HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 2• • " +'.,17 G ERIQH SIGNALST1 R;' THURSDA•Y, JANUARY 9. , .veni a.s' forer ',IT!ayo'r 'Harry. WQm r`selI performed his last officia uty in:, to i i council;' he. provided , 'et another •example of his congenia • self: For the first time, the retiring mayor •attended•the inaugural ceremonies and placed 't„a,e chain of. office ardUnd the neck �f the incoming: mayor. it gave a• tp 4�i.. • touch of class to' the -usually sterile procedure ,and added that continuity that was lacking. in previous - inaugurals: • ,, in"his first remarks to, the. people of Goderich as the mayiirh, of the municipality, Deb'Shewfelt showed the . , stuff of. which 'he is made. He stressed ', the need to co-operate -and `com- municate and , plan ,: three vital elements for ,a .modern, on -the -move town in these turbulent times. He talked about area boards and the need to `sit : down and talk with neighbors about common interests. . By hist own admission, the ma •or's first priority is roads...but it' iscer- tain_ly not his only riorrt While, " naming th se ane' matters like streets and sewers and . improved facilities,. he •offered a spark of • d • start visionary leadership by pointing out. the absolute necessity of -Starching all possible avenues' for the provision of -extra' funding: Grants,; according to Mayor Shewfelt, are ':avail 'bre , and ..Goderich rmust begin to makedn-depth :studies to be'certain this town -gets its "share of. the provinci.al and federal • r^gogd_ies, Moreover, Mayor ' Shew•felt suggested that improved corn• munication and co-operation.•with the - Huron County -Board of Edljcation and the Huron -Perth Separate ,Sch'QQI Board" could net some valuable recreational facilitie's for the people of Goderich: The ' 'mayor said that • with some "organization and plan- nin,g"many additional leisure 'hour needs could be met in'the" community , without much cost .to the local With former .mayor. Harry. Worrell setting the- example of concern-. for' people, and with Mayor '• Shewfelt's,• ,, ,natural talents 'for •prog•ress•t•ve- thinking, Goderich Town ,Council far °....� 1975-76 is off to a.fly..i,ng start-I--Q4S like it could be'a-productive tet',;m of office. • payers. ., viae,?Y•n. omIIkflt on settlement Two of ' Huron County's Lost out- spoken Y•ed' orial writ rs : had: some comments' ' .recent 'but i° • Servants , ssoci� ort 'Wage getilJement,, .with the- Gover,nment of Ontario. • '4n a n- ed-ftorra.l en_tit Incl Hucksters,- :Barry' Wenger . of The Wingham. Advance -Times had this to • 'say: "'The negotiations ( if you could call' . :them by such' a dignified name) bet- .: ween the Ontario` Government and the'•.Civil Servants Assoc-iation sound.— like the haggling in a North African' stre'et bazaar. What' should have' been •an i`ntelii9,ent.series, of.discussions has_ descended to the level of the old-time horse trader. CSAO o erree.;cQr d thl iit,xiv. n Y } 5.,percent increase in , ... e'• year -obviously. never ex•Pecting anything, dose . to that figure. Ip`" decent' weeks the demand has -been dropped 'to 41 percent and ';aga•i,n to' • something-between.23 and 30 percent. "Government --,countered the: 61.5`' percent demandwith an offer of about 15percent and as the squabble went on, • raised -the ante to 20 percent. "While all this was taking place weeks„ dragged by •,,ana' dozens of government people had to spend valuable time making "contingency plans to •cover a possible 'strike:by' CSAO workers. "' - , "' If after careful• consideration, both' government and Union -had named the final figure to which they would adhere the,. dispute might"have been settled 'Weeks ago. Far too high a proportion of our public security -and prosperity are, at stake for 'negotiators to behave like Keith Rolston of The Blyth Standard, inrr'ote an editorial which.he called "An uncoin f ortable settlement'"•• • "There are severa'1 ,.urrfor'tunat'e circumstancesijrr so' l'dt the 'set- trement.'' The roost 'im,porta nth 'of course,' is. that the 21.5 percentf-ig,yre will flow becOrne a landmark for 511 other workers in the province td shoot •for. if they do,..we're in -for a •hell of.a ,year VneXt year.'- • _ .. the cost of Iabo'ur increases • by 21.5 percept, •ram me not expect' the 'emplpyer 'who pays these safari•es to demand at.. feast the sante' amount for, his product. • • The cost of !Tying in The past year increased only 12 percent.' it, would ,al? pear that -this settlement could spell an increas • in the costIivineaof more Li , ,e 20 percent t ney r. � cent stand this becatisethey can always ---ask fo eGerrmoree next year:- But the pensioner, the -unemployed and, . the single -parent family can't take it. "And the traditional .villain , in the- piece,' he-piece,, the employer, may also start to have second , thoughts. Costs a -r --e shooting -h•igh�-_T-.h-eYmarkets are cooI_ing off. `Many ermployers will follow' the exarr►ple of the auto makers' or com paries, like ' Electrphome' and 'begin laying off workers. -We just may be up to,QUX a 1; in unemployment at , time 4110 �r s have eerie keel,• `h'? h: A 20 percent .pay increase doesrt't do • you''much :good if you•',re laid off seeraI . • monttrs ..later. "Not that the government employees • need ." worry. -`.They're virtual1•`� guaranteed . of permanent" em-, ptoment- It ispolitically unthinkable, to - I -ay off ''governmen,t employees cti (especially with an election Tin 'the wings) . Artahat a time of .recession or ,depression, governments 'usually tend to hire more erriiployees, not Cutthe• government paytorle) "SO the;,gdvernment`employees have established - a dangerous 'precedent without any risk to t'hemse'lves. Nice work if you can get it." • ,SIZA7 ".24S4/24 • .,MM,uq.,...N.orge..,wooK.•• • Serenity in .winter . " Bend • an ear, youngsters, male and female: Study' hard,to.' become a medical doctor' or lawyer. , TW rri e.t .jjc a l a n fl,, - -ti-rufessions . •. continue to ('/ "Tlie/pe6 entage earning over dominate • the - income level .$5,001) a year`1iAsrisen from per cent in 1965 to 69 per cent porportion of all families and unattached ,individual:s. -receiving:—less 'than $3,000 'q Year" fell from' 25. per'' cent in- 651,ori /lper,cent in 1971. Congrats: scale. 111' 1971, according to the 1974... C"anadian Consumer ' d $39,,55,5-'' diyiduals earned over'$10;000, in 1971. In °1971, 36 per cent Of. Credit Factbook, a doctor's an - all families and unatta,Ched in- nual income average and a. law 'er'sw annual income- , .,•. stood at $27,862. Not only"do these professionals• have--1-the,----- highest starting salaries, -but -they , also shrew ',the highest gains. . , The Facthook, which► 'is'' . ,. pi blished by!. 'th'e't Can Cnnsunier `''Loan ({:5yiic tatf Th • and =thle�1Fed•e`rat'iS,d C'iitl'rlc^il of Sales "Finance Companies; 'discloses these facts and more in 'a, chapter covering; income and : taxation. ' ".Between • 1965 and 1971," it 0 "• while in 1969 the -figure` was• 6 per cent arid in 1965, only 12- . per cent," the - book says.'• F , . _ ;The-- Factbook says that • growing , participation . ••rf 113arj pe l women in' the. •labour; ket,shahs an • iinportant ' impar 'ori. family •in.cOm-e-:", • 'In 1971, the average income of husband -wife families, was $10,846 when. both of them' 1 were wor.k'ing and only $8,687 when one only was working,". In • summary, ,ineomes are seen t'o' be rising o.n an average 'of about' ten per• cent r year the . profes0oiOs con- i uing to lead i d This ---fast • woi em. to . be' an,indicatio•n thatriches in'd'eed do come.: (those who willing to invest their bine in education. Saieanth • -' 75 YEARS AGQ- 'I'.li•e .,,, 'i rap o rt a n t e of thoroughly advertising' the goods th •,,: ave to sell is being rec'cgntZ, ''': by Merchants- and businessmen inore'•'Oery year. A few years 'ago it was, only"., necessary to. use the newspapers 00 great occasions, . but to, do .btisiil' s" Howe, to keep in the swim, to 'male money, require~ steady persistent, cat- ' chy ' advertisements.- An -i-nser-• • tion once' a month will no longer clo; -man enlist keep his' name before the people or he will be forgotten The memory is verve short and when the name is dropped from t he local paper the business too is soon forgotten. On. Tuesday afternoon a well known „clergyman and an egiaa'lly well known (court House official were passing down West Strreet in a cutter; ,and -when in 'front .of the Post Office something went wrc•mg, The C.H.O. .thought •an ear thcluake had' stik-r-k.,im and while the Clergyman was .port- • dering •over the rumbling, the cutter separated into a • thousand piec-.es and the: two 'gentlemen ''reached ...the snow. The horse,..�however, did not - •Erne, frightened .and stood perfectly still while hats, Coats and• -g'auntlet.s .were gathered' up,.. and the • C•O, 'moved towards' the Post Office vowing • hey w_ old test •.the strength of the Ii -ext _cutter he travelled .,west in, .1_60.YEARS AGO • Poking down the chimney° -'is• -„ ", .necessary in. order to•rnake,.the • "stack draw the dangerous and unpleasant 'remains of winter • fires but the task can be equally' as dangerous and unple akant a. ',the srticike"'f one,.bas- an •ac•" nt. The a cidentmost.'likely ccur w moue ••is, clearunlg// ,;the rooftop -exhaust occurr ;not ' . ' late. its a" well. known businessman and the poor un- fortutia.te -soul became ,iso , .engrossed in his cleaning dui es >• . -.that he took the risk df leaning far into the chimney without , realizing•h',s finger. He -slipped on the snow, coved roof and . pitcned•,4forwardAt'as to get his• .'.shoulder omit• -arm stuck in, the Airy, opening. His cries' (o.r`bLelp ;.went, 1,,u4heeded, f0 ev'elr,al moment•;'until his wife entered . the family.. rdom - where -.the We...can 'afford. to 'purchase. page of the Signal` -Star, but' 'fireplace• adjoins the chimney rd.. Urals an fairly ° powerful bel'icopfer- Doctors, Educators etc. And his lamentations. Two of the Weather and distance require'a hopefully we hear. ,.from. . our structure and• here she hes ° Ant in .ltess, stats the odds hopefully •cOncern.ed but • Man's nerhbtrs were forced t vh g , k ;i f th e"decal and legal Dear "Editor: ' against- us. : `' " ;,:�."'' •s'rnoking ~_port~ -coaches, ,,get upnon the roof andfree e says,, the m g g people , 'chilly' caiitia�e who swore he. ' ' '' d' sorrle , As a regular contributor (on '`I • appreciate ;your courtesy parents and your eo le will ° profession also ,enjoy, 'to. the Inter= • in ''reading this letter, and hope give the considerable evidence'w'oul'd leave the' unpleasant. of the largeatit income gains, •7A a modest scale) - g task to a..,pr.cafession.al•:fro.m."tha•t•.••.••..•.:•.• - per cent respec- national Fund for Animal you feel this project sufficiently• against smoking some serious'• per ce�it and 45_0 p ..... .div`"'lin. ;' .,'�._,,^ 'teaching. and ac Welfare 1•received°a letter from worthdvhile ,to`"',warrant your'.' thou.glit.,'f%>.r:their. own sake, no.L.........d.r.6r;.' Lively. The . ..,-- �' ,just,' fin. the non-smoker! The recexi;t snowfall -That . countin. rofes_sions, as weft as Brian D. Davis, Executive �'suppo•rt....I.f, you ado decte,--to ` 1•vice e'm lovees; also Director:, Please permit 'me to 'hel'p, ease• don't feel your con; E Tafeit. beautified the landscape ere i P received large gains in••income • , share cit .with those ' of your •tribytion ,necessarily need be around„c►ur fair town proved to' h period.” readers who h;�lye a similar.,-:, large; Times are hard, and in he 'a curse' for, 'one 'man. The during the p. concern And interest. The letter, The ' F_ �actliook continues to env, event, the contributions we point t reads d t� n that e t 1 p oughtg o_ •way• -He "paid no ' IFAW t A ro ect that Perha 5 I to add that the Tt Seems a little,stran a to sit ° heed to the ill ee', (for 1973) show that 14.2 per- with�the window wide open, the • sliding .on the steep hill at the up the fact. that the more • : d'vidual I am writing, to ask you 't�> rnany. . 'receive are normally small, but e uta De the job market, consider helping with a special ,The -letter -speaks for itself. has on • .ntering the higher his 'clary or real projec happy cries of youngster'~ earnings; are expected^ to 'te will help to 'save the ' lives of latest audited figures available here writing„ about Christmas g elderly gentleman was making Wei Yule •e • his way up from the harbor and was concentrating `on " his Editor, footing on the slippery road over his :working lifetime. • many animals, andw of course, -means, that ` every cents of your. contribution' , 'cent of the organization's . ' ceiling„fan on fullstop my shirt end of West Street and thus did • This not see the speeding sleighload the professions' requiring ad at work in. the field. • • budget was spent on .ad- : off and behold a view of drift Duren the seal hunt, ministration, -with 'the rest of ting p :instead ..of • snout. *of children hearing down ,on . sand ': mate Danced education wil'1 have � • g him. The ' tileigh struck the higher starting salaries than conditions "riff•' the . coasts ; of the i.rrlohey going :to ,prog•rat�n-) There fare other reminders of '' , though mfr om those • , earrying else'r,Newfoundland gth work that"'direr the`Dhristrras 'Stony, g mans feet and the, ' 'e1•�_ _ which help to make this scene a, under him landing' berm 'bn ,top 1 Labrador and services orthe !• qualifi.cations•.; Since are, terrible. •For days cin end av helps the animals which littleessunreal. of. the c ildren. The 'ride con - professional's' have invested • gale force• winds churn a mix- ned. This is - an admirable h ° • „T `With firmed with the unexpected d • f t r of •now, freezing rain • and"' reeard',�. together with the -, •There are the camel caravans• • • . _ •- education an w twithno m- .., , the , o ort inity for -early in: weather, e ,-.,, �'h c , • `', - ;� � market granted, 'the' carr no ed►c►�e of-the People: . hill • o` e Traditionally, New Year s Eve IS a there is in hunt, we. must •tie repared to energetic Mr. -Davis. ,-...d J 1 p Pp '� Y y come for later- gains, , r.gifts h'gh" c 'd t�time with over relaxed' fly ne hundred miles 8r more' Cdntribu"tibn5 can be ma.iled". wise 'men or precious of YEARS AGG deed wisdom in d f gold, xand myrrh, ma' r sour of per- out to sea over treacherous, as to: n erns io h blah'' •Goderich and area rnotoristS,deserve spat ole the balk for 'their clean traffic their elms, money ar► a orts.ln, u e s ” passpassenger d have foregone fog:- A'nd in this unstable thoroughTv dedicated work 'un ' which the end of h eel F and .ta'me'to •reit at recQrdbver the New Year holiday th r tel observe the seal ,der the leadership of the on Y f h i a ci en education.+•.•.........• one. frankincense- d taking t th' after a t h fast I t t nal Fund for go d of parties and toasts While the • nal • income are wages and t; _ ,,,._..., 'I he first lr•ihv of 1 )7t1 N�f3' • rivers a' Ing o e roads a The j , • moven »ice police 't�epOr O indicate I • . ' � ' ' over,the est twcvvears we have t transfers such as p roun so I' t doesriot indicate how salaries investments and "Despite repeated efforts ach the Nor= Animal -Welfare Inc. P.0 1011 Fredericton, 1E9." : Box but =•'alt dug under .,t a ing a c -=E3B "desert 'sun north of here. arrlved...,,at Alt-xangl►ci grid • However, Mary ' and Joseph Met, and erhaps • Marine General r,ital at' many drivers had minor infractions of governien ran. r A pensions and vr�elfare pavmen -•-Further literature on 'their he law on the last night of 1974,and the The Factbook shows that bet-.• we�gian hunt, and this has work may he obtained from the • n behalf " rose^ from $55.7 •country. On each.,; attempt, the - Of these t►I its who ee , respo t h_„accidents' wit an- , , L income t r5 so far faiie�l'to �re -, first clay., of 1975, it is- evident •by the vt�een 19d8' and 1973, total per stalled our campaign in that organization working o re ort t a no Y sono•• into •feel, n`- , • t separates, sue a from• .._ ane x • � i ' ' F o 1,:91.4-' f�tllion • for. a line -that .yep e � trtj5le-for ills hum 'f't•� t d es'tigated billion t � slgni I n at Tage'were env , total rise'" of 67:80 , This failure was di -awn by the pilot of all the other creatures with b - ' ' """'^ each &Ma•nce, asombination of, incerely, gain of 10.8% weather,°"'distance and 'bitter. Elsa Haydon. But this • large increase in' harassment from 'officials has *' inc�to has been too much for them,.• y "local pot icer ' of a rented helico ter, And • in represents an annual average, P whom' 'v'e--s'trare -thing Slanet•, WeIj done. Lets continue' this trend for safe driving. practices throughout the entire year;' " venlrl8b C,RCULAY,GN goDerith: SJGNAL-S1AR "Pie County Town Newspaper. of Huron .,...•..,F.,nunded 1p 1848 and published•every'Thnr,clay at Goderlc , Ontarlo. Meinber of the CWNA and OWNA*^•-4 Advertising rates on•request.. Subtscriptlons payable in a ante $10110 in'Cnnada,.$11-'bo In all count' tries other than Canada, single ,poples 25 cents. Second class mail Registration Number 0718. Apver- trsrrtg la accepfed on tai condition Tat, in the Avent of typographical errgr, the advertisln4;space bc- cupled by the erroneous Item, together•wittf reasdnable allowance fir signature, will,rtot be charged_for but the balance of the advertisement will bo paid for at the applicable rete. In ,the event of a typographical error�advertising Qooitb or services at a wrong price: goods or service may not be sold. Advettlstng le merely an offer tdibellolino may be withdrawn at any time Ther Slgnel Stir Ys.not respon- " sible for the loss or damage of (a%sollCli'ed manuscripts or photos, • Business and°. kditorfsl• Office • TELEPHONE 524-83'31 - , ado code sf9 • • Mailing Address: P:O. BOX 20.,�Gioderieh , Socdnd date mail r`egistrett fir' Number ie " N ti a Published by Signal -Star Published:, p.,d ROBERt•G. SW:MR•r-•president and pubiiaher -SHIRLEY J. KELLER---editor •..- q- �. JEFF seoroN-�editOrial statI ., 'EDWARD J,' 9Y iSKt_ dVertising:.,•fr►anage'r 'DAVE, R. WILLIAM advertising reptegent, tive „total,._per`sonal • 'resulted from an increase' in "-To really help the seals we to a casual observer in .tial s:;rnen'ot Goderich. population - an -inflation - as have just grit to reach that - ,, Palestine so -long ago. TY1e city T"live 'in -must itself 'Tthe Crede' b,l' stu(ients at, ' II as income gains. The Fact hunt; And tri reach' i't the lilke the towns and-- ''1)Cl have ,condu,,ted a'-- rnus.t have me , pias -'1:10 a.m. on January :?. A, }sahv ' even travelled, with, man uch caravans on,' their trip from hr►y weighing in at six politick.. ,••t•vir.o •olmc'eti.,_:a son for Mr•”" and ,:. " Napireth -to B te'h'efi r. a Mei;. E'><E;o'r"ge' l,ouc h' rf } lt,. 5 later 'down into Egypt.: ..... _.._,_....... ..-.._._..... ... .. _.... ._ .., Egypt,: r ... i _ • , , e i.., . ,-. �. - �' are, the peas�nl=s f'�trtierrc.h, received the thefts a�-nfl T,;die,rt � honors �►f-hein"g'tlte first horn in • leading 'their sure-footed little town -this year., David• Scott and. donkies over rocky, twisting his t%lrither are doing fine at"the • tracks on their .way from ^ somewhere to nowhere., SA the '. hospital and .are looking for - Hol Famil must have seemed, ward to making use of ,the fine Holy • y efts iven.the first horn bv' the Big joke book also explains that•- per decisiot't to go on must he, made Dear 'Editor, ac, be very research grogram on Goderich capita averi ge earnings con- fly IFAW people, not hyuncom- - .Just had to write and'tell you. • villages of Israel' at the.time of and Have rogramdon that the ''tinue' to he higher ire -the More mitted t.hird''parties- my.. -_husband and I got a' laugh Christ's. birth., The mud brick at - town's en ra bu has "chateci e a'rtgorous provinces of Ontario, This • summer I -learned to out of your rec:ipe�,for Festive "' "houseea along rr w, mind g g p na O S British Columbia •anti Alberta fly a.,helico ter and will "tie at F, no on a e,6A in Dec.12 • dusty streets. The dress of the stifling, non -progressiva at. upg g lig " n tetrad, .in its. citizens. The • than-- in'the'-.--legis prosperous' the controls of the machine we edition. Wondered whether inhabitants is also retniniscent •Canadian Forcesr..hase• inC;lin -" Prairies and Eastern provinces, use to reach the seal slaughter 'whoeve'r - printed it 'ha'd been „of the Hply Land nearly 2,000- Lame income differe.�:ces grin : in 1 ,fit d h i S' h °will be torr, the radio and TV station 197.. . >.., Into Inc eggnog, The one me years ago• � in Win ham and the nuclear time to oacu,r etween "We have consider, the op- reads: -Stir witha wires 'ipto There'• i no evergreen Wing ham ant non-* tions of leasing or purchasing a make eggnog nice and'smcjctth• tree for.us this -year, but there power station at Douglas .Pain{ metropolitali < q' ar et Ifo he needles to • hake all attracted federal 'and , metropoliNan areas, Flartl'ilie,5 5tiifahle helicopter and have ' , inc�ere�v; is no ..�:1 � , -•i' FI'he�e will be provincial interest•that has left D`d rte ����„ in an urban .areas had, o n crincluded that to purchase is Mrs. Elizabeth jVl. ea ma - _become fthat m tC�e•Goderichroiit in the cold accor- ol• r ' average, almost :37 per cent i the most. economical' route to . higher• incomes than families •,go. We expect to he working for living Vin. min=urban areas• the seals for a goo( many years . , „ ••, • "The average inrolne of all yet, and also believe that Other (t (�'%t wagon families - And unattaehM in- animals •slith as polar heats, twi ua . . will not develop t cent from $4,770. in .1965 to benefit I'roin our ex'j�ertise with Re: National Educat;io.n Christmas service. ' " will n future.... $R,fj4,5 in 1971. Relween 1969 these; machines. • Week "on. hooking, (Jan�,°•,11-17, ' or that matter, December . enco d' t th 199fi 2A is a working dacy heire, Niger ^ •Jcihti Levis, Clinton,' WAS. re - and 197.1 � the average m ic.. 1• 1 � ..,.•-•�'.' � • � t d a pointed• Monday evei�tng as im st c•cess `il ' Pend- uite jump on! As a newj item it just t ristnia4 ha,vinS been struck '' chairman of ole'Huron� County flirt i wt I del r q ] Ieontiwtued, nn� a e ,�) 'Board of .Educaititrn. , The FacthOgk sav>; that the heavily on the type of machine .barely seetrt•ed t'o rate the; last •-- p g ' lI' ri , L 'Beachvrlle. no •turkey, or, din to the students. 'the'study ° even a chickeln, but we mfg t,"�--; 1; t- eats.ss the town' manage 'to purchase a .-gineau showed th si n', Unless -w becomes p 'eve and lih�'al fowl for the occa o e '" 3110 Miles there, minded an€l riiratkes batter use of travel- nearly , will he no .' for the its ttransportation 'fa'r�itide; it d' 'd is jumined •hv 5:1 pet d„ltihi whale:•: etc , could' Dear' Editor., • potential e. W are err JRt to go o. e .r '• for these twd groups rose' by 15 1 it for the refs next M"arch low there rw a v4agor to being a Mos em, co n r and p per cent F •