HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-17, Page 3.�r ,Pains Caused Oshawa, Ont. in the Joints. by Infian natory Svvelling A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarva" parilia. "It affords me much pleasure to recommend "food's Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted with .groat pain in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that he could not -get up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. I was very anxious about him, and having read H1041&isdf �3 S. i 00• S� d. ato much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I deter- mined. to try it, and got a half-dozen bottles, lour of whio]x, entirely. cured him." Mies. G. A. Laos, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure to get Flood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and :efficiently, on the liver and bowels, 25e. NEWS TOPICS OF A WESK• Tho Important •Events to n FOA Words For Busy Readers. Malta was shaken. by an earthquake on Sunday. Judge Scott died at Brampton on Satur- day morning. Advices from Calcutta., say there is no reason to fear a native uprising. British Columbia salmon canners have •combined to limit the output and control prices. ..-- Actor J: IS: Emmett is being sued for an absolute divorce by his wife, Daisy Way Emmett. Samuel Tomlin, _ a young Englishman, was drowned in Mild Lake, near Breehin, .on Sunday. At Guelph on Saturday evening Rhoda Perkins, a domestic, was drowned by the upsetting Qf a canoe. ' - Near Dayton, Ohio, during Thursday ,night's storm, :Roy Oberlin was struck by lighning and killed, A monument to the mother of George. Washington was dedicated at Fredericks- burg, Va., on Thursday. The steamer Spree, which arrived at 'New York from Europe on Thursday, brought $522,000,: gold. The worst sand storm for five years pre- vailed in South Dakota on Friday and all business was suspended. Rainy Lake mining district is experienc- . -ing a tremendous: boom. Mining men are ilookiug there by hundreds. The Hungarian House of Magnates has xejected the civil marriage bill. It is ex- pected the ministry -will resign. • Two men were killed and. three badly injured ina railway collision near Eau Claire, Wis, on Thursday night. Abner Chase Ellis, aged 81, one of Essex County's s oldest xesilent, died at Windsor ,on Friday after a lingering illness. A constable at Rocklin; Cal., on Friday, killed a commander of ` the industrial .army marching east from Sacramento. The animal dinner of the Employing Printers' Association washeld on Friday .evening at the Queen's Hotel, Toronto. Blrs. Harry C. Miner wife of the theatri-. foal man, died on Friday in New York. Mrs. Miner was the mother of fifteen children, The miners at Springhill, 11.S,, halve gone -again on strike, claiming that the agreement. management liar-enot kept theiragx t, William C. Spellman, a weathy dry scode merchant of New York, committed uicide Thursday night by gas inhalation, The police of St, Peteesburg have recent- ly made wholesale captures of Nihilists,' 100 of he ` i been' arrested in one them having 'batch. Mr. Asquith British Home Secretary, was married in London on Tbursday'to ]!Liss ilfaruot Tennant. The affair was bril- .liant. The Portnguese consul in London an- mcuncos that a bacteriological examination Troves that the epidemic prevailing at Lis- bon is not cholera. British Board of trade returns show that ,emigration from Britain to Canada de- clined • $ from 8,557 in April, 1893.to3.524 in April, 1894. In the french :Chamber a bill has -pass- ed its second' reading providing that the .execution of criminals shall hereafter be private. A boat containing 25 commonwealers capsized in Yakimir River near Ellensburg, Wash., on Friday, and four were .drowned, Tretnent twith Belladonna has so strengthened one of Mr; Gladatone's oyes. that he can read and write without diffi- culty. A.J. 11Lundella. Preident of the British Board. of Trade, has designed his seaa in the Cabnet, but retains` his `seat. in Par- liament. The New Brunspick Cotton Mutat $t John. • N.B., hag closed down, the cause being the. keen competition of the cotton combine. While mooring n boat at West River, i•.', ST I IN SIN, George Deriltor•a roTrnor reksidotlt of London, Townah,ip nOgleeed of imurtleringsevere,i rela- tives. Yatace, Cal., May 14, —It was ex- pected that the grand jury woeld today bring in inclietxnents accusing George' Decker, a wealthy Rancher, of the murder of hie wife, Margaret E,"Deeker, and Nevada Decker, her babe, 27 years ago, and Rosa Stolle, it granddaughter,; about eight years ago. Ten murders aro laid at Docker's door ae well as other foul and unnatural crimes mom ratted at various times through the last 30 years. Several of these merclers aresusceptible of proof. Others are based on suspicion more or less well fottnded, though in some cases ib amounts to moral certainty. Besides the three named, the list corn. prises Ed %yard. Stone, who was Decker's second wife's son-in-law, Benjamin' Decker's son, Caroliii,e Goodrich Decker, hie scoind wife; a four year-old son of Edward Stone, a hired man in Sacram- ento Valley, name unknown. and a man in/Mau/is name unknown: Docker kill- ed, tis first wife andehild in 1807, but- chering them with his own hands and burying their bones on the top of a high ridge. Their discovery a short t}ime ago crystallized the belie rev rent for rye . d # p a same time that he was guilty of marty atrocities and led to his arrest. After his first wife's death he married widow: named Goodrich, end lived with her over' 20 years, andia believed to have gotten. rid of her finally in 1890 by poison: He disposed of one child, who bothered him, in 1880. The murder in. Illinois is said, to have been committed before he came west, and the ono in Sacramento Talley after his arrival, His various relatives werekilled because they stood inthe way of gratifying his desires, or knew of his crimes, Concerning the above the following additional news has been received E I on Thursday night Samuel Dar• racli,' aged fifteen, fe11 Rita the water and was drowned. David Renshaw, aged 110, a farm hand, living in Rsguesing Township, a few miles from (Georgetown, hanged himself on Thursday. 'Reports received at the United States Deparbtnent of Agriculture indicate that ,acreage of cotton this year will bo 1.9 per ,eent, less than last year. Word has been received that on,9 ril 8 the Veneztielan Cities of Egido and 8 g Mertda and several villages were destroyed try an earthquake, with heavy loss of life,• A ttespateh £rein Yakima, Wesly, save that a battle ocenrred on Thursday night, between the deputies and comtnonwealere, in whichtwo deputies were shot, one fa- no witnesses of that mysterious deed itt B Ct�1l BIS 4KKRS, Fenten Brentre ts.axe ` DDVA IIzD=V0'x 1'rzas olvt, Ulfpena8Ar, SAxis- re.cuoN—T114 A IAsoiu is TFxt4X XXVIte IfAO, TO Wen,: Shelburne, May 14, .Frank Brown, the well-known druggist here, says; "In the past eighteen months, 1 have sola. 119 dozen of Dodd's T(iduey 1"rlla; Consider- ing theeuentity.I been sold, I have had an opportunity of ascertainingwhetber the piIls give satisfaction or not. I can say, that daring my fifteen year's eitporienoe h the drug bus:mess, Inever eold a medi• pine that gives tbe universal satisfaction that Dodd's Kidney Pills do, l;' am gatiee lied any person enfferiug with kidney trouble only requires to give Dodd's Kid- ney Pine a fair trial, and be will be con- yinced of tlioir wonderful ouratiee pt'e- pertiee, George Decker came to Yreka vin 1865, from London' Ontario, in which. section he has many relatives, A wo- man with two children came a few. months later. ' She said she came from London, Canada, wherethey had mar- ried. '' ;Mrs. Decker was of middle age. The eldest child, Eva, was seven years old, and there was a boy of 3—Benny. tametnR AND BABE DISA7PEAR. Townsfolk often said that she did not live happily with her husband.' A year after Yreka was made their home an- other child was born, a sickly little one that kept its mother lousy at home. The few old residents now recall that about this time Docker left his house- hold to care for itself at,great deal and was frequently at the homo of a wealthy widow named Goodrich. Loud cries were heard in Decker's home one day. A man ran into the house. The hus- band.held. a whip over his .wife 'who was cowering at a table, .and she was saying : "1'11 sign. I'll sign. Please don't strike," and she put her name to a paper, thecontents of ..which she knew not. Mother and baby clisappeared two'I weeks later: The whole •family had. gone out driving in the Kildare Hills and the father had returned with Benny and Eva, leis wife and babe, he said he had placed on a stage They were going to SanFri ticisco, thence to Can- ada. He appeared in the street in mourn- ing clothes a month later. "The steam er carrying my wife and child was lost`; ilia gale," he said, and much sympathy was shown. I.LARRIE» LIRE , . GOODRICg. Decker domied gay clothes again in a year and soon there was a wedding, for Mrs. Goodrich had become his wife. Site also had two children that came with. • her. One as named Rosie, at that time 12 years old ; another was a boy. The boy soon died, how, it is not re- membered. Rosie became Mrs. Edward Stone four years later. `About this time Eva became a, young woman" Benny had previously been sent to Oregon aricl was there doing business AS a young plan. Decker announced one ; summer that he was going • to an adjacent county to attend to cutting timber on a ranch, and goShe plead- ed , twith him. that Eva utas w 1 edwithher step -mother, but to no avail, and father and daughter started. They were ;gone three months. All that time, sc`it is now learned, they lived' together • in the woods. When they came back she was a 'physical' 'wreck; Shortly after she married a farmer awned Preston, but she never lost the,clreact of her father. • it]ti STf)11IACIC M ISSING.. I Mrs. Decker 1\o. 2, who was Mrs. Goodrich, was taken, ill a year or so later. 'doled took her to San Rafael, among strangers. He brought back her corpse two weeks later. A Yrelca`undertaker not- iced that the stomach wasmissing and reckoned that the embalmer had remov- ed it. ;Butlprevious te'the death there had been another. Decker had visited lus son, Benny, away up in Oregon. When he came back he brought a lovely woman, the widow, he said of. his boy, who had died while his father was visit- ing him: Thus another • witness of that ride in the 1`{ildere Hills was out of the way. ' Then there came Edward Stone and his wife and babe. "Mrs. Stone wits the little Hosie, the daughter, and the only living child of Mrs, Goodrich, or Mrs Docker, No. 2. By the labter's will she (Rosie) was left most of her property, to revert to Decker if she died without child. One day Rosit.'s baby was crying fretfully in an. adjoining r row. "Twill stop her," remarked ;Decker, walking to the cradle, An hour later the littleune was found dead. An old wo- man has o-manhas been found who was at that time a nurse, and she says she saw marks of fingers on the baby's throat. t. Edward Stonadied tr Emigre! death a I few months later, and beside hie, body that of hie Wife was soon laid. So Deck- er came into all the property, and he was much respected therefor, and there were KNOWLEDGE 33ringa comfort and improvement and tenets to - personal enjoyment when rightly used. The maul, who'liee bet- ter e-ter than others and enjoy life more , less expenditure, by more promptly,_ adapting the world's best products to the needs of physioal being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced inthe remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing:; and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ;' effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and y p ermanentl curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical.. profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without°'weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every 'obj ectienable'eubstance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drng- gists. in 75o. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every acka e,also the: name, Syrup of Figs, andpackage, eing well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at C. LuTz's Drug Store Kildere Hills, save Mrs. Preston. Wealth and property was the armor Plate that shielded Decker from the shaft of suspicion. Then she shepherd found the bones in the cavern and Deckers terrible crimes were discovered. Mrs. Preston, the child Era. for the first time Sunday, told the storyof the fatal ride on the I:ildere Sills : "When we reached the hills papa told mamma to get out of the wagon with the baby and go with him. . She cried and he',dragged her • along. "'Byand bye papa came back alone. His hands wore bloody and he wiped them on the grass. He toldBenny and I that if wmother hee ever spoke of would kill us. Mrs. Preston is a simple mindei wo- man, notinsane, bub feeble—a monom- anac on thesubject'of fear of her father- The Belleville assessors' returns show the city population to be 10,117. For nervous headache use K. D. C. The marvelous success Efood's Sarsapar- illais based upon the corner stone of abso- lute 'merit. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla throughout the spring months. John Graecon, of Essex, has been ar- rested by Chief Wilisand Detective Henan, of the Michigan Central Railroad, for ob- structing the railroad tracks, and is being held pending other arrests. "Curs." -The best thing we know of to heal a cut or wound as to bind up the injur- ed part with a cloth saturated in Perry Davis''' Pain Killer. Only 25o. for the New Big Bottle. It has been deeided in a Toronto court implement that H. A..ent man Massey, the t p m , has too weak a heart to be examined under oath. You hardly realize that it is medicine, when taking Carter's Little Liver .Pills: they are .yery.small no bad effects; ,all troubles from torpid liver are relieved by their use. Sird,-I had such a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking Norway. Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave relief, and the second bottle completely cared me, Mies. A. A• DowneY, Mantic, Ont. Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Headache , Constipation, Variable Appetite Rising and Soaring of Food, ` Palpitation` of the Bears, Dittos after Eating. , Burdook BloodBitters are guaranteed to -Dura Dye- d peipetreattai,oneif. faithfully used according', to Skin Diseases are more or less directly ocoasionedby bad blood. B. B. B. oures the following Skin Diseases; Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples and Blotches, by removing alt impufsitiee from the blood from a coronion Pimple to the worst Sorofulon9 Sore I' had a severe cold, for which. 1 took urtener. excellent I G d r a 15 Syrup. Norway i F rttaekd ey., giying prompt relief And pleasant J. Paynter, Huntsville, Ont. Heart Disease relieved id 30 minutes. - All caries of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One, dose couvinees,. Sold by C. Luiz. FOII OVER FUZZ: TSARS. AN OLD AND` WALL -TRIED RA,.$DY.-- Mre•' Winslow s Soothing Syrup has boon need fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while tdething;with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays tho pain, euros the collo,' and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, is pleasant to the taste. Sold bat. druggists in every Drrt of tho world. , 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable; Bo sure and auk for Wirt. Winslow's Soothing Ssrul, and take no other kind. Reams is Six Sound, --Distressing Hid - nay and bladder disown relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." id-ney.Cure." This now remedy as a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac eouot of its eitoeeding. promptneea in re• lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,baek and every part of the urinary! peerages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost iintned- ately. If you want quick relief and ours this is year remedy, Sold by C. LUTZ. Itnaameexost (Jenne re a Die. --South American li,heunxatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radieelly euros in 1 - to b days. Its aotion upon the system is remark- able and mydierions. It remotes at once the (MUSS and the disease lmmeaiately die- appears. The first ,dose greatly benefits, 75 acute, Sold b1r'C, Lutz, Druggist. 81* Those who are circulating petitions to bo prevented to the council asking that a pub- lic library be established in Windsor, are having no trouble in procuring eignaturce. The idea is to have the city issue deben- tures, for which a tax la to be levied of a quarter of a'miil on : the dollar till the amount is:. paid. Burdock Bloodood Bitters; pure dyspepsia. Burdoek Bleed Bitters euro Constipation. Burdock Blood Bitters cure biliousness,. Burdock Blood Bitters cure headache, Betdock Blood: Bitters unlock all the clogged secretions of the bowels, thus cur- ing headaches and similar complaints, HOW TO GET A. "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and yo'u will receive by post a ;pretty pioture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to deoorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the elide open, Write your address carefully. C. 0. Rloa&las ca Co. My son George bas suffered with neural- gia round euralgiaround the heart sines 1882, but by the application of MINAIID'S LINIMENT in r,;;°89 it completelydisappeared and has not troubledhim since. 315. Masa. Linwood, Ont.' ExotorPackingliolso £UR�ITU�E, Largest Finest Designs. Lowest Prices After A sh Clo Immense show rooms loaded with. geode ; every quality, style and prico, but all the best for the least money. Our Spring Store now complete, is the pick. of the 'mar- ket in everything—is elegant And varied beyond description. urn1t.rel- Parlor �` Will be the fate this week. The unus- ual size and variety of the line does not admit giving pieces in detail . Ask for our rrPLITM* 4" brant Meats. They are the best. SNELL BROS. Carriages Wagon: Ode . Pieees scaffaummissammens Main -St., > xa elong . gCilt1uma11. Times are hard, best you can, get Or Have yogi ever tried Griev Ile is prepared =to suppl' tt nobby spxirpg suit :of , superior quality and rna1ci tilne prices, Drop su ail, look through his stock, it. prise you. Will bo especially' attractive in price, �' J and all wlio wish for much, in return for small oatlay,wiil not be disappointed. S. GIILEY l SON, ODDFELLOW'S B1,OCK. Wehave received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold, Come and see thein and be convinced. Our -Stock 'of BOOTS & SHOES is Prices to lobe in now comp every lide.e P c s suit everybody. We don't advertise a 20 per cent discoivat and claim a, 20,. per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Come in yourselves and getprices, and yousee at once we have no 40 per cent profit, Goocl Cow-hicle,Hand-niacie Boots $2.90 a. Kip . - %a 3.25 BaIs 2.25 " Plow . Boots 90 Men's Half Soling 35 Women's " No charge for rips; also see our Hat- nese.- Can't b n t e beaten for style and .everything to t he Harness taut and quality, line. tJ s TREBLE. J.U.A'1'�InSOS Furniture Dealer. C XETER LUMBER YA The undersigned wishes to inform the public, in7generala,that he stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL ? tD1ZkISSk11)f1A1`ID: UNDRZISSLD? PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH And PINE SHINGLES. which ' ck owled t eclat notice is drawnt B. C. e Cedar w is a n S o Rd a r `Moat Durable Timber of any that growss, Speoialty for Shingles. i any climate. _ con Shingles - competent es to last from thirtysix to fortyyears n 1? judges yarsAsS Wit Bicycle? p T G. J HE �'ai PNEUMATIC pC o- T 7 � , sr /IRE tyoS o tH /s the only Tire that gave satisfaction sfaction last year MANUFACTURED SY The GooM Bicycio Co. LTO, us ¥ONGE STREET, Brantford, Ont. TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN Faneon'' Block. Fit for a King 11 lll� Ifiililll :stunt 1t' li�llllh,., OIL, OIL,_OIL, OE THE BOBIE+R PRODUCE CO. have deoided to Retail Oil at e -. Prices ees Best Canadian Oil, - Best Canadian Water White Best American Water. White 12c. 17o. 20o. COME ONE, COME ALL. _ THE COSIER PRODtJC. C, NTIIAL PEATHERB Corsets are now recognize to be the Standard Cors of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed money refunded. '. + ASK YOUR, DRY ,GOODS DEALER FOR`' f 'HA PING P�.ii a . ons. <. A. HASTINGS 03.1.2.SET0R. Agent for the Are the new chairs, divans and bed Laundry. room 'sets we have 'just pub on sale at prices which bring them 'within reach of everyone. We .have marked them down ; You can mark them:. for your own, 4few pieces will brighten up your rooms and all can afford them. This week we offer PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, SUITES, , Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture Line. ui 1mrs. Fashioa��i� Zty1! Brantford Steam FANSON'S BLOCK. A Full Stock. —OF— Browning OFi .— Br®,n . —DnAI, izE L Books, - S t� , t' - and Fancy - Goods, Bibles, Hymn Boots in every var- iety,' Scribblere, Pads,Note Paper, Ink, Pons, Pencils, Lock Bones, Etc., etc. J.W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. See that horse Boot Craere4 Clothing roducetl in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leaveS onroraore easly,for with the best staff of Tailors ; the bee stook of Fine Triniminga, and the best Cutting inTown, yot are sure of satisfact ion 24.. esunraii, A MAN an always y. Be Dressed Well If he goes to the grope We have a large'range . , terns to choose from Tweeds, Serges and made up an any style, at the customers sowell mate friend's do :no d t ask who made your SY:iit customers never; hest answer with a knowitau V. O IN OVERCOATS EE WE LEAD, lle bas smooth and glossy coat and' fools in geed enough. o,mdition to the and so would lir ' horse if lt� ownorueed DIUI'1'S BLOOD PURI :'IBR, It retiows'the system, enriches ttu blood and gives nature a fair ehanoo, is also at unfailing eradicator for bots:' and rtornyl. It 1, ;lust as good for cattle es for horses. Tor n laic sack- age if your heroes or cattle are not thriving, numbs, avin, onrb, ringbone or splint, use Dick's Blister 80c. --Dick's liniment for snratas, ewellieg5, bruises, etc 15e.—Dick's Ointntett fox set/itches. old- sores, saddle galls, eta. 2,5a, mailed on receipt of price. The Ta,ilo J I Mllrray DICE & 00, P.O. Boit 482 Mortrttrea seter ou Manufacturer of PLUWVS, LAND ROLLER TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers c} Castings. Also General C tstiti:g traded for ie Iron and Brass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge Bol Washers, etc: Iron piping andLitharge ke.pt iy on hand, .Repairs promptly ell, Change 1,2Zmust SNL:[I" Buteker I Having putchised the J3nto1 iness of Messrs. Wood. Bros., possession ort &aril 1st, and I peatfu11y,nolzoit the p t,trala,tf o; old etistoniers of the shop and, flew ones as can favor me tvifrl Meats of all' kinds always-' and. perfect satisfaction gut S.Ottzs faiblift'1 W