HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 81
....,..-, _.. .,. , THURSDAY., JANUARY 9, 1975
Last summer, after a few per-
suasive people; ,a • few civic -
minded merchants and a few.
bard 'waking. teenagers . got '
together and co=ordinated the
,col,ors for our fine old buildings
on The.S4uare, I,. for one - or
rather I -should sax, I am one of
many who are so prod' of 'the"
.• look of our Square, now.
There is only about 'one place
that stands out like a sore
thumb - and I hope they will
co-operate - and co-ordinate!
\..-.. Anyway - I want to tell our
friends who are my the sunny
South - that everyone heretwas
wishing for "snow for Christ
mas° day" - I like. it -dry • but
this was the general wish. Sud-
denly it began to snow - like
" goose, down. falling' --slowly --
but so thick you could scarcely
see thru' it.
Within a very short time we'
hada foot of snow and world
of fantasy around us. was a
•sight ,you had` "` to' EX-
PERIENCE. 'if that is'
Other groups had -teas, 'sup-
pers,' craft shows, hobby shows,
musical . rev te ris and ever a
Silvex Tea by and for men only.
We 'had. a special Sir John A.
Macdonaldr.bir'thday presen-
tation 'of awaf ds, for essays on
his 'fife, sponsored by The con-
servation Association Maitland
- Curling Club had more than
one Speciaf Bonspiel = a1>ways a
great affair. •
Boy Scout Brotherhood week
in February was ,special and.
will ,tyou ever . forget the fine
performance of "The Tinder-
box'•' -by the Toronto Children's
Theatre?' The Third Group Boy -
Scouts sponsored a Pancake
Supper (this would be a nice,
repeat) and Young Canada
Week had 100 teams from all
over Canada.'°°
. G.L.T. Little Theatre had a
spectacular Centennial play,
written and directed by our
Jack MacLaren which stirred..
up the history of the district no
Irt-May wehad4he Canadian
Opera Conipany here and "-Don .
Pasquale" was really eri oyecl
by all. We also had a massed
' choir ,Festival;„ of MusiONhat
I happened to drive onto The
Square at this 'time - it was 6 is happening intl this area
not a car in sight and today?
only a dozen windf w shoppers Beta Sigma Phi Ball was a
with their, kids find dogs, wan- • great success that year with .a
_ great many, beautiful old old
doing ;around ,
In the eerie light, created by
gowns worn. fI'hereawere many
the lights we now have -around ,lovely church 'services - the
the Courthouse Square,.the soft ones in the ' Courthouse Park
x colors and shapes of the old especially remembered. The
‘buildin gs turned into to a Historical Society opened, the'
`Le trees and Archives Room that year - won -
fairyland w
' Since
"high with der, what they are up to now?
did not intend to .be July/ f s > . ho ire
ere for Christmas I-7rrust say Corne me - it'slater thatn'yo
Researcher .finds.
acQueen family
helicopter visi that week was.
Dru•rn ,Head ',seryice .in Cour-
thouse Parr cquld alsh be
repeated thi. •y.', lir,, eh, fellows?
A Strawber, c $od'ial Picnics at
Harbour Prk,IIl a Quilt Show
and a Va1iety. Show ° with
Catherine McKinnon and The •
Travellers were enjoyed~., The
Sports Clubs were 'spectacular -
even the Lawn Bowling ,Club
had special events,
The Canadian Warship
Destroyer "Nipigon" visited
our, harbour. Don't you remem-
ber the `boys' --dressed in old
time sailor suits that Ed Stiles
I think managed to round up?'
Real good sports. The
Bluewa-ter Shriners had a
`Gigantic Barbecue', at the har-
bour at that time too.
On Labour Day our District
• Trades and Labour Council
went into, full `swing with a
Church'Service`in the morning.
Parade in the afternoon' and a
dance at night. 'TERRIFIC.
• Benmiller, Carlow an
groups 'around the ' trict'had'
special events which helped the
Old/' :eel-!.' ias..„from,,.,
t o die "
think - was . quoted. Special
Near the' end of September
The" Maple Leaf 'Chapter of
I.O..D.E. held,a Centennial Ball
whichi was Beautiful. In Oc-
tober the Sorority had .a
Fashion .Show. at G,D.C.L that',
was just GREAT and Taylors
Corners Community .Club had.
a great .Old Style Bazaar, • I'd
like to see ,repeated this year -
D here. ...
T lr-a t year • also;' - the
'Businessmen's Association
mired.,a,"terrific' Christmas",
one of , he b t we
id recall' 'to*at ye r.. We/
have had ,some andiee since,
Doctor Emily. Lyle• of the
University. of Edinburg -1,
Scotland, ;Accounted; for five
generations of MacQueeni;
while she was ,fn 'G•oderrch two
weeks ago researching the- life
of the former editor. -of tl}7e
Signal, Thomas MaeQ.ueen,
Doctor Lyle was in
Goderich gathering information
about the Scottish' author and
poet , and was reading the
Signal -Star's collection—of old
newspapers when the Signal
staff- directed 'the historian to
Mrs. Emily Cory who is a
descendant of MacQueen.
In conversation with °-Mrs.
Cory, Doctor Lyle. discovered
that the, Victoria. Public
School teacher is the great,
great granddaughter of
MacQueen' and that her son,
hn Kane, is the fifth
aeration of the family living
in Ggderich.
which -
good. •
Many .were disappointed
t e a ,n the float -
• but I ope. you told he children '
it was -Mrs. Santa because
Santa was busy,at the Park
Theatre - waiting for them.
The -girl on.th"e float realized
a lifetime"amt ition til be 'Mrs.
Santa and •was ve-ry"very happy
for it. Now -.what are you going"
_ta .do for . THIS .year?
Start right away - NOW - and
decide what you would' like to
do if'you want ideas call me.. --
I'm loaded! .
• P.S. Trie Highland Dancing
Assoc'n' have their Ball' at Salt -
ford Jan., 25. 'Proceeds go for
thei/.com(pe. ns. Yo "'1' .`also
see some Hi and Flir an
I understand was very
that,.�far once, I *as •in,the; ri ht . parades.
g = dandies - and a "c but ..1..-..missed•,•our' fast sane, . other -that night.
place at the right time for this ••
rare happening-O;=yea we --off
ten have beautiful` frosty snow -
big flakes sifting down - but
somehow this was different - it
"hurried slowfy" - creatitg .a
sight we are priviledged to see
only a fewtimes in our lifetime.
I"m' glad I' was here! AND if-
The Square hadn't been pret-
tied„vp it. might `not have been
so spectacular.
•! We: are , fortunate to haue---
' such a feature' as THE.
SQUARE and . -I think we
should take advantage ,of .this
by making''''it"'a' pl"ace••one just
HA'S to visit:'
The merchant's" acre in a great
spot now to feature outstanding
merchandise at fair -prices. Fine,,
- Boutiques and 'small . shops
dressed ip� ,ilte, those in Disney:
World or Europe 'are
sure to
attract••: people. • -
Itt seer's to meit is more
profitable to sell a lot at a fair
price than wait .for a ,sucker for
the high price.
Anyway with Plazas going up
all over the placep if you can
believe what you hex b. it
remains' to be seen- what will
hapten to our Square. I can
only hope they can seewhat is
right under their noses.before it
is too late.
With the-- -clubs and
.organizations just starting their
„ 'winter n etingsa �I: ha.vena't,
much tb tell you on things to
come or happenings to he, I'd •
r[ a to as:; the secretaries of.the...
many,• gioups to `let me know
some of their 'pians for this our
Centennial Year, the 12.5' yeah;
s i h.,r,e.- Goderich • became -,,.. a„
" ,Under the name "Pente"n"nial
Plus 'Celebrations you can
dream up all, kinds of things to
do. This trim—alsrs`•lle another
• time for the. - gals to check on ro
the 'fashions* of- that year .and"
I:make yourself some cute long
This reminds .me othat the.
Sorority. :Girls- = _,eta .Theta
Chapter - plana fashiotr's'how •-
date not yet announced'- but,
,wouldn't it.be fun if they had a
• contest, or a spot. at least -
where the old fashioned gown
you ,made .,could `be modelled
for all to see? \•a
Remember all the pretty ones
worn during -Centennial year
1967? That year the •-Maple
• Leaf, Chapter '"of the I ;O.D.E.
, presented a fabulous fashion
show Portraits of 'the Past -
' - th'at, `i am sure, we would all
- The son of 'Thomas'',
MacQueen, j-lugh, was born in
Goderich • and began raising a
family' •here,-, • H•ugh ''Mac,�Queen
and his familyi>f six daughters
dater; moved , to Saginaw,
Michigan, in the days'- 'hen
there was regular boat service
between here and�ithe. Arnerican
One of -the .daughters, Mabel,
(MacQueen) Polson had two
children . in . Saginaw, Robert''.
and Emily. Emily (Poison)
Cor'••"mar"tied and •i�n •1946' the
and her husband, .Jack, retur-
ned to Goderich. Mrs,.' Cory,
resides here now as does her
son John Kane, the ' editor's
great, great, great ,grandso;n.
. Mrsf Cory's mother returned
totQoderich as well and passed
aw,ay.,here in -195.1. ° '
• Emily Cory has taught Vic-
toria School fpr the' past. 27
years and • Ter son. and,
daught,e•r'-in-JawJohn and'
Verna -Kane are'also teacl~iers
in the -Huron 'County system -
•Jnhn is • the principal ° of
Colborne .School..
,John and Verna own.- a -sec
tion Of the original MacQueen
farm 'on Blacks Point and hope -
to live there. in the future,
+ M.
HAPPY NEW YEAR Marilyn Penfold, Budget Coun-•
The Women'- Day Out Comsellor 'at the• Children's, Aid
mittee has prepared an exciting
..�_Soc'iety, has matte an in-depth,
program for the New Year. study of ways and means of
By the time; you read this
column we will ~have created
gilt~, own -collages under the
.guidance of 'Mona Muihern, If
.you 'haven't made one.y�ourself
ask .to see someone else's.
Wednesday, .January 15
should be a most interesting
Morning, Mary Lynne Telford, toria.and East Streets. Babysit-
�on -a' return engagement will. ' ting is provided,,
have you 'participating in her After a great deal of con -
fun" thing,• country dancing.„ siltation and planning by.
Mrs. Dorothy kW;allace, a mrem-, , members of the Huron County
bet of the' Huron Board of• Health Unit, Goderich''
Education, will discuss arid an- Recreation Centre, st of the
saver questions on "Today's -- Goderich Psychiatric Hospital
Education". and myself, Isobel MacDonald"'
• J•anuary 22, Dr; Tony Miller, of the Information and Friend -
one of our favorite people, will - ship Centre, an exercise group
be back to discuss and.9answer. has been planned for' women
questions about the. 'interaction. and' men of the 'community.
"of .parents and •children;._ ne ,tom Worthington,
thing .I like abii'ut •Tony's ab
proach is "Parents 'are 'people". Recreation Director, • G.P.H ,
I fact, Tony,a parent,had. the' will conduct isomet. is exer-
b'ala�ncing. the family budget.
Wednesday, January '?9 she
will. discuss 'and answer,
questions on the problem.
So, Come One - Come All to .
Women's Day out every Wed-
nesday, 9:30 - 11 a.m. at the
Knox' Presbyterian Hall,. Vic-
In a c
flame set of problems as the , ('iOP' Vt. 's; t.1w breathing,. car
average parent ,has to deal with' .pet howling, .etc. at the Q, .'H:
at home with his own children, gyrii%every 'Monday afternoon,
"How, To Survive Inflation" ''2'x:3(3 p.m.'As an introduc-
problem'of_the year. Mrs.
is the
tory offer, the eltercises are free.
4 • i:.
Yo;u must- have a medical' con-
sent form signed .by your doc-
tor.: The fort's may be obtained
at the--C'qurt"" House. Some
forms t have , been delivered to'
the lxrta•I°t'I"ciCtors.
• If you need a ride, call Isobel
MacDonal'ii at 524-6146. See
you, Monday in the, gym.
R e .� rt
• January 2 the E. B. Barker
'arrived light from. Sarnia (or
,January 7 the E.B0,,Barber
arrived light frtim Milwaukee.
for salt.
Ontario Hydro's Nanticoke
Generating Station, located
near Port Dover on the north
shore of Lake Erie, will have a
:generating capacity mare thart-
double Canada's total share of
power resources at •Niagara
Fresh Produce
oderickltecreution 6 Community centre Board
'BALLET. (Registration Jan ;849119 5..- 4 p.m. McKay°'H;all) Children t5
to 10 yearsi MeKiii.1Raill Wednesdays 4 p.m. •
Fees: '$2.00 per lesson. $10.00 Reg. to cover first 5 lessons.
Duration .,,-"`Jan.�.8 to March 12 „
BALL ROOM DANCING egist ration January 15,,„7 p.m. Salt°ford
' Valley Hall) All ages. Wednesdays 7 p.m.
Fees:. $20,00 per °couple, .$15.00 per in-,
buration ♦ - January 15' - March 12. '
Waltz; Tango, ,Fox Trot, 'Charleston, Jive,
(Registratiari January :13•, 7 p.rm.: St. Mary's
chool) Monday s - 7 p, -m: St.: Mary's School,
Bennett; St.
Fees: Registration. $12:00
Duration, - January 1.3.x- March 10
W ieneh
(Registration January' 16 . - 7 p.m. St, MarrsWOMEN'.S.FITNESS School), . Thursdays' - 7 ,p.m. St. Mary's Schon!
• (Bennett St.)
. _ Fees:_Reigistration $12100-
�-_ . Duration:,. January 16 March 13' . ""`-'"'""•-
MEN'S : BASKETBALL (Registration` January 14, 7 p.m.,. St. Maty's
• Schaal) • Tuesdays - 7 .p.m. St. Mary's school
(Bennett St.)
Fees: Registration $12.00 ' ,
Duration: January 14 - March 11
(Registratiolr-Oir' 1975 - January'V'16, 6.30 p.m.
Rafilison School) Children .Ages 3-15- yrs. -Thur=
slays 6:30 p.r`h. Robeftson Sch of (Eldon St.)
Fees: Registration 10:00 - Classes " are in ..•
progress) . .
Continuing on Monday and Thursday evenings for
.,...~/ men, women and, children at Goderich Collegiate
Institute,- Further information can be obtained
-from. High -School... - ,
Continuing on Tuesday and Thursday evenings
for Men, Women and Children - 7 'p.m: - at
• Goderich Arena' -At ditOriUr.- Further information
can be .obtained 'by attending .a class.
—Program!rams can be continued into the. Spring, if Children's -
-- will ._ _ beginning �:__:_� :.. the aril of
February. ,
—Yoga Instructor required for" weekday evel'i"i"iiretiif'eses.
---.:Co-ordinator required for mens. basketball - basketball skills?.
—Clay sculpture and Pottery Classes will.' begin in mid March.
BOARD' -OFFICE" =� µ9c WATERLOO ST. S. 5 2 4-4137 3
Bathroom Tissue
T_11. 33 '1'29