tea, No paper is discontinued until cat arrears are fully paid, except at the option to hill on London road at Ilanieberry'e, of the pubtisher. asked the boaia to give a grant for drain- The date when 'the subscription expires • ing the same. The council agreed to ie on the eddiess label of each paper, tee a t tilelnesda rtso. tshpeeamt iant ttlened change of which to n subsequent derte. s witzer addressed conies it receipt for teinittatmeeSubseribere e the board aslinag them to give a grant will please examine their label before and towards erecting weigh -scales at Mo- °ter makina a remittance. Intyre s Corners -to be considered at n ext meeting. • ALL MEIN. he heen a. the hardware store of James °helmet's, St Marys, said tenders ...to be opened at tbe Township Hall, Molutyre's Corners, on Monday the 4th day of June, at the hour of two o'clock p. ne-Cerried. Mr. Dave Bents WaSpresent in reference The following accounts wete paddrd Joseph Rinn, $1, gravelling contract Base Line; J H Sameson, ell, fees te Skelly's award; Tees Pierson. 32, part salary; A Ullyot, 38, tile across road. Edward Kennedy, 665. Battey as Aesessor: Thos Hopkins, :85, ditching 8th con. Adjourns(' to meet first Monday in June at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Bap DRINKING WATER Travellerssuffergreatly from the different kinds of water they are oompelled to dtink OS nothing is 80 likely to 'bring on aa attack ofDiatrhoaa aa chaage of drieking wetter Perry Davie' Pain -Killer is the only safe, geiek, end sure care for Diarthoea,Cranipe, and Cholera Morbet, and the valise of every traveller tbould contain it bottle cf the. young, old or middib an.cd, 'who find . There - selves, nervous, weak and exhausted, who aro broken down trocn excess or overwork, result, ing in many of the following symptoms : Mezmtal depression, premature old age, loss of book of ni°e3r:y°,pr:inemi:?::4iacljcitel7s1Y1,0161e' of sight,palpi cation o the heart, entiuion, Pimples on the face 'Ana body, itehing peculiar sensation atioUt scrotum, wlsting: s°"trov eft u4.tohing :11:6 tt'olhireh oh 51P."1:: see :Ye tbeuflfde'' 8' or ei_lart,11:1:1171,14:: where, bashfulneSs. depouitu tho mune, luxti of will power, tenderness of tin scalp nal seine, Weak and tiabbY Muscles, desire t6 thilluess of hearing'-'oss of voice, clozfr, , Boll tude, excitability of temper, sunken cYcz,' Surrounded with leaden circle:, oily 2.tkillik sicin, at.. are all symptoins nerceut:. 01,31, ity -that lead to insanity yoless eux•ed• "L'ito sprIng or vital course hextuR lost its tension, eveu function 'wanes in conscouenno. TIL WhO rOU gb abuse committed au iono,pn e mixture, which be can Proem° at awe rf- may be po.rmanently cure& b'end 'oar ad- putable dreg -store. 25e. for it large nettle [dross for book on diseases petmhai, t tuar. sent froe settled atdrcs. ,Nt TCiioz'bi• Minard's Lionnent for sale everywhere meerte0ee)1Ave:% 70Th'ltd 0ht.4411'"Th Ist.tomn.zwersennommernmegosorwermerarsomeroasintn..m.....fixintrimomertzer.denztiurftuntr.”..............”*... IN G-ranulated at 41c, lier lb. in bbi. Bright Coffeo at 4c. por lb. 111 bbl, Bright Yellow at 8ic, per lb. ii clvts, two weeks. Also Job Lino of Hats and o(ids and ends of 1.)ross Goods at half-prioo. rXi.3Z2IT2111. , !kV ' knceessors toillrown, 8z; Siebert. • -e • • ••••••,,:i • • '•• • • •-;4. • .„•• ..•••.„1 negette