HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 1 (2)7+^ a4 op 1 2 7 YEAR -.4 8 eberi til THURSDAY/NOVEMBER 28, 1974 5 Candidates for mayor BY DEB SHIEWFELT CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR • D 1. We've heard a good deal about conflict of interest in the past two years. In your opinion: a. What constitutes a cbn- flict of Interest? A ' conflict of interest is created when a person fails to notify the other members and ' excuse himself from discussion and voting on any 'matter in which he could have personal or financial gain. b. Should candidates declare a possible • area of • conflict of interest during an election campaign? Why? - • Yes. It is my feeling that the people should be notified in ad- vance of an election by the 'can- didate making full disclosure of any p ons a mWcr" eaf"e e feeling of a conflict .of interest in the future. c.'Can a man or woman fun- ction effectively on a public, council or board with a- con=• fleet of interest? Since a conflict of 'interest can only develop when a man or woman fails to notify the other members of a board or council of interests that would benefit him directly or indirec- tly in any issue, there is no ----reason why -he cannot, function •effectively as a member. In this capacity he _excuses himself from any discussion on the matter and refrains from• voting. d. When an elected official declines to take part in a _ discussion or to vote a par- ticular issue because of a conflict of interest, does it weaken the public body on which that official serves? Why? No. Because a person does. not discuss an issue; he is giving the other members the right to base their decision on their • own discussion without any influence from hisremark. e.,.Do you have a conflict~ of Interest? No. I do not have a conflict of interest. To. avoid this I have always disclosed any direct or indirect interest I might have and subsequently left council chambers during discussion and voting. * * * 2. The mayor is the head of council, In your opinion: a. is . 'the. previous ex- perience on municipal council necessary to become mayor? In my opinion it is necessary and desirable that a mayor. have previous council ex- perience. b. Should the people expect the mayor of a municipality Such as Goderich to attend all meetings, public functions and conventions on their behalf, or should the mayor be free to delegate alternatives from his council oh occasion? meetings, and public functions and conventions as a represen- tative of the people whenever possible, but when conflicting functions make this impossible he should feel free to send other delegates in order that Goderich has representation. c. Would a fulltime mayor be desirable In Goderich? Why? It might be desirable in the future but not at the present time. The mayor should be _available but we..do have a competent'full"time staff in the municipal building that can adequately handle the day to day business needs of the town. • What salary should a fulltiMe mayor receive? A full time mayor should receive a salary and expenses that would compensate for the wages he wasreceiving at the time of leaving his profession or job. e. Would the election of a fulltime mayor seriously reduce .the number of eligible men and women in the com- munity who =could' serve?* (refer erge?- (refer to your answers to. the previous two questions) The number- of eligible people who could serve as a full time mayor would be greatly reduced because the term of 4 AL -ST swer Signal 'SECOND, SECTION ti mayor is for only two years and this would necessitate the ter- mination of his regular em- ployment. ** 3. The reeve and deputy - reeve represent the municipality at the county level. In your opinion: a. Are local councils well enough informed about the happenings at county coup- -ci.l? As a reeve I always brought any information that pertained to Goderich back to the local council. - b. Should Goderic.h representatives on county council be more -parochial in their participation there, or should they strive for a wider and more general understan- ding of all municipalities within the county and those problems peculiarto the county system? Goderich representatives cin • County Council should have a wide scope of Huron County in general. Although. Goderich is their primeinterest they should have a good understanding of the rest of the municipalities in the County since they are all • tar BY HARRY BOSNELL CANDIDATE' FOR MAYOR 1. We've heard ' a good deal about conflict of interest in the., past two years. In your opinion: a. What constitutes a con- flict of interest? It's a situation wherein a member of Council,, his family and/or associates ould again .financially by reaso of his par- ticipation in the policy making process. . b. Should candidates declare a possible area of conflict of interest during an election campaign? Why? Yes, - The .Electorate should . know so that it can decide whether or not to elect a can- didate who may be less effec- tive because of the conflict. effectively on a public under the same County Depart- having a growing council or board with a con- ments such as Board of Health, and commercial assessment flict of interest? • Yes - Providing the areas of School' Board and Welfare and this"has offset the need for conflict were of such a minor system. increased residential taxes. c. Should Goderich, nature so as not to affect the * representatives to county 6. There ,are always corn- members ability to perform, council make regular reports plaints about roads. In your d. When an .elected official to their colleagues about • opinion: declines to take part in a county business?a. Is . Goderich's roaddiscussion ticular .issue because of a discussion or to vote a par- • Yes. The minutes of all prograadequate? conflict of interest, does it county meetings should be Because the road program weaken the public body on made available to all local Va., just been introduced in the Which that official serves? Council members. past two years with the paving .Why? - * -* * of t a Warren St-, I feel -that it " 4. There have been problems in should he extended and more Yes =The 'Public "Body or Board is definitely weakened the past two years between money spent • on the roads. when some of the membership neighboring municipalities. In Since the cost of oil, tar wand must decline discussion and your opinion: chili_and calcium has increased • a. Is this a real problem? dra.;. astically in the past year a voting due to conflict of in- terest. A Municipal - Council I feel 'that any real problent . rod program should be ern- requires all of its members to that could have arisen between plementcd to include more per- be effective to satisfy the Goderich-,. and neighbouring manent paving. Due to present ratepayers demands. ,In the municipalities have been war- economic conditions I think it case of the Mayor's position, he . ded off through communication . wuuid he wise to produce a ° should be free of all ion, h - and discussion. budget that would not increase brances in order to provide the m * * * taxes. 5. 'Soaring tax bills are 7 Goderich everyone's concern. In your • Prettiest Town opinion: your opinion: a. Are taxes in Goderich a. Is that so? unusually high? '7. "Goderich is The Prettiest . • Goderich taxes •are nc � ,. Town in Canada. • unusually high when you con: b..11 not, why not? if yes, seder the services provided. what is your plan to preserve Goderich has been fortunate in cc,ntinued on page 2A•) industrial is called The in Canada. In unbiased 'leadership . required. e. Do you hive a conflict of, interest? • No. . '*** 2. The mayor is 'the head of council. 'In your opinion: a. Is previous experience on ice al council harass to become mayor? , No It is possible that this could be an asset as a change in personnel could bring about a fresh approach to the operation of .Council. b. Should -the people expect the mayor of a municipality . such as Goderlch to attend all meetings; public function's and conventions on Abell' behalf, or should the mayor be free to delegate. alternatives,. from his council' on occasion? The Mayor should be free to attend all important meetings functions and• applicable con- ventions. However, delegation of alternatives from Council is very important and. must be considered whenever feasible. c. Would a fulltime m,ayortbe desirable M Goderich? Why? i:on of. full' time. responsibility' regar- dless of whether or not it 'is . classed as such by the Statutes. Becaugie of the constant ex- posure in a small town, the Mayor is always on duty. .. d. What salary should a fulltime mayor receive? This would be decided by the Council if and, when a full time Mayor was 'elected. e. Would the election of a fulltime mayor seriously reduce the number of eligible men and women in the 'Com- munity who .could serve? (refer to, your ansers to the previous two questions.) It would, if the price was right, increase the number and perhaps .the quality. ' • * * * 3. The reeve ands deputy -reeve represent the municipality at the county u. level. In your opinion:,_ a.° Are local councils well enough' informed about the happenings at county conn-• cil? No. Bett"er communications are a must. b. Should Goderich representatives on county - council be more parochial' in their participation there; or should they strive. for a wider and more general understan- ding of ale municipalities within the county and those -problems peculiar to the county system? They should not forget that they represent the .town ' of • Goderich but should strive for more cooperation and' general understanding of County problems that relate to the area. We should also look beyond the boundaries of Huron as we are usually affec ted by happenings around ps. c. Should Goderlch representatives to county council • make' regular reports to their colleagues about county business? . Yes - At every Town Council meeting following a Committee r mun p ary . Coi.Thty representatives. * * 4. There have been problems the past two years between neighboring municipalities. In your opinion: - a. Is this a real problem. Yes - but not insurmoun- table. b. If yes, how do you propose to work towards correcting it? Part of the answer is outlined in 3 (b) and (c)° above. Also by becoming more involved in the .happenings around the area to try. and develop a feeling of .trust between the various segments of the County of which goderich is .a large part. * * * • 5. Soaring tax- bills are •everyone's concern. In Your opinion:a a. Are taxes in Goderlch unusually high? In'some cases -yes - others - no. An inequitable assessment problem still exists causing ' some to pay high taxes and others less. The mill rate. -ap-- ••• pears to * be in line with other municipalities., This problem of assessment will :be corrected when the Provincial (continued on page 3A) STAN PROFIT CANDIDATE FOR REEVE 1. We've heard a good deal about conflict of interest in the past two years. In your opinion: a. What constitutes a con- flict of .interest? This is covered by Ontario Statutes. In my opinion a con- flict of interest exists when a person is party to an agreement with the.municipality, and then USES his position on„council to influence councils' decision in his favor for direct financial gain. I believe a conflict no longer exists when the in- dividualdeclares a conflict, and does not take partin the discussion• or vote on- the sub- ject at hand. -b. Should candidates declare a possible. area of conflict of interest during an selection campaign? ' Why? ° It strikes me that people only want to know about certain in- dividuals possible conflict of in- terest. It would be quite revealing if everyone declared themselves, and for this reason I would 'say yes, candidates should declare any conflict of interest. c. Can a man or woman fun- ction effectively on a public council orboard with a com- mit Of -interest? I believe so. In a two year term, this may only. arise once or twice. It would be a real shame if a good member has to be lost to public office, when this subject comes up, so seldom. d. When an elected official ,. declines to take part in a discussion or to vote a • par- ticular issue because of. a conflict of interest, does it weaken the public body 'on which that official serves? Why. (- I think not. As suggested above, a person can do im- measurable good in a two year period, that on- the few oc- casions that they have to declare themselves, it would not be detrimental. e. Do you have a conflict of interst? , , NONE WHAT "EVER. • * * '* cr .HARVEY JOHNSTON • ” 2. The mayor is the head of CANDIDATE FOR REEVE n council. In your Opinion:1. Wever heard a good deal a. Is previous experience on municipal coancil necessary about conflict of interest in the past two years. In your opinion: to become mayor? a. What constitutes a eon - •To do justice to the job, I flirt of interest? . would have to think that .. it A conflict of interest is being would be imperative. • b..Should the people expect involved with a project that the the mayor of a municipality --; Town Council has to rule on. st%ch as Goderich to attend all b. . Should candidates . meetings, public `functions declare a possible area ofconflict of interest during an and conventions on their election campaign? Why? behalf, or should the mayor be Yes. Then the voters would free to delegate alternatives know where there stand.- ' from his`ICouncil on occasion?'c. Can a man or woman fun - In. a word NO. L think the ction effectively on ..a public mayor should feel entirely free council or board -taltb -taia Ion- to call upon any member of his flirt of interest? council to stand. in for him at Yes any time. - d. When an elected offibial c. Would a fulltime mayor be declines to take part in a desirable in Goderlch? Why? discussion or to vote..a par - I der not think that a fulltime ticular issue because of a mayor is at -all desirable to the conflict. of interest, does it people in Goderich at this time. ,weaken the public body on - It is my impression that a town which that official nerves? manager would be much more Why? acceptable.Not really but to. some extent d. What salary should a because we need all, the views fulltime mayor receive? nn' each matter. It should be sufficient to . e. Do you have a conflict of compensate for giving up his interest? existing vocation, No. e. Would the election bf a * * fulltime mayor seriously ° reduce the number of eligible men and women in the com- munity whOo could serve? municipal council necessary I- think it may quite well to become mayor? (continued on page 3A) No. b. Should the people expect the mayor of a municipality : . such as Goderlch to attend all meetings, public functions and conventions on their behalf, or should the mayor be - free to -delegate alternatives from his council. on occasion? • Should be free to delegate on occasion. c. Would a fulltime mayor be desirable in Goderich? Why? Be desirable. Then the mayor would be on the job all the time. But 'Goderich is not large enough to support at this time, a full time mayor. , . d. What salary should a fulltime mayor receive? It would have to he high enough to attract the right per- • son. e. Would the election of a fulltime mayor seriously reduce the number' Of eligible men and women in the com- munity who could serve? don't think =so. •' * 3. The reeve and deputy -reeve represent the municipality at the county level. In your • opinion: • a. Are local councils well enough informed about the happenirngs at county coun- cil? ' Not in all matters. b. Should Goderich representatives on county council be more parochial in their participation there, or should they strive for "a wider and more general understan- ding of -all municipalities within •the .county and those problems peculiar to• the county 'system? On county council (,oderi h . representatives ,horrid work with the whole 'c•ounc•il hut keeping' Goderich in mind. C. Should Goderich representatives to county council make regular reports to their colleagues about county business? Yes, indeed. ' **Y 4. There°have been problems to the past 'two years between neighbz'rring municipalities 1n your opinion: (continued On page 4A) 2. The mayor • is the head of council. In your opinion: a. Is previous experience on BILL CLIFFORD CANDIDATE FOR DEPUTY. REEVE Firstly, I would like to com- pliment the Goderich Signa.l- Star for. their initiative in preparing , a questionnaire on current election issues. This project. -- is just another fine example of the very worthwhile community '`service they are providing. f welcome the`oppor- tunity to answer the selected questions, and to express my platform and views. 1.(a) What constitutes a con- flict of interest? I consider a conflict of in- terest would occur when any information that would come to council would he beneficial to that individual, - who, by availing himself of such infor- mation, would improve his lot, be it pecuniary. or any other, way whatsoever. (b) .Should' candidates declare a possible area of conflict .of interest during an election campaign? Why? Yes. To let the public decide if you can still act in the over- alT best interest of the Town. (c Can a man or woman function effectively ' on' a pubic "council or board with a conflict of interest? I feel it would depend on the number of interests he might he ut the Town is a multi :interest business. In most cases if full disclosure is made and . the product Or services provided is competitive, I can see no harm done. • (d) When an elected official declines to take part in a discussion or to vote a par- ticular Issue because • of a • conflict' of interest, does it weaken the public body on which that official serves?. Why? No. There are.nine members of council, and five constitute a quorum. From'time to time it is necessary for one or the °other_ member of council to be absent because of illness or business commiitments, . In both cases they are absent from discussio ands voting, yet •democrac carries on. o (e) Do you have a conflict of interest? Nn, *** 2. (a)., Is previou4 experience on , municipal .council necessary to become mayor? There are always exceptions to the rule, and while it is not necessary, it is preier°able because of the working knowledge and back -ground which can be ,obtained only through experience. (b) Should 'the people ex- pect the mayor of a municipality such as Goderich to attend meetings, publte functions and conventions on. their behalf, or should the mayor -be free to delegate alternatives from -his council, on occassion? The mayor should, wherever, possible, attehd all meetings and functions personally, but because • of overlapping schedules, together with the fact that most mayors must also held down a job in order to make a living, the mayor should. be able to appoint a delegate. (c) Would a.,fulltime mayor be desirable .in , Goderieh? Why? ' No. Not at this time, We are growing, but at the present time the workload duties, while involved in, as the running of (continued On page 4A) EILEEN J. PALMER CANDIDATE FOR DEPUTY -REEVE 1. We've heard a good deal about conflict of interest in the past two years. In your opinion: a. What constitutes a~t con-' flirt of interest? Conflict of interest - An elec- ted representative who i.s a director of or has a financial in- terest in a business or ,company having dealings with, in this case, the municipality or the county would constitute a con- flict of interest b. Should candidates declare a possible area of conflict of interest during an election campaign? Why? Yes, in order to give the voter' =an opportunity to make a fait assessment of the candidate. c. Can a man or,woman fun- ction effectively on a public council or board with a con- flict of 'Interest?, Yes, provided that the elec- ted person does not use his or her elected or -appointed position as a means to an end. ie, personal financial gain. d. When an elected official declines to take part In a discussion or to veto a par- ticular Issue of a 'conflict of in - 'Wrest, dde$ it weaken lhe public body on which that of- ficial serves? Why? Ws • because in a tie vote, that extra vote would influence (continued on page 6A) - a e the final decision. • e. Do you have a conflict of interest? No. **-* 2. The: mayoris the head of council. In your opinion: • a. Is previous experience on municipal council necessary • to. become mayor? Previous • experience on municipal council is a definite asset for a mayor - but by no means, an_ absolute necessity. b. Should the people expect' the mayor of a municipality. such as Goderich to attend all meetings, public functions and conventions on their behalf, or should the mayor be free to delegate alternatives from his council on occasion? 1, Yes, the mayor should be free to delegate councillors 'to 'at- tend functions etc. c. Would a fulltime mayor .be. desirable in Goderieh? Why? Yes - because the jol, has become an almost full• time job. d. What salary should a fulltime mayor receive? ' Comparative • to `town ad- ministrators. e..Would the election of a fulltime mayor seriously reduce the number of eligible men and women in the com- munity who could serve? (refer to your answers to the previous two questions?) No, why should it? * * * . 3. The reeve and deputy -reeve represent the municipality at the county level. In, your 'opinion: a. Are local councils well enough informed about the • happenings at county coun- cil? No, •- unless municipal coun- cillors attend county council meetings, the only information they get is ° through the newspaper reports, b. Should, Goderich representatives on 'coanty council be more parochial In their participation there, or should they strive for a wider and more general understan- ding of all Municipalities