HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-27, Page 111111111111111111111111111111111 • �Ja 31 Dec, 1 0 9 b 7 6a 4 Pubs. i -c Library, '52 Montreal St., 'Go erich, Ont. N7A 2G4 oaericb SIGNAL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27,, 1974 11 BY BRENDA THOMPSON FrNGLISH 550 Present'. day circumstances can often prophesy future in- cidents. Therefore it is ex- tremely important to analyze the various structures of a given society before the future of it can be foretold. Economic and political factors are a few of many considerations. Economically, the municipality of Goderich has become divided. Land ,develop- ment, the possible construction <. of an airport, a' recreation com- plex, and the shopping plazas have caused frantic merchants,/ and : to c -pay a--- squawking under the protective 'wings of The ' Ontario Municipal Board. With such at- titudes, the town of Goderich will experience ' many dif- ficulties in the upcoming year! Dissatisfaction among many will be prominent in 1975. Severe competition will arise between the " merchants of Shopper's Square and those of the Rockledge and Suncoast plazas, hopefully driving retail prices down to the consumers' benefit. Despite : this optimism, general inflation has been prophesized for 1975. ' The future of the taxpayer is a gloomy one. Much controversy will develop within the municipal government owing. to definite conflicts of interest among council members. Many citizens will find themselves wondering why tey, had not been more cautious with their voting power, December 2; 1974. Pessimism seems to be the general tone of this prophesy. Let's hope the future proves more optimistic than the in- clinations that have already been specified. 11111111111111111111111111111 •�� c,."%al 1.4"2 4:71, C=rie mmg::::1 • PETE WILLIS IJ feel that. the recent cut backs and layoffs taking place in the automobile industry. in. the U.S. could have serious in- ternational consequences. It is a well known fact that many of the Arab oil barons are owners of huge fleets of U.S. produced cars, such as Cadillacs, Continentals and. Volkswagens. Picture if you can, a squad of Arab terrorists vowing over to .America in the dark of night. They land at Detroit and force, at gunpoint, the production of 'say, various cars. They then ldad them aboard their rubber rafts and proceed to vow them back to their home base , in Egypt:" , problems would arise. 't'ne u.5. ,in her embarrassment would try to hush up the incident and the Arabs would say nothing either, for fear their govern- ment might force them to pay an import tariff on the cars. But, if the terrorists were to be intercepted either corning or going ... Who knows maybe,' another Munich or maybe even ' " WW111! BY KEN CUTT The coming year, :1975, promises to be a year of great changes and possibly upset. On the 'world scene, as well as at home, we have inflation. This subject has become most Yr L6 I L6uiaq o• STAR SECOND SECTION 'prominant this last year and poss to be a great threat for the coming year. • What will be done about this subject? How will it effect us in Goderich? Does it p`ireshadow a depression? These are .all questions that numerous people are trying to discover answers for. At home we have numerous questions facing the Town Council.' Does highway 21 need to be widened? Will they make Britannia Road a thoroughfare for the hotrodders of the town? Will we annex the V.L.A.? These questions are very im- artant andwillLaff°ct h citizen of the town. The an- swers to these questions. will not affect me since I doubt that r will ever take up permanent residence here due to the lack .of jobs available - for an aeronautic „engineer. The question of the two plaza's forms another threat to our town. The town may meed 'a mall but should it take preference over our square? • 0 9 5? What'WiII it bring? 1 . Yr A look into the new year by English, students at GDCI BY SHERRI ATFIELD The outlook for 197, and the following years is nit ver' bright. The world's problems seem' to becoming more and - more pronounced,„ with no solution in sight. The basic problem which is present'wo'rld wide is the lucky of money. This applies not only to those people who 1' e in a high economy country, but also for those in the overpopulated areas of .the world. Those who. could- be called. `well off" are always striving for more money to . •get more esac BY TIM CLANCY Local: My predictions for the local area made up of Goderich and the immediate area surroun- ding are: __ 1. Better outlook' for con- sumers who. will benefit from the competition resulting from the completion of the two malls. . 2. Volume will be lower at most stores but they will be able to profit still. 3. Growth in population due to new industries, new stores;, etc. 4. Better program of road im- provements (i.e. paving roads instead of tarring). National: My predictions for Canada are: 1. More real growth. • 2. Better'world relations (e.g., ties with E.C.M.) 3. More inflation but will slow down due to steps .by government and consumers. 4. Canada - Russia hockey series with members from both WHA and NHL using Canadian and American , of- ficials and being played in USSR first. .5. Conservatives will be defeated in Ontario election: 'international: My predictions for the world are: 1. More famine In some coun- tries resulting in more deaths. 2. Souring of relations -due to Arabs, French, etc. ' 3. Wars. 4. Greater inflation. 5. Depression in U.S: and other major countries excluding Canada. 6. Trend . towards smaller ' foreign cars. (In general the world will be faced' with war, pestolence and famine.) BY DAVID' ROSS The two plazas scheduled for 1975• will probably be less im- pressive and smaller than plan- ned due to a scarcity of tenants. Goderich will not be affected to too great an extent by the worsening of the economies of Canada and to a greater degree of the U.S.A. The slump of the U.S. auto industry will bring its economy to the lowest point since the 1930's. Most of the free world will follow suit, however the situation will not deteriorate to the extent of the Great Depression. Canada will fare better than most countries. If a provincial election is held, the Conservativi3s will loge many seats but will still be the government due mainly to the lack of a viable alternative. They .may, however, be a minority government. ! I1I.M competetive nature. But' in countrie's where people just sit andwstarve, the problem is the entire cou^fry's lack of funds, not just certain groups. There will not be an influx of money pouring out from the heavens to ..,compensate. The world could help itself but this hardly seems likely in the coming year. - Compe'tition will increase, starvation will continue to kill, and people will become less and less of individuals and more like animals. Something could be, done, but ti '• BY JS The year 1975 will be a very eventful one in all aspects. (It. is certain that•there will not be much amilioration in the state of the world's affairs.) It is likely ..that the Ontario Conservatives under the leadership of . PA Davis will .lose much ground in the provincial elections. There will be conflict on the Canadian federal scene over" the energy question. (It is certain that there will not be much amilioration in the state of the world's affairs.) The starving millions will continue to starve as food rich countries continue to be concer- ned only with internal problems. Tensions will con- tinue to grow, and perhaps. erupt again, in the Middle - East. The energy question will remain in the foreground. BY MARG FRAYNE Well 1975.is almost here. It's frightening in a way when you think that 1980 will be only five years away. ' What will 1975 bring t� us in Goderich and those all over the world? It's hard to say. Sc , here's what I hope 1975 will bring to all. I hope 1975 will bring peace and inner contentment Wall 'all whatever they're station in life. I hope the year 1975 will see less poverty, less apathy and' more humanity. , I hope 1975 will bring less in- flation; less recession and more employment, ,May 1975 bring more under- standing between black and white, parent and child, teacher and pupil. May 1975 firing us courage and fortitude so we may carry through our resolutions. Finally may 1975 bring us love and good blessings for the entire year. �s .at-- OltNk1E ADORN In 1975, i the state of the world will be following much the same pattern as this year has gone. Prices will continue to rise'as the very cost of ;existing will become more and • more a struggle to the middle class society. w IJ9LS 1 Goderich will be swept into a more progressive system,, with shopping malls, and increased housing going up. The population will expand, not only in Gdderich, but " everywhere is growing rapidly. The increase in population caused not. only economic, but social problems as well. People seem to no longer care. The world and its people is growing more and more im- personal day by day. To me this is a very serious problem. Mankind cannot exist in this indifferent society as he " is a social being.• I would like to think this wY c ang in the year o co e and lose after, but cannot help but think it will not. Man is very greedy and until this need to obtain •material wealth is no longer a sign of prestige, man will become more selfish, greedy and indifferent to the society around him. BY ELAINE BEAN In Goderich, 1975 there will be a 'growth in population and therefore the problem of new housing will arise. This will partly be due to the construc- tion- of two new shopping plazas. More employees for these two additions to Goderich. There will be much more transportation around ,Goderich. As a result new arid better highways will be .built. Hallowe'en 1975, will Abe a worse disaster than 1974. The - • young people caused great ex- , citement at this time in 1974 ' and will -not be satisfied to sit -at home this year. Thousands of dollars of damage will be caused since the police force. is too small and •inefficie t to con- trol this radicalism, 'liere will be a mad struggle between police and youngster. And I do ' not only predict destruction but people being 'seriously hurt or even killed. • As the years go by Goderich will continue td get a, bad name. Yes the shopping plazas will attract outsiders and "Goderich is still the prettiest .town in.Canada" but is not Oc- tober 31, an, indication and proof of Goderich being a cen- tre of rowdiness, alcohol and drugs? Goderich will certainly' not improve in its moral con- ditions for 1975.. 10 - BY JIM WATT As Canadian citizens are becoming more self-6onscipus about Canadian identity I will endeavouf to make my future predictions on the community and 'federal basis. ' History's path takes a course which involves a several years . span and as a result reform does' not come about suddenly but subtly. This has a positive effect on the individual as he has time to conform and adapt to these changes. An., example of my thesis is" the fact that we arepresently suffering an economic recession but these problems are already .being predicted as the Dow Jones Index is at its lowest point in twelve years. - The auto industry is severely suffering from this recession as sales are at an all time low and the only answer for the auto companies is layoffs. This vast unemployment causes great turmoil in our economy as people aren't able to afford 'manufactured goods which causes a vicious circle of unemployment. Locally I feel there will be a great disappointment as Goderich residents watching at- tentively, as the malls progress, will have to suffer the realization that they d'on't have the diversity, quantity and quality stores that were previously expected. Despite this showdown of gloom I have predicted I feel • man has one advantage over - all other creations, intelligence, - • and this will not only enable him to endure but prevail over all evils. BY PAT CARTER x ed -t -o eraam i g- year in Goderich and across Canada. We saw our politicians sur- vive scandals in Goderich. Elections bring a new gover- nment to Ontario. More scan- dals result. The weather affects the people of Goderich so that a brotherly feeling results, The economy;"after. bad times suffered for the first few mon- ths in 1975, begins to shape up again and times of recession result again. First, the Goderich scandal. Ot r Mayor received a parking ticket for parking too -close to a fire -hydrant. 'Council asks -for his immediate resignation. Mr. Shewfelt refuses. The janitor discovers tapes in, the mayor's office which he refuses' to hand -in to- the authorities. Finally the tapes are taken on a rainy night in May. They prove to be tapes, yes, Scotch Tapes. The Mayor goes on National Television (Channel 12) and says "I am not a bad driver." Jack Riddell wins the June election with a clear majority,. It is evidentally a protest vote against the Big -Blue Machine. In Election .1975. Robert Nixon is elected the. new Premier of Ontario. As a result the books are viewed looking at the Con- servative strongfold in Ontario for the last 25 years. The Premier becomes the .centre of public ridicule and is later before a Supreme Court Judge for his past actions. . The great snowfall of Decem- ber '75 causes the people of Goderich to help their fellow man. Sixteen feet of snow fell upon the town. The mayor calls it dr municipal emergency and asks for aid from the Liberal Premier.. . Pierre Elliot Trudeau and John Turner straighten up the economy after •a minimal in- crease 'of the GNP in the first quarter. The suggested decrease by percent of, prices and wages made by the finance minister is followed by . ,the other .major countries of the world. Inflation is beaten. Trudeau and Turner are made "Men of The Year" by the Nobel Prize Group. Canada begins a 10 -year plan' for take over of all foreign owned industries throughout Canada. 1=1•. 0111•1111•11 • somiliati, 1111.11111mftioi C.711 • rast**., 114 =1" • =I"- • C.= v C•71 . y, ="" There may be a slight recession,. world wide, but„I feel that we will' come out on top and war will not be the result of it. On the local sce eel that the plazas will gr tly affect the business for local me5- chants. 'They will probably be forced to put ' their prices -down to the place where the normal working man . can afford it, either that or go out of busyness. On the Canadian front, I feel that the Davis government will fall and we will prosper under Mr. Trudeau. - —Anonymous APP) NEW 1EAk • =re sommag Cre=1• • immoitoo, cc L6uiaq Ii um tow 74127:2:: Ou