The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-27, Page 1WHAT I HOPE FOR
iN 1975
The year 1975 is only a stones throw away so what should
I hope for this year. I guess it's almost like a recipe. The
ingredients would be
364 days of hapiness (sadness has to, come once in a while,
but one day out of a year is more than enough.)
blend with the following and stir constantly
1 large helping of co-operation and helpfulness
1$ months of worldly love.
Keep in mind and use 24 -hours a day, 365 days a year and ,
you'llfind out that this' is all we need to live through hap- .
pily, for the ,new year and years to conte.
Cynthia Redmond
• Grade 7
St. Mary's School
I am hoping, for peace in the world, no wars, no "people
dying because of wars. I hope for an end to poverty. All •
people will go to sleep with their stomachs full, not rumbling
with hunger. Everyone will be safe. No rumbling with
with hunger. Everyone will be cared for. No one will suffer.
All .people and animals will be safe. No animal or thing will
be mistreated. There will be perfect peace in" the world,
��u�rs�--.ynew.a.•enu::::a.n��—=�"•••---�.�.., _ _ _.
FOR IN 1975"
I hope that in the future of 1975, there will be no conflicts
between countries.. Too many people are suffet'ing over a
small amount of land. This world would be a much better
place to live. It would help a great deal.
Another impossible hope is that everyone would be
gr,,.ateful that Christ had died for us. We should havebee
the ones that were killed. After all we were the ones who
'had sinned. We should love and cherish God at the church.
Another impossible hope' -is for. an end to suffering._ There
is not enough money going to the missions. Many, many,
thousands of men, woman and children are dying everyday;
They need our money, but as long as we are well-off the heck..
with the rest of the world•. We should all unite in one faith
and love:
One more'impossible, that everyone has a right, to
justice. Many people in the penitentiary a'e innocent just
because they, did not get fair justice. I watt these and All
other troubles in' the world to stop.
Hope is: A life . of luxurious things,
An unpolluted stream,
A life of unity in love,
And many many other things.
Age 12
St. Mary's
Grade 7
John Koster
Grade 7
St. Marys School
1h 1975 I am hoping thakbkere will be a better world to
live in, that again people witart sharing, that this will be
a better community and that love and peace will come bet-
ween us, not hate and war.
I hope that people' will not be selfish and that they who
are rich will give_to the poor.
This I know is hard to come across but what a miracle if it
IN 1975
For 1'975 I would like a peace -loving world. A place where
the parks are clean and the air is fresh. A place where the
people love each other and Where there's no fighting.
A country or world where animals are left to roam freely.
A place where prisons are torn down because people are
humans and are meant to be treated like humans. A place
where you can walk down the street without getting mugged.
Even where the streets are clean and where trash is thrown
in the trash can. A place where people have enough, not too
little or not too much.
The world .would have parties seven days a week, twelve
mdnths a year.
The world would have a universal language and' all were
treated alike.
The black were like white, the white were like black, the
yellow like red, the red like yellow.
'A place where everyone believed in the same God and if •
you were caught prayir;,,in one country you wouldn't get
shot down .or beaten up. 9 .
This would be a great world. Don't you .also wish it would
come to be. Let's all tri together. '
Carol Stegenstad
Grade 7
St. Mary's School
' IN 1975
Suzanne Smith
Grade 7
,St, Mary's School
For '75 I would lake a world where you cart.hear birds
chrip without industrial noises. When little children aren't
lying dead all over the streets. Where fish can swim in un-
polluted waters, so everyone will have the same amount of
intelligence. A world where there is brotherhood, peace and
underktanding. Parks that aren't polluted. All I can hope for
is that 1975' will be a better year.
Moira Donnelly
Grade 7
St. Mary's
asks town s
to consider safe
Brat way to ersd 1974
Several weeks ago, Gale t.ouzon of Goderich found a Coca-Cola bottle cap liner worth $1,000
in the Coca-Cola Co. o` Canada's "What you're •hoping to Find" contest.' Wednesday, she
traded the cao to Tom M; rey; sales mitnager of Erie and Huron Beverages, an authorized bot-
tler of Coca-Cola, for a ~'-1,000 cheque. Gale couldn't believe it when she found the bottle cap.
In fact, she hast to calla triend to verify that it actually was the real thing. She found the bottle
•cap on practically the la•.+`day of the contest. It ended Oct. 26.. Thus far, she has been the only
$1,000 winner in rte St'atford district, (staff -photo) '
ymphony .reg January 9
Something for everyone
in new yeur concert
The London Symphony Or-
chestra will return to Goderich
Thursday evening, January 'r
for the ,second of the 197'I- 5
'subscri.ption series,. under the
$pontiorship of the Goder:t h
Rotary Club.
A special 'conc'ert pert 'r
mance on music from the
;lccompanied by. the orchestra
in the singing of •Schuhert's Ave
Maria, also heard in the closing
passages of Fantasia;
"Thanks to the generous sup-
port of the Sully Foundation,
ticket prices have heen kept
most reasonable in the hope of
increasing- support for the Lon -
Disney film Fantasia will he .
' .
presented, including the Sol.- Riddell asks
cerer's Apjlrentice, Beethoven's
Pastoral Symphony and Night .
on Bald Mountain.
"We might have called this wh eggs
second concert Family Night
Rotary. President Bruce Heat$).a':a • P
;aid, "The selections should af�. in short sup p i
peal to ever' member of the• •
family from the youngest' to rhe ' Ontario had a huge surplus
Oldest.„ For those who have of eggs for several weeks, but -
rrever had the- opportunit, of now it4seems there is a shortage
attending a symphony • ,,r'• of eggs, according to Huron
chestra concert or have been MPP Jack' Riddell.
•hesitant to attend Previous con- In the Ontario legisltature.
certs', in Goderich, this concert recently, Mr. Riddell • asked
would he a particularly , �, W.A. Stewart, •Minister of
joyahle introduction to .yn►- Agriculture and Food, "What
phony music and the London kind of games are we playing in
Orchestra." ' - Ontario? Why is there a sh6rt
Special -guest -soprano, '�li�� supply of eggs. at the present
Margaret Wolfenden. will ht• tine when a Week or so. ago
there was such a surplus that.
farmer's were -taking a 16 1 !3
Rec Board sets
cent a dozen loss on the, eggs?
. And why are we trying to get
rates fog Kinsmen thepermission States twh when, import
must be eggs in the other
The arena suh-committee ,pt provinces of Canada'?' '
the Goderich Recreation and Mr. Stewart replied, "I will
Community ('entre Board has have to take the question as
recommended fees to he notice, I haven't arty idea.':,,r -
charged to the Kinsmen Chill
who 'plan to open a bar at,
hockey games this season.
The reconlnlendation. air
proved by Goderich town t ori
c•i1 last Thursday, calls for • i
charge of $2l) per night prier I.
the playoffs and '$5t) per night
during the playoffs. The Kin
smelt Club is also to lit/'respii11
4ihle for a good portion of the
recently, if he is
clean up considering legislation dealing
During the nl(`etlhg. Ike' with disposable packaging and
Director ?Mike 1)vrn'�tiel the problems it creates in the
reviewed the chnMider;illl\ in -environment, in the ministry's
creased grants. tvllic h i1t' ;,,lid waste task force report
available now on • (tiTllrllilTUt Mr. Newman said he would
i'entres construct ion make "sofre comments at the
•Aphroval way given for,Mr tittle .i table the report." He ren-,
Dymond to attend ORS , on
Terence in at January '._' flounced that the report will be
25tattled shortly.
Gaunt gets
poor answer
Murray Gaunt M,PI' for
Huron -Bruce, asked W.
Newman, Minister of the En-
vironment, in the Ontario
' Mrs. Sharon Scruton, ''a made to promote Goderich..and
resident of, 169 Bayfield. Rd',,, have discussed several ways..
has expressed •her concern for The Sunset -Rich Street area
the proposed, plans to widen watermain for a total cost of
• c :,South • .ayfield • $7,770 "has been approved' by
Road). She puncerns toe 011W1‘7-
h Ontario Water Resour-
the form of a letter which was andthe n aria
brought forward at last Thur- -ces' Commission, A `, OLIO of
sday's meeting of Goderich
revision is now required to 'hear
• Town Couneil, the final cornpjaints from citizens living
meeting for 1974. in the area.
"My greatest concern is for The 'project was ,inid b -
the children who might I say. :the developers a year ago -Oriy
already have a problem trop,. Suncoast Estates Ltd.,)
crossing as the highway stands and, Ducharme: The date was'
now," wrote Mrs. Scruton. "I set for January 20, 1975 to
would alio feel strongly about allow for the :proper time
'any property loss, and of a element' for mailing out notices.
` cessive lighting which seems to' Four objections have been
•accompany large highways." registered against. bylaw 48, th
"If this roadway" must be change the zoning 'in the core
changed, how great will the
area: ' All are . from private
safety precautions be especially citizens. .
for the children?" Mrs. Scruton The Municipal Office will be
asked. "Has the possibility of a closed from noon December 24,
-tunnel or overpass been con- to Monday, .December 30. •at
sidered?"•8:30 a,m, Council approved the
extended holiday for its em -
She expressed the hope that ..
council would look into this ployees without argument..
matter more extensively before • The,inaugural meeting of the
making' any definite decisions.
197.5-76 ,council is..January 6 in
Mayor -elect Deb Shewfelt the couneil chambers. The
public is cordially invitethto at -
told council many of the
don Svtphony series and •of
fering an opportunity for 011 to -
attend who wish to do so," Mr.
Reath said. "Tickets for the
two concerts, .January 9th and
the final Orchestra Night ('un -
cert 00 March 9th, are now
available at Campbell's,
(xoderich, or the Clinton News,-
e«srRecord, car• from all Rotarians
with prices set at $2.00 for
single adult, special family
$5.00. Tickets fort he final con-
(ert ()rohest ra N i( }xt are
available at the same price,"
.suggestions put forth in ►' s.
Sc r -coon's letter • had.- ready:'. •
heen disc ..'e . - - er was
referred to the new .council in
At the 'meetii g;- thiY plan ``'tic
the proposed traffic Signal
layout at the intersection of
Huron Street, Toronto Street .
and Britannia Road were
yiewed by council. Council has
approved the proposal prepared
by- the Ministry of Transpor-
tation •and Communications
who will ' finance • the traffic
light ,udder the connecting link
agreement (MTC 91) Percent,
town 10,percent1. •
No date has heen set for the
installation of the new ,lights,
The Goderich Tourist Carrick
mit tee, has reported a -small
sc'rrpl,us at the end of 1974 but
i1 was noted this •money - and
,idditi )1 al funds - will probably
• be required to finance the
125th relehriations planned for
1975 to' mark the incorporation
•of Goderich: The committee
feels' ah extra effort should he,
The trial of police constable'.
.John Hills,'of •Goderich, began
last week and three of the 19
Crown witnesses - gave their
testimony of what happened on
the night of October 27.
Constable Hills is alleged to
have unlawfully and
dangerously discharged a
firearm during a disturbance at
The ,Square in 'the early mor-
ning hours • and received a
second charge of careless
driving as a result of the man-
ner in which he is alleged to
have driven off after the
firearm incident.
Perth County Crown Attor-.
ney •Doug Page told the.court in
his opening remarks ghat the •
Crown's evidence should prove
that Constable Hills pulled and.
(continued on page fi)
A Kinsmen treat for seniors
Goderich's senior citizens were treated to a tour of the town to view the Christmas decor, by
the Kinsmen Club, Tuesday evening. Approximately.40 people took part in the hour-long bus
tour through Goderich. It was follredythel �neheon cheon tandpeovided orge's tansportat on for the
nglican Church. The
Kinsmen Club rented the bus, provided
senior citizens, to and from the- Church. f photo)
• 9