HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-24, Page 7-Lucknow 5297524' D FROM THE MIN1STER'S -The story of the birth of Jesus is a very beautiful story. We picture in our minds Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. We picture the three wise men travelling from afar, and bringing to the •baby Jesus gifts of gold, and frankin- cense, and myrrh. We picture humble shepherds listening to an Angel choir and then hastily making their way to Bethlehem. • All these beautiful scenes pass through our minds as we think of that first Christmas Day. Yet if that is all that Christr>s means to us it will remain merely a beautiful story from the remote past having no significance for today; a story soon forgotten in the busy ac- tivities of the New Year. Because we see only that which is attractive and beautiful in the Christmas story we miss the real message of Christmas. To realise what the heart of the Christmas message'is-we must see also the dark, ugly, brutal aspects of the story; then we will• appreciate ---why.- the, -shepherds_ returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, and why they made known abroad"the saying ti, which' was told them concer- ning this child.What were they told? What did they make known abroad? 'And the angel said unto them, fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is. Christ the Lord'. That was the good news: 'A Saviour is 'born'. We can only appreciate their joy at the birth of a Saviour if we look at the other events. which are equally part of. the Christmas story, but which are so often overlooked. Events which, show the world's need of a Saviour. We !bust see the callousness; the selfishness th,e thoughtlessness of the people who crowded Mary and Joseph out of the Inn s� that Jesus was born in a stable! A mother and " her child, and no one cared.. They were, too busily occupied, with their own affairs. There we are confronted with the ut- ter selfishness of people. A world .like that needs a Saviy h1. We must see too the power of Imperiej Rome that held . nations in a grip of iron with mighty legions of.. soldiers; people -forced to submit to the decree's of Caesar Augustus. "-And it carpe to pass in those days that there went .out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed". There we are confron- ted with • the tyranny of dic- tatorship; the slavery of op- pressed peoples. A world like that needs ' a Saviour! We must see too the fear on the faces of the shepherds as in the darkness of the night ,they felt themselves to be in the presence of the Divine. "And they were sore afraid". There we are confronted with man's ignorance and fear or the unknown. A world like that needs a Saviour! We -must see also the hypocricy and cunning of Herod as he said to •the wise men, "When ye have : found him, bring me word again that .I may come and worship him also". He had no intention of worshipping Jesus! The intention of Herod was to put Jesus to death. The men from the East were • wise enough to see through, his deception. "When Herod the king heard these things he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him...When : Herod 'saw that he had been fooled by the wise men, he was furiously angry. He issued orders and killed all the male children of two years and under in Bethlehem and the surroun- ding district". That is alfio part of the Christmas story, Yet you will never see the 'Slaughter of the Innocents' portrayed on Chrif.- mag cards! We must see the heartbreak of the mothers; and hear the cries of the'children as they were brutally put to death. There was .'Lamentations and weeping and great mourning, mothers weeping for their children who could not be com- forted, because they are not". 0 STUDY- . STBY . ANDREWREV'S UJAMES NREIrTED DDOCH CMUR'C�i There we are confronted with the heartless cruelty of man in his lust for power. A world like that needs a Saviour! We will never realise the need of a Saviour until we see the story of the birth of Jesus set in the context of man's selfishness,, man's tyranny, man's vicious brutality, man's poverty, and ignorance and fear. ; This is the message of Christ- mas. `Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord". ,The coming of one who could save man from the evil of his ways; and who would reveal to man the true way to live. , A Saviour who would overcorhe evil with good. A Saviour' who would make war against poverty; ignorance; BAYFiELD - fear; selfishness; tyranny; brutality; and all of 'Tin's inhumanity to man' The situation Is still the same today, That is why the message of -Christmas is relevant in this 2Qth Century. There is still but a few who worship Him; and who offer the Saviour their loyalty and devotion. He is still crowded • out of the b"usy activities of men. The world still needs a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord! To know the Salvation is possible is surely good tidings of great joy to all people. The wisest of men: diplomats; statesmen (eittler from the East or the West) seeking a solution ., to the world's problems; will find that their search ends when they acknowledge .Jesus to be the Saviour of the world, and like the wise men of odd, 'Fall down and worship Him'. • THE BAH 'FAITH TEACHES 9,,A4vAt Meedigaili GOD BLESS THY YEAR The Bible tells us the heavenly host brought to the shepherds 'tidings of great" joy...peace and goodwill toward men'. How, we may ask, can we find Peace in a world that is torn by conflicts in nations, cotnrriunit.ies and often in our own hearts? Where is the promised peace ' in' a society that seems to have gone mad? It is surely not befitting to use Christmas as a sort of sanc- tuary Where peace reigns for but a day, and then throw our lives -back into turmoil and .discord as soon as it is over. Glen H. Asquitli saws in an article he has come to think of PEACE --E N EARTWOOODW4L1. ---- more insistent call from God. It Firs been given to the world In successive stages by 'His Manifistations some of whom are Krishna, Moses, Buddha, ,Jesus, Muhammed and in, this day Baha'u'llah. Let us work together, now, to make it a Reality. Goderich P.O. Box 212 Clinton P.O. Box 334 Goderich, Colborne Twsp, and Clinton Baha'i Communities join to extend to everyone sincere wishes for an enjoyable holiday and fulfillment in the New Veer. '9. Wrap up the season with- our good wishes for love, peace and joy. To one and all! PROTECTION Goderich Auto -Truck R ustproof i n g BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH 524-2524 the ileace of this season as an innoculation from disease. He 'If I come to Christmas and am immunized against hate and violence, the peace ,of Christmas becomes portable and I c' n watk through my World witliout the fear that I shall he infected by the mad- ness around me. Each Christ- mas, then, I would 'come hack for a 'Booster shot' of peace:' Good will and love was another part of the heavenly message. At Christmas time we experience an- outpouring of goodwill for one another: We are often filled with love which overflows to distant friends, loved ones, those less fortunate in hospitals and prisons, and the hungry and• needy. But af- - ter celebrating Jestis' birthday we all too often return to our old ways and think onlVsof our own needs once more. .,,Agart7;"were +d""ii -rfl "'•CHii:sr 7 mas :story that after 'the w.isemen worshipped Jesus and resen _heir g.ift.s, c.. wi re.. MERRY Ckt� Santa Claus is here to say we wish you well in every way! And. we appreciate being able to serve you .' .. Thanks! - ED'S SHELL Service Centre 137 Victoria N. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, TUESDAY DECEMBER 24, 1074-PAO 7 Arm ones. And thanks for your continued good will and confidence. • SUNOCO Grant and Wilma, 8111 and Ben, and Eldon Austin CHISHOLM FUELS for Free Burner Service or Famous Sunoco Custom Blended Fuels Godertalt-524=768t -- r ._... e warned in a dream they should not return to the evil King Herod'. So they returned c•Inothyr way. The. world would he a better place. if we learned, after Christmas, to return to our daily journey another way..the way of unselfishness, and , of practicing goodwill in the loving Christmas spirit throughout the year. Then our earth would know the joy the angels sang about...for when we have peace and love we cannot help but have joy. Anda world of joyful peopler.1 what Christ's coming was all about. To -JHESE rAREIE1L amem'amumi'm HENRY WILLIAM KEMP, Henry Wiliiam,Kemp, a one- time Goderich resident, • died recently in Detroit, Michigan. Ido was 86. He was horn December 31 , 1888 in England to Henry Samuel and Charlotte (Crocker) Kemp. He came to Canada as an 'infant .and lived.. - at Bayfield and Clinton for a • short time before moving to . Goderich. t• He was a tailor by trade and worked in Detroit from 1912 until his retirement, 12 years ago. He served with the United •States Army in World War 1. He was a member of the Episcopalian ,Church. He is survived by one 'sister, Maude Kemp of Goderich, and two • brothers Victor G. of Toronto and Cecil of Goderich. He was never married., Funeral service and inter- ment took place in Detroit. jr_wf,"40-N., gianit you %OM° IA for coming to t e Huron Men's Chapel in Auk) rri in 1974 OUR LAST GREAT SERVICE IN 1974 Sunday, December 29 REV. SHILTINGTON Canadian secretary of -the Andes.,tivangeltcal Mission held speaking engagements in South America during July and August 1974. Presently head of Christian Missions Education Services and a lecturer in Missions at Emmanuel Bible College. Now Rev. Shillington is minister of Kitchenir M.B. Church where Dr. Frank Peters was minister. THE McMILI:LiN FAMILY All Welcome EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING • SUNpAY LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES The family that orays together...Stays together loyfarliepTnadtosroaononsdr, here's hear6 wishes for , the best Christmas Thanks. Let-Chrlitmas fill your heart with Peace and joy. Meeting at Robertson Memorial School (B lake and Eldon Streets, GoderiCh) DECEMBER 24 - 7:30 p.m. CHFIISTmas Eve Worship DECEMBER 25 10:00 'a.m. CHRISTmas Day Worship DECEMBER 29 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Marvin L. Barz, Rastor 524-2235 "Being justified 'ey faith, we have peace with God through our° 'MO ..-ilIGJIIG'-ajk4IMIlatlfitC>kg CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Bayfield Road.at Blake Street May all the title joys of Christmas be yours. 18 WATERLOO ST S THE SALVATiON ARMY.9341 S.LINDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 7 p.m, WEEKDAY Home League (ladies) Wed., 8:00 p.m. Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30 p.m. OFFICERS - CAPTAIN G. kERBER CAPTAIN M. MacKENZIE "All Are Cordially invited to Attend" Knok Presbyterian Church Bob McCALLUM Repreeentativii 11 Cambria Rd., GiOderich 524-1345 THE REV G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Ministat ; WILLIAM 1147 -CAMERON, Director of Praise TUESDAY, DECEMBER' 24, 1974 11:30 OA. Annual Christnias Eve Service SUNDAy,, DECEMBER 29, 1974 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine* Worship SERMON: "GOD'S LOVE FOR YOU" (Nursery anti Junior ednaregation) Enter to Worship MERRY CHRISTMAS Depart to Serve ST. GEQRGE'S CHURCH CHRISTMAS EVE Holy Communion at 11:30 p.m. • CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Communion at 9:304.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1074 Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. MOrning Prayer at 11:00 a.M. Children's Programme at 10 and 11 a.m. ChOirMaster-Organist: Joseph 8. Herdman