HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 4pFR.T H. Sf;O'N4S't'M , THURSDAY, ,,JANUARY 9, 1975
Christrnas guest~ W'!14,MMa;ur ,• Mrs, retia-'I`ay'lor" s'perit the
Yuunghlut . ` ' Were, .1,y -An „„holista> t•ith her daughter,.
Youngblut of Tortmt11, Mr. and M ys. Ronald Rathwel1,' •M•r. •
Mrs. ' Allan Rush, Kitchener,- .Rathwell, Michael and Janice
Mr. and Mrs' Richard at Parkhill• + „
Bellefeuille and Trent of • „","Mrs,'; Beth• Lansing -visited -,for,'••••
Wat''erloo, Mr• and, Mffs,.Donald a few' days last week' with Mr,
Smith, Heather. and 'phut • of ,and Mr's Loran Peter: at Ber- '
• Monkt;on., Mr. and Mrs, Lyle vie.. .
Youngblut, Mr.
Kendra, and,. Mr, •arta Mrs;. Clare RodgerShiv>ori o.l' Blyth, Mr. and Mrs,
Ross . 1(oungbiu.t, Kevin. and - apd Kathy 'of Goderich'vi4 ed•
''` Stephen Patterson of RR 1. -last T tursda7- - \ t`th his parent:S.,
Auburn, ! Mr, ,and Mrs.'',E.rnerson Rodger
Guests with Mr. and Mrs, ..and brother Gary, Rodg.er•,
:Emerson Rodger and Gary on Mr, and;Mrs: Thomas Ja'rdin
Christmas Day were Mr. arid of .W ingham moved ' last week
Mtfi,. William Rodger, Warren, to their apartment on Goderich '
%.. Dav,11,,Vicki,'Neil and Sheila or Street. We welcome them hack-..
RR -1 Auburn; Mr.: and Mrs. -"lo the Auburn yotrrn)unity.
William ,Helesic, Patti and .-
.Christmas' dad• guests with
Pawl cif Goderich and 1VIr. a,td Mt. and`-Mr`s. •James.Tawe were
Mrs., Keith Rodger; Robbie, Mt.
and' Mrs. 'James' Towe,
Scott,' Lisa anfl Shawn, •of�RR'• Auburn, Glen and Gillian of London
2 an'd•''1VIr. and. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Graham Plant..
'.'Glare Rodger' and • K'athy. of • :_of London visited last Sunday
with his grandparents, M.°r.„aiid
Mrs,. James To•
Mr. and Mrs.we, Gertiry ,Klass `
moved last week to their new
home at Rlvth.�_. Y
'Harold Wallace of 'Toronto - The ,nual nceru`lwati helcl`Tirt KimMed hy. cDowell,McI�o ellclrt J'am errt�e� f
the i'nd'u~;t
rr..w home on Christmas cc t ,
' 1 School • rc(urtt of sang._ uclo,llth and , a play, tion Associatiini. Make��Swe
and ,friend of. Clinton. ' Miss
Carol, Rueger remaiped 'until
.Sunday* with her sister and
A recitation, ,Foolish Advice
w.as given by Julie -Daer and.'
Rodger Cupningham. Miss
Nancy Anderson' sang the solQ,
And Jesus was Born was a
play' done- by Mrs.' Rciss An-
drews' Primary class.
• Sant; arrrived and gave out
. gifts, and candy. „' ,
The Siiirit of Christmas was
• done by the Primary class in
charge of • Mrs; James •
Schneider. The kindergarte,n„
.�e {hr ugrh.,,,Xpur windshield and,
CERT.' cy'fass sang. 'the Manger •ettig " back windows ., �'c�'u., may be"
moved it( •hi's • your windshield Wiper is
c -h. he recently the Sunday c
1 Walter K United Church with the Aubtirnvill•e Christmas Con-
t nclent Ronald
John Stree
(1 from the a ter nox Allan) cert, was clone by Lorraine clearing your Windshield
`,�, Superintendent
agner,Estate. properly if not, replace
1"r- and Reading the netti;s,rvat; a pia}' . ar window:s, ip the wi
McDougall returned' on Sunday ay After '
Schneider gave the welcome done by •Mrs. Ross rtdrews '' ter, tine 'inclined t.
to their hnmc rn Sudbury Zell,.�. � w•as c•la;;s• A violin solo was ,played thus cutting duwa><.�:satir view
I�"!Irs,, Allan in the chair`., �Chantne 'r class,
A R(ar,c
�, d a few remarka� Angela Rc a► t, •,
lined to frostover,
x Little uck. t �M t, of
a twill week vacation with his d neahy�thelKindergarten clatiti` 'by Oliver Andersctri and Angela traffic behind you. 'A good idea
parent,. Mr, and,Mrs. Kenneth
in the charge of Mr horn's Srh►tgtder sang a solo,`Aw lty in is to install 'a rear• win ow
Mr and Mrs. Donald Cart-.
Wright, , David Derrick and •
Lurie, ' were •Mr. W.ill.ia'm,'
Rueger-and Carol of RR 2 Clin-
ton, ...Mr, ' and Mrs. Dennis
Rueger, Sherry and Julie and
• Mr.. and `Mrs. George, Ruegerc
, Dartn.,�, Tei ry and Wendy, a'l:l. of ..
Landon, Mrs. Jessie McKeever,
N.t,��� Year's I�av'�visi'tors with-`
a . manger.
-"Mr--and lV'rs, Alfred ;Rollin- . .menlbe..r4 of the Au.blarn
• .n,••Goderich Street, Auburn, Women's , Institute and J'S''''""r
celebrated their 6,0th wedding member ,of U•C.VN.• .of Knox_
anniversary ' on Monday", • United •Church: - --
t)ec ember 30 by holding Open . • . Receiving: the, . guests ,were
FE use at their home both . in- Murray Rollinsnr< . and his
sister, Isabel, Mrs, .Alfred••'
• 'the'•erno'on arid. evening. �' p
- Mr, and Mrs: Rollinson, nee Weston of Toronto: ;fire•" tearr
•L;awlor, were married at table was centred with a three;
Ptome of the bride's' parents; tiered wedding cake topped -
:;r ante Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas `with white bells' and a diamond
1 : •,.
I( the late Rev. crested '6,0th with •a
illi /Conway• 'They -have tri' A4lace'cc 'covered table held
,vec iq t etivillage eve/since. th `fts"-and/ ands receive
this i5 0o aslon,.
1•-. '.l�olLinson carne to ,� � h /,��
'Cahada; from England in.1906 • • Tea* was poured 1%y `'M!r .
at the "age of 16 .years and
• took •Alfred Fry, Goderich; Mrs
jh harness making .as.' ap_ William �Strau;han, Mrs
• Kiri'=Mice: .in`7g 6 -he enlisted Geer-ge-M.illian and Mrs Bert
'seta, went'overseas with the Old •�M.Iarsh• " Mrs., Frances Clark,,
Huron Battalion x.161,- In 1919 ' •Mrs. Donald, -Haines and Mrs.'
he returned and took up har- William- Robertson were in
'nes' making which„he had lean- charge of the sandwiches and
ned under the' instruction of coAkies .and were,, assisted "by
Herb Knox•- neighbours and friends in ser,
11 . 1928 he •was: appointed ving fhe guests..
postmaster and held this post Over'100.,guesta, were present
These' 'Etre a tiard- to find..
fireplace, but we have an ex-
cellent stock- availablO NOW.
Drop in and inquire about a
Franklin -to-day!
Busihess Hours / /.
'M6t{: - Thurs• 8 a.m. -/5:30 -
rftlay 8 a.m. 5 p,m v
//it• 8 a.m, - f2 ,n yo�ri`�'
for' 30. years: from Toxon o, ,
• . couple. have,: one son,.
Iu'rray at home snd one
daughter, Mrs., A,G: (Isabel)
•Wei3ton4o, ;Toronto.
11''frs,. "Rollinson has: one
.; sister, w Mrs. • Julia Medd." of
Goderich..-Out of a • family of
eight they, are the' only.; sur-
viv.ors. Mr. Rollinson •was. one
4' of four in his family: `
Ile; and, Mrs: Rollinson 'are'
now members of,•Knox",,United'•
-Church. They were fin er
` Pi esbyterians where' ' he, was
church •treasurer'for•2l yedi.s,
mernh r of Church'Sessiorl arid
• a. Sunday school superinten-
. dent. .
Mrs. Rollinson is a charter
Auburn . -.
Clinton, Lucknow, Aylmer,
Springfield, and Wi•ngham.
Neighbours and. friends
presented them with' a chair•
Among the guests were Mrs.
bed b the`
Just 'off the• press, in time for Christmas Wasthe:•new history•of Auburn,, publi
s y
Auburn Women's • Institute. Looking at some of ' the, first -,,,copies are the ,° mem,bers
theccommittee in charge of compili•ng;and publishing: fhe history (left to right). -Celia Taylor,
11 Tweedsmut'r,H,i;Story; Bernice Anderson;,Mar,ian Haggitt, president; Fran=
curator of the yr age
w oe GlarIZ' Elva Stragg Jan r -t Y-
AdunOlut ar�d Eleatadr Bra'dnc{
,ck.• The -books is avatkabie;-from
.Julie' --Medd' nt" Goderich .siste
anyt'mernber'p4 the; committee., frog Robinsons or Slaaters store in Auburn or:f'r".omBlyth Pri,n-
ling in Blyth; printers of the book. '(Blyth` Standard. photo)
•of the''bride• of- 60 *Years:
Funeral ser'v;ices were held•at
Arththt-r--F1.unerai Horne on
Free:amber 31 for David Gwyn
'Who paKse'd awa�Y i_n Westmin- •
,'ter Rr pital, Londe ni me'te'r. a
siifsness for three years.
3t�rn on IVMay'l, 1897- in Pon-
,crox,il, Wales he came.,, -to
c'Krayl'.a while young and-atten"
'°` ded U.'S•.S•' No: 3 Colborne:. He
wa a member of 1•Ist Bat-
tali,ri"in the First World War.,
r ?;llowing
his marriage to the
former ,Jessie„ McCullough in
1910 he lived iii East
Wriwanosh fo"d many years,
�1l'e is surv'iveel by his wife;
•ohs ._.•elavghtar,-, .Mia, .DaugJas, �,
+,.(H Lena) Y iMng,. .RR •.
(=odericht:: and„,„ -Sons, Carmen,
Blyth; Ross, Bayfield; Fergus;'
• i4iiekn•oW; Walter and Arnold
of 'f illsonbur•g; and eight gran-
Rev. G.L, Royal conducted:
Alio service with burial in Uni(7n
;ernetery, Blyth. --Th.e
pallbearers were Carl Govier,
, Reg 51jultz, .Carmen�Shultz,
Buchanan, Aubrey
• Toll iln.d Clare Vinci;nt.
F lowerbet' rers were tWo grand-
_ sons, Gerrard G.wyrl. and Jim
Voting. • ,
� . , • . ,• • - �.,. HE�►LTH •And�BEAU�Y •.A�IpS
• •. • •
+/+ - CR M I G I E' S
a ". , Fitai1.
-Irl es a11�11a1�t�V�lr 'kill sottfrditi, Januar, 5 8 TN
titifiot,THE toulilt, TO /LIMIT OUANTI'f1.ES •
tU.A'RE,.i GO e i H •7 DAYS 1 :WEEK.
,4 G
Cash- You
Rec,e'..'e 12 Mo, 18 Mo, 24 Mo, 36 Mo. 43 M. 6C M
1C;0 8.87, I €109 - , ---
2(.0 17, 75 12 18• 9.40 -
$ •_
c 300 75,64 18:28 14,10 ' 9.95 i 8R -
4cc 35.522 ,24,37 !$.8(. , 13+26 1'? x.1.1 8.88
500 44,40 30.47 23.51, 16.51 13,15 11.1'•,
5 600 53,28-' 35 57.. 28 21. 19,90 15.78 13.32
800 72 05' • 48.75 37,62 , 2�.42 66 32 ra 23 2`i . 21 04 17.'77 •
)00 79.95 54.86 , 42.34 29 274. .68. 20.0C
1,1":009-' ' 88.81 60.95 47.04 33.18 •',:9.30 22,22
'.1,500 133.24 ; 91.45 70 58 49,79 :9,45 23,12
?2,000 17'010, .1219.3 • 94.10 66 Si 52 r44,4E
• •'(,'• r'-"'",2;5,10 222.06 152;42 ; 117.64 , • 83,"-0 'JJ. '8' F5.06
3,000 1116,50 187490 ; 141.1a -99.60 78.96 66:6'4
4:3,500 310:90' 213.37 i 164 70 ' 116.19 92.11 77.78
4.000 ; 355.35 243.89 ! 1$8,25„132.80 '.105.30 ' 88.99
4,S0Q 3C 9.75 ' 774,35 211.77. 14f 9 TT �S, F5 10`0.02
5;000 •444.20 i '304.87 X35.32 166.00 1 131.60 ; 111.10
1,It00,00 i:1 ''twelve
'ri'ionthly ins atlltt(i1tt; of .$8ti.Sl would
•,ti if ll,l percent 1 t '7�111 .)ur "1�t
life protection insur.'nce (for 'in.
curable ?mothers) tit no extra cost.so
Business Flours
Mon.-Thurs.,. 9:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Friday 9:30 'a.m.-6130 p.m.
39 ST. r` DAM. ST
Mt PHONE, 524v 93_l.
In I -it's
e yo