HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-19, Page 35-Chris Christmas is Ioving ,g II" • YP o beirigin return BY GARY Nhe couldn Her mother started to cry' a5 "How caps he be so happy 't be kept silent. CONESTOGA'JOURNALIS.M well and Jenny promptly bolted when his"patientmay never see Jenny -started' crying again' STUDENT up the stairs. If was snowing this Christ- She threw herself onto her rr as eve and the forecast of a bed and couldn't help thinking white Christmas had proven tai about what the doctor had told be accurate. Nineteen year old her. Jenny Saunders paid no atten- "He's been very seriously in - tion to the loveliness of the jured and might never come scene. Her thoughts were out of his corns," he told her. elsewhere. Je ny had not yeLlear.ned to Jenny had just completed the accet the doctor's diagnosis. rest of her Christmas shopping. Each time she. thought of •Keith, She, had bought nothing,out of lying motionless in his hospital the ordinary, a.sweater•for dad, bed, she had to cry. a necklace for mom: She also" Jenny sensed that she needed bought something' for her a type of help that humans fiance's parents. However, she could not give her. In fact, couldn't think of anything to buy for her fiance, Keith. Jenny started to pray vigorously. hoping that God Normally she ;would have would help her. bought him a sweater on a 'Here it was, less than four couple of records for his new hours from Christmas. 'For the stereCe. from her eye as she thought of first time i•n her life, .Jenny • A tear suddenly emerged wasn't looking . forward, ' to Christmas. She didn't even Keith. realize it existed. The only gift Keith was a„good looking 20'- ,:she wanted was for fiance to year, old with blonde hair and get better. rina11Y shP fell asleep. --caf-f-ted—a 0-A- pound --frame He: had just celebrated his the sun again?” she said to her-, but this time 1,4 was out of joy. self. The doctor entered and was She sauntered into Keith's still smiling. room while brushing away the "Hi .Jenny. It looks like your tears again. She knew Keith wedding will be right on couldn't see her but still she schedule," was embarrassed at/ the "Oh thank you doctor." thought of crying in front of "Don't , thank me. I think him. ' somebody up there likes this The room was still. Keith young man." wasn't moving. She approached "Not half as much as I do," the- bed, leaned over him and yelled Jenny. kissed him."I think you'd better leave She started to cry again. him alone now Jenny. He needs Jenny grabbed a chair and his rest if he's going to be the, sat beside the bed. She just next Gordie Howe." stared at Keith's face. Jenny went over to Keith Suddenly, before Jenny's star- again and kissed him. He w.as tled eyes, Keith's eyes opened. "already dosing _off. Now it was ,Jenny's turn to •o Then she,turned and ran out remain motionless. • of the room. „ Was a miracle happening? • "I've got to get him those Jenny just sat there not records he wanted,"'she said to knowing what to do. herself. "Keith." Jenny was' still running as Then Keith actually uttered she' left the hospital. Now she noticed the bright sunshine. Now she knew what Christ- -mastras-iib out Jenny's name. Jenny was hysterical. Her face was The next' day, Christman'cab ming now. twentieth birthday two weeks morning, she was up bright and • earlier. early. Her enthusiasm was A„' "Just think, I'm already one lacking significantly, fifth of a century old," he had She could only think of last, said jokingly. Christmas day when Keith had Neither Jenny or Keith come for Christmas dinner. It imagined that Keith's life was the first Christmas Keith. could possibly be cut short at and Jenny had ever spent one fifth of a century. together. Keith was '•an excellent,She descended the stairs Junior A hockey player and lowly and her parents were was considered a top prospect already waiting by the Chi-ist- by most pro scouts. The scouts mas tree. They appeared to be stuck to him like glue as he justas unhappy as Jenny. travelled from city ..to city. "Good morning dear and Jenny and Keith had been Merry Christmas," --said her engaged for nearly two months mother without meaning. .,,now. They were planning to. get Her father said nothing. He married in June after the an- ' was staring emptily at the tree.., nual draft. , Mr. Saunders, a carpenter and Keith was a cinch to be draf- an avid hockey fan, used to go ted and could expect a bonds of to work and immediately start $100,000 or up. Their future to boast of his future son -in - looked very bright. law.. He, was very proud of Keith and his accident came, as Jenny started to Cry more now. an enormous blow to him as She recalled the only game well. she saw Keith play this year, ' Jenny put' her arms around only two weeks earlier. It was her father and gently kissed late in the third period and him on the cheek. He"smiled at • Keith's .Brandon Red Wings her but Jenny could tell it was had the contest well in hand, not a genuine smile. Keith was trying to dig the .Jenny ' sensed a feeling of puck out of 'the corner when uneasiness in the air. The one a theopposingplayers Christmas-. spirit, w,aa,. not. unleashed a vicious body check present in the Saunders house • knocking Keith's helmet off. that Christmas morning. 'Keith seemed to shake off the "Are you'' 'going to see Keith blow when suddenly he collap- today?". sed. Yes dad..I think Keith Jenny remembered how the would like some company on people around her vigorously Christmas day." restrained her from going to It was two p.m. The sun was • Keith's aid. shining and the fresh snow . Her thoughts suddenly shif- gleamed'as she strolled nearer ted as she approached her and.. nearer to the hospital. house. She strolled onto the It was certainly a gorgeous veranda where she brushed Christmas day. Yet Jenny away her tears before entering.. ignored the weather. She only Jenny "knew that her mother thought of Keith lying was also very fond of Keith and motionless with a number ')f was just getting over the shocl long tubes protruding from his of the accident.' Her mother,cer- body. tainly didn't need another, • Again the tears came. -She en - emotional scene concerning tered the hospital and hap: Keith. pened to notice Keith's doctor. Jenny walked in and her He had an enormous grin on father and mother were already his face. This, angered Jenny.. eating supper. "Why are you .so late dear?" inquired her _mother. "I had trouble finding -anything to buy." . "Sit down and eat your sup- per," was her father's recom- mendation. "I'm not very hungry; I think I'll just go upstairs" and finish wrapping gifts." "Did you visit Keith 'today?" "Yes mom. He's still the same." Jenny could ••no, longer avoid the inevitable. She started sob- bing boisterously. Her father tried to comfort her to no avail. "He'll never talk to me again," she sobbed. "He won't ever notice me again." ' "Jenny? Did we win? Hell, did I sleep good last • night. What arek you doing here? Aren't you working today? What the hell am I doing in a hospital?" Jenny couldn't even keep up with all the questions. First Keith couldn't talk at all. Now IF YOU CAN RUN A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN TALK TO PRECISION HOMES If you can sell, organize and manage — and if you are in- terested In the home construc- tion market — consider e Precision protected dealership for your area. Precision Homes Garp. Inc. Is one of Canada's largest manufacturers of homes and vacation homes, with a network of franchised dealers who sell and erect buildings pre -assembled In one of Canada's most modern home-building factories. You can earn a high income as e Precision dealer, without a large investment. Precision has a comprehensive marketing, sales and technical program to assist you: For more infor- mation about this unusual profit opportunity, call or write Mr. T. C.. Calllcott, Vince -President and .General Manager, Precision Homes Corporsitlon Inc., 195 Bethrldge Read, Rexdale, On- tario. (416) 744-5510. h ., GOLM RICH SIGNAL -STAR, • THLJJ SDAY, D1 MEIER 19, X07 TQDAY CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN THE TORONTO 7:)1...)14 SYNDICATE Kirk is seven, a lively busy boy with brown hair and dark eyes. He is in excellent health but has very poor vision ,because of detached retinas in both eyes. Giasse,s will not help and doctors feel surgery will not help either. Kirk copes well with his disability, doing all the things other children do — running, climbing, reading and watching television. He is in a special class because of his eye problem and will continue to need that kind of special facility. Adults find Kirk an affectionate, interesting child. He . is popular with children. He has a great imagination and his school principal says he is very bright in some areas He loves painting and music Kirk needs a mother and father who will give him much love and stimulation and will be able to help him deal with his visual handicap. To inquire about adopting Kirk, please write to Today's Child, 'Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888., Station K. Toronto M4P 2H2. For general adoption information, consult your local Children's Aid Society. ,;fig3• ; ;•,•• going to be a happy Christmas after all. This was going to be the happie,at Christmas of thein all. She was still running and-' beaming as she got home to tell her parents. Now their Christ- mas would • be one of joy as well. Centuries of Yule tradition BY KEN MacQUEEN• CONESTOGA JOURNALISM t, • STUDENT Christmas as we know . it today, is far removed from the simple celebration of the birth of Christ. Christmas customs are constantly changing, in tune with • the changes in society. Some of the customs have been with us for centuries. The displaying of the Nativity scene has•,been part of the Christmas celebration since 1223. St. Francis of Assisi displayed the ' first one in -a hermitage at Gricchio Italy. The date December 25 was first designated as Christmas day by the Romans, in 336. -The first Christmas in Canada was observed by Jacques Cartier and 110 of • his advance guard of settlers, in 1535. - They spent the winter in a tiny palisade by the St. Croix River, near present day Quebec City. It was not a happy Christ- mas, they were ill prepared to face a Canadian winter. By Christmas, thedeficient diet resulted in an outbreak of scurvy. . The first Canadian Christ- mas carol was written .by Father Jean Brebeuf, in the Huron language. The four stanza song told the story of the nativity in: ways the Hurons could best understand - "... Within a lodge of broken" bark the tender Babe was hound. A ragged robe of rabbit skin enwrapped His beauty round. . Christmas cards': are a relatively modern idea. J.C. Horsley made the fit cards in England in 1843. The first.. Christmas Seals were designed by Emily Perkins Bissell, of Wilmington Delaware, in 1907, She designed and printed the seals to raise money to, fight tuber- culosis. Her one woman effort raised' about $3;000. Christmas Savings Clubs are now an undeniable part of a1 modern Christmas. Merkel Landis, treasurer, of the Carlisle Trust Company, Carlisle Pa., originated the idea in 1909. Not only .had Christ- mas celebrations become more eci'iipfek, it was becoming more expensive. inter BY MARY LOU HUEHN CONESTOGA JOURNALISM STUDENT STILL WINTER Fierce.angry wind Makes hair fly dt ay. The new stprm clouds Force, winter to stay. Wet snow splashing down Puts blankets on our eves Disenchanted people run And shout the "whys?" A sadness ,hangs on The swaying trees sigh People sit in gloom Brokenhearted ones die. 'e Victoria and Grey Trust Company anc1 its Subsidiary Companies Highlights of � financial year 0 Company Funds. Guaranteed Funds Estates, Trusts and Agencies 1974 $ 50,.634,804 .1,022,164,063 134,850,64•.8 • 1973 $ 41,404,831 850,004,342 114,966,497 Mortgages Guaranteed Investment Certificates'and Debentures' Trust Deposits 925,999,061 758,745;397 685,944,844 164;059,498 843, 578, 523 ' . 178,585,540 Gross Revenue Net Operating Income - Net Income Net Operating Income per. Common Share Net Income per Share VG 92,324,657 .6, 226,191 6,517,898 2.15 . 2.25 73,070,702 6A84,125 6,902,247 VICTORIA and GREY TRUST ..COMPANY SINCE 1889 ' Alliston • Belleville • Brampton . Can nington • Cobourg • Collingwood • Exeter • Goderich • Guelph • Hanover • Kingston • Lindsay • Listowel • Mea - ford • Newmarket • • North Bay •. Orangeville • Orillia • Owen Sound • 2.24 2.39 Peterborough • Port Credit • Renfrew • Richmond `Hill • St. Catharines (Agency) • St. Marys • Stratford • Tillsonburg • Toronto • Whitby. Larnbton Offices: Chatham • Leaming- ton • Sarnia • Wallaceburg. HE NEEDS SPECIAL PARENTS CODAN •PAGE .7B GENERAL CONTRACTING • Renovations Residential * Commercislo Custom Built Homo' For free estimates call Clinton 482-9372. 482,-7640 LOWER INTEREST RATES Now Available On IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES - Interim Financing For New Construction & Land Development For Representatives In Your Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office 56 Weber St, E. Kitchener, Ont. —We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash— Doris Summerfield SUGGESTS --- It's showing you care , with unique and adecial gifts chosen from the LANVIN collection. PHARMACY C'XaR1 drry ki€, . . ur�P.� ti Archie Barber, PHM B. O�QUARE Public Notice Christmas and New Year's GARBAGE .PICK=UP Monday, December 23rd, 1974 and Tuesday, December 24th, 1974, will be picked up as usual. Wednesday, December 25th, 1974, route will be picked up on Tuesday, December 24th, 1974. Thursday, December 26th, 1974 route will be picked up on Friday, December 27th, 1974. - Friday, December -27th, will be picked up as usual. Wednesday, January let, 1975, route will be picked up on Thursday, January 2nd, 1975. Thursday, January 2nd, 1975, routewill be picked up on Friday, January 3rd, 1975. Friday, January 3rd, 1975, pick up as usual. PLEASE BE GOVERNED ACCORDINGLY J. Harold Walls, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk -Treasurer Town of Goderich ,, PROCLAMATIQN T�The CitizensoftheT�wn of GODERICH As r Directed By Resolution Of The Municipal Council I Hereby Declare, BOXING DAY THURSDAY, December6th, 1974 A CIVIC and PUBLIC HOLIDAY And Call Upon All Citizens To Govern Themselves Accordingly HARRY WORSELL, Mayor �.�\ f��./f.�`��.%ate ��\ �s����\�%�•�*�\\�`�i...��``�i..��`%...\`�%/:�!%%%\'%���~1�\`��\