HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-3, Page 8$N11llReiiiQl I'NEST L'IALIOT,A er.. N'T FOR Tab; WESTERN ASSt1RAl`CE 00M» T sNI*, of Toronto: ale* for the P} QENIX lrU E T1vSt7ktaN4lt CPMI.'Are , of l;.ondou icloglatul nLIJA—R N laiS131tANCE CQlyl.- 1TANN' or Islegland; • NEWGOODS Ove are showing Sample Lots of choice Lieges .Perfume. Weare showing a nice line of Hair meshes. We are showing a cheap line ofToilet Soaps, We are ;ahowinga line of Combs, We show a fine line of Tooth Brushes, We are offering a Snap. in Whisks. We have low lines in Sponges, We keep Tooth Picks and sell them miteap. We keep Chamois Skiffs, beat quality, Yon may need some of the above, call and we will try and please you, GRIGG, A Lady may talk like sixty when she is only twenty, but when she talks about bargainsshe gets at the ank;pt Sion you may rest assured she knows what she is talking about. We are selling J. D. X.ing's best kid Oxfords for ladies at $1.00. Remember King's are the best fine shoes made in Canada. Yes we have cheaper shoes, but re- commend the good ones every time. Buy the best they art the cheapest in the .end. Try a pair of King's Oxfords—they please you once in quality, twice in fit and three times in wear. J. A. Stewart. Notice to Times' Readers. . The publishers would esteera it a favor if )sanders would,when making their purchases, gentler that they saw the merchant's advar- Isement in TRE Imre&. NOTICE—All business announcements notices of public meetings, }:entertainments auctionsa]es, etc., appearing in. there Iooal eolumne will be charged for at the rate of five Dents per3ine each insertion. Black beading to count as three lines. Cash with order save to persons having open accounts. To insure charge of advertisements In current issue copy must be handed into office on Tuesday. tv4ffN fpute. - ` HuBSDAY, "'MAY 3rd, 1894. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. mead Carling Bros.' change of adver- tisement, The Council will this week issue a notice to the citizens, to clean up their premiees.: Mr. E. Jones of Exeter, has a cow 'which recently gave birth to twin calves. They are both living and nearly two weeks :old. The ladies of the Oliver( Presbyterian church, Exeter, intend holding a social in the basement of the church on the 16th of this month. Mr. Wren Anderson who has been in Trout. Creek, the past few months return. ed to his home in Centralia on Tuesday. He intends returning to Trout Creek in a few months. Mr; Wes, Snell will ship 100 head of prime cattle to the old country this week, This will represent a considerable sum of *Honey distributed among the farmers of this section. Mammoth colored posters will be leaned this week announcing a Queen's Birthday Celebration for Oredtton. They have prepared an extensive prize list and offer creat sums for horse racing, base ball, foot ball and the various minor eporte. While driving down Main et., on Tees - Arty, a horse driven by Ilse, P, Rowtellffe, took fright at the watering cart, and blit for good horsemanship, would have done ,considerable damage, The rig collided With another buggy en I'elain st, Last year there were adore 1251 dogs on the assessment role, but up to the present Judy 65 rage have : been issued. Under the flew regulations we may expect to see the dog oateber scooping some of the vag- z et eanines into his net ina few days. The result of the Fester earninationa at. the • Ontario Agricultural College has been published, Anioh ft the list of first year .ettzdettte the notfee the names et,. W. Zang, St. Marys ; T. P. Patterson, Mez- zo* :13, Goon), Merton ; A. '0, Wilson, (+reenway; 8 Loglidre, 8tretferd, &t- end year John Bucheftan, Hetea11, t ]i`t• o Tri the t ishe in e Toronto s til dh td p b papers, Saturday, vie riptide the names of the ollewingereone who suocesefully palmed the examfuatiens of the Medical irepartmeat of the Tornrtto ttiiversity, In the final fist :!, denary, of Clinton,. and T'. Wiekett Crediton second year,. '.MeOilittre, Exeter ; first pear, 0, tf, 1irdkstfn; ,ikllt"er. set Tirol:wes, Building eperationa it town are progrer- aing rapidly, b1r. "Thos, Pearce has in training here 0,. number of trettit g horses. Mr, T. 1ti1, Carling of Clinton, e=xhibited en improved farm gate, in town this week. The street watering contract was award- ed to W, Treyethick at 94 :mute per day, Mr. 1?. Johnsis at Belgrave this week spending a eeasou Bening for the beautiful treat. The cricketers are making a splendid crease on their ground. on the old raoe course,. We learn that Mr, Wm, Biased bas pur- chased a half interest in the stallion "Joe„ The Bobier Produce Co.; shipped a car load of potatoes to the United States on The creamery is petting a g000dly sup ply of milk notwithstanding than it is early in the season. Gold goes up and ailver ;goes down, but the postage stamp continues to pass cur- rent at its face value. Reeve Bawden last week purchased the Barnwell farm adjoining the village; pay, ing 3S0 per aor for same. Mr. James Acheson, of the Central is the possessor of a fine specimen of bull dog, a pup purchased in Seaforth. Councillor Taylor's new house le assum- ing large proportions, and when completed will be among the finest in town. The weather the past few days has been very summer-like, the trees have budded and in many cases are in bloom, Willing helpers were at work at the rectory 'this week assisting in sodding a large lawn, to be used as a lawn tennis court. The Lieut -Governor of Ontario has made Joseph William Browning, M. D., of Exeter, associate coroner for the County of Huron. This is the time of year when the hus- band makes himself scarce around the house, to avoid beating the carpet, taking down the stoye pipes, etc. Citizens who have not yet bought a tag for their dog, will need to keep it off the streets, as Constable Creech has pro- cured a nett, with which to capture all tagless dogs. The last department we mention for this week but not the least, is our Grocery, Crockery and Glassware. I will take no back stand for qualities in these at J. P. Clarke's. While playing at school on Monday, a son of Mr. Wm. Trevethick, had his head accidentally cul by a stone thrown by a little girl. The lad was sent home, but nothing serious will result. While passing under the archway of the Central hotel with a load of hay on Tues- day, a farmer had one of the wheels of hie wagon crushed in consequence of the load being too heavy for the wagon. The Sodom Temperance Lodge paid the Exeter lodge a fraternal visit on Mon- d ay, and together spent a plersant even- ing. After lodge was dispersed the visit. ors were entertained at Mr. Follick'e. Mr. Z. D. Johns showed us this week a portion of a tree with bark two feet in thickness. It is of the red wood species and was taken from 'a trunk some 30 feet in diameter. He brought it from Califor- nia. Gents Furnishings, Felt Hats, Straw W Hats, Neck Wear, hite Shirts, Flan- nelette Shirts. Flannelette Shirtings, Orford Shirting, and every other de- sirable line in Gents Furnishings at J. P. Clarke's. Her majesty's birthday will be well celebrated in this section this year. Be- sides the local celebration, Parkhill, St. Marys, Mitchell, Credilon, and Seaforth will each commemorate the occasion by attractive events. The annual meeting of the Canadian branch of the B. & F. Bible Society will be held in the Jaynes st• church on Wed- nesday, May 9th. Rey. Joseph Philp, 13. A, of London, will give an address on "The Bible in Bible Lauds." The sale of the Rendle property in Ex- eter, which was to hays taken place on DIay 12th, has been declared off, the mat- ter being settled by Mr. 11. Davis pur- chasing all the property, (save ItIr. Ren- die's house) paying therefor, $4,000, each paying half the costs. Postmasters have been requested here after to refuse to issue money orders in favor of S. H. Crampton & Co. ; H. W. Hewitt ; L. F. Pace & Co. ; and L. F. Tierney & Co., New York, and H. L. Vlssler, Syracuse, N, Y., es the U. S. Postal department will not pay them. Sugar by the barrel, get our prices. 'The :(louse Keeper's Delight" Asking Power is meeting with great success. Every lady that has used it pronounces it first class and never had better. We have full control of this line. Come and get a jar 1 },lbs 30c . at J. P. Clarke's. Exeter is to have a brass band, and a good one, Private subscriptions to the amount of over 350 have been given, while the sum of 060 has been granted by the council, With this sum new instruments will be purchased, and the band put on good footing again. The action of the prime movers in this matter is to be com- mended. We received;this week from Mr. Fred'k Godbolt, of California, samples of al- monds, peaches, and prunes grown on his ranch, In a letter, Mr, Godbolt says prospects are very bright this year, and crops are well advanced, with fruit in abundance. Be has 1,000 acres of wheat and 300 acres of barley, headed out, with a prospet of a big reaurn. The Oddfellow's attended Divine service in the Trivitt Memorial Church last Sun- day morning, when Bev. Hunt preached a special sermon, A proeessidn was farmed at the hall and with Nat Grand Fuke es Grand Merehall, was marched as follows;- Exeter lodge No, 67; Hensalllodge No .227 and the Exeter Encampment No. 33, They presented an attractive appearance. A charge wars preferred against a Mc- 1iiI1op farmer -on Monday of lest week by. Peat Officer Inspector Hopkirk, for defraud ing the mails' The ease was heard by two of Dublin's J. P's, and being clearly prov- en a fine of 310 and costsWas imposed, We publish this purely as a Warning to like offenders as imam cases of the kind have come to light recently, A fine as high as $50 may be impelled for such an offetice. As an instance of how the talking off of one freight train daily on the L. tl, hie affected the business viten of Exeter, we might ray that Aleseri. Snell Bros , Pork Packers, are compelled to team Meat* to Liman for pointe slang the mein line, Since the removal of the trait they Mike regular tripe to Ludo, There are other hist' ors Ke could imentidth, aothe, thit iiftia • • * itettrir bow: 1Persenala. The SeafQrth Sun eaye of a tremor Xs" —" 1'i eterite- , Mr. L, VVa per, of the British hotel, will jive retired after vacating the hotel on May 1st, iio is every Molt of a gentleman and we are pleased to knew that he will remain iu town." —Mo. Deltry of Lucan, spent: Sunday the guest of her parents, Mr, end Mrs. Dempsey.— Mr. S. C. Hersey with his family prove, to London, this week, They have been resid- ents of Exeter fox a number of years. --Mr Thos Dew, who has been yeryill the past: winter is able to be about again in his usual good heaith:--Afire, Law will join her husband in Exeter this week.—Mr, W Pugeley is visiting frienda in Detroit.— Mr- etroit.Mr, and IYtrs, Wm. Hawkshaw of Sea- forth; Mrs. (Dr.) McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Dever, and Robt, McLeod of Detroit, among' others attended the Bedding of Mies Hawkebaw and, Mr. Samuel White here yesterday.—Mrs. Poppleston is visit- ing friends in London —Mr. W. N, Manning of Clinton, spent Tuesday visit- ing his parents in town.- -0-- wedding own.--0--wedding Delis. Two of those happy events, in which two Exetentes were tntereeted, took, place. yesterday. Alio Bettie May, daughter of Mr, John Hawkshaw was married to Mr, Samuel VS' bite of Detroit, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev Mr. Hunt. Miss Maud Beaton of Detroit was bridesmaid, while Mr. Robt McLeod alsn of Detroit, assisted the groom. Mr,:� White formerly lived in Hensel' and Sea - forth. The other was the occasion of the marriage of Mr, Geo. Snell, of Stroll Bros., Exeter, to Mies Edith, daughter of Dor. Jae, Windsor of the 2nd con. McGillivray; Mr. Will Ford of Exeter and Miss Ada Windsor, sister of the bride, assisted the couple through the trying ordeal. We join the many friends of all parties in congratulations. The Township Wins. A joint case of McHugh vs. the. Town- ship of Stephen, and McHugh and Robin- son vs Looherbie. McHugh es. Stephen was an action brought by a contractor named. McHugh against the to enship in respect to the Grand Bend cut. The work was begun in 1892 and is now to a great extent completed so far' as the dredging is concerned. The contractors, however, have nob removed the earth from the bed of the river and placed it on the banks, claiming they are not required to. The township refused to pay the money over, and are now holding it back to enable the corporation to complete the work in the event of the contractors still persisting in a refusal. The object of the action is to secure the interpretation of the contract by the court and to relieve the contractors from removing the earth at their expense, the contractors contending that they were obliged merely to make the- cut and de- posit the earth in the channel of the river eight feet clear of the dredge cut. Justice Boyd advised the partners to try and effect a settlement which was arrived at in favor of the. township. McHugh & Robinson ve. Looherbie is being tried jointly with the previous one and arises out of an engineer's certificate for $1,000, which was given for work done by Locherbie, which the plaintiffs had sub let to him. The township of Stephen interpleaded and paid the money into court, and now it remains for the court to,decide to which party the money belongs.' This case stands over until next sitting. X, D. C. Pills cure chronic constipation. Additional local news on lat page. Trout fishing opened. on Monday, and the local anglers did not forget it. T, G. Jones & Co. of :Winahelse a, have enlarged their store at that place, and added largely to their stock, StrawHats. Your choice of the win- dow for 5c. a hat. You never had any- thing like it. Call at J. P. Clarke's. Creamery butter sells for 25c. per Ib., while dairy made butter fetches only 18c. What farmer would not patronize a cream: ery ? The villagepark hat been seeded down, and as the trees have Frown to nice pro: portions we may hope soon to use it as pleasure grounds. The annual meeting of the Mechanics' Institute will be held next Monday even- ing. The election of officers and direct - ore will take place. • Mr. Wm Hawkshaw of Seaiorth, has rented his hotel there to Mr. Joseph MoObnchy. It bas been of late leased by Mr. L. Walper. Mr. John Gill of this place has made seyeral lame deliveries of fruit and orna• mental trees the past week. Mr. Gill has a record for this work. Rev. Holmes of Parkhill, preached in the Main st. Methodist church, Sunday last, Rev, McDonagh preaching education- al sermons in Parkhill. Mr Hall, late blacksmith of Varna, laaa tented the Chiselhurst blacksmith whop and is busy at work. He goer high- ly recommended and be will find it a good stand GENTLE3]:EN. If you want the very best piece of Brown Corduroy and White Moleskin you have seen, ,calf as J. P. Clarke's. A detachment from the Exeter Roe's' Templars viaited Sodom Council last Wednesday evening and report a p".erlract time. They added five new members to the roll, Tweeds and Oottonades just to hand at J. P. Clarke's in the above lines. Greatest values you have handled. Come and get the prices, also mens and boys suits. The customs officials at London have confiscated six coneignmenta of lottery tickets, Two batches were addressed to hotel keepers at London; and four to people in Alvineton, Exeter and else where. A meeting of the lot owners in the Exeter cemetery was held last week. There was a fair attendance. The audit- ors' report ehowea a balance of slightly over 3100 in the treasury: Mr. W. D. Weekes was re elected secretary, While cutting bleek knot from a :berry free yesterday afternoon. Mr. Jermiah. Neaman, of Devon, fell.a coneiderable distance from the tree alighting on his head. He wee so saverelrl injured that his body from the arnie Clown is totally pnrelyaed. 11r. Ero ening, who wars called in, le using every effort to restore power to his bell, The Western millers propose to petition Parliament to take ste ps to compel all rag - ways in Canada to Make no di etinotiout fn favor of wheat fur expert. The millers claim that the discrimination against flour in the freight rates prevent them from shippin±+ flour to 11ingland, and they slay if the rates were the erne the export to Net would be greatly inereasid, 1 ti4tlyd s t4ra1imoidk for flails tr 7777. $2a00 �9�00 �2,i00 WORTH OF DRESS Loans to be slaughtered at PICIIAflD AND SONS. We have made an immense pur- chase of Dress Goods at start- ingly low figures, and in order that we may unload them as quickly as possible, we have marked them at - prices which will clear them in a short time. ... 25c 50c GOo. 75c 90c' $7.50 $10.50 JUST THINK OF IT, Regular tt ct all wool Dress G-oods for tt tc tt Black Henrietta 14 yds wide ,. ct ct cc Dress Lengths tt cc 12L:o 35c 47.10 650 790 $5,00 $7.50 And a number of o bher lines at from 25 to 75 per cent re- duction. LADIES' WRAPS, LADIES CAPES' LADIES' MANTLES, A Big lot just opened up and will be sold very cheap. ss Tait whohas just returned from St. Paul, where sh e attended Prof. Boyland's famous cutting school, is now prepared to make Dresses, Wraps, Mantles, etc., etc., in the verylatest styles, using the new system of cutting waists, etc. She now occupies rooms over our store. P101‹- .I. D & sow DIRECT IMPORTERS. Spring and Summer Dress Goods in new ideas an Styles. CAR.LING HEWS. nnounco, The A.rrival of Cootie of this Class. The times'call•for close mar, ics and these advantages are in favor of the purchaser, but we must be; clothed and even httad tunes ' cannot avert this necessity. JUST RECEIVED A choice lot of. ALL WOOL DELAINES in all the fashionable - colorings an -i patterns, See our double fold 25c. ALL WOOL SERGES. In Ladies Kid Gloves we take the lead. all colors, laced and., buttoned. :111-ur place ' *r Shoes, We never carried a finer range, nor did a lamer business in line than this spring, TitY It OTJR, SC. T.EA. ons?, r niai's fIs to where we get the LATF•ST S'CYLEsr for the. or L1 AST MONEY and that's at Eggs loc. Butter I5c. this deal OA LI G BROS. NEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK - The Important Events in a row Words For Busy Readers. Wm. Torrens McCullagh, the well known author; is dead. in London. Bradstreet's reports 30 business failures in Canada the paet week. A project is under way to build a ship canal to connect Sheffield, Eng., with the sea. Graff & Co,, house wreckers of Chicago, have bought the World's Fair buildings from the South Park Commissioners for $87,500. The "diamond anniversary" of Maryland Oddfellowship was celebrated in Baltimore on Thursday. Daniel MMercley, a farmer near West- port, was killed by a kick fom a horse on Thursday, Ald. Morris, the temperance party's can dite in East Hamilton, has decided not to enter the contest. Adrien Rivet, a five-year-old boy, was run over and killed by an electric car in Montreal on Sunday. George Crain, a fisherman from Colling- wood, was drowned by the capsizing of tu.. boat near Sault Ste. Marie. - - Twelve Kingston merchants have been fined for selling liquor in less quantities. than three half-pints. Five hundred - Newfoundlanders are making enquiries with a view of settling in the Canadian Northwest. Several anarchists were arrested in Ber- lin for distributing seditious leaflets. Their papers were destroyed. Mr. John Hawley of the Militia Depart- ment was found dead in bed at his honae it Ottawa Saturday morning. Fire at the lumber yards of the Ontario & Western Lumber Compan3YRat Portage, destroyed $125,000 worth of limber. At Chicago on Friday night three Bo- , hemians eiMployed by the Stevenson Lum- ber Company were killed by lightning. Emperor William is'aredited with saying that Germany's interest in Samoa will not be abandoned under any circum tence.. The strike at the Springhill. NTS., mines•• his at an end. .A settlement` has been arrived at, and the men resumed worla` ion Monday. Johnston9s Job Lot Of Hats Hats for Gentleman, .� ssac Hats for Ladies, Hats for Boys, Hats for Girls, Hats worth $1.00 Hats worth 75c. 200 hats, all in our north window at the low price of 20 cents. R MEMBER. Your Choio- 20o, See our Ladies' Vests " Lope bound Lace Curtains See our wide Flannel- ettes See our fast colored Prints Sec our 25i Corsets See our special liner p Corsets See our 7 lbs Raisins tt 6 lb9 Cur. rants 5c Exeter Agricultural Imple est WARERO U'itflHIOO In Market Square RF1iJi. Claristie's Livry In returning thanks to our; many patrons for past favors, we would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same for the ensuing season. Determined upon doing the business of the county we have made ar- rangements 'whereby we can sell all the articles below mentioned at prices that will sell them every time, We would especially direct attention to am buggies— four makes—which for material, workmanship and finish cannot be excelled anywhere; the 1894 designs• are very attractive. And what is better we sell t em ;; sig•,.. 7a az°'"\"ant'C. at the closest ossil le margin, We give you aAfist class topbuggy, with lap robe and everything complete for $58. it will you to• ggYr y g p �pay . drive 50 miles to see them.. We buy by the carload and cannot be undersold. In wag- gons we carry The .Bain Bros., of Brantford , Th9 Adams of Paris, and The Snowball of St'. George. Samples always ID stock. A complete waggon for $60. 3 O, ao'ai.e l Wo carry ;fear makes :—Verity. Plow Co. ;` Gowdy of Guelph ; American M'r1.rf, Co.,andCopp & Co., ranging in price from $6 to $10, 8c 'ru,trilap Two makes Bell & Son, and the Gowdy M'n'f'g Co. o . f ez Tho Mrwogoy Ham r'oil �b tole Toronto and Patterson. bo r a� f � 1 255 See our 5 lbs Prunes 25c Seg everything in our Store cf _- hose out ut Ge, rz ea re you Purw h se * - else- where, 0117 Org A :l-�Tali tfiirol to.�r'ottty ailel: 'Mt, rsori. 9 kinds to select from, ranging in., . �tg �' tago f f rrA..::l z . it T c iicre Harrows Engines " 0140/0',Wad •Bart€ ;l' .rr. i:tt Muir; Ned d. Grinders. Grain -r �;k�'P�i � :f>1�" . It . d'7 ,� ,it-c��Ixilff May Loaders, Buck. � , � , � f � �s � est t7xs Bx boardo,Pratt :l rofL(le tat Seeder rf , Liuid Rollers. Disclfrya rowifrf Sulky :lk lowr1t'- GLctllsr S l lo'wu± Carts and Sleighs, ,. iffl. 'hump p .i'ulpera, c ., r 14t e. Farmers and fruit .rowers will find it to their lr { = M ttdvaxl� t,ge to 6e0 tlr"BrowBudd Spray Purl ." Realizing the neoessitY of, this spray - pump among the fanners end fruit growers, we have introduced it and decided to sell it' at the mere cost, in order that this seetion may produce sound and better Apples, eto. It, is co structed rt brass, n ruetOlra that is not affeetecl by the poisonous arsenates used in the different formula: torspraying. Call mad � e see at, p yg We l�every kind of xnpIi xent or machine used sed blit :a lfaxrra a