HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-10, Page 2Beet. Mdiele.p. • J... iS0Sr, ,Centpet9r, ,an4 „Z0141-er, S,171.1P4F', 8p0pgq,, ,weixa4 • ..P11,'Ug; V0440 j 44470r,?lit gills ate.,,the hest mos:Ririe X alter tried; toad, in, .3say ,jutignaieqt, un 'better general reinedY sotildhe beve used them In 141anitti and ' teeoniraelided them. to /?..iy frimitii, and iitiployets for nabre then twelitir .Te tiertain knowledgmautt ease? "af. the following oeinplainte haite been • pompletely and • Perrnalleritirelsired „ lby the use otAyer's Pithis alone : Thir• d da,y durab' ague; 'biliouti fever, eiek headache,' Theiticiatitpri; fitix,•dyg, pepsia, constipation, and, bird cOld:s. know that a moderate use of Ayer's; continued laza fentletais •weeks as the nature of the comptaint required, • would, be found an obsolete cure fertile, disorders I have named abeve.": . "1 liave been selling medieine fO* eight years, and I can safely say that ' •Ayees Pills give better , satisfaction ' than any other Pill ever sold." -.4. Perry, Spottsylvania C. IL, Vt. - - . , AYER'S PHLS ." Prepared byDr, J..07 Ayer & oo., Lowell, Mass: Every Date Effective THEEXETER S, .1apnblis1ed everyThuraday mosnus, :TIMES STEAM PRINTINo HOUSE bf sin-etreetmearly opposite Pitton's jewelary •litore,Ezeter,Ont.ibygobo. White& Sona,Pro. vrietors. RATE OP AnyzaTtsprei First.= . , .. ...... 1(1 cents, Vs& subsequeatilasortion ,per''llue Scents, To insure ineettion, advertisements should •lee sentlia no tiater than, Arednesoay morning • ourzOlt PRINTING •DDPARTMENT is one ioitile largest and bestequipped the County oflEfuron,All work entrusted to as willreueiva 13 or aroma tattention: • Deesions - litegarding. New'S- papers, alsttypersonwho takes a paperreg,ularlyfrom thepost-office, whether direoted an his name or another's,_or whether he has subsoribed or nos asresponsible for paYmerta •peraon- ordere his Miner discontinued • he roust pay all arrears.or the publisher may ontinue to send it until the payment is made, • rtd then collect the whole amount, whether • e, paper is-takeOfrom the office or net. , •'3 In suits for subscriPtions, the suit maybe ostittited the Wade white the paper is pub ished, although the sub:Scriber away reside ' ;hundreds of miles away. - 4 The courts have decided. that refusing to aknewspapers orperiodicats from the post. Elie, or removing and leaving them uncalled zepriina facie evidetace of intentional fraud lQk the WOrrnS 2T1TIci front Children, or adult' Ose GERMAN WORE,. LOZENGES. Alway. onipt, tenable, safe and. Iplcasatn, requiring ,nc atter merlIchie. Never failing. Lcnve no bad afte: effects. F. A NyExtai ER -"'"'a TIMES: hiS wonderfni istire rre'st•'-'iL66v n remedy fc& , Iliousness and all Stomach and Liver Tx% ubles, surf: as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,. Impure filood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasorP . land harmless, and thongli powerful to promote healthy action, ofthe bowels, do not weaken like pint., if your tongue Is coated you need them. 1ST9RIE,g:"' • VW °F. Eas1 yl Qqlekly, Pennon:111%f Restored. LOU se, al . W*ii314'4 PITtiqe ..,' Di tilt), LqQaI P. 0, QtLX I. Roes rneved the third reading of his hill respeoting Upper Canada college. Tke hill passed its third reading.,....s -ass PAU,0 0LI0IT0I4O, The AttorneY-Oerieral1Ureepeeting the call of eolioators to the Bar passed its third reading. wAras QP P.,XEOCTION; », Me. Garrey./ moved the third:. aee, g Of MS bill:reSpe9ting wri4 "of ex'ecutr wax it)Calttr'rloNi• The Souse went iota coinuatett On ldes O'Connor'e bill regarding exemption' front s,xation of plant of electricslight, telephene lid gas companies. • .' Mr. Meredith, opposed the bill, , Ile did ot gee wby the companies should be) topted. He thought the bill sheuld, c9n4i. am a provisien giving inunicipalitiespowea. o deal with the matter, " Sir Oliver Itlowat said he .cenfessedtb ot liking the bill. It Was OeLltrety to the resent trend, of the publics otsittion. Tho rinciple of the billwas a wrong erica Tie alyaed the . vartous previsione , of ,thee easure as it, would effect ,cempanies in rions circumstances. , M. Meredith mond that thelaill, be, not ad a third.time,to.morrow, bat be given x months' heist. .A d1vi8ion wee taken, which rest1ted in e motion of Mr. Meredith being lest an a te of 46 to 33. ' ti Co Re an to At dn sp mo Ge • SECOND READINGS. The following bills were read a SeCOOd Me Respecting benefit societies-Mr.'Gibsbn, amilton). Respecting High Court sittings in ' the unty of York -The Attorney-Generalt Respecting cornpanies lieensed urldbr the vised Statutes authorizing corporations, d institutions incorporated out of Ontario lend and invest moneys therein -The torney-Gmeral. • ; To correet a clerical error in the sche- le to the Act, 56 Victoria, chapters5, re- ecting sheriffs -The Attorney-Genera4 To make further provision respecting rtgages of real estate -The Attorney - neral. • GAMS iltOhmartOrt. The House went into °Manatee, on Mr. Gibson' s bill to amend the Ontario qame Proteetion Act. Clause 3, which had pro.' vided for permission to sportsmen to take two deer out of the province, Was with- drawn. Some time was spent in discussing the various clauses of the bill. ; The bill was reported with amendments. ME. CONMEE'S BILL REPORTED, Mr. Balfour submitted the report Of the Weep committee on Mr. Conmee's bill res- pecting the ballot in SeparateSchools.- The only amendments made to thebill were tvvo One NM to the effect that the elections, in stead •of being held by the clerk cf the mupicipality will beheld by officers appoint ed by the board, and returns matle,te„the secretary -treasurer. The other was to pro- vide that instead of the provisions of the, Municipal Act, regarding elections being taken mutatis mutandis they would be in- porated in the The Assessment • Amendment •Act was Oor On motion , to go into Committee :of referred back to committee. Some unim- Supply, • •• portant changes were made, , and the bill Mr, White played an Etmencfment, gra_ repassed and read a aaitid time. ing out, all the words after the word CONCERNING DITIltIES. •7 I and substituting therefor "it is• ntial to a non-partisan management' of• The Ditches itnd 'Watercourses Act ease awn ensued as to the amount of land on • either side of the ditch which should be held liable to assessment for the cost of • construction. •The bill was ultimately rep,orted without amendment, and read a third time. TRE DEA/NAGE. Laws. • The Aot to consolidate an.c1 amend the drainage laws was referred back to com- inittee, and reported after some discussion with some slight amendments. TEM TEES Or OTNICTALS., • the aeseunt ef $300 per annuln ih S Of elter 100,000 populatton eauld cowe Offeet,it ittllet be prenontseed upset by 4 VtitesOf the electors at the neXt election after the adoption of the by.law. „The amendment Was Carrlea, ,M3SDS$SiDST AO% AlSeeesukeut Amendnient Act wee onsidered And reportett; s tam; ma'slAt),• •The S..hIP canal 4.11t1.20Weti Arluetinet bill wee referred baplc to Committee of,the Whole, 4 M. Fraser movea aMendment pre - rotating the exercise pf appreRrictien, powers in cities, tevens, and Villages with-. out their Conserit; for the 'purpote of the ewer aquednot, with, power of appeal against a refueal to the 14ieutenatit•Gover- in°r-tn*CP,nuoils ssi • The'antelidlnent%WikS rrie, 4 ' The'bill as reported' with- aniendinente• CqN1i1DE'3,431a., ,ThesHouee went,hato ,eominittee OrnMr. Onm,ee's WU, t,o; amend the 8epayae Sel}ap,la ot, Whieittyreported with, untniticirtan Ittemilisents. Visa etas axxstrautas.mr.4), MI e 4341fourW amendment wae .ge 'sofas to careetit.froin its opethition •cornpan- tiet 'shaving seontraots with munioipalities, during the iexistence, of any Stith con trade 44 May be running + at present.i. 1 . After a. short discussion a division Wfut taken, and the ameadment was carried en a vote ot 34 t6 32," ' it T.FILRD ItEADINO. Mr.' 00313334's, hill to amend the Se,parate Sohools Act was reacl a,. third time, ,and RaellY Passed, Air. Toika bill tO ,stalead' the Ontario.Election A.ct was' alto rea& a third time. ' tioins mots. ' , • Mr. Efartly'moved that the Hokum go into ecomittee on hie resolutton for a yote sof •$12,5,00 0 foe the purpose, Of bemusing the produotion of pig iron, in the next 'five Mr Ilarcly amended his resolution's° is t� prevent any money' being paid Out in !connection' with the vote 'anti' the regula- tions •governing its' expenditure should have bees:I-approved of by the House. Mr. Meredith suggested that ' Eshould more than 25,000 stone -be -smelted in any one year it, would be awkward, as the bon. us fixed was $1 a ton, and the limit to be paid out in any one year was $25,000. That • possibility should be provided against.• • • The resolution was amended so as to proaside that in such a ease the division "of the b,onus should, be pto rata. TheAesolh. thin was then passed, and will be incorPor- atedin the Mining Act." , MUNICIPAL AMENDMENTS. , , Mr. Hardy moved the House into,Corn- aittee of the Whole on the, Municipal, Amendment Act for the purpose ot amend- ment. • , - • Mr. Clarice (Toronto) 'moved that ° the Clause providing for the payment of alder- men to the amounts of $300 to 'aIdertnen generally and $400 to chairman of cornmit. tees be altered by striking out the provi- sion calling for a vote on the matter before a stem of payment could come into effect. • ',The motion was 'passea and the hill rtiported. • ASSESSMENT AMENACENTS. the educational affairs of the province that 'referred' back to committee, and a dis the department should not be under th ' control of a political head, and that the office of Minister of Education should be abolished." , - On a division being 'taken Mr. White's amenclinent was defeated by a vote' of 46;to 27. onowst LAND ESTIMATES. The House then went into Committee'of Supply, and took up an item of $104,370 for colonization roads. After some discussion, the item was pass- , , . 'Mr. Ross,nsaved, the third reading of his An item of $18,500 for refunds and, per. bill tO amend the Act respecting the fees of centages to munioipalitiee was also passed: 'certain Publiecifficere.' - . Estimates on holmitals and Charities to ' Mr. Wood Hasting)metted in amendmeht , the amount of $175,159.07 were then trken that the bill e referred back to committee . n ' • • • for the insertion of ' an amendment to provide for the Tayment of all surpuls fees to the municipalities, for their own OSO, Mr. GibsonlHatailton) moved he third instead of any being paid to the province.' reading of the bill for the prompt punish- A.division was taken, and the amend- ment of persons guilty of personation at ment was, lost, on a vote of 31 to 20. elections for the Legislative Auer:ably. 'Mr. Whitney then meted that ' bill he Mr. Meredith moved that the bill go referred back for the ingertMn' of tin arnend- back to Committee of the House, with in. meat to proVide for the fixing ef 'anntri- structions to strike out sections ten and mum, above which all incomes earned' by eleven, providing that County Crown. Alt_ any of the officials affected should be Paid torneys keep on hand a supply of printed over by them for public use. , forms stlitahle for the carrying out 'of the . A division Was taken and theamendmeat vote of 34 to '23. provisions of the Act, and that the County, lost cul a • Attorney be allowed $4 for each retuimirw • Mr. Meredith then inatle a :final effort by officer supplied with such forms, because in moving that the bill be rferred back for the the opinion of the House, such provisioas insertion of provisions for the, auditiog of would involve an unnecessary expenditure. theaccounts of the officials arid the sagaia. The amendment was lost on d1vidion,5the PIO of their office expense. , , , • vote standing -yeas, 28 ; nays, 48. .A divison was ts:ken, teinitting in the de. DITISION 001711TS ACT , r 1 feat of the ainendment on a vote of 36 to Gibson moved the third readtng i:'f' .'' The bill'Passed its third' rea.diug. 1 to amend the DiVisioia Courts Act. ; 'The Plouie went into' corinnitthe one White moved that the bill be referaed, r' esolutionhy Mr. • Harcourt involving'd mmittee of the Rouge with inst ' s case shall the judge to amend the same to the effeet.that' tube granted, sbeiag as •follotva• i ,To the to certaurradways, the, amontitli propobed rcise greatei power In regard to hay° any P"'' 1-- drondale,,Bancroft, and , Ottawa 4lailway ment than in sithilai' ca4es is eraris4d ,theNerthern and. P,a, ,Companyi tor 15 mileea$3,000permiiles to gher coast, and that the bill do not go' rde limit 3895; F , OainpanY.fer 1 1-2 lOiless..$7,,500; eine slunction.Ratoilwth a e. Y ; 'Ottawa; Arntioi and Parry Sou d R '1 n. amethlthe'6' 'N'ae "dlited, !' ,- 4. ' way Company, for So mileei$3,,000 Per mile l• , to theOntario and Rainy, River 1:tailiktt . .romoa IVIAGISTAATgS: _ .... , 1, roornpaily, fefr, ;45 inixes, ,..8.603, ,pir White:moved that his bill reateatt- • 'The resolattoes were carried; 'find 'a' bill lice fnagiatratea be retetred.'hae, to' fotinded eponthent ,ro•read te,fitst fink, t ttee of, the Rollie, as lie- wishe'cl to: I . ':'' •--, L--1 ..., r ; a Clause to "tbefeffe8t that ialti`riell• A u°X,.17ull'tRoBol:E tlAr7e7ciiii#1,7;f: p: 00 )! of magistratea be not allowed to vot a y,44'13.1,11iiista of a ,.. i b thst worile debarred from carr I esV 9' amendment was lost on division, t , i, iste.P.Merecleith• cv a t 'at' the eetiinates' P"i" al Pta4tice. 'Of' the boi3aftinenr If Pi,oVincial -License Was Tbe item was carried. 4 invarox. Mr. his bil Mr. to Co tions in no to exe prisop in a hi trilitoh' leo divisio Mr. ing pp Conitni pi Os1 ei Cfet and tile on prof ' ,The, iretiiIiing 25 for and 47 against. ItISPA6'tct be l'efarrOd'Uot. '63 ,''cojnitritittee ,s: 4. :,, , 17- .. Tamp Bifipuros., -. 1 "^ aild'llatthe' Hein ef $1,750lfor shltiry ot t‘: 1, 4 , -ViOVigitiltd License 1nsptiottWb6 iitetteligent The, foirdwit4 bills" were read li 'Ind, s a tkedivisiott was takeinlancls the .attieri s .. . ... ToItieiliiatetbe local adminlstration 1,11.44wigamtli.w4 on. krote of 43, to 241,; :. General. (Carried.) tuet'iee' in eertain cages -The Attorney '1,She Llpry of Inspector Nexon . be , struck bite moVed that the, intimate' 'for out of the esturiattaa : ,r . , ; . ‘i ... i . . ^ i 1 , 1 Thir.Waa 101A: on diVision; son, the s' same cite. '1,., s =.,s, -, : , s, ''1; .a' Ts , aV,onli moved, to re,duep.the, ,agriehll tnr ' estitnatoe' by $2,00sbetrigsthe rtAlarY Of the Clerk ofs:Festestry, an offiee nol vitotint. ' : • , ' `14TVOMA'itiii wiy16,,aiiiiiilli'll'f. 4"41,4`1 1 4, ' Civity hOe'd ''t 'xioolp44ovi ,00n: g110913,"If '61.rft4Y1$1.4i4 A 1'4°0°13' Cs°i ift k,61116ea; 'eta ail,` ill , 'yawn 'of",'Eip It..fre ttt TPYPc, olr, , ' tii ??nrnn tf, estisataayate 1,, so, otesa.1 14E1 t WI tor .64 thg4ame siviNtwii,,1 4 np hzeentiiii it44' ,a lig A3' iiit VI d6AV46iitil Oittotit' a eiii44 he To s,raen4 the Stteet Reilwatt Mt --Mr , Balfour. (Carried.) To amend the .Iudica tare ikot..-1/11 Atigia "Married.) ll VetestittlesS) NOtott011Sp14nSit, rtolaUfty;, ut .01, p _dell thettztia, Oil4iiIttg0,0 etaiVisitt -04, tiftlfil;n1 ItIter excdstet, the results of overtvor4auft.r. I tess, worry, etc. Full strength,devel til,,:is. !Jir, L. end tone given to eveq. organ and ii ok lob of ,1 la sil "I v•i' llttlY0 Oithrite,1041011sittstiagdw. ItinnescE., Ztiall „Alf /13ViEl* 17:1A,,,,was ,,r.,epo„rte irwiittt - Ouse again 'w4ent into Cie), ron*te OfiSithell 'OteAratO,Y6111iiiiiii tee ApeptAclitltpp.ti dep., which 1,o 64'ildtg,oe,1„,113-04gekit-9, tAie rennicip ,..:00,3133c1Y0hOtt *4, 4. '4444'i*Pweibli‘7 41'1'1410'r .419JUU rer°'33.31Ce 1131,3)4,4.1Pit1430.14*ggidli'l,tiSaiiral 104 i;41'4V3:tiNP.41,;,,rt,.4 Muni°41itt ee's• '‘re'ditlit'kiiki4ei'll an ttinentimexit 6 6606h 'that before tioa lig for the payment of aldermen • t`,:*.trI,11:1 4:4 NIA:44040 proofs inatiled..(sla 4)eft69Nol :1.'!tr,ar) 11 Bind fault with, the coolt if pasyy doesnot e?ractly Suit you. Nor 'with your wife either --perhaps she is not to It rnay ,be the/ lard she is f9r,. oh,0tqui=w• is indigestibig ypu BP,t; if,you',Ivotrld al.Whye haye •etllecsi pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di- • gestible, order the new short- Plt,'" for your .1 I' • ,Sold irt 3 •mid 5 pound path, by all grocers... ' • Made only by THE N. R. P,AIRBANK •. , COMPANY, Wellington ,and Ann • Sts., Montreal', 1 authority of Mr. Speaker,' ancl for appoitttj ing many unneceseary writes. • Lost on the same division. ' 1 Mr's Whitney 'Moved it reselution con- demning the amounts- of the commatatibir a allowances to jedges and local masters as excessive. . Lost on tho same division. , 7 Ori the item Of. 6,807:.50 'to the Ontario SOhool of Pedagogy the ayes and, nays were called for by :gr. Meredith, reaulting in a I vote. of 44 to 24 in favor of the item. •ltdrr. alarter moved an amendment to the: estimates frotn.the loronto Insane asylum, condemningthe system of giving table al- lowances to.officials, ateleading to a great deal of extravagance-• ; • The amendment waslost on division on a vete of 42 to 28. • • Mr.'•lierns moved a resolution condemn. ing, as excessive, the staff of employee in public institutions, especially in tne Stores Departnient. • ' ' Lost on a division on a vote ,of 44 to 00 BELT OANADIA INTRESTINO ITEMS AB • °VTR COVNTRY. qa.fik ve:a.Aiefaozioiritk,e;4t0:47 iernotik)ittv,.irem the Tramps overrun Vietorie, %assess:az:a $425. BraMpten %as lowered stslatieS bY ollingwood will probably heves% new elletille has Au influx of hop poles, vutwild iaa,t,,W4q rell pently aot near B • Gore Bay b 1iids ,a good barrister and a fOundary: tVietlhiadtliemartaC8citsi,dilrY, • Mrinktipeg has 4,790 sehooichltdren tween 0 aid,16. • Mt : Albert 'con1pldinis73f the -Want justige pf the pe,ace. , ,e " The Belleville High School Waco nev prosperous as new. •• • ' 3 , itstrOO1 , t ts 4eitatitid: t t titan t PAChent thrtreign4-01 a oblitintienee peace attioeg Itaropeati mitt on are ant and most hopefal, Rules, indeed, seem to be vielog witheaeli.other in evine ingPeacteh,°NrvEhtirle911at desthtis"retvn: argsTeaen:nint- •-grttnett Of learned tnacietieszseXerid-erninent' men maintitined' that it was a epecial duty, devolringon'enlightenedsocieties to bemire that,' and to 'prevent tbe.talting Of life, Of Itil ,the rulers the Czar of Russia hacinPls y 1own the greatest desireto effect • dUrIthie, pea. ij1pinaLlie has • taleg%eitiaatiYneg74941iiN'llianall:iteplyer4aodlijaulstth:rethilite commereial treaty between Rhseta' and '..AltstriaLlItitigarts:$at Iliaitieueliiais he to oataa' effect1:p keLoijff 10ta tititin.4 'stand intheone' 'after ailether,Ctos•a9 thiPOonditidnit?'stigllatied d'hylviostriaOth8ogytheydiffiiretkieatly frohorijl del6redi The' Caar o a, lime .fartlier aliewit grettf tdetlire':ta 'do all esiss he could te'paitirlOte airkentlIYanifddistand- 80:wie4go*.,0iitahhtilot,,trwitgrhub:eivoihg,10*iiieffocilli'l,Stx,toirone el, 'tregarding theptiliby the' variMie giro- , • limn States say, that ,thelOzi* htta I if possible, ' kosesttiblish defiiiiteIY pacific 111-T1' clations with theolythea onipiree, and !te form a bas otatinitsersal and permament , .re peace. .And certainly not the least of the 1.1• ,Ens anyeigns eCtlie,Cssestelsire forpeacel is ,001 ooptent,to the proposed' xnerHagemf the Oshressutcb.',1, • r.: • iiie Thongh the •centinuation a of European 4potirbee,miclavynaideeopteles110:11xeca4tlyliseuarrnuelderesioitojectre;, o the 'a' - as, eently, held ,re, • C.ongrese can ,ekert, espeolally in Exance,ia powerful' influence, If, =elleatiesaint that direction. ssOne .• • sPeeker, ,pntlee at the .Congress ;urged 'la '‘i opt.' anon his, ea Terathe te.Sponailsility devolving :um men whetse sninds tgattheen .oleared of atts prejudice by learningpart andscience, He 7 eaid.that ,they sluilildnotregard their:: ex- ,: ss °Optional privileges Asanatitles a of . dignity 1:1ig Whit* they avere,to ;fold around them In „‘ !serene exelusiveneee, aesithough ,the ruie Von struggle of polities, and all,the 'guess tions which clairtiati solution, hid no inters rest for 'theiti;Ifo'r.4.1iate.Yer their !earnings might be theYlhadttpa'rt to play in the rt life of their times. M. Spuller maintained ? • •' that it' vitas otlie ,entightened °lessee to _ giVe 'the DernocracY ef France that °hare°. Irtill" ter tyhteh Would tend, 'Most' to the true • honer and f' the dOuntry, and Spi=• . With'whb,tever feelings they ars', Might regard,the pa'st they:xi-Islet renaember abe 'that 'it was in. .the , present they had to and that IiihOther: for good -or ill]. Democracy' Was no*. 'eciVereigts in Eranee. r • That'esinutrY is , -stale, of transition, b t•M' S ' 11 hoped't't Was' approiteh- Tit ing a 'stage when 'they iivould 'find ,oblier ' Uses fee t'vealth than the ina,intehanee of ral immense organikatione.'for the taking 90 hUrhan. life • ' ,• Russia •and FrariCe hitVe' for long peen 'es regarded its the Most dangerous to the con- ; ,,.tinuance of peace inEurepeabut while the Czar in the one, 'and•those accietiee in the Pr' • other; exert their influence to preserve its there can be little 'fear of its being broken for all other nations seem most anxious for R MEN AN WO Mr. ;John Clarkson; ' an old. p one lYbodstock; in dead.. • • • • "' '.Catharines 'ref uses to reducelhe bet of tavei7ilicenseS:" " • The Canada GleVe„teris, 1,.A.Cton again in full eperattora loijingwood , ispion of and rhaPitit1;•7 ranpgents eflqUeiRe ijf a":1?)Vir144:147itt4'19;3.1.1,a4niel!Ei djgfnt Il•a.litpa;traelcdcile;.gepflpdeuepi4Iter,iiicttero,tr.1 • ;The Attnaver ,Prt3sbyteriaulaihutteh.las thy jelit.paid the last of its,debt.• I t. • 4)ampania is the name ofi a newt? 'office in,Arnaranth, township. e -ass, Joseph ,Grare saw% ChelistoWl, • beenbOrned at a.loss of $2S006., = • 11 doet Man in Vatleotiver Sin*, tfy • to 'run a pitchforkinttf baililf.',1; • • 'Winnipeg. Want Closing all retail stores at.71i.M.'•''''s'•' • Waterloo -4111' have ' v:13ancl'' tantintin 'anehill'oresters'. fete this A"; • e suspended National Willtesaine busineeth .• • A Tbrhxdo Man build t Pert Arthur if he is 'giVen a bonue..,, Guelphs assessment for bs year 18 18,725, an inotease Orel; that of ,lckitt jye Fur seals are more 'Plentiful. alient , Q ,Itittery ,than theyhave been for , y earl. nUmber of„ehips at 'Vancouver will oaded wtth lumberefor Aestraltan ports Mrs, George 'Jeffrey, neat Iseamingt eommitted enteide, by cutting her threat , Citizens of Rodney are:boring:for, math of gas .,tvlitcb, hap,: been found., there At feet.' • , • ; The Canadian Copper Company's ,min • will soon Fun,, to theie,utniest capacity:, • roThe Central.school, • Cluttlism, has. be bbed,of.a large -quantity .of school ;en plies,,, • ; , . ,f,. 4 • Ailsa Craig Council limits tavern lieen :to two in number, and pate the licenses 1 at $200. • . A part of Coney Islands in 'theiaLake the Woods,' has been added to Rat Porta forTaii,epaprka.4)., .,e XPre'ss' left Mentre:lio ,dtty last week for the coaat with,thirte babies eebaor$ 40,o aboard. Lab ypo premiums werelp4d to different life ',insurance companies in Canada. . Windsor hotels; are already.. receivin applications for the accomodation of sum. 7,eTrhbrernay4forsa.• l. of seine' G.T.RH., trains' eittis'es • great dissatisfaction in the northwestern pa Edward oWfaOrdntD4r.Dio.e.Vidsont one of the;"tvealths iest and most enterprising • men:, of tia‘ya, SPOtfa). .diad recently. . •, Sarah Galey, domestio at • GecleriC was burned to death. She went, toranear stovessahile cleaning a lamp.. A; pest office has been established el), the •Caradoe reserve to be known bythe Indian n,a,m,iseo.oWkiaeusbe.n jae.IrCreycspioinspt sooffin:e.t'he pospn, list leader in Congress, epent his boyhood days at Corunna, La.mbton county. - Duncan McCraer:; one oftheearliest pioneers in British Columbia, was accidept- ally drowned neat Vancouver. . - No trains are, ziow running over the line of the Great Noethwest Central; Mailithtia;., owing to the eitialtAimount of freight., .c" sa1tham ail, pt:rboef si eft ttlick 1.1,bred r4.rn,t.pe radii an says he is hilly resigned to his fd,te. • George. A. Goodwin, a Canadiaa, ffilfoles. flag Ina profession in old Londen,"has been eere.- , . • . s., electeds President of the SiticietYsef,Eulgie- s.lialifa* with a population of 42;01.10hits 10 aldermen. Winnipeg With 27,000had 1Z Quebecwith 75;000 has:10, Giuslilh With C 1B' CYC the 1b8;eaking. ta:p of the lce around • Christian -Island ahd Thunder Bay, consid. erable damage was done to fieherniaiiii nets, 1)!A(*ns'elctlilisetisu, eat::105-1Yeare 6f age,' re• cre'ntli died; in Belny River. She tree the,roother of „the present eh et te. Mani to Intro d whoiaTfie 8m0oytehaterrs .• of Mi. t.t,".. Thomaas *he resides near' Wingaton hits 'IatelY received a bequest ofth $.51:),opqp#'0Fgh dewaothrk•mofaan roenlatrivoei. nt :1;el• eg' ;fouj a leather bag shopended ya string frinti the hyaineh'of 'a, tree,'iti the bo;g•iivaa- 2'..0" in well prIlesreormve4d;garppeenliebaatctIca:.8ml• graphs Mies 'Luella 'Lloyd, of Hartiiitop,.wai bheldeli'i is a tettelivrein WindeOr andybet 4Alfk'YO*tiiiL4clittlYlidvirtiag!litiebaYr:•10;.e'h: Ott' *hilO. bite/1144 a pair' of tiOises td titre the 'ftimilyt th'elisitich,; Was , lineeked and trampled tei death by !theittninnili4" • • Te shrldieorarli t'ttio 0.7 tet cLioeobehdhrdio*gn,, 6viIsTikio;t to- itropoSed grotat;reehiotion fill ,•trages:' ',Bent itundrocLmep armout 'Of eniployment : Parkies' di Ndise,geotl'is;aiid,'fris", and'Sin'ibon er,I>•,g'Ipioch.: ate ,the ere* bf the '43loticeetet%Ellii nig eechothet4laslit'sValiielisie' • :Tits Ittsts 1,4 7 1 :t , '1,, • ' ,aste • I 'helc4tteott Colbeih(Pei21: c..,85parie11, 0), ;5 , :1+Vaj141,111AN'fitdirbilLj%14 6Is't416C566,td OliOea ho.y, the tggrkii brigiVe- keol[910,:ontl'Otti.66,,,,,ifOlni,e1%.,t4ids, a 41)1ent.11.o3...i. t ,Jyt .4,01 it bit's' 1,cable led Eta Mr. Reid moved that as far as possilsle the expenditure • for colonization roads should be made by the municipalities. Lost on division, by 45 to 25. ' Mr: Campbell moved to recline the ex- penditure under the drown Lands peparts ment from $125,309 to $60,000. ' Lest by 45 to 25. • ' Mr. Hudson moved that the ' present system with regard to the payment of grauities to elnployees on leaving the service is unsatisfactory. • Mr. Clancy moved in amendment to reduce the amount by $5,000 for the year, with an additional sum of $1,000 for Henry^ ButWell, late of the Central prison. ' After some discussion fr. Claney's amendment Was lost on a vote of 42 to 59. Mr. Awrey moved another athendinent to M. Hudson's amendmelit, endorsing the system of the payment 'of small annuities under certain conditions. It was carried by 43 to 28. The resolution as amended was carried. The House adjourned.'• • THE MAHATMAS. 'Their miracles investigated by the Aid Og a casnera-Remarkdbie Explanation . Promised. Mr. Thomas Stevens, who, rode around the world on a bicycle, and, on horgeback, through Russia, is Boon •expected in Lon- don from India. ' In a private letter to a friend in London, he says he lute been in vastiga,ting the mysteries of the Mahatmas, and hy the aid of his camerei and his in. genuity he has diseover'ed the secret of those mieaeles ef the fakirs which have puzzled the world ever sine Marco Polo told of the 'wonderful thing a done by the magicians of Kuban. Kahn. According to tradition and the repeated tales of travels lers, the 'Yogi, or fakirs, of India babe secret knowledgeof certain forces of nature by which they can produce phenomena 'as inexplicable to ;western sciencea as the miracles of the Bible. Mr. Stevens has pat these Oriental modern miracles to a practi. cal test, and claims to have secured some reniarkable results., ,He hopes to return to the United States during the ensuing sum. seer. • NEW ,FIRE LIGHTER.s ft, Dees Away with Riniiiing wood and Blazes While 'Volt worico• ' Here is a valuable little kitchen imple- ment which has just made it appearance in England. It is for quiekly lighting the 6re without the :aid of . any kindling :dt formed,Of a strong on eastiegin the boika like end of which /isembedded 3 essinPOsi. tion , that greatly • tesembles ;Asbestos:in, its propertieri. This composition is fastened down by a wire mesh, and wheti being used' ie soaked With paraffin, and eet, in ,the grate. It fi than lightecl,and coals:heaped on in the ordinary way, , and,.as ,soon . as the fife' fe ,wellalight is reinevech •09.4,4:4,041fg4t:1101#61'l; g'end5 oStinlIghtt' 8aap, wrapper's, JO, large wraptelo to ;, LOEro.,.ttd. 43 '8ebtt OtToronte; and yon;*11,1 ?eoeiwtty Poitt td Pretty pictUre,,freb frtadretitirtib lktry,oit Worth fraiing 50 oit'arpto ddadrate yaiit 49}it )40i0LeVtlie'MaiikfitOtiict 'tid'iJorittgetbietttl;inethe4'eatitiptiS, leave the elid'iiperbrolWilterihmr 1?ittatm4, 4541 4441 aserart Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorisi nt se peace. . s•• ee 'Aar • of ige en • When Baby was sick; we zavit bar Castello. When hewas a cinio, she ctied for Castoria. When she became Miss,_she 'slung to Castoria. When she had Childrencshogave them Castorits Every foot of the Fraser • river from Quesnelleto the north' has been taken up in goldclitims. The, ininers have requested the Government- to remove the royalty of gold procured along the Fraser. Quebec has a gross debt ot abeut $23,000,- 000. New Brunswick Otirea $2,060,000, Nova'Scotia. $1,764,000, Manitoba $2,209,- 000; and Britieh Columbia $620,000, On- tario has a surphis of several millions.' ' ;Trade Mark) DR. A. 01,Vt Tile only 40iontifte awl „Practical Eleetrin Dolt made for general use, prodneiegat Genuine °errant let Eleotticity for the Cue° of Disease, bbat he readily felt, and regulateel both in quantity mid power, and applied to auy part of the body. JP (Mil 133 worn at any' time euriag t'ealdng hears slceand peeitively euro • ••ftttettotatimPf. So -tattoo, • iq$ iGionera" lioblafty Lumbago. • 1,7"ervouti Diseasee Dyspepsia, ,Varlepoelo, 'Sexual Weakness Impotency, Xitiney Diseases, • Lame Bank, •'Urinary Diseases "electricity propeily applied isfast taking the Place of drugs 1dr all I‘Tervous, Rheumatic, Kids aoy and T.Trinal Troubles,' and Will caecticinfiti In seemingly hopeless oases whore eyery.eller ,Icriown means hastened,. liknyisluggisli, :weak, or diseased organmay iss• this means he roused to healthy aotivity befose itis too late. Leading medical In'en use and recommend the Owen )3e1t in their praotice. A OUR ILL1-1 TRAZEIYCJIAT__LOrit ' Contains fullest information regarding the cure of acute, chronic and riiirrousidiseases, -prices, how."to order, etc:, mailed (sealed) FR ES to any'Address. *111 owEN ELECTRIC -The Owen *Electric. Belt' 8L, Appliance Co. , -49 KING .91-. TORONTO, Okri . • ,201to 21 State Sta Chicago, ,41 MENTtON TRIS PAPER. Sickgeadache and rel eve an the troubles incr. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side; &c.- While theirmost remarkable success has been shown in curing SI Headache, yet CAllTrE'S Limit Lavart Pim* are equally valuable in -Constipation, miring and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach. stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured AChe they would be almost priceless to thesis who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately 'their goodness does not enS here, and those who once try them will find theselittle pills,valuable in so many ways that they will net be willing to de without them. But after all sick head Is the bane -of so many lives that here is Whorls we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while Quiet's do not CARTER'S LITTLE lavErt PILLS are very ainalli • and very easy to take, One or two pills Maka. a dose. They are strictly vegetable end do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them In vials at, I3nentst, • or) DvevrforoSsin.,TgAudlyleoririzrhoeor.e, ,I,Toerws,zent:S:7aIL, Srall rill, Onll- 169, hull hoes 4 BREAD1VIAKER'S O- h, "SE'M..42LEVZ HEVER FAILS OK; SATISFAOTO a Canada's trade and Mtvigatiott return - FOR laALE 'ALL ilEALER0,1 E;bow that the exportsjny393 were valued at $118,619,750, Coinpared with 51135, 963,375 in 1892, an increase of $3,656,37s. The total imports, were $129,074,268, as compared with $129 466 in 1852. The entire lees of the Treasury of Ontario by dishonesty of officials since Mr. Mowat became premier 25 years 'ago is less than $25,000,. ,In the same time the defalcation • of municipal officials in the Province was $274,754,64., ; •'The reputation' of the butlbt, to far to recommend a trial of neiw articie. Otir j/eal-.5 o public record' inobri:8:11cnieedarsda.in.4 • t9r4acc, offered Ajeea,50h your testiquI,LiPLUi.• A',2511"1 C . r-A.ctv, Va., and Montreal Canada foi,/ POWDERS Care SIOK 0,640Att1E ,,and Nettnitata it) In n'WO oktbd Tbrigtia/ thge• nese, nillotsssett, Pain in the sloe, coloppatien, Tort:4MT) B rea t so` illAt00 A '002Ead •°•R''• ackac he the the the kid- of the system. 4reys are in 'Delay la Dedd's dangerous. Ney- .Kidney•Pille!uiue edteek,„41 '13reapt troubles asu psi' ,oent, In Bad 111 (Ad, 'of diseade 'is •bOipepsia, Liver yrtht Soused ".b.Y.'Nufplalmt, and ,disordered , tlie-most dan ; er.aus of all, , .1"111,1g,ht,ae well tit/ifs' Diseut3er 'frP 'hitch? d Diabetes and "ipealt offe4 ;Drololti." tuitheqt s'T ke above agp, ,cm,jg (Jed., 4?..diSeases cannot healer when the exist where ,,0,4njoyf,kii4ty'a Deold'$ Kidney 'blogged, they aro• Nils are used,' ',rot At filch or soo t by mail On receipt 6 s, per box et six or $2.go, l. A. 121311445 & Co. Tomato, Witp for book ealica Iiitiney Tolle* 1[1.1 REFRESHING { I Tdi DELICATE.., 111711RAT & UNMAN'S e • PURE SWEET • LASTING 1 , a -' . , e 01 ' ..---• RICH RARE PUNGENT • •. s s•1 ,... 7 I4rij.3 E STILL HOLDS THE FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR Moil. EiswARE OP' • IMITATIONS. . MMICIMIMMiceennasesama F1RAGRANT. 4 • k inobri:8:11cnieedarsda.in.4 • t9r4acc, offered Ajeea,50h your testiquI,LiPLUi.• A',2511"1 C . r-A.ctv, Va., and Montreal Canada foi,/ POWDERS Care SIOK 0,640Att1E ,,and Nettnitata it) In n'WO oktbd Tbrigtia/ thge• nese, nillotsssett, Pain in the sloe, coloppatien, Tort:4MT) B rea t so` illAt00 A '002Ead •°•R''• ackac he the the the kid- of the system. 4reys are in 'Delay la Dedd's dangerous. Ney- .Kidney•Pille!uiue edteek,„41 '13reapt troubles asu psi' ,oent, In Bad 111 (Ad, 'of diseade 'is •bOipepsia, Liver yrtht Soused ".b.Y.'Nufplalmt, and ,disordered , tlie-most dan ; er.aus of all, , .1"111,1g,ht,ae well tit/ifs' Diseut3er 'frP 'hitch? d Diabetes and "ipealt offe4 ;Drololti." tuitheqt s'T ke above agp, ,cm,jg (Jed., 4?..diSeases cannot healer when the exist where ,,0,4njoyf,kii4ty'a Deold'$ Kidney 'blogged, they aro• Nils are used,' ',rot At filch or soo t by mail On receipt 6 s, per box et six or $2.go, l. A. 121311445 & Co. Tomato, Witp for book ealica Iiitiney Tolle*