HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-09, Page 2•
, .veni a.s' forer ',IT!ayo'r 'Harry.
r`selI performed his last officia uty
in:, to i i council;' he. provided , 'et
another •example of his congenia • self:
For the first time, the retiring mayor
•attended•the inaugural ceremonies and
placed 't„a,e chain of. office ardUnd the
neck �f the incoming: mayor. it gave a•
tp 4�i.. •
touch of class to' the -usually sterile
procedure ,and added that continuity
that was lacking. in previous
inaugurals: •
in"his first remarks to, the. people of
Goderich as the mayiirh, of the
municipality, Deb'Shewfelt showed the
. , stuff of. which 'he is made. He stressed
', the need to co-operate -and `com-
municate and , plan ,: three vital
elements for ,a .modern, on -the -move
town in these turbulent times. He
talked about area boards and the need
to `sit : down and talk with neighbors
about common interests.
. By hist own admission, the ma •or's
first priority is roads...but it' iscer-
tain_ly not his only riorrt While,
" naming th se ane' matters like
streets and sewers and . improved
facilities,. he •offered a spark of
• d
visionary leadership by pointing out.
the absolute necessity of -Starching all
possible avenues' for the provision of
-extra' funding: Grants,; according to
Mayor Shewfelt, are ':avail 'bre , and
..Goderich rmust begin to makedn-depth
:studies to be'certain this town -gets its
"share of. the provinci.al and federal
• r^gogd_ies,
Moreover, Mayor ' Shew•felt
suggested that improved corn•
munication and co-operation.•with the -
Huron County -Board of Edljcation and
the Huron -Perth Separate ,Sch'QQI
Board" could net some valuable
recreational facilitie's for the people of
Goderich: The ' 'mayor said that • with
some "organization and plan-
nin,g"many additional leisure 'hour
needs could be met in'the" community ,
without much cost .to the local
With former .mayor. Harry. Worrell
setting the- example of concern-. for'
people, and with Mayor '• Shewfelt's,• ,,
,natural talents 'for •prog•ress•t•ve-
thinking, Goderich Town ,Council far °....�
1975-76 is off to a.fly..i,ng start-I--Q4S like
it could be'a-productive tet',;m of office. •
., viae,?Y•n.
omIIkflt on settlement
Two of ' Huron County's Lost out-
spoken Y•ed' orial writ rs : had: some
comments' ' .recent 'but i°
• Servants , ssoci� ort 'Wage getilJement,,
.with the- Gover,nment of Ontario. •
'4n a n- ed-ftorra.l en_tit Incl
Hucksters,- :Barry' Wenger . of The
Wingham. Advance -Times had this to •
"'The negotiations ( if you could call' .
:them by such' a dignified name) bet-
.: ween the Ontario` Government and
the'•.Civil Servants Assoc-iation sound.—
like the haggling in a North African'
stre'et bazaar. What' should have' been
•an i`ntelii9,ent.series, of.discussions has_
descended to the level of the old-time
horse trader.
CSAO o erree.;cQr
d thl iit,xiv. n Y }
5.,percent increase in , ...
e'• year -obviously. never ex•Pecting
anything, dose . to that figure. Ip`"
decent' weeks the demand has -been
dropped 'to 41 percent and ';aga•i,n to' •
something-between.23 and 30 percent.
"Government --,countered the: 61.5`'
percent demandwith an offer of about
15percent and as the squabble went on, •
raised -the ante to 20 percent.
"While all this was taking place
weeks„ dragged by •,,ana' dozens of
government people had to spend
valuable time making "contingency
plans to •cover a possible 'strike:by'
CSAO workers. "' - ,
"' If
after careful• consideration, both'
government and Union -had named the
final figure to which they would adhere
the,. dispute might"have been settled
'Weeks ago. Far too high a proportion of
our public security -and prosperity are,
at stake for 'negotiators to behave like
Keith Rolston of The Blyth Standard,
inrr'ote an editorial which.he called "An
uncoin f ortable settlement'"••
"There are severa'1 ,.urrfor'tunat'e
circumstancesijrr so' l'dt the 'set-
trement.'' The roost 'im,porta nth 'of
course,' is. that the 21.5 percentf-ig,yre
will flow becOrne a landmark for 511
other workers in the province td shoot
•for. if they do,..we're in -for a •hell of.a
,year VneXt year.'- • _ ..
the cost of Iabo'ur increases • by
21.5 percept, •ram me not expect' the
'emplpyer 'who pays these safari•es to
demand at.. feast the sante' amount for,
his product.
The cost of !Tying in The past year
increased only 12 percent.' it, would
,al? pear that -this settlement could spell
an increas • in the costIivineaof more
Li , ,e 20 percent t
ney r. �
stand this becatisethey can
always ---ask fo eGerrmoree next year:-
But the pensioner, the -unemployed and, .
the single -parent family can't take it.
"And the traditional .villain , in the-
he-piece,, the employer, may also start to
have second , thoughts. Costs a -r --e
shooting -h•igh�-_T-.h-eYmarkets are cooI_ing
off. `Many ermployers will follow' the
exarr►ple of the auto makers' or com
paries, like ' Electrphome' and 'begin
laying off workers. -We just may be up
to,QUX a 1; in unemployment at , time
4110 �r s have eerie keel,• `h'? h: A
20 percent .pay increase doesrt't do
• you''much :good if you•',re laid off seeraI .
• monttrs ..later.
"Not that the government employees
• need ." worry. -`.They're virtual1•`�
guaranteed . of permanent" em-,
ptoment- It ispolitically unthinkable,
to - I -ay off ''governmen,t employees
(especially with an election Tin 'the
wings) . Artahat a time of .recession or
,depression, governments 'usually tend
to hire more erriiployees, not Cutthe•
government paytorle)
"SO the;,gdvernment`employees have
established - a dangerous 'precedent
without any risk to t'hemse'lves. Nice
work if you can get it."
,SIZA7 ".24S4/24
• .,MM,uq.,...N.orge..,wooK.••
Serenity in .winter . "
Bend • an ear, youngsters,
male and female: Study' hard,to.'
become a medical doctor' or
lawyer. ,
rri e.t .jjc a l a n fl,, -
-ti-rufessions . •. continue to ('/ "Tlie/pe6 entage earning over
dominate • the - income level .$5,001) a year`1iAsrisen from
per cent in 1965 to 69 per cent
porportion of all families and
unattached ,individual:s.
-receiving:—less 'than $3,000 'q
Year" fell from' 25. per'' cent in-
651,ori /lper,cent in 1971.
scale. 111' 1971, according to the
1974... C"anadian Consumer
d $39,,55,5-'' diyiduals earned over'$10;000,
in 1971. In °1971, 36 per cent Of.
Credit Factbook, a doctor's an -
all families and unatta,Ched in-
nual income average
and a. law 'er'sw annual income- , .,•.
stood at $27,862. Not only"do
these professionals• have--1-the,-----
highest starting salaries, -but
-they , also shrew ',the highest
gains. . ,
The Facthook, which► 'is'' .
pi blished by!. 'th'e't Can
Cnnsunier `''Loan ({:5yiic tatf Th •
and =thle�1Fed•e`rat'iS,d C'iitl'rlc^il of
Sales "Finance Companies;
'discloses these facts and more
in 'a, chapter covering; income
and : taxation. '
".Between • 1965 and 1971," it
0 "•
while in 1969 the -figure` was• 6
per cent arid in 1965, only 12-
. per cent," the - book says.'• F ,
. _ ;The-- Factbook says that •
growing , participation . ••rf
113arj pe l women in' the. •labour;
ket,shahs an • iinportant '
impar 'ori. family •in.cOm-e-:",
'In 1971, the average income
of husband -wife families, was
$10,846 when. both of them'
were wor.k'ing and only $8,687
when one only was working,".
In • summary, ,ineomes are
seen t'o' be rising o.n an average
'of about' ten per• cent r year
the . profes0oiOs con-
i uing to lead i
d This ---fast • woi
em. to . be'
an,indicatio•n thatriches in'd'eed
do come.: (those who
willing to invest their bine in
• -' 75 YEARS AGQ-
'I'.li•e .,,, 'i rap o rt a n t e of
thoroughly advertising' the
goods th •,,: ave to sell is being
rec'cgntZ, ''': by Merchants- and
businessmen inore'•'Oery year.
A few years 'ago it was, only".,
necessary to. use the
newspapers 00 great occasions, .
but to, do .btisiil' s" Howe, to keep
in the swim, to 'male money,
require~ steady persistent, cat- '
chy ' advertisements.- An -i-nser-•
• tion once' a month will no
longer clo; -man enlist keep his'
name before the people or he
will be forgotten The memory
is verve short and when the
name is dropped from t he local
paper the business too is soon
On. Tuesday afternoon a well
known „clergyman and an
egiaa'lly well known (court
House official were passing
down West Strreet in a cutter;
,and -when in 'front .of the Post
Office something went wrc•mg,
The C.H.O. .thought •an ear
thcluake had' stik-r-k.,im and
while the Clergyman was .port- •
dering •over the rumbling, the
cutter separated into a
• thousand piec-.es and the: two
'gentlemen ''reached ...the snow.
The horse,..�however, did not
- •Erne, frightened .and stood
perfectly still while hats, Coats
and• -g'auntlet.s .were gathered'
up,.. and the • C•O, 'moved
towards' the Post Office vowing •
hey w_ old test •.the strength of
the Ii -ext _cutter he travelled
.,west in,
• Poking down the chimney° -'is• -„
", .necessary in. order to•rnake,.the
• "stack draw the dangerous and
unpleasant 'remains of winter
• fires but the task can be equally'
as dangerous and unple akant
a. ',the srticike"'f one,.bas- an •ac•"
nt. The a cidentmost.'likely
ccur w moue ••is, clearunlg//
,;the rooftop -exhaust occurr ;not ' . '
late. its a" well. known
businessman and the poor un-
fortutia.te -soul became ,iso ,
.engrossed in his cleaning dui es >• .
-.that he took the risk df leaning
far into the chimney without ,
realizing•h',s finger. He -slipped
on the snow, coved roof and .
pitcned•,4forwardAt'as to get his•
.'.shoulder omit• -arm stuck in, the
Airy, opening. His cries' (o.r`bLelp
;.went, 1,,u4heeded, f0 ev'elr,al
moment•;'until his wife entered
. the family.. rdom - where -.the
We...can 'afford. to 'purchase. page of the Signal` -Star, but' 'fireplace• adjoins the chimney
Urals an fairly ° powerful bel'icopfer- Doctors, Educators etc. And his lamentations. Two of the
Weather and distance require'a hopefully we hear. ,.from. . our structure and• here she hes
° Ant in .ltess, stats the odds hopefully •cOncern.ed but • Man's nerhbtrs were forced t
vh g , k ;i
f th
e"decal and legal Dear "Editor: ' against- us. : `' " ;,:�."'' •s'rnoking ~_port~ -coaches, ,,get upnon the roof andfree e
says,, the m g g people , 'chilly' caiitia�e who swore he.
' ' '' d' sorrle , As a regular contributor (on '`I • appreciate ;your courtesy parents and your eo le will °
profession also ,enjoy,
'to. the Inter= • in ''reading this letter, and hope give the considerable evidence'w'oul'd leave the' unpleasant.
of the largeatit income gains, •7A a modest scale) - g task to a..,pr.cafession.al•:fro.m."tha•t•.••.••..•.:•.•
- per cent respec- national Fund for Animal you feel this project sufficiently• against smoking some serious'•
per ce�it and 45_0 p ..... .div`"'lin. ;' .,'�._,,^
'teaching. and ac Welfare 1•received°a letter from worthdvhile ,to`"',warrant your'.' thou.glit.,'f%>.r:their. own sake, no.L.........d.r.6r;.' Lively. The .
..,-- �' ,just,' fin. the non-smoker! The recexi;t snowfall -That
. countin. rofes_sions, as weft as Brian D. Davis, Executive �'suppo•rt....I.f, you ado decte,--to
` 1•vice e'm lovees; also Director:, Please permit 'me to 'hel'p, ease• don't feel your con; E Tafeit. beautified the landscape
ere i P
received large gains in••income • , share cit .with those ' of your •tribytion ,necessarily need be around„c►ur fair town proved to'
h period.” readers who h;�lye a similar.,-:, large; Times are hard, and in he 'a curse' for, 'one 'man. The
during the p. concern And interest. The letter,
The ' F_ �actliook continues to env, event, the contributions we
point t reads
d t� n that
e t 1 p oughtg o_ •way• -He "paid no '
IFAW t A ro ect that Perha 5 I to add that the Tt Seems a little,stran a to sit ° heed to the
ill ee', (for 1973) show that 14.2 per- with�the window wide open, the • sliding .on the steep hill at the
up the fact. that the more • :
d'vidual I am writing, to ask you 't�> rnany. .
'receive are normally small, but
e uta De
the job market, consider helping with a special ,The -letter -speaks for itself.
has on • .ntering
the higher his 'clary or real projec happy cries of youngster'~
earnings; are expected^ to 'te will help to 'save the ' lives of latest audited figures available here writing„ about Christmas
elderly gentleman was making
Wei Yule •e • his way up from the harbor and
was concentrating `on " his
footing on the slippery road
over his :working lifetime. • many animals, andw
of course, -means, that ` every cents of your. contribution' , 'cent of the organization's . ' ceiling„fan on fullstop my shirt end of West Street and thus did
• This not see the speeding sleighload
the professions' requiring ad at work in. the field. • • budget was spent on .ad- : off and behold a view of drift
Duren the seal hunt, ministration, -with 'the rest of ting p :instead ..of • snout. *of children hearing down ,on
. sand ': mate
Danced education wil'1 have � • g him. The ' tileigh struck the
higher starting salaries than
conditions "riff•' the . coasts ; of the i.rrlohey going :to ,prog•rat�n-) There fare other reminders of ''
though mfr
those • , earrying else'r,Newfoundland gth work that"'direr the`Dhristrras 'Stony, g mans feet and the,
' 'e1•�_ _ which help to make this scene a, under him landing' berm 'bn ,top
1 Labrador and services orthe !•
qualifi.cations•.; Since are, terrible. •For days cin end av helps the animals which
littleessunreal. of. the c ildren. The 'ride con -
professional's' have invested • gale force• winds churn a mix- ned. This is - an admirable h °
• „T `With firmed with the unexpected
d • f t r of •now, freezing rain • and"' reeard',�. together with the -, •There are the camel caravans• •
• . _ •- education an w twithno m-
.., , the , o ort inity for -early in: weather, e ,-.,, �'h c ,
• `', - ;� � market granted, 'the' carr no ed►c►�e of-the
People: . hill
• o` e
Traditionally, New Year s Eve IS a there is in hunt, we. must •tie repared to energetic Mr. -Davis. ,-...d J 1 p
Pp '� Y y
come for later- gains, , r.gifts
h'gh" c 'd t�time with over relaxed' fly ne hundred miles 8r more' Cdntribu"tibn5 can be ma.iled". wise 'men or precious of YEARS AGG
deed wisdom in d f gold, xand myrrh,
ma' r sour
of per- out to sea over treacherous, as to: n erns io h blah''
•Goderich and area rnotoristS,deserve
spat ole the balk for 'their clean traffic their elms, money ar► a orts.ln, u e s ” passpassenger
d have foregone fog:- A'nd in this unstable thoroughTv dedicated work 'un ' which the end of h eel F and .ta'me'to •reit at
recQrdbver the New Year holiday th r tel observe the seal ,der the leadership of the on Y f h
a ci en education.+•.•.........•
one. frankincense-
d taking t th' after a t h fast
I t t nal Fund for go
d of parties and toasts While the • nal • income are wages and t; _ ,,,._..., 'I he first lr•ihv of 1 )7t1
rivers a' Ing o e roads
a The j ,
• moven »ice
police 't�epOr O indicate I • . ' � ' ' over,the est twcvvears we have
t transfers such as p
roun so
I' t doesriot indicate how salaries investments and "Despite repeated efforts
ach the Nor=
Animal -Welfare Inc. P.0
1011 Fredericton,
: Box but =•'alt dug under .,t a ing a c
-=E3B "desert 'sun north of here. arrlved...,,at Alt-xangl►ci grid
• However, Mary ' and Joseph
Met, and erhaps • Marine General r,ital at'
many drivers had minor infractions of governien ran. r A
pensions and vr�elfare pavmen -•-Further literature on
he law on the last night of 1974,and the The Factbook shows that bet-.• we�gian hunt, and this has work may he obtained from the
• n behalf
" rose^ from $55.7 •country. On each.,; attempt, the - Of these t►I its who ee , respo
h_„accidents' wit an- , , L income
r5 so far faiie�l'to �re -,
first clay., of 1975, it is- evident •by the vt�een 19d8' and 1973, total per stalled our campaign in that organization working o
re ort t a no Y sono•• into •feel, n`-
, • t
separates, sue a from• .._ ane x
• � i ' ' F o 1,:91.4-' f�tllion • for. a line -that .yep e � trtj5le-for ills hum
'f't•� t d es'tigated billion t �
slgni I n at Tage'were env ,
total rise'" of 67:80 , This failure was di -awn by the pilot of all the other creatures with
b - '
' """'^ each &Ma•nce, asombination of, incerely,
gain of 10.8% weather,°"'distance and 'bitter. Elsa Haydon.
But this • large increase in' harassment from 'officials has *'
inc�to has been too much for them,.•
y "local
pot icer ' of a rented helico ter, And • in
represents an annual average, P whom' 'v'e--s'trare -thing Slanet•,
WeIj done. Lets continue' this trend
for safe driving. practices throughout
the entire year;' "
"Pie County Town Newspaper. of Huron
.,...•..,F.,nunded 1p 1848 and published•every'Thnr,clay at Goderlc , Ontarlo. Meinber of the CWNA and OWNA*^•-4
Advertising rates on•request.. Subtscriptlons payable in a ante $10110 in'Cnnada,.$11-'bo In all count'
tries other than Canada, single ,poples 25 cents. Second class mail Registration Number 0718. Apver-
trsrrtg la accepfed on tai condition Tat, in the Avent of typographical errgr, the advertisln4;space bc-
cupled by the erroneous Item, together•wittf reasdnable allowance fir signature, will,rtot be charged_for
but the balance of the advertisement will bo paid for at the applicable rete. In ,the event of a
typographical error�advertising Qooitb or services at a wrong price: goods or service may not be sold.
Advettlstng le merely an offer tdibellolino may be withdrawn at any time Ther Slgnel Stir Ys.not respon-
" sible for the loss or damage of (a%sollCli'ed manuscripts or photos, •
Business and°. kditorfsl• Office •
TELEPHONE 524-83'31 -
, ado code sf9 • •
Mailing Address:
P:O. BOX 20.,�Gioderieh
Socdnd date mail r`egistrett fir' Number ie "
ti a
Published by Signal -Star Published:, p.,d
ROBERt•G. SW:MR•r-•president and pubiiaher
-SHIRLEY J. KELLER---editor •..- q- �.
JEFF seoroN-�editOrial statI .,
'EDWARD J,' 9Y iSKt_ dVertising:.,•fr►anage'r
'DAVE, R. WILLIAM advertising reptegent, tive
• 'resulted from an increase' in "-To really help the seals we to a casual observer in .tial s:;rnen'ot Goderich.
population - an -inflation - as have just grit to reach that - ,, Palestine so -long ago.
TY1e city T"live 'in -must itself 'Tthe Crede' b,l' stu(ients at, '
II as income gains. The Fact hunt; And tri reach' i't the
lilke the towns and-- ''1)Cl have ,condu,,ted a'--
rnus.t have me , pias -'1:10 a.m. on January :?. A, }sahv
' even travelled, with, man uch
caravans on,' their trip from hr►y weighing in at six politick.. ,••t•vir.o •olmc'eti.,_:a son for Mr•”" and
" Napireth -to B te'h'efi r. a Mei;. E'><E;o'r"ge' l,ouc h' rf } lt,. 5
later 'down into Egypt.:
..... _.._,_....... ..-.._._..... ... .. _.... ._ .., Egypt,:
r ... i _ • , , e i.., . ,-. �. -
�' are, the peas�nl=s f'�trtierrc.h, received the thefts a�-nfl
T,;die,rt � honors �►f-hein"g'tlte first horn in
• leading 'their sure-footed little town -this year., David• Scott and.
donkies over rocky, twisting his t%lrither are doing fine at"the
• tracks on their .way from
^ somewhere to nowhere., SA the '. hospital and .are looking for -
Hol Famil must have seemed,
ward to making use of ,the fine
Holy • y efts iven.the first horn bv' the
Big joke
book also explains that•- per decisiot't to go on must he, made Dear 'Editor, ac, be very research grogram on Goderich
capita averi ge earnings con- fly IFAW people, not hyuncom- - .Just had to write and'tell you. • villages of Israel' at the.time of and Have rogramdon that the
''tinue' to he higher ire -the More mitted t.hird''parties- my.. -_husband and I got a' laugh Christ's. birth., The mud brick at -
town's en ra bu has "chateci e
a'rtgorous provinces of Ontario, This • summer I -learned to out of your rec:ipe�,for Festive "' "houseea along rr w, mind
g g p
na O S
British Columbia •anti Alberta fly a.,helico ter and will "tie at F, no on a e,6A in Dec.12 • dusty streets. The dress of the stifling, non -progressiva at.
upg g lig " n
tetrad, .in its. citizens. The
• than-- in'the'-.--legis prosperous' the controls of the machine we edition. Wondered whether inhabitants is also retniniscent •Canadian Forcesr..hase• inC;lin
-" Prairies and Eastern provinces, use to reach the seal slaughter 'whoeve'r - printed it 'ha'd been „of the Hply Land nearly 2,000-
Lame income differe.�:ces grin : in 1
,fit d h i S' h °will be
torr, the radio and TV station
197.. . >.., Into Inc eggnog, The one me years
ago• � in Win ham and the nuclear
time to oacu,r etween "We have consider, the op- reads: -Stir witha wires 'ipto There'• i no evergreen Wing
ant non-* tions of leasing or purchasing a make eggnog nice and'smcjctth• tree for.us this -year, but there power station at Douglas .Pain{
metropolitali < q' ar et Ifo he needles to • hake all attracted federal 'and ,
metropoliNan areas, Flartl'ilie,5 5tiifahle helicopter and have ' , inc�ere�v; is no ..�:1 � , -•i' FI'he�e will be provincial interest•that has left
D`d rte ����„
in an urban .areas had, o
n crincluded that to purchase is Mrs. Elizabeth
jVl. ea ma - _become
fthat m tC�e•Goderichroiit in the cold accor-
ol• r
' average, almost :37 per cent i the most. economical' route to
. higher• incomes than families •,go. We expect to he working for
living Vin. min=urban areas• the seals for a goo( many years . , „ ••,
• "The average inrolne of all yet, and also believe that Other (t (�'%t wagon
families - And unattaehM in- animals •slith as polar heats,
twi ua . . will not develop t
cent from $4,770. in .1965 to benefit I'roin our ex'j�ertise with Re: National Educat;io.n Christmas service. ' " will n future....
$R,fj4,5 in 1971. Relween 1969 these; machines. • Week "on. hooking, (Jan�,°•,11-17, ' or that matter, December .
enco d' t th 199fi 2A is a working dacy heire, Niger ^ •Jcihti Levis, Clinton,' WAS. re -
and 197.1 � the average m ic.. 1• 1 � ..,.•-•�'.' � • � t d a pointed• Monday evei�tng as
im st c•cess `il ' Pend- uite jump on! As a newj item it just t ristnia4 ha,vinS been struck '' chairman of ole'Huron� County
flirt i wt I del r q ] Ieontiwtued, nn� a e ,�) 'Board of .Educaititrn.
, The FacthOgk sav>; that the heavily on the type of machine .barely seetrt•ed t'o rate the; last •-- p g
' lI' ri , L
'Beachvrlle. no •turkey, or, din to the students. 'the'study
° even a chickeln, but we mfg t,"�--; 1; t- eats.ss the town'
manage 'to purchase a .-gineau showed th
si n', Unless -w becomes p 'eve and lih�'al
fowl for the occa o e
'" 3110 Miles there, minded an€l riiratkes batter use of
travel- nearly ,
will he no
.' for the its ttransportation 'fa'r�itide; it
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