HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-10, Page 1VOL., XXI. N01,40,
raiRD c().,
You Won't Enowigr
Trovi -well we can serve you
Wall Papers,
:Ready MixedPaints
Stade, 1i01060;11,
I°Hugh ide RobtereSOri we, Towne
entelear MITA 4 14,4
YobItsbAiv 440 Proolttolo.14
Bunn's, -The 1900)011 bops have ,begun 8pecialhareirine for Oath im all kinds ef
prectiee Ago.in, and will soon be in trim ior noose &Stites at A, Weselotes. Cali And see
(11r 1" ereein oelee. k lives et beet prows.
friendly ea:41011es with neigb borieg teams.
ur boys have a teeord end will no doube
give a good acount of themselves thie
year. Practice on Tueriday and Saturday
evettings.-Itre, Jehrey who has been vise
ithig in Buffalo has returned horne.-Intiee
Nettie MoDonald is home atter A week'
visit in Kinburna-Mre Jas. Moore 'wag
milted ia the holy bonds of matrinsony
last Tueeday, to Mien Maker, of Dulslie.
We wide them health and proeperity.
TUOkeremith. •
Conroe Menente.-The Tuelansmith
council niet at lirucefiela on .April 301h.
The chief bness was mating out n list of
jobs for wbieh inlays are milted The
open whiter has made neceseary gdiater
outlay for repairs et roads than usual.
The Coat of Beraien mill be otiened at
Kyle's hotel on the 26th of Mae, fit 9
ceolook a. en, Tbe Telephone Compeer to
remove cattalo telei bone rette fitalt the
roadway on the aide roads between Iota 36
abet 86, (see. 2, B. R. 8, Jain Murray
UNLESS YOU COA1E AND SEE Was appointed pathmaster in Division 49,
instead of S. 'Weillace, mire declines to act
A. few econts vsere psseed, and the council
IflYcee're LOoltiwg for a Place adjouteed to meet as a Croat of Revision,
above, Bed for gereral business at 1
s Where you can get the most and reeled( p, m,
best for the lewd money, you'll
not make any mistake by coming
here becanse our stock is new,
right and fresh.
17' s BoughtiWelli
It's Sold Well.
We invite you to come and see
our exhibit of New Dress Goods,
Prints, Delaines, Gloves, Hos-
iery, Laces ancl Ribbone,
-We pay top price foy
-Butter and Eggs ,
R, 8. FORD d CO..
r. W. Rot :ion, Jeri -clic, of Kirk tomhas she
- friend of Iris Jewelers eudt to amen
J.B era of es deh era Boyd las- eornreten
end eicesteet 3cene man and he comes well
Batnem.-Hannalds creamery will re -
grime operations May I4th.- The con-
tractors are busily empluyed in renew-
ing and repairing the old town hall
lehich has been so long a standing eye.
ore to the publica-Mr. 13. D. Steele,
r.•,.asleft for Goderich for a topple of
eir4ste, to assist his brother in a survey
preh•aratory to a sewerage system for
Ale town. -Dr. Ferguson, the newly-
ileclged M. D. from Toronto, is now as-
eomated with his brotheron-hter, Dr.
Mrompeon, and they both appear to
laye pleaty to do. -No service was
lerld in the Presbyterian church on
Benday fest on account, of Sacriunent
'being held in the Thames Road Church.
ars. Ware and Patterson life in-
etice agents were itt the village on
Monday evening last. -We are sorry to
learn that Mr. Walt. Robson, our
jeweller, has disposed of his business to
g -Me. Boyd of 'Mitchell, who has already
poseeiaion. We feel sorry to lose
s Veit, but Kirk tords lc ss will be some
her tovvidi gain, as he had become
trite popular ie our midst. -The school
entertamment held in the .Agis hall on
Friday evening last o as well attended.
.Mr. G. W. Holman of Eliruville, oc-
oupied the chair. All local talent fur-
nished the entextainment. The brass
hand played severahselections in an ex -
talent manner and were well received•
Peoceeds amounted to $26. -Jap Preis
lands horse got frightened at the band
and tan away breaking botlk.-buggy and
;harness. -While Fred Tor was driv-
ing his father's colt the ()thee evening he
deot up too high a seed and Fred
Jumped off leaviee the colt to take its
awn course, which be did until captured.
Fred is not now open fox' engagemeuts
inasoit breaking.
COtt'S EITIIIISIOn does not debilitate the
elornach as other cough reediciees do; but
an tbe contrary, it improves digestion and
elarenetbens the stometeh. Its effsets are
Immediate and pronounced.
Bette:Pei-Mr, Gecrge King ie viaitieg at
1.oxidekboo,-1Vlike M. Wiliam) has re -
tunnel front Toronto. --Mr. John McIntyre
of Otratbroy, interred home last Reels,
after visiting Mrs. H. Belwayds.-George
Ermin reatase the Commercial Hotel
thls maxim, Mrs. Bailey baying Leen &a
titled to quit on aoccuot of illness This
house has alwaya had a large lumber of
&sleets from the Staten and Canada, and
will no doubt be well filled this season. -
E. &Walla eroprletor of the River Hotel,
will make this pleasantly situated house
more popular them ever. Ea is busy mak-
ing mit rovemente, and alreedy several
Lonelwaere have engaged rooms. Mr. T.
Higgins an expelienced hostler Las teen
engaged and the travelbee public ean de-
pend on beieg attend(L G.
Davy a moniiiient olden) et London, was
bete last week. Mr. Davy has far the past
few years takep a good deal of batereet in
Bayfield. Jae BA y 8 a great many Londoners
will be here this sumnier.-Mniees Mid -
den and Parker have added to their dress-
making Imeiress a small stock of millinery.
This is something that bee long been need-
ed here, and they sboald do a large bud -
Grand Bend.
EnrEFs.-Tbe recent glower has eaten)
life to vegetation and the trees will soon
have all their summer attire and whieb
is usually three weds earlier thou what
we usually have. --The carpeuters are
almost enithed with Mr. Brennel'e ver -
midrib. It is a good Atrong sti memo and
will add ereatly to tbe sepearioace of the
hotel,- Mr. Brenner has mem setting up
bis tiew weigh eyries, they eill be very
conveniently eituited.--Mrs. 'Ware Oliver
received wok on Tueeday of the death of
her eitundater Mrs. Bidely. Mr. Bidely is
a brother of 'Mrs. Philip Maker of this
seat:al.-The *Mitres el cite -open arid
FnItin yieited Mies Barbara Fallis on
Monday. Tbey alto tailed at the Port
Office tete awl /vet tbe evening: they
thee:Acted the ttcek kept, and itoecunced
the peaches excellet ta-Prcepects for this
• smarter crop are good here as they are
out in blocne now. -Mrs. Harry Gill of
Exeter, is Sore tow, 811e. bus decided to
put in a peed net in the /eke and has men
now getting out stal ere -Large' droves of
eattle /save been driven down to the ranches
lately, and the pry -peas are good for pas-
tel°, and stock are turning out in good
t h ale,- Mr. A. W. Bobineon, contrrotor
on tle-Grued Bend cut, lost his snit with
the toenebip, having all costs to pay and
to thew all tbe earth clear efrom the old
channel. -The O. T. M. met on Mon-
day evening.
Our shippers find that good prices ean he
realized for good animate, but ill coditie,ned
eves are a drug on the market. Our stock
eaisers adnut that most satiefactory results
come hoe ruing Dick's Blood Purifier. Pt
tunes up the whole system. 135 ware awl Let
Dick's. ,
A young lad earned lielearicar, of Galt,
found A pooket•hook containing a cheque
for $500 end $100 in casb. The owner
peesented him with the magnificent sum of
ay, You
'To Bead this AdvEitiEcntri
and after you haire read it,
think of what you are paying
others for the Sante Goods.
j'atent littediciztes,
-Begular 25C Bottles kr TOO.
-Regular goo &Atka for 4.00.5
-Regular $Z.00 Bottles for 75C.
-a Lbs. Pure Black Peppee for 25c,
-Lbs. SPIendid J'apate Tea for $Locio
-The wonder is It cvt-Yre Can sell so much good Elechic
Soap for 250. ,
-We are doing it come and see for yourself,
nightiSt priee Raid for all Farm Produte,
MedoIXTAN ek CO.,
utter & Eggs taltee StiO4 aa cash. No
troubio to show gooda.
Sign of Big Inset. A. WESBLOB 0,
pacriewetee hiock.
Followine are the malket qu, Meets :
Wheat .... . . 5A to 68
Berley 30 ter33
Oats 80 to 31
Peas ...... , ... s. „ 50 to 60
Hay ..... , 6,00 $o 7.00
Buaer . 15 to 16
Egee ... 13 to 10
Bop , . ..„. 000to 6Z5
Clover seed, ,
Baiites.--Mr. Daniel secon
eon, of Mr. James Bell, ot the corn
tam; London Road, near this villas
recently passed a very successful e
anaination at the Detroit Medical Co
legeaand msnow A full &deed AL D
and we are pleesed lo state that WI
E. Treleaven, who has so ably and a
ceptably preached in the atetbodi
church here during the past year a
Assistant to ktie Rev. Mr. Swan, ,ba
recently passed a very creclitAble an
succeeshil eiaroination for the min
istry.-Mr. 13. Shirray has so far recov
ered tic in hie aecent serious widen
that be was ante to attend selvice o
Sabbath laste-At a business xi:teethe
held at the cRiee of the prayer nieet
hag in Carmel Prek byterian church, es
Wedieeeday evening last, to °onside
an offer made by the Royal Eectri
Company, to light the church through
out vvith eleotricity, it was decided
pot to accept theestier for tbe present
as -the congregation Ibis year are ex
spendieg considerable money in the
way of enlarging the sheds, &c., and
Bave tbe church splendidly supplied
with Rochester lanapes- The 1311331211
annivereary oi the 1. O. O. F. which
was beld in Coawortids lest
day,vvas the event of the season. Rev.
J. te. Render/ion acted as cLairman
whieh position he lilted with credit. -
Mr. Fs Patrick -P. (3, Master, of Stennis
ton, geve a fine lecture on the work-
ings ol tbe Order. Tbe pr opens welch
WAS renclered by Messrs. Crawford,
Miller and Erudite was a treat and was
Well received, the instrumental wbich
was given by Stacey, Laing, Welsh end
Mies Bell as organist, was well suited
to the occasion toad all were:encored
several times. The evening was pro,
fitably spent Seyeral loads of the
Exeter brethren were present and
marched with tbe Hensel) lodge from
the hall in a body to Mr. -Coxworth's
Ball, and after the concert txiated
their brethren to supoer, which was
prepared an got.et style by Mr. Con-
vict tb.-Mr. John McAlbeter fixing
the Ixont of his lavvn by planting two
rows of Spruce. --ter. R. Cudnaore
is buildiog the foundation ot Mr.
Short's house on Queen St. -Quite a
number or Free Masons attended the
funeral of Mr. Spooner last Sunday at
Clintore-lelesne. Dick and Winters
ot &Worth, abipped several carloads of
cattle from this s melon on Tuesday. -
The Mechanics' Institute held their
minuet naeeting in Conwortbde Hall OD
Monday night, when tbe following
officers were elected -Preen:tent, A.
lielo.Phersont Vice -President, W. Elder;
Treasurer, R. Paeterson, Sr: Sec'y and
_Librarian J 0 Stoneman: Directors J
• Sorrosu, Reeone.-The followieg ia tli
intoor roll for S. S. No. 1 ,aleGilliveay fo
the na, ei,11Aptil :-.117,-Ianocece Kelly
92, Maud hayben 70 ; III, -Jas. Quany
97, Pettier O'Deyre 92, Mao Onetin ;
- Willie hiayher 74. 1.0 Crude 158;
part II -eP. Ottemyre Coaled, :-
Maud Bayhen, Mac Curtin, Lewrrnee
Kelly, Willie Bethen.
shin Of_St_epllen.
STATXSTWAL.-- The elesestment roll Fono.wieg. is a. copy of the judgment
r for tins townelnp shows the populetion
to be 2,9$0, and there were 49 births
registered this year. There are in the
township 5,862 cattle, 3,334 sheep,
1,725 hogs. and 2,107 horses, and there
are 2,771 acres of fall wheat. The
totalausessment amounts to $1,788,510
and the average aeseeement of each
ratepayer is $3,000, each ratepayer 1 m
on an aeerege 9 cattle, 5 eheep, 3 bogs,
el barges and five eores of fall wheat
• '
he Yell contains b/ 7 names, about
590 of which. are those of taxpayers.
Butnes,-At a meeting on Wedeesehiei
ivenieg of last week it was decided that
the Sunday school wanivereary 1,0 held on
the tirst Tuesday in June. The verious
cone mitteee were appointed to arrange for
the earne.-Mr. Samuel Hicks sold a val-
eahle mare one day last week for tbe
heedsone sum of t»131. -Mr. Peel Coatea
bits tient moot of his Crueler the pent two
weeke noing his 013141)/atea trottet ''Sorre
Dan" for the races on the 240.
/toupee -Mr. Joeeph Qrant our popular
furniture man bee bees) appointed a core -
=Wiener in the High Court of Juelice for
Ontario. -At a meeting of the Canerdiae
Order of Foreeters held on Friday last, the
following ofticere were electeel:-0 Bobt
Robineen; C B. Jeffers Wcsiman; 138,
Eraoh Moriey; F 8, Joseph Grant; Trees,
John n; Chsplain. David Jermen; S
W. Ater.. Westersen; J W, Jeseph Fulton;
S Uwe, junnieg; J Richard Barre
erait. The Order is in a fioniehing con-
dition, Loth meetly and finaucially.
BBIXIte.-111r9. Wni. McKay and ber
children left ou Tuesday evering for their
new bone in Algoma. Mi. Istelday ieft
tote tete %%Nice ago sr itb Ids etock end e
ecteplete ertitet,-Mr. 'William Blair, while
°lather mood for Mr. Bugh McGregor,
made a mietroke with the axe, giviug bit
fcot a bad cut. He is now mining a vete
sore foot. -The many friends of Mr. Mc-
Allieter, of Mithigen, will be sway to bear
cf her low condition. No hopes' are eent ere
taieed at bee recovery -Mr. George
Thompson, alio las been laid up for some
three ks is may aLle to be around again.
- Mies Breen, of Loriclesbore, is eisiting
her sister at the home of Mr. '1, Menai -
Mr. Bobcat Made is suffering from hi
016 cempleitt, rl eurestiern.
Presbytery of Huron
The Presbytery of Burma met in Willis'
(hurch, Clieto, , on Tuesday 8th inert.
The attendance of n). tribes was large
After devotion) exercises and the readieg
of the minutes of last meeting, Rev. Mr.
Martha e as eta Wetted Cm:ismer of Borne
Miarion for thee mating year. A. com-
mittee eeneistine of Revraihetcher, Mus-
grove, Stewart, , Dr. Moron-
ald, wexe appoiett d to kronine Mr. Guth -
lie a graduate of Montreal College, for
license. This cernmittee afterwards re-
ported very favorably and Mr. Guthrie
was apr °toted texts for trod discourse(e
road ie the eveat ot these being approved,
to be licensed at next meeting of Preehy-
tele,. Rev. Mr. alesgrove read the
'Tabulated Statistictil Statement for the
-past year. This statement contains a
compares( et the giving' of each carve-
ir don in the PreeLy tele, tar the past year.
It was ordered to I e primed and distri-
buted amoeg tbe ccogregations, Dr. Me
aed Mr. Felder of Gretna Bend resigeed
0 (Beason D Stewart, H Reynolds
their appointreeet as corranissictrere ret the
Rev J S Denderson, Joseph Ellis,
The Conacil met on the 5th Inst.
pursuant to aajournment. All tbe
mem bera were present. Minutes of
previous naaeeting Were read and ap-
Tenders for the Quinton Bridgewere
received and opened.
Garciinet-Sheer--That the tender of
L. Hardy for tbe erection ore bridge
on Quintren's side road for the 811113 of
$168, be accepted it bowie the lowest,
and that the Reeve and Deputy Reeves
be and are hereby appointed to inspect
the same stud tee that the vvoilt of
cobstruction is periorroed according
to plans and specifications, --Carried.
Halls-Keddy-That a Court for the
revision of the Aimessment Roll for
the Township of Usborre lor 1894, be
held at the Township Hall, Elineville,
on Saturday the 2nd day of June at
10 o'clock, and that the Clerk duly
advertise tbe same. -Carried.
Shier -Gardiner -That By -Law No,
2, 1894, appointing pathroesters tor
tee current year as now read be pasta -
ed. -Carried. r
Halls-Keddy- That M. Samwell be
granted $10 to provnie for J. Hewitt
and wife. -Carried.
Ideddy-Halle-Thet the appropriat-
ioris to the N W and 8 W wards be
8175 each and the N E and SE wards
$150 each, and that the Reeve Int
authorized to expend our share of all
neceseary expenditures on the bound-
aries of the Municipality„-Carriech
Gardiner -Balls-- 1hat the Clerk
correspond vvith neighboeing save Mill
owneis for lenders for supplying the
"reeve:whip with lock elm lumber re -
ginned for the current year. --Carried.
The following orderwere granted
viz: -P Mediu), rep bridge'(1883M:et
$4. A tlunkin, rep 2 oulvte, $2; 4
Polon, rep bridge and Approaches, $1,
Passmore, rep culyt, $2; J Cole,
cadet, $2; W Emery building brIdge,
W Olce, rep rood And °Witt, $5; T
Since; rep bridge And road, $6.25; 1`
Saute, assisting engineer, $2; M well, keep Of ,T Hewitt And wife, $121
M fianutell, clothing for J Hewitt and
wife, $10,
Halls* Kett dy-The Council adjourn -
Id to tneel again AS a Court of Iterision
isn Saturday Mi 2
needle Linimentetres la grippe,
Junend *10
General Aescrobly. It was agreed riot
to adpoint any subetitete a tar. Martina
reported aloe there ens no change in the
list of vacancies sitice lett meeting. Cir -
velar letters were read from other Presby
teries, that they were nuking applicator/a
to the General Assembly to receive the
fohowing as minieters of the Presbyterian
Clients, viic Bern F. Lead of the Cong.
Cburch Scotland, Rev. Mr. Tinkham, of
the 'Baptist Church, Ontario, W. E. Arohi
bald and 3. Hamilton, a the Presbyterian
Obureb, IN. S. A., Rev. C. E. Dobbs of
the lief. Episcopal and O. E. An aron of
the Cong. Church, (7. be A. Rev, err.
Anderson was appointed a Dumber of the
Committee of Bills end over:urea of the
Geireral Assembly. There was laid cm
the table a call from •dteelen Claureb,
)lrecefield. Jolley Sten -reef, Clinton. The
call was uneermous and offered a stipend
of $10e0 and a manse per antrum. The
call was sustaieed, end a ap dal meeting
of the Presbytery ordered to be held in
Willis' Church, Clime, on May 22nd to
theme it. The clerk reported tbat a call
Iran Bayeeld to Rev. Mr. McKey had
been deolined. It was &eked that the
grandho 13syfield wad Bethany ebould be
equally disked between the two conere-
gatione. Mesmer. McLean and Mertin
reported that they bad accompanied the
deputation trona the H. idise. Committee
in their visitation of the ; augmented com
gregatioes in the Pretbytery, and that
there was A invertible dieposition towards
sr me arrangement which might save the
arenas. The matter WAS lett over mail
the decision of the H. Mimi( n Committee.
The report on the xemit re Septeniatio
Benefieence wee w mmitted to the Com-
mittee on the subject. The next meeting
of Presbytery was appointed to be held in
Union (heath, Brucefield, en the 2nd
Tuer day in July arid the meeting adjourn.
Exeter and Sodom comeils of Royal
Templars of Teammates have been hold,
ing fraternal tneetingx during the past
month, each stimulating tbe ether to
energy and eoeseeration in the craw of
lainaproatice, which elven& domed the
attention of All inter eeted in the good of
menkinels A large deputatioe of Exeter
msmbera visited Sodom laat night on the
evert of the Sodomite's moving hate their
neWly funalthed hall. They report peg -
rue. pleasure and peece, with the impreite
sdleft made on the 'visitors, that 80eone
Templets mein burliness and will not rest
until the entire neighborhood ix tlItioir
encseed withio the fold. -Com.
Hatcps,--BiesArs ere er dr Wing
have sold their More un Sinpks, to
Thom Murlock, of Crediton. Mr Wing
who managiel the atore rr turn to
Zulich and aesist in the bueieeks bere.
-Mr D Stonier:eh visited friends in
Exeter on Sunday .-s1 Mellick's horse
ran away the other aay from the mill,
'the barneee was broken, elightly.-
Mr H Leinnan has been added to the
staff at the Zurich tannery, owing to
ircreireing busharea-Tbe Woollen
Mills opened this weele..-1'he boys
tested the tire engine laat week, and
organized a company an Saturday
piglet hist, Tanks ehould be sunk at
convenient ponate,
Stephen Council
7th May, 1894.
All members present. Minutes read
and signed.
Sherzitt- Sweitzer-that the -Assess-
ment roll tor 1894 be accepted, and
that the arsessor get an order for
Resolved that It e Court of Revision
be beld Saturday 26th May, town hall.
Ldeputatico cern/ con d of Meaare.
Ratz, bherritt, Sweitzer and C. Prouty
meet a deputation ham McGillivray
council in drainage difficulty of. R.
O'Rouke, and -attend on WednesdAy
the 36th inst at At. Cannel, thence to
locality of drain. Meet at Mt, Car-
mel at •
A number of accounts were paid.
BIDI.ES.—Rev.. Schwartz is ary low
and not expected to live long. ---The
Rev Litt and family who have been
stationed here in the German Churcb,.
have taken up their abode in the
village. --Word hue been received that
Michael Balat, brother of -Jacob and
Magnet Bidet has died very suddenly.
-Henry Eilber is in Woodstock,
Brantford and Sinmoe to investigate
ibe working of the House of .Refuge in
these counties,-liev John Stabler has
returned front Berlin, whete he has
been attending the funeral of Dr.
Stabler's mother.- Charles Wolfe ma
genial livery man is sporting a nice
UMW bus on the stage line to Centralia,.
-The flax men have sown over 800
acres ral flax and are shipping a large
amount oi last yeares libre.--Last Mob -
day the councn auctioned oft the
gravel contracts and were let for about
3300 less than last year,
BSIDPS.—The Children are whisper-
ing somhthing about a school picnic or
excursion. lt ie expected of course,
the teacheis will take a hint. --We
notice a large flag pole lying ita the
school yard and very soon we eapect
to see the Union Jack lioating in the
breeze.- Mr. 8. Miller has bought a
brand new pneumatic tire bieycle And
will no doubt take flying visits during
the summer to see Ins beat girl. --Mr.
J. G. Jones is repailieg and enlarg-
ing his prennses which seems] too lim-
ited to contain the large stock. --
Messrs. Powell and Spicer are very
busy times days getting ready for the
erection ora new barn on the Camp-
bell property. -A large number of the
children attenctiug school have been
troubled with sore throat. This should
not be considering the fact that the
well was so recently medicated. -One
of the young bloods of our tOwn had a
rather tough experteece on Sunday
lat. It appears he went to Elimville
to see bits best girl, but found her not,
but still he was not dadnted, for be
took the mister sea repaired to Sun-
shine by a near cut etound the
Tbnroes road. While quietty sitting
drinking in the goepel, his horse got
loose from ha moorings and started for
home, folloviedclosely by rts master.
The horse came tearivg dovvn the road,
ran oyer the weigh sealers, against the
"roe andel), tore oft" pickets from a,
fence and scattered a rail fence like
stove wood. Irmally it was stopped,
but not until the gearing of the buggy
was a complete wreck. When AIleft
the oburcb, he took'French leave -end
forgot ins bat, but Ins girl's sister very
follomeci with the bat. It
la likely the buggy will haee to ao to
tbe cooper amp, or waggon shop we
Mean, tor repairs.
Letters hay* been recelyed from the
Prot ayteriae Mission in Pilestlee,
which state that Rey. Dr. Welniter,
• son of Mr, John Webater, of 31anshard
who has been 28 io mew in good health.
Hs is now settled at Hails, Palestine,
a beautiful harbor A the foot of Mount
Camel, and a town that iiI bkely to
etcoreeen. of the most imPottaatin
I. Tbe time for ceropktion of the
work to be extended to JAI:ataxy ist, 1896.
2nd, lbe defeetitint'a engineer, Mr•
Coad. is to direct the comPlelieu of thd
worli, under the tours of the eon -
fleet. Sboold arty dispute !tripe se to
trey iaterpreial ion of the contract it is to be
deoided by the ObencelIor, the Judge
presiding At this trial upon the applicetion
oi either peaty.
3rd, The Council to advanee after ex-
ec:ration of bonds hereinafter mentioned,
out of the hada held tack (as part of
the 20 per cent over the 80 per cent
progress estimator 08 the cut work
which has been completed or othersviee in
there deectetioe) the sant of $2,000, and
a further tum equal to the defendantar
• oats.
4th, All future payineets over the
$2,0e0 and costs ate to Le paid (on the
estimatecr order of Coral) to whore/cover
may be entitle el under the coolract ana
peeere, or as tee twat may direct.
5th. The plait rife- ti retila se they do
bereby pa) taunts hetetofore n,ade
amounting to $11,2(0, e biota me:lades
money paid ie to , our t oithout prejudice to
any claim or code mien as beim een Rob-
inson & Lockeraie,
741u. Tbe suretiesTudge MoSugh and
Richard Robinson as well as the elaian-
tiffs are to ratify and tontine) all pay-
ments herein ratified by Plaintiffs or
provided for as well aa the extension
of time berein directed and are to be
in nowise released hereby, but are to
enter into new bonds with Plaintiffs to
delendanta (eatisfactory to defendants'
aa sureties for the completion of the
work by January the let 1895e the
Township tee heretofore treating nod
holding Metliugh as contractor and
the parties fitilieg to gtee upon terms
of secueityship Bond. The Bend is to
be settled by Piolensteacl as aproceeding
in the action, and the Bond is to protect
the townsbip in and against loss or
damage or ilabthly Wally (nein noticing
such a.dvarice of $2,000 wed oosts.
8th. In deleult of Bonds being ex-
ecuted as aforesaid within one month
thrie aetion to be simply dismissed with
costs and defendants not to Le bound by
any terms hereof. I
fith. iolI.irg 1 min rta taxu'
in any a 83' liejudice r ,fact 1 l.e rigl ts
of Ro baleen e r Choi -de at haeEt31
or agaieet oi.e• enothr cr ixi lege/a to
tbe works or 'otherwise,,
Sg, 13, 13, Orilez•, Sol. ter Pifer. Sg,
Matthew Wileon, Sc). for DN.
CourtHouse landon, let My, 1E94,
Additional Locals.
Neerly ell the farmers in lb'3 ecction
are eraitay thumb nab their icedirg
or orations, ami tlielr opieicn is that the
gr cited weer 'scaled nicer. nor did grain
go in eetter then it has this year. Fell
wheat aim is locking unusually well, and
ist same keel:the is te eh e era fteen
in length,
Got 'em again at Broderick's cheap Bank -
rept store Exeter. A breed new stock of
Men's and Boy's fine Straw Efate Also a
stock of lines Felt Elan Both these
stocks bare been purchased et 50cents on
the dollar. We are offering them geode
at er great Sacrifice. Our Boot & Shoe
Stook can't be beat. We here one of the
best stocks in the County. Cali at the
cheap store and get a Bargain. We sell
cheap all tbe time. J. W, Beonentc•x.
Rey. Mr. Martin, 1 al a narrcw esiospe
front serious irjury on Sunday everdn
ars rate/rang bone from preaching in
n 1
the Thames Road church, during the',
dark storm of that night, he coleded with
a bugey driven IT Mr. dinvey. As both
rigs were driving at a corsidereale pace
the collieion 'sat so vieleet, that Mr, Mar-
tin's cart vats upeet and 11 e occupants
(blowwith coesidelable force into the
eiteb. AB it It DB loreco a blacksmith's
bill of a duller or tun, and a libel el epplie
cation cif arnica etill tele& ell &merges
The assessment of St. Marys is $1,
191,855. Tenable incomes sraountto
$23,010. Population, 3,573.
win be of value to firework by illuetrar
leg the Improvements in the mechanical
arta and eminent physicians will tell vou
tbat the progress, in medicinal agents, has
been of equal ixnportance and as a streng-
thening laxative that Syrup of Figs is
far in advaece of ail esthete.
Sold Kure has pi oved infallible for
t be ran three 3 etre in cases of Grip.
Try in
Sizing is
OPE3nitg Beauti-
and SO has our spring and own
rner goods, Stiep in and see
our new dresS goods. So
beautaui in oppearancs, love—
ly rn fintsh, durable in texture
and breaks all previous records
for low prices. Our new prints
are simply immense, so the
ladies tell us and they should
know; For ladisnand gents'
footwear we never did take
second place aod we never
bad so large and well assort-
ed a stock as now, .A.nd now
a word to the boys front 6 to
Ioo yea.rs of age. We have
something really elegant to
show you in neckwear and
gents' furnishings. Suits made
to order or ready made at a
Everything in our store reduc-
ed to bard time prices, depend
upon it, Highest pricepaid
for farm produce. ,
P. ROSS. • llarictit Dencit
Follow Crowd
VilifEliE 9
• TO MANSON'S Big Slaughter
Sale of Boots and Shoes.
He has kneeled the old time pekes clean
mouataeo)f existence. For then, ext 60 dare
for Cash only he eel's (our (ten band
N mas Preterit Rip woofs at 34; men's fraperiee
Kip nooteat Soto; MC* extra good Corbin&
1100tS .$3 Nene, Women's and Chi] ren's
oes endlest vanettes at 20 per cont
Count. Repairiee promptly and neatly cote
af the.efolleveinaprices Ilexes Balf Soles ewe
ewe; V, omsns es elf Seilee nay ebe, Ceme asd
ateure EOM e of,t11855 heresies,
The People's Shoe Store
Next Door to Post Office.
ERIASE.--7 be rain on &tuxday and
Suzday vras a very welcome visitor for
the homer. Fall wheat is now giving
preterite of a geed eield. -Emitting
opexatioras ere poirg cn hvely in all
ports of tidevicinit Hou 1 I
y..- c ean ng
is now tbe order of the day. --Mr.
lessee, Miller, is at pvtorg on
the roof of bit new bailee.- Mr. M.
Finn is having a velendah elected inc
front of his bouse, which adds greatly
lo its appeareeceo-Mr. Auguet Thou,
stage driver, bas a new stage wagon on
the reed, which glean), adds to the
I coovenience ofpassengeis.--lier.
I Ely, the new Evangelical minister, has
with bra family, taken porsession of
the parsonage. -Mr. Roedding, of
Crediton, paid our village another
visit on Suecley. Ditslawcod must be at
very atosetive eaece, her cc to many
of there viets.-A side aces struck
town on Tuekdey stet rave a grantl
asade wider the leadeletop of Mr,
Tiaon, the manager of the Deeloenod
I3'very.-11 is cue tad euty to record
the death of lda Lerniea tbe yoen est
, child of Mr, end Mrs. Zinsroer,
vvhicla took piste on Monday, The
•:'efuneral took place eestexcury teethe Re
"Tis strange but true; for truth,
Is always strange,"
Tbrueands testify to the fact that eiek
Iliad "AMOCO Decelerate, netralgia and bils
iettenere are immediately seri permanently
cured .by Starks powdets, All medicine
d enterer° OH them at 25cents per box:
Burglars reader their way into the
hardware store of Jae; & Reid,
Perth, on Thursday night, and blew
open the door of the safe.eh They I. got
$2 in silyer.
A, Boon to 33orsetnen.-One !settle of
Et:latish bpavin Liniment completely re-
moved a curb from toy horse. I take
pleasure hdrecononendieg the temedy, as
it act; wrth mysterious promptness in
the removal from horses of hard, soft or
calloused lumps, blood imayin, splints,
oaths, weeny, stifles and sprains.
GSO. Roma Farmer.
Sold by 0. Btu. Marklatom Ona
argains, Bargains
;mast opened up a
Dress Goods,
Ready-made Clothing,
At Reinaxkably Low Prices,
We are showing in this Department * large and select Stock of Spring
Suiting', "Worsteds, Pantings, and we are malting good Tweed Suite from
$10 up. Merde fineaack Worsted Suits for $15,
C -nue in and inspect our Goods before pocketing-
Inseesson to Nolen tt Siebeart.a°1*}T P2aillril