HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-17, Page 6THE EXETIIIP T
blished in 1877
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Tea the Aesounts of Mezehente end
entesvorable terries,
everstaecemmedeelea consistent with
eeneervetive Insulting prinoteles,
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tit issued payable at any office o the
tits Bank,
OTES and Kolteekecies.
THURSDAY MAY 17, 1894. •
0TE15 AD COMIkaleT111S
The early spring has been accompan.
Ly a Mg cheese make and the prices
the opening markets are high. Not
ly the tariff, but the weather and the
'ticket has been fixed for the farmer
is year,
x x
The number of families registered ha
he different cuetores offices a the Pro -
nee of Quebec as returninre from the
Tnited States to Caneda during the past
ear figures un to a grand total of 8.,400,
Ind placing the average member of per -
°us in each family at five it showa a
grand total of 42,000 people who have
*domed to Canada from the States.
The exodus' is all on the other side low.
et x
There are, in this section areas of
marsh lands that could be profitably
employed in the, production of cran-
berries and that tre useless for any-
thing else. The cranberryis a delicious
fruit, the crop is abundant, and, with
the development of tbe canning industry
a market is always cure. Here is au
opening that men of capital and brains
an-ight take advantage of with profit both
to themselves and the coun.try.
x x
The Christian Guardian. expresses re-
gret that Methodists are is many con-
stituencies pitted against each other.
Why l Does he Guardian wish to
solidify the whole Methodist Church
into one party ? Unless we are to have
a Methodist party, a Presbyterian party
and an Anglicen party there is no more
reason to regret at finding Methodist
pitted against each other than there is
in seeimea. Methodist opposing a Pres-
x x
There are only six States in the
Unionns which there are more horne d
cattle than are to be found in Ontario.
These are Texas, Illinois, New York,
Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. And, with
the exception of Texas and Iowa, mainly
grazing States, none of them are very
much ahead of us. Kansas leads us by
500,000; Missouri by 300,000; Illinois
whealt includes the great stock yards of
Chicago, by 800,000; and New York,
with treble our population, by less than
300,000. On the Other hand Ohio,
which has 80 per cent. more people than
this province, and Pennsylvania, which
ranks next to New York in population
are from two to three hundred thoussnd
behind. The success of Ontario's stock
exhibits at the Worlds Fair is largely
explaine& in these figures. We had
the numbers to draw upon.
, x
Canada had seven steamers and two
schooners engaged in the fishery pro-
tection gondol° last year, and the cost
of maintaining the same was a little over.
$70,000. This seems a good deal of
money', but the importance of our fish-
ery industry more than warrants the
expenditure. That industry employs
nearly 68,000 men, 1,104 vessels, 81,-
508 boats and the total value of the
plant engaged -including the craft
mentioned -is over eight and three-
quarter million dollars. The output is
commenaurate with the capital employ-
ed. Nearly twenty one million dollers I
worth of fisk was taken from Canadian
waters by Canadian fishermen in 1893
This was the biggest catch ever made
and just about doable that of twenty
years a o. Nava Scotia of course
leads all the other provinces, her catch
being valued at 86,407,000. Ontario's
share was $1,694,000, a decrease as
compared with '92, but Bridal Colum-
bia more than evened bhis up by an in-
crease from $3,849,000 to $4,443,000,
• These are plain, easily understood fig -
urns, and they show what an immense k
heritage we have in. our sea and lake
fisheries and hove careful we ehouk1 be
in coneerving
x x x
414 awarda foe ehose et the Chicago
Fair Canada obtained 309,..• and the
'United States 45 only. The big cheese
of Am) lbs. kept ite quality all through
the aerui-tropioal heat of the Liberal
Arts Bonding, and when out up in Lon-
don was found still in such good condit-
ion that samplesof it will be Sent broad -
cat ever ilgland as evidence' of what
Canada can produce, and, as
said before, a egantity of it will oorne
back to Canada, in 3rdor thet our
people may be satisfied Of its genuine -
x x x
At the preeent time the country
trader, as the Montreel Shareholder well
ebeerves, hes undeuletetlly much to con,
tend with. He ha's to keep a greater
variety of goods -a variety which is
annually increasing, and whiola necess-
arily entails a larger oapitel. Com-
plaints have been made by wholesale
houses that retailers are gebting into the
way of ordering a variety of goods in
very smell quantities, but 24 so doing
they are only . taking ree,eonable pre -
cations to avoid a loss which nuast
ultimately affect the wholesale.,. Country
customers are no waders alotost as much
up-to-date as their town relatives, and
are quite as exigeatit, if not more Bo,
in their requirements. .Postal and
railway facilites afford them rapid and
easy means of obtaining what they want
in town, and, tailless the country trader
can supply them with exaotly what they
want, they have no scruple abut send-
ing a couple of hundred miles or more
for them, for whioh the paroel post now
offers immense facilities. The country
trader is thus placed in a quandary. If
he 18 asked for something which he has
not in stook, the customer is obliged to
go elsewhere for it, and this temporary
transfer of custom frequently resulta in
a permanent loss of business. Should,
however, the trader err in the other
direction, he may fiad himself with a
lot of depreciated stook on his hands at
end of theseason.
The truancy act imposes a fine, of $20 on
any one hiriog a child under school age,
and provides that they must obtain the
consent of the Magistrate botore keeping
their ohneren al. bome.
The Important Events in a Rely Words
Por. stusy Readers.
Brampton gas house was destroyed by
ere on ,Tliurstia,v.
.9. sharp t•heek of earthquake was felt
te Waleon Thursday.
Cho1-r; irs reapueared on the frontier
of Russian Poland.
Wm. Lewis, jeweller, dropped dead in
Petrolea on Friday mot nine
Bishop Tuttle (Episcopal). of Missouri,
has joined the Salvation Array.
Scotland and part of England had a
snowstorm and iutense cola on Friday.
A coal famine threatens Chicago, and
the price has gone up $1 and $1.25 per ton.
Sir Julian Pauncefote andSecretary Car-
lisle have completed the Behring sea regu-
lations. • ;
The growth of wheat in Manitoba is
eight or ten days ahead of last year at
this date.
It is reported. that immense coal depos-
its have been found at )3affale Bay, Lake
of the Woods.
The French Government has given 5,000
francs for the relief of sufferers from the
earthquakes in Greece.
Mary Jane Caines has been committed
for trial at St. Thomas for bigamy. Both
husbands were in court.
The New Brunswick mill men. on strike
have decided to return to work at their
old wages, $1.75 per day.
The thied anniversary of the death of
Madame Blavatsky was celebrated by To-
ronto Theosophists on Sunday night.
- .A. conference of miners and mine -owners
will be held 114 Cleveland on May 15, and
an endeavor made to settle the great
William McNevan, a young farmer, liv-
ing near Keeue, had. his leg badly frac-
1 tuiecl in a runaway accident on Thursday
At Galt on Friday Wm. Taylor slipped
while ascending, the.organ loft in a church
and falling on his head, received fatal
The World's Exhibition at Antwerp
was formally opened by King Leopold
on Saturday. It will continue until No-
The big Canadian cheeee, which was
cnt in London a short time ago for the
deleetabion of about fifty guests, is to be
subdivided into one...hundred pound
portiohs for general distribution, and
some of these portions are to be sent
back to Ottnada to be sold for general-
consumptien. It will be remembered
that the ohoese etood the Saab at the
close of the Chicago F3i.r, and was pro.
nounced by coMpetent jedges there, to
be sound and tnerchante,lslesbut on its
arrival at Liverpool, the teacier who had
• offered to bey it, weht hack on his offer,
pleaclinie that it Was not in good con-
• dttion. It Ives then sold to 'qr. Jabal
Webb, at 4d, per lb., and was sampled
• at Keigsington late1y iti the presence
of the %NUM of Lotto, Sir Cherles
• Zipper, end about fiftystiosts. Within
*find of four or five inches, the big
cheese was found to he a exultant
ege atid speechet wore made upon
ezed that of the
The notorious De Henry C. F. Meyer,
offered in court at New York on Thursday
to plead guilty to manslaughter, but the
prosecution refused to accept snoh a ver-
The steamship Warrimoo brings word
that it is considered almost certain that
South Australia will send a representative
to the Canadian conference to be held in
A Montreal despatch says it is probable
that the local steamship lines may be
compelled to meet the cut in passenger
rates now made in New York and Liver-
The strike of the cold miners is having
a teraporary disastrous effect on the
coasting trade of Philadelphia, in which
the coal shipments form a most important
James Wilson, a young man working on
a saw -log drive, was drowned at Serpent
Rapids, sixteen miles from Parry Sound,
on Saterclay. The body was recovered some
hours afterward.
Mrs. Mary E. Lease, the Populist leader,
Is dangerously III at Kansas city, Mo. She
is worried over the dangers that threaten
her from cranks, and. believes she will yet
be assassinated,
While playing near a a pile of burning
brush at Rollo Bay, ,N. S., a lige year-old
child named Pine went too near the blaze
and reeeived, tojuries which from it died
tute hoixrs later.
'The heresy trial before the Presbyterian
Synod of Ottawa and Montreal was con -
eluded on Friday evening, the result being
that all proceedings against Prof, john
Campbell were dropped.
David Hamilton, colored, who murdered
Mrs, Aramela Aherne, was sentenced at
X019. York, on Friday, to die in the eke -
trio chair in Sing Sing Prison in the week
beginning June 25.
Cunninglutra •de Robertson, Montreal,
Manufaottirers of naouldinge, have assign-
ed. The liabilities amount to $17,000 and
She pririeipal creditors are the Onto*
Bank, $6,815, andllfolsone Bank, 2,204.
Major-General Hebert is warml' defend-
ed by the French pram of genitalia
againsb the attacks made upon him for
ealegizing the Papal Zonaves and heldiner
theta up as good. examples toith. WM
Dr. Talmage's Church for the Third
pule Destroyed by Fire.
AU Adjoining: Hotel Also Gutted by the
Plumes and Several Other Build -
its Badly Damaged -Total
X•ess About alfliltjon
• Dollars.
• Buocnomr, May lit -Bev. Dr. 9.`a1 -
flange's T.:my taberoacle, at the corner of
Clinton and Grease avenues, Brooklyn,
was burned yesterday. The Rotel Regent
adjoining, and several dwelling houses ia
the vicinity were also destroyed. The loss
is estimated at $1,000,000,
This is the third time Dr. Talmage has
lost his churoh by fire. He was in the
churels when tha Are started, surrounded
by a number of his congregation, but all
escaped. He was moved to tears as he
witnessed the destruction of the beautiful
edifice. Pour firemen were iujured during
the fire, uot Neale- however, and. there
was great excitement and scenes of pante
• as the fire progressed.
The fire was diseovered just after the
congregation had been dismissed from the
morning services.. • A small boy ruehedirttoe'
the church throu,gh one of the open doors
and informed the sexton that he had seen
spinoke coming out of the windows ou• the
Waverly aTellUe side of the church. The
boy volunteered to go up in the back of
the organ to see if it wae there. He did
so, and. a second later he appeared before
the three gentlemen with his face black-
ened and almost suffocated from smoke.
All he could say was that he discovered
the fire in the back of the organ. Dr.
Talmage and Messrs. Day and Moody then
started for the organ,but before they enald
get near it. flames burst from the top.
The gentlemen then made a hurried exit.
The fiames spread with lightning rapid.
Sty, and the sparks fiew la all directions.
The greatest excitement prevailed.
• The people living in the Hotel Regent
were just getting ready for dinner when
the fire was discovered. They fled from
their apartments leaving everything behind
them. The firemen were kept busy put-
ting out small fires which occurred in the
houses near by, and in the vioitity of four
blocks of the church and hotel. The
Summerfield M. E. church at Greene and
Washington avenues, also caught fire
from flying sparks and damaged the build-
ing to the extent of $85,000.
Despite the efforts of the firemen the
flames spread quickly and the adjoining
houses caught fire, five on Greene avenue
sustaining damage all the way from $5,000
to $15,000. While the firemen were at
work on the houses on Greene avenue
flames were seen coming from the roofs of
the four houses on Washington. They
were extinguished after having damaged
each house to the extent of $1,500. Two
houses and e stable on Waverly avenue
were also damaged to the extent of from
62,000 to $5,000 each.
The Tabernacle and Hotel Regent were
completely gutted. Nothing remains but
the walls. The total loss is estimated. at a
little over a million dollars. The loss on
the Hotel Regent, including the buildings.
paintings, IMO the guests' household goods
will amount to $600,000. The loss on the
Tabernacle is about $400,000` and the ad,
joining buildings are reported to be dams
aged to the extent of $5,000.
Perhaps the loss which will grieve Dr.
Talmage the most is that of the
memorial stones which he brought from
the east and -which were set in the wall ar
the right of the organ. Russel Sage who
holds a mortgage on the tabernacle of
$125,000 and interest amounting to $15,000
said the tabernacle was insured and he
would. stand by the church and help them
get on their feet again.
Dr. Talmage will start on his trip around
the world to -day, The tabernacle was in-
sured for $180,000 in four companies.
Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. Chaplin En-
gage in a Controversy.
LONDON, May 14. ---The question of the
admission of Canadian cattle into Great
Britain and the efforts to lift the existing
embargo • has developed a controversy
which in certain high circles bids fair to
grow sultry. The letter whioh Sir Charles
Tapper addressed to the Times on the 5th
inst., combating statements made in the
House of Commons on the 13th ult. by Mr.
Henry Chaplin, and to the effect that cat-
tle imported from Canada in the years
18901 1891 and 1892 carried pleuro -pneu-
monia with them and infected the herds
in Scotland, embraced an unqualified de-
nial. of the speaker's assertions. •
Mr. Chaplin thereupon renews the at-
taok in reply to Sir Charles' denial, and
reiterates his statement that the respond.
bility for the disease in Scotland in 1892
was with Canadian cattle imported. that
year. Scotland, he adds, was absolutely
free from the disease prior to that. Re-
garding the proposal to exerapt Canadian
cattle from slaughter at the port of de-
barkation, Mr. Chaplin says that in his
opinion such a course would expose both
owners and breeders to a great risk.
No government," said he, "would be
justified in sanctioning it," and concluded,
"I will resist with every means la my
power any attempt to give effect to the
views upon the Board of Agriculture by
the Marquis of Ripon."
Oatholicit Attack an Orange Funeral and
a Fight Ensues.
DUBLIN, May 15,-A Catholic mob at-
tacked an Orangemen's funeral procession
on Sunday at Portadown, on the Bann.
The Orangemen fought haat. • Revolvers
and dubs were used on both sides and be
the police arrived one man was shot
dead and several were eeverely injured.
The police separated the combatants, ar-
rested fourteen men Who were in the thick
of the fight, and were retreating with their
prisoners when the mob turned on them
and tried to rescue the men tinder arrest
The police charged • and the mob fired re-
volvere at them. More police were sum -
moiled and they arrested more rioters.
The mob was then dispersed.
Brazil Angry With Portugal,
Ltsaree, May 15, -Senor Vienna de
Lima, the Brazilian Minister here, has
received instruotions from his goveriiment
at Rio de Janeiro to Bayer all diplomatic
relation's with the government of Portugal
and withdraw from ',taboo with his staff,
Perished An the Desert.
Pnoesile, Ariz., May, 15. -The bodies
of W. M. Bogers and W. adcDolseld weft
found am Ilaroluila desert, sixty mike
from here. The men were prospectors and
perished from thirst while attempting to
*rose forty mike i 400iou fook
Veadlot Of the Jury In tho tettaree
'Poisoning Case.
TORONTO,' May 9. -The jUry in the
ShaTOG ease' last eveniug returned a ver-
dict of guilty against Mrs, Evans and
George Otenan of administering poison tc
Walter Evitne, liusbaud of the female pri-
soner. •
Whea the jary announeed their verdiet
Mrs. Evanturned deathly pale and al-
most fete tea, bat recovered herself aria
submitted to being led from the box with
apparent calmness.,
Judge Robertson reserved seutence.
At the morning sittiug Pegg was acquit..
ted, the judge olunging, the ury that there
NVaS 110 eVldenee of complicity in any in-
tention of administering. poison. The jury
returned a verdict 02 "riot guilty."
Italian murderer Starers the Penalty for
Killing a CentPatriet.
Gualianale Man., May 10. -Antonio
Luciano, one of the Italians sentenced to
death for the murder of the Italian scis-
soes-grinder, ems hanged this morning.
Lumen° and Antonia Degidio were both
'senteneed to death for the crime, the evi-
dence against them being phrely circum-
stantial. Subseqoently, Luciauo coafessed
to killing his compatriot, but claimed it
was due to an accident. • The Italian.
Government intervened. on behalf of the
condemned men. The Governor-General
yesterday signed. an order -in -council com-
muting the sentence of Degidio to impris-
oument for life, but allowed the law to
take its course with respect to Luciano.
The condemned man displayed great
nerve ou the scaffold, and appeared pre-
pared for death. After repeating the lit-
any after the priest, Lucanio made a
speech in broken. English, as follows
'1 would like • everybody not to believe
what the papers say about the crime. I
die innoceut, like Jesus Christ. He died
• for everybody; I die for my partner, De-
gido. I made the confession so that both
might not die. We are both innocent. I
ain a stranger in a strange 'country; no-
body believes me, but Jesus. I pray you,
gentlemen, believe me. Good-bye. I no
kill the man.' Nobody believes me but
Jesus. I leave my wife and two chil-
dren." He thou told the hangman he
was ready. and shortly after the drop fell.
Attempted tlte Life of His Prospective
Bride Far Her Money.
Nzw Yon, May 15.-Yestaday the em.
ployes of the New Jersey Trap Rock Com-
pany, while on their way to work, dis-
covered in the bushes along the road the
insensible body of a young and fine-look-
ing woman. Dr. King found. two pistol
bullets, one in the breast and the other'be-
hind the right ear of the girl. The doctor
succeeded in reviving his patient. In weak
gasps she gave her tante as Sadie Werts
of Kraft, and said she lived at Rome,N.Y.,
and. had come to Jersey City yesterday
morning with her betrothed to be mar- i
ried. She said the man's name was Ber-
nard Holenberg, 22 years old, a tailor, also
of -Rouse. He induced her to draw al/. her
vi fr th b • d
be married. They stayed in Jersey City]
sags e au auleave Rome to.
all day Sunday and attended church. Af-
ter supper Holeuberg took her for a walk I
and then shoe her.
Everything was stripped from her body I
by her se/Lamle; Who doubtless left the
girl for .tl, and took everything that
might lead to ter identification or by
which he mightelfinself be traced.
The Famous Central Park Elephant Dies
by Poison.
Neter Yong, May 12. -Tip, the big ele-
phaut in the Central Park menagerie, died ,
last evening after many hours of agony. !
Such a botched piece of work has never
Scan accomplished by any set of men who •
have professed to have the slightest skill
in killing wild animals or to save animals
from unnecessary cruelty and suffering. i
From 6 a. et until 4 p. m. the great king
of the forest went shuddering, from one
convnIsion into another under the influence
of the cyanide of pottasium which had
been given to him. The first dose of the
-poison was not sufficient to put a quick
and painless end to his life. Atter many
consultations between Supt. Smith of the
menagerie, Supt. Hankinson of the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals and Secretary Burns it was re-
solved at 3 o'clock to administer another
dose of poison. The second dose finally
proved effective.
Lightning's Work NOW! Brownsville. ,
BnowNsvILLE, Ont., May 11. --Last
evening while a very heavy storm was
passing over, lightning struck and burned,
the entire farm buildings covering 100,
feet square, including several tons of hay
and one steer, owned by Mr. E. B. Brown.
Daring the afternoon he had turned the I
whole of his cattle, numbering thirty•sig,
and several horses, out on pasture for the
first time. This saved him from what
would have been a xtuch heavier loss, a,s
absolutely nothing caul(' be taken from
the cattle sheds. One yoke of oxen was
taken fecnn the driving shed attached,
which was the only things saved. Loss
over 62.000, insured for about $800.
Postoffiee Burglarized,
SIINDRIbGE, One; May 15. -The express
and postoffice here was broken into and
burglarized on Sunday night. The bur-
glars gained an entrance by breaking and
getting through the front svindow. Tktey
pried the desk open but were not very
richly rewarded for their trouble as they
• only got a little change amounting to a
dollar and a half or two dollen. They
were probe* on the search for registered
letters but got nous. A. number of sus-
picious looking characters were around
town but no clue to the midnight visitors
as yet.
Scottish Peat Dead.
NEW YOBE, May 15. -Thos. 0. Latto,
the beat -known Scottish poet in this coun-
try, died at his residence in Brooklyn on
Saturday evening. He was born in Scot-
land la 1818, and was one of the group of
literateure that contributed to Blaeltwood'e
Magazine in the palmy days and helped to
make it fatuous,
London High Sheriff Dead. =
SAN A.neogro, Tex., May 15, -James
Parkinson Taylor, of Nottingdale, Eng.,
died here of paralysis of the brain. He
was en route to San Francisco ahd was
compelled to stop off here last Wednesday
ou aecount of illness. He was Lord High
Sheriff of London.
Wass in the Malls.
WA,SUINGroN, May 16, -The office of
foreigh auntie has antiounced that samples
of artielers composed of glase or other fra-
gile material will be adraitted la the Male
between the United States aud Canada,
among other countries.
Brutal Of a MeSeliri Man,
His Wife and Falnily.
l. evert-Yoar-oid Calle Only Loft to Tell
the Shocking Story of the Crime -
Two Iffen, Suspected of the
Horrible Deed Arrested-• ,
The Girl•si Story.
Musette Mo„ May 12, -Gus Meeks, his
• wife and two children were murdered in
• cold blood near Browning. Another of
the children of the murdered couple was
so badly injurelehat; 15 18 not expeeted she
will recover, She ie sorea years old,
In Lynn and Sidlivan oounties of this
state there are a uumber of cases pending
in the criudeal meets against William ana
George Taylor, brothers. They are
charged with forgery, larceny anti arson.
William Taylor, Gus Meeks ana others
were jointly indicted. lieols-s pleaded
guilty and was sentenced at the last term
of court to the loeuitentiary. Governor
Stone pardoned him about a month ago
for the pure of having him used •as
a witness against the Taylor brothers.
• It is reported that the Taylors had ar-
ranged with Meeks to give him atoam of
horses end wagon so that he could leave
the county and not be present at the time
of trial. The mother of Meeks says that
her son received a letter from the Taylors
at Browning telling hish to be in readiness
to go away, and that Meeks waited until
midnight when two men whom. Meeks said
were George and Bill Taylor came to their
home in a wagon. Meeks and, his family
got into the wagon and started for Brown- •
The only stateraelat regarding the crime
obtainable was £TOD1 the seven -rear -old
girl. In BOOMS that when the Medal fam-
ily and, the men accompanying them,
reached a point on the road near the
schoolhouse in Lynn county, a small dis-
tance from Browning, they were attacked
by two men who were lying in wait on the
roadside. The first victim, of the murder-
ers' gun was Meeks. His wife jumped
from the wagonand she was murdered in
the same way. The fiends then seheed
large stones and beat the life out of the
two children leaving the third one for
dead. In the morning the living child re-
gained her senses and went to the resi-
dence ot Mr. Carter near by. She told
her es -fable story- and a boy who was sent
to the Taylor farm to investigate verified
the horror by fisding the bodies of the
rest of the family. The Carter boy hap-
pening'to meet George Taylor unwittingly
told him of the murder. Taylor lost DO
time in starting for Browning on horse-
back. There he met his brother and both
left hurrieclly on horsebacks On the
strength of descriptions furnished by the
living girl, the sheriff has arrested Sharon
McCullough of Gould and George Howlett
linLe.ime county as accomplices in the
The "Doctor"and His Wife A.cquitted of
Murder by the Jury.
Toxic:neve, May 12. -The jury in the
assize court yesterday 'attuned a verdict
of "riot guilty" in the case of Ransome
Andrews and his wife, Alice.
justice Meredith, in his charge to the
jury, reviewed the evidence, and put in a
forcible manner the special points which
the jury would have to consider. The
special points were: Did. Andrews receive
the deceased for an •unlawful purpose?
Was it reasonable that $15 was paid for
lying in, or did it seem like the price of
abortion? They must bear in mind Doo
Andrews' story that deceased herself had
done an act to bring ou a miscarriage ?
Was it likelier that a dreadtul crime of
that character could be committed by an
inexperieaccd young WOIllan than by the
head and hand of an old man? Was the
raauner in which V* girl svas removed
from the Andrews' house consistent with
the theory of the defence? If the defence
was to be believed they must unhesitating-
ly acquit the prisoners.
In conclusion, the judge asked the jury
to lay aside all they had ever heard about
the oate; apart from the evidence, and all
preconceived ideas. The chug° was said.
by a Queen's counsel to be one Of the best
ever delivered.
The jury's verdict of "Not guilty " was
received ainid great excitement in the
court. The prisoners burst Into tears on
hearing their innocence declared. They
are nob yet free, however, the county
crown attorney having other charges to
prefer. against Andrews.
A. Breach ot Promise suit at Ottawa That
Promises Some linterest.
Orrewe, May 12.-A writ has been filed
at the court house for service in what
promises to be an interesting breach of
promise case. The plaintiff is a young
lady from Pembroke named Mary Grey,
and the defendant is William Black, car-
penter of this city. Miss Grey last sum-
mer was a servant in the house of a lawyer
in this city. Her allegation in the writ is
that Wm. Black promised to marry her
and that she gave up • her situation, went
home to her parente in Pembroke in order
to make preparations for the wedding. In
the meantime Black is alleged to have
married another. MISS Grey now seeks
redress by claiming damages to the extent
of $2,000.
A Fifteen-Year-Okl Suicide,
FINDLAY, 0., May 15. -Paul Ewitig,
aged 15, son of Dr. M. j. Ewing, of this
city,committed suicide by taking 40 grains
of morphine. He was in love with a
young girl who would not reciprocate his
affections, and so he ended his trouble.
Before losing Consciousness he informed
hi parente that two other boys had agreed
with him to do the same act. The others
failed to do so, however, and say they
ware only joking, bat they are now pros-
trated at the result.
St. Thomas, Man Beheaded. '
Sr. TileMee, Oat., May IA -The body
ofJames Armstrong, a cabinet-maker, un-
snarrieel, age about 30 yeara Was discover-
ed. on Saturday lying on the M,C.R. track
at Ross street orosetng. The head and left
arm were severed from the body and scat-
teeed for SOMO alatanCe along the track, A.
coroner's inquest will bo held. •
Child Burnecl to Death.
IletereX, May 14 -Dorothy Chinning.
ham, the three.year-old child of the late
Arthur IL Cunningham, of the Post Moe
Department, set hertielf on fire on Settle.
day while playing With thatches and Was
hurtled to death, The mother was alniost
mimed with grief when the eale her child.
arty Petelitgate—titn-h—etleigh on the itemise
• -Candid a tee Nora noted.
Se. Jame's, Nfld., May 14„ -Four candi-
dates, Ayer and Macpherson (Government
end Woods end Ilutehings (Whiteweeites)
were nominated "et Westeru Bay, The
fumes- two paid their ;lamination fees in
gold Ana the Whitewayites la bank notes,
Thd former lodged a protest with the re-
turning oilicer againsb the Whitowayites
ore the gromul that notes were not legal
tender. The 'Whitewayites at St. John's
crnot lcrertill Erld:yShat :ter o an
end. then deSpeteled EDIOTS01), the Speaker
of the Assembly, by special tram with
suffictiont gold. Emerson did nob arrive
in time aud the Government lawyer thinks
this may be sulliclaut to void the eleotion
if the Whitewayites
Tiso nomieatiou was not accompanied
without some disturbance% Attempts
were made to prevent the Government
speakers from eddressing tho meeting, but
most ef the people insisted oh hearing all
the speakers. Later in the niglue how-
ever, while the Government party were
journeying towarddIsland Cove, they were
attacked near Gull Islana, Attorney -
General Merrison, Colonial. Secretary
Morena and Crarland were badly beaten.
Their injuries aro not great and they got
through safely and held •a meeting at
Islana Cove. Sir Wm. Whitewey, Hen.
Robert Bond and Ron. katignetus Harvey
will start the political war to -day.
lie warned }Is Grandmother of Her
Danger But Lest His Own Life,
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., May 14. -The
dwelling house and store of Mrs, Peter
Muldoon on Garden avenineat Suspension
Bridge, N. Y., was burned to the ground
at an early hour Saturday. morning, Mrs.
Muldoon and her B.ve-year-old grandson
being.the only occupants in the house at
the time. The little fellow was awakened
no doubt by the flames, and rushing to his
• grandmother's room where she was fast
asleep, awoke and then ran back into one
af the rear rooms. The woman barely
esetteed with her life and throuah a win-
dow. The little fellow no doubt was
• stifled by the smoke and perished in the
flames, after saving the life of his grand-
mother. The woman was erazed with
grief and it took three men to hold her
from running back into the burning
building to rescue the child. After the
firemen had nut out the fire the remains of
the brave las fellow was found burned to
it crisp. The fire is supposed to be the
work of an incendiary.
Mrs. Evans' Sentence in the Sharon Case -
Osman Gets Two Years. •
Tonnwro, May 15, -Mrs. Lottie Evans
and George Osman were up before justices
Robertson at the Assize Court yesterday to
receive their sentence in the Slfaron poi-
soning case.
His Lordship sentenced Mrs. Evans to
ten years in the provinoial penitentiary at
Kingston. • Mrs. Evans, who has been
remarkably cool and collected throughout
the course of the whole trial, took the
sentence with the utmost composure. On
being asked the usual question, " Have
you anything to easr why sentence should
not be passed =OIL you. ?" she replied
in a steady voice, -" Nothing, except that
I ani innocent of any crime."
eir. Murdoch, her counsel, applied for
a nesi trial, which application His Lord-
ship refused.
Gage Osm an took his sentence coolly.
"If poison was administered it was -with-
out my knowledge," he said. -.1Ie was
sentenced to two years in Kingston peni-
This Was the Beason the A.merican Tug
Boats Were Seized.
SPRINGFIELD, 0.. May 15. -Ad. Bak.
haus, one of the fishermen arrested last
Tuesday for fishing in Canadian waters,
explains that while Dr. McCormick's
petty jealousy had something to do with
the arrest, the chief cause was that the
two tug boats seized had been blacklisted
for repeated law breaking, and that the
revenue cutter had • been on the lookout,
for thane for some time.
Will Apply for Barnett's Reprieve.
• TORONTO, May 11. -Mr. T. C. Robin-
ette intends to apply to the Department of
Justice for the reprieve of Roland G. '1.
Barnett, who figured so prominently in
Central bank affairs, On January 26,
1889, he was senteuced to seven years ha
penitentiary for fraud, forgery and other
crimes. Barnett is suffeting from a pain-
ful diatom and desires his liberty at once.
He will have served his term on December
26, he being entitled to 18 months' remis-
sion for good conduce ,
Tho First -warned Sealer.
VICTORIA, B. 0., May 15. -The schooner
Triumph, the first of the settling fleet tote
warned againet violating the new inter-
national agreement, has arrival at this
port. She was spoken off Owes Sound on
May 7 by H.M.S. Hyacinthe, six days after
the beginning of the closed season. There
was a general feeling of relief •amoug. the
sealers here when the Triumph returned
tit a simple warning, for, from an Am-
erican point of view, she was clearly liable
to seizure, as she was sealing in probil-Ated
Butt DIM 'Workers Strike.
MoKitesrone, Pa., Itlay 15. -Five hun-
dred men and boys employed in, the Butt
mill of the National works struck yeeter-
day. The strikers say the men employed
in the Lapsveld department joined them
last night, increashigthe force of strikers
to several thousands. The strikers de-
mandthe restoration of a 20 per cent.
reduction made when the men went to
work lest February. The company is UR -
able to give an antiwar to the men at
The ozarwiteit's marriage.
Parmisetrae, May 14.-15 is teportecl
that the marriage of the Princess Alix of
Hesse to the Czarwitoh will take place on
November 10. The Ozarwitela will accom-
pany the Czatine to the Caucausas to see
the Grand Duke George, who has long been
Suing for $25,000.
Mt/emu; May a -Lieutenant Colonel
Hughes, the chief ef police of this city,
has taken eaten for $25,000 damages
against the Montreal Herold. on .account of
attacks made upon him ha connection with
the .effIciency of the police force,
Dwelling Destroyed by Fite.
LUDINGTON'Ont., May A. -The resi-
deter) of Charles Stewart, a farmer read-
ing about two miles from here, was totally
destroyed by fire with all its contexas.
The origin of the Ara is unknown. The
lose is $2,500, partly covered by insur-
During- the present month we
will offer you the greatest bargains
in prints,.at prices low and colors
that sre fast. Hundreds of yards
have passed over our counters of
late, we mean to keep them mov-
ing. Prints at 5 cents up to 12i
cents, warranted colors.
Call and see our Flannelettes at
7 cents per yard.
A full stock of Pfteached Cottons,
Gray Cottgns, 45in Pillow Colton,
86 and Soin Sheeting, Tickinbers
from i. to 3o cents per yard,
Floor Oil Cloths and Table Oil
()lochs have dropped in price late-
ly, don't forget ft.
We are not announcing goods,
and when you come and ask for
them, ssy Oh; they are an
gone. Eggs zoo. Butter 16c,
Axeter, 318e17, 1694.
Pall -wheat Dor bush-- a, 52 . $ 58
SprIng wheat per hush . 55 53
BarloYPOr bush- .... 35 35
Oats per bush - so at
Peas per bath 50 51
Flour per bbl 41 oo • 91,20
Applee per bag:. • • - 7586
Potatens per bag 40 40
Hay tam ten 6 00 7 05
Woodper.00rd hard -.. 3 00 3 50
Vi ood Per cord soft 200.225
Butter per lb.., ....... , ....... ,1717
Eggs pet dosen 11 11
.TurIteys per lb 9 9
Pork DOt btrndrod. . 6 00 6 25
Hogs. live weight. 4 60 4 60
Geese • 5 6Ducks 6 7
Chicks 5 5
London. May e7, 3.894:
Wheat, wbite, fate 100 1b 395 to $100
Wheat, red, fall, per 100 lbs... 93 to 95
Wheat, spring, per 100lbs -. 93 to 98
Oats,per 100 lbe .. 98 to 1 00
Peas, per 100 lbs.. . ... 90 to 90
Corn, per 100 lbs 90 to 95
Barley, per 10C lb' 85 to 90
Rye, per 100 . 99 to 00
Buokwheat, Der 100 09 to 1 00
Beets, per bus... I 00 to 1 15
Nggs, fresh, single doe • 15 to 16
Eggs, fresh, basket, per dot 12 to 14
Eggs, fresh, store lots, ner dos '8 to 10
Butter,singlerolls,per lb..... .. 24 to 253
Butter.nerlb,1 lb rolls,baskOts 20 to 20
B utter, p er lb. large rolls or
• .. 13
Butter,perlh, tub or firkins 18 to 18
Lard, per lb. 11 to 12
Ohiokens, Per par 40 to 70
Ducks.. . 70 to 80
Turkeys. 8 to 90 per lb: each 60 to 1 75 '
Toronto, May 17.1824
Wheat, white, per bus-. $ 67 to 57
Wheat, spring, per bus .. .. . 60 to 60.
Wheat, red winter, per 67 to • Wheat, 50085, geese, per bus 56 to • 56
Barley. per bus
a s, per.bus
42 to 93
32 to 32
Ray 53. to 53
Eggs per dozen . . . 8 00 to 9 00
00 to 25
Butter. Per al 17' to 22- '
Dresbed hogs
Potatoes, Der bag 6 30 to 6 50
50 t 0
. MITCHINSON-In Biddulph, on the 955 inst.,
the wife of Mt. David Mitchinson. of a son.
SOCTHOOTT.-In London on the 9th inst.. to
1dr. andMrs. W. 0. Southeott. a da lighter.
BEOWN.-In Exeter. on the 10th inst., the
wife of T. A. Brown Principal of Public!
Same, of a son.
MORGAN -NMI -At Granton on the Oth.
inst., by Rev. Xr. Relines, UT. Welliructon
krolgan to Miss Annie M. Neil. all of Bid-
MoGREGOB , Stanley,on the
9th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Stewatt, of Clinton
at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr.
Neil McGregor to Mien/inlet Mustard, both of
by the Rev. 0. II. Guile, on the 295h ult.,
Douglas Maonair, late of London. Eta., to
Ada J Cosgrove, of the Cosgrove Family
Concert 00., formerly of St. Marys.
LAM B. -In Rodgerville on the 1555 inst. Mall
relict of the late Thomas Lamb, aged 86 yret.
MIIRRAY.-In Wingham, on the 955
Catherine, wife of John IllUrray, aged 34
SCR WARZ.-In Credit= on th e 1055 inst
Rev. G.P. Schwarz aged 62 years, 5 months
midi" dayst
GODBOLT.-In Usborne on tho 15th inst., Vera
Dolores, daughter of Idr. and Kra. Ohne God -
bolt aged 7years 6months and 7 days.
Funeral on Thursday at 2 oicloek forillirkten
Dog -a1 vs. Hog-eral.
There isa young sport who dwells near this
eVhcea entitled to wear, be Profession. a
Now is gown he should wear, and a woman
should be, '
For his tongue never rests, hut waga inane
He will talk, talk, talk, front num:angle night.
And in his opinion he Bath "ail thine
right" ;
Or others opinions he boast sho ,don't etre,
And he's too once apt to say a mild swear.
Now this sport, he ownetb it pedigreed cut
That weareth no tag, for he deth demur
To pay tax in 'Township in which he cloth
• end also to Ilbreter Village as wall:
Yet this dog dsvollahenostly, of this Tam sure,
On the streets of said village, near the aloe
If he don't wear a Utz, T. 13. Will drive hint
end not allowed always the streets forte roam.
NOW this is 11,0 awswer to one who wrote Dog-
Take advice then,' friend F., don't act like an
k. D. 40, le a flesh producer, thie people
should use it.
"Ten temple out of a dozen are invalide"
anye a receat Medic's' authority. • At least
eight out of these ten, It is safe to allow,
are shffering from some form of blood -die -
ease which a perSistent use Of Ayer's' Sere
estuarine *malaise sure to euro. Then, do
not be an invalid,
etiontreal, Sept, 4
TO THE PUBLIO;:-In my pee
and in the capacity of Veterinary g
a the Fe.mily Herald and Weekly Si
have had &erosion to tett the merits
Dick's Horse and Cattle Medioinee.
have -found them ao ihoroug.hly reliab
heat I have prcentribed them in hunch°
of CABOI, in all Of which they be prove
setiefaciory. 14.• W.