The Exeter Times, 1894-5-17, Page 1A.ND 'HURON- IJ) LE . .....GAZETTE* "FDT; v TO THE, LINE, LET THE Cl'L°UPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY .:.. VOL. X I. NO: 40, Woodham, Won't i, ow How well we Cayservedu Lace Curtains, Wall Papers, 1 Ready Tl, . . d. a int .i :P s AND MANY OTHER THINGS NEEDED AT HOUSE-CLEAN- ING TIME, UNLESS YOU COME AND SEE US. IffYou're Looking fora Place Where you can get the most anal best for the least money, you'll not make any mistake by corning here because our stock is new. bright and fresh. li's Bought Well. It's Sola' Well. FOEM—YOU. We invite you to come and see our exhibit of New Dress Goods, Prints, Delaines, Gloves, Hos- iery, Laces and Ribbons. -We pay top price for -Butter and Eggs. 8, 8, ORD fe CO. r'—'"NWiM4♦ J XETE [t, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 18:44 M:rtc✓Rr::+u:."aah4 .w' :444;Yl 3iw '!i::iFG.Y"A*Nv" ...7W , ^t,AS"', Sa 'PNN..WcsiM}kJt Ti LKIMMM',: ....: _.:. -.. ...,.. _ . r r.. .-. ,. t9,Fid'•',.'1k.Li4i.,'.'1 ,F.'Y,i'AA.•:: 1 s w».n....rv..•e .1 1ppt xx Sensate. U. S. in o 18f15, he moved to Canada CONDENSED LH TRIOT. Cromaxty. 1n March 1860, and during this tune NEWS, 13r;Iltrs,-Tho formersand the masous Special Bargains for Cash in all hinds of are ver bury in our vicinity' jut t vow.-- iAlt•, D. McLean eeeres to be the popular oontraotor.- Mrs, James Miller, sr., who has been quite til frontthe dffart s of a fall, , is, we aro glad to learn, sireost well aurin. -The attendance at the C. E. meeting was smaller than usual last Sunday evening. Ailsa Craigs. Bitritrs.--Mr. George Holmen, who bas been ill for some'tiir.e, we err+ glad to re- port is convalescing, -Our :Mechauios' 11- stiteto Boar d are employing their ' energies in adding to the library and equipments of .the It)atitete, and the ootrtcil with their usual ansiat)' for the welfare of auvthing that tends tothe intelleetua , moral' a tnonetary* into! este of the village have ootne forward with a grant for the encoer- to f he t of the Board and a t na.o t tigameit p Inatitue, Shi:Ara Frtrrras,=Our enterprising merchant Mr. Wing, hen sold hie store to Mr. Mors lock of Ore tUton; we rife sorry to lose Mr Wing from' our midst as he was well liked here. He is going to Zurich Mr. Morlock takes losses»ion immediately, as he has pnrchaeed the whole of Mr. Wing's stock, -Mrs; Peter McKenzie is at pres- ent away on re visit to her parents ic VVil- liams.-Mr. M. Y. McLean is around here organizitti and getting ready for the corning election,, but he is not meeting with very good success. The Patrons of Industry tag if they can't get a candidate s ot their own they won't support Mr. Mc- Lean, They have not forgot the part he took in the Patron's convention at Hen- salL-Miss Morlonk of Crediton is visiting at 111r. Sweitzer's. McGillivray. Bnuirs.-Mr. Moses Reeder. 16th con. is all smiles just now. Cause -A fine baby girl. -Mrs.' Wm. Wright's children have the diphtheria, but we me glad to pay they ate improving nicely: -Mr. Geo. Johnston has returned from Toronto, wheri,]te has been employed as sessional ,stark. = A repeat has reached its of a fish- , ing party that went up to Crediton. Start ingttlere with five boats fished all the way down to Buffalo and captured the large amount of three small fish. Take K. D. C. for heartburn and sour stomach. as,t Granton. BRncrs.-Death took for its victim on the 6th inst., the beloved wife of Robert Ridley who lives on the town line near Greaten. The bereaved hatband has the sincere sympathy of the community, as he Jas. Perrin was present and asked the is left toen ta-ke care f three lose es little council to do something for the town line children. -We are sorry to one of our villagers aoon,in the person of Mrs.J'ermyn in his vicinity. fIe said the road at who purposes moving to Stratford to - re- I times of the year was impassable. The side. Mrs. Jermyn has been a resident of deputy reeve and councillor Fotheringham this place for a number of year a'andloll ow_ were appointed a committee to meet rep - ed the profession of dressmaker, for which she will be vety Much missed. Mr. A. Lankin will reside in the house to be vecat- ed by Mrs. Jermyn. -There is great pros. pecta for abundance of fruit from the ap- pearance of the amount of blow. -Rumor says another of our estimable young ladies is to join the majority soon and be linked for life to a worthy young man. aloe of the community. Granton is noted for marriageable) oung ladies as there are only a few left to choose from, Marriage is indeed a great fashion here at prbeent.- Meters. W. Middleton, jr., and W. • •Hod- gins were in our midet renewing acquaint- ancea. -Sacrament waa administered in the English church Sunday evening. Blanehard Council. B'oo's es ilt,cs at A. ,i`cselolt's- Call and see ore r Is ;again Table. Scan )fines itt hen lrrieet, Mutter et legs taloa same, se cash. /to trouble to show goods. Sign of Big Bcot• A. WIiS1yx0I10, Marron's i3loek. Following are the market quotations Wheat, , . .... 55 to 68 Barley .......... 35 to 35 Oats ......... 30 to 31. Peas 50 to 50 Present full :board. Minutes read and con'rrrmed, By.]aw appointing rathmaetera, fence - viewers and poundkeepers was enacted. Alexander Smith addressed the council complaining of the dangerous slate of the hill on Currie's side road near hie premis- es. He asked that euffeientmoney be ex- pended thereon to make the hill safe. Mr. Smith was supported in his plea by Mes- srs Somers and Leslie, who claimed that at certain periods of _the year they were forced to nee this read as a mode of egress and ingress to their farree. The :Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Conn. Fotheringham were appointed a committee to inspect the hill and report, at next meetings George F. Murphy was grain present re•aehool question, ande asked the council, to- withdraw their motion refereing the matter to arbitration, 'and to•grant him the pritilege of leaving hie present School section and annexing himself to Union School Section No. 13, Woodham, without the matter being arbitrated upon. Moved by Fotheringham and St. John, that the motion referring the Murphy school question to arbitration be recind- ed. "The yeas and nays being demanded resulted as follows : Yeas-Fotheringham. St. John. Nays -Robinson, Ullyott. The Reeve voted nay. Motion lost. Minard's Liniment cures la grippe, SATI8rACTOR7 ADVANCE IN PRICn Our shippers find that good prices can he realized for good animals, but 111 coditioned ones area drub nn the market. Our stook raisers admit that most satisfactory results come from using Dicks Blood Purifier. It tskeea up the whole system. Be sure and get "I iek`a. Hay 6,00 to 7,00' Butter 15 to 16 Eggs . 13 to 13' f -loge ... • , , , 000 to 6 25 Clover seed...... BRIrrs.-The u'eaeurer'a report of the Meehataiea' :Instituto fibrins rcceipte of 8'22S.22. and eeperelituro of 5221.60'. The membership is 60: value of library, $590.- 72; volumes putchaeve during the year, oi 163; total. beolie in library, 773. Z issued duriug the veer, 964, --it ie. with feelings of sorrow that we record the death of AIra, John Murray, of \4 inebam, daughter of Mrs. Jane Lang of this place, and sister of Mrs, Si Hunter, shish took niece in Wingltam on Wtduesday. Mrs, Murray was in the prime of life, and leaves a sorrow stricken husband and four autall children -The Quarterly services of Hon- aull circuit Methodist church was held last week, The following amounts have been received for the different connexional Inr:de: Missionary fund, $196.10; Educe. ticnal, 823.00; Supt rauuuat( d preachers fund, $76; General" conference fund, $7.07: Contingent, 85.40; Sustentadon, $3.52: Union church relief, $3.57, Messrs. J. C. Stoneman and Vt. Northcott, were ap- pointed as delegates to attend the annual district meeting. The church building enterprise bids fair to be a grand success. -The corner atone of the new Methodist church will be laid with ceremony on May 24th at 2.o'oloe] p. m -L mass meeting of the electors will be held in Hensel]. on Tuesday, May 22nd, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Addresses will be delivered by Thomas Magwood, M P P, of North Perth and A F Campbell, M P P, of Algoma. A. large crowd is expec`ted.--John Mac• arthur left Wednesday for the Soo to look after acme doolk property there, -The wires, poles, etc., for the electric light are at the station. This looks like business -The brick work 'f McEwen's new block b about finished: -Rev. Kerrin of Bay' field, will lecture in Carmel church on the evening of may 24th. There will also be a musical program, Proceeds in aid of the library fund. -'W Ouemette and S Woodman were in the yillage on Fridge last and dealt horses with Mr C Meyere.- Jas. Canniug of Kipper, was in town Weduesday,-klessre Shillinglaw &s ]3alleu• tyue shipped several oar loads of cattle on Satutdty,-Mr A Weseloh and Rev Swann Were in Exeter on Wednesdav, resentativos from $iddulphcouncil on Friday afternoon at 4:o'clock p m. to in- spect said portion of town line. By-law No. 89, appointing Jas. Tufts impoundir•g loffieer for the; ensuing year, was enseted. • Moved by Robinson and Fotheringham that all classes of hogs and horses running at large on the high'w'ays in the township of Newhard are strictly prohibited and the impounding officer be inatruoted to impound any of these animals found run ring at large on the said highways, and that the impounding officer is instructed to impound all cattle and sheep found run. ring at large on any of the highways be- tween the hours of 7 o'clock p. m, and 7 o'clock a. m., and that the clerk draft a bylaw in accordance with the above facts. -Carried. A number of accounts were passed and the council adjourned to meet on Tuesday the 22nd as a court of Revision. They make one feel es though life was worth living. Take one of Caries's Liver Pills aftet rating; it will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and and vigor to the system. t Will Pay You To Read this 'Advertisement, and after you .have read it, think of what you are paying others for the same Goods. Patent Medicizsas. --Regular 25c Bottles for 17c. oc -Regular Bottles for 4.oc.) i3 5 ,. -Regular $x.00 Bottles for 75c. --a Lbs. Pure Black Pepper for 25c. -5 Lbs. Splendid Japan Tea for itxsao. -The wonder is how we can sell so much good. Electric Soap for 25c. -We are doing it, cdme:and see for yourself, Highest price patd for all Farm Produce. A1 1" :Cts. . . eGO m.er+ Sharon. Aeolinser',--Mr. and lure. Sinclair al Chisollinrst met with went might, bays been a sellout, acoidentit the other. evening. While driving out the town line, the heise'took fright and in beeom- t,athwire lug unmana,gertble,'rsri into a fence Alt', Sinclair escaped unhurt, Mrs. Sinclair }van slightly seratctted and bruised. The horse was badly torn. tereerlW ay' Bitiurss.---Messrs. McWiison and "Termed() are having good success in boring for water, the first one wee for Mr. Reuben \V11aon whicbthaa provedter decided success,.- The second one was for Mr. Wee. Itytan and is givrug good satisfaction, grad the third was bored • 'for Mr. Robert1Vicldnoltey, this on® they bored over 100 feet to the rook and then drilled. 25 inches into the rock but got no water, end they moved back about 10 rads in his lane and put down another end struck a spring l inches in the rook. The water rose within three feet of the top in a short time. i:le has placed a common wood- en pump in, and cannot pump the water any lower. This is good news to the nearly that were obliged to draw water for their stack last summer. They are putting those wells down for leas than half what they West a few years ago. -Mr. Robert English made a fine new buggy for bis own use. -Mr. Geo. Foster of Grand Bend, visited friends here last Friday and returned on Sun- day evenrz:g.-Mr. M. Y. McLean the candidate for the South Riding of Huron and Mr. Valentine Katz, Reeve 01 Stephen, paid our village a flying visit last Friday evening. -We are in- formed Mr. W. Nanekavill who made cheese that gave general gatislaction last season has been engaged for this se&0On,. BnnEFo-Mr. Mark Brokeneldre of Dash- wood, paid us a yisit on Sunday last. -Miss Buswell, teaoher of the Crediton Public School, visited this neighborhood on Fri• day and Saturday last. -Same time ago it was reported that the young men were complaining of a certain young lady who spends the forepart of the week here and goes elsewhere to spend the Sunday. It is not so, for the yonng men are not complain' ing even it that young lady goes elsewhere to spend the Sunday, for there etre plenty more left just as fair.- Mr. Wes. Snell and Mr. James Gould and families, of E.eter. were the guests of Mr. John Pedlar on ;lundity last. Dashwood. Bmxre,-Mr. Alfred Willert and wife of Dublin, were visiting friends in the village last week• -Mrs. Geo. Karcher and Mrs. Wurtz are visiting Mrs. Karcher's parents in Sebringville,thiaweek.- Quarter- ly meeting will be held in the Evangelical Church on Saturday and Sunday, by Rev. Mr. Grey. -Mr. Will Fritz of Crediton. was in the village on Sunday, visiting his brother Charles -Mr. Louis Staubus spent Saturday in London, on buoiness,-Tho public meeting held in Willert'a Hall on Monday evening by Mr. VV eismiller the Conservative Candidate for South Huron,' was largely attended. -Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Rev. Swarz in Crediton, on Tuesday. -Mr, 0. Finkbeiner, living south of the village, had several sheep and lamb® worried by dogs on Saturday night, 'several of them will likely. die from their wounds. Dog owners ahonld be compelled to have their doge tied up at night and not let run at large as they donow.-Mr. Fed. Kibbler of Zurich, was In the village on Tneeday. • ease es Clinton. rimers -Dr. Gunn is expected home from Texas this week. -Mr. John John- ston, Rattenbury strew, expects to leave next week on a three or four months' visit to Exit Grand Fork3, Dills., Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest. -Our town hand it elegotiating to a leader and we under- stand a bargain has been made with en outside muitieiap to come to Clinton. -We exceedingly regret to announce the death of Emily J. daughter of'•tho late Henry Ford'anfl,sioter to. lames. A., town. The sad event transpired ixst'Thuraday atthe early age of 21 years and eight menthe. -The members of .Clinton Orange Lodge eel Monday night by resolution endorsed the. CocntyLodge's-action and in accord- ance With the lettet's'decision 'Will go. to Parkhill ou the 12th. :VY'c x.D's Counts refit Etpourrox. • Will be 'of *slue to the would by illustrat- fng trio" improvementa•in the meobanioel arti and eminent Physioisne win tell you (list the progress in' medicinal Agents, bas been of equal importance. and still Strang- thbnfng Isistivs that Syrup of Figs ie hie lei adiance of all others. The eetate of thelitte Capt, Thos. Dick, of Toronto, Valued; at $300.000, and the. adapted daughter( not his own, as is gen. orally supposed),ifa Agnes Dick, to wheat he left hie wealth, are lesions' the court* slain. Grand Bend- was a rope manufacturer. Shortly after his arrival to this country he was converted under.tbe influence of Rev. William Smith, In 3872 he was or - denied as a minister in the .Evan,geli. pal Aeaoctation of Northorth Augeris a and from then preaeeted the (gospel of Christ until about nine months ago when he bad to retire owing to the effects of the illness that caused his death. The Rev, gentleman was well liked wberever he was stationed and had a large number of friends, Dur - his alines he bore the pain with Christ- ian Spirit rend lie was never heard to make any complaints. In the first stage ofhis sickness he spent a largo amount of money in attempting to have himself cured, visiting the ftrin- oipal epeoialiets in this country and in the UnitedStates,with no benefit. Ile was buried at the German Cemetery here last Tuesday, and the funeral was one of the largest in the vicinity for years, The following Rev. gentlemen tveee Pall Bearers; Brand,141eyer, Eby, Litt, btaebler and Ftnkbeiner. The Ex -Presiding Elder, J. Um'bacb, per- formed the buriel ceremony in the german language and the Presiding Eldr r, I). Kroh in the English. Text in German, St. Matthew, 25, 23, and in the English, Philippians, 1, 21. The Young People's Alliance sang some appropriate hymns for the occasion. '1 here were a large number of people from Zurich, Dashwood and other places attended the funeral. The Rev. Mr. 13ohwat z loaves to survive hima widow, two sons and three daughters. One son, Oscar, 14 months old, having died some years ago. Some of the ladies of the con- gregation had the church draped in respect'of the memory of their dear, departed pastor. BniEre.-We are having beautiful weather Ibis week. The fruit trees are.all decorated and if the froat bolds off fruit will be in abundance. -Mr. Brenner has his verandah completed, and the carpenter left for Exeter on Saturday. The painters are nevi'"sly ready for the lest coat o1` paint. -The lift offish was very light on Nlonday. Last week Meesrs.Spaclkman & Green's net lifted over ton at: one lift Mon- day was a holiday anteing the Germans, and quite a number •pioni'ced 1 ere, al- though it was rather cold.• -The K. O. T. M. and the Sir Knights of this place intend celebrating the anniversary of ibe Order on the lith of June, bere with a picnic. Alt the surrounding Orders are invited to attend. The beautiful lake breezes will d0 you good and our natural park will then be in fine trim. -111r. Foster was in Parkhill on Saturday and returned on Sunday evening. -Miss Ed itb Robinson visited her parents on Sunday. -Miss Mabee Mollard was home on a visit last week and returned to town on Saturday.- Mr. Matthew Hamilton of St. Marys, was here last week after fish and he got a choice lot to take borne. -Mr. Thos, Fallis sold a fine cow last week, for wbich he realized a good price. - Mr, John :Baird and Wm. Stubbs have taken the contract for a large dram down on the marsh and are busy at it this week. Who shall weep when the rrghteons die 1 Who shall mourn when the good depart? 1 -Viten the Soul of the Gs diy aeay ebali fly, Who shall lay the loss to heat ? Be has gong into peace, Bo has lm (daidown,hi) To sleep till the dawn of a brighter day; And he shall wake on that Holy morn, When sorrowing and eighieg shall flee (away.) Eden. Bsnu's.-Don't forget the Eden anniver eery ou June 5th. -Mr. Jas. Esaery lei for Thorndele on. Monday where he ha been engaged to train saddle horses -Mr Richard Quante has removed from her to Mr. Ben. Hiegin's house, near Exeter Mr. Q. is a flue fellow, and good noighbo and rte very much regret to lose him Bowever we wish hits sncees. Eden's los will be Ebiceezer'a gain.-Mr.Thos. Coatea shipped his fat steers to the old country oneday last week. 111;11014.Mise Moffat, of Myth tins accepted pted a asositiorrin Chatham Easiness College. teacher, and left for as town on Saturday, St'Ir, J. B. :Ball, al tI i t, tuts as ails^ ,,It list posed of a pair .of fat cattle, wlllole tipped thejbeena,et a <trifle over 3,000 pounds. 4n exciting game of football watt played et Seaforth, Saturday, between the Collegiate los titete team of Clinton, and the Collegiate Institute of Seaforth tor the Hough cup, Score•- f leaforth 2, Clinton 1. 147r. George eranetone, of the 4th con. Colborne, cited from inflammation of the lungs, after anillness of only about one week. His funeral was one of the largeat, it not tire largest, ever seen .in Colborne, „there... '.sing 198 conveyances in the procession. While coming down Fotberinghare's hill in East Wawanoah, last Sabbath, Mr. D. Dunbar's horse became unman- ageable and ran to the bottom, break- ing the shafts badly. Mrs. Dunbar and Willie jumped out when the horse started. Mr. D. was iujurod.5 t a • e r • 9 Uredlton.l BnIEFs.-'l'be track is now getting in good shape and some of the boys are driving on it every evening, pre- paring for the 24th. Wm, Siebert of Pietaville has been attending the funeral of the late Rev. G. Schwarz.- Messro. Samuel Brown, J. Heist and Mrs. Charles Brown have returned from Pelham where they were attending the funeral of the late Michael Heist.- John Schwarz from Preston, has been here attending the funeral of his de- ceased brother. -Mr. George Etiber has taken up his abode in Hensall, where he has secured a situation with Mr. D. Weismiller.-Mr. Brownlee was arrested last week at Ailsa Craig, by (;onetable gill and brought before W. Lewis on a charge:of perjury. He wee remanded until Friday, and ball being refused he was taken to Gode- rich for safe keeping by our Constable, Matthew Winer.- Wm. Finkbeiner has returned from a visit to Platsville. Wm. says he was on an organizing trip, but those who pretend to know says that he has come to the conclusion that it is not good for man to live alone and, that we may expect to hear that Wm. will have the constitution so amended that the female will be ad- mitted to hie society. --'Phomas Yearly and"wife and William Winer's Wife to- gether with •a number of .pniandur Krause's children have gone to Ni- brMkaio pay a visit to Emandus Krauss. --Israel Smith received an ugly wound in his arm last Tuesday while shooing a colt. --Charles Wolf.,, :John'frevethaok and B. Brown ;have purchased a large weigh settles and' placed them on the streets Opposite the Town gall This as what has long been wanted end should be will patronized. oa stir anis. -The hand of death Mai v again visited our village (but not un. expectedly) and removed freer our midst the Rome,p. Schwert,tw•ho been suffering for a long Owe with Dancer. He was' born at Wassertnitla• genata, Bayern, Germany, on NOVellu• her 29th 1841, and emigrated to Mage., ei Centralia. .Rev. T. Davidson, M. A„ of Wrox- eter Presbyterian church, lies notified Rev, D. Miller, moderator of Presby- tery, that he intends resigning his charge at Wroxeter. He resigned a few weeks ago, but withdrew it at the last reacting ot the Presbytery. Mr. Davidson's health is not good. BRIEFS-lfitea Hannah Butt, of Kipper,. is visiting her cousin Rev W H Butt, - Miss A Sheardown to visiting friends and relativea here. -Mia Rovers of London, is visiting her son Mr Alex Knox, our station agent. -Misses Ida and Lillie Krause have gene to Nebraska, the former on a visit and the latter to live with her father -•Mr Smith's cheese factory is in full swing now. He has secured the ser- vices of Mr Walter Pero. -lir J Herman who sustained serious injuries by falling fromy a cherry tree is ati:l very low. -Be',,. McDonagh of Exeter, preached a. practical educational sermon here on Sunday morning last and the pastor preached in the esening on the same subject. -The ladies of the church are making great preparaticna for a parlor social to bo held iu the parsonage next Tuesday evening. The program which will consist of tendings, recitations, solos, duets, quartettes, choruses, &c, promisee to be au extra good one as married people are only to take part Perhaps it will stir up our young people to do even better in the futute.-Rev W H Batt and Mr John Beady of Eden, are ►trending district meeting in Exeter this week. - Mr A Bowslough bee gone to Clinton to work in a saw mill, T. Levan, of Clinton, metwitb a bad accident while at work in the foundry recently. Ile was holding a board to the buzz saw, when it caught, and his finger slipped over, striking the saw, which cut three fingers so badly that the doctor dressing the injury had to remove the fingers entirely. On. Wednesday of last week, what might have been a very serious acci- dent occurred ateetho new saw mill in Bayfield. Mr. Donaldson's son, who runs :the engine, was struck on the head with a slab, which fell from the naw, cutting a deep gash on the top of his head. but under the treatment of Dr. Sheppard he is rapidly; recovering, and expects soon to be at work again. LET THE Wonsan SPEAK. Mrs. A. Sampson, 203 Bennington St., East Boston, writee;'•I had been affiioted with dyspepsia for the last four years, was so bed that I did not dare to eat as it caused me terrible pain. Hearing 01 K. D. C. I Ire• cured a package. Items me almost int. mediate relief. One package ouxed me. I have not been so well for a number of yearn. l cheerfully recommend it, and feel justified in saying that dyspeptics who can get this medicine have no excuse for suff- ering." Geo. Alward, charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of John Mc- Dermott at Ingersoll, has been remanded for eight days, bail being accepted; in X2,00Up0. to ,Saturday the vbiptatent of live stock from ilontresi for Britain Molnded 0,370 cattle, 1,387 sheep,, snd'399 hoyses. . JO max x t - ll and so has our spring and sum i mer goods. Step 1'1 and ntci our new dress goods So beautiful an Fp Rt1iCA , love- ly ov@-l in finish, durable in texture and brealss all previous records for tow prices. Our new prints are !.irupty immense, so the ladies tell us and they should know. For ladies' and gents' footwear twee never did take second place and we never had so large and well assort- ed a stock as now, Aiid now a word to the boys -from 0 to foo years of age. We have something really elegant to show you in neckwear and gents' furnishings, Suits in to order ox ready made at a REOU(TIOK OF5 PER &ENT. Everything in our store reduc- ed to hard time prices, depend upon it. Highest price paid for farm produce, J. P. ROSS. - Marxist Depots Foliowq, A Crowd WHERE4 TO MANSON'S Big Slaughter Stale of Boots and Shoes. Ho has knocked the olcl time prices clean out of existence. For the next 60 days for Cash only he sells (our own hand made) : Mens French Kip Boots at 54; Men's imperial Kip Boots at $3.00; Men's extra, good Cowhide 'toots S3. Mien's, Women's and Children's Shoes in endless varieties at 20 per cent. dis- count. Repairinrpromntly and neatly clone at the foll,wleg pricer : Men's Ball' Soles only 40ce women's Ralf Soles onlys5e, Come and secure 50810 of.tb eon i'i argai:,e. GEO. MANSON'S, ;Line People's Shoe Store Next Door to Post Office. Mr. Wm. Cameron, of Seafortb, has sold bis farm on the 14th con, of Mc- Killop, to Mr, W. Hackwell, for 4,- 600 , this farm contains 75 acres,. It adjoins Mr. Hackwell'a own, conse- quently he will now have one of the finest properties in the township. Mr, Holmatead has diappaed of the Gilgan farm, to Dennis Brothers ; this farm contains: somewhere inthe vicinity of 90 acres. What may prove to be a fatal acci- dent occurred in Wingham the other} morning. While working on a scaffold I at the cottage owned' by Mrs. H. Buchanan, Mr. Robert Aikens unfor- tunately stepped out on the end of the planks, which tipped up and allowed him to fall to the ground. His collar blade and hip bone were broken. If not injured internally there is ;every chance of his recovery. Another man named Curry, a Bruaselite, was work- ing on the scaffold at the time, and be also fell, but suffered no injury. arnamEsux. Mr. John Hackett, of ;con. 12, Lon- don township lost his barn and crops by fire lea' Monday. His insurance wag $500 on the buildings and $350 on the contents. The cause was lightning and Mr. Ilaskett says his barn was well "protected" by lightning rods. rkaTSL South Perth Conservatives wall meet in convention at St. Marys on May I8th. Mr. T. H. Race, of Mitchell, has sent in his resignation as License Conamis- sroner for South Perth. Lietowel's population this year is 2,552, against 2,575 last census. The total assessment is $761,405. Rev. Mr.'Dswdney, of Mitchell, has decided to accept a call to St. John, N. B., and`will leave for his new charge an July. A DOCTOR'S VIEW • - One of the meet meted- • pba. oians of modern timed say.:-"Wh.n the system ie surebargod with bile'sad the liner needs it powerful stimnlue to `exeile it to duty, then it ie that we net powerful cathartics to obtain the nooeadary relief, -often attended„ However, with proatratineeffeetd, "and he mIebt also add, •'often esusiste by; their teeetion worse eonatipalion and b lisuatSII than befogs." Now this is no the ease• with •Beeljay's Liver Lozenge!. They do not prostrate nor react. They sot, gently yet poehlef ley. Tbosa troubled with ebeentp essafeplotion or bilious habit tits' hess. ad ii! r! rears mast aontinno. their %lie for ito is Hetet :tat they shill do ,their "1014 and permenettly out* those *}etre lets .ted. . Kold. Kure bas proved infallible for the peat three years in cases of Grip. Try it. The Listowel town council have' re- solved to enforce the by-law requiring that all children under 12 years of age be off the streets by nine o'clock every night, unless in charge of parent or guardian. A little son of T. Connolly, 7th con. flibbert, fell from a horse on Friday evening last and received very severe injuries about the .head. Dr. Wood, of Mitchell, was sent for and he dress- ed the wounds. - Henry Henry Drake, of Staffs, is in jail for striking his father-in-law on the bead with a fork .handle, inflicting "ugly wounds. The prisioner, who nays the complainant came between him and his wife, is said to show gigue of mental derangement. Mr. Joseph Stafford, of St. Mary's met with a mishap the: other morning whereby he last the top of a finger. As he-wasleavang the Bank of Montreal the high wind paused one of the heavy doors to slam, and asMr. S. was in the act of closing it, the door caught his. finger, taking it oft: The united trustree boards of Trafal- gar and -Main Street Methodist Church, Mitchell, recently opened tsndera for the enlargement of the batter church. The tender of Mr. Smillie, of Toronto, was the lowest for the niaaontwork, and that of Mr. Young, of Stratford, the. lowest for carpenter work, amounting together to $2,475. Rev. Dr. Battiabyof Chatham, moderat- or of the B) nod of Hamilton. and London, and the commission appointed by the Sy.. nod, go to Wingham Monday; to settle a misunderstanding between the people and pastor of the Presbyterian congregation et that town. A Boon to Horsemen. -One bottle of English bpavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse, I take pleasure in:recommending the remedy, as it seta with myeterioue promptness in the removal front horses of hard, soft or cellouaed lumps, blood apayin, splints, curbs, weeny, stifles and sprains. Geo. Bonn, Farmer, Sold by O. LuTz. Markham, Ont, Bargains, Bargains Just opened up a complete Range in Dress Goods' Prints, Tweeds. Carpets i Read-. -.1 rade Clothing, - At Ronal kalaly Low:Prices. 'CUSTOMS pp. , p TOMS T5A,ILO NC. We are showing in this Department.;>R large arid select 18tettic ef Suiting, Worsteds, Pantings, and we are making good Tweed Suint $1,0 Up. Men's fine Black Worsted Snits tor $15. p )Dante in and inspect our Goode 'befortt p arokaain g. te WN t por> . , p h atyt SMso.. ore to Doom d; Sieber*,4" ✓ Fd 11