HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-10, Page 5Afte -kt e Grip To ticeJlctitor of Vie Exeter Times. Da,.Lit STU,-As one intimvtely ac- quatintod with our School System .and particularly in sympathy with every.. thing that tends to broaden that systetn and mice it less burdensome to the. tnasaes, menet refrain front; express, ing ray appreoiation of your remarks in your brat tissue with reg.trd to the great, difference or favor shown by the Ontario Grovornnient'to the higher schools and .colleges Ascompared, with the ' common. or•primary schools. : It is matter for t`e- gret that those in authority over our institittiona or learning do nob exercise their authority to the advantage of those schools which are the real back bone of our province and of ourcountry, the Common Schools; but on the contrary the Mowat Administration is proverbial for its pampering care overthe high schools and colleges, while those schools where more than nine tenths of our farmers and working men get their education, afire allowed to hoe their own rows so to speak, unaided except by a small pittance -just enough to give the Government opportunity to say that these schools are under their patrona,le and therefore under their authority. The farmer and the working ratan has 1 to bear the' burden, while the rich rat fed town or city official gets the benefit.' it is high time for the fanners And other over taxed citizens to awaken to the fact that they are not only paying for their own children's education but .far the rich and more capable tax payer's children as well. While oar 'country schools. receive from government: aid about $1.20 yearly towards paying : the expenses -of each child that attends the Common Schools, those who ahead the high schools receive $8.00. .But -if this. were the roily grievants() under the !pre- sent system we might not find so -much fault but there is the everlasting burden of book -buying necessitated by the con• tinual change of books. In fact it is beoorning an alarming question in our educational natters in this province and high time to put on the curb -bit to restrain the ]-Minister of Education in his mad career of "eternal change." Many of our •people do not know- why these changes are se often made. It must not be supposed that benefit to our schools is the sole object the Govern meat has iii view, but behind that is the desire to furnish some good govertnnent supporter., a fat job to get up a new text book for our schools, not so much that ad Drew r simplyt ' but ntiled J is118 the book some hanger on for political services rendered. Thtee every book authorized and put into our schools becomes in the hands of the maker, so many promises to pay for value received on the political stump. In this way the Innocent un- thinking tax payee is filling the coffers of those who come around from tithe to time ea do the hand shaking, hay throw- ing: and tcumpetblowing for the Government. Then again the whole system is burdened with officialism: For instance the teachers cannot meet in convention without having a "Director of Teachers' institutes" to watchover their deliberations. Another useless overpnici official whose usefulness seems to•be only to draw so much out of ttbe taxpayer, and whose merit stores ,o be that he had to be compensate i for po• litical services rendered . The fact of the matter is the system of running the Educational affairs of this province with a minister or political head is wrong and the sooner we get back to the system under the late De. Ryerson the bettor: Under smolt a system merit alone would be rewarded and necessity and progress the only motivejor change. I have said this much by way of an introduction, and in letters to follow this I shall give data to prove that the Common Schools are sadly neglected for the sake of the High Schools. In the meantime every lover of fair piny . and reward of merit should''etudy well the system bywhioh the elowat Government has bled the tax payer for the sake of keeping round them the hat throwers and hustlers whose only object is to share in. the plunder, for from the highest official to the lowest, 'their common motto is "To the Victor belongs the Spoils." Years, &c., J teeTIee. 'No .Strength, No Ambition `Hood's Sarsaparilla Gave Perfect Health, The following letter is from a well-knownn merebant tailor of St. George, N. I3.: "0. I, Hood t,; Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen -1 am glad. to say that Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have done lie a great deal of good. I had a'severe attack of the grip in tate winter, and after getting over the fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had. no ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be. just what I' needed. The results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to all who are afflicted with rheumatism or other Hood'sPCurcs afflictions caused by poison and poor blood. I always keep Ilood's Sarsaparilla in my -louse and use it when I need a tonic. We also keep J aW Des:ne terr, St. George,�Ne vBrrunsw Brunswick. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, painor gripe. Sold by all druggists, Serious damage has. been caused by floods at the Cloquet lumberyards, near Duluth. Maiiy million feet of lumber have been lost. Five Kingston druggists were fined $25 en Friday for selling liquor during prohib- ited hours without demanding a doctor's; certificate, R. G. Dunn & Co. report '35 business failures in Canada the past week, as com- pared.week ` the corresponding eyed with 27 nn P .ag. ear age. Y The Roman Catholic bishops of Canada have sent to the Governor-Generalin coun- cil a further petition on the North-west school question. The eleotrie light service on the streets .of Niitgara hasetreen stopped owing to the scarcity of coal occasioned by the miners strike in the States. Sir. John Thompson will introduce a bill is the Commons establishing the first Mon- day in September as 'Labor Day, to be a state tory holiday. Fernaro an .Polti, the Italian ,Anarch- ..asts arrested'in London, were sentenced to twenty and ten years imerisouinent re- spectively on Friday.. - A new Public School will be erected in Coliingwood. This will make the fifth school in the town, not including prhVate schools or the Collegiate Institute. Japanese laborers are Seeking to.Van- •eouver, B.C., in such numbers that the .Japanese consul has decided to advise his Government to restrict emigration, The controlling interest in The Chicago a nter Ocean was sold on Thursday by H. et Hoblsaat to Wm. Penn Nixon, for the ;past eighteen years editor of the paper. Vies Florence Carlyle of Woodstock had ;again reached the Paris Salon. This ;spring two portraits are honored with 'admission, both taking rank in the honor list. It is announced that the Right Hon. Arthur Wellesley Peel, Speaker of the British House of Commons, is to retire and .aocept a peerage with the title of Viscount Sandy. Griffith, of London, Eng., who is mak- ing a tour of the,vorld, in an endeavor to beat Nelly Bly's record, passed through -,'SVinnipeg on Friday night, one clay ahead .of his scheduled time, The Presbyterian. Synod. of British Co- ' lumina, in session at Calgary, on Saturday .dismissed the appeal of Rev. Mr. McLeod against the finding of the Presbytery of Victoria in his case. .• The United States House Committee on. Railways and Canals has decided to report :favorably the bill appropriating $10,009 -for a preliminary survey of theLake Erie and Ohio River ship canal. The Supreme Count of Illinois has de- •clared the ticket scalpers' act constitu- tional.. This act renders it unlawful for ;any person to sell tickets without author- ty from the railway,eompany, While driving a land roller tin Friday .afternoon David .Armstrong, aged' 16, son of Atin ,,:Armstrong, North; Easthope, was thro,n off and instantly killed, his neck being brolten by the fall. r arm and officials o f the German The y seb of experi- ments, n exhaustive nay after a p Y. ments, have decided ageing the use of peanut fiour as food for the troops. and :sailors or as horse food. 'While John Manuel and his son henry were returning from their lobster pots .near Canso, N. S., their boat upset. The .father manager- to held to the boat and: drifted to the shore, bet the son • wee drowned. . W F. Guest of London Township was 'tried at London on Thursclay and found ;guilty of. bigamy. Evidence was given b both wives each of whom has children. He was sentenced to two find a half ;year's in pertitenelary, • ' Grand Master Ramsay, of theTelegral>h- ooers' Ilrc>therhood, on trial for tatupering ,with the wires of the coast Itepids, Bur- lington and Northern railway during the r00en1 strike on that road, • was acquitted' by the jury on Thursday at Cedar Bal ids. A number of :r;ots haye occurred in the .•districts of the Ientited States where the :great miners' strike is in progress. . t .Scottdale, Pa., several strikers and one woman were shot by deputies, blit none -woe fnatally injured, Lootists have appealed by the thousand in the Chittepbtin Valley and Northern NOW York. They emerge from lroleivary- itig from one to three foot deep at sun else and return at sunset. This diStriet luta been covered With these itisoots every •treventeonth yeat since 1869. William C, erdou,' a convict front felting-+, flitted suioidts at the Joliet, 111., peni- tentiary tr ,, . byplunging from the 'tentiary :art 1 rtday ]? g a. ironic- the top tier of the eelld to ,gall+.ry thA --rigging forty feet below'. Gatdon Ax. .m b eon Ilieat the eth n aellabl ooute bntIle Bee ago lt lilts THE XBTER KNOWLEDGE Brings comforb and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others end enjoy life more, with loss expenditure, by snore promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to healoi.,-.of; the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs.. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptab_eand 'pleas - •e hie alit to trio taste, .the rofi s g truly y beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative axative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing- constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because' it ants on the Kid neys, Lit*'er and Bowels without weal. ening them acid it is perf eetly tree from every objectionable substance, Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, being well informed, y accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at C. Lutz's Drub' Store. \'Ir. Wilkin?a n declares that the whistle was not s.>utided. Those unhappy persona who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic sutferers. Price 25 cants.'' Bi1wAlc'a 'natrns ri?uz Uirrraranto Buono or Dopt>'s II1n»n PTr.r.9 rNAg'gs FAA.neasrr'r' summons xo ,t'rrnturr To Vasa W9nT8ti.nas RsnispTns ax Tan rUMAc, WNTED Yt Toronto, May 7. -This appeora to be an age of lakes and trends. It seems impost, able for any sew idea or valuable invention to be made known without a host.ot fntita< top trying to foist their ''fit rthlese goods on en unsuspecting pablio in the hope of making en unmerited profit ant of their wortbires ideas. The unegnslled sitcom of Dodd'p Kidney Pills in curing all forms of kidney disease, Les led to the introduce lop of many cheap asd base imitations that are worse than valueless. 'Dodd'() was the first kidney "remedy ever offered in pill form, For their own safety, purchasers should buy none but Dodd's Kidney Pine. Sold in large boles; pries, fifty cents per box or sit boxes for $2,50. To be had of all dealers The Stilton poison else was continued andel 'Wine at Tna'ito. Tee defenoe will endeavor t prove the poisoning story to frighten tion th e woman Frac g aoole t was y P Evans into signing Pin g bask to her husbandi propertythat had teen put in her name. Skis Diseases are more or less directly occasioned by hail blond. 13. B. B. cures the folio ming Skin Disetyes; Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rushes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples and • Blotches, by removing all impurities from the bloo 1 front a comm 11 Pimple to the worst Ssrofulons Sore. I had a severe oold, for which 1 took Norw.vy Pine Syrup. I fudit an oxoelleut remedy, giving prompt reliet and pleasant to take. Burdock, Blood Bitt; ire dyspepsia, Burdock Blood Bitters `s•Conatipation. Burdock Blood Bitters cine , aeness. Burdoek Blood Bitters Dura headache. Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the slogged secretions of the bowels, thus oar- ing headaches and similar complaints.. • now TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25'"Sunlight"Soapywrappers(wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Brae., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty piotare, free from advertising and web worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home, The soap is the best ie the market. and it will only oost le postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. (MohoAgents to sell our (Moho and hardynursery et. OoIeither en eelars, ur Commission. We alatagive our mon the Privilege of selling our new and ohehee varieties of steel, potatoes. Secure the agency :at once, wbioh wttl ;hand- emcee repay Yon alt now is tits time.tc sett such goods tor spring planting. Address the F. N, NIAY 00Mt'ANY, Nursery- men and Propagators of °holes Seed Potatoes, J. Paynter, Huntsville, Ont. Alto 11 tvo months ago I was nearly wild with nead'islre>I: I started taking Burdock Blood Bitters, took two bottles and my has laches hive now altogether disappeere 1, I think itis a grand medicine. Era Finn, Hassey Station, Ont. The widow of Joseph Hamelia, pilot, who was killed by being run over by a street tsar at lfontreal last September, has obtained jnlfmsgt for tri 317.50 ee telt the steset renew cimpan r on the ground of gross ne,tligence bythe employes in oh trod of the car. 5 ra,-I Nati such a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking, N,irw.ly Pine Syrap I found the first dose gave relief, and the second bottle completely oared me, Miss. A. A. Downey, Manobic, Ont. Dyspepsia melee8 Dizziness, Kea,laohe, Cousti,iation, Variable Appetite Rising and Souring of Fool, Palpitation of the Hart, Distress after Eating. Beranek l3lood.Bitters are guaranteed to cure Dys- pepsia, if faithfully used accoriing to directions. There are 1,000 men out of work in ' Winnipeg. Heart Diseaeie rrlieved in 30 minatee. All es e01 of n-; took or s imp Mettle bee rt disease relieve- in 30 tuinutee au&creak ly cured, by Dr Agrtew'a.Care fur the Heart. One dale oonviocas, Sol i be C. Lura. 3. 13. Thameson, Esq.. of Thompson 13 Bros., Buitders 34olyat St,, Toronto, Oat. writes' "I have had Dyspepsia for: 12 years, very times: have tried anumber of doctors and. patent medicines,iicinea, but twontd get no permanent relief. I. purohased a paokage of K. D. C.., and beforeI had finished it, the symptorns were' all gorge, and.I now enioy better health than I have ead:for many years. I can recommend it to any one," On. Monday the berms of Thor.: Jaffe - son of Hibberf,were, burned to the ground. Twenty six head of (tattle and a number of sheep were burned. Mr. Jefferson had an insurance of 82,000 but notwithstanding, . hisInas l be heay. F When • fattens and other eptieMias aro around, safety lies in fortifying the system with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Aperson hay. ing thin and impure bloo 1, is inthemost favorable condition to "watch" whatever disease may be floatiug in the air. 13e wise in time. Henry McCready, about 61 years of age, while driving to hie home' near Waterdown on aaturdaynight during the storm not off the road and was thrown from his wagon. lie died a few hours atter the aocident, Dammed leaves n' willow and eleven abilci ten. Eeoxoerx axe Seenrrern Valuable vegetable remedies aro use' 1.1 the preparation of f13od's,Saeaaptrilla iu such a peculiar manner as to retitle the full medicinal of every ingredient, Thus 1;iood's Sarsaparilla , ootnbines soonomy and strength and is the only remedy of which 4100 Doges Otic Dollar" is trite. Ile burs to get hood's. h'ood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but ant prautptly, easily and effieleutly. Firmer Wilkinson, of tete teen line be- tween D.oroheeterattd tendon, had a Oboe sail- far his life on Stturday morning. tie was drawing milk to' the Vendome cheese buttery, end did not heat a train; whistle 'as he approached the G. T. R. eressiug, . fie noticed the engine in :time to draw "up eletigeide;of the Sheik rte it swept by. This horse reared and plungers, and,,; ta'iliflg' against the last ear, received seldom injury' and knotted the delver trona lds sett, Ma 'W lklneon Was not 't etiouelyr, fnje.red, but' it, reeeiroel'tweety ttttebee at the Waldo of de th, J. lif. Tennent, V. 8., to tlt'avr el egreee keenly Mel not being in robtittt tee stalk at 1Le )1owle. shoulder togetlialt. zricalth was ' uirethli to tlo wool work, 0. 0. RlcnaRDO & Co. My son George has suffered with neural, giaround the heart since 1852, but by the applioationef MINARD'S LINIMENT in 1889 it.00mpletely disappeared and has no t troubled him sine. Jas. McKee. Linwood, Ont. Iioobester, N. Y tPI1TU!IRL Largest Finest Designs. Lowest Prices Immense show rooms loaded with goods ; every quality, style and price, but all thebest for the lease money. Our Spring Store now complete, is the pick of the mar- '1 lot in everything --is elegant aiadvarlet beyond destoription. l ParlorI- ur nit ur'e Will be the fate this week. The unus- ual size and variety of the line does e not admit giving pieces in detail. Entogackiagliotuo ALL, MEIN. hem- .t Young old or middle axed, who dnd selves, nervous, walk and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in mann of the following symptoms t 1Vfental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of no.emirv. hal drowns, dimness of sight, palpitationof the heart, emission, look efenerhy,pai in n the lsidnoya headpohos, pimples on the face ,and body, itobing or peculiar sensation abiut the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dizziness,speobs before the eyed' twitehtng of the musoles, eyelids and else- where.beshftitness,deposits in the urine, loss of Will Power, . tenderness of the scalp and spine,' weak and flabby tangelos. desire to sloop, failure to be rested by sloop, constipation v voice, desire for loss ofv i , dullness of hearing. 0 R solitude. excitability of learner, sunken Duos, 1 slit y 1 t surrounded with leaden circles. Wily looking skin et3., aro alt symptoms of nervous debit- ity t'ltat load to .insanity unless cured. The spring or vital amuse having Lost its tension. every Wootton wanes in eonsequenee. Those Who through abuse committed :00 .ignorance, may be permenetttIy cured. Send your ad- dress for book on diseases peculiar to men, Maodonnell Aivo. , Toronto Ont..danadaOS. 'x4 FOR OVER rxFTY1 YE ABS. AN Oran 15) Were.. -oma 1lsintlY.-- Mrs. winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while toothing with perfect siieeess. ft soothes iho ohlldmoftens tune gums,all es the pain, euros the sotto, ani to the beat roruedy for Diarrhoea. 10 pleasant to the taste. Sold bit drnagistg in every part of the world. 25 vents a bottle. Its value to inoaloulable iso sure. and ask for firs. Winstow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Renter IN Sur Heels.'•--'Distrusaingt Kid- ney and bladder diaoases relieved in sle hours by the "Great Santh Amerloan Kid- ney Cure," lbw new' remedy et a ores t surprise and delight to phyeioians on ac. aotlot of its eao,eeding prontptness to re- lievitig pain in the bladder, kidnays,bao.k and every part of the urinary paseageo i n male and female. It reticvoa 'aetontiot or water and pain 111 pa,tsiuoit almost lammed - ately. If you want quick relief a a (lure this is your remedy, Sod by C itruttltterbe1t titaniti1 lila a Dat. •South Amerlean Ithsutttatio Our*. foe Rlaeutnatittin and lY , y oars- g la rtd'roall Aures in 1 to d dare. Its action upon the systesft is renterita able ked myeterioas, It tangos! at once the Ammo end the clientele imtaodrately peauto, flold by C. Luta,ADruggist. a 75flta Slg Ask for our "PLUME" brand Meats. They are the best. SNELL BROS. Coniqd agoas Odd Pieces Will be especially attractive in price, and all who wish for much, in return for small outlay,will not be disappointed. We have received a choice jot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold S. GIDLEY SONY ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. EJLP. Come and see them and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SEIOES is now complete in. every line. Prices to suit everybody. We don't advertise a 20 per cent discount and claim a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Come in yourselves and get prices, and you loo at once we have no 40 per cent profit, Good Cow-hide,Hand-intde Boots 42. ct Kip 3.95 " Plow 'Men's Half Soling 'Women's " After All Stylish Clothes Go a long way towards tuakio ry gentleman, Times vire hard, and you want til: best you can get for your totality. Have you ever tried Grieve, He is prepared to supply you tvilli; a nobby spring suit of clothes of superior quality and intake at Bard tirne prices. Drop in and take .. Iook through his stozk it will sur- prise you. Main: -S t.,. .r::nee, bee' YARDIO EXEIER The undersigned wishes to inform the public in'general , that he e aeps C Soit - stantly"itbock all kinds, of BUILDING MATERIAL, (BRESSEDIAND:UND33.ESSEle PINE and HEMLOCg:LLTMBER , B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles which is adkeowled, to lie the 'ktostDurable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Snit:: be, competentJudgesto last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. JAS. WIL,TtIS Want a�1�yicycle? THE ®,A's v J a I PNEUMATIC Bala 2.25 Bots 00 35 30 No charge for rips; also see our Hal- ness. Can't be beaten for style and quality, and everything in the Harness line. J. TREBLE. J.D.ATKN$O\ tY wllCxiitur@ Dealer. 044/ rLE,z. Sr TIRE ,20.„--,‘.9wth IL, THE BOBIER PRODUCT CO. have decided to Retail Oil et Wholesale Prices Best Canadian Oil, 12o. - Best Canadian WaterWaterWhite I7c. Best American Water White - 20o. COME ONE, COME ALL. Is the only Tire that give s.., sfacttoa Ias:year MANUFACTURED 6Y (1001E1 Bicycle %3cLTL. 113 YONGE ST,'EET, Brantford, Ont. • TosofTa PERKINS & MARTIN Fanson'a Block.. A Turning Over Etas been going on in our upholstered stock. There is nothing in it bob the latest and best manufactured. Yet we fool we have too much of this'one line - and now you get the benefit. PARLOR, SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lounges, Springs,or anything in the Furniture Line. THE BOBIER PRODUCE 01, orrect �L .,� ap est Materia Combined with the best filming in the world, makes the et Featherborle Corset" unequalled. y '+�57 21, .245,.xlEito CENTRAL SHAVING A MAS A. HASTINGS, steometimmoe.e. Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. FANSON'S BLOCK.. A Full Stock ESL SIIPPLIN -AT rownthQ' s -DBA.LEIt IN- P Books, Stationery, rlihlonglo 4tylos Fa nc Goods, 1 Y 1 0 Q Best Ordored glot1ia�bp. ryro Iuoad in Exeter C Gsntisntes t 1 ieb'7e oa your orders . rly,rot e . with the bean staff a! xailore the beg. stook od Pio Trinflslage, triad the beat Cutting ta'toeh ,$tt Ate ottro s* itatisfaot and Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- ani always Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Tailor - We have a large nettle .,t Pat- terns Itterns to choose from - Natty Tweeds, Serges anti W tstnds, niatle up in any style, ., i,.T 21 tri lg the customers so well that hid - mate friends do eel ereple to ask who made your t ile.. flue customers never hesitate, ate bfa answer with a blowing :oldie, To is IT si IN OVERCOATS IWE LEAD. J. Murray & Oo The Tailor. 1°9 ��0 'Eager a� Y Manufacturer lit` iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, PLOWS, LAND 110141 a 1';11 . Ink, Pens, Pencils, Look Boxes,. TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers kit Now Castings. Also General traded for in Iron and Ilri',sN Also 1lxanttfeeturers of Bridge Solt, oidt1,: Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillinge kepi ix'tt::tent ly on hand, ILeprtirs pro tele ly estiout- ed, Etc., etc. J, W. row n i n 's BOOKSTORE. See that horse ? Ile Masa smooth and glossy coat and fools in good •oiiouitli condition to win the ah.d. so weuid at ' horse 11 itt owner used D•I(aC'S )3LOOD it renews the (wets m, et ridbod the bleed land givos nature a fair a saes, is 8150 at uhfaiiins eradicator for bola andwornt5. 3t ii Just as good fpr battle as for torose. Tri' s see pack - ego if your horses or Settle and not thriving-, more smolt. curb rlegeone or splint, use Deck's Blister 66e.--Alok'sLiniment for snrairts, kleallitati, bruise,, etc. 25e.-,Dlok'5 O toren 10*eoratdbeft old ;to easaddle gene eta. 25e. mailed on rootlet er erica. MOS Ik+ a. P. Cr.71'ex 4112 Moaaranat,, Change SN Butoher Shop Having purchased the .Z alt ohevin a bus iness of Messrs. Wood Bros:, Will take possession on April lst, rind 1 would res peetfally 'solicit the petronogt of: all t1m old customers of the shop and a$1 many now eines as can 'favor rile trite e a call. s a, hand a it Meats of all kinds ittwv ► 11I,Y title1 perfect seeds factioe gimes 111,eeii' lours faithfully,