HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-02, Page 1May Nl,ew Yeas-
be'll yin in goo'
#okay . #ways: We
,.f.,.,c.',.,.,,,.,.,-fir .. , „,.,1•..., . ,
wish you the hes.> :
hrist rplie:r. .., Andrew
1?IGCultcrugh;`' the two y, ar-oid
cin-, of Mr. _and Mrs.. ""David .
cCullough, 48 , St. Patrick°
treet, died as the result of a
lireat his home Sunday after-
cctirrtir child and' bttiTinother,
t;r " Ann McCullough were
ported to have been taking 'an
e,rnoirn rest when a fire' of
detertp ned.origin° begap in, a,,
Irertiom in the .home. Mr,
(Cullougtx:ps etas' at• work at the'
#., ,and an older_ child was
iretneti• were called to the.
i ne *hen � 1Vl rs.` McCullough
woke .to, find the' •houte filled
Christolyiier '"was
found in -his 'crib in his upstairs
bedr(iom'' and taken by am-
_hulance to 'Alexandra ..Marina' "
and General 11chspit.al where he •
was pronounced
. • An 'investigation was ,Ia•rin'
Cheri Monday -to determine the'
cause' of the ' fire-, but
- nit
ecisions had heen reached at
'•presstime. Police Chief Pat
King said the Fire Marshal is
con,tinuingp his investti-gation
this week.
-• Besides his parents, the vic-
tim is survived by (me brother:
Michael David; ;his 'maternal,
grandp,rent's, Mr. and . Mrs.
William Hendersons Wingham;
his paternalrandparents,
and Mrs, Frank, McCullough; '
Strathroy; and his- paternal
• gjeat gra.ndniother; Mrs. Lillie
c f Ul.l(11rtrh�r' �.,
uneral. ser, 'ce 'waste New
at t(with ,�°C l�t�rn
Gre Herber o:f"""t°h'e ,Salvatii►u,`,
Army officiating.
.' Intern-reinwasin: Maitland
Cemetery. •'
Better than 10 percent Of 'the
dult• population of Goderich is
volved in fu�xthering their
hnowledge' atm-ni, ht ,, school ;
?rograms held at GD„I.
Approximately- 400 people
?lyre registered' in'the program
ow and these combined With
e-200-enrirlled in Recreation
oarl prograrits have made it
vident 'that night `'schcigl
rograpm are desired
oderi'ch. - • , •
'he nigh# classei4 planned for
ew year- are scheduled to
cin .I uary 6 -and • some
coursesnare being+ c` iffered .
to fill, the 'wishe of after work,
students... • :�
A .psychology course, taught
by staff rnemhe•rs ` at s, the -
Gode'rich Psychiatric Hospital
is' one of • these new courses.
f' ther,s 'planned. -for -x-975 • are
•sewing; crafts, drawing for
pleasure and basic gardening.
• . The instructors ifor some of
the ,classes will he pro.festironals'
in the field. Sewing will he
-augl* by Mary:deBcrk of . sin= , ; .,
M,• ton, crafts by Tim St. Lours of
the Raintree Gallervw drawing.,'•
Connie Marie:O'Neill is -wondering who
first baby born, in Goderich In 1974. She
world at 12:30 on January '1..She now
—,honor of being the first in '75,"''
,is.going to. be,th €rrst- t�ah'y,in;�975. C6hnie was
was eight pounds.12 ounces when she carne into
weighs,20 pounds and is eager to' see who has
The Goderich Figure Skatirj,.
:,tiffs'++ -
• . C1U ,''h, ' a ,new junior;. instruc
__,.., tor fp,r,,,.the season in 18 -year=
'oldKaren Veber of Walkerton.
Karen has' been skating forthe
past six years .and, applied for
the,.. j h ;'of-'1ttnior .pro this year
• after Mary` Jane Mayes vacated
' '`'i the"position. w
..tluenced ,Tier• .asstrciation' with,
figure skating a'greai,.cleal: Her
nyither is a 'pian(_) teacher, and,
Karen'is'followingleyer footsteps
somewhat, ,' she teaches piano
part -ti• me.
Karen hasn't had the oppor-
-�tu'nity to compete in the sport a .
great deal• She started "crust her
skating :w t'' the Walkerton
'e '
club and t l.ub's - Slow start
prevented 'her from par-
lfiaren applied for a job as in-
structor through Inter -Club, an :.
organization designed to help
figure skating clubs throughout -
the area ,'.w brit closelytogether,
She does not reserve. ler talents
for °-Gaderi•ch alonhowver,
she* also teaches in, Brussels,
1Vlilditfidy, Cheslej! and 'Mount_;
Music ' is a part of Karen's,
background.: Her ''parents .• in-
es-�h ".
tic•ipating in competitions that for pleasure by Mona Mulhern
other st dents were •involved . of Goderich anvl.; gardening will
in. have ,a varlety of teachers to
',chiding. Don a'nd .Jeans' McKee
• of Benmil.ler. ,,,•
llUIll fflt(tral`L• Il IlG lfylll "
,figure skating ability, are the The ga Bening r cn•urse will be
<<rars t�aren nes sec roe
-.:-4,.aimed -at homeowners who are
g f l mcisca in their `homes ""arid
She feels she needs them to ad p g
_, wrltlatess growing flowers -and
tante as' an instructor-ut•tzir•-a-trd she'
is working hard tor •4rhtain t:hem.. proper pruning. , '
The skaters mast';. (•egriplet•e a Enrollment in some., of the
series"of five ds'rrce,s and eight • courses will be liniitte l because
figutes in fr}►nt of, a .panel 0r°
Io accommodate •indi'viaii"l•
cif ,lack of _facilities.
judges t"o bass the gold medal
• Solicitor General
George A. Kerr, Q..C.,
has announced' the ap-
•pointln-ent of Earl
Rawsor,�,as a Member. of
-the Board y�of Com=
A missioners - of"Police for
' the Tow. n of Goder'i'oh�for
a period of two ryeaxs, et, .
n ..
fec sive Jauary, 2, 1975.
"We. are ..pleased to
designate Mr. Rawson as
a, -lay: member of the
Board in_.Goderich", said
•. :Mr..-_ Kerr.. "We are sure.
he will be :able to'-niatte'a''.1
unique contribution in
_..his; ,new . role. • This ap``
pointment 'is in keeping
• with»the,current°govern- • ' •
menu ''policy , of 'enabling
more representatives of
the . general. public to •
serve on. police boards.:'
Mr. Rawson replao'es .
his Honour , Judge . H.G..
Hays .on the Board. ,•. •-• •.•.
This lion wi l ssit on the blueline,`during. the Goderich Lion , �
- Pee Wee All-Star pre -game warmups and will watch • all the.
team games:from the bench "for 'the ;:"est of the season.. .
Chester as .they players • call him has been 'adopted as the'
team , masceit. (staff -photo) -' ,
Dr. Emily Lyle -of the Thliversity of Edinburgh in Scotland,
Scho61-6'f .Scottish Studies, was ,ih "Goderich• last week resear-'
thing the life of former Signal editor..'Phomaa MacQueen:
47. Dr.- Lyle said that ,before. coming 'to Canada, MacQueen
made a- collection of 'ballads -and songs.throughout Scotland
,, which are, to appear in a book she is now compiling. She
pped.;to discover a little -more about MacQueen, during;her
visit h t l+ riday '
Dr; Lyle is presenf lystudying Literature ,.a.t.wRad•cla,£fe� In.-
stitute,, in C,ajnbridge, Masa. She was in Qntario during .the
Christmas holidays' to visit her sister who lives in Ingersoll.
The two,ladies travelled to Goderich -tan"F'riday 'to talk with
Goderich and ,,area people who knew" or- •I I've, any. infor-
mation • L,;, t 'the late Mr- MacQueen:
' The also t.,>'led at the Signal -Star office -to go through the
files of o newspapeLrs:.Incide ita-lly,' ISr: Tyle was surprr`sed
„-'i)" find such a complete col1ecti6n•O
preserved `and so easy to read.:",
tests: attention to students in certain ,-
I'curses the number. • of par- ,
ticipants will, he regulated and
• the night' school peesontiel 'ad
As wall as working • on" her,',, vise interested parties'to enroll
gold medals Karen is con•stan , 'now to : ensure- thetr• par-
'411y.pract.icing_with other .pross' •t ciliation hi' the courn e.,. • • -:,'
and • attenering seminars on ,=The ten week'.programs star
teaching• figure skating, in the' ted in Octoher•,;•vtt,•ill he ending»'
• hopes of training Goderich's or • soon but all ttse'20 week court
Canada's ,..n -ext' champion seas -•will be.cnntinued this; year
" starling on larcuary 6.
•Provinci'stl pol`,ice at Goderich '
-continue investigations' imp
-tw<> Chrtskrpas flay break-ins at
area post offict,es" which ressulted „ *
'in thefts" Af 50 ild'-age raxsto.n.,
cheques, '$454 in''`eash, an -printer used 'tn print money _or-
• ders, and blank"money orders.
Constable Philip„ Gingrich,
. who isJinvestigating ,the"break-
tt at,the• Dung,rlt9on post office
in a.:xarXe'tyAstore- owned by°A1
Sherwood, said no arrests have
been made. He said, the• break-
' in at ,the Brucefi'eld post afire
•located in the geheral store,
isrr'-t 'necessarily"elaated,, '
At-ang' >a'nnonf: 454 was
taken:,im Brucefield; frhe :Pen-
sion cle'cluesy money codex.'im-
pitntef, dt1 laia•iak honey aiders
and a.laig xivant;ity of'postage
Sta Ajo y'e ; "stolen. • ' •
- • 01,Const!b1e l,ric Goggle said
the break.i.n. was rnade.-through'
.1 ase' grit window..., A , smalr
a _ Toney' was taleen'frorn
the,..ithre. • •
•CcderiEfh ''i'qure Skat ng club has a hew, junior pro.- Koren, Weber, who Comes all the way frol''n Walkerton to in
• strubt the junios u
r gert.ts ifi the Gode tch club.staff'-phroto)
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Legg held an open house on Sunday -7i._
and a'esfs'to help them celebrate their 6,th wedding
arm ' he couple becarti partners in marriage' on
December 26, 1914 'in the St, Thomas -Rectory in 'Seaforth.
Mr. Legg was a ,•:stressful liusinessnian on The Square in
Goderich until his retirement and has a>a unusual • history ' •
behind him, He was the y'oungest., hugrnessrnan on .The •
Square wheriThe• was a- partner• at the 'Legg -and O'Brien
MeaTMarket, now doe O'Brien'a,•and he now has tlfe-distin-
c'tion if being 0..),e0' oldest remaining husi•nessman who
operated On The gquare rn r erirh
Mrs, Legg recalls her wed:ditig day ividly. She 'remembers
her dress,• a light and darit'h1ue-go n"nnde of) teddy hear
mate•r.•ial„ rr�la.�tl +t . tsi�ll,leas-te-white ctrl -gloves Te wore 60,
years ago.. ! •
Mt ani"d Mrs, -Legg'; finly child, Willa•rd,Mand his wife Lou-•.
he(fiec eelehrrt,te•-=the,occd'aion along with..the couple's grand
,children, Robert, who is at home and Mrs;,, Pahl (Mine)
Baker, who lives in• St,'. Thotnas:.. -