HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-12-12, Page 26PAGE 10A—Gt DERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1974
Mrs Mary Bere
Christmas_ came early to the preceded by a potluck dinner at
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell _12:30. Al) ladies of the
Johnston when their family ' congregation' are invited to at -
group of 11' people arrived on tend and bring along pre-school
Sunday from London, bringing children A film will be shown
Christmas dinner and gifts. after dinner.
White Gift Serkyice was obser Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins;..
ved at Dungannon Unit -ed were both admitted to Alexan-
Church with the Sunday School dra General and Marine
superintendent, Mr. Wayne Hospital in Goderich on
Snyder leading the service, Friday.
assisted by Mr. Robt: McNeil. 'Dungannon Youth Group
, The Nativtty pantamine was met at t"he church on Wed
presented with the following nesday evening, December c''4
taking part; Simon Logtenberg with Police Chief Pat King of
as Joseph; Glenda Park as Goderich as guest speaker.
Mary; Shelley Rivett, Rhonda 'Election" Day on Monday,
McMichael and Cathy Snyder December 2 • brought a good
as angels; Barry Smyth; Mar- representation of voters to the
tha Curran and Kathy Robson local polis. It also brought
as shepherds; Colin' Snyder, some changes Wa h both Ashfih eld
Johnny Curran and Annette and
Curran as Wise Men; Jamie as announced last week. We
Bere as Messenger Boy; Debbie hope the incoming cardidates
Kerr as the Innkeeper. Irene will fill their positions as ef-
Logtenberg read a story about ficiently•as did those who are
'I'h 5Q Ye rs
win • out An election party
"btY► i�✓ia$ ens_- S
Agdi" The choir sang two num- was put on v a - the
Receive new charter
Members of the Huron Historic Jail Board look over their new crter, which they received
last week, from the Ontario government. The board now becomes a legal corporation, From
left to right are, back row' Walter MoBride, Paul Carroll, chairman and Warden Bill Elston;
front row: secretary Harold Wild, treasurer Ed Oddleifson, secretary Elsa Haydon, and Joan
Van Den Broeck. (staff photo)
Maple Leaf iODE
bars and the congregation didates at the Agricultural Hall
O ■
d in carol singing during on Monday night, cateredby
457E reports
Announce new registered
offering is to go, to the Church, Mrs. Minnie .Jones, 93,
Children's Aid Society. The was the oldest voter at Poll No.
Jo •
the pantamine. The White Gift ladies of Lucknow Anglican
Sunday school leaders, teachers
.and boys and girls are to be
commended for a very effective
Mrs. Cecil Blake visited in
Lucknow on Friday with her
cousin, Mrs. Lorne Woods
also called on Mr. andMrs.
Blake's Church U.C.W. held • •
final meting at the ht savin sret remen.
Tuesday, December 3 with Mrs. mans_ ed investment portfolios: Conference in Toronto Nove
Livingstone Menary in charge The Ontario Secondary g
' Federation fixed value; bonds and mar- her 30 Mr. Robert Kemball, a.
of the Christmas program. The School t ntary tgages, conservative stocks
of Mrs. Russell Phillips on
Prov. secreturyspecia'I
in suitable. "rose" dresses. A Mrs. Ti Darrow thanked
parody on "My Wild Irish Mrs. Dalton fors' her en -
Rose" was the climax 'of the thu.siastic,: and informative
e=vening. •
remarketch oks and preseMd the
Mrs. Robt Smith wrote• the speaker with a pen and ink
script while Mrs. M. Harper did sf Bayfield. rsnte. Dalton
the choreography. Other par-- expressed her appreciation for
ticipants were Mrs. McCallum, the gift, particularly since she
Mrs. Eastwood, Mrs. Royal, summers in Bayfield.
Mrs.. Rivers, Mrs. '•I-i'owe, Mrs,
Ainslie, Mrs.. R. Smith, Mrs.
Hughes, and Mrs. Edward. A'
lovely comic bit was performed I.0 E closing.
by Mrs. R. Lane. .
• The January meeting will
Mrs, C. Anderson convener held in the Assessment
of '`Rose" sales circulated or- Building Common Room,
der forms for plants to be Napier Street.
dt'livc°rc=d in 1975
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A ' ' ` '4
The Little Inn, Bayfield
charmingly decorated with
Christmas greenery, was the
setting for the December
meeting of the Maple Leaf
Chapter I.O.D.E. The group en-
joyed a sumptuous and elegant
buffet dinner.
Special guests were Mrs. C.H.
Dalton, London, Provincial
Organizing Secretary and .Mrs.
Maurice McKee. Regent of the
Ahmeek Chapter. Corsages, the
gift of "Agnes Flowers'', were"'
worn by the regent and the
guest of honor.
Mrs. Ronald McGee, Regent,
opened the meeting by in-
troducing the persons at the
head table. Mrs. H.- Murphy
presented Mrs. Malcolrh Camp=
bell, Miss Grace Hunter and
Mrs. Robt Patterson for mem-
' bership. Mrs. Dalton heard the
affirmation and pinned these
ladies with the I.O.D.E. badge.
Mrs. R. Hughes received her
25 year pin from Mrs. Dalton's
Mrs. G.L. Royal, vice-regent,
in mdu.: - . ! : r o is
a member of Eldon House
Chapter, London, an 'officer in
London Municipal and Provin-
cial Organizing Secretary.
Mrs. Dalton spoke informally
but sincerely of the 'I.O.D.E.
projects which have made fine
contributions to the Canadian
life-style. She cited under-
takings such as anti- T.B. and
anti - V.D. campaigns, and
and School Teachers a building community halls and
k and member of the OSSTF Pmvin green houses in the Canadian
Mrs Chris Cooke announces a new voluntary ggretisive equities tial Executive and the liaison
,John Gardner.- north as having been successful
Mr: Harvey Alton spent over h d t f savings plan ► mortgage Benef-�tCommtttee
a week recently with his
daughter and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. 'Paul Henderson and
family in. Mississauga.
• Mrs: Fred King has been in
hospital for the past yueek.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spry,
Niagara Falls, U.S.A. spent a
few days this. week with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Ivers.
Miss Beatrice McClenaghan
of Newmarket . spent the
weekend with her parents, Rev:
and Mrs.' McClenaghan.
The regular Christmas
meeting of Dungannon U.C.W. as catering: Members may now to assist their oca portfolios•.
will be held in the church on • other local U.C.W. groups. • "Following many months of P
president, • • group registered retirement a
conducted the bu; iness which g p which.. will provide __ Optional offerings to teachers member to the OSSTF Fringe in spite of public and govern-•
consisted of the ispoai ion omental opposition. •
things belonging to the group. annual tax savings and greater include a special. mo The speaker •complimented
was. a custom to present retirement security for all financing option, a special congratulated Mr. F..1. Man- v
As itmembers of the teaching registered home ownership �leville and his Committee for the chapter on increasing its
members with a cup and saucier savings. plan and a non- their diligence and comprehen membership .and commented
when they moved away, it had ;• profession and their immediate g e I upon .the, wholesome age span,
'registered investment savings sive work on behalf of tithe
been decided 1. including plan
remaining member should sup- The
that each. families. membership and the teaching
h ld Complete details
Following a few brief items
of business. the meeting ended
with the repetition ,c2f the
inc � g within the Maple Leaf Chapter.
a, lication form~ .will be p RRSP Committee ex- • profession as a whole. Special mention was made of
receive a cup and saucer as a Ppthe Anniversary Project - the
.remembrance. These were plied to the .34,000 OSSTF pacts that by economics of scale The OSSTF RRSP Commit -
sale of the I.O.D.E. Rose. The
out at the meeting. This member in time for the 1974, it will he successful in tee was charged with its proceeds from the -Cross-
given o providing teachers with the responsibilities at the 1973-74
A' bl
faithfully since 1B1 monthly a p
Cross -
group of ladies has carried on tax savings.
There will be seminars held `ability -to make convenient Annual
ssem y. w Canada sale of these.han some
ake's Church ndlor lump sum scarlet 'roses have been
closed in 1969. The decision to on a regional basis throughout
to t'he. funds of their dedicated to medical research
disband came as there are too the province. The meetings at depositshin genetic studies.
few members now to effectively selected centres are to aid staff choice, with the flexibility to With the "Rose" theme in
former activities such representatives in the schools thechange the naturesi7e of of themixciin4the r mind, entertainment was
carry on l �°� l members
provided by a group costumed
Tuesday,' .Deccm'be•r - 10,
loin •
�OUNiRY 0118
At the Economic Welfare
research and development,
OS, is pleased '
teachers 'and their. immediate •'44`�a`+•*v4m"`�4;
families, a specially designed t
-Group Registered -Retirement
.Savings Plan, This Plan offers
them all the benefits of Group T
participation plus the choice
and flexibility of a personal
Plan as well"; said Frank Man-
deville, chair -man of the RRSP
' Committee at the.
The men's bonspiel spun- scheduled for December.12 has - Welfare Conference Economicf the
sored by'Sheaffer Pen Co. and • been cancelled due. to lack of Holiday Inn. '
STF 1 d to pro
under the capable management entries. SOLCA competitions The Registered Retirement,
of ,Don Haines took place~ last are drawing near so do get your Savings Plan will feaere .. a
Saturday, December 7. There teams signed up soon. choke of four professinally- .
were 14 teams entered - eight it' -i a .
the 9 a.m. draw and six' in the
11 a.mn: ^draw.
Winners • of the first dray
were teams skipped .by Cam'
Bogie, C t)derich, Ken Bray,
Brussels, and Mel Deacon,
London, -coming first, second
and third respectively. Con-
solation went to Al Durst's
team from Goderich.
Winners of =the -second draw
were Pete Graf's team .first,
Gerald Walter's team second,
•both from Goderich,• and third •
place going to Brian, Adams' .
t' from Hanover. Con -
solation went to' GerrypWhite' 3' ,r z yy swi sixes: E `'4
team from Goderich. The
Overall winners were Cam .
Bogie's team with Pete Graf's i perfect
team. the ' runner-up. ' Prizes. gift!
were presented by Bill Gardner W g
- I hear he also provided enter-
tainment. Delicious meals were t
provided by Phyl Durst and her L
helpers. a`ing�r�
The ladies' bonspiel
� 'w .11
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Voters .of Goderich
My sincere- thanks for your
support in the election of
Dec. 2.
.Wishing you a Merry Xmas
and a Happy New. Year.
Rginford; H. Jackson
' Give :him the quality
i�1.. . he expects...
See our Ca nadia n Snowmobile Boots
Right now, we have over -40 C.C.M. and Sekine
Canadian -mads 10 speed bicycles in stock.
We also have all the accessories for cust8mizing your g
bike. °
One of these bicycles will make en Ideal gift.for the g
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