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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-02, Page 6
• • „rr TAPE 2A--4GODEIUC* $IGN, i STAAH; Tf LURSDAY, JA.NUAA;8Y 2," 1915' • r •, w ligncil-Star changed staff 4 .. � ... ,•� r .rte+ J, .. '�.+T^..^. in November of that year. He isernder a decisijn until at least looking for=ward to beco.rritnr•- "•Dharch 14 which is only ,a: few ' Ron Saw a.':tnember of the full time "hot do•g" and part days before the group's de{pax- Signal -Star ' *ed•itorial staff fol• time ;",,a;.oC. •,,fid "terms what he ture, . `�-_ last years, . wr� ficolumn. to t h T a e... his has a as nothingready-peen rsf: jou alism _ .° .nearly' threer / p p b more "than sitting ,_ and his. 'wife take a position around and doing.a juice,•and a CI•E. with. ..._.-the, Canadiaci Hunger , number., " • ' Foundation on; a research Three c7;fficials� of theY o ting da Week. nrlission.to'the Sahelian ,district • Maitland Valley Conservation celebrities an' C a" crowded. ' around..the.i "'•- 'N of, Africa. 7,-` ..--. , -Authority attended at council Goderich :Memorial • Arena "' The Signal Star* expanded its meeting to iron out details of- Saturday afternoon , for the of- ' rte,, editorial staff' to three hiring' dredging the mouth Of the ' ficial opening' of the 25-th • two more journalists. Bill Dim- miek, "22 . •a nativ.e of Brantford and ' a graduate , of the jour- nalism program at Conestoga College Kitchener will. occupy desk number two in the newsroom and will assume the ' dutiesof news director., :t' - TWenty three year old Jeff, Excavd`uing ;Dashwood 236-4230" TRUCKING~",- BAHOE • •81 DOZER SERVICE rata. � . " _• ` - 1- ./41(K :- DOWHANia�K 414.1.62-40 -. GODERICH' Maitland River.' The federal --peewee hockey tou�rna.n:3ent,,, government had informed theAt '2 p.m. dignitaries u.n- authority that ,it is .its respon-veiled ya• plaque in com- sibility to dredge the river• memoration of the tour nament'•s anniversary donated (:)--C)"-Ca to the organizers of the tour►5e'y by the town of Goderich. Mayor • With departure only a few .. Harry• .Worsell made the AR.YQU PLANNING TO BUILD? For a good told: building at seasonable rates ' Seddon, ,a native, will also be days away, the GDCI s'tud'ents presentation...to-Young Citnada taking'up. duties in .,the, drarna,group headed by teacher Weeis :ha•irman Don Shortreedtw " pulsating. newsroom. Jeff is a r Warren Robinson, still needs. The plaque lauded the efforts • graduate of the R.G. (1 ob.1,......finaificial assistance before .they of Nip `Whetstone and „Lorne School M of agnaling •and will _, embark, on at'..•trip to ' 'Great �Wakelin'"' who organized the assume: the :role of "key.,man" Britain.„.. - " . • first peewee' tournament in the " ,....:in the editorial department: He _ ' Originally the g'rou•p ., had ., world, in Godericb in 1950. . ' moved to Goderich in March of hoped to defray the cost of the ', --- 197-3 and began loafing oh a "trip by ,$100 per student.' Now in a meeting of the town's • part time basis.,with the ••Signal they can•only defray $32 pet administrative Committee last , ' . ' r - - ' • Thursday the •memberjof that body could not agree on the Our New Y'ear's wish--twclue months amount of money, donated- to the GDCI drama club. However it was„ ggreed that the 'matter-• • both near and f Ar: would be resolved at the next, council-, meeting::: lylGayor 'H'arry ', Worsell vias not in favor of any " donation , at ..all while •other-- councilloi''s .thought perhaps a token sur»• of $50 or $100 should bedonated to the • ,Br t&,irni bound gr-oiip. The 'drama club leaves for England on Saturd v. .of health • happiness and peace to all student due to an increase in air fares which has risen by $50 per'student since the trip was irst plarmed. Regardlesfi of the -; expenses the trip `it; -still, on shite the group hag already prepaid'for some of its expenses 40,1 would lose . that piney ubon cancellation, , Cars if. yoti 'new in wn and feel kind of lost; •If y u've just added a new.•son or '• • daughter to 'your .family ; If,• HE has finally asked you to become his wi`e; If you' or someone' in your family is, celsbrating,a,verysp cial oc; :.- .rasion ... Streak' g came to .Go eri h • as a !'o g streaker (ma ' ), was Mr.- Robinson' had made four / sighted at both the, Si o alt applications • to,,.government Nine anti Dom•in:ion.•....Roads. .•, agehcies with only one serious" Machinery Co. The streaker rep y‘ "from the Secretary .of wearing only -:..a hard hat and State rejecting ti`fands boeause safety `bunts 'prover] .,to be 'the: program, was '.not 'an "ex- equally fleet of foot as nervy,. �+ change. - Robinson—then- No identification could ,be requested __finar>\ciat assistance given: from -the Town of Goderich • which• resulted in • a' healed debate 'between%councillors.. The• ekhausted'' ,tor using what little pnergy he has left to celebrate' with his happy suppor- «~ ters., Bob Md,KinTey, pause's for 'a telegision interview -with -a CFPL reporter:: The"re-elect9,d 'member of Parliament plans to spend a few, days -with his wife Audrey (at his gide) and, his „,family and enjoy .his 24th w'eddind anniversary which was 'on election day. (staff -photo) Confect: Y -LAMBERS QNSTRLJCTI-O CLINTON We havd'fi d over 8"yeaar's experience in all ,types of.µ farm buildioga 4'824 305 • • 41 Sotne- councillors rejected the idea terming the excursion nothing more than a vacafiolq. r Others looked • upon• it as'. cultural enrichrrient .and therefore money wisely. spent: However council would riot ,r • J • J•' May: t4. New Year Tight the, way to .joy ... peace. ,We're' glad -to have been able 'to' serve you. • Latest, modern, equipment' Domestic Industrial - Municipal Free E•stip ates. You and your family' deseryre the best of water., so don't..hesitate to call •• •••: . OM - LANG PHONE 52 4-64.10 °OR . COLLECT 855-4605 • 2 MILES NORTH ON HIGHWAY .21, GODERICH r"'"': Bruce S -u ly' president of. DRMCo sent a letter, to town council, stating 'thatthe local ' airport facilities wer'e.not up. to par and that _. town, council' should look into theMrnatte'r at its earliest convenien*ce, • Although -Sky Harbour Airport -has'been purchased by the town.: the deed is ,still "'not in aree ' hands of the rounicripality. " .."'' •Councillor;••.•Bi11• •.eli.ffor.d..;.of ., the airport, committee said that ' • . Mr. Sully; -should be advised_ that wheil the ownership -.of the • airport IA finalized his ' suggestions ,will be given full consideration. , Goderich town counc'i'l enter- tajned a 'group of students from '' Abbotsford B$.C1' at lunch. oft:, ,;Monday. The .students,;. Goderich for a week"on an ex- change ,prograni that will -send 27 St. Mary''s,atudents to B.C. in May. The group o' ' 29 -students .r were invited to a smorgasbord at the Duke of Bedford and each received an engraved pen from the Sheaffer ✓: Pen Co.. and a genuine piece of 'salt of theearth from Sifto. A... Hares go• od• news... for CPP contributors -their surviving 'spouses uses sand de ant children` Recentchanges to the Canada Pension,Plan will result in substantially increased benefits for 1.975.. -and Subse iuent• years. There are other important changes, too. Some affect people overs 65 or approaching that ager Qthers provide equality for. the .spouses and dependent children of male and -female contrilutors. These changes may require prompt action or getting advice. -So we suggest you read this message very 6aref ully, - •"""':'""' " '+r. y✓k✓1Ntl, • ro RetiVement Pensions ' Haveyou contributed=to the_Plan iX•atdany time since January 1,1966? Are ydu between 65 and er r • - Then you have a•choice Applyinow and start 'receiving your morithlyr.,.CPP retirement ,pension. No moreneed to retire to collect benefits. (Once• you start receiving •yotension, however, you. can't make - further -contributions -to -the Plan)- • , .._ .._.._ Continue to contribute to•the CPP and possibly build up a' ' - larger retirement pension to Commence at aJaterdate. - Continuing tecontribute is al•so.a way to qualify survivors for benefits if you have not already, done so. (When • _ • approaching:Age 70,,you should consider applying for your retirement pension because after 70'you may na•longer contribute to the Canada Pension Plan.) .. • - NOTE: Before making your choice you may wish to;seek • „ardvice,from tht nearest CPP office. The staff will be pleased. to help you n "•Yf••. ?r.r.r Y ik Are'You•-approaching age 65? . If you have` made your choice and wantyour CPI? retirement - pension to commence as earlyAs possible, you should apply two or three months before your 65th birthday. • N ?T ,;_Them .is no provision Mfor• retroactive payment of •' • : re if Qrrlent pensions between the ages of 6 'and'6 — So if youire. tthat age caroup, or approaching it, -get advice as_, soon •as po5sibl'e, '-._ Do.you' now, receive a CPP retirement.' Tension? As pf January 1st, 13975, your pensioi. will no longer be' affected by any money you earn thereafter. _ • fi „1, • • Equal. Praeetion •for Males and'ffmales. " - This means that for female contributors; in addition to being eligible fora retirement pension and disability protection for thernselyes, and a death benefit'payable to their estates; as has been the -case in the past, their spouses and dependent children are now eligible. for benefits as follows: Benefits for SurViving„ Spouses ' • A. monthly pension payable•-to.the widow& who at'the time of the death of the -contributor is over 35 years of gage; or under 35 year§ of age., but is disabled, or has dependent children; . • ',that is, a benefit similar -4011-14J which has always existed for widows. • Benefits for Orphans • r • • , ' = • • A monthly benefit payable.to unmarried dependent child -ren under18,and-to unmarried •dependent children betweerr.1 8 ' and 26- attending school or university on a full-time basis, k_ In order for Survivors to qualify, the contributor must have --•-- --- died lin January 1,968 or Inter and must have contributed for the minimum contributory•period, which is three year for. ,-•,-deo#hs''occurring-before Janusry±1.975:. " , - Benefits.for Children of Disabled Contributors A monthly benefit payable to..uaa•rrgorrie: dependent children under 18' and to unrnarried.dependent children between 18 'and.-25attending-school;or-university"on-a-:#ull-time t�asls:- where-the'contributor concerned is in receipt of a.CP•P Disability Pension -- ' - , NOTE: !Kali cases, It is necessary to make application' fbr' tffenefits.11 stick ap $iicationrare-upproved; payments cash, only be Made currently—that is, from January 1, 1975. No "--payl 'ent can be made for ar»y,period prior to that date. Other eharf es• . ,` The earnings ceiling—that is, the maximum amount on - which -t ontributions can be paid and on which, benefits ' "can be calculated—is being raised to $7400 in p1975 and to ,$8.300 in 19.76. The initial amri'unt of earnings, on which you are -not requirec ;to contribute, will be $700 in 1T975- • ' 4 MAXIAUM MONTHLY CPPBE'NEFITS • , 17•5 Retirement Pens.ior rIVI tivarY Disability Pension Surviving Spouse's Pension=-uncjer 65, , ,,�a ,".. $488;3 ,over 65 877 -, Orphan's Benefit A $ 3727 _'�" Disabled Contributor's Child's Benefit, ,?1...377:2 .$:727 - Death Benefit,(Lyrnp Sun").•$740.0© For assistance contact, Your nearestCanada Pension ,flan Q,f,fioe ,;--LET. US ASSIST YOU WITH ,Y.OUR CHEMICAL .._ . AtE0UI•REMENNOW rt Health Sante et and Welfare • Bien -etre social Canada • .Canad Marc Lalonde, Minister• bUr Canada PensiortP . Y'. 4• ngn imps r!' •r., •