HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-19, Page 174,r obericlj. • u O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM I. 0 lit - ole town of a. For Christ is born of 3. How si - lent - ly, how 4. O ho - ly Child• of I Beth - le - hem, Ma - ry, si - lent'- ly Beth - le • hem, How still v.1 see thee lie' And gath - eall a - bove, The won - drous gift, is given' De - scend to us, we pray! Poi �-� 1LS -1 - t- • GNAL. STAR e• A - bove thy deep and dreamless sleep •I he si - lent' stars go ' by While mor - tats sleep, the an - gels keep '1 heir watch of won-dering love, So • God im - parts ' to hu - .man hearts The bless - ings of I its hea.veri;. • Castrl in, e -born in us to -ay, .., I. '11E1 r .; . 0--0 .- J i st t Yet 0 No We in a thy morn ing ear may hear the dark streets shin - stars, to - geth - hear His com - Christ -mas an - eth The eV - er - last - ing er Pro - claim the ho - ly ing, But in this world of gels •rhe. great glad ti - di-gs Light ; birth; sin, tell; The hopes and fears And prais - es sing Where meek souls will 0 come to us, of all the years to God the King, re - ceiveHim still. a -bide with us, t t i t • Are met in thee to -'night. And peace to men on earth. , The dear Christ en - ters in. Our Lord Em -man - u - el' A -MEN. HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING it--• et – - -- I. bark the her aid an g z. (.hast by high eat hes en 04 r► Fi -+ 0 i5 1. 12Y YEAR -5 1 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1974 SECOND SECTION 1' ,� -1• ,c - els . sing , ' (I1, • c a - dored. ( hrot'he 3. , Hail. the heaven born Prince of Peace' Hail the i• Peace on 'earth and mer - cy- mild, Come, De - sire of Na, - tions, come, Light and life to ,till He brings, God and Fix in Risen with E., the new -burn King; 0 • er • last - ing lord! Sun ui Right•cuus nese! ,w. • .w • 77-24,4 sin - ners rec a on - cited!" us 'Thy hum - He' home, • heal -. ing in Hit' wings; ' family worship is something special for all This order of worship is,. prepared for use in the home as the family celebrates the birth pf 'Christ the Lord in human flesh. - It is suggested that the head of the household be the leader _ in this devotional service. The t other members of the .. family to- ,r -,r ,-•-,- • Joy - 'ful, all ye na - tions ' rise, Join the tri -umph of the - slues; Veiled in flesh the God - head see; Hail th' In -car - nate De - i '- tv, Mild e lays His glo - 'ry by, Born that man rig more may; die, • should be encouraged to take a part, lighting candles, reading the Scriptures, offering prayers.' - as he promised through his Suddenly the angel was holy. prophets "long ago joined by a vast host of others - someone to save us from our the armies of heaven - praising envies, from aTI who hate us. God. He has been merciful to our "Glory to God in the highest ancestors, yes, to Abraham heaven," they sang,' "and himself, by remembering his peace on earth for all those -A- .R- •L. Ar 1- '.RTIP • L .wow_._-' ♦ r- %� With th' an - gel - is host pro - claim, "Christ is born in Beth - le - hem!" Pleased as man with men to dwell; Je - , sus, our Em - man - u - el! Born to raise the suns of earth, Born ' to give them sec - and birth; • -a CC Y I fr- ti Hark' the her - aid t.n - gels sing, "Glo - ry to the new-born King!" A -MEN. • 414 A Hymn: "0 Little Town of the glory of the Lord. They Bethlehem" stanzas 1 & 2. were badly, frightened, but the angel reassured them. Scripture Reading: The Light "Don't be afraid:" he said. "I is near: Luke 1: 68-79 bring you the most joyful news -ever announced, and it is for 'Praise the Lord, the God of everyone! The' Saviour - yes. Israel, for he has come to visit the Messiah. the Lord. - has his people and has redeemed 'been born in Bethlehem. How them. He is sending us-a—'witl you recognize---him?--You Mighty Saviour from the royal ' will find a baby wrapped in a Zine of his servant David, just blanket lying in a 'manger!" (Provider~ Bibles, songbooks, and candles -before devotional time) Invocation: (Leader) In the Name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit'. Amen. Candle Lighting: Done by a younger member of the family,' ' with help, if 'necessary. Prayer: We thank You, Gracious Father, that in Jesus You have given us the greatest gift, a Saviour. We thank You that Your Son is the- guarantee of Your presence among us. Make our. Christmas, a joyful - response to what You are doing for us. Amen. - sacred promise to him,, and by , pleasing him:" —From the granting us the privilege of ser- Living Bible wing God fearlessly, freed from our enemies, and by making .us A Hymn: "Hark! The Herald holy and acceptable, ready to Angels Sing" stand in his "presence forever. • '' And you, my little son, shall Meditation: (Leader) ' A he called. the prophet of the Before a window in a tiny glorious God, for you will church' in Europe `there is a prepare the way for the canine during It.was lighted Messiah. You will tell his during World War, 1 -as a people how to find salvation tribute to a.sift of love made to through forgiveness of their the church by an officer in the sins, All' this will he because Navy.' The candlelight has con- " the mercy of our God is very timed through two world wars ' and still sends out its message , tender, and heaved• s dawn is of light and love. about to hreak• upon us, to give Jesus, the Light of.the world, light to those who sit in lighted the darkness of this Scripture 4 Reading: A darkness and death's shadow,. world on that first Christmas Promise of Light: Isaiah 9: 2-7 and to guide us to the path of long ago, and like the candle an The people who walk in peace. —From The Living Bible the window of that tiny church, darkness shall see a great Light He is giving His light still. We - a Light that will shine on all . A Hymn: "0 Little Town of can see this same Light now in those who live in the land of •-Bethlehem'.' Stanzas 3 & 4, the Gospelofthe manger and the ihadow of death. For Israel Scripture Reading: The Light, the cross. will again be great filled with comes: Luke 2: 1-14 Je44444114. pf the world, joylike that of reapers When .""`"='caLis ka' tat"could„A and.. the harvest time has come. and About this time Caesar does make darkness in our like that of men dividing up Augustus, the Roman Emperor. lives., He sets the light of His the plunder they have won,. decreed that a census should cross before our eyes and For God will hreak the he taken throughout the makes it possible for us to see chains that hind his people nation. (This census was taken Him as our Saviour from sin, •nnd the whip, that. scourges when Quirinius was governor our Hope for this life and the them, just as he did when he of Syria.)' destroyed the -vast host of the Everyone was required to Midianites by Gideon's little return' to his ancestral home hand. In, that glorious day of for this registration. And peace there will no longer he because Joseph was a member the issuing of battle gear:' no of the royal line, he had to go more blood-stained uniforms of to Bethlehem in Judea, King war: all.such will he burned, David's ancient time - jour - For unto us a Child is horn; neying there from the Galilean unto .us a Son..i5 given: and the village of Nazareth. -He took ,government shall he upon his with him Mary. his fiancee, shoulder„ These will he his who was obviously pregnant royal titles: Wonderful, Non-': by this time. :selor, The Mighty God, The And while they were' there. Everlasting Father, The Prince the time came for her baby to of Peace, - , he horn; and she gave birth to His ever-expanding, peaceful her first child, a son. She wrap - government will never end. He ped him in a blanket and laid will rule with perfect fairness him in a manger, because there • and justice from the throne of was no roomfor them in the his father David.. He will bring village inn. true justice and peace to all That night some shepherds t e nations of the world, This were in ,the fields outside the i going- to happen because the village, guarding their flocks of Lord of Heaven's armies has sheep. Suddenly an Singel ap- dedicated himself to do it! ' ` peared ,among . them, and the —From. the Living Bible landscape shone bright with life to come. Prayer: Lord Jesus, Light of the' world, we thank You for your coming into the world. Move us to see you as' our Light. Fill us with Your joy, peace, and hope. Make Your home in our hearts now, and lead us to the fullness of joy in eternity. Amen. Sing: "Silent Night” - Some other suggestions: If you use the Advent wreath, light one candle after the In- vocation, then light another candle after' each Scripture reading. Or, why not have a Birthday cake for the Saviour's birth celebration?. Have one - candle on the cake for each member of the family, Candles could be lighted as suggested. Let it all be (family activity. - SILENT NIGHT, HOLY NIGHT' I. Si 2. Si 3. Si lent night! lent night! lent night! Ho - ly night! All Ho - ly night! .Shop - Ho - ly night! Son V ' V '.-_ - V all is bright, at the sight' love's pure - light Round von Glo - ries Ra - diant is calm, herds quake of God, vir - gin moth - er and (:hildi stream from hcav - en -a - far, beam. from -Thy mho - ly face,, w 2 w 0-t a A'- _ _ t' '% V Wo tv In • rant, so ten • dei' and mild, Sleep in heav - en - ly Heaton- h hosts sing AI - le - lu - in. Christ, the Sav - inur, is With the dawn of re - deem - ing grace, Je - sus, Lord, 'at Thy .v_"�iw r `$_. $- .e-._. �_ M�"Cr r- V ✓ 1 _r� peace, Sleep in heav - en - ly peace. born' Christ, the Sav - lout, is born' rn birth, le - sus, Lord, at Thy, birth. A -MEN,