The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-27, Page 2P .Gz. 2,0
About their heritage
The Signal -Star is indebted to the
Grade' 13 English students from
Goderich District Collegiate Institute
and the Grade 6,7 and 8 students from
Goderich and area elementary schools
who wrote down their predictions for -the
new year now only hours away. As you
read these essays, you will undoubtedly
note the pre -occupation of the
youngsters with the state of the world -
inflation, depression, pollution, over-
population are common words in their.
One tSigr,ial,Star typist as she was
preparing_ the copy for the newspaper,'
remarked how sad it was that these
children had to be so weighted down
'with care. One member of the editorial
staff said casually,. "Only 11 years old
and already they're •fed up with the
Not all is doom and gloom, of course.
Some youngsters found other matters
upon which. to base their predictions.
But the general tone of the comments
are enough to set many adults to
thinking ... what kind of,a legacy are we
building for our children? What will their
heritage be?
In 1975, let us all keep in mind the
future not ?nly our own immediate
future but the future :of - the next
generation and the, next. Let us en-
deavor to build those lasting empires
which time and circumstance cannot
erase such as fresh air; green grass,'
sparkling water and most of all, love for
all mankind and faith in one another.
We need a gas miser
Representatives of the federal govern-
ment and the.oil-producing engine really does get ont the _rnar.ket.
P gprovinces
t• - The American auto ind stry has little
have been sitting in a continuing debate reason to
on the tax aspects of the energy crisis. - b proud of ifs record for in -
Alberta has been angered by Ottawa's novation. With. 60 years of. experience, in
insistence that it will not 'allow the which to meet the consumers'. need for
'province's oil royalties as a tax- greater ,economy of operation the
deductible expense as, far as federal •
manufacturers concentrated all their
abilities on creating ever more
revenues are concerned. The Ottawa
glamorous body lines and ever less
people were adamant that stick a large
motor efficiency. Blind to
slice of income' could not be sacrificed, the saleability
of an economy vehicle they continued to
You can guess the outcome., They produce gas hogs while the German and
finally came to • an agreement. Alberta •
will drop 'the royalties, but the price of Japanese car makers flooded North
oil will g°o .up* so that the consumers America with little machines that got
have tq make up the difference. That their drivers over the roads on half the
yG: fuel. I,
makes sense - or at least the kind of
If any one industry had a particular
need to be well-informed about' world •
reserves of fossil fuels it was•the auto'in=
• dustry. Its very life depended on that
knowledge - but not so. Even at this late
date, the car • makers grossly over-
estimated the possible sales of big cars
'and have . thus fallen onto such bad
times that hundreds of thousands of
their employees have been idled just
before Christmas by layoffs.
Fact of the matter is that•.our society
had become tremendously. wastefufn its
fancied transportation needs. Thousands
of good 'cars were thrown away: when
they could have been repaired arrd kept •
in operation fora few more. years - but
like Madame's evening ,dress, one could
not be seen in the old model too often.
The next few years will see a painful
orientation away from the over-
production of cars to the up -dating of
other lines of consumer goods which are
in .short • supply. —The Wingham Ad-
vance -Times
sense governments usually make,. Find a
,,way to make the ordinary guy do the
Now it seems likely that gasoline will
go up another ten cents a gallon - and .
since gasoline, purchases are vital to
almost every business in the land, they
will have td be passed on in the shape of
higher -priced, merchandise right - down
the line.
For these reasons itwas interesting to
note that two brothers by the name of
LaForce have developed modifications
to the conventional combustionengine
which, they say, might mean a fuel -
saving of 40 or 50 per cent_ Their
profotypes were interesting enough -to
catch the attention of• officialdom and •
tests were set up by the U.S. , govern-
ment. -First announcement was -that the
engine • was promising and a second
round of 'testing would commence. Ap-
parently some hitches have been en-
countered -since that time, but it will be
interesting to see whether an improved
Inexcusable example:
The action of federal Members of
Parliament in raising their own salaries
by 50 percent this week''. is a case of
tasteless bad timing.
Here are our leaders trying to tell us
• that we should be doing everything we
can to fight inflation and there are our
leaders taking a whopping big, pay hike.
Certainly the •M.P.s haven't had aoraise
since. 1971 and so the 50 percent
averaged over that period doesn't sound bad (just under 17 percent each
year). Certainly inflation must be putting
the pinch on our l'egislato'rs just as it is
on other people.
• But the •only inflation is for
everyone, from -top to bottom, to pull the
belt a little/tighter until we can get the
ole vicious• circle to stop spir)ning for a
While. -If all wage earnersrushout to try
to recoup their losses to inflation and to
get the jump on the next round of in-
flation, then' .inflation is sure to get
worse. If labour costs go up, then the
price of the manufactured products is
sure to go up too. We 'need labour and
the Manufacturingsegment to both hold
the line until we can halt the inflation
cycle. Sorheone has to set the example:
to make the .first move.
But what manufacturer or what
labourer is going to -be satisfied to do
without a big raise after he has seen the
example set by the leaders of the coun-
try? None, As long as our leaders can •
,ju.stifj such a pay hike, no one else's
conscience is going to hurt them very
—The Blyth Standard
MryE eOYCTI [b
—0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron —0—
Founded in 1848 and published every Thursday at Goderich, Ontario. Member of the CWNA and OWNA.
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Business and Editorial Office
TELEPHONE 524-8331
. area code 519,
Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 220, Goderich
Second class mall registration number --0718
Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd
ROBERT G. SH'RiER-president and publisher
JEFF SEDDON —editorial staff
EDWARD J. BYRSKI—advertising manager
DAVE R. WILLIAMS—advertising representative
� o #�
Og Shirley 1. Helfer
Today I'm looking hack Over - , nto hear from Ron and Peg and Loewen) back here this fall alone .do it ,as well •
• 1974, I'm -filing away memories early, early in the New •Year: with one- of them, Dave Sykes - ' * * *
which deserve td he preserved * * * coming• to us full time at the . Also among my good
for another time when they.c4n While writing this type' of beginning of -January, memories of 1974 is my
be hauled•out and remembered' discourse, I .cannot forget, to To Sykes, Loewenand association with Goderich
with some' sort of satisfaction mention another good memory ' M•acDonald I say, "Three Town Council. As most readers
and joy. from 1974 ... that of our senior Cheers". To the three kids who must know, I cover almost all
At •the tope of my' list of ' reporter-photographer—at the follow them this March I say, • sessions of town council. In.
memories worth filing" is Ron Signal -Star, •Jeff Seddon. "You've got big shoes to',fill-" . that way I have become fairly
Shaw, the blonde haired, blue .Jeff is the senior man oh the * i* well acquainted with the mem
eyed bearded kid who wormed reporting staff even though he Speaking about Conestoga hers who sit there,
his way into the hearts of joined us Only about nine mon- College, Doon Centre, it is one, It was gratifying at the last
many, many Goderich people the ager. Prior to coming to the of my favorite memories for meeting. Of town council for
who were lucky enough to know Signal, •Jeff had a few other 1974. We worked very closely 1974 to hear Retiring Mayor
him. jobs in Huron County- quite , with Conestoga since the fall of- Harry Worse!' thank the press
When Ron first came to the unrelated to the news business. 1973 when Debbie (Darling) for its faithfulness and fairnes4.
Signal-Star,he was viewed with - Frankly, I'm- -proud of young Dimmick came to us for a work ' The Signal -Star has attempted
some skepticism by both staff Jeff who' went •from soft water period• •to be; both of these and it is
and patrons. After all he was a delivery to • news writing • Debbie was followed closely good to know it is appreciated.
long=haired type complete with ,without much more than hat- (in more' ways than one) by Bill Now it is my turn to thank
faded blue jeans and tattered ting an eye. Dimmick,' the ;young man who Town Councill for thejr,
sneakers. But it wasn't too long • Jeff is multi -talented. 'He was to become her husband, frank ant honest deliberations,
before any reservations about Alear`ns quickl,v and he's in- Bill joined us full time in 1974 almost entirely in open
Ron were • washed away. He terested in the Signal -Star-.... but left us• this fall for Elmira meetings, for their understan-
was truly one of the best things besides that, he's a great where is is now editor of the ding of unintentional
that happened to Goderich and - comedian. When I get, down a newspaper there. where this newspaper is mistakesc-
to the Signal -Star. `little, •he picks me up with one After Dimmick came Sykes ' ped; for their concern for the
Ron left Goderich earlier this of his curt -quips that remind and Loewen, both of Conestoga. people of Goderich,
year with his pretty wifePeg to me I'm just one part Of a' team The head of the journalism `I believe this newspaper has
go to Africa to work with The working , to produce a Netter course at Doon Centre is Bob played a vital part in keeping
Canadian Hunger Foundation. newspaper in Goderich. Trotter. I extend my personal. the people of .Goderich infur-
Ron The Humanitarian wanted Thanks .Jeff for providing the thanks to Bob. for the co- med in 1973-74. (I was
to do sddmething for the world. with another, fond memory of operation he's given to this delighted to see how many let
He believed so :4i -tingly qin^ ac- • 1974, newspaper ,during the last 12 tern from the school kids -this
tion, not words. While not a : :� * ,,months. I also extend my hest year reflected the reporting in
Bible-thumping�Christian, Ron Two years ago.when R.G. wishes 'to any grid al)• the Signal -Star).
` was what man,v1 Christians fail 'Shrier got the idea to put out a Conestoga atudei tit who in any . The association with • town
.to he .. , . a man of his convic small daily new paper during way contributed to the success council has been rewarding and
tions, of .the Signal -Star during the
He wasn't in Matadi too longthe Lions Young Canada pleasant. My -hope is fcir ton -
past year. It has .been just timed co-operin 11975-78.• Hockey Week it was an•instantbefore he was up to•his neck in tremendous. Good luck to you *ation
success ... with the tournament
expressing his great love and all. Rather selfishly, I suppose,
concern for people, just people: fans. ,' * * I'll file away some other per -
But with the editorial staff•of conal memories from 1974 ..
And when he asked for funds to the •Signa! -Star it was `a There are a couple of great ,
build a well for a tribe of crusher. That year if readers guys right here in Goderich • like winning the Jack Sander-'
Fulani who were without fresh who have special places in my son award for editorial writing
water, the Town of' Goderich will recall, the news copy was memories from 1974. They are in Canadian weekly
done by Ron Shaw (reluctantly
responded with a will. The„ac- -Jack Cummingti of Let's Talk . newspapers. That's a pleasant
for as Ron said, I hate smelly g memory to he sure.
count at the local Bank of Minor Hockey and Dick Madge
locker -rooms and sweaty I'm also warmed by .the
Montreal grew with leafs and (alias I'D) who• writes all. the
socks"); Rob Kellestine .and thought of those other awards
hounds through the generosity both high .school • sports for the g
Barb Leadbetter. g the newspaperpickedup
OT men and women who knew Signal -Star. in
Ron and his determination to greenhorns as far as deadlines These two fellows are the 1974 ... thanks to the efforts of
help. , .. ' , -and production schedules were so many, many . peo le here at
1 concerned; and yours truly, a most faithful supporters we p
Unfortunately, one zealous have from the ranks of .John - the Signal -Star.
lousy sports writer and no realBut most of all, I'm 1
young man could not cut Public. Every week without pleased
lover of the game of hockey. to recall the hundreds and hun-
through the red tape of govern -fail, their copy arrives. Without
A cripple crew you say. How dreds of faithful readers who
ment. •His plan failed them sports coverage for Minor
through no fault of his..,, and right you are:,,. but we got out a Hockey and high school events
daily newspaper every single
the Melepba Well for the day of •the tourney 'in true would`, he Minimal, Thanks
Fulani tribe will have to he .Jack and Dick.
built some other way, newspaper fa.� the from time to
by ~rime By the way,
But when the 1974 tour -
other benefactor, soma other time the Signal -Star gets com-
time. nament . neared and with the plaints from somebodyor other
thought of such agony
That was in rate October. about the column written by
And I haven't heard from, Ron repeating itself, 1 knew ,Jack Cumrhings, Anyone who reader wants from a weekly
since. He was moved to something else had to be done. thinks writing a minor hockey journal.
Tahc�ua, Niger I know ... but (Sometimes I wonder if the colu'mn is fun should try it. It But I'm heart• ened by the
although I .have reason to thought of Young Canada might interest readers to know many, many people who drop
scut -
that what
believe he is safe, I fear he is Week wasn't rthat Jack Cummings (as well as me a line or telephone me or
not well. tled Ron Shaw into taking off o en Dick Madge) does not receive
for Africa in early March.)
stop me on the street to tell me
I spoke to his ,.mother a So I approached R.G.hrier one red cent. for his efforts on they are enjoying the
couple of w , weeks ago at her beltaf.f of sports in town. They newspaper, Thank • you
home near Perth, Ontario. She with a thought •.. why not 'get berth do it because they want to everyone: Your kindness is like
told me she is fairly certain Journalism students from one because without them there halm to a wound ,.. soothing.
of the •Community Colleges e
Ron ' and Peg are safely would he no coverage. And now may I wish each of
established in Tahoua, but she handle the writing and As we've attempted, to ex- you a ,,
photography chores for thehappy, healthy,
is deeply concerned for Ron's week? plain before, the Signal -Star prosperous New Year. May
health. He's suffered from That's how we got Dave Just does not have "staff your troubles he few and your
malaria while in Matadi and Sykes, Gary Loewen and Jim
available to cover the blessings plentiful. ,
as most people realize, this MacDonald from Conestoga multitude of sports. activities •
illness can recur over and over which go on in this town. It is
with weakening regularity. (i College, Doon Centre last absolutely impossible.
understand that a mail strike March. And that'.; how The Economically unfeasible. .We,,
Daily News made such a hit
in Paris may have had must depend on the input Mom
something to do with the lack last year with all the folks who the fans ..-:. and Jack and Dick
of news from the Shrews also.) attended the biggest little stand out head and heels above
My hest wishes go out to Ron Peewee hockey tournament in'all others in Goderich.
Forth America. ,
And Peg and 1 knew the hest They were three great kid; ,.. That's why complaints about
«i,h, of �I>;i�:,l tir;t, ,tuff and the type of reporting done by
readers are extended to these and they make three great these two guys falls on deaf
two fine kids as well. Yes, these memories; from 1974 for mein ears here at the Signal -Star. To
fact, tht:c• were so irro�rrt that dare, we've found nobody else
are some Of my most cherished F }
we've had two of them (Sykes
are the Signal -Star's most
valuable customers,
I'm,always saddened to hear
that someone is cancelling the
newspaper because it 'is a
reflection, in some way, that we
are failing to provide what that
!Hum AliOT IT
memories of 1974. I'm hoping who will even do the job ... let
t„ 1 HOPE iT
Next year, the year 1975, I
hope to mak` good progress for
my first year in High-school.
Between grade -school and
High-school there is quite a
huge stela. One part of this step
is changing from tests to exams.
Another is changing from •
being around children younger
than yourself and than being
around people all, older than
you. The Highschool is. quite a
bit larger and more con -
plicated` than our school.
It will probably take us
newcomers a while to get use to
our new surrounding. All of the
students which`'are in the same
room as me will pribably
well for their first year there. I
hope I do,.
Claudette Richard
Age 13
St: Mary's School, Goderich
Annually in January most
people lose their heads and do
..something that in February
t e
talking about (I call them the
'January dreamers) dream up
'wild resolutions that they.begin
to regret and forget about in a
month or two; Do you remem-
ber the resolutions you made
last year?
And now for a few words on
the sticky little promises New
Year Resolutions. There is no
use in making promises to your-
self that you know you can't
keep. It is a waste of time. This
means you will have to struggle
a lot harder than normal to
meet the demands of an over
active imagination. Resolution
regretting can ,go on and on,
but there are two sides t6 every
story and this one is no exep-
tion. There are good.'points too.
This is the time every year'
that people begin to think of
their betterment. The end of
the year b'lue's aren't uncom-
mon and a talk with yourself
might just he the' thing you
need to get going again. Or if'''-
• you need no,•improvements that ••
you can see you might resolve
to help somebody else. In• either
case' I'm sure fond memories
will be stored away at the end
of this year and also a few of
your smart moves - for future
reference. Try to forget your
mistakes - as they say,,, live, and
learn. Above all, don't 'regret -
it's been a good year.
Beth Walton
Age 13
St. Mary's
In the future I think that
some person . will invent an
engine that does not burn gas
or use oil. I live beside a man
whose car burns no gas or use
oil. He built an electric car. In
the future all cars, trucks,
planes, boats, trains or any
means of transportation will
run• on electricity or nucelar
energy. Cities Will be built un-
der the oceans with huge domes
over the cities. There will be
cities on every planet in the
solar system. Pretty soon Santa
Claus will have his reindeer
pulling a snowmobileto help
him get' through the Milky
Way. He will need a computer
to send the presents 'to the
planets, sunder the oceans and
the land cities. 'When inflation
hits the next century Santa will
go bankrupt.
Yours truly
The Year 1974
Mark de Haas
Grade 8 R.M.P.S.
I am hoping in 1975 that I
will get into highschool and
become a succesh the subjects
I choose. I look forward to par-
ticipate in the sport •activities
and 'become a success in them
too. In that year I wish that I •
will get a summer job and start
saving for college.
In our town in 1975 I am
hoping for more athletic sport
programs for the students Also
that their will be more
educational programs in the
schools. I hope that, our town
will have the new plaza up that
In our country in 1975'1 hope
that the prices on .food and
luxuries will decrease. Plus
that they will elect a new -Prime
Minister' so that our country
will be a better place to live in.
In our country I wish the they
will find a way to inhabit Up-
per Canada.
St. Mary's
Grade 8
Dennis Donnelly