HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-02, Page 14r " , I�. -11. I� �` H S� GNAt=S 'Att; THUR,SD.. AY JANUARY 2 197.5 • i� �ra�, .�.,1 .�T,~r{M� :y .ti. rM1.F'(2 •t ""... •n •4 . '+-„n• Orr The. Huron County Jail was +',toured• by .nearly 700 people - over thee- lorrg west end putting the- ° total•...numberof visitors over 4,000 this year. ' " Members of the, Inter- national" -Brotherhood of :glee- , .trica°l °gWprl5ers, local ' 17$6, walked off their jobs at 'the Bruce Nuclear Power Develop- ment Tuesday sdav and set up picket lines at ° the two road access sites. ;Fifty to sixty per cent of -the 3+000- ,tradesmen at the ' lfr•u:ce kGenerating Station 'honored_ the pickets. The other facilities at' the Bruce site, thee, steam plant, the -heavy' water plants, a'ri'a Douglas -Point were not affected.' by they strike. Constructi'o'n on Textral Fibres Iltd. a new manufac- turing plant in the Goderich In- dustrial Park is 'scheduled to start construction by the end' of August, with "operations ,to , fiegiii-ty ,th.e arid' of January. A dozen young students who have been giving The Square a facelift over the summer have nearly completed their jobs. The ten week program was desrgne to give all the ,buildings in The Square area a- . fresh and co-ordinated coat of paint. All students who started' ;.> on the job at the beginning of the summer are -• still painting except for one who sought full- .,, time employment. , un,ibn' a 60 cents an -howf crease effective May 5 and ten cetite. an hour increase effective _N-.ovember `) on' the basis of a one year contract, but ,tie uhi•on refused the offer. The in- creaee represents a 15 per cent itiere&se in pay.'Phe employeees are .still in s,support .of an in- crease -,•-of over.. One d'ol r-'�a•rr- henr in a one year contract. • Hu'ron County Council,L"a special. meetang--MondaV;-"r— •ted the•' Report of the 'Health.'Planning • Task Force of On.: ta=r'ia; called the Mustard Report, which recommelydsi'' sweepingchanges rn • „ health care services.,,A report - frotr> t e ,county, board of health stated that if the Mustard Report were- •implernente,.. it 'would • bring, a • loss of a yw, orny and confusion 'to existing health care services 4- 4011 Residentiaj _ Lighting Display Electrii Heating ° 'INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL" RESIDENTIAL. — WIRING CUSTOM, TRENCHING RA 62 CAMBRIA RD. N- GODERi,CH 524.6670 m. i ,! -7 YOUR HEAD Qt1ARTERS �1 7 A light . • . bubkly‘ . joyrfilled New - ,Yeaf•one and, PII! — J A� 162 FOR ^,+.1•f',Y, Wl l•: r. 1.11.1 W V,14!4- •ROGERS MAJESTIC ,T V u ' •EXPERT TV SERVICE • ANTENNA`& TOWER INSTALLATION - , • MARY ST...GODERI.CH 5 2 4.-901 . ,IK•�.r .r c,, Alterations At Cost. rExchanges Or Returns. Finished at -last! Tt Pled -Painters» of Godesloh, finished their job last Thursday and spent the .afternoon st John 'SchatifeiV. cottage swimming,.' boating and water skiing. The painters (front row -from left) are Geoff Russell, John Seaman, Mike sit J b a fiA<t Doorly. and Shelly NJ,c:Pla.ee,... (back•,,0344-left t 9.ri ht) Mar VanRooy, Leo Redmond, Dale N'ityins, Harold Klose, 'Wayne PoIlook and Rob •Mc,I'nty-re:..------- . Registered .nurses at Alexan- ,: .d ra .. and • Marine General Hospita1 in Goderi:heft's: h w:3:49e prepared' to jtciin;hurses fromhospitals in Ohtario ind stre aconiateydisputes w not s' tied' by July 22. • Thp Ontario ; Municipal'. Boards hearings into the - proposed- shopping plaza on' Bayfield ,Road, continued -this week aricl 'may not be over until • October of .this year. Lawyers presenting ar.nients for.. and against approval . of the plaza - a• nd the two man 'OMR panel' • noted Tuesday that there. may.,„ -not be time for all the_evidtnce „.„to be presented -,at' the hearing 'by'Friday; the last day 'allotted for the•public meeting. Wal,ter Shriv ' y• Vis,_ .chairrrin_. a_of.. he-O•I-B;. ,panel, stated that he would not' able ,to return to Goderich .. ufr-til- October.' Thick black hunker;>'oi1 flhwed ' freely down 'the Maitland..: River over.' the . past weekend and collected at the rxrauth here the,river .and the, lake mee Copservation officer Bob .Pegg discovered' the flow on Sunday and traced the, lead' to. the ,Sift,. `Salt desalinatid? pond ,„belaw the old garbage ••----• dump`. The Ministry of En `vi'rcinm.ent was -called into take' sample's of the oil and water for analysis. • ;AUGUST The: Goderich' Signal -Star' was ties. winner >f t•vvo significant awards ati, l'ast vi+eeke-nd'e ' Canadian Com!: munity -Newspaper Association convention in .Toronto. The. _ Signal -Star„ placled, •first in the • all round 'newspaper ,categcr6 °f1 i circulation tc 3,096 and watt. • also awaitded' second -prize , for its editorial page. Editor Mrs. Shirley Keller was singled out, for special .4recognitign ',in- a third' presentation. The ;Clinton ' `• _News -Record won second- .fm' best.- front page and placed ,third for general', excellence in its category. The Royal, Ontario ,Museum` _ �h • ,h r i n grr'rg -- t h e museumohile to . Goderich on August_ 7. The bus is„,one ne of three` present),' 7.7.t.i•►uring• the-. province. part of the • muse'um's mobile exhihitio,n v>+itinl; schoolg °lik raries and s.t,Y'i(• centres. -•In (;cidetich the :exhibits will be .on display at :the Huron County' Pioneer . M'useum, • A.' special survey taken of.,;•• gas'eli»ne ',Vices in the area in- dicate that , gas prices in the Goderich. area ,are, Justified, ' --Gasoline' dealers in _Goderich 7-:a1e--v not„ overcharging thief) customers' according to their.. -c'oornp,a•x .e,s'• ,standards.” The averag_st' per gallon' of gas - in Goderich'is•68,9 cents, dnof the highest in the county ` Ready . . set , .got .... Rejoice at'th th'i's' -brand 'New start of ,$t•: To our good friends -arid patrons -- the best,of th'e New Year: A, For , the second time in as •-many. years, Domtar Chemicals, Sifto Salt Division has•.• had t u -Cerci -n --•s e -h a d•u=1-e . a brought to 'a halt by striking employees, Fifty-three ern- ployees of the S•ifto `Evdporator• Plant in Goderich Walked off • the•job last Friday i:i"5iapport df'their union's wage and benefit • demands. FormIn negotiati s,'ons :r for the-•erriployees did not get . underway until .May. 5 when''' the contract had expired. Year. The company gad.offered the - x 4 Although registered ',and. ' graduate nurses at ''A,lexand•ra•_- Marine and General'. ITOWital in Goder,ich'voted.unanimously 'to accept the settlement .coffered - to- nurses by the 'Master; Joint Bargaining. Cornmittee ' early- - last week, •local hospital ad- , ministration has still not ,agreed •. to the wage `increase.,,, The nurses 'Ihave----.a•dopted a wait -and_ see attitude and will • a' -postpone any decision for. strike - ' 'action • and will urge ire ministration oto •. j'brn ' the ` bargaining committee: ▪ Collection sof .garbagein the ' ► ' Town of Goderich is , going to Cost more for the next three • Years. Town council agreed Thursday evening t6 a newrenn- tract , which provides a 15 per cent per anrnrtan -increase for" w Tom Cooke and Bib M,urray'of' C a•nd' W Salvage.,_ -ne'w son p W` tract •which becomes effective August 1,-11974•, calls for a basic :contract price of $.1,614 per a_. ° annurn, lr4-,addition'every 'new - -unit 'Constructed and occupiedn in the town after "Aug: 1 will be • -- -- added "to•th contract at a fee of 1$.1.15 *Or nionth, Summerfest 74 opens ' its doors to _local residents ,this weekend with .some new. •F• features. M"erohants will -be their .,..•,.,,, ..� •~� mo�,lrlg " wa�~es' "u't°�in°iirK ...and. that, _Kinsmen' 1u11, ii(,,, )bringing a carnivtial to n for r -.;,the' weekend. , Qf 'cod se the main attraction" a• lt the beet i tent 11• a,, -aoj-t '.` be 'ale "mainstay operation. of $u"rrf`merfes:tt y^aa"WOOF - �(NO"FXCHANG'i NO REFUND ON SALE AA E,R.CHAN•1•SkYr f• .ON THE SQUARE