HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-02, Page 8•,.• • • •-• • • • t , • , PAGE 41A—,40PPTO:1 S144AI-4=STAR, THURSD4Y, JANUARY 2, 1975 oderham pool open r .••• . ••••,t .4,•• • ." • • It tt" r••••••• ..., , APAlt„, - seeking student(on s'• . ly'22 . . jobs to offeil them4alden's of- . . , . . The ' Goderich Recreation<0 flee has sent over 480 letters to Board „took all :the .problems business -and industries .in the • concerningA the Judith . area but the respptiseto-,-d'ate „Gooderhain .Pool” Fntb zon- hag been poor. •1. , sideration last Thursday night, . and 'decided that the 'Tol Council is aigryinjrning w u „jipen —the .thdays-„on the matterOf • oThe' health ;departmenChad dredging tbe Month of , the ' expressed sone concern. over. Maitland. River A letlex -from the' condition , 'of the building Environnlent Canada advised • housing. the change rooms and that' 'the: department wit:4 not , washrooms at the Pocil and„' responsible for .hcar-harbor •. some 'other • minor problems- problems. The letter further 'that' needed., attentionthis stated that the matter should • . spring. Recreation director has come under the jurisdiction mr. • designed ,a new 'sructUre 'that the -Ministry of Transport and, will be conStructe0 this fall, af- Conpuhications. Howe\ er thar' ,,—,ter the Pool- closes ,for the ,department has .arreadS. made ' season. Tbe new building will' it •clear that it would not ,• be constructed on the same site assume responsibility for har. . •-•."-fiS the existing structure but bor clean -Up operation.' will completely' replace it., - • , Huron County, warden Bill E1stori announced at the -lapt. •meeting that the,H,uron County Budget was up over $4.1.00,000 -from- '..Last .year and 'would represent. an increase of about 5!/2-...mi1ic The" in,crease in tire budget isdueto an 'increase in services in the county. as well as spirallittemecists ,of these ser- vices. *•' . • . The first •freighter - int GoderichHarborlo, 1974 was •.- commanded'by. a 'native of the — • toWm gp,ptain Roy Mundy -has -•— • made his home in GO'derich all .Asa result of heavy ',aloft -1.1)1 in -Goderich last., week, the flume, an • open which carries -Wafer from t We' Sti n`coast ditch into -falce • Huron was 'Washed out, The flumeruns past the Goderich water treat- rtint pla4t, Gerry FiOer, plant.. Super\ isor, has inspect6A- the, situationA:iut the extent, of the darnage and repair costS have not ,heen determined. • oil Luck • " • ***t**,,,,tortt***, ' • \ • „„„,„;„•••••••••,,,,,,,F r • I.* 0 • George Turton -"LIFE, AUTO, • FIRE AND.* ALL OTHER LINEA , • 4 INSURANCE 319 HURON ROA. .. GODERICH 5247411 0 , •••4,'. • kif.rur.t • ••• . _ • • • There were no students at Victoria •Public School Monday, only teachers who struggled to keep w rTil and p.onsfructibn workers who,Aiere building modern facilities there. Students had been getting,on-again, off:again holidays since3eptem ber 23 ecause the school's new hqatin,..a6_w*n yosn't, - • - . his life and is proud to have,the meet-ing held by those in-_ • • ,,,• — honor of sailing thefirst ship f.. terested in 'prlomoting Huron '" ••• • . • 74. into his -home town.. The -last Coun ty iad.icated .t.haL_a McLeod tilyned in the.alarm to- Iime"a: local rnan..-was.the.firsi-- definite red exists for an ;3he Goder'ch- Fire ,Peparrner4-:' Captain .of the year was in 1939. or a n Nati which.", can but by 'e .ti/me fire fig ter p omote the, visitor i dustky rrived he' 'harn, had be / • within the 0 unty.- destr6y 7. N,o one was' jnr d . /in the - laze ' - A inotionyvaS passeA7p-, ' ' • • proving, • thEy fOfrnatiOn of: a To help children entering • Tourist, and kindergar-ten-next • Septeniber, • , Were • popping up • Association.' The group will ,the Huron.COLM0-Health Unit fr With warmest wishes .hold another.. Meeting to elect hold Screening Ciee--Pre-school rnics at Victoria, all for the Year. • an execut4ve Which ‘NOuld ‘ , r,P.P.reatInt.: at.c.ros.s.,,sect . of. ......„ an • • . .a , ••PUb14.-School, April 95 A 30 The crinks,.. part of the' unit's, busineses in the county. - , • maternal and child health Fire destrintel' a' ',barn on program, are deSigned to find Go(„.?cl Friday a few miles east, of • possible learning dissabilifies:, Goderich -on Highway 8; Jim Public health nurses will . Ain't the • screening tet r for vision, hearing , and if • hooked up and cold weather made classroom temperatu.tes to() !ow for education ip comfort, Helen Mean, .left, vice- . principal the schcoI, and bon O'Brien principal,"sit in .-an b empty classrootn on Monday where the tempratUre-waS'about 60 degrees. (staff photo) v - • - • _ • Gary Walden, student placement, officer . at the Canada Manpower. Centre, in Goderich has fralrriost 400 job • „, 11°1' - • ,, • - * necessary, development skills., o. inio • • • • • MIIINIMINImiummins' • • . yCHECKEP ,,LATELY? ,AVOIDNID-VVINTER GRIEF 'BRING -TOUR PUMP TO Pc(44, p, ' NQFCRE2A-111S-0.13--SEVICE PUMP -- 41-MAJOR OVERHAUL ON *AVAILABLE ALL MAKE/SOF PUMPS ; 'IN EMERGENCY' • FAST -EFFICIENT • *SERVICE AT, 4 'REASONABLE RATES H,EOP•ii/I-AritUFA6TVFING LTD. HIGHWAY 8, ONE MILE EAST.'OF CLINTON 4 -•PHONE:.4823116 or 482-3418 — •• 3 • . Ring out the old, .. ring in the new., May the New, Year e, -• ring Out with love, peace, prosperity. • • Our entire stock of fall and winter coats • REDUCED FROM $80.00 to 2 2 ''.-.' ....... .- Goderich Tow F Council - . voted last .week not to proclaim a pro-life week in Goderich, -I. '---1-thereby lending supptirt to that ., - cause, .The,-- weeklong event •,,•-• Which, was to 'fiicus,on the right. of the unborn child had alreasly been sanctioned by , 1.0..0.1......... miniSfers,thrThiS-ansi members .. ''- of , the hospitaladministratiOn,-. and thegriaup had attempted to add ,COuncit's weight ---to.34' , --• --'-proclamation. . . :- The Hurontout+ •Board •of , Ezduc7ationapproved-„a..budget of $13,185,83.1 for,. 1974 at a ,' special meeting in Clint:one-The. new budget is up 9.2 percent over last year. Municipal taxes , will cover' ;41.,..0.Q.-1,5•59 :. whifie:, ' $426000 will come - from .--- provincialgrants. Tuition - fees . ,,t, and School rentals,„'will cover....._: ... $612,784. ' :The Consumers A's ;'7; "" Fa" iTom i 7 ": of Canada (CAC) last -Thur- sday eatablished a•, local cam- ,,,e1 1•.• mittee to serve the ,GOile,.'riCh • •-, - es...Thd-tacaL.commit-tee-w-i-1-1------• ' -,wOrk :With both the . national -, and.t. ......provincialCA.0._ '. organiAations. _ The ' CAC ,. , describes itself as, 'ani informed voice in consumer affain,-,,s and'a . two-way channel 1h rorn_7.,. m-uniCat.ion between, 'con,. surriers, retailers, ,rnanufac ''...turers'i agriculture ii•nd govefn• meat- .. . - - .....---: • Pumpsnd InjectOrs Repaired • For All Popular Maltres. Huron ,Fuel -.Equipment Bayfield Rd. .4§12-7971 • ACCOUNTING AND •TAX SERVICE AriTHUR R. TUCKER CG.A. Certified. General Ac-.ountant Vktorifi* tilvd,,'VaPastra tiox 957f'Clintrin 482,3737 •st ariatelimormomilumulariummielsoloinumma, ,t,"t• r Distributor/ FOC -7'7 Ronajd-t: McDonald CHARTERED!ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David) St. 524-6253. ocferck, Ontario R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST 'the Squre „524-7661 •••••14, ••••••., Ut40Caf..- PitoDUCTS, ....1•1010E; FARM; •• .INDUSTRY ' •'' • 24 lHursWr81VlCr • Purnsici, itirsontIng 4 Nom • New Fumed* ,S - Hot" Watir MW* ' • , 24. 74 1 . Cards For • Alt'Occasiciiir * Gifts • „ Books - Stationery Supplies AND ERS 0 N' S — EAST Goderich'. Large group, includes twig dresses and hail size dresses REDUCED FROM '36,00 to 5109,00 ALF PRICE Most of our car coats are now REDUCED FROM 5O00 to '60,00 SALE PRICE SPORTSWEA Includes shells, sweaters, pants, skirts, jackets, blazers, shirts, etc. This group REDUCED FROM SUM to 335.00 -SALE PRICE ONE LOT Shop early for the boat selection. For exam ple, rnych of the sportswear is in groups and it is possible to put together an onsom- ble of several pieces that go together • Agent for 24 -hr, FILM DEVELOPING . Mail& chilittiv God rich. • 4,10 .,t •