HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 5GODERICH SIGNA ►TAR THU:BtI A .JAir1UA� Y 9t,.
Wewould ' like to 'apologize scored . by 'i'orn m • it Kincardine Winter
for not having, li►-regplal' column. unas's'ist a, t • ,°` Tournament 'began 'on Dece -
of.Let's Ta11t.Minor Hockey in ' In the first 'game Saturday leer 23 fo"r the Pee weed when •
the paper last week January 2 ° morning, Grgderiich Eleetric and they played Walkerton it their
icisue. This was due to the Mclritee Real Estate played to first contest. The Lions 'team
- irr'egu•lar° schedule in which the a 2,2 tie. DarrikMoore-playing ' put '.forth. a. good effort but
'.Signal., Star' was gubliahed and -• his best,°game of the season -again•' Itost tq Walkerton 41.
printed last week. We ;hope • opened. ,the sccra,ng in the first Robby Trebish figured in on
•most ,of # the °garner will- be period with two goals for McI'n- both ,goals by "scoring the first,
covered in this ..column, or tee Real Estate with assists assisted by Larry Madge, and
elsewhere in,, the paper. On going to Tom Vance alis„ -Brent j assisting on the second which
January 4; Saltfieet' Minor Fisher. Goderich Electrics camewas scored by Danny Maillet,
Hockey (suburbs of Hamilton). . back . with two. 'goals in the, Goalie Stepheh' Gallow• was an
were up to'pla "f`ouTof•ourA11 ..:"'second „period, both bejn'g. „asset for. the L'ons„in the ame,
Starteams theyscored b '' Greg . • M rshall with Lions elle now en ed in.
a were billet<ted y � a, The
at' the Goderich players homes" ' assigts''-�"going toAndrew . the consolation 'round in the
and staying until Sunday, Telford. Tom'Smirth of M.cIntee Kincardine Winter . Games
January 5. Good Luck to all in- Real Estate made end to end which matched them against
volved. rushes,hrough the whole team Durham for their sacond game
only -to hit 'the goal post on his on -Monday.°,.
" GRAHAM ELECTRIC shot and Mike Chisholm of "The hat trick `was earned by
NOVICE ALL,STARS- .:.Goderich Electric had• a ,Robby Trebish, Danny Maillet
The Electric..remained un.„breakaway only to have BrianT.and Larry Madge. Trebish. also
defeated in their W.O.A.A. Murray: come up with an- ex- -assisted on four and Maillet on
League ,play with a ' 5-1 win cellent save. There was no..4 three. Larry Kelly talliedone
over Seaforth last Saturday + scoring, in the third period assisted 'by Mark Rowe while
' es• and , Randy
night. Mike - Eastwood started -despite. excellent
was Graham were scoring -at the 9:28 tnlark of hockey.game• r successful ,with.
the first.... period - `with an `` highlighted- by the best goalten= e -scale -each plus two assists.
nassisted oar. 'John Thomp- ding displayed this season, with Brian. Shewfelt supported the
n then scored tw'o in a row, key saves_by Jirn Reynolds and team ,in net and. the Lions' for-
. six seconds apart 'that sent the Brian Murray. -wards anddefense
' Electrics ups 3-0. Dave Smith Canadian Legion, --Auxiliary to record the resqu
• 'assisted.. oh the first Thompson picked up two more 'points in victory. 1
goal. Then. Daryl Madge, only ., the second game .and .now are , _ A. smiling, and proud Chester
..minutes later, made the score in first place with 16 points as was carried from the, ice by his
4-0- with an unassisted goal. w they defeated'Glenmark Homes fellow team mates:to' wait in
Dave Smith 'scored from John --'4`-2: Le.giori hpe'hed•.the game anticipation -for -the consolation,
Thompson arid -Nick Trebish at - Oith two goals, one by° Greg 'championship.
the 4:30 " mark of the third Kirkconnell_ and the other by ChAiripionship Day .•-of the
period. Seaforth " broke the Paul Bolan with assists: going Kincardine Winter Games was
goose egg with just 20 seconds to Del Bedard and Brian Shor-Saturday December 28 when
Jleft in the game , treed. Glenmark Homes, tied the '"Goderich Lions Pee Wees .r.
Goal�tenders••Teri-- tear- arils``` ei t ee s tf1 ROtr""=faced Port Elgin.. The Port
• Paul .Brenner were very'strong '/Profit and Ken Anderson, Elgin 'club.'ttallied ..the _'first
•. in the Electrics nets. kent assisting `;on .the' second goal,...._ s,cor,e, then the Lions retaliated
Feign sand Mike'" Eastwood was Brad 'Sith. The winning w' h five goals, spread . over
n•ad-ian cgio em ."pe s..'�he` fine%. wo
as score o '""''�-period ;'as Alarecord e 53ey gamn the
d up ion StoLions' fanohe L'iowere""
d be t'goal�tender bac', to their old style of hockey
layed well
ding 12, - 2
another. Both Larry lelly.and'" Twc► goals and one -asai.tWillie Denoirirne were credited . were co~ntribute.d by •Robby
with an .'assist and •Brian Trebish while_Larry Madge ad,Shewfelt ,performedwell in net _ ded one goad and one assist and.
in ,the Lions'--first•=game. Dan.ny' Maillet put in the'other, In their .Saturday night • two goats. The allf important,
-game„, Stephen Gallow only assi ;ts were -handed ;gut byallowed one ' goal while one' Randy Graham twiceandgoal each was credited to Larry „'Hodges alnd 'Larry ,elly 'once
Gaynor, Larry Kell , and Larry P each.
Madge, who also gained one. `' Net in the Tourney, the
assist. Danny -Maillet notched ' ' Lions entered the second round
three goals and two assists and in which they encountered KC'in-
Robby Tre'bisli three goals and,•,,.cardin.e, . In, this game Robby
two assists,... Two.. assists were Trebish' notched three goals
passed out by. Randy' Graham and two. assist, Larry Madge
and one by JeffDenomy. added three goals and Danny
All in all it was a profitable Maillet added the other plus
and enjoyable day for the •1 ions two assists, Randy Graham was
Team as they played well and' credited with two assists 'and
the fellowship of the' •Mike Hodges, Larry Kelly, and
spunky Lions whewn they", faced
One goa.1 . a•nd two assists;each were contributed by Larry
Kelly, Robby Trebish and MH e
l-iod s while Larry Madge,and
Danny 1Vf•aillet earAed one•goal
,and, •one assist each. ,..Randy
G.rah.am earned "one goal ,and,,two ., were earned by° •Willie-
Denomme, while Ken Reid
g:ain,ed one assist ,and - Larry
Gaynor.• "'two assists. Brian.
Shewfelt did a 'splendid job in
het to help, earn a 8-3 win forrthe Lions.
Each player contributed his
best in 'all three games to earn
,the Championship' Trophy•for
the Goderich Pee' Wees.This gives t. e Lions' berth
d iprc}ud an ltraking forward � t+a"� ei�i�} '�+ai�lie ip'aut.the "coming= competition Robert Cumining
seot+edd.;.Ogai stllihern'.a" "r, L»SYAR tt'•�P'�E"YIVE� 8 AL S• I n . an exhibition game at
Blyth' on Decerber,12.3 `between
B'lyth.. "A" All-Atars and theGbderr•io;h '`-'l" pee Wee to mrt,••..cciached by Karl Butter ndl3.r::fan Rurnig,the G.oderichPrUb
edged out " a - .victory 3-,.2•Goderich went ahead,2=1 in the
.,first p'eriod or gptds by Wes
McLean - and
Drawing as
was•eopeneTerry Gross unassisted. At 8:15
fthe second..period. Blyth tied
the score 2=2 as defegseman
Don Reid scor'ed'on a hard' shot
Saltfleet Pee Wees i their Larry Gaynor one each• in a 7-3 into the .Legion District Gham'- from the blue' line. `Before the heron January 4, the Blyth
ike Wedlock.
sits on, both goals --
Young. Blythd-he scoring on a goal by
stated that ey~Vvere, :fortu.nato win/ii Robert., Cu>Emirxings,
kept ,therm l in the game in the,period. It= wasort for the' 8's"ancTe hos
to.•,aline up a couple- exhibition , games in'. -the . newyear.
I,n the second exhibi-tion,
game, played in.__,Monday,•alyth, .the Blryth 'BAR' Pee:Weea;.defeated the Goderich. club 5-1.N
. The, only goal for the Ooderich' Club' was by •Allan "IVI-CLeart.•
• PEE WEE ."8"..
In' an exhibition game' played ,
overnight billets. win for the Lions, .ptonship Day' ih SeaforthSunday was.the beginning of ' Super goaltending in both January 25.. „, •the Legion Zone, Tournament the Exeter and Kincardine ' Upcoming in the schedule,
in Lucknow' where the Lions games were credited to Stephen the Lions play. in Listowel on
period ended,, Allan Bakker
'was set up by Steve Sager for
--the winging 'goal:
Blyth Pee Wees were a lot
bigger and' faster than our Pee
Pee Wee All -Stars defeated the
Goderich Pge. Wee "B' Stars 6;3. Goderich opened the
scoring on Steve Sager's goalh. "Gallow. Thursday and on'Saturdayfrom John 'Alexander, but
put .up asr. excellent perfo.rmance..;•�,,, T -he Cliam•pionship game was Listowel returns to Goderich Wees•, but both goaltenders
,pint E'xeter.and again the Lio s,
is made some
(continued 'on page 7 '
to gain a 5-2 win. the third of. -the day for the - ' for•. -a...1115 • game. Chester excellent saves and .
.. had •excellent scori�}g chances goal, dt' 'the it irroved • Seaforth Auxili d 8 58 f were scored, y Port Eli t
oaltenc'er/ �-o bed them of the . ,se
goals. / Hough
The boys' -w have settled ,. dart's
down/ and ai playing,very' con- ' Pat Bissett, on the stick" side. - with all three lines making: fine
sistent hockey. With this kind The only goal in - the" final passing plays. ,, • •_-
.- _. .e ,. ___ _of. ffort in the future, the"Elec- period was by Ron Stoddart ' Four' "credits each were . ear-
trics.will make a good account "• assisted by defenseman Greg ,ned. ,,by Larry. Madge and --•- ;
of themselves. Kirkconnell:" -, , Danny . Maillet ' with Madge.
scoring' two. and assisting op'
NOVICE HOUSE' LEAGUE „. GDERICH LION two and ' Maillet scoring one -
Fast` i.m
mproving Gordon Har-': _- PEE WEES and assisting three. The other
per: notched two -goals on Thur- ' The Goderich Lions received two goals were well • earned by.
sday, December 19•, leading the their first trouncing o -'n Decem= Laai'ry Gaynor ..arid Robby
Leon Auxiliary to a 2-1" win ber 21, Minor Hockey night Trebish as' were.' the other
over -Gardiners Dairy: Doug when Walkerton beat them 9-3. assisting' credits, one by Mika- -
•Stephensen assisted on bath, Someone reported seeing a tear"' Hodges and two 'by Larry
goals. Michael suer tallied the in .mascot' Chester's eve as this " Boyce: -:Sharing the duties, in
lone Dairy g which gave was' the first Lion game' he had , the goal were :Steplidn Gallow'
� goal
them a short lived' 1 `0• -•lead. attended and the boys. were and Brian Shewfelt.'
Doug Lounsbury,,.' Steve Shatz* over trying,. making many All of the Boys along with
-and Mike Brenner came close costly mistakes and were„ ex- coach, . Don Elliott -and
to scoring' for Gardiners as did. treniely unlucky around the''op- manager, Richard Eisler were
Gary Stephenson •and Ml'ke posing net. proud to '"receive the , con-
' Mcisaac" for the Legion.: The successful markers .for solation trophy and crests". as
On Friday, Trevor Erb Goderich were. Robby Trebish, all had contributed their part
w , scored two goals --for Mr--. Stereos, - Dan sly Mo i l l e t and Mike .to record the win. Chester, the '
leading them to a 3-0 .win over
Gardiners Dairy. Day.i:d. Jewell
;scored the third goal with Erb
�-- essisting. Dave also assisted on
the; first Erb goal. John Dobie
?recorded the 4utout. The game ,pink the' 'outstanding -player' hockey --win or lose. ^ a-
. 'from t rfrthe opposing team. O
again, wal fast and a Walkerton coach chose Mike GODERICH LION
hard hitting: (n
. Hodges and Goderich • coach, • PEE WEES
- " ATOM HOUSE LEAGUE ' Don Elliott selected No. '6 from The Goderich Lions Pee
Walkerton, Paul Berberich. Wees were extremely busy over
In the first game, Tuesday, Both stars were presented with the weekend when they pl°ayedh•
Canadian Legion Auxiliary, a" . hockey stick" donated by five games.
held on to defeat.McT'ntee Real Wayne Sports:-
, Saltfleet' Pee Wees provided
Estate,4-3. The only goal in the . The. Draw Winners were the Lions with two good, games
first ,period- was set .up pulled from the druni, and the on ,Saturday. The Lions put
beautifully.by Tommy Smith as ' two lucky winners of the forth a great team effort and
,the rebound .was slapped in by recliningchairs were 'Mrs. were victgJous. - in both --the
Darin Moore of McIntee. Greg ' Gladys arwick, Keays Street first 6-4 and -the second 8-1.
•Lapaine of 'McIntee Real ----and Mr. Jim Robertson, Picton Danny Maillet scored two
Estate. had. a breakaway but Street.: The Goderich Lioos and goals while single' were scored;:
failed to score•�;••on Legions .• team management wish to "ex- by Jeff "Ilenomy, Larry Madge,
goa'l'tender, " Paul" McCartney, press their_tfanks to ,all who Mike , Hodges ;and _ Robby
later in the first period. supported.: the teeth:draw., • Trebish, ,vrho -also a55isted on
, The , tieing goal by Alan.
Hoifgh,oif the Legion Auxiliary"
caught the top left hand corner
of the. net beating goaltender:'
Steve....H,u.n.ter. Before the
second period was .over, the
Legion, team picked up two
more goals, one' by. Brian Shor-
,'1,M,c1.41,FrOSistotel and the.other
byDel Bedard,assist d'!'. SSS'
ed by R!on
.Starting the -third period; -
s', .q,.�McI-nti__eercame . back With "two
guick goals, while playing shor- ,
thanded, to tie,the 'game. Both,
- goals were due to tht#excellent•
play of Greg.tapaine and Brent
Eisheit When at 9:15, Brian
�,... Shortreed scored " his second
goal of the game wfiic}1 proved
' to be the' winning gdal for tie
Legion Auxiliary,,T,„set,.,..up,.. by..
defenseman Del Bedard
Goderich Electric- edged ,
Glerimnark Hom'2-0 in the
second” game. -The difference"
was the', goaltending by Jim
Reynolds .as he got his first•
shutout of the season.^Goderich
Electric sc:ore-d- 2- goals. -,in -the,,,
final period. The was no
scoring in• the" first or'sec8nd
period, as both teams played
good "defensive hcsckey. Pat' --
Bissett, goaitender for. Glen•
----rnark" Homes, made three ex•
cgllent saves, one of theta on a
breakaways At '2:55 of the third
Period, Goderich, Electric's
defenseman Greg 'Marshall
opened the' scoring for his team
as Mike 'Chisholm 'fed' h'tm a
perfect pass. The final goal was
• WCw.Hanana
Hodges. Trebish and Hodges mascot is grinning from ear to -
also.' assisted on one as did ear and proud to be Wearing
For the. Festive Season
Larry Madge.. "" the new crest o>a „his --chest too 4, #r: •P
Both coaches at the begin- and hopes the'spyitedd,Libn•s iij •,,••
ping of the game were asked'to keep right . on playing fine „ • O.
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