HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-02, Page 13,
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The„ • Huron -Middle -sox
ProRressive•,_ Conservative--!
-assOciatiOti lest Thursday ac-
claimed 'Robert McKinley, a'''
,Zurich_area, chickenfarmer, as
its candidate for... --the July 8
federal.election. tie has, been a
m„einfier of Ornament for this
riding sire 1960, _
' The executive committee of '
Huron County Counell has -
been Charge.d with the
responsibility to look into it.
requeat from, Huron CountY's.
Polke ommision • to a*' the
solicit& general to canduct a
study on policing needs in
Huron County.
Representatives of the Police
Commission attended the
" County council meeting and
suggested that the study -under-
-taken shouldexamine all the
possible. alterriatives 'with
regards,to policing. It was also
.pointed out that- in the. future
• 'rural. areas will also have to',
pay through their r,nunicipal,
taxes,for police Proteotiarrthey
receiVefroth the OPP. From
that standpoint it Was felt that
• a Huron County Police Force,
. might be the„ most economical
„method ot policing ihe. area.
GDCI held its annual awards -
day on Monday with awards
• being given tii-the students who
'excelled in Athletic, as ,well as
• senblastic--areas7--
nor of Canada is believed to be
first for this area. 'Judge F.G.
Carter conducted .the ceremony
eying &brief fiistoryof fialy the
name. sheriff came about. .
The ,Canada Trust 100, the
largest CAnadian sailboat race
is setfor June ,29, Lake,
Huron, fedora 4.8. iachts.are••
entered in the...event:.
. May Your New. Yearts-- •
-dreanis come tide and
• At;.yobr disfiCosal
this New Year—the
keys ,to happiness.
.„ Progressive Canservative
party, leader and -.prime
minister hopeful Robert Stan-
field -Made, a brief stop in
Huron County Saturday in- the
Ontario leg of lns campaign
trail. Mr. Stanfield addr.essed
the More than , 2;000 party
fered their assistance to Shirley
Weary in London as she was'in.
troduced tv 4 -David , Lewis at
Lentesnial,_Hall. The suppor-
tem froni- GOderichi, Clinton:-
, and clienstill -made their, sup,
'port Known when she wa,,,in
troduded to the gathering. „
he Canadian cancer Cam-,
paign chairman for this area;
Le § Pitfilado and
chairman Harold Chase tort,
receipts_ rt $677L;;,4 $67'704. from
generous Goderich 'and. district
P.Corile. This is an increase oC
nearly $1,000 over 1.6'st year. •
*YO,iir 'days be filled - '
For vinyl !Opel e convertible tops 0 car upholaiery
• windshields • body protective mouldings
(ALL 524-2136
Five students
The new Signal -Star offices
and plant on Bayfield Rd. were
. officially -opened last . Friday, 'named
with a ribbon -cutting ceremony'
and open houSe. Tbe official
Opening -Was a rewarding event
for owner R.G.,Shrjer.who of-
fered specialstlatiksio his staff
who made the „new building,
, possible, by working very hard
together. „ .
Wendy McNabe, a planner
with the- ministry ornatin'al
resources at POint Farms
Provincial , Park told fawn
council of plans to Make: MI,
-,provements at the site. In ad-
dition to 'a new road entrance,
a children's' plaYground; hiking
and trailing., paths and a
-recreation centre in':
barn situated on the property,
she suggested the parking area
at the beach might, undergo'
.. some Changes.. Miss McNabe
Stressed that the parking lot is
.' a 'tetkito natural --vegetation "
Concrete plans for the second
phOie: of ,. The Square
13eautification Project' which
—Call for 'landScaping along
, sideWalks'were ma.de"a"June
meeting. Parties involved in.
The Square project recommen-
ded to. -town council- that the
-Sidewalks on, the •corner.of The
Square be 'enlarged to accorn-
inodate tree-- planting Town
planners will' present a brief on•
:the matter to council in three,
• JUL.V,
--Five- young . people from
,• GDCI were `nained Ontario,
Scholars. The five 'students,
Glen Naylor, Maureen'
McCauley, Randy Ke11er -•
SUsan' Freeman -and Mary Van
Rooy all cOmpleted Grade 13 "•-•
With •an average 'of 80 per cent
or. better on six tiedits.,
The ,Hurop -itistoric Jail .
, • •
the jail -for public tours June 29
was a success as 654 persons
visited" the -historic building
over the hofiday weekend. The
, 'revenue from the tours and
donations was $468.15 and will
be used by the board for expen- •
ses and developrnent of long. •
range.' programs at. the,.
-More . volunteer helpers are
needed hoWeVer to ‘,376.t1 at the
jail on .The reception counter.
• The Huron County Council:.
has„agreed that- it will not pay
• extternely high consultant fees,
and will proceed with its own .
study of -coliqi policing, _
,- • .
protection and „recreation. The 0
m,otion approved by counCil
^ •
• rooters „assembled at -'--the fed-eral
• Pineridge near-Hensall ministie.r of agriculture stepped
and then made his way 61* ofm.itt •helicopter Tuesday
:Winghdrii* to: tape a television morning bringi,ng his brand of
show at CKNX..-. • ' homespun politics to the Clinl
- The Huron ,County Historic torKforruritinity Centre, where
JtI 1E,toard"soon expeCts to sigh -'--he Spent about an hour ta j.pg
final docUments which will give 'shop. with area farmers. Mr.'
that bodi, legal jurisdiction Whelan attended, a breakfast
aver the Huron County ---Jail. rally and delivered* a,- brief.,,,,
However ,at the monrient.141‘,0tispeech to the gathering.
fundS is keeping the group from 'Sean O'Sullivan, a. Conser-
making„ the 'desired changes vative MP, -told a'near Capacity
necessary 'ta"'Mpte the jail to jovial crowd at ,the Pineridge.
its 'natural status:- At preserit',-;.thalet Hensall, that the time "
only one donation has been is near for Robert McKinley to
was for a study to be done at -a •
• Vacuum 'Cleaners
• Washer/SpIn Dryers
• Portable Dryers:
avoilable on--,-
rf easy' terms
. ........- .
„ - , • - r• Est a lit:11, dN;i1'876
•,.. . .......
. . ....,
_ . . ..• HEAD OFFICE: -Seaforth, Ontarro. ....,. ' •—•-•
' Mrs. Margaret' Sharpz ,Sec, Treas...Phone 527-0400 ' Z:
''''''' " • . '',",,,,,.. , ,,,,,, .......•V''..;
, .
. , .
county -level camposed'of inen-r-' Penny Blaisdale and -Lori Beattie participating ih' the Hvon HouSe Fifties Opy, at GDet,com- ,
hers 'from county' council ap- • ..., pare notes before'heading offio. class. (staff -photo) . . .
, .
pointed by the. -executive ,com,":: „., . \ . • , ,
'-"---":-.7.-- 1 ,..*. ,,,......,........ .
mittee.Councillors also wanted
seek Citizen opinion on the -mat- -
ter despite the fact tfiat o.nly
elected eficials.Wonld have a_
t . ' • , struck a-bridge.•a'trittment..qtet., and corrirn Mill% fib h s rew:-
.. . - : ,...., • - • 7.,.. 4..
, • .. . leaving the highway' and 7. The number of stucientA 'Who ,
' ---1,-E.:,-e-'4"...:3--".- ` , •
---44.trangel-e-reia ion. — bodies, were round „Monday
--Two Ripley,,,,area people were Morning in a partially sib -
killed Sunday matning .‘,vhen merged car •in che.Pinejiiver by,
t -fie: car they'. were 'driving in. a 'ministry transpra„-tatinn--
RE McKinley, Progressive
Conservative Jnciimbenf, was
July 8, federal election but the
S`urprise. Was, the number pf
votes attained bY Eiberal
'hopeful Lynaon ' which in-
dicated a definite d:ecreasein
MCKinley's, popularity. While,
John Lyndon was evidently
pleased flat onl. by his party's
showing in the election but•also
by his own, NDP Candidate
Shi•Eley Weary could. not share .
the same sentiment, Not o,nly,
had she Made a dismal showing
bti,t-her own .party
leader D'avidtewis had been
Ousted from office. A rather
`strange, ending, to a rather'
received. ' become a national figure. Mr,
' .During 5upreme Court. sit 0'.Sullivan was intimating, that
tings' in - -County Courthouse, ' McKinley should receive a
'Goderich, Fred William,Jewell cabinet post.. if—the Conser-
was sworn in as sheriff for the v.ativeS Were, to form 'thettext -
County of Huron: An Order -in-' 'federal government. ,:_----,,, -
,Cotiticil approved by 1 -Ler • Meanwhile, Monday night:, a'
'Honour, the'LieUtenant Gover- busload of NDP supporters of-
.. . ,. • , ,
., 41
' ?
• -
r r
Goderick District Colley(' e Institute,
• „
— . • . ,
" ' ° •• ,,, - alk . 1 % I• .*".-ft"ONIMUNICATIONSYN BUSINESS -
'JAN. 13, .•. . r sycnotogy... , AND. INDOSTFIY , ."
_.„. --= gkitt.D DEVELOPMENT '
0. ,
t , • .,
• * . . " ' •'''''
.,. '
IAN. 13—
JAN. 90„—
MAR. 1.7 —
JAN. 7.
Stretch Sewing
Basic Gar ening (5 WEEK COURSE)
dvonced- Typing
- Drawing Iii -Pleasure
Conversational French
4, • . --
..Pat 524—,7353*.fot further inforttiati'on
. , 4
• sr
re -rod,
gu,ardrails, 'The' t‘io hai.4e:'40iiritt work this year
through the Student 'Manpower
Centre in .Goderich and Huron
Park has ,i44.reased- by 60 per
cent• over, 1973...The increase
„ _
be attribilted to the Hirea
Student •' week. 11614 -by -the
• 'placement „office. •
. „
4... • ti..r?.; 8 .:terideil(.1'0ver4ge,. Wiri-d-•
/ . storm; ,Theft, Pi (j)( pamage,.......--•
7.: Li -ability,. Ete. . • . :.• ' . • -• .
- •• - ,oiree,•turs atid•Adiu.stk;rs: •- •
, Wm. 'Alexander', Seaforth . • . - Phone 527-0831
. . RO,bt,. ArChibald, RR 4, Seaforth '',
Ken' C,arnOch-an, RR li,', -seaforth , ',
. . . 527-kill7
• ' 527-1545
Ros,s 'Leonhardt, RR '1, Bornholm 145-234 \ -"•,.
'Sohn MEW.Ing, RR I, Myth ' :;.,„
Stanley McIlwain, OR 2, Goderich , • 53-9390 ,• „,
24 7051 ---'''''
. Dtl.'n'al ". tK ch ', , Dublin ' a' ... ,,,..„..,.., ..,, .....,..
521:18"S7 --
- .
. „
482-7534., ,e,'•
, ,
Wrn. Pep ,,Brucefield. e' , • .•
' J,N. revvartha,"Box, 661., 'Clitkon ,,•,,, 482-7593. „ ..
• r, ,
' 4ents: • .„ •• --, •
'Tames •Keyar RR It Seaforth KJ,' E‘tue,'Seaforth:, ,
Leil)er, LOndesboro • Steve J. Murray, RR 5, Seatprth
„ ....1.° . •
, •
• .;
Boot qearlinfay
• 1'
Men's-, Women's •-
67 ,-;-"--- 40
014111E *SQUARE
. , •
0.1. •
• r:
i • io
d't r.
AN-- • ' •ista •
. ,
. 1,
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.'re.—...Mr.,,,01,4;1`,"1,,,,_"i',,,Z,V,-2.,=;,•.:.',..f."'"." ....,,‘•'''',',"'"';',•"-*". '