HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 181 • SI--GODIRICH SIGNAL - Me Pews ' Continued from page 1B wiling end able .to help the Mayor in his duties. •. %did a halftime mayor be racket. M oed•rioh? Why? Not in 1974, possibly in the future. Goderich` Council has, and can function in at least the immediate future with no fulltime Mayor. d. What salary should a fulNinte mayor receive? Not -applicable because of my opinion on the previous question. •. Would the' election of a fulltime mayor seriously redoes the. number ei eligible mein and women In'ths'com- tnunity who could . serve? (refer to your antrwors to the previous two questions?) I disagree that a fulltime Mayor per se is needed in 1974. If a fulltime Mayor should come to pass in the future,'his salary would have to be attrac- tive enough to make it possible for person to take the position without financial loss to him- self or herself. 3. The reeve and "deputy -reeve represent the Municipality at the county level. In your opinion:' ATHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1974 - b. N not, why not? If yes, What lis yew platy to preserve that beauty and build on N? Take advantage of the plan- ning facilities available through the County and do some real 'Manning to preserve and improve the beauty spots. •** 8. Lake Huron is a natural beauty spot, a potential asset in the community. In Your • opinion: a. Should , our beaches be improved and additional - facilities added 10 attract visitors to Goderich? • Yes. b. Should a municipal campground be estabilislsed? No. c. Should teunkiesl funds be allocated for scqulshtlon of future recreational areas along Godsrlch's waterfrontt. Depends on what is Available and the cost of acquisition. a * .* • 9. Some people believe regional goJernment looms in the not so distant future? In your opinion: a. ,Is regional goirernment desirable? Why? Regional -Government may he deirahle in providing the 'ervic'es now available in places like Cambridge. but where spaces are, so big, and populationS so thin as in Huron (county, 1 foresee all kind- int problems in both cost and ad- ministration. * * * to: Planning is a long and tedious • process. 1n your opinion: - a. Is 'there adequate plan- ning for Goderich's future? There is evidence in .the Goderich Township Shopping Mall, and. the whole spectrum of the :shopping. plaza• question that there has been inadequate planning. [unfortunately 00 tax .revenue will collie to us from this mall. The recreation cont - 'Mitre has not had its feet on the ground in years. These .are but two exa►nples of the inadequate• planning. . b.. Do you believe the plan- ning on the fringes of the municlpglity . should -correspond with- planning In ,the 'adjoining rural areas? 'Obviously' yea. c. Should Huron's farmland be protected, wan abutting Goderich? There is, some .marginal far- mland near Goderich which eventually will have to be part of the Town.. 11. Why would you make good candidate for town council? - A large number of respected (itizens hay.. encouraged me to run -for office. They feel 1 have the proven' ability to plan. to execute and to put priorities which reflect the sentiment of the people and to ensure that those making -decisions for. us do 'so by reason of training and experience in their field; 12. Comment*: I 'wish to thank the Signal - Star for the opportunity to press my views. For the first time in many years the citizens of Goderich can mate a selec- tive choice. 1 am sun we shall have a stronger Council because of the •.twmbtr of can- didates.. It an.didates...It is a very healthy situation. Agues Bedard Continued from page 113 d. When an elected offlclai declines to take part In .a discussion or to vote a par- ticular .issue because of a conflict of interest, does It weaken the public body on --which that official serves? Why? Yes. Why? Because the elec. ted official was elected_ to in- form himself or herself to the best of their ability tb the issue being discussed -and if well „in- formed on same should y • scuss an • vo e o wliat he or she sees fit asbeing the best solution, else why be an official? •. Do you hays a conflict . of interest? .+ No. But if .elected I am sure in two years.one would appear, ancj I would feel if one doesn't I certainly must have just been a "yes man." k-` * *'* 2. The mayor is the head of council. In your opinion: a. N previous experience on municipal_ council _ftecissary tp become mayor? No, I think there are many various . backgrounds which could make for a good mayor, a political awareness being ' a definite asset. b. Should the people expect the mayor of a municipality such as Goderich to attend all meetings, public functions and conventions on their behalf, or. should the mayor be fres to delegate alternatives from his council on occasion? _On occasion in my opinion the mayor certainly should feel free to delegate alternatives 'from his council, but on the majority of occasions, various functions, meetings and con- ventions are expecting the mayor to attend, thus this should be a prerequisite on. the mayor to have available this' time for various public. func- tion. c. Would's fullthne_feeyor be desirable in Goderich? Why? I don't see the need for it at the time. Maybe in the future the need would be there if our town was to grow considerably. d. 'What salary should a fulltime • mayor receive? A fulltime mayor should receive a salary comparable to salaries given , to other . com- munities similar to ours -in size. is. Would the election 'of a fulltime mayor seriously reduce the number of eligible men and . women in the Com- munity who could " serve? (refer to youranswers to the previous two questions?) Possibly, but there would' • probably be some well infor,;,, med women and men with an adequate, political awareness, a genuine interest in people of Community and their problems, some one who is retired from their former career, but, riot really ready to retire, • but _ rather to put their,years of ex- perience to good, interesting work. 3. The reeve and deputy -reeve represent the- municipality' .at the' county level. In your opinion: a. Are local councils, well enough informed about the happenings "-at county coun- cil? . I think this could be im- proved on, especially if ' the county councils aren't too large, but I Have no reason to fault the reeve, and deputy enough' Informed about tis happenings at county coun- cil? • Local 'Councils haven't the vaguest idea what goes 'on at the County level. b. Should Goderich ,representatives on county. council be mors parochial In their participation there, or should they strive for a wider and more general understan- ding of all municipalities within*. the county and those _problems peculiar to the county system? ._ Goderich representatives are faced &'ith some anti-Goderich sentiment. on County Council before they 'even , take their seats. Theirs is a. most unen- viable position, but they can only do their best to see that - Goderich is, well represented, their opinions voiced, and that what . they have to, say on County issues is widely publicized. c. . Should Goderich ' representatives to county council maks regular reports to their' colleagues about county business? Definitely yes, andalso too the news media. - *** 4. There have been problems in the . past' two years between neighboring municipalities. In your 'opinion: ' a. is this a real problem? The question is .vague, but i presume you could be referring to specific,. problems like the Goderich Township Shopping - Mall: If not a' Yeal problem now.. it has to. be considered a potential problem.. • b. if yes, now do you propose to work . towards correcting ' it ? • The . parties concerned._ togetherwith the O.M.B. •have to negotiate an agreement: * * * 5. Soaring tax bills are everyone's concern. ' In your opinion:_ a. Ars -taxes in Goderich unusually high? High enough, but not un- ' necessarily high. ' . b. If yes, what, can be dons about it? If no, explain why ;.you think local taxes are in Nne. The costof services provided by the' Town have (like everything else) increased. We must decide which services w►e want to keep, which we want to improve, or which we want to give less of...all this to be equated with 'as small a thx bite as possible, Here is the main area of careful planning. * * 6. There are always complaints about roads. In your .opinion: it. Is Qoderlch's road program adequate? • b. K not, why not? ' c. Would you be In Ivor of Increasing the road budge, suf ciently to provide good roads, curbs, sidewalks etc. across the, municipality even If it meant oonslderably higher taxes? (a.b:�co I have seen in . the. -Vast few years a gradual im- provement in' the main arteries. However, it is most important to make sure sewage' facilities and all other services are.. in before pavement starts. The road improvement program should carry on ata gradually accelerating pace so as to curb any major increases in taxation. *** 7. Goderich is called The Pret-- tisat Town in Canada. in your neon: i. w that as? 1 haven't been to every town iw Canada,. although i have trainolled from 9t. John's 'to Vancouver. Goderich stacks up pretty will with the best i.'ve •.w seen. 1 reeve at this time. b. Should Goderich representatives on county counell be more ,parochial in their participation there, or should they .strive for a wider Ind more general understan- ding of • all municipatitss within the county and -those problems peculiar to the county system? A wider, more general under- standing of all municipalities c. .Should Goderich representatives to county to their colleagues about county business? ' - It would serve alt council, in my opinion, to well informed as to county council happenings. * * * 4. There have been problems in the past two years between neighboring municipalities. In your opinion: a. Is this a real problem? No. - - 5. Soaring tax bills are everyone's concern. In your opinion: a.. Ars taxes -In Goderich. unusually high? The taxes on new homes seem very high, .but I think most of the older homes taxes are justified. b. If yes, what can be dons. about it? Ifno,, explain why you think local► taxes ars In line. - • - Due to the inflation, I don't know .that anything can be . done abogt lowering the taxes on new dwellings but I would think a study on how to not in- crease them would benefit all - concerned. * * * h. There are always complaints about . roads. In your opinion: a. Is Goderi*h's road program adequate? No. b. if not, why not? • The state of many of the roads in Goderich are badly in need of repair. C. ' Would you be in favor of increasing the road .budget, roads, curbs, sidewalks etc. across thsi municipality even If It meant considerably higher taxes? No, I am not in favour of higher taxes, but I am in- terested in what the present road budget is and where it is going. * * * 7: Goderich is called The Pret- tiest Town in Canada. In your opinion: a. Is that so? - Yes, in my opinion, probably a! biased.. opinion as I lo'v, e Goderich so. * * * 8. Lake Huron is a natural beauty spot, •a potential asset in the 'community.. In your opinion: a. Should our beaches be improved, and additional facilities added. to attract visitors to Goderich? , ' No, I think"two beach areas, as well as a nearby provincial' • park are adequate and I would LOWER INTEREST RATES hesitate to burden the tax- payers any further at this time. I would rather see that the present beach areas are suf- ficiently staffed, and kept clean, rather than additional beaches areas, all being poorly kept. b. Should a municipal cam- pground be established? I am not a camper but it is my understanding -that there are• numerous camp areas surrounding our town, and I would have to study the pros and cons of a munjcipal cam - definite stand. c.° Should municipal funds be allocated for acquisition of future 'recreational areas along Goderich's waterfront? This proposition sounds like it could indeed be a definite ad- vantage if we are to maintain our image as a tourist town. * * * 9. Some' people believe regional government looms in the not so distant future? In your opinion: a. Is *Ional government dettir•abfe?, Why? . • No, .1 believe in elected Goderich people running the of 'fairs of Goderich. We -may in- deed need advise or counsel on certain matters and 'hopefully shall seek any such expert assistance when required. • 10. Planning is' a long and tedious process. In your opinion: - a. is there adequate plan- ning forGoderich's future? This area could probably be improved on as the future un-, doubtedly appears to hold greater growth for Goderich.' b. Do you believe the plan- ning on the fringes `of the municipality should the adjoining rural areas?. . It would seem like a com- patible solution. c. Should Huron's farmland be protected, even abutting Goderich? Huron's farmlandshould definitely be protected. • * * * 11,. Why would, you make a - good candidate for town coun� cif? ' Because I am genuinely in- terested. in Goderich, her people, their' problems and plans for betterment of all and. I sincerely;. feel I possess a political awareness a definite pre -requisite for any official of- fice. VOTE ARNOLD STOHERS r Now Available On IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES • Anywhere in Ontario • On • RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing- For New Construction & Land Development IOor Representatives in Your Area Phone S.AFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND 'CONSULTANTS LIMITED - (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office - 56 Weber • St. E. Kitchener, :Ont. '- --Ws Buy Existing Mortgages. for Instant Cash— * * * ash-. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES FoY Your ChYlstm� If you're looking for some lovely. little: luxuries for superspecial gifts ... well, here's where they all are. TO 1 Make Christmas complete by giving a gown - this year. . • Short & Long In Nylon ' • Brushed Nylon . '. VICTORIA.8. GREY TRUST CITY SAVINGS & TRUST STANDARD TRUST CANADA PERMANENT TRUST BruceErskjne S6 -North St. Phone 524.9555. ELECT STAN PROFIT Ir REEVE Ho,:serouts 4 YEARS COUNCIL EXPERIENCE " LAST 2 ON COUNTY COUI ,CIL As YOUR DEPUTY REEVE. F' For TraAeportollon to the Polls Calf 524-7402 Always a Christmas favorite. ' Dusters • Housecoats • Pegnoir Sets • Vocama • Nylon (Ittihad A elft afar will love. WEAR LIMITED ON TME SQUARE GODERICH