HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-28, Page 3DEAR: EDITOR
system xieeds to be replaced. It
Candidate Speaks would be unwise to do this in
anyway but in the right order.
I believe in the development
of our newly acquired airport
but on a modest scale. The
grandiose plans presented at
the public airport meeting were
far -removed from "tie needs ex -
,pressed that evening by those
who use the airport. We have
many other priorities and
should act accordingly.
I believe that weshould take
a long hard , look at our
recreation program. The
recreation and arena board
budget - claims a sizeable
:chunk of•our tax dollar. Are we
getting dollar for dollar value?
I. am not involved in any
business nor` any company that
could create a conflict of in-
terest and as T stated in the
questionnaire, I feel that no
elected position should'be used
as a Means to an end.
Citizens of Goderich, I
• respectfully solicit your support
for cle uttyreeve on December
2. If you deliver me that man--
angydate I .promise that, I shall at'
all times represent you, your
best ,jiiterests, the town of
Goderich and the...County of
-'Huron - honora'bly and with in-
• r
Dear Editor,
In a few days most of us wjll
have the opportunity to decide
who will be our reeve, coun-
cillor, school trustee etc.. I have
often wondered what Motivates
people who run for public of-
fice, even more have I won-
dered what the qualities are
which cause one candidate to
succeed where another :fails.,. as
In my campaign I have tried
to offer the voter, definite ideas
for acceptance or rejection.
"Possibly the reason • I got in-
volved in this 'election is
because things have been hap-
pening to education in recent
years that bother me.
It bothers me that our elec-
. ted representatives on the
Board have so few contacts
with, the people in the front line
of 'education, the student, the
teacher,. .and the principal.
Most Board decisions are based
presented by board office ad-
ministrators. Too often these
reports do not reflect" the
thinking of the people in our
It bothers me- that education
is becoming tdq moch of a 'fun
thing', relaxing standards . of
self-dicipline and accomplish-
ment are eroding the value and
significance of the diploma.
Education should • be in-
teresting and meaningful', but
the challenge must not be taken
out of it.
A recent editorial in--the-
Toronto Star, deploring the
number of school trustees being
returned by acclamation con-
cluded - "The lack of can-,
didates makes it all the more
important that those who do
fare •.the electorate make clear
where they stand.."
Yo rs truly,
Donald S. McKee
Solicits support
_Eileen Palmer
Write your MPP
Dear Editor:
Re the diabolical (medical)
Mustard . Report" --
Enquiring from people about
. town as to what they are doing
to protest -its being thrust upon
us taxpayers, come January; I.
have been shocked to discover
gross absence" of genuine
awareness of its potential,
colossal dangers. Generally,
many have not seen that it will
ruin our present, fine Medical
.System completely.
Being a political matter,
those wilt. will be making the.
sometimes destructive decisions
of whether we'll be ABLE, to
even see ANY kind of Doctor or '
not, will be non-professionals
who haven't any medical'
To the citizens of Goderich, • knowledge whatsoever but will
haye pull arid drag with the
My me is Eileen Palmer, ,
forty-five year old ex -school political powers -that -be. Even
teacher and the mother of six 9th grade drop -outs .will be
children ranging in ages from eligible. There will be
twenty-two to thirteen..I have Calainitpus 'Consequences.
two years experience on Coun- So many do not realize that
til and am presently beeking not only in the(case of accidents
election as deput.y.reeye, anywhere (highway, home,
Those among you who are farm, etc.) our 'policemen will
familiar with the"fu'nctions and" be 'further burdened and
duties of Council realize that required to decide whether the
elected representatives must be victims, or patients, will be sent
prepared to devote a great deal to the Undertaker or bounced
of time to their elected office. I •around 50 miles, and more,
have the time and am in: down the road to a clinic while
terested in all the many issues he bleeds to death on the way;
facing both the municipal and only t.o arrive at the mercy of
county councils in the next two employees who haven'•t any
years., education in medical matters.
I am anti regional govern- Can't you imagine the dying
merit_ (cstly land ineffic,'�exit) so agonies of our loved ones along
the answer is re -structuring at the way? So many people do
the county level. Having done not seem to understand that
some study, on the subject of re most of our excellent hospitals
structuring, I would eagerly ac- will be closed and ,new "Cen-
tres" built, many Miles apart,
committee. at the extra expense of the
At the local level we will see already, overtaxed taypayer ..,
implementation of the secon- like you and me.
dary plan and here I advocate
that the municipality purchase' -
and service residential lots to
have available to citizens who
wish to build their. own home
rather than purchase through a
This would serve a two -fold
purpose,. more econoiiical for
the owner and alsg provide the
sola( 1 contractor with a viable
I advocate a rotating roads
and service program. In the
older sections of Goderich not
only do the streets need to be
re -built, but much of the sewer
I would seriously implore our
readers to write their district
Member a personal letter of
rejection - NOW - and send a
copy to others, such as Mr.
—Murray Gaunt, M.P.P., Mr.
.Jack Riddell, M.P.P., and to
Mr.' Robert McKinley; M.P.,'•
°even tho' he is the, Federal
Member 'for ` this area. The
HOUSE will pay much greater
heed to our personal letters
than they will to petitions and
verbal protests. ,The sooner this
is done, the better. Don't "leave
"it to George" when it will be
'too late. Pertinent information
Women's AllxiIiar at work
The Women's Hospital Auxiliary presented a cheque for $4,000 to E A. Elliott, administrator of
Alexandra Marine and General Hospital towards The -cost of a Coulter. Counter for the lab,
. department. Mrs. John Berry, president, and Mrs. J.W. McLaren,treasurer of the Auxiliary,
presented the cheque. Ronald Klages, chief technologist, (left) looks on. The money will cover.
half the cost of the. counter-. The machine provides a more accurate and much quicker count.
- of hemoglobin and white cells, in'blood.'Hospitals couldn't afford this type of thing if it weren't.
for contributions like this," Mr. Elliott safd.'The Auxiliary raised the money from selling calen- •
dars,.operafing a. penny fair, and,.proceeds from the hospital gift shop. -(staff photo)
which will help all our readers
in is e ort can a ad "from
our Medical Officer of Health,
namely, Dr. Frank Mills.
Sincerely yours,
O. Miller
Cancels paper
Dear Editor: ,
I did not receive last week's
Signal -Star. 'Also, unless there
is a marked improvement in
:the mail service before then
please consider my subscription
cancelled at "th-e.end of Decem-4
I do not wish tQ do this as I
enjoy the paper from my old
home town but.' find I have no
In the first place the earliest'
we ever get the paper is Mon-
day when we can read' about
something or other •Happening
over the weekend that . we
would like to have attended but
which is long over. •
But for thekpast year the Post
Office won't ever(' send.. ,this
paper out to 'us and I. have to go
over to our sub Post Office and
have have a. argument with
them before they decide to find
it lying in the back somewhere.
'Now I was over yesterday
and they told me they didn't
have i.t. As I am 92 years of age
one man in the •Post Office told.
me that when he got •to• be 92
years old he would have better
things to do than bug people
about an old paper.
So I don't feel like paying for
a paper that I have to fight for
like: this. The mail man has
brought today's Mail but still
did not bring last week's paper.,
I don't know whether you
have others in London having
the same problem or not.
The Post Office told us a few
months ago that we should ask
you to send it a -More .direct
route so we could get.it Friday. •
They said they didn't know but
thought it must be coining by
way of Stratford which would
take it longer.'
However, regardless of .what
day it arrives I don't feel like
being called all the names in
the book in order to get it ,9
times out °of 10.
I wrote you a few months ago
that "I did not receive al, paper
so you sent me another one. Siic
weeks later I got the original
Yours truly.
,Leslie Flick
236 Tavior St,
London, Ont.
.lief urlate(t
Dear Editor,
Is Max Saltsman, (NDP,
Waterloo -Cambridge) serious
We Buy Direct From The Producer -- S ive The Cost Of
The Middle Man — All Our Meat Is Government Inspected
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ib:98 c
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about amendinLthe Criminal
Code "to -make it an indictahTe
offence for anyone, to dei troy
usable food as a form of
protest?" I have a hard time
believing that he is.
Where was he when Mon-
treal firemen went on strike
'and let building after building
burn as a form of. protest?
Where was he when western
grain handlers refused to load
ship after ship with grain' as a
form of protest? Some of those
ships were scheduled to go to
places like Bangladesh about
whose 'starving missions M.P.
Saltsman is concerned.
Where was •he when . . . . I
'Geed ni)t go on with the list.
If Mr. Saltsman is serious, 1,
for one, would be prepared 'tri
support his .private,member's
bill. But to be serios he,,must
also. be consistent.
Is he prepared to seek an
amendment, to the Criminal
Code "to make it an indictable
offense for -'anyo i•e to destroy
any usable good as a :,form of
protest?" • "
Does Mr. Saltsman feel the
same moral anguish when
strike after strike leaves food to
rot in fields, robs children- of, a
good education, cripples part of
our economy, stops production
of essential commodities;
allows people .to be left
homeless by uncontrolled fire,
stops esse•ntjal services, or .just
holds a part of society up for
ransom? I do!
Is Mr. Saltsman's anguish
real • or is it just political?
Elbert van Donkersgoed
About. real estate
Dear Editor:
The following. is an open let-
ter to all residents of Huron
County and -area.
Most • people think of
Realtors as home -finders and
home -sellers but the Realtor's
skill goes far beyond this: When
:it conies to finding mortgage
money he is an . expert. He
knows what lending in-
stitutions are making loans and
what the requirements are. He
may "know of private lenders
who are interested, or have
other sources. •tf anyone can
help you get a mortgage, par-
ticularly when money is tight,
your Realtor .can.
How is he different frcim
anyone else in real estate? Of
course, if he is in the brokerage
business, he has a licence from
the Province like anyone else.
But he is more than a mere
licensee. He has earned the
right to call himself a Realtor
by submitting himself to the
discipline of the real estate
profession at large through
membership in his local Real
Estate Board or Association,
and the Canadian Real Estate
- As a member of these
organizations, he has pledged
himself to abide by a strict
Code of Ethics, and as a result
of his membership he has 'ac-
cess to up-to-date information
about the latest techniques in
today's highly complex real
estate, Lield. Therefore, you
have added assurance when
dealing with a professional;
who, may have taken trai'l'ing
and attended ' courseA beyond
the requirements of hisProvin-
cial licence.
Perhaps the most important
thing you can do in deter-
miffing- how to finance your
home is to look fora Realtor
who can give you the help you
need. It is easy to find one
because Realtors identify them -
-selves by the use of the term or
the -Realtor' Crest.
The best time to see your.-
ourRealtor is right after you have
.decided to buy. You should be
prepared to tell him what kind
of home you want and what
you can afford to pay: This will
have an important bearing ,on
what kind' of financing you
It' is important that you be
candid with your Realtor about
your likes and' dislikes, ,Your
family requirements, and par-
ticularly your finances. He is
not there to pry, he is there to
help, and the -more- he .knows,
the more helpful he can be. He
will give you invaluable advice
that he gets paid for only, in-
cidentally, when he earns his
commission from the vendor of
a house he might find for you.
Terry Bauer
Please help
This week in the Legislature,
Murray Gaunt, Liberal Mem-
fox Huron -Bruce, asked the
W Attorney General whether an
engtiiry be instituted .into the
administwation of justice .in
Huron County in view of theme
fact that plea-bargaining might
be delayed and lenient senten-
ces appear to have got out of
The Honourable Robert
Welch, Provincial Secretary for
-Justice, Attorney General, in-
dicated (that this question was
raised previously and he was
supplied with particulars
'referring to specific incidences
which seemed to reflect the
need for the enquiry.
Mr. Welch said he had
examined these allegations' .and
had obtained a full report con-
cerning the administration o'f
justice in Huron County. He
said; both the local Crown At-
torney and the local Provincial
Court Judge are able and ex-
perienced men. They have ser-
ved well in their, respective
capactties for a number of years
The season's come around
Fir presents,. Christmas kist.
But don't forget the HUNGRY
When you make your Chriat-
mas list. •
From birth unto the grave
Unless YOU grant• .a
Arid take the TIME to AVE.S''
We CAN EXCEL and do it
No wrappings,. cards, or fuss,
Please send twit_ deductahle
relief donations 'to OXFAM;
175 '.'Carlton Street, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Dear Editor:
Once more Christmas is ap-
proaching but to 75,000,000
people it will he just,, another
day of Poverty, Hunger,
Disease, and despair. We hope
that you will. find room
somewhere in your paper to
print the above as these people
should he remembered
regularly, and especially at
Christmas, Easter,
Thanksgiving, etc. as millions
are needed for aid.
.We find the courage to go on
with our work by believing,that
(hereis nothing so kingly as
kindness and trust you do too.
We feel that we 'have given
You a happy poem.
NOTE: They face Starvation
because many tormer donations
were turned in . on Industry
which was and is still terribly
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year!!!
Yours .sincerely
• Vivian Wagner
Port "Elgin
and he had found nothing in
their conduct to support any
request for such an enquiry.
Mr. Welch said that he did
snot find any undue leniency id
the disposition of cases by the
Court nor had the Court failed
to support its law enforcement
The Attorney General aid
that Huron County is not a
high crime area; the local
.Crown Attorney and Provincial ,
,COui`t judge along with most
local law enforcement' agencies,
can claim credit for this. Ike
said that whatever problems
may exist, do so on a local law
.enforcement level and are not
the result of undue leniency in
the courts.
The local Crowri Attorney,
Mr. Welch said, -stands at all
times between the police and
the public. 'He advised the
police concerning the laying •of
charges . and other matters.
However, when he as a law of-
ficer of the Crown, encounters a
case where the charge laid by
the police is not supported by
the evidence, it is his duty to
see that the accused is not con-
victed of that 'charge.
Mr. Welch said that is all
that the Crown Attorney in.
Huron County has done; as far
as he has been able to deter-
mine. The Attorney General'
said that following a very ex-
tensive review of all of these
matters there is no justification
for an inquiry into the . ad-
ministration of justice in Huron
Mr. Stephen Lewis, Leader of
the . New Democratic Party,
asked the Honourable
Margaret Birch, Policy
Minister for Social Develop-
ment, whether any con-
sideration has been given to the.
problem of father led families,
why they are n'bt entitled to the
same social allowances as
single, parent mother led
families; to support the
children- during the period' of
time the father seeks further or
other einployrnent.
Mrs Birch said that this par.
ticular problem is under active
study, that her po146y group do
recognize the fact that there is
an inadequacy -in this and the
whole policy should receive
very careful review.
The former Community Cen-
tres Act has been replaced by
The gommunity Recreation
Centres Act, and this received
second reading' in the
Legislature this week. This
programme was transferred to
the Ministry of Agriculture and
Food in 191'2} From the time of
its transfer to the end of
March, 1974, a total of
$6,319,000, has been paid in
grants to assist in providing
some 1500 community
facilities. ' •
Under 'the new legislation,
the definition of a community
recreation centre has been ex-
panded to mean "land or all or
any part of a building or
:buildings or structure
established under this Act 'that
is Maintained and operated for
community recreation ac-
tivity." By virtue of these
broader regulations, there will
be agreater legislative
flexibility, enabling present and
future trends in community
recreation to he covered. Ten-
nis courts, for example, • will
qualify for grants under
provisions of" the • new Act.
All categories of community
centres which ,,,,,qualify for
assistance under the 'new
legislation .will he eligible to
receive the same maximum
amount in capital grants. and
the new grant ceilings are
defined uas 25% of the project
cost, or $75,000 whichever is
the. lesser. Raising th'e
maximum to $75,000 will( per-
mit improved financial
assistance, in ,line„ with rising
construction. costs.
Under the new Act, pre.
approval of plana continue9 to
n '
be mandatory.
During debate on the Provin-
cial Budget, Morton Shulman,
NDP Member tor High Park;
called upon the Ontario gover-
nment to establish a 'Royal
Commission to investigate
violence on the waterfront. He
stated that for the past six
months, he had been checking
out reports of abuses and
beatings by » Seafarers Inter-
national Union thugs, as a
means of bringing into line
dissident members of the ship-
ping union.
Last April the
negotiated a settlement with
the Great Lakes Shipping'
Association. A considerable
number of Urlion Members had
been opposed to, the terms of
the settlement, and they, had
been coerced into accepting it.
Members of the Union who
refused to aro-operate were, ac-
cording to Dr. Shulman's
reports, beaten up., or prevented
from obtaining jobs, , because
"the S:I.U. ' and not the
shipowners control the water-
Members of the Union had
asked Dr. Shulman to intercede
,in an effort to put an •end..to
this corruption, abuse and
physical violence, within the
S.I.U. and he had apparently _
several sworn affidavits to that
effect. -
To all the .persons Who shopped at People's Store
on Thursday morning, November 21st.
My Apology
The free draw ticket box was not set up so please
drop In' - FIll out your slip and deposit it in the
box. Slips will be available from the cashiers. The
draw will be held oil Saturday, ,November 30 at 6
p.m. Winners, will be notified by Telephone.
• F. Hobbs -
Manager •.
Peoples Store ti
kft :Or 2$r 2$r la :0* :4C 0* 14!"f;