HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-21, Page 6A Q 1 LI PAf,�. h ICH 'II( 'II(,\ \1), I .:\I{ Il1t it�l):�ti N()V 1'.11i Ii kt1t AD DiS iS WFS Rratlnuck WMS The Auburn Presbyterian Woman's Missionary Society met fpr its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. President Mrs. San- derson was in charge- of t'he meeting and "gave the call to worship." After welcoming ▪ tht mem- bers she led in the responsive Bible lesson. An , inspiring meditation on Hope' followed and closed with prayer. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Miss Minnie Wagner. It wits announced that the subscriptions to the Glad Wings., were • due and plans, were made. to "assist with the W.M.S. church service at Knox, ° Goderich. • A letter was read from the Presbyterial president, Mrs. A. Enwright re the Synodical of- ficers and a letter of thanks was read from the president of Anglican Church Women, Mrs. Celia Taylor for. a donation. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Fran- ces Clark. The financial statement was accepted as given ,by • the treasurer, Mrs. Frances) Clark. Roll call was answered with a Bible verse containing the word 'Hope'. The topic of the evening was "Millions Are Still Waixing" and featured the work of the Bible Society in Eastern ' A Europe. An interesting fact carne out that -the King^.James version of the Bible was first printed in Canada in 1943. VOTE Deb Shewfelt FOR ° MAYOR Six Years'municipal experience TRUSTEES ACCLAIiIiIED Auburn Village Trustees were elected to office by ac- clamation last, week. Elmer Trornmer is .the new• trustee replacing Robert, Slater who resigned. Other trustees are Fred -Wagner and• Keith Ar- thur.. Mr. Frank Raithby is the, village clerk. A poorly attended meeting was held last Monday evening in the Town Hall. For those who attended it was a ve`ry in- teresting informative meeting when Chairman Fred Wagner outlined to work that the Trustees had done •during the year. • ' • Clerk Frank Raithbv read the minutes of the September meeting. In presenting- the financial -statement it was reported that the village -paid $250 to. Blyth for fire. protec- tion; Horticultural So('iety, $25; street lighting, $707.72; light bulks, /57.09; and ser- vicing the bulbs, $50. For the removal of garbage, $1000 was paid; $372.35 was paid- for chloride; and $561.20 was paid • for gravel. The building of sidewalk in the village cost $1608.09. The village is in ,the red 44,981.45, - z SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Celia Taylor visited -last 'week for a few days with her daughter, .) Mrs: Ronald Rath - well, Mr. Rathwell, Michael 'and .Janice at Parkhill. Mrs. 'Thomas Haggitt and. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock atten- ded the Grey -Bruce Area Con- vention ' of the Women's In- stitutes held at Kincardine. on •-' Monday. . Mrs. Donald Cartwright, Mrs. John Hildebrand and: Mrs. John Stadelmann of Blyth were 'guests at the Royal' Win ter Fair of the Department of Agriculture and Food on Mon- daY and Tuestlay'of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rea and Christopher of Listowel visited on •Sunday with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Dobie and her brother Mr. Ross Dobie and Mrs. Dobie. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall of Sudbury visited on the .weekend with his parents, M'r. and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and also attended the Million -Whitten wedding which took,placelast Saturday in Knox Presbyterian Church; Goderich. • 'Prize winners' at the weekly euchre party were high lady, Mrs. Warner Andrews; high man, William Moss; low lady, Mrs. Betb Lansing; low man, Donald Haines; novelty prize, Mrs. Celia ..Taylor. RE- ELECt Dave Gower For Council To the Electors of -West Wawanosh Township Having served as Councillor for the paei four years, I wish to solicit your sup- , port for the office of .Reeve of West Wawanosh Township. If elected 1 will continue to serve all ratepayers, keeping in mind the best in- terests of the townshipat all tunes: Sincerely J.D. Durnin •b - Mrs. Sam •Siitjire of Bramp- ton spent the X4elfend with Mrs. Beth Lansing. Thorndyke and Mrs. Anabella 'Bushell of Clinton, Mr. George `Pimm, Miss Erna Bethke and Mr. Henry Latiner cif Gorrie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Maitland Allen. ACW The November Meeting of the Anglican Church Women of St, Mark's Church. was held last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Donald Cartwright. The Hostess opened the meeting and .welcomed the members and visitors. Just As I Am was sung accompanied by Mrs. Celia Taylor on the•accor- dion. Mrs. Thomas yHaggitt lead the 41st 'Psalm. Prayers were given by Mrs. Andrew Kirkc'onnell in place of Mrs., John Daer who was ill and not able to attend. The. Mission theme entitled The Melanesian Brotherhood was given by Mrs. James Towe. Roll call was answered by a verse from the Bible with the word 'Remember'. The Bible study_ of the Gospel of St. John was led by the rector, Rev. Fred Carson and discussed, Minutes of the last meeting• were read by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconne'll and adopted. The travelling apron received.- a • penny' for each letter in "Flan- der's' Field". - Rev. Fred Carson closed the. meeting with prayer. A very en -1, joyable n-1- joyable lunch was served by Mrs. Cartwright assisted by Mrs. Frank •Raithby. NOif.S FROM THE NII C Mrs. Jack Clements l.0 529-7648 Mrs. Eric McNee visited with her mother and family in Sud- bury for .a two week 'holiday recently, Mr. and Mrs. on Dukwale and family from Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dungale and friends over the weekend. Congr.atulaticins to Miss Diane Caza who was married on Saturday. 4: Mr. and Mrs. Rae Steels of Toronto visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. -John Clements and Ken over the weekend. 'While here they attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. David Million on Saturday. We are sorry to report. Mrs. Vciolet Bean is back in hospital and a speedy recovery ,is sin- ,ferely wished for_ her. • .. The Explorer group has had three meetings. They opened their meetings with a Hallowe'en party on ^October 28. Eleven girls are studying Missions. So far they) have made a mouse out of a bar of soap and scraps' of material. The girls range in 'ages from seven to eleven, Kathy Kerr, the Chief Explorer, leads the meetings and is doing well so ,far. Last Wednesday, Mary Ann Shanahan, a ' member of the Goderich CAITDU raised the question, "How safe is the 'production of nuclear power?" Mary. Ann's group has studied the problem. They have come up with a four -fold program: (1) Bring the issues involved in the nuclear programme before the public for open examination; (2) Halt expansion of the nuclear power programme until the uncertainties surrounding it are settled; 13) Promote research into alternate energy sources;. (4) Bring the energy question as a •whole into public evaluatipn. Mary Ann made the women think when she came up with the hard facts. Radioactive wastes must be stored until the scientists find a way tb get rid of them. O,ne of the wastes, plutonium, takes 800,000 years to return to the radio active level of natural uranium. The storage facilities are designed to last for 100 years. Insurance companies refuse to sell nuclear plant operators complete liability coverage, Taxpayers will have to foot the rest of the liabilities bill. A nuclear station has to be regar- ded as a total -write-off at the end, of 30 years, the 'estimated life of the reactor. So - in 30-40 years time, our lake fronts will be dotted with restricted radio- active arfa.s with huge monuments to the nuclear era, After this mind ,shattering discussion on "How safe 'is the production of nuclear power?", it is most important that everyone votes, • Monday, December 2 for the -candidates for Goderich council and mayor whom each believes will make Goderich a safer, better place to live. The Women's Day Out Committee planned. to make this an easier decision by giving the 'candidate an opportunity to sit- down- :and -=talk. with-- -you- Wednesday, yesterday. 'Next 'week that report .on ..,,,the highlights of this meeting will be 'published. Interesting pre -Christmas' meetings have been lined up by the Women's *Day Out Commit= tee. Wednesday,—November 27, Hilde Maurer, the' group's talented treasurer, will demon- strate candle making. :If you 'wantto, try it,„yourself, Hilde will have bees.'wax and wicks. December 4th, Tim •St.Louis, proprietor of Raintree, .Clinton, and currently teaching crafts at Night School, will demonstrate his talents. Bring Your bits and --'--pieces if you want to join in the fun. Td insure a healthy New Year, Mrs. Gprpul Thind, Supervisor of Public Health Nurses, will explain the Public Health services offered by the Huron County Health Unit, on December 11'. The same -mor- ning Mary Lynn Telford will TON TA -LK Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Battersby of°Sunset Beach Rd. who held a ticket with the Vast three digits in the `lottery draw. This ticket was purchased rn- Newfoundland while on" vacation. As a Public Utilities Commissioner I stand • against regionalization of our Public Utilities ,due to my. observance of other utilities who have been regionalized, for in- stance it is a published` fact that one municipality's costs of operation have doubled under regional control, and other Areas have come close to the same ex- perience. 1 am -asking your support -due to my 21 years on the executive of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association, District 5, which i relinquished In order to spend more time locally on your behalf. This coming year will be a very important one due to the above mentioned facie and I would like tcc ' . sae this important issue settled satisfac---__ torily for the rate payers 'and utility Customers for the corporation of the Town of 'Goderich: W.J.\'Mills VOTE W.J. MILLS FOR PUBLlC5 UTILITIES COMMISSION prove that keeping fit can Abe fun with Scottish country dan- cing. The Women'sDay Out Christmas Party will be Wed- nesday, December 18. -, ' ` Each of these meetAgs is held at the Knox Presbyterian Hall, East and Victoria Streets, 9:30 - 11 a.m. every Wednesday morning. Babysitting is, provided. Plans are made with you in mind. Members have attempted to develop programs for women of all ages. If you have a topic that you would like done, call a • committee .member, it will be . put in the agenda if at all possible. Huron man wins world hay title For the third year in a row, Russell Bolton' of RR 1, Seaforth has brought home the World Hay Championship . to Huron County. - The 73 -yeah -old McKillop_. Township farmep received his trophy this week at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair • in Toronto. - This makes it 11 times that the Hay Crown has been taken by a Huron County citizen: Mr. Bolton has won it in 1972, 1973,. and 1974. In 1971, Russell Dallas of Brucefield won the title for hi's third time; he also worn it in 1963 and 1969. Robert Allen of Brucefield was the Hay King in 1958'and 1962, Robert Fotheringham was the winner in. 1965 and 1966, and Wilber Keys of RR 4, Seaforth brought home the title in 1964. arbor report November 14 the Agawa. Canyon arrived light from Thunder Bay for salt. Novem- ber 14 the. Paterson arrived from Thunder Bay for a load of wheat. November 16 the,, Canadian Coast Guard Cutter Rapid arrived from Sarnia. CARE is peop1 lepepeople NOTICEO.F POLL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD IN .THE. COUNTY OF HURON . - - -- That whereas more Candidates have been nominated to' each of the following offices than the number required to fill such offices, therefore polls will be held at the times and places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such .offices. OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD REEVE COUNCIL ADVANCE POLL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 23, 1974 At the office of the Clerk, R.R. 3 Goderich REGULAR POLLS MONDAY, DECEMBER 2; 1974 Poll No. 1 — Leonard Chisholm Residence Poll No. 2 — Township Hall Poll No. 3 — John Hunter Residence Poll No. 4 •* Mrs. Roy Petrie"Residence Poll No. 5 — Dennis Dalton Residence Poll No,.'6 -7 'William Farrish Residence Poll No. 7 —•- Mrs. Henry Mact enzie Residence All polls will be open from ii' o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m.- and no longer, a.� Ra. Nvin•n ey PROXY APPLICATIONS - A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, Novemb,er 26 tolreceive a certificate to 'Vote by proxy. Given under my ;hand this 15th day of November, 1974. DONALD M. SIMPSON Returning Officer 3 New Th'edfordresidence discussed by Association Common ' interests were discusstied at :the recent .board meeting of the South, Huron Association for the Mentally Retarded when members of the Lambton 'Asso'ciation were guests. • The main topic of discussion was the hew hone beingtlplan- ned in Thedford for young people. The young people from this new home would use •the facilities of the ARC workshop in Dashwood., Martin Van Raay, chairman of YACHMR, presented a cheque for $1,500, the proceeds from the Skate-a•thon held last May.- The board discussed day care centres in the neighbouring municipalities and the feasibility of seeking methods' of cooperation to help the han- dicapp,ed children through' these centres. Progress on the brief to the boards of education in Huron „ and Lambton. and the two County'Councils was reported. FOR FAST RESULTS USE CLASSIFIEDS THIS IS YOUR TOWN VOTE AS YOU LIKE BUT GET OUT AND VOTE NEED A RIDE? FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS . CALL 524-9090 524-9097 . BILL CLIFFORD FOR DEPUTY REEVE SEVEN SOUD FOR NG ANEW G.M. CMR from McGee' a • You drive 15,000' miles or more ayear. is You use your car professionally or in' business which means you enjoy the convenience of a simple and accurate receipt for your income tax deductions." You'd like fixed, predictable expenses that cover such costs of enjoying ' a new car d. as financing, depreciation, title, plates, taxes. (Ask also about other leasing services that could add to the convenience of leasing.) • You'd like to nbe sure of having a car that's always new from the start and never gets too old: • . You'd like to put as little money d possible and still get into a new car. • You'd like to forget the -concern over what your car will be worth -at trade-in time. • You'd like to enjoy driving a to -of-the-lin car. p a car 3 LENSING EXAMPLES in stock immediate delivery ° AT SPECIAL ATT ATE 1975 PONTIAC CATALINA Two -door haidtop. Luxury equipped including 400-4. V8 engine,.automatic, power steering, power brakes, power windowti, rally wheels, mats, .custom tilt 'custom. belts, bumper, guards, 'controlled cycle ' steering wheel, automatic sir conditioning, defogger, wipers, lamp package, dual remote mirrors, AM -FM radio, radial whitewalls, chrome package digital clock, full tintid glass, rear speaker. Serial- No. 2L57V51100004. r. 48 .400 PER MONTH 1975 PONTIAC LE MANS Four -door sedan. Equipped with 350V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, radial-; - whitewalls, protective bumper strips, rear defogger, ' ' remote mirror. Serial No. 2029251506084 ' 11 00 in PER MONTH 975 PONTtAC VENTURA. Two -door rpoupe. This Is a smart sized, economy calf just right for a lot of people today. Equipped with 250' 6 cylinder engine, standard transmission, wheel discs, • steel belted radial white walls. 2Y27b5W106813 LEASE AGREEMENT • 38 month., With a IIMtt of 50,000 mllas. Nat Naso. Malnlaninoa and In.uranoa not'tnckidad. 7% onion fix par month additional, $ 92.°° PER MONTH 524.8391 PONTIAC BUICK 6 GOI)ERICH 524 839 1