HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 20PAGE 8B—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1.9 74 Duvc Gower Continued from page 113 valuable. Itis an advantage ,to know how various municipal boards function; the democratic process; operation of municipal finance; the planning process; the ,,understanding of federal and provincial agencies and the people to contact regarding them. A candidate should have a, general knowledge of the needs and requirements of the town. These requirr'inents • should be considered fqr the position of mayor but are not* really necessary if the mayor is. backed by a council dedicated 100 percent. b. Should the people expect the mayor of a murilcipallty such as Goderich to attend all meetings, public functions and conventions on their .behalf; or should the mayor be free to delegate alternatives from 'his council on, occasion? The "mayor could delegate responsibility and should for the many meetings and com- mitments he has. c. Would a fulitime mayor be le In Goderich? Why?' •t<...da�ll�h happening at that level. Coun- cils, would be aware of and would have direct cOit3- munication with prohlemti at the county level that affect our own municipality. 1 feel regular reports should be received from the Board of Education,- 1U4.' and the Police Commission. *** 4. There have been problems in the past two year~ `between neighbouring municipalities. In your opinion: a. Is this a real problem? I don't feel it I'S a real problem, I think the problem in the past was.due to a lack of cotsideration for the outlying townships. Council should know - their feelings towards planning and development of the to,wn's neighbors as well as them knowing the town's position. I think a step in righting the misunderstanding was' taken when the town was asked to be involved in the preparation of their secondary plan. , * * * 5. Soaring tax hills are No. We ve—an eexcel•t n everyone s staff at the'town hall to handle • the routine ''unctions of the town and the cost factor in- volved with a fulitime mayor would be too great to justify one. Costs such as an office, .secretary, office furniture and wages would be too high. d. What salary should •a fulitime mayor receive? $12,000 to $15,000. e.Would the election of a fulitime mayor seriously reduce the number of eligible men and women in the com- munity who could serve? (refer to your answers.. to -the previous two questions?),,. , I think it would. A person would have to give up them full time job to seek election and risk the chance of losing the election. The few that would do that would reduce the number of qualified people running for the position. * * * opimory • a. Are taxes in Goderich unusually high? Yes taxes are too high. b. If yes, what -can be done about it? if no, explain why you- think local taxes are in line. The taxes '''-are •too high because the town i' playing cat- chup football re, services, storm and sanitar\ sewers and roads. I can attempt„ to further my position err the next series of answers. 11/4 ti 'There • ar;e always com- plaints ,.about roads. Iryour opinion 'a. Is Goderich's road program adequate? No b. If not, why not? I fell that there has not been a road program designed to cover the total road system in, town. A program should be set out to provide the reconstruc- tion of our roads, curbs and gutters.on,a separate basis and over aten year period. c. Would you be in favor of et I sufficiently to provide good roads, curbs,, sidewalks etc. across the municipality even if it meant considerably higher taxes? I don't feel the budget would have to be increased as a result Of the program. If- the hulk of' the work and expenditure was done in the first two years of the program under a debenture then the remainder .could. he spread out in the road budget_ ' without 'increasing the burden On the taxpayers. * * * •e 7. Goderich is Prettiest Town in your opinWp: a. Is that 5o? • Yes we are. b. If not, why not? If yes, what is your plan to preserve that beauty and build on it? I think if the town took the initiative to develop the above mentioned road program to develop streets, curbs, gutters and lighting, and took 'on tree planting in barren areas of the town and replacing older treets in town we could maintain our ,xea.. called The Canada. In .. r. �€..._ _. . 8 Lake Huron is a natural beauty spot, a potential asset in the community. An your opinion: a. Should our beaches be _improved and 'Additional facilities added to't attract visitors to°Goderich? Yes I would like to see home improvements an the beach. I would like to -see a new building constructed for beach patrons to replace the one -torn down in the spring. I would like to see the beach deyeloped to be more suitable for residents and tourists alike and I would like to see a study for conser- vation and erosion control done on our beach. b. Should a municipal cam- pground be established? No I don't think the town should take on a campsite -facility at the beach. It would be too difficult to compete with provincial ' and private parks and would be an added expense the town does not need. c. Should municipal funds be -allocated for acquisition of future,,.,,recreatio Pw �y along Goderich's waterfront? The only land available for recreation is on the Maitland River and it iii 'under, fhe jurisdiction of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. ** 9. Some people helieve regional government loomsn in the not so distant future?In your opinion: a. Is regional government desirable? Why? �o. The lack of decisions ma -king at the local level and the lgss of identity would be too great. Extra costs foie policing, fire protection and services for the... wid.er area would also he too great.' The Joss of identity can he seen in' the Board'of Education. Town council' has lost all input into the board's operation and, we - are never asked to participate. • * * 10.' Planning is a long and 'tedious process. In your opinion: • a. Is there adequate plan- ning for Goderich's future? Yes. With recent .residential na areasand.tn:.d:usak 'ta f tudies just tom Kay Leamen Continued from ,page 1B should be . able to delegate alternatives to attend meetings, public functions and conven- tions on occasion. I do feel., however, that the mayor should fulfill` his duties as completely as possible. c. Would a fulitime mayor. be • desirable in Goderich? Why? No. I do not believe our town is large enough .to warrant a full time mayor. * * * :3. The . reeve arid deputy -reeve represent the municipality at the county level. In your opinion: a. Are local councils well enough informed about the happenings at county coun- cil? 3. The reeve and deputy- I am unable to answer this reeve represent the question. As I've never been a mu-nicipality at the county member of the. Town Council level. In your opinion: I've no way of knowing how a. Are local councils well well 'they' are informed regar- enough informed about the ding County Council hap - happenings countycoo feel however, happenings parings. I _do ,. cel? that the 'oderich Signal Star 'No the councils are not well does a very good job of repor. b. If yes, what can ,be done abort it? If no, explain why you,. think local taxes are in Zine. ' Strictly speaking I''e really not answered question 5(a), but, at this point I should like to of- fer my suggestions for keeping taxes in line. In my opinion' future non-essential services,°at the expense of the taxpayers, should he curtailed. Analyzation of present services could be made to see if some phases could be eliminated. As Goderich is not a city, the town should not be expected to provide the services one. expects to find in a '6. There are always complaints about roads. In your opinion: a. Is Goderich's road program adequate? Yes. A replacement program is being carried °out satisfac- torily. c. Would you be in favour of increasing the road budget . sufficiently to provide good roads; curbs, sidewalks etc. •-across the municipality even it enough informed. The council' ting County Council business: it meant considerably higher has not , sought that .infor- b. Should Goderich taxes? matron in the past and have representatives on 'county Not at the present time. become separated. from the council be more parochial in the* present programme county level of politics. The fur- . their participation there, or adhered to the road budget theythese agencies separate the should they strive for a wider sufficient! more the people lose contact and'• more general understan with what is happening in other. ding of all municipalities areas of government. The within the county and those Board of Education is a good problems peculiar to the example. county system? , b. Should Goderich, I feel that their main duty, as representatives on county representatives of the people of council be more parochial 'in Goderich; is to see, that' their participation there, or •decisions of the Munieipality, Should, they strive for a, wider through the municipal council, and more -general underatan- are communicated to county, ding • of all ''municipalities council and „these• same within the county and those decisions carried out to the hest problems' peculiar to the of their ability. However, when county system? an issue arises that effects the I think council should strive county as a whole,• then I feel -for a widen"understanding 'of that the welfare' of the county all municifialities. As 'a' should take precedence. previous member of county C., • Should Goderich council I feel we should .con- representatives to county sider the county position when council make Lregular • reports we make decisions rather than to their ,colleagues about just our own municipality. The county busines 1 If this is riot already being ders the development of the done, I 'believe regular reports narrow minded approach hin- I h d If is is * 7. Goderich is called The Pret- tiest Tgwn„in Canada, in your opinion: a. Is that so? ” Yes. ° b. If not, why not? If yes, what is your plan.:to preserve that beauty and build on,. it? In order to preserve the beauty of our town I do believe greater use could be made of flowers, and.ornamental shrubs in :,parks, add corners and triangles about the town. A plan also could he made outlining buildings of. historic and architectural value,with an eye to, preser�,ving these struc- tures. distant future? In your opinion: a. Is regional government desirable? Why? No. I believe regional govern- ment would be too expensive for the present population. * * * 10. Planning is a long and tedious process. In"your opinion: a.. Is there adequate,plan- ning for Goderich'a .future?. • Yes, for as far ,ahead as plan, ning can be done. , b. Do. you believe the plan- ning on .the fringes Of the municipality should correspond with planning in. 4 the adjoining_ rural areas? Yes, theyuld be com- patible: c. Should Huron's farmland be protected', even abutting Goderich? * * * 8. Lake Huron is a natural county. should be made. c. Should Goderich beauty spot, 'a potential asset in representatives to county the community. In your * * *� council make regular reports opinion. 4'• to their • colleagues about a. Should our beaches be 9 4. There have. been problems in and additional county business? the. past two years between improvedfacileadded -to attract I feel all county council and neighbouring municipalities. In visitors to Goderich? committee meeting minutes your opinion: ' In my ol7inion-�'as long as our should be mailed to all councils a. Is this a real problem,? within the county so that -each In my opinion no real beaches are clean and free of council member can make him -problem exists. stones, 'the existing facilities self or°iierself aware of what is are quite adequate. b. Should a municipal cam - 5.. Soaring tax bills are Aground be established? everyone's' concern. In your , No, I feel this field should be opinion: left 'to private enterprise. a. Are taxes in Goderich CLAY .— SiloUnloaders - Feeders - Cleaners • Stabling - Leg Elevators - Liquid Manure Equipment . Hoa Equipment oRMATIC • Mills • • Augers, etc. ACORN — • CieaPers • Heated Waterers ZERO• --- Bulk Tanks Pipeline & Parlour Equipment WESTEEL•ROSCOlG renaries I!< L • Hog Panelling Bulk fank & Pipeline cleaning Detergents, Teat Dip, We. ' Bovodtn• Dyne losan Uddersan Foarncheck• Kleeneasy LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS 1 Klncairdir, Ontario il flet 3 1521f14 1r� No. In my opinion f should be able to do as he pleases with his own land to his own advantage. .- pleted regarding zoning by-laws in the south end' of town I .feel the town has an adequate plan. The .goal of the plan is to im- a armee prove the quality of life inthe town. b. Do you believe the plan- ning on the fringes of the municipality should correspond with planning in the adjoining rural areas? Yes I certainly do. 'c. Should Huron's farmland be protected, even abutting Goderich? The farmland. should , be protected and to assure protec- tion all planning regarding rural areas should be done with the rural municipalities so as to receive their input into the discussion. * * • 11. Why would you make good 'candidate for town council? I would make a good can- didate for council because I have six years experience on council, I have' added ex- perience ' in the future. of the town from &charring- the plan- ning board, I have lived here all my life and know the wants and needs of the people and I am deeply interested in developing a community everyone wants t.o'live in where it is safe and is truly the pret- tiest town in Canada 12. Comments: If I am elected 1 would like to develop the road program I stated •above and I would like to see the completion of the coning by-law study done im- mediately. LIFE, AUTO, • FIRE AND ALL OTHER LINES 319 HURON ROAD GODERICH 524-7411 * * 111.' Why would you make a good candidate for town council? I feel I would make a good canditla'te for town council as I have the time available. I have attended many . council meetings ,over the past two year and am slightly. familiar with, 'council' procedures.' I've no conflict of interest and have no axe to grind. I have been a resident. for 29 years, having come to Goderich in November, 1945. I do feel, that I am in a favourable position to offer my services to the ' citizens of the town of Goderich. unusually high? C. Should municipal funds In order to answer this 'be allocated for acquisition of future recreational .• areas question sincerely and in- 'along Goderich's waterfront? telligently a comparison shady No. would have to be made With comparable properties in 'other,.. municipalities, which provide ' the same services that are 9 Some people believe regional available in the town of government looms in the not so cricli,e� .. ,. M&T'S NE.Tk RUtOKYLEW Members of the North Huron •Hilda Finkbeiner thanked the C.O.L. sponsored a song service ladies on behalf of the in the auditorium on Sunday , residents. evening. A Past Master of the A Communion Service for all Lodge, Bob Hibbardled the ' faiths was held in the Chapel service with devotions by on Thursday morning conduct' Reverend McCarrol ..of the ted by Reverend Wittick of the. Brussels, Belgrave Blyth United Church assisted Presbyterian Churches. Mr.: by members of . the Blake was pianist for • the congregation. evening and- accompanied Mrs. Percy . Brown of Clinton Emmerson Mitchell with violin showed colored slides .and gave solos. 'Past Master Alvin Smith a very interesting commentary expressed the appreciation of of a vacation taken by he and the residents. his wife of ' Greece and Five new residents were Yugoslavia at the family night welcomed to the Home on program. Monday afternoon - Mrs. Taylor, Centralia; Miss Scott, Wingham; Charlie Coultis, Belgrave; Brown and. Bob *Smyth or Dungannon. • The Goderich Women's In- stitute volunteers .assisted with the afternoons activities of 'old time music dancing and a sing- song with the music provided by .Molly Cox, Mrs, Maitland Driver, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins.' The Hensall Women's In- stitute was hosts on Wednesday afternoon for the November birthday party. Mrs. Jim McAllister was emcee for the program which included in- strumentals by Mary Broadfoot and Frank Forrest, readings by Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Luther TO THE ELECTORS Of ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP Having served 'for five years as reeve,I assure you if re - 'looted that I will continue to serve you faithfully and to the bust of 'my ability. Ladles and Gentlemen, use your democratic right to vote and mark your ballot REED FOR REEVE for good municipal government. SINCERELY GIRVIN REED 'leading a sing -song. The twenty»five" -celebrants. received gifts from the Institute followed by a social period with cup cakes and tea served to 150 residents and guests., Mrs. a • AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS • WRINGER WASHERS J 'iL� ! . l$MilA SHER .-•-Rt�R �•E--• • IN $INK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People at:— HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524-7831 I To the voters of West Wawanosh Township - 6 I WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT ON DEC. 2ND. JOHN RUTHERFORD FOR COUNCIL vT T\•4.. v\•. •. �:•<;,, eta. �>���<><����•• Al• nre■s rrmay WE ONLY SELL - AND 'PLEASE° TAKE EED, tom! PERS J ::.: • GUARANTEED PPoPERL" K INSTALLED • --•- -55 KINGSTON 1'T.•. .Gibson Ashfield Township Councillor 2 years experience on council, lifetime resident of Ashfield.'11 years in Beef Cat- tle, ti "AL GIBSON y FOR / COUNCIL And now a look at the news. Iocal When it, comes toplocal reporting of the newg, eight out of ten people turn to their local newspaper for a complete report. People Turn to, focal newspapers f6r a full report°on' all local news. Where's the fire? Who got married? Who won last week's football game? All this, and a complete report . on your City Council,. school board meeting, or a possible bond issue, is news in your community. And, your local newspapers., re- ports it. People believe strongly in newspapers for several reasons: newspaper reading is a habit with most people; it's part of` the daily routine; people regard their newspaper as a friend they can't do without. . With over 80% of all adults, and 70% of all teen-agers • reading a _ newspaper every week, rto other news medium can match local newspapers for speedy, thorough saturatipi of your town. Newspapers deliver the local Story CANADIAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION REPRESENTING THE COMMUNITY PRESS OF CANADA 0