HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-10, Page 715JUAL tJOT
D 4G 1T3 noW virm
; vcrimonan WITR Tap
OalaalallaNkitilaAXe '
eled AlleNvs leoGit POOPIC SIHRIOttOteg to.
feet teee 4 Terrible ataiiiaelies-aaaell'
(ammonia Ilea aointeuatIes to Centime
;;,,_, 1Priltu , • ' , ::' ' :
latotnenna, April 29.—The Tebereacle
Wei otowaed thie meaning with. the usual
throng 'Of eager, listenera Dr. 'Talmage'
preachea me the Spiritual confliots of We,
taring, ,aor ate text Geaeeisa32
"And Jacob, was left &once; and, Clara
weeded a man with him until the breeklog
of the ay. Au a when he saw that here,
prevailed not %gab* him, he ,toached tale
hollow of hie thigh; ,atiel the , holleee „of,
araoob's thigh woe out of , joiut oe
he wetted iftth him. Alia he said, ( lief
Me go, for the day brealietha .And he
eaid, 'I will not leb, thee, go, except . them
bless me.'" ' • ' - ' •
• The diet arose from the troubled heed
of Cattle; Wad sheep, earl 'goats, ind'earaela,
They are the preeent that Jacob ends to
gain tho goodeevall of his offended brother...,
That night Jecabhalts bY the brook Jab;
aock.- But there is no rest for the weary
Man. NO alibiing ladder to let the angels
(imam into his drown ; but a Berea oonibat;
thatlasts until the morning, wlth, an nn- .
keowe vieitor. They each try to throw the
other. The uniemawn visitor, to reveal his
aupetior poiaer,by a touch wren'ohes Jacob's,
thigh bone from its socket, perhapa: maim-
ing him for life. 'As on the inoening eley
the :Ousters of purple cloud began to ripen,
Jacob aces it is an angel with whom he ha.s
beeie contending, and net mie of his ' broth.
erae cenclautors. ," Let me go," '.cries • the
angel, liftinghimself up into increasing
ligat, "the day breaketh." .. .
You see, in the first place, that Crod
•allows good people soinetimes to get Mb a
tetrible struggle. , jeaeli was e good man;
blit here he is left alba° in the 'midnight to
• Wrestle with a tremendous influence ay the
brook Jebboka .1a(Sr, Joseph S a pit; • for
' Daniel, a wild bests atin aforDavida dee
thronement and exile i for Jolla theakiptiet,
a wilderness diet and the exeisationeraaxei
fin Peter, a prison ; for Peal, shipwreek ;
for John, desolete Faeroes , for Vashti, most
iusulting eruelty ; for Jobephineabaniih.
anent ; Jor Mrs. Sigourney, theagony ate
arunkarcla wife; forJoha Weeley, atanee
hurledaby an infuriated:mob ; for Catherine,
' the. Scotch, girl, the drowning surges of the
sea; for Mr. Burns, the buffeting of, the
Montreal populace; for John. Brown,: of
Edinburgh, the pittol shot of Lord Clever-
haus° a for Hugh Mc Keil, the, scaffold ; for
;Jetliner, the steke; for (Mast; the °roes;
For whom, the rocks, thegibbets, the guillo-
tines, the thumb brews ? libr the (lone and
daughter e of the Lord , •Gdca Almighty.
•Some one sold to, a Christian rah:amen•,
t,' The world is against ,gotna "Then" he
relied, "1 ein, ageinst the world."
I will go further,' and say that every
Christian has,his,struggle. This man had
• his combat in Wall etre* this one on Boiad
etreet ; this oneaaesaFulton street; this one
cm Chestnut afreet ; tins one on State
, street; this one on Lombard street; thio
one on the Bourse, With financial misfor-
trine you have had the midnight wrestle.
ited-hot disasters have dropped into your
litire feoni loft eo celler. What you bought
amiaotaldnot mill. Whom. you trusted fled
'.aha helm yoiteaxpeeted would not come;
- Some giant panic, with long 'arms, and grip
, like death, teak hold of yen in an aWfuI
Wrestle,. from which you have not yet
soaped, aucl it is uncertain whether it will
throw you or you will throw it. Here is
another seal, in struggle with some bad
appetite. He knew not how etealthily it
wee growing upon him. One hour he -woke
up. He said, "For the sake of my soul, ;if
• my //tinily, and et rerehildren, and of my
God, I meet stop tbis la And behold he
found himself alone, by the brook Jabbok,
end it was midnight. That evil appetite ,
seized upon him, and he seizecl wain it; and
oin, the horror of the conflict I „When came
a baa habit has aroused itself up to •destroy
a 'men, end the man has sworn that, by the
lioli) of the eternal God, he will destroy ib,
al heavens draws itself out in a long line
of light, to look from above, and hell
stietches itself in myrmidons of ' spite to
look inifrom beneath. 1 have seen men
- rally themselves fOr stab a struggle, a$
they have bitten their lips, and elenohed
' their fists, and criedwith a blood -red. earn-
• estness and a rain of scalding tears, "God
helpiner . •
.Froin a wrestle with habit a have seen
men. fill baok• defeetect Calling for no
' help, butrelying on their own resolutions,
they have come into the struggle ; and for,
alime•it seemed as if they. were getting
the upper band ,of their habit, . hilt that
habit rallied again its infernal power, and
lifted a soul froin Rs standing, and with a
force hurled from, the pit, hurled it lath
litter darieness,, Firet, I saw the auction-
eer's mallet fall en the pietures, and musi-
cal instruments, and the rich upholstery in
his faiii0 Parlors. After awhile I' saw.
him fall into the ditch. Then, in the mid-
night, when children Were dreaming their
sweeteet dreams, and Chriatiam heuseholds
are spent wi th slum ben augelwatch e d, I h card
him glee the shaep shriek- that follewed.tae
atab of hie own poximad.• Ile fell from an hon-
• ored sooial position; he fell frotn a family
circle of vvhich once he was the grandest
ettractiene he fell from the house . of Goa,
ea wheats altars he had been consecrated ; he
• tell-aaorover I But, thaele God, ' f have
k..‘ftenseen a better termination than that,
I haveamen mien ; prepare • themeelveie for
sueli-ie 'wreathed.' They iii.18:- hold of God's
kelp ea they went hito combat. ' The gleat,
' habit, regaled heaths cup' of mag teeip.
tationo, came out strong . and deaent.
ley ,, eleoglied; ,They , Were the evtith.
ings an . distortions . of a fearful
straggle. But tbe old giant began to
waver; and at last, in the midnight, alone,
withiene but God to witneseabythebteek
jalelso kaathe. giant fell; and the triemphant
wreaelerebtoke the clarkeees 'with the pry,
. .
"Thaake be 'Naiad God,' who, giaethe tes' the
victory Stlitheeti abet Lord ' Jeeeid Christ"
misafanfam. wadow's heart, that ' first wee
deeelabdiaehaal:bareavenient,,ind ,eincee.by1
the:4:1' l'etiee"eind triale, that, dune, in the
Stlik. lfiniy,... A,Ttis,a7si4 thing.0 4pp
n ei'611,11.`'`'0' d44irulig,f,9V-,e,- )1014104 ' eridev
distiMnOgeeebneto Mika-46110kt° woman,
with• helploealiableame other back, fights
;1the;gisaiti ,tof poverty, and.. sinrow;•
more: 'tk,frectintt. It , was a hemline hoerie,
and Mialaaa liaakedia'a Mit that *lane thoea
fcaar waiter e'elaaiaploya ;of Outage mor,e4cd.,
miabl,e than that lea alamnbal croseina, the
Ataie, eillielPitatiaof ,Therinopylanor Iialleke
lava, where, "into ilie jaws. eaf death, rode
• the six. hundred" These herooe Inca the
Whole Weald to cheer then on ; hut. quite
w,ceee e to t1a3ath
hiizt1 hnne, $he fought or rePAL
clothing; for Ors, ter eleettee, • With ao
head and weak sid e, and tuchatlAtodStrengthl
through the loug night, by the broele afeln
bola Oeuld It be that none would, give her,
help Had Podifoeaottena titditf.'graciens
'116, I donlexillitig 041,This inidiriglit air
of wings owning. to tile IeSelle, She hears
It now, in the aetugh Of the night wind, in;
the ripple of the brook jab bok—the promteei
• toadgeaa long ago, ringing down the ehy--)
"Thy fatherlese children 'will preeervet
thera ?live ; and •,let thy widows ,trust',
in mei" Some one old. te Vete,POOr't
Woman ".Iiew iiib that n" Minh
tress you keep cheerful fr' She said,
40 it by what; I malresa . prayers,
'When I had' mearenia a:1 pan, Und nothing)
to pay it with, and breed bo buy and nothing
to t with, I, need, to, flit -down' and cry,
Batnow I do not get discouraged, If I go,
alrfbe etreet when 1, oome to a cor-
ner of the street, I say, Thelsord help me:'
I then go on until I come to another cross.;
Mg of the street, mod again T say, The
Loadbelp me la And to I utter a prayer at;
•every croiaing ; and. since I have got into)
•the hahit of eeyiug these ° cross prayers' I
have beenable to keep up my courage."
Learn again from thie oulejeca Cud people)
sometimes aresurprised te find out that what,
they have been' struggling within the dark'
ness is really an " angel of bleoieg." Jamie'
found in the moroing that this strange pera
sonagis Was not 'at enemy, but 4 God des.;
petalled messenger to prorniee prosperity'
for him end for his obildren. And so many!
Mannat the °less of his trial, hits found,
outitiove he has been tryiug tie throve down)
his own blessing. If you are a Christian;
,meneI wilt go back in your history and find
tbs,tethe grandest Mange that ba,ve ever
hapPezied to you, hive been your trials.
'Nothing short of scourging, imprisonment
and ship -wreck, could have made Paul
WhataM was,, When Drivid was fleeing
•thtdogh the ivildernees pursued by hie CPWIl
aqi,',11a' Was being prepareto becotne the
•sweet silinger of Lima The pit and the
dungeon were the best school at which
aoseph ever graduated. The hurricane
thatupeet the tent and killedjob's children,
prepared the man of Uz to write the mag-
nificent poem that has attounded the a,ge.
There is no way to get the wheat out iff
the strawbut to thresh it. There is no way
-to• purify the gold but to burn it. Look
at the people wile hive always had ib their
03Ya araaa aria Proud, disoonteatials
useless end Unhappy. If you weal teefiati
oheerfol folks, go among those who have
been putified•by•the fire;After Rossini bad
• rendered "William Tell" the five-hundreth
time, a (mammies of emusiciana came under
his window in, Peale and serehaded •him.
They put upon'Eis brow a golden erown Of
'tiara lea-aes But, ainicl p,11 the apptamie,and
epthusiasai Rosaini turned to o friend and
said, "I would give all this brilliant imene
for a, few days of youth and. loae.'!' .OPA-
treat the melanehoty feeling of Bmeeini, vvho'
had everything that this world eonlel giya
him, to the joyful experieoceof Isaac Watts,
whose misfortunes were innumerable when
he says: •. • ' ' • '
The Rill of Zion yielda
• A thousand sacred sweets, '
• Before we reach the heavenly fielese
• Or walk the golden streets. •
Then let our stings abound,
And every tear be dry,
We Elre marehing through Immanuel's
ground; •
To fairer worlds on high. • , •
It is prosperity , that kills, and trouble
that sanes. While the Israelites svere on
the march, amid great privations and hard -
hips, they behaved well. After • awhile
they prayed, for meat; and the sky darken-
• ed with a gmat flock of quails I and these
quails fell ih large maltitudes ali about
them; and the Israelites ate and ate, and
etuffed thernselves until they died. Oh,
my friends, it is not headship, or trial, or
starvation that injures the eoul, but
abundent supply. It is not the vuItare of
trouble • that eats up the Christian's life;
it is the quails ib is the quails I You will
yet find oub that your midnight wrestle by
the brook Jablaok is with an angel of God,
come down to bless and save. .
elf l &.bIr ant riooj
einteepratea a 1 do not know
11ArVioe enjoyed the most hclicro
the, oomtegnie,n ,,of •saints 044 in the life
9'verlasting," , ;"The day breaketlOt
'AsI look upon' thie malienee, I sea niaby
who have mooed through waves af trouble
that mane up higher thee- theegirdleTo
0 d's name I proelaiet ees6ti,ert ofAsietili•
tier, You shall not go always saddened
and heart-brokeit. God will lift your
IMMO). Ged wilLbring ye tie demi to life.
God will, etaaneh the, heart* bleedi4g.
khew I/0 wilh Like fk.s f 41'0 piges bis
ehildren, so the Lord pities-loaa The pains
of earth will end, The tomb will beret.
The dead will ado. The in,orning star
trembles on a brjghtimin0 elaara geteke
Of the east beain to awing open. The day'
Luther and lsdelanothon were talking
gloorngly about the prospeets ef the
Ohnrch. They 4,114 tee nO bop of deliv-
erance. After awhile Luther got up and
mad to Melanethott, "Come, Philip, let us
sing the forty-sixth Pearn of' Damn', Geri
is our refuge and strength, a ,very present
help introuble. • Therefore will net We fear
though the earth be removed, awi though
the mountains be oartied into the, midst
of the sea; thoughtlif •waters thereat roar
and be troublada thoimiattlie triciatatains
shake with the (melting thereof, Saab." ,
eDeatlito Many`nay to ell, Wu struggle
and 'a wrestle. -,We have many friends that
it will be hard eolea,vea I care; not low'
bright our future hope loot is a bitter thing,.
to.look upon thia fair wethi; enliknow that
we shad aeyer agates see „ its bleeseMiata
spring, its falling ignite, its sparkling streare,s
end to say farewell tolhose with whom we
&Ted in o1ij�d,er 001=0014 ill araaa
hood: In tat night, like .Jacob, acre natty
have to wrestle, Mit God, will not leave es
tifiblassed, It shall nonbe told in herien
that a dying teal cried auto God for help,
but was not delivered. The lattiee may be
turned to keep out the san, or a book set to
dim the light of the midnight taper; or the
room may be tilled 'with the cries of orphan-
age and widowhood; or the Church of Christ
may mourn over our going but if Jesus
calla, all is well. The strong wrestling of
the brook will cease; the hour of death's
night will pass along; one o'clock in the
morning; two o'cloole in the morning; four
o'caoclern th,e morning; the dey. ,breaketh.
world have it when I die. I am in
no 'haste to be one, I have no grudge
against this world. The only fault I have
to find with the world is that it treats me
too yeell ; but when the time comes to go, I
trust to be ready, my worldly affairs all
settled. If I have wronged others, I want,
then to be sure of their forgiaciness. In
that last wrestling, myerre, enfeebled' with
sickness, and my head faint, I want Jesus
beside me. If there be hands on this side
of the fiord stretched, out to hold me baok,
I want the heavenly hands stretched Out to
draw nie forw.arde Then, 0 Jesus, help me
on and help me up. Untearing, iendoabting,
may I step right out intethe light, and be
able to look back to my kindred and Mende
who woind detain ine here, exolaiming,
Let me go --let me mei The day breeketh.
Learn again that -while our wrestling
with trouble may be triumphant, we must
expect that it vvill leave its mark upon us.
Jacob prevailed but the angel touched him
and hit thigh -bone sprang from its socket,
and the good nian went limpiug on his way.
We must carry through this world the
mark of the combat. What plowed these
premature wrinkles in your face? What
whitened your hair before it was time for
frost? What silenced forever so !limn) a
the hilarit.y of your household ? Ati it is
because the angel of trouble Meth touched
you that you go limping on the way. You
need noe be surprised that those who have
• passed through the fire do not feel as gay as
once they did. ,
Do not be out of patience with those who
-come not out of their despondenay. They
may triumph over their loss, pact yet their
gait shall tell you that they leave been
trouble touched. Are we Stoics, that we
can, unmoved, see our eradle "rifled of the
bright eyes and the (sweet Ups ? .Ca.n we,
stand unmoved and see our gardees of
earthly delight uprooted? Will Jesus,
who wept Heinseif, be angry vvitla us if we
pour our tears into the graves that open to
swallow down what we; love best? Was
Lazarus more dear to Him than our belov-
ed dead to, us? No. We have aright to
Weep. • Our tears must come. of shall not
• &tire theraback to ecald theleszt. They
fall into Gocas bottle. Afflicted ones have
died becamee they could not weep., Thank
Godfor the sweet, the mveterious reliathaa
comes to ne in' tears I •"'Under this , gentle
rain the flowers.of ;cote put forth their
Nem. God. pity , that dry,, withered,
panelled, all coneuming grief that wrings
its bends, and grinds its teeth, and bites
its 'nails igto thequick, but cannot weep
We, my hav,e 'found the emnfort of the
Crises, and yet ever eifter show that in the
dark nigh , and by the BrosilaJaabok, we
• a'vere tremble -touched. ,•
Agaie, we may take the idea of the text,
and announce theaPpreach of the day dawn.
No one was ever • More glad to gee the
,morning thaen was, Jacob'after that eight, of
struggle. It was appropriate for philan-
thropists and Chrietians to cry out with
this angel of the text, Thdday breaketha
The worldtepaospects are brightening. The
Church of Christ fs rising up to its streogth
to Jae; forth f•fair tla the Moen, clear as
,the sun, end terrible ena!? army with ,barn
pers." ;Clap, 'areur bawls, olnye peo'ale ;
the day, ,brefiketla • The bigettiee of the
• eeelh.ciee perisbhg. he iroe wry. when
we' were told that &we vvarited to get, t�
heaven wo mutt be immersed or sprinkled;
or we must believe hi the perseverence 01
the eetineet Or thI atling away;from ,grame,
or a' litufgy, nr; 'liturgy; or they must he
Calvinists.'or,-Arminians ; in &der, to :resell
heaven, 'We 1.10,tvo,all.come to, eonfesg: 'no*
that these are noe-eeeentialeiLireligiloh.'
, Deming; my Tieaotttioes ,wes
i 1?resayter1aneottidienees ,aad b ;was
'iabratrientsada*,' Lind With grateful 'heart'
I reeeived tbei 12,01a.lamernmehictea On; ,00
noxt Sabhath'I Was ni aMethodist
,taird tea tf, feast., , ,chei ,,,foliteiveac,:a 71i ;
iJL t1
Palestrina lived in extreme poverty most
ot his days and finally died in greet want.
Ohterlemagne fiad aminceiein hisleg that,
gave him much annoyance for many years.
Byron was club-footed, and the feet was a
source of constant misery to him all his
Colke was quarrelsome, and passed his
fife in alinest continual wet with his associ-
ates. •
Johnson was near sighted and his; face
much disfigured by scaas vaulting' from
scrofula,. '
' Dante passed the most of his 'life as an
exile frora the wily eiby in which he cared
to live. • s • '
• Newton's great regret was a lack of time
to complete the work lee hal laid out for
his life task.
Mary grteen of Soots became bald in mid-
dle life andevaa forced to hide the blemish
with a vvig.
' alme. Sevigne wanted. to be very beauti-
ful and often lamented her lack of personal
Vondel, the great Dutch dramatist, was
poor all his life, and was finally buried by
tharity. •• s
Voltaire was rendered miserable by his
envy of those more fortunately situated
than himself. •
•Edvvard I. of England was annoyed by
hii great height. His subjects dubbed hire
Long Shanks.
Geqrge IV. was greatly vexed for years
by carbuncles on his face, °seised by secret
Haydn hod a 'molding wife. He finally
was compelled to leave her in order to secure
a tittle. peace.
Leonardo da Vinci was made miserable by
his amours, and was anally poisoned by one
of his mistresses.
Fanililar Plrasee Applied.
"Ho, there," as the fermer said b his
field hand. •
Sitelam• Tbompeon desired tO cell the •
attention of the Mame to e mutton, whiehl
he then ht effected the, p *Vitgos of the
Rouse, and he Would fit,et4a112 ttentio. Ito
o rt104 0“h4 Po°,1edi'ggs Rt 114° aY
las i. Tho non, Member fon Grey ,iiilr. mi.
Orkin) had been speaking, and was once
or twiee called to ()alert A motion to ad-
i'MArle WO made ;for thec desired purpose of
putting hinYin order"; Vat this being out of
order the motion was not put. Comment
had been made yesterday in thp Ottawa
PreePress upon those proceedings,. It im-
puted to the Speaker of the Wine, the
greseest'partismiship in enonextion with his
rulings of Monday evening. He therefore
moved, "That thei
article s a oandaloun
false, anti roalieious libel undo the honour,
character, and integrity of the Speeker of
this Tiouse, and an Ate,* upon the privi-
leges end constitutional aathority of this
House." ;•
Ma. Laurier agreed to a large extent/as
to the necessity of upholding, the tie:toured
head ef the House, elad he believed that the
character of the individuani Ine,i4eas alleald
be maintained when•atteckedae, the press.
The motion, was cafried en a division,
eweattiene verreeseSe$1
' Sir Charles H. Tupper enoled.,"Thet this
aliousethavieg eaincedla desiie that the law
ei . practice pf Parliament respecting ex-
lemination oe watneases befoeeacommisteea
should be amended, in order to give power
te committee' of tine Haase to examine
Withesees'under (nab, therefere.the Stand-
ieg _Coannittee , of Public ,Aecoants be
imehorized'to ' exemine under oath Mr,
Joseph Pope andother witnesses respect-
ing Belaring Sea, arbitration accounts.'
Tim motion was carded.
• ,•, J ,
ft, ,a:phia ThomPeen, in answer to Mr.
Laurier, said negotiations for a feat service
between a Canadian a,nd an English port
are being 'made:with Mr. Huddart, of Aue-
trail*. A provisional agreement might be
• considered to ha,ve been entered into, which
svoalcl be produced when the bill on tbe
subject yeas brought before the Howls.
Sir Charles H. Tupper, in answer to Mr.
Lister, geld the mesh of the gill net for
• whitefish endsalmon was 41 filches in ex-
tent ; for herring, 3 incho ; and for stur-
geon, 12 inches. • Those regulations would
continue in force during the present sea-
m. .
. Mr. Martin, in moving for a sretarn re-
specting the improvement of St: ' Andrews
rapids on the Red river, said that the con-
struction ot a lock to complete the naviga-
tion between Winnipeg arolLake Winnipeg
would be a great boon to the people,
Mr. Calmat said that the Chief Engineer
estimated it would cost $922,000 to oarry
out the improvement
The motion was carried,
,Mr. Charlton moved ,fee information
regardieerthe saki of timber limits since
1888, He contended that timber limits
should be sold by public) auction, and that
at least three or four months' tiotice should
be given. • -
The nioeion was carried,
Mr. Oulineta in enswer to Mr; Davin,
said it was not the intention of the Govern.
meet to establish a, buffalo breeding ranch
at Fart Smith, on the Great Slave river, or
Fort Vermilion, on the Peace river, but a
bill would be introduced emitaining a pro-
vision for the protection of buffalo and other
fur -bearing animals in the North-West.
The bill would legielate to prevertt Cae hill -
of buffalo for live years.
Sir Richard Cartwright asked whether
the Government had received any com-
munication from the British apvernment
with respecit to Canadian eattle.
Mr. Foster said Mr. Gardner had under-
taken to have the lungs of Canadian cattle
examined for an experiment, and when he
was convinced by the examination and front
the reports upon them by his offieets that
the cattle were healthy, he would then
make known his final decision.. If these
specimens were healthy the sehedule would
be raised.
extant, ao ir. w. Ann.
Mr. Ives, in answer to Mr. Davin, said
the -Government bad issued 170 medals to
the officers and inen of the North-West
mounted police force undar the provisions
of anerderain-Counail authoeizing, the giv-
ing Of medals to snch members of the force
as, had been actually under fire.
Mr. Masson's bill to ineo,rporate the
Duluth, Nepigon, and ,Tanies' Bay Railway
Company was read eathird
Mr, :Brodeur, restnnieg the -adjourned de-
bate on the motion of the hon. member for
"By, by," as the clerk said to the cue. L'Islet (Mr. Tarte), mid he regretted
tomer. , that the honineniber for Assiniboia had
" Take a chair," as the entist
said amass not Clown a desire to deal with the guess
tion for the benefit of the country.
patient. • -
Sir John Thompson, said it was due to
"Pardon me," 'as the criminal said to bhe the House that he should, express himself
Governor. 1 • upon the points tinder discussion. He then
"You're a. Corker," as the brevaer Saitn0 entered intoe statement of the bduese
-the bottler. ; • • ' sued by the Government withregard th the
" Drop in sometime," as t'lles)-0.6 11111,44irni matter. • •'
said to the nickel. • Mr. Laurier said the question before the
" After' yen," as the policeman said to
Hiiese did noinvolve any ceneute or at-
bbs thief-•''" , tack upon the Government •with reference
n Cell again," as ' the' aelaar-PlaY• !Md. to the deohnoe it had reaeaed regarding
ic" the other poker player. ' • the North:West 'school question:. 'Iv Was
, "Get on to it," as the bicyclesteatleer simply a request forpapers.
TTbnee iimootuiso;wwptia;,tli.adtoopaieottni.ttee,of Ways to the nereons eoholar.
• " Come around next Week," es Thursday
said to the day before. - "
aad, Means ..fer' the cOntlidilentr3n1 of the
!Tea make me teFee,„” as .the,bire4,ed !tariff In dettiTiBl.As AND doppitEs.
saiclato the Monday mashing. ,
Mr. roster • explened ,that kne.effeet gff
"Step this evayy pleasee" as -the, &keine
e -the
master Old to his clan. changes in the duty veotild allow the
free entry of tea and coffee imported direct,
' Ittaall tip with you," as the sideWalk or in bond, frdiri the eoungia151proVudtion.
sweeper said to therootealeamer. •• ,Thia would allow the frecaellentainel of teas
• • ' ' ' from England held and blended in bond,but
• • , proposed te.dfserirhinytaagainsaii
• talL. te1413/111' etclile'Ne°W°IfbontirtadifaStedt"Gtvr'Yernit unfit for home polasamption., , .
that were declared by the' British inspectorli
merit, a,Clartaclian, He entered the ,NoW-1 The item"Passed. • 0
fotindland gonee 'soon after his arrival 'in , • rs.uis onnit
the coleny, • andin,the 4140.4 the lehargo:
• levelled againtit him that he was a protege Sir Richard Cartwrightprotested again
of*Sir Charles Tuppel sent I?ver to the colony gm Attty et d.01 Ittw 'nelitl I eel NM green.,
hat article was necessary for the exter.
'to einispire to bribg With the
p9a400,, , While•he OISOOldOdet Seat io thee akeelitztertf\rae4tort7i'ilgt\ t„S,,1
Colonial Legialature he °erne over to Can- .
aniertin hi a NOVa'Sdetibnititiicssi; Pristka kYk
kc'itlii 'Dmeiaieon,Parlistimena., aaat ailreN;Dellie(ToMeketied 'vtl* petty,
contesC he was defeated B-13 ieturned to aieh sted for riollehing gra'nite,'Was free,
Neatfatufdlaini itiat ye 'ad' &Ail 1111 tit "Piviiim osed-foraiakialeanne14eoai1Y8M0
the .Goalannieua), relMarbeemita nialaa1/2 axed 20 per cent, Ile ti‘fpis
elektir speaker an a Creda" `t� his native guired explanation, rv
'Whe item Pasted.'
, V' is• tee ; eee
on, ,kkre r rokao
on lantp IAWbsYS,
slv:ospoplrofledaeozxiblrie d
loild,Sfosti in a faCtpry ,which,had been
"1:)"Al IllTil.Pw))4trxt.yigrea!g110.4
• Th;f02e4107,Lng bine were read a third Unit!,
Respeeting the :Ottawa Gam Company,
lo iueorporate the Dominion Woteen ei-
Chrietien Temperanee Union. ;
licapecting the Ontario Metilal Life As-
sureuce Company.
The Iloilo° went into committee of Ways
andMt:irs for the consideration of the taziff
The Tfouse went into committee on a bill
to incorporate. the St Clair Erie and Ship
Camel Company, ".
, The bill was pertly passed through cony
Mr. Foster moved to rearrange the dutiei
on marble as follows :—In blocks front the
quarry, free; eawn on not more then two
2siodepse,ricOenpte! cent; on more than two sides,
The item Was allowed to stand,
41:1103EB snags.
• Mr, Mule* objected to the' duty of so
per cent on rubber boots •and shoes with
cloth uppers or tops.
The item was carried.
• CLAIM yen BUT.
Mr. Daly introduced a bill respecting
the seigniory of Sault Saint Louis, whion is
to confirm an agreement by which the Gov-
ernor -in -Council s,eoepts, with the consent
of the Iroquois Indians in Quebec, 75 per
cent, of the arrears of rent due by the Gee-
altares, the amonnt to be paid in oath.
This is to oettle a long standing elaim
amonnting to $7,000, After November
Ilth, 1892, the amount of rent will be paid
in full.
• The bill was read a first time.
Sir Charles H. Tupper,replying to Sir
Richard Outright, said thet the Govern-
ment bad received and transmitted to her
Majesty's Government the resolution ot the
British Columbia Legislature • regarding
Behring Sea. • No basis of the catch had
been arrived at.
OZIWIAL memos.
Mr. Haggart, replying to Mr. Somerville,
said that Charles E. Hickey, superintend-
ent of the Willieeria.burg canal, had been
notified that he could not hoia the position
and continue the practice ot Meakitte.
Mr. Lepine, speaking in French, moved
for papers relating to the establishment of
a bureau of labor statistics for the Dom-
The Tmotion passed and the Reuse ad
Decrease an the Departures Trout 'Aver.
pool oe 5 Ber Cent.
A Landon despatch nye :—Bmigration
to Canada- throughout Great Britain, which
declined 61 per cent, ddring the month of
March of this year es compared with the
corresponding period of last year, continues
to decrease, though the St. Leveretice route
is uce,v open. • So far this month the depar-
tures from Liverpool has only been one-
quarter of the number as compared with
April of last year. Emigration expertshere
eay that the bottom has been completely
knocked out of Cautedian immigration.
This, they claim, is partially due to the
increased and excessive steamship rates
and also to the revival of British rural life
owing to the extensions of tbe local Govern-
inent, the bad reports of things generally
which are received frora Canada and the
low prices of wheat. But besides them
reasons the experts say there must be some
other unexplained reasons f fir such a re-
markable decrease. Thee all agree that it
is a most foolish thing for Canada to do to
diminish her exertions in the direction of
securing good emigrants. Emigration goes
to the steady and persistent workers.
meet experience the treatment
ot sPeas
. During the past Winter ('02-,'03l 1 treated
twenty-fivs.easee ef piguielenia upon prae,
ticelly tins one nee of proof:1,4;1re. 'The
resulm,-wera,,eXeelient i 'evetay waa. T,ho
reeever es -were ppt "rom a'aln rap th
n a e
'eaaes bat teen. Of these; oneness prelouged,
th:dinegviitehQQfitifloYulte° tiT4illePyl),6 '4:n11 CtniVioltilit
died, Tho •latter , was a&ospitat
poor, zoieerabie , women, who . had led at
wretobed life. The beneaehaestreete of the
treatment were se prompt ,and apparent,
the 'face of the greetdee peejectice end
oppositioe, thet they carried 'conviction te
he most unbelieving. Thais eeen the ae,
plioation of iee.dold bompremeee terminate a
OW of doeble pneumonia of the base by
crisis in sixty hours,' ;
w neothitesPellidattieioniaw
itof al goirnbase, 74recoYaliaareed
ma our flare 4. baby, twe year(' of age,
with catarrhal peeurnonia, meet marked on
the la '
b quite 00,1Mlat33,41t 94 third
day. A laborer, 31 years of agel with core,
solidation of right base, delirious,and =eh
oppressed fer breath required but two days'
atteadance. A bride'2.2 yeare of age,awoke
after a particularly feti guing p arty in aaeven
isb mid lethargie state. After twenty-four
hours there was the oharactetietio atm crept-
tetion and stitchy feeling to the breathing;
temeeratate, 105 1-5 P.. pulse, 130,
compresses aborted ehe lung lesion en-
tirely, arid produced a critioal perspiration
in thirty hours, at which tinie the norm
was reached and persisted.
Li all the cases in my ease -book, fiernthe
time the cold was Applied, rapid improvement
ensued. The method was ea follows: A
large towel was rung out of ice water end
bile thorax enveloped in it, A oomperative-
ly dry towel was laid over it, and a binder
of flannel or cotton held all snug, The ice
water towel was changed as often as
necessary, in order to ease the pain and re-
duce the temperature. When the pain or
dyspneen was severe, or the temperature
high, the intervals would be short, . day
five or ten minutes. As the symptoms im-
proved, the changes were meee Only as the
towels astamed the beet of the body. The
face and limbs were frequently spouged
with the ice water, and, when required, a
cold compress wasput upon the brow. The
medication Wa$ confined to piomoting a
critical perspiration. No' alcohol was em-
ployed, except in ttxe fatal case referred to.
The diet was principally of milk, and lib.
eral in quantity. Incidental symptoms
were met as they aroee. • In none of the
cases was there any expectoration to men.
tion. Free perspiration was usually suc-
ceeded by -copious diuresis. As a precau-
tionary measure, a wet compress was worn
for twenty-four hours after the arena, and
!changed when it 'became dry. In order to
obtain the effects to be desired in tlis
treatment, the cold must be freely applied,
and with a firm hand, until the effect of a
reduction of temperature and arrest ot
symptoms occurs. The treatment is grate-
ful to the patient. It gen be managed
without incommoding the• sufferer, by the
exercise of a little ingennity. It is prompt
pnaliietas.effects for good, and it is easily ap-
As the experiente of twenty years' con-
tinued observation, I would most earnestly
deprecate the use cif antimony,,. or
blisters, and the more modern antipyretics.
Under the usual routine treatment of pou-
ltices, expectorants mad whiskey, I can
quite understand Dr. Osler's view as to the
noinefficieney of treatment. `But With
experieuce of the free use of cold, in the
manner herein outlined, and. in view of the
etiological considerations advanced, I feel
that a new and happier era is dawning
in the treatment of pneumonia.
Austria's Emperor.,
The Emperor of Austria is a far less
familiar personage to English people than
his still beautiful consort, who has ao often
been seen riding to hounds in Ireland and
intheshire, and -Whose love of the sea has
brought her into contact with many ofour
compatriots in the Mediterranean and elo-
where. His liaajesty, now in his 61th year,
has a tall soldier -like figure, owing his slim
proportions and erect bearing to the lal-
rtiense amount, of motive exercise wbich
he hos taken throughout his life. On
his well -marked and handsome features
there is now stamped an impress of mele.n.
(Moly, which does not, however, oblitetete
the kindly expression especially noticeable
tia, his eyes and mouth, He wears whiskers
and a full moustache, tiimmed after the
Austrian fashion, but his Chin is close -
shaven, and his svelasbaphd forehead is bare.
Simple and laborione in his habits, the
Enapeeor rises every morning at five, and
devotes the earlier houra to the affairs of
State, entering into the minutest details.
Ile is not a brilliant man, but fair abilities
and long experience enable lath to 'aid
effectively with the ptoblems of government.
He daily drives out in &plain, open carriage
arith an aidealemamp and one chasseur in
uniform, but without escort, outrider, or
poiice. Art is his hobby. Nomean draughts.
'man himself, eee delights invisiting studios,
and he personally superintends all the plans
:for building or repaieeog the Imperial
'palaces. He is a devoua Catholic, and most
Itriatip all religieut 'observances.
. • J '
I Mr, James iluddar
From an interyiew in an exclaange, the
following peaticularsaonoereing the career
iof •Mr. ,Jarnes Hudd" the Preleetor of the
[British-Oanaclian.Australian steamship set -
:vices, have been gathered "Mr. Ituddart
,is not an,Australianbyhirth. Cum berlaid,
Eaglatid, is hie native county, rind he Went
:out to the colonies in the sixties, Ins aim:
ipathies ate,' hOweVer, naturally with, the
,iciiiietra to which he Mena his CarGer
i8,120t XprY old yet, add so years spent la
'Aiiieralia, Ias ideatiand WM With its inter -
'refs. Bat firet, ebtedive.a the Idee of eUlt.
'Canada 'hi atie of ieeeterated dir eC
ity tOtutialif tt ode: Ii)80
'llttdinif''cplitnrtt:l' :Ill
ttra no' tWOM, A:18tri I tgid
tiaalagaincle relailanie betivean.
Stn iiettineuit01 etidea 'si!lien he oiniae'
•i' Off
tiihbdth ir -Aug: ftVg
eslahb, if opploitUitiri)ifil4ed."
4' el eee,i'3% • '' 0914 • witero (Wirt: ittOtOO Vrt, o
i,l1."9404 r rii . . 004 4.4,1,1
• mtt;oulii sa i49e1/trei 101
• Xusie and LorigevItY.
Nothwitastanding I will soon pass my
eighty-first birthday, my mincrand body are
still in good condition ; whiele I attribute to
the feet that I have e, variety of occupa-
tions, which induces me to give exercise to
different parts of my brain as well as of eny
body, without overworking and, exhausting
one patt. ,
Heave collected some statistics about
men occupied exclusively in one kind of
mechanical labor, and found that they die
before the average of the life of suck as have
to perform labor which deo met require the
coatinuous exercise of the same parts of the
body, but who are occupied in labor evhicla
allows the exercise of almost all parts; so,
for ins -tame, men whose main • occupation
is the use of the sledge. hammer are very
short-lived, and several crippled' old men
have testified to me that they were over-
worked in one certain pursuit without
It is the same with the 'mind e:s it is
with the body, and even more so; met
occupied year after year with bookeeping,
or being 'Oa:elders or teachingone exclusive
branch of knowledge, or giving musio'les-
eons to beginners, or clergymen preaching
orthodox sermons or praying according to
the same syetem, breakdown early. Hence
broken-down clergymen abound. When
the mina is free :to rove wherever reason
calls it, a better mental beaath results than
in the case when the mind. is trammeled by
theologinel dogmas.
But, as in the usual course of life, men
frequently have monotonous daily duties to
perform, which wear • out the mind and
the body,' it may be ie blessing to Ahem
when they can indulge in another (=ape -
tion which is utterly, different from any
daily tontine; and each an oommation is
minim which bas the -double advantage
that it can ae enjoyed also by those who
have not, been mueioally ecincetede but
whose tastes run in suele a, direetiou as to
enjoy good musio.—[Dr. la N. Van Der
Wey de.
Au Ebon$ 4iatue ftiad Remains of a Any-
', taosed King roulitt at Kashmir,
Prdf; gorgan, Who lila been excavating
in Egypt far eeine tittle past, has made a
fresh and /revertant" dfseevery. A few
Weeke lige the piofessar diecoaered the re -
militia of a kimpesed kidg of Egypt and tioar,
it is, nimplunoed, his 'explorations at • the
foot of the'briek pyramid of • Dedhotr have
ledto dieCoVery a the Amnia clip:Mater kieg,
Morns Ratonetee addition the excava-
tor found e ebony,etatue,. some gold plates
ete., plp eapieiatimiseve bei eoptinned.
' • ; A, Sharp' Yotipg•$•bii., •
• ,:sohootlootti viiiir (rioulto.'exaMitiing
1'Wiiere,letheo1iort1t Pole 12*
til troievituo% oie,m :
, .4,41)tuft pod Areisgou ,aillidned that
a t; h No -ti st,10 ti IP 1`
;ynta en w e le I' 1 0 1
• 0,1"N,Vhyv str, 3it4olin and Dr
1,Itaixe ati44tiailtharrk fUettrithiN.,i iiedif
ineewl use YT r .3
4101iirtiiero sits Ircertuel,1 a' 11 , hit / • -
'children of I whic f
1, " 0,..
VArorsr,uutu mu! with
0 otL4oegi ado
daeoli. ' The more detoited
14! itlitucicolirtAinIgiv.gt ass' ermait' wv4err6des3s
s e
zydpt:ti_o ..tTic;ecebrotemengre$1414ishisvrgeacii;g04 tt
blessing and of their ears return, p Oto
land of promise. It is alwar We to 42
where we as cure of .the 'presence an
blessings of God. These ehildrea of Isreiff
the first mentioned.by name with the ;preen*
ingkof their names, in Gee, xxiieteuel 0074,
The last reference to thena is in Rev, xx.4
12, where their names seen; to he written
on the 12 gates of , pearl ofthe Nerwelerus
salon, the Bride, the Lomb's wife, Whleb
Is to come down from God out of ,,,,120kwnn.
2, 3, 4, "Reuben, Simone. L'eVi and
Judah, Iesaeliery Zeleilen , and, Benjamin
Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher.' Ila;e90
11 came with Jacob, Joseph being already
in Egypt, as in the next veva. .Thereilionea
here are not in order of birth, but ia the
mine order as in Gen. xxxia 23,26, which
isth etree xtpieinoendtaatoseevives coming &it
and henheh
5 "And all the smile Cott cam n out oil
the loins of Jacob were seventy ,imetis, fot
wJeisthepeitheIlciivelE. 2g6yftwe,Ir ealeafiy. D" e?tie_war 287,
St ot ehpihmeni 4' s Egyptstat(era? avtiiq, 0,4eLelaficaluloetails5,
orepaney, fiar he include" all Ifis5,kinlirbite
which -would not take in Jacob's Son& NOV*
who were not includedin the 70,
xlvi, 26. The word of God is infellible,
6. "And Joseph died, and all his 'bre**
ren, and all thee generation," We sera
dedoftebn. .fatialHeb. i
ee1/2ighttImbes reepeaZtiZ': "4-111
is appointed unto men ono to die." • Bat
we remember that tevo men have 'lle
mound from; ibis appadatinanta4a r la
and Elijah, mid all believers, alive een, ifie
earth at the coming of Oblast will notelenfie
but be changed in a moment and oaoght me
to meet Hinz in the air (I Cor. xv, 51,, 52 A
1 Ihes,A
ren of Israel
fruitful and increased abandemtlyt and
multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty,
and the land was filled with them." God
had ss.id to Jacob, " Fear not to go down
into Egypt, for I *ill there make of thee a
great nation" (Gee. xlvi, 3). • And Hee
had done it according to His word, fir
“Hath Re sari, and shall Ile not do tat
or Meth He spoken and shall He not make
it good" (Num, .xaiii, 19)? . When snob;
increase is seen mall the earth, then that
Gen 1, -28, ' be obeyed end the ;blessing of
the Lord bemede znentEeeta - e, -
S. "Now there arose a new _king oven
Egypt wail, knew mot Joeiph. That
was not the svorst of in for his own testae
mony Was, "1 know not Jehovah" (Res
v, 2). • In this he woe aurely guilty for he
oould not help knowing about Joseph, and
the God of ,Toseph, and the great delivont
awe wrought by God through Joseph foli
his land and, people. -••
9- "And he said mato' his people; 'Iles
hold, the people of the • ohildreti of Israel
are more and mightier than be." This ie
equal to a confessionthat he knew Joseph
in the ono of knowing all about him Midi
his people, bathe wits detenmiherr not td
acknowledge any obligation to Joseph or
these his people. This is the sense int
'which those who have heard the gospel
know mot Goa.
10. ,, come on, let us deal wisely with
them, lest they multiply, and it come 'to
pass that -when there falleth out any wet
they join also unto our enemies and fight
against us and an get them up out cif the
land.". Efe in his wiedont would 'fight
against the very thing God had. said He
would do. "I will surely bring thee 'Up
again." (Gen. xIvi, 4). Satan's way. ifp
togo directly against God, as in the beguis
ring, when God said, "Thou shalt surely
die,,". the serpent said, "Ye shall not surely
11. "Therefore they did not set over
burdens. And they, built for Pharos.
them taskmasters to afflict them with. till
treasnre dities, Pitherti and Thernesesa
This also had been foreseen- and 'foretold,
for God haa said to Abram tbat in the
strange land his seed should be afilictett1
but that afterward he world bring then
out with great substance (Gen. xv. 13,14.1
It seems strange taus that God should allow
eaten to afflict His people, but -so it is.
Consider Job and the captives taken. to
Babylon for their good (Jer. xxiv., 5) and
the cburch at Smyrna (Rev. ii, 10)and see
I Pete iv. 12, 13.
12. "But the more they afflicted the
the more they multiplied and grew.. An
they were grieved because of the childre
of Israel." -Thus the Lord laughed at man a
efforts to frustrate Ilis purpose. It id so
with the word of God, and with the choral,
and with the individual Christista a The
more persecution the more it grower; the
more we die the more We live, a' Excepa
a corn of wheat fall into the ground and
die it abideth alone'but if it die it bringeth
forth much fruit" aloha xii, 24)" . Their
griel because of Israel makes us think of
those who were exceedingly grieved beenuee
O man had come to seek the 'welfare of the
children of Israel (Neh. ii, 10.) aiul of the
time when Jerusalem shall be a burden:
ht lve
ernse s with it shll be cut to pieces
txoini,e3f)o,r all people --all that burden
13, 14. "And the Egyptians made the
children of Israel to serve with rigor, and
they made their lives bitter with 'avad
bondage in mortar and in brick a.nd io all
manner of service in the 'field, all their
service wherein they made then serve waa
With rigor." In at least three places thia
is celled theiron furnece. of Egype (Deute
iv, 20; I Kings viii, 51; jer. xi, 4), arid in
Ia. xlviii, 10, the Lord saye; "Bebold, 1
haverefitted thee, but not with sliver. • 1
lune chosen thee in the furimee of offitee,
tioe."From Ezek.xxii,17-22,,onct 2eah. xiieo
9, and eleewhere it looks as if there woaad
ebe more fernaee work than ever for Xtritel
ere they all know ths Lard ftant the lean
to the greatest, As to our; ineliyidual liven
wher, we are in the feriae:el) we,retty be euiee
that the Lord bas His eye ulnae ae, looking
Leeringly to see Ills Owe image more dearly
reflected in us .(llial. iii,8). The remeinder
oi this chapter tells bow in epite of' 'the
orders to kill all the male children Ite Oen
as born the people multiplied and „evaded
very. migh y. . , „ .
•. ,;,,,,,,:,•1 .,,, 4.,
, 1 , ,
' 1,'X't^fe ;Odd nnttrue tInat,one oan best judo)
Of ,a,,worce,t's earriage, whore she is walk-,
• .. : ., q 1 .•
'eibset viteaolitextendiegtiter „peeied '74/
49-tr'4 14; it14011B ,tt,11Pretn, t4
"Ats6vkAwgr ofri.:-.6 e, imif4d.„0.0
acaW I eeteten4
. melee, ake ace
; sOel eaa ) e,ti eessileel• 4 4 • 4.,0
j ZflittA fk,'44#4 v` 33
•;:1;3w eetete - /