The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-12, Page 28d PAGE 1w-GODERICH SIGNAL -STALE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ,12, 1974 tx commissioner wuntspeop!e to understad carols Comttnission,r Arnold Brown in his first Christmas message as The Salvation . Army's newly -appointed national leader suggests, that he would rather Canadians understand the meaning of the carols that will be played and sung by The Army's musicians throughout Ontario Hydro sees no major problems at Bruce An, "investigative study has shoAtn there is no likelihood of heavy water leakage in pressurized tubes at Ontario Hydros -Bruce Nuclear Generating Station now under construction near Kincardine on Lal'e Huron. Harold A. Smith. Hvtlro' Vice-president 1':ngineeriug, said today one‘ 111int.,r "mc difit„ations are required Ni elitni`►late the possibility Ili problem;, In !hr Bruce units ,ttntlar 'o those witch ha e shown up ,in Hydro's Picket Ing i reactor The Pi,kering mut has been vt rr.y f<_tP Fn?4N ONTA RIO 11 YI)RO PHOT!) THIRTY -TON PIPE .\ :3y -toll section of intake pipe arrive at Ontario 1 I\ (Iro's Bruce:Nuclear 1'o4 er 1)c'yt loptne'nt on Lake Huron. The ' l -foot diameter Ripe part of the c oolin� �� att'r intake for I3rtic•c Ilya\ \ v. titer plant -I17. ter,\\ under construction. 1•..'.t'ntuall\' to c'xtettcl 2700 ft'( -1 out under the laky. the, {ittakc is made up • of flint •(k•tic,ti..t►c h a. 111{. one. A special cradle utas tlt',,itut'cl. forthe 10-10()t trailer to transport the sections. ltit.construction itce to July 2:3. li -1; and i. e\peett'cl'°ti 1It'' completed totrl\ in the .tiinnn'r of shut down ,ince .Au gust 'hecau$e of cricks in pressure tubes. Mr Smith noted the study 11o4i, materials used in the Pickering unit to he completely reliable. "Cracking was due to,,i stallation problems -ht' added, "and advanced equipi,nent is now being developed t o enable Hydro to modify *and improve -this." ••The Hydro official t•>aid plans call. for pressurized tubes in all "four Bruce units to be stress relieved and predic ted initial ;#Ertl-oil--l}e�{-ta�-'ar'-1•wt-r•1--t-1� . nww• year. Total cot would he about $700;000: M -r. Smith, noted Hydro has found cracks in only 18 of the_ 39() pressure tube!; in Pickering unit 3 and is optimistic that retubing. of the entire reactor will he unnecess ary. An acoustical testing device is presently being developed which can he inserted into the.' reactor by the fuelling machine without defuel'ting the channel. "As soon a;; this, is ready", Mr. Smith 'added,- "we will be able to make a scan of tubes and deterMine on a solid statistical basis just hbvy. much damage has occurred at Pickering :3." Hydro expect!; Pickering unit 4 will run without any leaks for at least a year and that a statistical check will. be made next spring or• summer after suitable ,methods have been proven during, work on unit 3. the fel;tive season, than that ey p+ut five dtle°cellarr, i 1 tht' Christrnae'toto !hr cthollect<lr's y box. N.ot, the says, that ht• t, anxious to lose dollars 1,1 the Christmas and winter re!it'! (1 the needy, but that ,ht -it' t' something more he celebration of Christmas !hail t lot of' self -pleasure' anti a Ri r ie ,elf -denial on Behalf of fortunate. Actually, he fe- els, the \it it' meaning of Christmas rlec d, he restated. He wishes hr hrltl enough Salvationists to stand at every street cornet in Canada to proclaim it !n 'he simplest of terms. He is it'rtaiti that: Canada needs such message. He predicts that' Chri�tnia, 1974 will likely. register .tn in crease in what he call "the •tragedies cif affluence." ('hi est' mas will, he is afraid, prop 1111' one more outlet fora prutlit;al The investigation was carried out by a team of specialists from Atomic, Energy of Canada, Ltd., Ontario Hydro, Canadian General Electric, Orenda and Canadian Westinghouse. 1 g g, Id' _ 1 • 0 Get Dad's CIiristm�sq Gift Now! A CASE Of SNOWMOBILE OIL - SPECIAL UNDER THE TREE SIZE CASE -.,1 1" x 7" ' SKlD00 OIL.BARDHALI 011 $ CASE 12.75 CASE $13 50' while supply lasts Snowmobile Suits FOR MEN" & WOMEN A SpeCiaI Assortment of Children's Snits have just arrived (Good'Quality Suits) GAS CAN SPECIAL Steel Plastic $5.6 5 $8 9''5 ,Ski -loo ' SNOWMOBILE BOOTS $ 1 7.95 $2 1.9$ Flat Face Shields skidoo ;ohs as there's venter. ARGYLE Now w MARINE & SMALL ENGINES $2.95 • HELMETS • MITTENS. • BOWS • SUITS • SNOWMOBILE ACCESSORIES Isis). tt `ISI ,As 0 •t. Goderich • MARINE ACCESSORIES SS Brltal mala Fid. E. - 524.9201/ r�yy yy� yty ��jy���/yy���1/,���jy� ��y��jy� y/,���j�y��j����/��,�r �r��..�..y-[, ��{�. �•�,,� y�,�.y�y�/���y,,�+y��,.�y��� � - i,F , s. M� ttow oZ'7.Pi'7►PI avers w!, u o 7C ts7CSW1Z aY.7.� Y7�7C.*�+a L"`• tWava2-'1M37C7.,? ag3i0301 : :o, indulgence- made possible biy every -increasing income despite increasing costs. The stresses to which the {�t74 individual is subject; ac- t.ordirlg to the Commissioner, makes hint grasp at any oc- ca,►on when he can, by one means or another, forget the pressures of life, escape from the challenges of competitive commerce and lose himself in a dangerous miasma of nt' rymalS,ing, often without thought of the consequences to himself, his family, or the world around him. He needs, to know Christmas not as a clay - or week - for "living it up", but as a time for remembering the "lite more abundant" that Christ came to- bring. Faith in Christ, says Com- missioner Brower puts things Into proper perspective. Life is seen as- it really is, an existence in which demonic forces would destroy man's highest ry e"»Ntagv �.� aspirations and"drag him into a spiritual dungeon from which. any escape is better than none. With faith, however, comes stability, confidence, and the knowledge that one is on God's side, and. that He is the final victor. If one stops to listen, that is the message' of every true Christmas carol. The word "true" is important, says the Commissioner. We are not thinking of the "red -nosed rein- deers", or any other kind of red noses, celebrated in some seasonal songs. We are thinking of those words and music that celebrate a Saviour's birth; for, if we ,are completely honest, that's this old, tired, sad, and wicked w d anything orl else, needs more a Saviou what often than r. needs to be saved from itself; it needs to be saved to righteousness and peace—and all itoWNi THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET o` by Westinghouse & Silex -Proctor *ELECTRIC KETTLES •STEAM IRONS •TOASTERS •BLENDERS •COFFEE MAKERS SAVE $$ on these popular gift items the other shining virtues and high qualities which the world saw, for a brief th0v-three V years, in. Jesus, but which mankind can still claim through faith in Him. Choosing_ toys needs look to safety Wheat you choose a toy for an infant or small child select otie that: • is. too large.-tci',swallow: •• does not have detachable small parts that can lodge into, the windpipe, ears or nostrils; • is not apt to break easily into small pieces or jagged edges; does not have sharp edges or points; • is not constructed with straight pins, sharp wires, nails, etc., that alight he easily ex- posed; • is not made of glass or brit- tle plastic,;. • is labelled ''non-toxic" and "non-flammable". Avoid pain; ted toys for youngsters who -put playthings in the mouth. • does not have :parts that, pinch fingers or teles or catch hair; " • does not have cords or strings over 12 inches long. BE A 4 BLOOD DONOR • HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST, '', DEPARTMENT STORE �S MEN'S- BOYS' -LADIES'- GIRLS' and BABY'S WEAR YARD GOODS -FURNITURE- MATTRESSES -PAINT SEWING MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES- LAMPS• LOCATED ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA PRE—CHRISTMAS 'STORE HOURS MONDAY THROUGH 1 1 A.M. _ 9 P.m. FRIDAY SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 6 'P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS %Santa will be. at our store SAT., DEC. 1 4. 11:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. TREATS FOR ALL THE KIDDIES ALL -AT. LOW, LOW, BASE FACTORY OUTLET PRICES GIFT SUGGESTIONS SURE to PLEASE MEN'S - LADIES - BOYS & GIRLS TIMEX WATCHES MEN'S & LADIES WALLETS ELECTRIC & WIND-UP E $El97. to $ 1 027' ALARM cLoCkSCUFF LINK SETS $79/ SETSCUFF LINK & LIGITIR M SINGLE & DOUBLE DECKS PLAYING CARDS FOR DAD - BY GILLETTE Ei TRACK 11 RAZOR rAHDES FLASHLIGHTS sr Now till Christmas!!!. SPECIAL HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Now until Christmas Base Factory Outlet is .making special high trade -In allowances on your used sewing machine on the purchase of a new: ON. " •UNIVERSAL -by WHITE *DOMESTIC by WHITE •BERNINA *MORSE OR OTHER FAMOUS BRANDS Bring your sewing machine In for a check or repairs. Our expert, Mr. Berstch, will, be at our store Saturday, December 14 , 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WE" HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF: TOYS GAMES & HOBBY. _ CRAFTS FOR 'CHILDREN FROM TODDLERS TO 14 YEARS OF AGE 114 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS SIZES 1447 REG. UP TO $18.00 LATEST IN •STYLES *PATTERNS •COLORS -'BY WELL KNOWN CANADIAN MFG. (SOME WITH SLIGHT IRREGULARITIES) Zmuizeig BOY'S & GIRLS' LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS SIZES 2-20 CREW NECK & COLLAR STYLES LARGE' VARIETY OF COLORS AND STYLES BY WELL-KNOWN BRAND NAME MANUFACTURER, s2" i, s6s� OUR $791 PRICE WE OFFER SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SERVICE AT OUR STORE. Bring in your machine for service anytime and have it back` in five to six days. Out rates are reasonable and all our work le fully guarnnteetd for one year. PAMMai 9