HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 19Leroy Harrison
Continued from page 1B
Class Machinist or Journeyman
Plumber overnight, you have to"
serve an apprenticeship first.
You don't becorne,a Doctor or
Lawyer without first attending
several years of Unixersity and
then interning or articling,
This is why Iitth,ink it is ad-
visable to have served at least
one term on Council before at-
tempting to- become Mayor,
because you have to learn "the
ropes of the trade" somewhere.
b. Should the people expect
the. mayor of a municipality
such as Goderich to attend all
meetings, public functions
and conventions ont eir•
behalf, or shouldthe mayor be
free to delegate alternatives
from his. council on occasion.?
Yes, people should expect the
Mayor of a Municipality to at-
tend most meetings and public
functions stn their behalf. All
good Mayors dodelegate to
other °members of Council, as
his or her representative, at
times., However, if a Mayor is
doing his or her job, as Mayor,
he or she attends to the social
side of the job as well as'to the
work side, because, it is all part
A • �'ob... Whj
clause. If it were not, the
majority of people would not be
interested in running for the of-
fice, If jt Were less than
$12,000, one can make as much
or more money by working at
some of the industries in
Goderich, have less headaches,
and more time to yourself and
e. Would the election of a
fulltime mayor ,seriously
.reduce the number of eligible
men and women In the com-
munity who could serve?
(refer to your answers to the
previous two questions?)
The election of a fulltime
'Mayor, providing a decent
wage was paid, would mean
that every elector could aspire
for the job, because they would
not have to be afraid of losing
time away from their work or
businesses. Also, I believe that
industries and businesses
would be- more receptive to
giving an employee a leave of
absence for .the time that,. the
employee' holds a fulltime elec-
ted position, than to have the
-work schedule interrupted by
,the employee having to take a
great deal of time .off to attend
tai c � bus.ine
problems peculiar to the
county system?
' Gocj4rich representatives on
County Council Should not be
parochial in their outlook, just
as the other elected officials
from the other areas of, the
County should not be. Th4 ar-e
at County Council' to look after`
the affair; of the whole County.
But of course, they hay, to
fight for what they believeos in
the best interests of their
respective municipality. o
c. Should Goderich
representatives to county
council make .regular reports
to their colleagues about
county business?
Goderich's , representatives
do make reports to Council
about matters which affect
* * *
• 4? There have hegn problems in
the past two years between
neighboring • municipalities. In
your opinion:
a. Is this a real problem?
I., don't believe that . the
problems .in the past two years
,between neighboring
municipalities are of a serious -
elected official, if yot never see
him or her at other functions in
c. Would a fulltime mayor be
desirable in. Goderich? Why?
At the present time I don't
- think a fulltime Mayor for
Goderich is warranted, even
though it canbe argued, that at
the present time, all members
of Council are fulltime mem-
bers, because you `can, not go to
Church, to work, to a 'social
function, uptown, or be outofor
a stroll, without being cornered
about some Municipal matter. I
do believe though that
Goderich will need a fulltime
Mayor within five to ten years.
d. What salary should a
fulltime mayor receive?
The salary for a fulltime
Mayor, ,vr.ould have to be in the
$15,000 to $20,000 range,eplus
cyst of living
expenses, plus a
* * *
3. The reeve and deputy -reeve
represent the `municipality at
the county level. In youtt
.a. Are local councils well
enough informed about . the
happenings at county coun-
The Reeve and Deputy -Reeve
represent the electors of the"
Municipality at the County
level, acid I . believe that the
local Councillors are informed.
of the matters affecting their
individual municipalities, that
take place at, the County level.
b. Should Goderich
representatives on county
council be more parochial in
their participation there, or
should 'they strive''for a wider
and more generak.undbrstan-
ding of all municipalities
within the, county and those
Question field trips
The Huron County board of.
education ,Monday adopted the •
ad hoc' 'Field Trip committee
report as presented,at. the Oc-
.: ,tuber meeting v .hti vninor .
changes in the "'recommen-
dations ,added by the education
committee who were given the
report for further . con-
Requests for three field trips
were approved: 100 grade 10
students from South '.Huron
'District High School to Ottawa
from November 2.1 to -23 at. 'no
cost to the board; 66 grade 8
students ,. from Huron Centen-o
nial School to , Ottawa from .
May 6 to 8 at a cost to the
board• of approximately $200;
42 students' from Goderich
District Collegiate -Institute
studying French to go to
Quebec City from, February 11
to 15 at no cost to -the board
other than the costof two sup-
ply teachers; but the 'request
was denied to permit 15 grade
8 students from Robertson
Memorial Public School . iia
Goderich to accompany the
Collegiate students to Quebec •
.because with 15 students. and
the French teacher, on the trip,
the remaining students would
be, without French instruction,
also it was felt there was tbo
wide 'a variance in ages --13
year olds to 19 -year olds. Sent
back to administtation to en-
deavour to equalize cost was
the proposed trip of 30
students, members of the
French Club, at F.E.b Madill
Secondary School at \ lgham
to Qt1ebec City at a cost to the
board of about $500: -
A lengthy discussion resulted
trom the requests for the costly`
trips with only a few students
in the „school. participating.-
Cayley Hill of Goderich
questioned whether t=here
would he money left ,for the
large group of students in the
school for external activities
when a small group of the
students, such as the *French
class, , would be getting'a fairly
big percentage of the subsidy
allotted to the school.
It was questioned'. whether
the first club to the principal,
with a. 'request for a trip
received the most. Trustee J.P.
Alexander. of Wingham asked if
the principal of the -school was
the only one to decide who
vi'e.nt where' and was told by
J.W. Coulter, superintendent,
that at.`.'Wingham, he knew the
'principal and heads of staff met
to decide on field trips.
A request for nomination to
Department of • National
Defennce was granted to Miss
Marilyn Clark of Victoria
Public School at Goderich; ,but
was denied at this time to Mrs.
Eila Smith, who 'teaches_at
J.A.McCurdy and Usbone
Central Public Schools 'where
she is presently' on a
probationary contract.
The Huron County hoard of
education will • invite newly
elected trustees to attend the
December 1,6 meeting of the
board a$ observers, the in
camera session at 1 p.m. as well
as the open, meeting at 2 p.m.
Following the meeting at
4:30 p.m. an organizational
meeting will he held by the
trustees for 1975. Judge Francis
G. Carter of Goderich will be
invited to swear in the newly
elected trustees; the chairman
and the vice-chairman will 'be
elected and the appointment
made of the auditor, solicitor.
consulting architect and a
steering committee consisting
of chairman and' three mem-
bers of the board.
To the Electors of
West Wawanosh" Township
Having served as Councillor for the
past four years, I wish to solicit your supr
port for the office ° of Reeve of West
Wawanosh Township •
If elected I will continue to serve all
ratepayers, keeping in mind the best in-
terests of the township at all times.
J.D. Durnin
program adequate?
It is incorrect to ask , if
Goderich's road program is
adequate, withciut taking into
consideration, storm sewers,
and the updating of our sewer
system For what is the sense of
paving road tuday,^if within
five years you are going to have
to rip it up to "put in storm
sewers, etc.
Goderich is into a catchup
period ` in regards to storm
sewers, sewers, paving, etc. I
believe that in the last two
years, there has been an
adequate program.
It wopld be very simple to
bring in a one million .or a ten
million dollar program, but, it
would not be responsible
• management,
I am not in favor of a sharp
increase of taxes, but, I am in
favour of budgeting over
$400,000 plus inflation costs
each. year for new construction
instead of a -one shot deal.
Why'should People on a fixed
'income or a low income be sad-
dled with a sharp increase.. in
taxes when a very gradual in-
crease would suffice, ,and still
nature. As long as there are 'get the job done.
two human 'beings left there
o but, nothing so serious that the
two parties can 'not 'settle it by
talking it out and corning to
some agreement.
' ***•
05. Soaring tax bills are
everyone's concern. ' In your
a. Are taxes in Goaerich
unusually high?
I don't think taxes in
Goderich are unusually high.
Taxes in' Goderich- are higher
than in the townships for.,many
various reasons, some of which
.(a) Goderich taxpayers pay
approximately $180,000 for
policing, which the townships
receive free from the O.P.P. All
taxpayers town or township, pay
for°O.P.P. through their ineerne
tax; but, Goderich taxpayers
have to pay for Municipal
policing through their property
tax as well. •
(b) In the townships there
are . few storm sewers, sewers,
waterlines, paved roads, etc.,
whereas, in the towns there are
all of these. The . Towns•hip
people pay for their own septic
tank and wells, whereas, in
town, in the majority of cases,
the Municipality, pays for the
storm sewers,' sewers, etc.
through the tax structure.
(c), Goderich taxpayers have
„to buy and pay for over
$100,000 worth of fire equip-
ment plus operating costs.,
whereas, the townships pay a
small retainer to the town and
then pay so much an hour for
-the use of the Goderich Fire
(d) Also, Goderich has an
Arena, pool, and ' other
;recreational facilities which are
subsidized by property taxes.
Few townships have a complete
range of recreational facilities.
They use the facilities in town.
There are many ,more
reasons why 'I' don't think ;the
taxes are out of line, but, •these
are four of the main ones."
* * *
6. There are always complaints
about roads. In your opinion:
a. Is Goderich's road
* * ,*
over a period of years I believe,long and tedious process. How
that St Christopher's Beach cin you define adequate plan -
should he extended to the Hint;''
southern limits of" the town In my opinion and it 'is only
This could be done with the aid my opinion. 11.1
dc► bea
of gabions and, the deposit of there is adequate plannlieveingthfort
sand, when the harbour has to Goderich's future.
be dredged, just as ,St. Goderich has an Official
Ch`ristophe.c's Beach was built. Plan and we, as a Council, are
b. Should a municipal cam- pushing to have an Ontario
pground be established? Municipal Board hearing on
As the question of a Bylaw 29 of 1972 (The Zoning
Municipal 'campground has Bylaw),
been included in this section,, I,' -Just earlier this month,
am taking for granted that you Council received two reports
are asking for a campground at which concern Goderich's
the beach. future;'
I am not in favor of One is the Induron Con -
establishing a Municipal Cam- sultants study on the area of
pground along the beach at this the Industrial Park, and the
time, nor returning Harbour other is the . Residential Study
Park to a campground use. of the south side of Goderich
c. Should municipal funds ' "from Municipal Planning Con -
be allocated for acquisition of sultants. The Residential Study
future recreational areas „proposes four alternates for the
along Goderich's waterfront? area. The Induron study and
The Town of Goderich owns the Residential Study are in
quite a flit of land along the conflict in certain areas.
lakefront. If property along the It 'will be a decision of the
•waterfront becomes available 1975-76 Council to see which
at a reasonable price, and the alternate is accepted after
budget permits, then yes, having considered the public's
municipal .funds would be views. . •
allocated. Planning is an ongoing
But, I do not believe that itis a process and is never finished.
�'• c is a .e
tiest Town in. Canada. In your
a. Isthat so?
I believe that Goderich is
"The Prettiest Town in
As Parks Chairman for the
past two years I have been
closely involved with keeping
Goderich as "The Prettiest
Town in Canada". During my
term on Council, the town's
policy in regards to the size of
trees planted on boulevards,
parks, etc. has changed. We
have gone from planting whips,
to planting trees 'of .ail,
proximately one inch in
diameter on the boulevards
and 2' ' to 31/2" in our parks,
such as.Courthouse Park, Sun-
set Park, Centennial Park, etc.
In each of the past two years,
there have been approximately
200• trees planted, over and
above the number cut, down.
To extend this tree planting
program, I would like to see a
provision in all .future Sub -
divider's Agreemen't's, that
trees of a certain size be plan -
.ted, just. as storm sewers,
sewers, watermains, curb. and
gutters, and pavedroads are
standard items. Some
Municipalities require this now
in , their Subdivider' s,
Agreements. Goderich does n'ut
as yet.
* *
8. Lake Huron is a - natural
beauty spot, a potential asset in
the community. In
a. Should our' beaches be
improved and additional
facilities added to attract
visitors to Goderich?
Lake Huron is a natural
beauty spot and I believe that'
we *should develop our beach
and harbour area.
During 1974,• a gabion., was
installed to try to protect our
beach from the piles of stones,
that are washed in over the
winter. I believe that over a
period of years,,•gabions should
be extended from the south
pier, to the southern limits of
the Town of Goderich. Also,
Dr. Bruce Thomson
B.Sc. (69) MD(72) CC3'P(74)
Dr. Thomson will be assuming the responsibilities
of Dr.' Mario Cauchi's practice and office on'
November 20.
14 Caledonia Terrace
Goderich, 524-2151 .
>, fl
town was to pay an over in-
flated price for the land.
* * *
9. ,Some people believe regional
government looms in the not so' -
distant future? In your opinion:4=
a. Is regional' government
desirable? Why?
We,, hear so much today
about Regional Government,
when, we here in Huron County
have . had a form of Regional
Government for .approximately
130 years. This form of
Regional Government is Huron
County Council on which .our
•Reeve and Deputy -Reeve sit.
After all, the Health Depart-
• meat, the Planning Depart-
ment, Social Services, etc. are
governed; by, .Huron County
.Council and not by the toc l
However, I do believe that
there is a need for re-
structuring at the Couhty level.
* * *
10. -Planning is a long and
tedious process. In your
opinion:' •
a. Is there adequate plan-
ning for Goderich's future?
I agree, that planning is a
Council's appointee to the
Goderich Tourist Committee, of
which I am Secretary.
Before being elected to Coun-
cil, l was a member of the
Executive of the Goderich and
District ,Labour Council. I also
have, and do serve in executive
positions of various
organizations in Goderich, as
well as the •• rest of Huron
I am employed as an Ex-
peditor at Dominion Rad
Machinery Co. Ltd. I work
steady midnights, so that my
job will not interfere with any
of my civic duties Also so that
1 may be available to -you, or
any of your organizations,.
during the day or evening.
Before I was employed at
"The Roads", I worked for a
bank, where I advanced to an
accountant position, anal also
as secretary -treasurer an Im-R
provement Pist • ict (me ' as
Public Utilities Commission),
Mainly, I am vitally in-
terested in and concerned
about the community, and wish
to serve in some capacity or
I respectfully solicit your
support for re-election to,Coun-
cil on December 2.
To the electors of
West Wawanosh
Again I solicit your support for council.
boring municipalities should be.
as compatible as possible. What
is good for an urbanarea isnot
necessarily good for a rural
Huron's farmland is some of
the best agricultural land
anywhere and should be protec-
ted as far as it is possible.
But man being what he is,
has 'a tendency to congregate in
groups, thus urban areas must
expand, and to expand the ur-
ban areas must encroach on the
neighboring 'countryside.
* �s *
11.. Why would you make a
good candidate for town coun-
I would like to apologize, if
these explanations are not in as
great detail as some people
would .dike. . •
I have been a member of
Goderich Town Council for the
past two years and have en-
joyed being your elected
• I am Parks Chairman' a
member of Fire, Traffic and
Safety Committee, Streets and
Road's Committee, and Public
Works Committee, I am also
Electors - always bebring in mind it is they that I if
elected, represent.
Details - that shall not be ignored or forgotten, for
what shall not be solved today 'In council needn't
be shelved.
Answers -if you the citizens of our community have '
reason to fault the town administration, I shalt
promise, if elected, to give you answers, as to why
it is the way it is, or why it cannot be changed, or
why it shall be changed.
Recreation for the youth of this town. I should like
very much to work with the recreation committee
hoping to -bring about action thwould give our
town its badly needed indoor pool and outdoor
Direct Communication - if you the elector, have a
grievance difference of opinion or problem within
the next few years, always feel free to contact me
directly anytimeif elected, aQ d t shall try to rectify
same. •
o everyone .for your support.
Ed, Tom, Lloyd, (Gary -Brian,- John, Robbie, Bob,
Jeff; John, George, Paul, Dennis, Howard,
Gary, Dave TOM
The Paper Leafs