The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 8PAGE 8-ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1974
Two candidates for School4Board dispute
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The apathy that allowed the Westbrook was. contested for term. He touched on the large board compared to'the 25 happening in our educational meet at least once a year in the the educational budget was an all -expense •.paid trip "
Colborne Township Council to that position by _Benmiller responsibility of the board smaller beards prior to 1969"' ,`stem today. other educational' centres of the being spent in questionable somewhere,
return to their posts for 'resident, Don McKee. Mr. , when one considers that 60 was another point raised by He suggested that county --Goderich, Wingh�am, Hares.. For example he said He closed by saying that he
another term without, an elec- Westbrook gave a brief outline cents of every tax 'dollar spent Mr. Westbrook. He said that by. educational costs could be kept Seaforth and Exeter. He said that whilea -Grade 9 French was , not really concerned with
tion was evident Tuesday night of the school board structure goes to educational casts. buying through tenders on, bulk within reason without resorting the meetings should involve teacher- faces a ' class of 40 the amount spent on ado
when only seven people showed and told the tiny gathering He defended• the expen- purchasing the Huron board to crowded classrooms, parents, students, teachers and students for economic reasons, ministrative costs, but where it
up ' for the towhship'-s . about his efforts over the two ditures of the Huron Board for . saved $18,00,0 aver the crowded ,buses and a general board members and problems a ;school board trustee is off on is spent. but:
meeting. year term in representing their administration. He explained catalogue price smaller boards deterioration of the learning and, suggestions for the board
Returning council members, interests .in "the , county to the seven that the director of ,would face and this more than environment. He said that .too could be aired freely. He added
Doug McNeil, reeve; Norman educational system. education, D. John Cochrane, is paid the salary of the pur- much of the educational dollar that except for a few delicate
Durst, deputy -reeve; Bill Bogie,. The incumbent then ex -,hired by the boardand is the . chasing agent. is spent in —areas of areas he would like to see the
Grant Mac,Phee and •• Russell• plained his position on the liaison between them and the ,,,U. Westbrook closed his, • questionable value to the press,,, invited.
Kernighan, councillors, offered issues brought up by Mr, 825 people, employed by the • • summation by pointing out that students. He closed off his remarks by
their end of term reports to the McKee. He told the people that board. Of the 825, Mi. West- these low figures compared to Mr. McKee said that the touching on board expen-
ratepayers before the floor was he felt he was doing a satisfac- brook pointed out that 168 are other Western Ontario boards school principals and personnel ditures. -Ie said he was convin-
turned over to the only two op- tory job if only because of the non -teaching personnel. He were not just luck. He said that within each school are'fully ced that a significant portion of
patients in this election. " few complaints he received said that You could not com- the consistent "economy of capable, of running their
School Board Trustee John from his constituents over the' pare the ,salary of the director Huron County's board since schools without constant inter- µ
to industry because he would 1969 was due to efficient ference from Board Office
be grossly underpaid for the operation but told the people to supervisory personnel that are
work he does. bear in mind that the trustees very expensive for the tax -
The incumbent then turned are still only human and do . payers.
to general administration. Ile" make mistakes. Mr. McKee suggested that all
in Attica theuit k wa W referred to provincial govern- One question from the people employed by the board
q merit figures that show that ratepayers for.Mr. Westbrook should have their salaries.
Huron ,County has one of the concerned Victoria School„ in measured against their • in
"This is Radio Free DRMCo,' Kip White, ,but the lowest administration costs of Goderich. The man asked when dividual contribution to
Goderich, try adjusting the belt theory is not far wrong. . any board in Western Ontario. the,," school board knew they education rather than seniority
on the hydraulic..." . Mr. White utilized the air- He said the cost comparison were going to build the ad- or rank.
This is a slight exaggeration waves of the world to help a done' by the province shows dition on the school. Mr. West -
The Benmiller man pointed
of the real statements by .world grader operator in Zaire repair that $11.00 per elementary brook replied that it was a five out to the ratepayers !hap the
wide service manager for his Champion Road Grader. student and $18.00 per secon- year forecast on capital expense school board has become in
yc reasingly isolated from the
The story begins in the ,dary student was spent on ad- and said << . yes. when asked if
African nation of Zaire. A ministration in 1973. the board knew ' about it last operation of the schools and '
grader -operator was having dif- On the question of 'inviting . winter, are becoming more and more FOR RIDE TO POLLS,
o u n c s I briefs ficulty with his machine when a the press to all school board The ratepayer went on to .ask reliant on the advice fed to CALL 524-7237
priest stopped to help him•'out. meetings, Mr. Westbrook asked why the board did not tender them by board office ad- OR 524-9069
The Goderich Minor assistance he could but the like their personal feelings on so that the building could have. Mr. McKee said that he
The priest, offered . what if anyone in the room would the constructiorvout last winter
Baseball Association has machine would not work. After hiring, firing and wage been worked on this summer. would like to see the board
requested some work and im- a few ..hours he went home and negotiations made public. Mr. Westbrook said that the
provements . 'be , done at started listening ° to his ham Turning back to figures the tenders " were iielayed.'. in
Agriculture Park in time for the radio unit. incumbent referred to"in- Toronto and the situation was THIS I'S
/975 season. • Not long, after he arrived he surance costs since the board's beyond the board's' control. YOUR TOWN F
Mayor Harry Worsell was in heard his code called and an- inception in 1969. He said that The. ratepayer, accused the 0 .
•omplete agreement'' with the swered the voice' of his friend insurance premiums to operate board of sheer economy when VOTE AS YOU LIKE R
spokesman for the group, Jim Hurl fellow : priest; 'in.. Port. . the school system amounted, to they conduct classroom
and' BUT GET OUT •
McIvor. The, mayor said he had on,, Michigan. The Port about $40,000 when there were teaching in the gymnasium of
umpired at the. park this sum- Huron man asked where his 25 boards in - the county; the old school. He'said that the AND VOTE
.mer and though he.found eager friend had been since he had premiums dropped $10,000 board knew . the lighting and
fans, he found no seating been trying to raise him alt day. when the system came under acoustics were not' adequate ,NEED A RIDE?
tk arrangement for them. Mr. The man replied he had been ohe board. , but went • ahead with the plan ;
Mclvor had pointed out the trying to fix a stalled .road Mr. Westbrook turned again and called it an experiment.
Association depends on the grader'. to .provincial government The incumbent agreed,, that TO••THE POLLS-
fans for additional financial "Oh, where was the machine figures and said that in Huron the project backfired for CALL
support to keep ' • the built," replied the American. County last year it cost $748 to reasons,. he was -not , really 524-9090
organization going. b`In Goderich;" said the Zaire educate, an elementary student aware of. d
Councillor Leroy Harrison, man. _ in 1973 and $1,296.00 for a Opponent for Mr: Westbrook, 524-9097
chairman, of the parks and "I have some relatives with a secondary student, He said that Don McKee. -vas then given an BILL CLIFFORD
recreation committee, said he cottageup there and it is not only one board, Perth. County, opportunity to address the
would like a full listing of the far from here,"said the had lower costs for the same floor. Mr.. McKee opened his FOR
improvements needed at the American. "I'll phone the fac- year. remarks by explaining his deep DEPUTY -REEVE
park. He noted there was no tory and see.if they can, suggest The purchasing power of the concern-ab'd'ut many 'things
money in this year's budget for something."
such a program but hinted the Enter Kip White. As service
project could be included• in manager he received.: the call
. next year's budget: • from Port Huron and'suggested
The matter is also referred to what he thought the cure was
- the Recreation and Community for the symptoms described.
Ventre Board and the The • priest .immediately Mj
Recreation Director. , radioed his -friend• in Africa' and }g
•* * * P, told him what to do. A few b
By a vote of 5.4 it was agreed hours later the man returned
not to light up -trees in• Court the call and said that the
House Park• this ' Christmas suggestion had no effect on the g
season. machine. .
Councillor Frank b Walkom, "Stay by your radio." .said 1'
Water, Light and Pollution . the American,. "and I will
chairman, said too many' bulbs, phone the service man back,"
are ,stolen or broken,, and the He did ' just .that and this
danger is too great ;to some un- time placed the receiver of the g
suspecting youngster who might Phone over the radio g
put his --finger in a bare socket. microphone, and allowed the g
Alternative decorative African operator to speak direc-
lighting will be studied, tly to Mr. White. Hearing the
• * * * • information first hand enabled g
A giant vacuum cleaner has Mr. White •to • understand the 'g
been purchased for the town at problem a little better, and he
,.a total cost of $5,274. told the African priest what he ii
One of the main features of thought he should do.
this vacuum will be its value' in,
A few hours later the Port
the autumn" ' when the leaves Huron man called • Mr. White
are falling. It will be possible and told him, that the mission •
then for homeowners to simply. was successful and the machine g
sweep their 'leaves to the cufb. was running smoothly. g
The new machine will 'run The four men, working the
along the boulevards, sucking airwave' had completeda job
up the leaves and chopping that would,in Mr. White's
'them into fine . niulch0 in the estimation, have taken at least g
bargain: - . three days through normal g.
The 'equipment also includes channels and had done it in g
•a catch basin cleaner. • less than 12 hours.
How to fix a stalled grader
and help keep
labour alive
in° Goderich
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the
' That •whereas more Candidates have been nominated to
each of the following offices than the number required to fill
such offices, thereforepolls will be held at 'the times 'and places
stated in this notice' for the purpose of electing the holders of
such offices.
Poll No. 2 — Township Hall •
Poll No. 3 John Hunter Residence
PollNo. 4 — Mrs. Roy Petrie Residence
Poll No. 5 Dennis Dalton Residence
Poll No..6 — William Parrish Residence
Poll No. 7 --- Mrs. Henry MacKenzie Residence
All polls will be open from 11 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock
.m..and no longer.
Given under My hand this' 15th day of November, 1974. o
' M
Returning Officer
ENSIBLE Administration
1 974.Chev. 1/2 Ton
Fieetslde, 350V8, standard transmission, power c 3
• steering, radio, rear bumper, finished Ip green. 4 9 5
Llc. C42700
"Shell Non -Leaded 'gas now available for your convenience."
Experience: Completing Two 'Year Term on Town Council
Chairman - New Airport. Committee
Chairman Harbour, Committee
Member - Recreation Board
--D-AY-01VL-Y = -9 � I
30, 19T
AcM4M(wmmwms MV:KMM MMI