HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-10, Page 4T
Estabiisnd in 1877
23. 3, VINTZIL
Transacts a general banein Ooziness.
Receivea the Aetiounts of Menehants and
,C) th era on f ay orable terrine
Offers every aocoratoodetion conetatent with
aft, end conservalive benkine principles,
Intereet allowed on depoeits.
Drafts issoed payable at any *offiee, o the
,efereliente Bank.
Nnees and MORTGAGES.
Now that the session i over Sir Oliver.
will allow consideration for the business
interests of the Provinces by rushing on
the elections as tpeedily as passible.
x x x
C. P. R. stock was quoted at 66
Saturday, &drop of 23 poiets in 18
months. If a peg is not put in soon the
Caned laze Pacific will be in danger of
getting dewn to the level of the Grand
x x x
That change in the limits of Kingston
•and Frontenac may be all right in it-
• self, but it was an. outrage to bring it
on at the fag end a the session after
many members had gone home.
x x x
Five nation- Germany, France,
Russia, Austria and Italy-ntaintain
standing armies which, in the aggregate,
number two and three-quarters millions
of men. This number would be increas-
ed, in the event of war, to ten and a-
iait What an awful burden
to rest epee. natisns the combined popu-
lation of which is only four times that
of the United Stetes,
During 1893 there wes produoed in
Canada eight and a half million dollara'
worth of coal, two million dollars' tvorth
of nickel, $927,000 worth of gold, $875,-
000 vrorth of copper, $834,000 fforth of
petroleutn, and 81,275,000 worth of
brick. The total :mineral ' product of
the Dominion is placed at nineteen and
et quarter millions. This is one and a
quarter millions less than in '92, but
astven and a quarter millions in excess of
x x
The announcement that smallpox is
.epidemic in New York, Chicago and
other cities of the United States, coupl-
ed with the confirmatory statement that
the Dominion Goverarnent had imposed
qnarantineregulations on the frontier,
has alresdy had a visible effect in re.
striating travel in the direction of
America. Six English tourists book-
ed in one leading dace for Canada
yia New York cancelled their passages
And the prospects are that their ex-
ample will be folloWed.
x x
It Is reported that a prominent Lib-
eral politician, who sits for an Ontario
constituency was met by a friend the
other night after the delivery of the
Budget speech. The friend said -
"Well! what do you think ' of the
tariff?" "The Tories have done us
again," was the reply. "They have
completely disproved our most damn,
ing charge against them rm., that they
were run by the manufacturers. Their
tariff is undoubtedly it farmer's tariff.'
x x x
A deputation from Northern Lumber
Towns waited an Sir 'J'ohrt Thompson
to have the export duty ottlogs restored.
So long as there watt reason to expect
the early abolition of the American tax
•on Canadian lumber, it would be ntade
vistable to place an impost on logs ex-
ported. But there is no jziunediate
prospeet of tariff reform in the States.
It seems More likely, indeed, that the
• whole Wilson Dili will be rejected.
Under these circumatances, our Parlia-
ment should at once eimpose the export
duty oa logs. In every aeiteon ahem
that tax Was taken off sereral hundred
• thousand dollars' worth of labor be-
longing to Canada has been transferred,
• to the State'. Our legislators should
see that this loss does not continue dr-
It has :been frequently shown that
the colonization road expenditare of the
IVIowse Government exhibits a wonder -
lei upward tendency in each year in
whieh a PrOvitteial election occurs,
This same peculiarity is noticeable. in
the arneeelhaneous account. In 1879,
when a general election was on, the ex.
pendant% bounded up from 470,000 to
4I24,000 ;in 1883 the earn* otnnie led
to at jump from 460,000 to $104,000 ; in
1887 (the election eree held in DOOM -
bet ref '86) there was a bound from 11186,e
000:to $149,01;a0 ; in 1890 the leap was
from 460,000 to $451,000 ; and in 180,
the anticipation Of the eerttealt of this
yeer apperently, the *dunce Wes from
$1/8,000 to 170,000. In entry year in
ithieh at general 'deafen hie oodureed
there has been a moot estottiolhing Ond
intepialioue jump in the nifeeellensoue
expenditure of the/broth**, and in one
ottitithefirotettes ninon tid to no Ion
L ii,41,14a2,6 3fr''ttatit Ora Shame
Town°, Xay 2.-4. motion by Hon
Alte Here:met itt the 'House yesterdey, that
the full seesioual iudetunity be paid to
Hum Mr, Fraser and Moser& Guthrie, G.
S. Smith aud Raysider who were absent'
•a portiere of the SesSion through illness,
was eournrred in.
The Heree then Went iuto committee of
supply on the supp'ementiny eetiintitea.
TM> items of •61,000 for expo:tine/del
work re:atieg to fruit growing, and 8150
adonal grata to the Sheep Breeders'
Asseciatiou, brought forth et nue die -
• On the item of 83, no belauce of Ac-
counts dee for World's Fair expenses, Mr.
Meredith asked. for information respecting
the :immune
• Ou the vote of 87,500, for the Western
Darry School, Hem. Alt Dryden announced
that it was contemplated to establish
school at Strathroy,
The h em. passed.
Toacerro, May 3. -Hon. Mr. Harcourt's
shorteuitig the period between nomi-
nations and elections in the dietriot of Al-
goma, east and west, Muskoka, ipissing
and Parry Sound, was read a second time
in the House yesterday.
Hon. Ale. Hardy's bill „relating to mines
and mining was referred back to Commit-
tee of the Whole House te mead. Mr,
• Hardy moved. that the first and second
Manses, abolishing royalties for a period of
five years, be streck out, and a clause sub-
stitated in. place of these providing that
ores which, are now liable to a royalty of
three per meth, should be subject to a
charge of two per cent. when taken from
lands sold between 1st May, 1801, and let
Jantutre-, 1900.
The House again went into committee
on the bill for the registration of manhood
suffrage *titers.
Hon. kr. Ross explained the nature of
further amendments that were coutem-
plated. One provided that in cities where
• the Registration Board consisted of more
than three members they should nominate
three members to constitute a court of
appeal, and where there was a board of
only three members, the whole board
should form shell a court Eridenee on an
appeal against refusal to register was to
be titkea on oath. Other amendments
covered the case of absentees throughill-
teas, and provided for the registration, in
their absence, of lumbermen, fishermen,
commercial travelers and railway men.
• Toecaveo, May 4, -Previous to •the
Legislature rising yesterday marline at 8
o'clock, after passing the whole night in
consideration of the registration bill, Mr.
Meredith mored several amendments to
the bill, which were left for the considera-
tion of the Government during, the time
occupied by recess.
The House went again into committee
on the registration bill.
•on. Mr. Hardy explained the nature of
the amendments the Government were
prepared to, make.
• Hon. Mr. Ross moved to act as sub -
.Section 2 of section 6. • that no registrar
or registrar's elerk appointed •ender the
bill. should be eligible for election to the
Legislative Assembly, when be had been
• engaged in the preparation of the lists for
such election.
Hon. Mr. Ross accepted the suggestion,
and the motion as amended passed.
Clause seventeen was amended by
providing that the ex -officio regis-
trars shall be assigued to the different
districts by the board. of registra-
tion instead of by the Governinent,
thus accepting the amendment -which had,
been stoutly contended for by Mr. Mere -
The clause providing that applicants for
registration might be photographed by or
at the request of an agent was struck out.
The bill as amended was then reported
TonoNTO, May 5. -Hon. Mr. Hareourt's
bill respecting elections in •outer districts
received its third reading in the Legisla-
ture yesterday.
The redistribution bill was agaia taken
On the third reading being moved, Mr.
Moult moved that the bill be referred. eeek '
in order to make provision for the division
of the city of Ottawa into two electoral
districts, and, striking out that portion of
the bill taking a portion of the township
of Nepean from the county of Carleton and
adding tt to the city of Ottawa.
The amendment was lost on a divisiou
of 29 to 12. The third reading then carried.
The House went into committee on the
registration bi)1, which was reported.
On motion for the third. reading, Mr.
Meredith raoved an amendment to the bill.
Mr. 'Wood (Brant) moved in amend.ment
to the amendment that the bill provided
better safeguards andraore complete facili-
ties for obtaining pure voters' lists than
prevailed tinder the old system.
After some discussion Mr. Woods'
amendment was withdrawn, and Mr.
Meredith's amendment was defeated by 29
to 13..
An amendment by Me Clarke (Toronto)
was lost on the same division, and the bill
was read a third. time.
ToTIONTO, May 7. --At the prorogation
of the Legislature on Saturday the pro-
ceedings were attended by none of the
usual pomp and display. The attendance
was large and although many ladies oc-
cupied seats on the Amor of the House, it
could not be considered a fashionable
Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick, who
appeared in his official uniform, though
not escorted by a company of infantry, as
is usually the case, arrived promptly at
three o'clock and delivered the speech
froin the throne.
The hills of the session, 106 in ell, re -
carved. the assent of the Lieutenent-Gover.
nor. with the exceptioa of the Act to
amend the Street, Railway Act, with re-
spect to which it was am:lammed;
His Honor thelteutenant-Governor doth
withhold her Majesty's assent to this bill
on adrift of his council, it being under-
stood that the Legislative Assembly also
desires such withholding of assent thereto,
by reason of the bill having been asder-
taitaed, Mee- the 'Wising thereof. to cover,
by fte teems, eases not eontemplated on
the It/lasing of the bill,
The session which 0110111664 was the
fourth and last session of the seventh per.
Bement, and was the longest in fifteen
To complete the Panama Canal.
Peates, Mel 7. ---The Mean 'says the
atinle reetored. by Dr. Comeliest Herz and
M. M. Eiffel Med Remade to the liquidator
of the Panama Cartel Company will be the
nueletas of the fresh combinetien of cepitel
to complete the demi,
Catholic Stintinier
Nate 'roam, May One -The Catholic Sum -
nor School of eertfeelest will hold wt. third
to Augtit 12; 1894.
1:V:Lf.::::111 14
The ImprlSoned Exploring. Party
leased from the Ca,Ve.
The ltesetie celebrated as a Joyous elyeat
• In Viennie-The Emperor or Austria
'elegraphs. His Congratula-
tions to tho iltlsetted
. and Rescuers.
GRATZ, May 8.-A diver yesterday sue.
eeeded in reaching the party of touriets
who have been imprisoned in the stalactite
care at Soartiloh since Saturday, April
27th, owing to the sudden • rise iue the
water Which blookaded the passage into
the cave with timber and boulders. The
diver found all seven ot the tonrists alive.
It was at first believed eight persous were
The cave explorers presented a gltitst13t
spectacles as they were brought into the
daylight, so weak from exhaustion that
they were barely alive. The church bells
of the village of the Luglocile ran out joy-
ous peals and the diver to -whose efforts
the reseue was duo was carried. on the
shoulders of the villagers. Mrs. Fashings,
due of the party, gave premature birth to
a ohild while in the °ave. Mrs. Sewer was
driven mad front despair and fright.
Stx of the seven persons who were at
the icave have so far recovered that they
are able to walk. They had a smallasupply
of bread. and cheese when they were found
andthey also had a few candles left. The
prisoners heard the attenapts to rescao
then, but the slow progress the rescuers
were making had made it seem certain
they would die before they could be reach-
ed, and their anxiety and terror were ia-
tende They were cheered by the noise of
the explosion or the dynamite blasts, but
tlae ;shocks were so violent that they were
in constant fear of being killed by falling
'VIENNA, May 8. -The resoue of the
letgloch touriste has thrown Gratz into a
ferment of exeitement. Residents unite -
;painted einbraced one another and wept
in the streets. There was hardly - less
excitement in Vienna.Everybody -wets
asking for or &lug information of the
resoue. The Emperor immediately tele-
graphed congratulations to the rescued
and rescuers. Among the latter are En-
gineer Fischer and Captain. Steindi, one of
the long distance riders in the race between.
Vienna and Berlin. Fischer was severely
benumbed by his immersion. A box of
provisions floated into the cave and
reached thelinprisoned tourists on May 2.
They ate some candles also. All are likely
to speedily recover.
An ExtPriest Causes a Sensation in a Ram.
Mon Church.
Hearamose Ont., May 8. -There was a
big iseusation during children's mass at St.
Mary's Cathedral on Sunday. • ROY. Mgr.
MoEvay extended the invitation to all who
wished to partake of commuision to come
to the front. Among others who went up
was James Corkery, who claims tobe an
ex -priest and. has been lecturing in Hamil-
ton for some time past on the false
doctrines of the Roman Catholic faith.
When Corkery was handed the consecrated
wafer by Father linEvay he struck the
• priest's avm so vigorously that the contents
of his hand was strewn about the floor.
Corkery at the same time repeated these
words: "I protest; shame upon youl
This is no more the body of Christ than
It is the man in the moon."
The communicants and other worship-
pers itt the church were so astounded at
Corkery's act that they did not recover
from the shock of surprise until two or
three of the ushers, acting on Mgr. Mc-
3/.Evay's instruction, had conducted Corkery
from the church.
A warrant wari sworn out aevainst Cork -
(try and he was arrested. -He will be
• prosecuted for offering violence to a
clergyman while in the discharge of his
duties, and is liable to imprisonment for
two years if found guilty.
General Herbert's Remarks Cause a Stir
in hillitia 'tanks.
• Monennan, May 8. -There is a good deal
of comment expressed. iti local volunteer
circles over certain remarks made by Geo-
eral Herbert on the occasion of the presea-
tation of the Sir Donald Smith cups.
General Herbert; in addition to his
former spent!, made some remarks in
French to the G5th Battalion, in the course •
of which he took occasion to praise the
pontificial zouaves. He rerninded his.
hearers not to forget that they belonged to
the same race as these brave countrymen
who beldnged to the regiment of the pon-
tifical zounecs, the Canadians of tite 19th
century, which rendered itself illustrious
in defending the eiffirch.
The general's remarks are evoking con-
siderable criticism, many eapressing the
opinion that a British officer tied no right,
speaking in a public capacity, to express
approval of the zottaveecouree,
A. Waterdown Man's Death.
liAmtoTtes, May 8. -Henry McCready,
aged about 04 years, while driving to his
home near WaterdoWn. on Saturday night
during the storm, got off the road witli his
horse and wagon, and while trying to get
on the right road again was thrown from
. his wagon and rendered niteonscious. His
home continued on its Way,. When some
young men saw it making its way to
AlcOready's house alone they stopped it
and made search for Ala.:ready; In the
meantime Mr, Williarri Wilson drove Meng
the toad in his rig and, owing to the dark -
nese, failed to see AfeCreadyieghody on the
teed and was made award ,of -his awful
predicament by the jolting 'oPhis carriage
driving over the body. McCready was
still alive, and was taken to Dr. Court-
enay's by Mr. Wilaon, but he was past
human aid and died a few hours after the
accideet. Decoesed had, been married
twice etul leaves A widow and eleven
Ship -Wrecked Crew Rescued.
MONCTON', N.11,,tray 8, -The Norwegian
bark Liberte arrived la Pott Datehetie yes-
terday, baring on beard. Captain Davies
and twenty of the stew of the British
steamer Valetta, This steamer, laden
rtitit eenel for Si. LaWreued poets, Wag four
daytikt icei and on April 18 winkled with
* mono* leeberg, /ler tide was stove itt
and she tank rapidly', leitly giving the
ore* re to htoh bents, For thirty.
eight') ours they wor itt beets, when the
eneaset*imeeitnatee bt
etouStahle Linden, Murdered Assasein
• A tteatote eitiolde But Recovers,
eremite, Out., May 4.--Couetable Wm.
Lindsey was idiot through the Midweek.'
leet eveithig by jellies Truskey. 8eine time
ago Litelsay. tarested Truskey for cruelty
• to euthenist and he wasbeavily fined. Ac-
conling to Liedeey's etatemene, a few
• days after Truskey had threatened revenge
otildne hat nettle no attempt to molest the
consteble till last evening.
' Lindsay Was 54St entering the Pizer
hotel, when Trnskey mune out and without
any warning opened fire. The tnurderer
Med. three "Mote, and then • ran. The in-
jured man, who is mortally wounded, was
carried to Dr. Abbot's offiee. He has made
it statement The murderer is still at
large and telegrams have been sent to the
border towns.. Lindsay bas it -wife and
large fetidly of mall children. Traskey
hoe it Wife and smell family also.
• Owego; Out., •May -5.-Lindsay, the
constable shot by Truskey, died yesterday
Morning, He suffered intense agony an
hour or two beforeheierith, but the closing •
momeets of his like were peaceful.
Truskey, the murderer of Constable
Lindsay:shot ihiumelf while being pur-
sued bythe officers of the law. He had
beee located in his owe woods, and stood.
behittd a brush heap aud with a revolver
itt his halide defied the officers. The
officers ordered him to throw up his hands,
but he refused. Thereupon the officers
fired several 0104 and advanced. Seeing
that he was overpowered, Truskey pointed
his revolver at his left breast mid' deed.
• Wrepson, Alay teejoseph Truski, the
murderer of Constable Lindsay at Comber,
has so fer recovered front the effects of
the bullet he fired into his own bread
when surrounded by the officers ha the
woods that he smoked several cigars and
expressed himself as feeling 'pretty good.
His rapide recovery brings with it extra
eare for the officers who are guardiug him.
'From some peculiar actiona by his wife
and a conversation overheard between her
and her haslet -tad, Constable Laport be-
came suspicions that au attempt might be
made to esoape. Yesterday Crown Attor-
ney Clarke received a telephone message
front Lauort arid bad Detective McKee go
out to look over the ground. When he
arrived he had the guard doubled and ex-
pects that Truski will soon be in a coudi-
tion to be removed to Saudwich jail. The
iequest on the shooting of Lindsay will be
resented to -day and Truski will be pre.
Inquest Meld ou the Death of Voung
DUD erm ott.
Ixemnsoexa May 7. --On Saturday even-
ing en iuquest was held cm the death of
the yonug man McDermott, killed on Fri-
day night, as .it is suplaniccl, by Harry
Aldwood. The einennstances of the
tragedy, as brought out in the evidence,
nee that a number of young raeu `of this
place, who are in the habit of indulging in
what they consider settle practical fun,
arrauge to gather together in a body at
night and pelt pedestrians 'with atones,
juot for the fun "of geeing them run." Ott
this Oeetleiell. young Aldwood, who had
been escorting a young lady home, was the
victim of their peanks.
Dnring theetnelee, by whom or from
where, it has IA been developed, McDer-
mott, who wad one of the storming party, ,
was struok ou the head, sustaining injur-
ies front whieh lie afterwards died. Ald-
wood was arrested, as the circumstance's
seemed to pohat to him as the protieble
cause of AlcDermott's death.
Front the evidence so far eliMted, it can-
-not bo ascertained just from wbat source
the blew was ri.oeived. Theinquest has
been adjourned till to-morrOvr evening.
Narrow etscape of it Visiting Party.
Ihuorrowx, Out., May 8. -Mr. William
Porkies, of Elliott & Westlancl's bank, and
Mr. Samuels, of the Ifolsons• bank, had a
close call for their lives on Saturday.
They, la company with a number of
others, went on a fishing excursion to the
Eau. Meeers. Perkins and Samuels took
a small dock boat and went out into the
channel opposite the boathoese. A strong
sea was running, but by some means or
other the boat sank aliatost at once. They
were encumbered with heavy clothing, and
being thus handicapped could do very
little to hag themselves. • They shouted
lustily for help, but their Comrades were
inside the boat house with the doors dosed
aud could not hear them. By the greatest
of good. luck Mr. Wm. Weldon, who was
half a mile distant, happened to see them
and at once put off to their assistance,
reaching them After fifteen minutes hard
rowing. Their escape was a narrow one
as they were thoroughly ehilled with the
icy water. Three or four =Metes longer
would have finished them.
Murder in a Drunken Carousal.
Alvelneeere, Mar 'I. -Patrick Foley, a
laborer, is in the pollee ceils on suspicion
of havhig killed his wife itt a drunken
carousal that heppened lete on Satarday
night. Foley and his wife lived on Dowd
street, and during the night the neighbors
were aroused by screams from the Foley
house. The house was entered and Foley
was foutul with his arms around bin wifeht
neck. Both parties had evidently been
drinking hard, and empty whiskey bottles
were found stretva around. The 'woman's
body bore marks of violence. Foley Was
arrested and is held for trial.
Missing from Montreal.
elemental:, May Vine McKay,
of her Majesty's Customs, late Member of
professional staff of Roman Catholic,
sch.00ls here, has been misting fromt his
home, No. 12 Fortier street, einde the ,21st
of April. The affair is aeonipbete mystery
and no clue whetever "has yet been dis-
covered. Bela 50 years of age, hut looks
younger. Height, 5 feet 73-- inches; vrelke
stria& and. erect; eyes blue, features re-
gular; full beerd and moustaelte of 'brown-
ish bete, slightly streaked with grey.
forination should be sent to John Mackay,
No. 72 Fortier street, Ilentreal,
Destroyed by Izightning.
NOMIPOItT, Ont., May 7.-Derinit the
heavy thundentorin which prevaileehere
on Saturday evening the dining hall owned
by J. C. Y. Cornwall was streak by light-
ning and burned to the ground, together
With the contents, which ineluded
tttro of every description, besides several
other things of much vain°. Mr, Cornwall
le at present ia Chicago and iatended oome
lug home in it short time to opete up the
park for summer business.
'lettere Jo 4oseplz lloyd
LOenteer, Ont„ May 8. -e -The friends of
joeoph Boyd, who disappeared on 'Wed.
eeetlity last, titei beginning to feel very
march alarined at 'hie prolonged abeenee,
No treces whatever elin be found of him:,
Suited:0 of a Judge.
PrAtilit011, Va., May 8. -Judge 3.letr.
Green Sluff h eotrimittecl imicidis by alroe t.
The Aecu8ed Wife Takes the Stand in'
• }ter Own Behalf.
Although. Admitting Writing to Mint on
Two Occasions -liter Story Corro-
borated by Pegg -- Walter
Evans ctives, Evidence
for the Defence.
Tonorreo, May 4. -The trial of th
Sharon,poisoning case was begun yeste
day at itb.e assizes. The indiotment con
tains two charges against the three Prison
ors, Lottie Evans, Charles Pegg and Georg
thainond, the Arst being that of attempting
to murder Walter Evans and the other of
conspiring together to administer poison.
A jury was immured without trouble, only
four being. challenged.
The first witness in the case and this
most important one was the doniestiO,
Aftergetret Reid, who took the stand in the
afternoon and told her story. Her evii.
donee was much to the same effect as that
given by her et the preliminary trial.
Totioemo, May 5. ---At the trial of the
Sharon poisoning case yesterday, De
Campbell, of Bradford, brother of the
Bradford druggist, took the stand and
testified to George Osman, purchasing
strychnine flout him. on January 4, which
he said was to poison foxes. XIs saw
08111all'S signature iv. the "poison book"
on the date of December 20, and made the
remark that he was getting enough of it.
Osman said be had broken the bottle and
lest his first purchase.
Dr. Howe testified that on jannary 2 he
was telegraphed to go to Sharon. When
he arrived be found Walter Evans in bed,
attended by his wife; John Kavanagh,
John Westley and Maggie Reid, He was
sefferiug from spasms. His arms and legs
were twitching; his jaws were set tight
and bad to be pried.open, The dootor
prescribed opium to -out him asleep and.
when he visited his patient next day he
found him better, but somewhat stupified.
He was certain there were symptoms of
strychnine, but admitted on cross.examin-
ation that decayed vegetable matter would.
produce the same symptoms. Mrs. Evaus,.
he said, was very attentive to her husband
Mating his illness.
Several other witnesses testified, their
evidence tending .to proye that improper
relations existed. between Mrs. Evans and
At this stage iu the proceedings the
court was obliged to suspend business, one
of the jurors, Me ehapmau, taking sick'
During the present inneth we
in prints, at prices low and colors
will offer you the greateet bargains!
that are fast, • Hundreds of yards
have passed over our counters of
late, we mean to keep them
ing. Prints at 0 cents up to L121'
e cents, warranted colors.
Call and see our Flannelettes at
O 7 cents per yard.
A. full stock of Bleached Cottons,
Gray Cottons, 4 5in Pillow Cotton,
86 and 80in Sheeting, Ticings
from to 30 cents •per yard,
Floor Oil Cloths and Teble OR
fnloths have dropped in price late-
ly, don't forget ft.
We are not announcing goods
and when you come land ask* for
them, say ! •Oh, they are • all
gone. Eggs foe, Butter -16c, ,
Axeter, May12, 1894.
Peel whet; t ver bush.. e 52 I 51i
Spring wheat por bush .... „55 58 .
Barley per bush• 85 35
Oat s per bush i 30 31
Peas per bush ... . 50 51
Flour perbbl 4 00 4 20
Apples per bag 75 35
Potateet per bag 40 40
Hay . .r ton 500 701)
Wooe per cord hard 350
le ood per cord sort 200 925
Butter per lb... - . 17 17
Elm per dose:). 11 li
Turkeys per lb .. 9 0
Pork per hundred. ..... 600 625
Hogs, live weight... ...... 4 50 4 50
Geese-. ..... : . 5 6
Ducks 6 7
Chieltft 5 5
Wheat,wbite, fall, 100.11b7.4..o..n.. $219657 2t 1.00094:
Wheat, red., fan. per 100 I be... ... ea to 95
N'Theat. spring, peni.001bv......- 03 to QS
oats. per lbs .
orn, per 100 lbs .................. erg
Beets, per bus.... ... , .. 1 co to 1 10
stt000 1 9,0500
Peet, Per 1043 lbs.........
Barley. per 10t b5 to 90
lie received medical attention, but was not Rye. per 100 lbs
-well enough to continue in attendance, and Buokwheat.per 10) . 993 to 1 098
the 00'Ort ACIjourned. egge,rfrroesohe; bnastekelet,dpeerz..6.t../.. 16 to 16
TonONTO, May 7.--Emannel Chapman, Eggs, 12 to 14
the juror in the Sharon ease whose illness
on Friday night compelled the sudden ces-
sation of court proceedings, recovered snf-
ficiently on Saturday to attend mid the
case peoceeded. There was a marked dif-
ference it, the demeanor of the three pri-
soners standing their -trial on a terrible
charge. On the whole Osman aud Pegg
preserved their hitherto calm exterior, but
Mrs. Evans, the wife of hh who it is charged
was her intended victim, was unusually
pale and haggard, ;Mowing beyond doahlt.
that the effeets of the trial ere beginning
to tell on her.
A. number of witnesses were sworn their
evidence telling strongly against the prise
soymptoms he thought the illness might be e rs.Fi.
Dr. erheller of Markham said. he had
been in practice for ten years. From the
caused either by tetanus expostere and de-
bauch or to it certain extent by strychnine
poisoning. He cited a case of infiam-
motory rheumatism, the symptoms of
Which corresponded with those of Walter
Evans. He thought that the cases were
similar and wouldeascribe Evans' illness to
the same cause. Li cross-examination the
doctor did. not change his opinion.
• Dr. Robinson, of Markham, thought that
from the symptoms desoribed by Dr. Howe
that Evans sawed from lockjaw. Had it
been a ease of poison by strychnine Evans
would not have been alive by the time Dr:
ROWS arrived.
W. H. Kavanagh said that the night
Leppar claimed to have seen the two to-
gether in an outhouse it wrts so dark that
he could not tell his friends at a distance
of nine or tea feet.
Tower°, May 8. -At the trial of the
Sharon trio • yesterday Walter Evans, ths.
alleged intended victim ot t prisoners,
took the staedt His evidence mainly
established the fact that he was a hard.
drinker. The most important part of his
evidence was the contradiction of 'Maggie
Reid's statement that she was present at
the house on the day after Christmas
Er. Cameron, of Toronto, said that he
had reed Dr. Howe's evidence. He con-
cluded froth the symptoms shown by
Evans there was no conclusive evidence of
Oysters would become pink after decom-
position, he thought, hat he could not see
how stryohnine 'would have this effect,
The taste of strychnine could not be hid-
den; 11 10 rnimistak.ably bitter, and causes
a burning aensation in the throat
. et the evening SeSSIOn of the wart, Mrs.
Evans, the aceused woman, took the
stand. • Shadenied havinracknowleclged
to Maggie Reed that she had been lodked
up in a room with Pegg, and also denied
ever having been solocked up. ' Witness
aiiikher husband was in the .habit of
cuotioiungtoa pgeogood colleeoreefiaarisota iwnhtfeol;
he mid. one .Joht Morrie crone into the
hotel for a drink. They had not a Retinae
thine and she refused to give them a drink,
Morris then iutroduced Pegg as being "all
right" and would not tell. She denied having
tient Osman to Bradford for oysters, or
having Serit him or anyone else there on
any nutmeg° She then prodeeded to re-
late her etory of tile oysters.
• After Mrs. , Evans had comaluded her
'lengthy evidence, Charles Pegg, one of the
prisofters, wag called, His istery coincided
with that told by Alm. Event in the Main
Dastardly Work of Elrebttge.
Itsentnent, May 5. -Yesterday the barn
and contents on the farin of Soloaten
Gage, about three irdles east of the city,
Were totally destroyed by Are. Five
horses, agricultural implements, [mein,
hay and fowl were destroyed. The lose
will exceed $2,500, and titer° is no fuser -
mice. The fire was undoubtedly the work
of firebngs, arid the rig whieh they drove
was tuned to the city Ilinito where the
elate was lost.
The OlOttoestilit
Si, SOW, Mt., May 7, -The eleet'on
in Gloucester count, y for the florist) tot
oe itA t ok iniee n Seturde I
gee fresb, store lots, per dos a to io
Butter, singlerolls, per lb ... . to 253
Butt or, perlb,1 lb rolls,baskete 2t4 to 20
Butter,per lb. large toile or
orooks 17 to eg
Butter,perlb, tub or firkine 18 to 18
Lard, Per lb, 12
Chickens, per pair.. .......... 1410 ttoo 70
Ducke•-• . .. .......... 70 to 80
Turkeys, lito 90 nor eaeh 60 to 1 75
Toronto, -May 9 1894
Wheat, wpahribte,usp,er.teel.s. .. ... . 42,6, to
WWhheeaatt:greoodswo,iptieterrb,upser bus 57 to 57
Wheat, Sprplir, per nue .. , . .• ••• to, to 60
e .
3tier bus ee to 66
BRO eaaa ntry61°,
52 to 32
. . . 53 to 53
•800 to 900
Eggs per dozen . 00 to 25
Butter, per lb •11 to 22
Drested hogs.- ... ...... . 6 30 to 6 50
Potatoes, per bag. ... : ... 50 to 00
For stomach troubles use .A... D. O.
It is snowing heed in Scotland. and
seine parts of England, and the cold is
Ehe Red River is rising rapidly at Ful-
ton. Ark,, and threatens to flood the entire
K. D,C' is a flesh producer,
Five Kingston clruggieta were fined $20
for selling licitior 'during prohibited honrs
without demanding a dodoes certificate.
R. G. Dun it Co. report 35 business
failnres in Canada the past week, as corm
pired o
d a with.27 in the corresponding week a
The Orangeville Advertiser says that
Mr. Elgin Myers, Q C., has been invited
to run as a politioal unioniat candidate for
the Legislature ha NorthkOxford.
If you once try Carter'a Little Liver
Pills for sick headache, bilionsuese or con.
stipation, you would never be without
them They are purely vegetable; small
and easy to take. Don't forget this.
Griffith, of London, Eng., who is making
a tear of the world, in an endeavor to beat
NellveBly's record, mooed through Winni-
peg, one day ahead of his scheduled thee.
Have you nervousness Use K. D. C.
While driving a lend roller Friday
afternoon, David Armstrong. aged, 18, son
cf ,&dam Armstrong, North Alasthope, was
thrown off end instantly killed, his neok
b, ing broken by the fall.
Lindsay, the constable shot by the than
Truskey at Comber Thuteday night, died
of his injuries Sunday. Truskey was
puraued by efficient, end, rather than be
captured alive, put a Millet in his owe
breaat. It is believed Truskey will die.
A child was cured of croup by a dome or
two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A neigh-
borie child died of the same dread discoed
while the father was getting ready to call
the doctor. This "hews the necessity of
having &sorer Cherry Pectoral alweys
, at band.
Wm. Taylor, a young man who pumPod
the organ at the Norfolk Street 'Methodist
church, ailelph, in amending the emelt
itairlvalt Saturday afternoon, stumbled ant
fell over a railing to the fleet below, a dis-
tance 01 10 feet, receiving such injaribe to
his head that he Mel early Saterdey worn -
iflottlreal, Sept, 4111,
TO Tag IPUBLIC::-In nal PrAellset
end itthe capacity of Veterinary Editor
of tit Hetald and Vireekly Star, I
have ad 000asian to test the merits of
Diait's Horse and Cattle Modioinee. I
have found them so thoroughly reliable
inat 1 havo progeribed them in llundreds
Of eaters, in all of whieh they have proved
eetistaetory. is. W, GRAPIAM,
Look at the date on your lebel, thin
week, and see that your name is mark-
ed well in adtanee.
l• co paper is distintaftitia Unfit ell
arreart are fully paid, Itiltipt at ills OptiOft
of Me publisher,
The ditto when the eubitorifition tirtplree
le On the taiddreee labelet each peer, the
ehangat of *Melt ten 44644004V 410,44
40441 a reeilipt for reanitialan litatseelhets
* Tease *iambi* *hie before sant
The Prov'iooial. Platforrao,
Abolition of Government Howse ;
Reduetiot in therinembership of the
supplier; for public institutions te
be bought by tender;
Substitution of salaries for fees irt
payment of Provincial ofineials ;
No grade to n,rzy hospital or cherity
that is not eerier pablic control ;
The ballot for Separate &hook frt
the meantime with abolition al the
ultimate goal;
Abolitien of all exemptions except
such as are allowed on cemeteries and
public property;
Abolition of tbale ello vanees for of-
ficers in contrel cif Pcovinctel inetitu-
tione and payment of straight salary
This is the policy to which everyin,,
candidate for the Legislative Assembsy
should be plelged by the people.
AN1YER;011--In Stephen on this etit inst„ this
vele of Wilson Anderson, of a drughtete.
BOYGS-Ta. Contralto., on the 8th 'inst., th
wife of Thos. Boyle of deughtor,
AIST Ste.phen on the 911 inst., the vrife
of Joseph Must of a daughter.
EntINOTnle-mo0Re3-At the residence or
the bride's earents. Member& on the 2eth
ult, by 11.07..r. er.. Kerr, Ar. rt. ttUi5bo, to -
Minnie, daughter of Mr. S. )Coore.
TH011,NE-SIIITIP-At the residence of tho
bride's father, Whorl Creek Farm. Pallerteo,
by the Rey. A. D. DowcIneir, on Wednesda'
evening, May 2nd, Charles H. Thera°. Boot
& Shoe merchant, Mitahell. to Miss Sarah,
second daughter of W. S. Smith, Este, or
sport -sun -In Clinton, on. tha 3r1 lurk -
Charles Spooner, aged 71 soars.
..TOWILI3TOW-7n1fl'oderich township, on On
24112 hist., John Iolinston, aged 75 years, ee
months, and 17 days.
CINERON-en Fullerton, on Aorit Title Ida,
Gertruie, daughter of Seim Cameral". Lireill
years, 3 monthe and 10 days.
POUERCY-InFuller ton , on Aor1125th, Ilerotte
Gordon, son of Rich. Pomeroy, aired 2 Years
and 7 months.
Thirty-fiVe acres pasture.
R. 01DLOY, %titer.
oF virE &Km rel SAL V. WORKS C10„
Pleage take notice that the mannal meeting'
the Co., will be held Montley. 'Tana ttla s -t2
o'elook p, m. BY order of the Board.,
T. 13.0 Lrling, Seey.-Treav.
Arare ohence to procure a fi.ne buitilielai or
Park Lot,Cheap. On Tuesday end WednesdaY
May 15 and 16. Win. Bowdon will oe wi ill a sur-
veyor on the 59 aores itt Hobsr, he reoentIy
purchased from Mrs. Samwell, hiving the
same out in Town r.,r Park Teitsloreparetory to
an auction sale of same. Partial' wishing 1/0
purehase lots eau have seine seemed to sal t
on those deem be, applying on theland. The '
land will be sold i n. quarter acre, half aor or
larger lotS'of &or MO 10 suit. Now is the
Portunity to procure a fine building site
house or a pastime lot. Terms short or ton to
stilt or by monthly payments, isfo money re -1
glared down. The land is A. 1 with a big oroli
tn, and contains good building Fetes in ever'
partdoins the best part of the town and would.
have been built on long ago had it boon in
the market. Vine narter mire building Jot
for 640 oactt and towards aims -riling to
fl' • LD, It?. SS PIINAT.,I,P'r
Anaesthetics for pn.inlass ox -
treating. 2nd door north of
leXPRe ()TING and
PLATS WORE:. (las nod LOoal
s L.D- Honor Greinate of the To-
ronto University and anyal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario. Salmis:act, Planless
extraotion and orietervation of the UstUrat
teeth. Offiee over thq reeitIffiee of Elliot &
Elliot, °Waite Central Hotel, Eeetor, Ont.
Will be at Grab's hotel Zurick
le on the ;mond Thursday of each
month and at ifoileteas hotel
liens/di every Monday.'
A Thoro'bred.Durha.m Bath and (1hel tor -
White Boar, (ono cross With Yorkshire) on lot •
15, con. 7.tfaborne, •Splendid stook; Service
51 59 for bull; el aCefor boar.
2m . WM. SNZLL. Elimvilie.
TO LET. . 0
Tim brick store, and dwelling attached, 8tt-
anted on Main ste Miceter, end lately mounted
by Mr. IL Ricks, Jevveller. Apply to
Froms, pen of thoroughbred Bleak Uttiorerts.
This pen ts headed by one of the highest soar-
ing birds in Canade. These birds were exhtb-
itol at the ceding dairs et Huron last folI
carrying off 1st and 2ad Exeter, 1st ant hr
Clinton. and all the OriZeS rt" fo
Minoreas at the Seeforth feiro
Eggs 51.00 per 13.
Satisfaction Kaaren toed. 'Write me for full
information. J. IL REID,
k..3For Sole., A good stone stable and 1 sere .
of land in conneetion. This without doubt is
the best stand north of London. Alpines a
good lounneeeedone. Also 100 acres ot land ad -
Seining villageof Eirkton. One of the best
farm iwthe :County, well fenced anti good
buildings, 93 amen &eared, remaining I new
b ,woodmild all stewing tutnbee.
Both thosepropertiet utast be sold next 30
D. W. ntitteAna,
days A Snap. Apely to
La the matter of the Estate of the late
Ralph Killpabriek, late of the Town-
ship of Stephen, id the County of
Huron, Woollen Manufactorer
re pursuant% of Yee. eft,°heft. 110, Devised
Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby Won
that an oredi toes and others. having Whiter
ajfaitlet the Estate of nalph Eilipatriek, late of
tho Township of Stephen, in the County of
Huron ;woollen Vanufeeter, who died on or
ebout 22nd dolt:4.1mi, A. 1392, aro recta ired
to sond by nosh peepald, or deliver to
Maty Killpietriek, the undersigned Ade
ministrstent of the said estate, 011 Or
before the 20th day of Alai, 1304, a statement
of thole newts, addrasses and full pitrlietteare
of theft ale! me.end moisture of thelesbouritide
(if any) held by them 3 thet eller the bed dittliw
eodni,i :es LIxtbhf:reetteo:teigentdrd, fuetttniYiptierittrfilex
elaims of Whiehltlitleo shin have been retell/re
obeli not be liebie tor the tweeter 0*00, part
thereof to SUY person of venue ahem netiee
skelloot hive, been reeolved At the lime of
ettett deitglbation.
Eriarr filLLPATAIOlf,