HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 22• -U
Elsa Haydon
Continued from page 1B
occasional absence because of
illness. It leaves 8 council
members to deal with the mat- -
•. Do you have a conflict of
If ever I had„an "interest" I
would immediately disclose it;
I would never have a "cohiflict
of interest", of that I am sure."
I feel that there is much
public misunderstanding of the
subject with which the above
points ofd your question are
dealing. It is necessary to stress
that the present law em-
phasizes the actual disclosure
of a specific interest.
2. The mayor is the head of
council. Innyour opinion:I
a. Is previous experience on
municipal council necessary
to become mayor?
An exceptional person under
. favourable circumstances can
certainly be an. effective mayor
without any previous
knowledge and experience in
municipal politics, but, in
general I would feel that such
council tio more parochial in
their paiticipatiOn there, or
shoo.lici, they strive for a wider
arid more general understan-
ding of all Municipalities
within the cotmty and those
problems peculiar to the
county syetem?
Goderich representatives on
county council should strive for
a general and wide understan-
ding in the overall matters con-
cerning the county; the town
council will look after the more
parochial interests of the.town.
c. Should Goderich -
representative* to county,
council make . regular reports
to their Colleagues about
county business?
I woul'd personally welcome
such r.eports, but as the reeve
and' deputy -reeve a re
specifiCally elected to be the
Goderich people's represen-
tatives on the county council,
theY are not answerable to the
tovvn council and .such crepot-
ting can be only 1,:pluniacr on
their part.
4 There have been problems
in the past two years between
neighboring municipalities. In
your opinion!
debentures. It has been
estimated that it may take
something like ten million
dollars to do all the roads and
accompanying factors. I am in
favour of doing it gradually in
a planned fashion and collec-
ting the money available from
°the Province under this system.
7. Goderich is called The
Prettiest Town in Canada. In
your opinion:
I have no way of comparing
and see little'purpose in it, but
I do think that Goderich is very
pretty and has the kind of
character I like' in the place
where I live. I first saw
Goderich in the spring 10 years
ago and liked it so much that
this became a decisive factoe in
our move'here a couple of mon-
ths later.
Much of the beauty is ,sup-
plied by the lake and the abun-
dance of trees in the older parts
of the town. It is this beauty I
always defend and I would like
to see a more ambitidus
program for parks and 'the
planting of trees in the new '
streets. The Square is most im-
portantin the overall structure
of -the town. Being on duty in
am also a great belio;er in and meeting great numbers of
frAnk discussion and dialogue visitors I was delighted to
if and when problems arise... discover that it is this unique
b. If yes, how do you pjan of our Square for which
propose to, work towards we seem to be widely known.
correcting it? We should do all we can to
I feel that recent talks make this a real beauty spot.
between the towTship and town * *
councils have gone a long way ' 8. Lake Huron is a natural
in the right direction. beauty spot, a. potential asset in
5. Soaring tax bills are opinion:
everyone's concern. In your a. Should our beaches "be
opinion: improved and additional
a. Are taxes in Goderich facilities added to attract
unusually high. . visitors to Godeiich?
.4.$ much as I have been able , Yes.
!.0 compare, do not,think so. b. Should a municipal cam- .
We also .have some services not pground be established? o
' available in other communities.' No' - there are adequate and
In Toronto, for instahce, the attractive campgrounds within
property owner has to clear the a few miles from GoderichP
sidewalks, we get our snow ' c. ,Should municipal funds
removed, etc- • be allocated tor acquisition of
b. If yes, what can be done future recreational areas
. about le? If do, explain why ilong Goderich's waterfront?
you think local taxes . are in Yes, but only gradually and
in combination with various
This 'ties in with my above
opinion. It is also necessary to
remember that the Town Coun-
cil has no control over the
amounts to be paid to .the regional government looms in
executive title.
b. Should the people expect
the mayor of a municipality
such as Goderich t6 attend all
meetings, public functions
Slid conventions on their
behalf, or should the mayor be
free to delegate alternatives
from his council on occasion?
The mayor is always free to
delegate alternatives or ask the
council to 'dO- so.
c. Would a fulltime mayor be
desirable in Goderich? Why?
.0oderich has a fully
qualified and km,wledgeable,
administrator carrying out the
• full-time mayor is not needed
in a town of this' size, par.
ticularly as he has really very
little actual "power" and can
act only Liy authorization of a
majority decision of the coun-
• cil. The mayor can do a. great
deal in public relations and
initiating policies to be deCided
bY the .whole of the council in
the usual manner.
d. What salary .should a
• fulltime mayor. receive?
In view of the above -answer I
have no opinion on that
e. WoUld the election of a
fulitime mayor seriously
reduce the number of eligible,
men and women in the com-
munity who could Serve?
(refer to your answers. to the
.. previous Iwo. questions?)
It wbuld not sp much reduce
the number of eligible men and
women (because with a suitable
high salary it should become
attractive as a. "job" but I am
rather oldfashioned on this
point and perhaps' the, quality
and dedication..may be reduced,
if the mainly volunteer nature
of giving of one's time and
grants which might become
'9. Some people believe
BoArd of Education, the the not so distant future? Id
County, and the Police. This your opinion:.
amounts„to approximately half a. Is regional government
of the locally collected tax desirable? Why?
dollars. * I am very 'definitely against
* * *:- regional government, although
6. There are always corn- I am in favour of having some
plaints about roads. Id, your services on County -wide basis.
opinion: . , Regional government is con -
a. Is' Goderich's road siderably more expensive and it
,orogram adequate? is so much more remote and
Like everybody else I 'would finpersonal that I would always
. like to see all new road, but figho it.
feel that we are :doing 1,f). Planning is a long and
reasonably under the circum- tedious process.a. In. yotill
stances. The amount for which opinion: 4,
energy to serve tl-i ,needs of we get a 50% subsidy from the a, Is there adequate plan -
one's community . were Province has a maximum limit ning •for Goderich's future? .
eliminated. .. and we have been making full Yes. There have been very
* * * use of it, including whatever we good studies, with definite steps
3. The reeve and deputy- could get in the su'pplementary in the right direction of orderly
reeve represent the- ' 4radts• ' , .1 .planning. I arn in disagreement
municipality. at the' county , c. Would you be in faior of on one point - I was opposed to
level. In your opinion: increasing the. roed budget rescinding the By -Law 34
a. Are local councils well sufficiently tO provide good (which gave us much better
— enough informed about the roads, curbs, sidewalks etc. control ,for reasonable use of
happenings at' county cinin- acroes the municipality even if some areas around the Square
cll? - , it meant considerably higher and making sure that aily
. Local councils are only well ,taxes? ,.. • . change'S blend in with the'
informed about the county hap ' Roads can be finished only character of the neigh-
penings, if their individual after all the main storm sewers bourhoods) and substituting it
councillors attend county coun- are completed. Apart from the with By -taw 48 which' iS now
cil meetings a-; interested industrial Park, we are dose to being circulated. I am not
citizens.1 have made a point to , that now and in the future finished with `try' objections to
more dollars can be spent on that. ,.. , '
be present when the county
council deajt with such major the visible portions of the • b. Do you ,believe the plan -
matters as the Mustard Report, roads. If the Town spends more ning on. the fringes ,of the
the Police' Task Force Report than the amounts allowed by municipality shouid
etc. the Prbvince for subsidies we correspond , with planfling in
b. Should Goderich would have to pay 100 percent the adjoining rural areas.?
restresentatives on county of the cost. The same goes for The town is ahead,of the ad -
joining rural areas in planning.
but the town'S iiianning is done
with the co-operation of the
Huron County Planning Depar-
tment and this is verN imPor-
tant for the future. Ite planning
matters I personally also get
the views of the county plan-
ners; their representative also
attends the meetings of our
fair and open-minded. If new
information becoriies available
I am not ,atraid to change my
mind, giving you the reasons
for my decision.
I listen to the people and in-
vite the expression of their
wishes and participation.
Together .with that goes my
dedication to having openness
Planning Board, in all aspects of public business.
c. Should Ham's farmland Whenever it has been necessary
be protected, even abutting I have tried'to ieach the people
,Goderich? .*through personal letters in the
As.agriculture is the most im- local paper, 'making sure that
portant part 'of -Huron County, l!
definitely protected by proper
planning. For the nece-sary
future expansion Of Godertch
there should be joint planning.
-The Huron County Planning
Board is at present in the
proCess "of preparing a plan for
Goderich Township, for in-
stance, and joint meetiogs of
public bodies are. part of it.
11.' Why would you make a
good candidate for town
council? ,o
, I feel that I am a good can-
didate for these reasons:
My work during the past two
terms has been highly visible
and is my best recommen-
everyone knows, what, is going
on in all important matters. I
can be outspoken whenever
necessary and you will have
found that I am not afraid' to
takes,a stand.
P.S. very much `appreciate
the interest -the Signal -Star is
always taking in promoting bet-
ter understanding and response
between the townspeople and
their elected representatives.
Thank you for allowing me to
express my views.
Residential lightinilisplay.4
Electric Heating
standing is a definite asset and
provide productive continuity.
I am committed to thorough
study of facts and situations
and I prepare myself in every.
possible way before I face any
,major decision-making.
I place emphasis on being
for the past six years, it has been my
privilege to serve Ashffeld- township as
Councillor find Deputy -Reeve.
Having decided to contest the °thee cif
'Reeve, I humbly solicit your supPOrt at the
Polls on Monday, December 2nd, 1974 and if
elect prom se o. serve a firTatelialett
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