HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-31, Page 1VOL XXI. NO 40-,-
EXETEIt,ONTARO, TilIIRSDA:Y MOBNING, 144.64.3: 3 1 , .1894
t 111 !flDJ. CO
.przces are
crowding our
store with
"Nicest Stock of
Boy's .Clothing in this
..part a the Country"
las the Verdict.
Our Stock ot
Dress Gotids
is complete and a look
through this:departraelit will
.eonvince you that our prices
and qualities :are right.
Grated Bend, Efeneall. MAY 24TPI, Granton.
:lent:seg.-The Grand Bend Methh.
(net Churoll ititend &lag a dinner
and tea in Mr, Speckman's Park an
July 1st. They Will Mao have los
cream and leulatnade in coneeeidea.
Every election will be welcome.- The
Ladies of Dorcas Tent., No. 0, Geoid
Bend, intend oelebretang the eleventh
of July by goring a grand dialler in
Mr. Spacktetan's groundfl. Dinner
Served at 120'0100k. The aftetnoon
anetemments will consist or feet ball
matches, boating dsc. Tea will be
served in the evening after Whioh a
concert, consisting of singing, recita-
tions, yeadinge • and mum; .will ,be
igiven by torch light. -The 24th waa
celebrated in good style here, the
people turned out in mewl:tee and
before, noota we could boast of se large a
crowd as any of our neighboirng town.
The day passed of very pleasantly.
There was a game of foot -ball played
between the "Highlanders" of Brew-
ater, and the junior "LoWlanclers"
of thta place. The gatete stood two
to one in fever of the former team. -
r. John Sherritt let the job on
Monday or repairing two bridges near
here. Mr. Charles Masson jr., go;
one and Mr. McIntoah the other. -
We had (tette a heavy Trost here on
Monday necet and sleet and snow
through the forenoon. -Mrs. Toting
is moving into her summer residence
near the lake.---rileseW. B. Fallen and
Mies Barbara Finis were out on Mon-
day making arrangements for the
eleventh celebration here, Don't fail
to come, all will be welcome.
Having pureheeed a large quantity of
Summer Vests just in at velaas in PriirizittistatuurgeeaserGigo'ods.See the 'great
Buis offering. ate° Part". 114
Sugars Penne the adv
A Big Lot of Ladies' retes. v
Edwards ver dvanta o s
i5 cents each.
R 8. FORD d CO.
Beterse-We, are, - hexing beautifal
-weather this treek,-1. report has
reached us of a fishing party that
mat to the Skiable to fish and each
leaving a, pole about 2a feet long start-
ed antlefished all the way to Sodom and
•captureidethe large amount of foue
arnauaah.._:.Mr. Brokenshire who has
been on the sick list we are glad to
hear is taiproving.-Qatte a number
from here attended. the celebration in
Exeter on the 24th. -A. little son of
Mr. P. Wein while playing. beside A
luraber pile it fell over on him, the
lumber being heavy he was severely
injured. --Our Pa t cone elf Inclustry have
by all appearance gone to sleep. --Mr.
Brownie' putting a new roof oa his
• barn this week. -Miss 1hntna Mar teee
of teis place, visaed frienda in Dash-
wood on Sunday lase -Ur. T. Welsh
• of Exeter has hireel with Mr. Nelson
Keane, of this place.
*en J. Livingstone, of the Ltstowel
ilex mill, and his brother Peter
Livingstone, of leaden, contemplate
taking e trip to the Old Country. ,
On Wedneadey Peter Bart a G T
R, carpenter. who livea near Steen
ford, was repairing a bridge near
. Clinton. Ile fell off the bridge, a
distence of 35 feet, and lighted on his
head. Ells head wee severely cut and
hie spine wati injured. It was found
impoaaible tO'rernove hint eo etratford.
Hopes of his recovery are entertained.
Barnen-iVIrs. W. D. Benson, of
London, has been visiting Mrs. if F.
Edward.-nr. M. Y. McLean, of
the Expositor, was here last wee.k.-
Mr. James Thomson intends repairing
the premisee on Main St. next to
Rouatt's Tin Shope for Mis. Kemp --
The Queen's Birthday passed off very
quietly here, There was a large
getherine at a, picnic in Robert Snow -
den's grove, Ssuble Line, and dancing
Waft indulged in till late, that night. -
.From present appearanoes there will
be aa unusually- large slumber or
summer ,gteeits here this season . -Mr.
James Pollock h.as parchesed the
teneee's Hotel property and has for
some time had a seaff of men busy
putting the place in readiness. A.
splendid lawn:has beeia mede, all the
rooms newly papered and kale:trained
and A hamdscene new verandah 18 to
be built. When completed it will be
one of Bayfield's most attractive resorta.
Already a number of rooms have been
engaged. -Mr. E. Sweets has greatly
Improved the appearance ot the River
Hotel and has several rooms' engaged
for the summer nionths.-Mr, R.
Rouatt is having hitt .plaoe next to Dr
Stanbury's put in shape for a Hard-
ware shop and residence.--Captrun
Creamer has been at Seaforth conduct-
ing meetings for Ensign, Maltby. -
Dominion Day will be celebrated here
-this year in first °leas style. • The
committee are at work preparing an
excellent Programof sporte. , There
will likely be two bands and a rare
treat raay be looked forward to. -The
Seevation Army intend having a grand
rally on Dominion Day. A. large at-
tendance • of officers from different
places ia expected to be there. •Wing-
!hare Band to the frotit -Dr. eletealfe
of Detroit, who last seaeon •purchased
the property known as the Itectory,
was here recently •having the " place
pat in shape for oacupancy by a
number ot Detroiters.-00 Sunday
next Rev. J, T. Kerlin wifl preach in
Trinity Church to the Canadian Order
of Forms terse-Seme cif our musically
inclined young men are bunt raising
funds to Olfganize a band. They ex-
pect to procure the inatrumeuts in a
week or SO. •
Frank Mulvey a Well-iniewie young. bar -
rister of Winnipeg, was drowned in the Bed
• River on Saturday night.
• TO be frdye frcint eick headachebiliousness,
constipation, eic.; use Carter% Little LiVer
Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently
stineulate the liver and free the stomach
from bile
Many _districts in the north of Spain
and the south of Frame ere coyered with
Everybody likes candy. Nobody likes
nauseous pills. Try Eseljay's Liver I.Jez-
• ea. •,
, Eseljay'e Liver L venges are pleasant t�
take and efftoient in actiort.
Minard's Liniment cures la grippe,
Food, •when it sours on the etOrnach,
becomes innutritive and unwholesome. It
poisons the blood, and both mind and body
wiffer In conseeuence. Whae is needed to
restore pe. feet digestion is a dose or two
of Ayer's Pete. They never fail to re -
ay You
To Read this Advertisenient,
and after you nave read it,
„think' of what' you are paying
/others for the 'same Goods.
tent *edicines.
-Regular 25C Bottles for 17c.
--Regular 500 Bottles for 1.0c.*
-.Regular $s.00 Betties for 7150.
--2 Lbs. Pure Black Pepper for 25c.
-5Lb Splendid Japan Tea for $t,00.
-Tbe wonder is ,how we can sell so much good
Soap for
-We are doing it, 'come and see for yourself,
nighest priee paid for all Farm Produce.
Special Berezina for Cesle in nil kinds of
• Boote & Shoes at et., Weseloh's. pod see
o_er %treat:), 'Liable. Sem lines at halt prices .
Butter cto Begs takea 134maaa,8 cash,. To
trouble to show goods.
• Sign of Big Boot. A, WEISEL0110,
weres Block
Yellowing are the market quotationft :
• Weeat ,.. 55 to 68
Barley . . ... . ... ,... 35 to 35
Oats •30 to el
50 to 50
Hay . 6,00 to 7,00
Butter 1,6 to 16
. . . ... . 13 to 13
Hogs ,• , . „ . 600 to 6 25 ,
()loiter seed
Bittsee.-Mr Fred Arnold returned fora
Toronto last Seturday, where he attended,
the horse races -Bev Kerrin of Bay.
fel, lectured in thePresbyterian Churoh
on May 24ble to a large audience, and the
stun of $60 was realised. The Rev gentle-
man is a fine lecturer, and his subject was
one Of Much interest and. : atnasement,
He will deliver the latter part of his
leottire on Thersday feyening June 7th,
in Coxworthe Hale ,Everybody ootne.--
Rev Jete Headers= will preztobeleto the
Cauaeian Order of Foreeters next Sunday
at half past ten in the morning in the
• Methodist Church. --Mea Vern Cook died
at her daughter'a xesidence, Mrs Peter
Trigeerson on Tuesday night, Thefuneral
will take place on Friday t Fansville
cemetery.-Mis Jennie Thompson of
Blyth, is visituig at the Commeroun Hotel
-Mr J 0 Stonenaan and wite spent a few
days visiting at Mrs eauStet:in's parents,
in • Lairabste.- Messrs •33allentyne Le
Shiltinglave shipped several oar loads of
cattle for the Old Country market last
week. --Rev Mr Swann, Mr Walker and
Mr Treleven, are attending the conference
at Goderioh.-11r. John IsloArthur,
Banker, has retuned from hia trip up to
the Soo, where he was looking after! his
Doak property.
EiCoawan Sroan Lerote.-The laying of
the corner stones of the new Methodist
church took place on May 2111e. Ties
weather was fine and e, large crowd pres-
ent. • One was laid by Mr. Walter Reddy,
deputy reeve of Usher le, the other by
VVm Pengally, the oldest member of tee
congreeation. • Mr. Reddy, donated $100
and Mr Fengally $50 towards the new
chant). The • donee contained the,
Christian Guardian, Reeee a • Titre%
Clinton New Era and Huron Expoeitor
newspapers, a list of all the subscribers
the names abbe scholars in Miss Lammie's
°lase, [together with • the •various, coins.
Among those present .,anti who gave ad
dressee were: .Rey Howell, of Goderich
Chairman of the district; Reeds. Gallaway,
, Kerrin, Baytield; McDonagh.
Exeter;Henderson, Softley, Swann and
Treleaven, Hensell. After the ceremony
tea was served on Mr Coults lawn,ofewhieh
a large uumber partook, and on the
whole the sum of 8142 was realized, The
corner atones were photographed from
three different points. •
Woodham. •
Barnre.-The Sunday School Anniver.
Eery held on the 24th of May was a deci:
ded anocess notwitesteading the 'rather un-
fevorable weather.d-Mr. Race, of Mitohell,
proved an exoellent chairmais, and enter-
taining addressess were deltvered by Revs.
A.yree, Hatton kid Birks. The proceeds
amounted to t1128.30, -A. game of football
was played between it team from townline.
of Biel:tabard and Bilidalph :and the home
team, resulting in one goal each. The
boys played wet1.-Quite it number frotn
this neighborhood attended- the S. S. pia-
nist at Cooper's Church on efonday laat.
-Mr. Thomas Forthingliam • has rentee
the Middleton Hotel • in Grantor). He
takes possession itt a shore time. His
genial face will be very muchmissed in
she -11r. Thomaa E. , Sawyer
will take Rev. Ur. • Burke's • place oil
Sunday nexe-Mrs. Edwards of London
township spent the 24th of May vimitiag
hereon Mc. Rob"e liklwerda.---elfies Lizzie
Stephelis has returned home from Toron-
(Too late for last week.
BEV:Us. - The Winehelsea Publec, School
has beei closed indefinitely owing to the
prevailing diphtheria in thie eaction,
some four: or more families being affected
with tine dread disease. -On Saturday'
last tho Board of Health met at the town
hail, ernville, and ordered the Elimville
and Sanshine churches 'sane Sunday
Scheele oloaed till such time as it is
deemed safe to reopen them. The im-
portance of this seinen will be realized
when it is known that no less than eight
school geotione are represented in three
Sunday Scheele
Meatoentat. "In the midst of lite
we are in death." „Chia text was fully
and sadly exemplified in the desth of littIe
Vera, the beloved datightee of Mr, and
Moe Chalice Godbolt On a Wedrteedey
at achooebright and playfatfull of life and
vigor and the promise of long life, on the
Teeticlay following death claimed hor
victim and a home for seven years bright-
ened hy the little etagere Femme it let
deeolute. Little Vera Walt the jay of the
parents, a favorite with here school mates
and the 'pride of her friends, and her
sudden death has cast it gloom over the
entire neighborhood. Much eyrepathy is
felt fou the parente and Mewls in thiceeact
selection, Oa the 15th of May, 1,804, it is
recorded that little Vora Doloree Godbolt,
aged 7 year 6 months and 7 days, Was
trangplanted from this world of oate and
ectienet to that bettet land where she now
,await e the !eyed ones to follow.
Not as it ehild shall we again behold her,
--Dor when with raptures wild
oer euibracee we again enfold hier
She will not be it child;
But a fair maiden its her Father's mansion
Clothed with Celestial grime
Ana beautiful with all the sohra expangion
Shell we behold her feet).
halt it et: Vero eold, for whieli 1 took
Norway Pine Synge 1 Audit an exabileet
remedy) givieg prompt relief arid pletteent
to take,
The eeventy efth anniversary of the
birth of Her Mejeaty, Queen Vic:feria,
was celebrated in Exeter, on Thursday
last in the Initial loyel manner by epode
of the various kinds. The wet, disagree-
able weather of the etevious two week%
had not ilampenee the .ard tar of the oom-
mettert, who continual perfecting arrange -
mews, and whioh eesulted iu a good day's
erre The dm &tweed beautifully and
it saw in Exeter oee of the largest crowds
ever on our sereets on an occasion of the
kind. The gate raceme) at the grounds
amounted to over $400.
First on the progratn. none tb.e procesi-
ion..which, .althoagh ,it gorgeous, was
good and what appeared gave evicleece of
mime thoeglet see work le preparation.
The ,ealiehetrpian contingent ()reined
gorgaideraele tittered and htught le The
prizes for the beet trades' outfit were
awarder). to A. Q, nobler, Proluce Mer-
chant and T. Dearing general dealer, tote
for calitharapians, "The Upper Tan", 1st;
"Coxey'a Army", 2nd.
Immediately after : the procession a
friendly 'earn° of base ball was played be-
tween Lueen end Exeter nines, resulting
in favoro! Lucan by a score of 17 to 4.
There was oleo a gamteof hteroaee between
Clinton and Mitchell teams, Mitchell
vvinning by 2-1.
• At 1.30 the races began, and for thca re -
Wander of the day the comae was the
centre of attraction. The traolt was in
excellent conditiore and everything prom.
ited well. In the three minute else; there
were eve entries, and throughout all tbe
heats competition was keen, although
each horse maintained his position pretty
viell during the rase. Following la the
summary ;-
E. Bossertberry's.(Zurich) Erie Girl 2 2. 2
Seth Young's (London) Cinderella 4 5 5
Uri Pearoe's (Stratlaroy) Ruler
Wilkes. 5 4. 3
Lack Kennedy's (Clinton) Lora
Tennyson 1 1 1
:Robb McLean's (Luoan) Brinaroe 3 3
Time -2.39e; 2.40; 2-45.
The two -thirty trot was aloe a good
ram, between John Nelson and Saranac,
and bat for a slight miehap in the start
of the &et: heat, Moll 0' would have proved
a formidable opponent. Saranac and
John Nelson workot hard but eaoh kept
hia position with:but very alight chaneeen
each heart Following is ilia' summery :-
John W. Perdue's (Blyth) John
Nelson ' 2 2 2
13, Willsone (Wii charr) Seranao 1 1 1
T. W. eleawkahawe (Beater)
Mell 0' • 3 dist.
Time -2.30; 2,34.
The free-foreel tree was onenef the
best and meat ke.enly contested races ever
witnessed in the :county. They meant
business, and werked et the Beige with a
might, but Elsie Goff a handsome little,
four-year old mare from London proved
too much for that old: track horse
"Florence G " Both horses were in good
shape and made splendid time considering
the early season. Following are the heats:
H. Shane's (London) Elsie Goff 1 1 2 1
Jae O'Leary's (Brussels)
Florence G. 2 :2 1 2
Tithe -2,30; 2.26i; 2.34; 2.30.
Judges, a Henderson, Seaforth; H
Ellber, Crediton, and I Battenbury,
Clinton. They gave entire setisfaction.
The day's sports concluded woh it pay
gieen in the Oesea Soave, by three pee -
sons from Toronto. 'Che attandence wee
'small, but too large for the ma' it of the
affair. It was one of the rankest ftaus
ever imposed upon an Exeter audience,
and every one preeent was totally disees:-
ed. We may say, however; that the
committe were not to bleat°, as the trio
were recommended from Toronto.
The Athlete) Park was the scene of good
Boort on May 24th. In the term:loon
Eaeroste match between the "Babies1" of
Stratford, endeleids " of St. Mary's, re-
sultee fever of the hometown by a wore`
4 to 3. Afoot ball match between 311. Marys
and Avonbank remelted in te victory'for St. -
Mary's lee a soore of 2 to 1. In. the after.
noon, in addition to re.oes, greased pigs,
etc., an exhibition game of lure:lee was
witnessed between the Alerts, of St, Mary's.
and the Breres, of Paris. When tbe game
we id 3 to 1 favor of the visitorthe Brants
left the field and refueedto complete• the
gameewhereupon the referee awarded the
genie to the home team. ••
BRIE -res. -Mee Thos. Murray, who
has been visiting fres-lade in Witegham,
returned last Saturday as hale and
hearty ase even -The architect has
beetr visiting th.e school with a view to
ilis enlargement, after., which two
teachers will be erigaged.-Our ex-
eellent eholehas received an invitat-
ion to sing at the Eden 8, S. Anniver-
sary on:the 17th and 181h of June --
The elehtion of officers of the It. T. of
T. will take place Friday evening. --kr.
W. Bowden of Stephen, was united in
marriage on the 24th mat, to Maas
Louisa Boyle of this village' A large
number of friencia were present to
witness the ceremony which wee per-
formed by the Rev, W. R. Butt. Miss
Ida Dempeey of Exeter acted as
bridesMaid and Mf 3 atneli McFall of
Centralia was beet Mari. The presents
were nutnetroute valuable and Useful
and the happy couple anald sheeters
of rite and good tviehee left on the
evening trand to speed • their honey -
=On et Port Huron aud other pein
-Arrangements are being Made for a
big time bore on Dotninion Day at the
Autival Festival.
IL D. C. cures stoic head ache.
Paynter, Huntsville, Ont.
Heart Disease relieved in 30 minutes. -
All cages of erganie or sympethatie heart
diedase relieved m 80 minutes tole quickly
dere& by Br .Agocw's Cure for the Heart.
One dote itiodviinets, Sold by C. TAM.
It is your duty to yoarself to get lid of
the foul aocumulabioti in your • blood this
spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla is jaat the
medicine you need to peaty, vitalize and
enriate your blood. That tired feeling
which effects nearly every one in ithe
spring is driven off by Rooe's earsaparil la ,
the great spring teedieine mild blood pare
fiere , ••
Beiorp,- e atone meeone 410 at work
on the fouedation of David Tyreman's new
barn whicu when completed will ba aire ge
structure,-11be new telethodiet Ctiaroli
wilt soon be completed as tae last coat of
plastenng is being put mined when ready
for orrice will indeed excel some of the
city churches. Tee (mum: stoee ef the
saideliurah waelaid on the 24th of May,'93.
Them Ina be vete -miseedertitanding as
to laying the corner otone, hence tee wot k
was somewhat deayed, ill disturbance
coming about owing to a ceitain lady in
Granton oot having the pleasere of laying
the isomer rtane. -A large orowe centered
as the Church of England to hear the ROY,
Bemmish, it lete geeeciate whores parents
reside in this plaCe. Mr. Beatnish has
been on it twelve menthe travel. The
Rev. gentleman hes seen a great deal in
Itis trevels. Mr. Beemish gave it very in.
tentative sermon Sunday evening and in
oourse of time will be an eloquent spealcer.
-Mr. eBeattie and Mr. Abner Langford
are feeling renter ill disposed. We wish '
theca a speedy recovery. -The Oedfellogs
of this plaoe purpose going to • St lelerys
on Tuesday night. -Our ice cream parlor
was open in full owing last week and bouts
of our young men indulgel too freely,
however the present cold spell we are Lav-
ine theyevill be able to recruit erethe freez-
er isput again in force -etre Clare nee Miss
Bella Cameron witc home for a few days
last week reining her parents. --The C. 0.
F. of this place has received it cordial
invitation from the brethren of (lout Le -
can to attend a Service on Sunday next
which Sermon will be delivered on Princi-
ples Fo estry. The Crsditon brass band
hes been eugeged to render mune for the
remission all have a °ordeal invitation. -The
opening of the Methodist Oloiroh will
shortly take place and no douht will be a
galaday for Granton.--Ramor says we are
shortly to lose another of our esteemed
villagere in the person of Wetliddleton and
family, Mr. M, heying lamed his Rotel for
three years to Mr. Vomits Vorthinghara
who for a short time ago kept a Hotel
business et Woodhatn. No doubt but Mr.F.
will do a luttrettve beet:lees as he is earning
highly recommended being an upright and
honorable gentleman. Success Is tendered
Mr. Forthinghana in his undertakiag.
.-Otte of the largest gatherings that has even been
Creditori for years, gathered here to celebrate
the Qneeies Birthday, 'The village was decorated
with arehee end !streamers which added to the ap-
pearanceof things considerably. At 10 a. m, the
Voresters and ;Maccabees headed by Crediton Erase
nand formed into processsion ab the Town Hall
and marched through the yillage. The balanqc of
the forendonwes spent by e game of football, be-
tween Captains W. Young and G, Eilber, the
testet being a draw. il The calithunmittas made a.
large amount of amusement for the 'children who
attended iti large numbers tO enjoy the sport.
The afternoon was spent in all sorts of athletic
sports which were hotly eoutested. The bicycle
race was filfed, but owing to the wet condition of
the track the boys attempted to have the rare on
the road which resulted in it general pitch in, and
one bicycle smashed. The horse races were post-
Ponedltmtil such time as the track will :be in good
corulitoln and we may expect P. good night's fun
before ong as the boys are auxio us to have it out
The following is the prize Iht:
Standing Jump, iet, W. F.i tz; 2nd, James
Running 'Annie lst: J. NcFaddeni 2nd, John
Hop Step and Jump, lsb, J. McFadden; 2nd, J.
HighJunm, 1,1, 3. McFadden; 2nd, W. Fritz.
Vaulting with Pole, lst, M. O'Rogke; 2nd, 3;
56 pound weight, high, let, W. 'Fritz; 2nd J.
Putting the Sbot, let, W. Fritz; 2ad, Dr. Stade-
Putting 56 pound weight, Mt, W. Fritz; 2nd, 3.
eat:gags Race, itt, W: Fritz; OttO, 3, Bilberr
Fveitoz0. yd. Foot Baca, 1st,' W. Hoffman; ene; 111,
1003'4. nitrate 11.yle, lit, J- erePadden; One, VV.
Three Legged. Race, id, W. Hoffman; 2nd, S.
eheTug of War was one of the hardest fought
battles of the day. Charles wolf and chest,
Haber being Captains, who made good selections
front the crowd. After pulling for 32 minutes with
our either side giving one foot, and when all the
boys were tired out; Charles avers side • won. , All
who saw the 'pull say that theway the boys went
at it one would think that it was tor blood. Some
the boys bad 10 be fanned end drink administerect
during the $etnitiutes of a pull- '
The time .that .the horse races for farmers
only, will beheld will be announced in doe time,
Rvel7 pe.eoneenjoyed the day's sport, and the
only person that Wa$ not pleased was the Town
Constable, Who claimed that he tine noswork, and
got sons feet I:ratting. for a victim,
To the _Editor of thl Exeter Times,
The celehretion of the Queen's Birteday on
Thursday lett psssedoff successfully on the
whole, but 10 Otto particular, allowme to draw
attenhon lan, little unfairness or improper
judgment, I refer to the awarding of prizes
to the ealithumpiens. Whilst 1 suPpose the
subjects themselves do notserloinly °bled, in
the interest of fair pity, 3 say the pewee were
not meritoriously awarded. The eturn-outs" of
those oonsidered br the goneree public te ba
the best wore passed over, and prizes awarded
to others much infertoras ealithumpiens or
vehareetenstic of the sublects thee soughtto
represent. In future I would sueeest that die-
iaterestea and outside eudges be eelected.
Fein Peel-.
RETAILIP xs Sxx ROVBS.---DidrOSS1ng Kid-
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Greet Scene American 'Kid-
ney Cure." Thin new remedy i4 it g eat
surprise and &eight to physiolant on ao:
(meat of its exceeding promptness in re
'loving pain in the bladder, liidneysemek
and every part of'the nrinaryf pamsageg itt
male and female. It relieves retention of
water and pain itt parolee it almost intoned -
Mete. If you went quiet relief lute cure
this is ,your remedy, Sold by C. Ltrrz,
skin Diteasea are more or less directly
ocriettioned by bad blood. 13. It 'B. dotes
the following Skin 1)iseases; Shinglee,
Itchintellesbee, Salt Reenna,
Scald Heed, fleeptioeti, Piumlee and
Blotchen, by rerricosifinall impurities from
the blood from it eetnruerk 'Pimple to the
worst Scrofulous Sore.
eonle Witlerrt &Went
utdiehars end receprostele
extent eriai Asseetetion
The regular meeting ofthe South
lieronItlinisterial Association was held
in Caven Presbyterian Church, on Mon-
day last, the president, Bey. Geo. Jack-
son in the chair, Atter tee opening
exercises the minutes of the last meet-
ing were read and adopted and routine
bissinesa transacted. The secretary,
Rev. w.i-fr. Butt. of Centralia„ read a
paper.enl'Oepital and Labor.!' in whiph
he traced the social condition of the
masses and contended that the depress-
ion that was so keenly felt at the pres-
ent was in part the result of a govern-
ment that aided the few at the expense
of the meny. More than half the
wealth of the United States was in the
belles ot less than half a million of its
population, tvhile half it century ago
there was onlyshere and there one whose
wealth approached the million mark.
There was something wrong itt the
civil government of a country when a
man like the late JayGould couldarnass
it fortune of seventy two millions in a
shorteife time. The breach •between
the rich and the poor was widening as
evidenced by the movements of the
Coney Armyrand the atrike of 200,050
coal miners threatened to paralyze rail-
way and stearaboats traffic. The poor
were not wholly free from blame as
there was an unnecessary crowding into
towns and cities from rural districts and
lack of industry and economy. But the
great panacia for these evils was it
practised Christianity the application
of the:Golden rule. The result would
be a happw re -adjustment of financial
inegualities and a harmonious settlement
of social misunderstandings. Thepaper
highly commended and subjected to
friendly- criticism. ,The meeting adjourn-
ed to meet again at the Thames Road
Presbyterian Manse on the 25th of
Oar shippers find that good prices oars he
realized for good animals, bet ill coditioned
onee are a drug on the market. Our stock
raisers admit that most satisfactory results
come from using Dick's Mood Purifier. It
tunes up the whole system. Be sure and gest
Pulmonary eonsAirmtion, in its early
stages, may be ciligeAted. by the use of
Ayers Cherry Pectoral. It stope the die.
tresaing cough, soothes irritation of the
throat and lungs, and Indacea =oh need-
ed repose. Hundreds „have testified to
the remarkable virtueeef this preparation,
The Indians ea Tvendmage, reserve are
• being vaceinatee. •
Eseljay'e Liver Lozenges are'the best blood
Eseljey'a Liver Lozenges are pleasant,
harmless and effective. 25cents.
- ,
Begone Dyspepsia 1 hereie K. D. 0.
Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Headache,
Constipation, Variable Appetite Rising
and Souring of Food, Palpitation of the
Heart, Dtgtress after Eating. • l3urdock
Blood Bitten are guaranteed to cu•re Dye -
impels., if faithfully need according • to
The rstearner Cambria, from Sault Ste -
'Marine, for Sarnia, went ashere near Kin.
eardine Friday. The passengere were eafely
removed. •
There haS been no more imperteut ripe
°every in medical science during recent
years ehan the Invention of EsoliaY's
,Liver Lozenges. Their discovery ie of in -
The Verdict.
Given by our many customers .
and all who Lave Seen Our 8toa1a
Of Gents' Fu.rtaislairlgs is that our
Men's Straw liats are the very
latent styles, F et,1,1e.,,H17,srYatis.taloc\tvie,ontprlca ,,
P1 wear,
See our lime of
4 in hand ties for 200,4usnal price
4oc, and our 50c.'maraate hes at
8oc.' Derby's and all other ties •
at similar prices.
Gents' fa.. ncy colored shirts and
two collars for 5oc. regular, price a
eoc. ••
Flighest price paid fo farm
.1. P. Rosa Mariret DBDOt
Follow 'El Crowd
TO MANSON'S Big Slaughtur
Sale of Boots and Shoes.
He has knocked the old time prices clean
out of existence. For the next 60 days
or Ca sh only he sells (mil' own hand
made) :
Men'aPrence Kin Boots at 34; aLen,`e Imperial
Kip Boots at $3.50; Men's extra good Cowhide
Boots $3. Men's, W0111071'$ and Chilerwes
shoes in endless varieties at 20 per cent. dis-
count. Repairing promptly anti mealy eone
at the following prices Melee Half Soles only
40e.; yeomen's Half Stiles only 05e eome wad
se sure some of these BaagaMs.
The People's Shoe, Store
Next Door to Post Office.
• Home Seekers' Excursion
..• Tickets.
Will bold by the Chicago, Milwe,u1sees
& St. Iseal Railway on Alay Sth, and May
29tbe 1324, from Chicago and St. Paid,
Minneapolis, Omaha., Sioux City, Kansas
Oity; and points beyond at praetically one
fare for the iound trip, Excursion
tickets will be good for rehire, passage
thirty daysefrom date of sale, but are good
for going passage only on data of sale,
For farther particulars apply to any
Coupon Ticket Agence in the 'United
States or Canada, or addressA. 3. TA.Y.Lon,
1 Canadian Pass. Agent, 87 York St,.
Toronto, Oat.
ILook at the date on your label this
week. and see that your name is mark-
ed. well in advance,
tts. No paper is discontinued until all
arrears are feint paid, exccpt at the option
of the publisher. •
The date when the subscription expires
is ou the address label of.each paper, the
change of which to a subsequent date be-
comes a receipt for remittenceeSubseribers
will please examine their.label before and
. -
eter makingrn a reittanee,
threat and benefit to nearly every person
saontreal, Sept, 4th,
TO THE PUBLIC) t -da ray practise'
and in the capaeity of Veterinary B liter
of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, I
have bad oecasion to test the merits of
Dick's Horse and Cane hfedictinee. I
have found them so tboroughly reliable
tnat I have prescribed them in lamdrede
of caste, in all of which. they have proged
atisfactory. R. W. GRAHAM.
IP • ft • •
A Boon to Horsemen , -One bottle of
English bpavin Liniment completely re-
moved a curb from. my horse, I take
pleasure herocommending the remedy, as
it acts with mysterious proraptness in
the removal from horses of hard, soft or
°released lung*, blood spavin, splints,
curbs, sweetly, stifles and sprains.
Geo. ROBB, Farmer,
sole by 0. Lerrz. Markham , Ont.
Young, old or middle aged, who fine them-.
selvesmervoes, week and exhausted, who are
beriken down from excess or overwork, result-
ing in teeny of the following symptoms :
Mental depress:on, premature old .ige, toss of
vitality, loss of memore, him drn,ores, eh:nue:is
of sight,palpication of the heart, emission,
lack of enerermain in the kidaeyetheadachee,
pimples on the faoe and body, itching or
Deonliar sonsetion About the scrotum, wasting
of the organs, dizziness, soots before the eyes'
twitching of the muscles, :eyelids encl else-
where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby muscles, deaire te
SleoP, tally:re to he TOStdd by slam), d one ti patinn
dullness of hearing. loss uf vn)e.e, desire for
solitnde, excitability of temper, sunken eyes.
surrounded With leaden circles, oily emeing
skin, etc., are all symp tome o' netvous debil-
ity tat lead tO iOSITOitY an toss cured. Tee
spring or vitae course having lost tts teneme,
every function wanes in eoneetmenee. Thine
who through abuse corm:Meted nu ignorence.
may be permanently eared. Send your ed -
dress for book on diseases' Peetrliar to meat,
Rent free,eouled Addrest St V. LutsoN, 04
maedeenellAve..Toronto Ont,,ea nada,
.0•IreaarnWer...owiDolkett tam.. tmltlf•-rotTenet.,17.4.,,'"."-*
Granulated at 4e. per ib.,in bbi,
Bright Coffee at 4o. per lb. iu bbl.
' Bright 'Yellow at Sic. per lb, in °wk..
Par two weeks
Also Job Lille of Hats and odds and ends of :Dress
Goods at laalf-prioe.
Sueeesso s to Brown tebert. 0111,DTTON