HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 15 (2)John Doherty
Continued frim page 1B
from his 'council on occasion?
No, but attend the majority.
c. Would a fulltime mayor be
desirable in Goderich? Why?
No, we are not a:big enough
municipality to engage a full-
time mayor.
d. What salary should a
° fulitime mayor receive?
An amount to compensate for
his immediate income plus ex-
e. Would the election pt a
fulitime mayor seriously
reduce the number of eligible
men and women in the com-
munity who could serve?
(refer to your answers to the
previous two questions?)
Yes, the •position is per-
manent for only two years, at
the end_of which time he could,
be unemployed.
* * *
3. The reeve and deputy -reeve
represent the municipality at
the county level. In your
•Rick Robertson
Continued from page 113
a. Are local councils well
enough informed about the
happenings at county cOun,
Ag a new candidate I don't
have this information at hand.
b. Should Goderich
representatives on county
council be more parochial in
their participation there, orc'
Should they strive for a wider
"and more general understan-
ding ot all municipalities
within the county and those
problems peculiar to the
county system?
Refer to (a) above.
C. Should ,Goderich
representatives to county
council make regular reports
to their colleagues about
county business?
If elected, I would request
regular reports to be given at
council meetings.
* * *
4, There have been problems in
the past two years between
neighboring municipalities. In
your opinion:
e. Do you have a conflict o
* * *
2. The mayor is the head of
couristil In your opinibn:
a. Is previous experience on
municipal council necessary
to become mayor?
While previous experience
may be desirable it is not man-
datory. After all, the Mayor is
the Figurehead and Represen-
tative of the whole Council. He
.does not take part, in actual
debates •and does 'not vote
unless, to break a tie. (or a
recorded yore).
b. Should the people expect
the mayor of a municipality
such as Goderich to attend all
meetings, public Junctions
and conventions on their
behalf, orihould the mayor be
a. Is this a real problem?
As a new candidate I have
heard no animosity stated by
people I have spoken with
* *
RegKe d De utv-
reeve are doing t eir jo In an
,efficient manner, Council must
be well informed.
b. Should Goderich
representatives on county
council be more parochial in
their participation there, or
should they strive fora wider.
. and more general understan-
ding of all municipalities
within the county and those
problems peculiar to the
.county system?
County Councils are formed
to protect the problems of the
County as a whole and un-
warranted parochial, attitudes
should he avoided at this level.
Parochial attitudes should be
relegated •tothe proper chan-
nels - the Town Council. Never-
theless, the interests of the
town should bemof constant con-
cern to the elecied officials of
free to delegate alternatives . that town.
from his council on occasion? c. Should Goderich
. In accepting nomination for representatives to county,
Mayor,. the candidate should he council 'make regular reports
'Prepared to fullfil all to their colleagues about
obligations qf the office. county, business?
However, in any well adjusted Yes •Aee -answer (a) Note,:
schedules there may oc-'• The . Reeve and' Deputy -reeve
casiona.11y be times when it are: not responsible to Council
would 'be desirable to appoint but can only offer com-
alternates. The 'key word is •"oc- • mutileatiOn if requested to
council. •.
c. Would a fulltime.mayor be * 4 *
desirable in Goderich? Why?4 4. There havebeen problerriS in
Goderich is not large enpugh the past two years between
to support a fulltime Mayor. I .neighboring municipalities.. In
'feel that Administration costs your opinion:.
keprdown-as' far -as 2c -1s -this -a -real- problem?
possible. It may be 'desirable to • I an not aware of any real
have a fulltime .Mayor but I problemg 'between neighbouring
wonder if it . would be prae- communities. . .
* * 4
d. What salary should a
-fulltime mayor receive?'
A full 'time mayor would .
have to receive a salary
rn ac-
cord with the prestige of his
position and therefore would be
in the $20-25,000 range.
Remember - as the town'grows
so would this salary.,,
e. Would• the election of a
fulltime mayOr seriously
reduce the number of eligible
men and women in the -com-
munity who could serve?
(refer to your answers to the
Previous two questions.)
In order to.become a fulltime
maYor, the average citizen
would have to give up his/her
present ocCupation. This factor
alone creates a situation
eliminating many citizens. For
a ,businessman or ,professional
man ,to contemplate a two year
sabbatical from his profession,
the compensation offered as
salary may very well be sub-
stantially higher than the
figures quoted in .(d) above.
* * *
3. -The reeve and deputy -reeve
represent the municipality at
the county level. In your.
a. Are local councils well
enough informed about the
happenings at county coun-
' Oil? •
5. Soaring lax are
everyone's concern. In your
a. Are taxes in- Goderich
unusually' high?
Yes - I feel • that taxes in
Goderich are high and only a
careful,, prudent policy of coun-
cil spending can ever alleviate
the tax bilrden on the average
citizen. •
5. Soaring tax -bills are
everyone's concern. In your
I. Are taxes in Goderich
unusually. high?
As a taxpayer I do.not feel
they are out 'of line.
6. -If yes, what can be done
about it? If no, explain why
you think' local taxes are in
Commercial and 4 industrial
development helps off -set
residential taxes.
, .
* *
6. There are always complaints
aboutoroads. In your opinion:
a. Is Goderich's road
program adequate? '
'It appears the road program
could be improved:upon.
b. If not, why not?
Refer, to (a).
c. Would vou be in favor of
increasing the road budget
sufficiently to provide good
roads, curbs„ sidewalks etc.
across the municipality even if
it meant considerably higher
I would have to take a long
range look at it.
* * *
7. Goderich is called The Pret-
tiest Town in cappda..In your
a. Is that so?
Yes until incidents similar to
the one that took place this
past Hallowe'en night occur
within our. town.
'b. If not, why not? If yes,
what is your plan to preserve
that beauty and build on it?,
Froth niy :observations as a
letter carrier, the park depart-
ment work .very hard at
upholding this motto.
8. Lake Huron is a natural
beauty spot, a potential. asset in
the comnaunity, In your
a. Should our beaches be
Improved and additional
„ facIlltlea added to attract
°visitors to Goderich?
Yes • definitely,
b. Should a municipal cam-
pground be establiehedi
No - there are sufficient carii-
ping facilitik4 in this area.
c. Should municipal funds
be' allocated for acquisition pf
future recreational areas
along Goderichi waterfront?
Yes - in a restricted way.
9. Some people believe regional
government looms in the not so
'distant future? In your opinion:
4. Is regional, government
• desirable? Why?
:No - it would take away the
voice of the smaller cum-
10. Plannint is a long and
tedious process. In your
a. Is there adequate plan-
ning for Goderich's future?
I do not have sufficient infor-
mation tf answer this properly.
b. Do you believe the plan-
ning on the fringes of the
municipality ,should
correspond with planning in
the adjoining rural areas? /
Yes - to a certain extent. -
Should Huron's farmland be
profected, even abutting
Yes - definitely -
* *
11. Why would you make a
•good candidate for town
1) Interested in my town.
° 2) Resident of Goderich for
past 18 years
3. Served on many service
4) My position enables me to
meet Mall\ pvt)pie (14111V
would like to think in the
years to come that I have
helped, in some small v..ay, to
make,this town a better place
.,for thy children, your c'hildren,
0 and their children in which to
. live.
ways. It
will be the dutyof, c. Should municipal funds
ounci 0 see —a-rti-ns,
spent in providing more per-
manent surfaces than have
been applied in the .past.
However, this expenditure
must be kept within the bounds
o1 prudent spending rather
than raising taxes. The key
word in the question is con-
siderably, when applied to
raising taxes. My answer to this
"iS rio, as I feel that taxes are
high , enough.
* *
7. G▪ oderich is called The Pret-
tiest. ToWn in. Canada. In your
a. Is. that so?
b. If pot why not? If yes,
what is' your plan to preserve
that beauty and build on it?
Goderich has great potential
for a beautiful town. There are
a few areas that could, and
should, be improved. Roadways
-must become a prime candidate °
for improvernent. I think that
t'he beach area is one..that could
use a great deal of im-
provement. We do have some*
very attractive recreational
areas' and parks and it is the
duty of all citizens fromthe
Council down to see that these
areas are well maintained and
constantly improved.
* *
8. Lake Hdrqn is a natural
beauty spot, a potential -asset in
the community, In your
• a. Should our beaches be
improved andadditional
facilities added to . attract
visitors to Goderich?
;gee 7 (b) above.
b. Should a municipal cam-
pground be esiablished?
am not in favour of
municipal campgrounds as it is
my observatif.in that cam-
pgrounds 'do not, as a rule, add
beauty to any town.
* * * .
6, There are always complaints
about roads. In your opinion:
a. Is Goderich's , road
program, adequate? '
b. If not, why not?
c. Would you be in favor of
increasing the road budget
sufficiently Io _provide ,god
roads,, curbs', sidewalks etc.
across the municipality even if
it meant considerably higher
6 (a) (h) (c). It is very ap-
parent that roads in Goderich.
are anything but adequate.
Perhaps ' we have .a unique
situation in • our town with
respect to miles of roadway per
1000 population, thus creating a
need for special outlay of.
capital which is .not shared by
any other town of comparative
size of population.
In 1974 there is an estimated
$3467,100 scheduled for roal-1-•
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future, recreational areas
along Goderich's, waterfront?
Yes, within limits, a fund
could very well be established
for this purpose.
*4* •
9, Some people believe regional
government looms in thenot so
distant future. In your opinion:
a. Is regional government
desirable? Why? '
I do not think that Regional
Government is the most ef-
ficient or economical • way of
governing our town. Surely it is
better to 'manage our ,own af-
fairs..than to have ,thernsettled
from afar.
articipate in vour.
onaire. as. provi e
an opportunity 19r me to ex-
press these views to your
•• readers', This is an example of'
good communication :between
your media:, and the general
10. Planning in a long and
tedious process. In your
a. Is there adequate plan-
ning for Goderich's future?
b. Do you believe the plan-
ning on the fringes of the
municipality should
correspond with planning in
the adjoining rural areas?
• q. Should Huron's farmland°
be protected, even abutting
Yes, for the ;present
although future growth miht
necessitate a change of, opinion
in this matter.
* * *
11. Why would you make a
good candidate for town
If I am elected as a, Coun-
cillor, the voters could rely on a
sincere, honest and thorough
approach to all problems
relating to town government.
My decisions will be. my own
and as logical as I am capable
of making them.
Thank you for asking me to
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