HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-5-3, Page 5od's Cured After e Others Failed • Scrof'ttfa'In the Neck -'-Bunches Aq Cone Now. Sangerville, Maine. .r+ C.LHood & Mess.; Co.,,Lo Lowell, lt•a "Gentlemen :-I feel that I'cannot say enough -in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. For five years I have been troubled with scrofula iu my neck .and throat. Several kinds of medicines which I tried did not do me any good, and when 1•com- menced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla there were largo bunches on my neck so sore that I could 4 Sorsa" ,' r i Ila• IIaod �a Cures uses not bear the slightest touch. When I had taken Anne bottle of this medicine, the soreness had gone, and before I had finished the second the bunches had entirely disappeared." Boorman ATwooD, Sangerville, Maine. N. B. ► If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla do not be induced to buy any other.- et. Hood's Pills cure constipation by restor- ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canaL Emile Henry, the anarchist who threw the bomb in the Hotel Termines, Paris, has been found guilty and sentenced to death. The Scotch local government bill was in- troduced in the British .Commons on Friday 'evenin; and was adopted by a vote of 232 to 207. There are now 2,400,000 bushels of wheat in Fort William and Port Arthur elevators,. At this time last year there were over 3,000,000 bushels. In a fight with tramp thieves at Mis- souri Valley, Iowa, Saturdaj. the City Marshal was killed and two other persons were badly wonnded. • Near Mons, Belgium, on Saturday, a .cage coneeliiing sixteen miners fell down a shaft, kifling thirteen instantly and fatally injuring the others. H. M. S. Pheasant left Vancouver on Thursday to warn, the Canadian fleet of sealers to cease killing seals on April 30. 'There are 23 schooners iu the fleet. By the burning of Philip Schneider's •dwe ing at Scranton, Pa., on :Thursday, three of his children, who were in an upper rooni, here burned to death. James Campbell, a tailor, wan, found dead on. Thursday morning in Galt, where he had been looking for .work. Two laud - „imam bottles were found.near the body. At Washington yesterday Senator Brice .of Ohio said the Democrats had agreed upon a tariff bill, fox which the solid vote .of the party would be cast. Montgomery Gibbs, a lawyer of Buffalo, was shot and killed on Delaware avenue of :that city Saturday evening by an unknown • ,man who has eluded arrest. William Gaffney of Mitchell, Ont., fell from the roof of the Brooks Locomotive Works at Dunkirk, N.Y., on Sunday af- ternoon, and was instantly killed. A London despatch says Adolph and Montague Bernhard were arrested in Fins - burg by detectives. They are said to be wanted in the United States to answer .charges of larceny and embezzlement. ea Floyd Radabout, a farmer, 24 years of .,age, living near Big Springs, `.Ohio, hang- ed his two little children and himself on Friday because of family trouble. News from St. John's shows that the number of seals caught by, thirteen New- foundland steamers totalled 107,657. ewfoundlandsteainerstotalled107,657. Eight steamers yet to return are reported with .small catches. Commander Heyermann and Lieut. Ly- man will lose their rank and pay, on sus-. pensiou for one year, for the loss of the United States frigate Kearsarge on Ron- •cador Reef. Andrew Ziloth, , at one time valet to the King of Sweden. has been arrested, ,charged by Banker Benedict of New York with stealing $5,000 worth of silverware. .Ziloth has confessed. Word comes from Hayti that President Hippolyte has forgiven his old enemy Legitime, and has invited him to return to -the republic. It is said Legitime will qe .made President in 1897. '. -Russel Nogar, 9 years old, son of Wil i iiam Nogar of Mount Jewett, Penn, was ;drowned at Barrie Saturday morning. . He fell into the water while playing with -some other children on the esplanade. The London Times correspondent de - :scribes the scenes of the earthquakes in Greece as most appalling. Whole villages have been wipedout of existence. Forty •throe worshippers were killed in one ,church. Mies Pauline Johnson, the Indian poetess eader, tendered~reception r , was a reception is Brantford on Thursday night on the eve of •her departure for the old country. A purse fined with English sovereigns wag pre - „aerated to bite gifted young lady. The death occurred at Halifax on Fri- edley evening, after an illness extending over several weeks, of Rev. Dr. McKnight, :.Principal of the Presbyterian Theological .College. He was 68 years of age and had been contracted with the institution for ienany years. '• A gang • of tramps captured a freight train on the Concord and Montreal Tailroad, at Concord, N. H., on Sunday .and rode over the line. A few of them were put off the train bet they mustered strength enough to return and ride as far ,as, they pleased, No arrests were made. The court martial trial of ten anarchists ;accused of complicity with Pallas in'theat- tempt to kill Gen. de Campos has begun. The prosecutor int opening up the case said. he wouletlemand that Codina, Czerezuela, Sega Bernet, Mir and V'illartibia be eerie .toned to death. ine Richardson aged sirren- Misd Cath.er r Richardson, g< icon, of Ste ifohn s,-N`fl.d., while going to a eom an ' with) he brotlt+Sr sed idenly fell to• the pawbntent' and expired. »cath le believed to leave been the retu1t .heating, exhaustion and over -it rougb,i s teelinsw. ' THE -.VERY LATEST NEWS WS V,Lang, reeve of the township of Nor- knyndy, is dead, He wee ex -warden for the oeualy of Grey,and one oe ehe beett known and most popular men in the county. Matte fever; sail other epidemics are erourtd, safety lies in fortifying the seetene with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A person having thin and impure blood, is in the most fay. arable condition to "patch” ,whatever dis. eaee may be floating in the air. Be wisp in time. John Long, farmer and contractor, of Deem Fells, about three miles from Thorold, committed suicide by shooting. himself on Sunday. The supposed reason was busioesadiffiouiliee. Rheumatism reeks the system like a thumbscrew. It retreats before the powers Hood's Sareaparilla, which purifies the Mood. At St. Thomaq on Mouthy Frank J. 13a11 ey, toand guilty of obtaining a premium of $12 for insurance in the Preferred Aooiden't Ooinpany of New Yo -k from Dr, Buncomb by false preteneea, was, eentenced to two months- with' hard lobar in the 'common jail. THE BEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Many thousands of unsolicited letters bavo reached the manufacturers of Soott's Emulsion item those cured through its dis- c ofonium t'on n Scrofulous lie C i s d eases! None oan speak so confidently of its merits as those woo bavo tested it• The evidence taken at the trial of Wm Walter McWhirrall makes over 800 pages, closely typewritten. The appeal to the Minister of Justice will bo made on May 10. This failing, the. Queen's Bench Di- visional Court will be asked to grant a new trial at its sittings May 21. Prevent disease by kaeking the system regular and the blood pure. Eseljay's Liv- er Lozenges: 26c at druggists. By five out of nine battles desperately fought Thursday night in a saloon cellar in the north western part: of Detroit, Ch at - ham sports won a cooking main and carried off fully $2,000 in their parses. A pretty woman may increase her charms by clearing her skin of sallowness and die figuring eruptions. Eeeljey's.Liver Lozen ges 25. Mr. John Hawley, of the Militia Depart- ment, Ottawa, was found dead in bed shortly after nine o'clock Setarday mora - 1 ng. He retired to bed the peevious night a bout the usual hour, and gave no iutimat- on that his passing away was so near. A child was oared of croup by a dose or. two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A neigh- bor's child died of the same dread disease, while the father was getting ready to °all the doetor. This shows the necessity of having Ayer's Cherry Pectoral always at hand. • While Thomas Roman, who liyea on a Jaren two miles from Bethany, Ont., was bitching up his team on Saturday morning to go out to work, the animals became un: manageable and ran away, throwing his 8 - year -old eon off the eagon and killing him instantly. Midnight Dootors are the most unwel- come yisitore- even tha Doctor himself curette the look that oompelled him to leave bis cemtortable bed. Suppose yon try oar method, and keep a big 25o: bottle of Perry Dayia' Pain -Killer in the hones,. and let Dyctor Squills stay in his bed Mod enjoy himself. • The honorary degree of L'L. D, will be conferred.,on . Lord. Aberdeen by McGiII Universit, Montreal, at convocation to d i,y. Saye dollars in dodoes bills. Eseljay's Liver Lozene tee. 25 ots , . at druggists. The Newfoundland coast is again blocked with ice. The harbor of St. Johns is en- tirely closed, bat there is no ice at Cape Race or Bay of Bulla. "A. little bilious?" This may lead to seri- ous erious illness. Get box'of Eseljay's Liver Lozenges at once. 25c at, d. uggieta Rev. C,H.Daly, B.A., of Queen's College a promising young preacher, has justre- ceived a Gall to Mill Street Presbyterian Church, Port Hope. Heart Disease relieved in 30 minutes. - All oases of ergauio or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr Agnew's Care for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by C. Lutz, THE WORST OF ALL ISMS. "Don't talk to ale about your politica °isme,"`said a facetious old valetudinar fan, ,"I tell ;on there's no rem on earth e0 bad as Rheumatiem." The venerable sufferer was right. ,• St. Lawrepae's gridi- ron or Qnatimozin'erpallet of ere Was not more emphaticallya bed of torment than the conch of the martyr to rheumatism. It is generally considered by the; faculty one of the moat obstinate as well as one of the most painful of maladies,' and it cer- tainly does resist all ordinary remedies with extraordinary pertinacity. Skill and science, however, in this age of progress, seem to master all oppeeition; and even thia painful disease, entrenched among the muscles, and interknit,at it were, with the sinews end tendons of our frames, is oompelled to yield to the curatives they have provided. We heye it on unqueet- ionable authority -the testimony of pat- ients themselves -that rheumatism, how-. ever deeply seated, may be oured by the regular and persistent application i a io of Hollo- way's o - way's Ointment,This, we feel e a red, will be welcome intelligence to thousands of eufferere,,ed-ridden by the disease, or limping with . stiffen' d joints along the pathway to the tomb. In a climate where the quicksilver sometimes makes a leap of thirty degrees up or down, the complaint is of course a prevalent one: and in our new settlements at the west, along the alluvial borders of oar great rivers, in the hemlock swami of theSouth,and oks in all low and damp looations, few ersons reach the age of forty years without a rheumatic visitation. Stein • elder, therefore, that a preparation which will afford instant re- lief, and 'effect eventually a thorough our* of the'oomplainl, mast be of special value to the people of all countries. We cannot reasonably doubt, in view of the well attested statements which have been laid before us,:dttatained as they are by oiroum dtanose within our `own knowledge, that the Ointment referred to. will effect that object; and among all the beneftas whioh the disooverisi Of thet celebrated physician and philanthropist Have conferred upon mankind,- tide is certainly not the least important. Many as industrious tiller ot the Boil, whose larvicide are needed in the field, is at this monient languishing on bed of elckneee; the -hence, that should guide the plough or grasp the epode render- ed powerless by Rheawatiem Many a toiler in every branch of preduotlye labour is similarly situated; end We Iain ibnigiae wit what joy these inflater* would hail the nteane of immediate mire. To all meth w feel justified its recommending the bateatnioe 1 l e t on Of high With the remedy, the app t a i w h aid et a fen dose, of Bollowey'i Pill/ to regulate'the internel • amine; would,.• w+l Seel emitted reetdre'theln to health and ueetu anile aelt ally Maus, KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bob- ber than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health" of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical. profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well, informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. h'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store Skin Diseases are more or less directly - occasioned by bad blood. B. B. B. oures the following Skin Diseases; Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Reales, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimplee and Blotches, by removing all impurities from the blood from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. 1 hada severe cold, for which 1 took Norway Pine. Syrup. I filed it anexcellent remedy, giyipg prompt relief and pleasant to take. J. Paynter. Huntsville, Ont. About two months ago I was nearly wild with tieadaohee. I started taking Burdock Blood Bitters, took two bottles and m y headaches have now altogether disappeared. I think it is a grand medicine. Eva Finn; Massey Station, Ont. Sire, -I had each a severe cough that my throat felt es if ecraped with a rasp. On taking ,Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave relief, and the second bottle completely cured me, Mies. A. A Downey, Manotie, Ont, Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Headache, Constipation. 'Variable Appetite` Rising and Souring of Food, Palpitation of the Heart, Distress after 'Eating. Burdock 13loodBitters are guaranteed to elite Dys- pepsia, if faithfully used according to directi one. , The death 'occurred Friday night, after an illness extending over several weeks, of Rev. Dr. McKnight, principal of the PresbyterianTheological College, Halifax. CATABRu' IN THE HEAD le undoubtedly a disease of the blood and as such only a reliable blood purifier can effect a perfect and permanent cure Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood puri- fier, and it has cured mauy severe eases of catarrh. Catarrh oftentimes leads to . con- sumption. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla before -t is too late. - .Hood's Pill; do not purge pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and efficiently 25c, At James Dunse ith's, Downie, there was born the other day a lamb with five legs and ejx feet. The extra leg has two feet, and it projects out from one nide just behind where one of the front lege ,loins the body. It is not long enough to reach the ground, but it has the knee and is perfectly formed with two feet attached. This curiosity has aroused considerable interest in the locality. AVL MEN. Youog,old or middle aged, who find -them- selves,norvous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in many t of the following symptoms : Mental depression, premature old ago, logs of vitality, loss of memory, bad draoms, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, omission, lack of eneree,pain in the kidneys,lheadaches, Dimples on the faoe and body, itohin or , poouliar sensation about the scrotumwasting of the organs, dizziness, speots before the eyes' twitching of the muscles, • eyelids and else- where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, lose of will power, tenderness of the scalp and opine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure tone rested by sleep, constipation dullnods of hearing. loss of voice, deeire for solitude, o xo[tabit of toinD er sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden airoles looking oily skin eta are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity Heat lead to insanity ,unless cured. The spring orvitalooursehaving lost its itension, every funotion wanes in coneeaaenes,.' Those who through abuse committed:au ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send Your ad- dress for book on diseases peculiar to man. sent free, sealed. Address et. V. LUBON, 2t Maodennell Ave.. Toronto Ont..Canada FOR OV131R FIFTY. YEARS. —Tfr. AIV I• � L- meDY, AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED 'rRrgD F R Winelow'd Soothing Syrup has been used fifty sears by millions of mothers for their ohildree while teething,with porfeot auooees. It soothes, the child, eaten,' the gums,allays the pair , Cures the colic, and is the best remedy far Diarrhoea. -.Ti pleasant to the taste. Sold tP druggists in every pert of the world. 25 sen ie a bottle. Its value iainoaloulable. Be seas and eek for Mrs. Wifielow'e Soothing SDr'IP. and take no other kind. RELIED' IN Sex Hoona.-•Dietreseing ilii! nary and bladder diaeates relieved in ail hours by the "Great South American ''Kid- ney Cure." This new remedy is a treat eurpriee and delight tie pbysioiane on, ac- count of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneyt,baok and every pert of the urinary peneagee in male and female. It relieves retention of Water and pain in passing it almost framed. ately. If you want qulek reliet and cure tide is your remedq, Sold by 0. 'Ayr RtlrurtAtrtstr flume's IN s DAL—South American Rheuniatie Cure, for Rheutnattsol and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 8 days, Ite action upon tbeeykteea Ie remark- able and,niy,Ierfoui, It removes at once the attune and the dleealie Immediately die- s. Tho first'doee Outfit benefit*: 75 mints, Soldby O. Lute, l ruggiet. 818 B X ,.i.• :1.:,r TIMES. TldH BUCHA° AN CA8I . E4uAr, Io A Rssuliasaylogr•. 4/zosx fzaa�l?. Xeon yaott l ipsaX Dtalt+tst.—A Belmar/ 'ro ldiruear,r ►ND Xits I'Ainnel, Dorm's EIDNZX Pitts Omni) Ritz. ,4"rbathgtu, April 80. -The story of Sher- man Buchanan, living near Leamington, is worthy ot notion. He eeys be was al- most helpless, bloated and a wreck .with kidney disease, His digestive organs were powerless sod he was rapidly becoming a burden to himaelt and hit friends, Nater- ally lie lost all hopes of recovery, but a happy thought suggested Dodd's Kidney Pills, and these cured biro. Dodd's was the first kidney remedy in pill form ever offered the public, Its wonderful success in curing all forms of kidney disease has led to the introduction of numerous cheap and wortbleas imitations. Purehasers, for their own safety, should inaiet on getting Dodd's Kidney Pills. Sold in large bcxee; price, fifty oente or six boxes fcr 82.50. To be had of all dealers, Burdock Blood Bitter, (sure dyspepsia. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Constipation. Burdock Blood Bitters cure bilioaeuese. Burdock Bloed Bitters cure headache. Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the clogged secretions of the bowels, thus our. ing headaches and similar oomplainte. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words"Why does a woman look older sooner shun a man") to Lever Bros„ Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. Thio ie an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only oose to postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the endo open, Write your address carefully. C. 0. RICHAnns & Co.0 My son George has suffered with neural- gia round the heart since 1882, but by the application of MINARD'S LINIMENT in 1889 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him dace. JAS. MOKnin. Linwood, Ont. EotarPac1dn&usa Ask for our ,'PLT7ME" brand Meats: They, are the best. ..SHELL BROS. Carriages & Wagons We have received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold E A.P. Come and see thein and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is now complete in every line. Prices to suit everybody. We don't advertise a 20 per cent discount and. claim a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to. buy. Come in yourselves and get prices, and you see at once we have no 40 per cent profit; Good Cow-hide,Rand-made Boobs $2.90 gip i° `` 3.25 " Bats 2.25 " Plow !Boots 90 Men's Half Soling - 35 Women's r` 30 No charge for rips; also see our Hai- ness. Can't be beaten for style and quality, and everything in the Harness line. J. TREBLE. This Space BELONGS TO lei Agente to sola our choice and ]tardy nursery *took either op Salary or Omeneissipttu. We also give ourtpen the privilegeof selitfg Rut new and dholee varieties of send potatoes. Secure the arteries, at once, wbiolt will 01%0 comely repay you lie now is the time to sea suoh goods for spring planting. Address the F. el, At Ale COMPANY. Nursery- men and Propegatprs 4f Choice Seed Notatoea. R.eolteeter, N. Y ruBli 11111 i Largest Finest Designs. Lowest Prices Immense show rooms loaded with goods ; every quality, style and price, but all the best for the lease money. Our Spring Store now complete, ie the pick of the mar- ket in everything -is elegant and varied beyond description. After Stylish Clothes Go a long way toFvards lieirtg;' gentleman, !'doles are hard, and you want t11 best you can get for your money.. Have ,you aver tried J. H. Grieve, eve He is prepared tX supply you with, a nobby spring suit of clothes of superior quality and wake at hard time prices. Drop in and take a. look through his sto.li, it will sur— prise urprise you, y Main -S 1., E eters Parlor Furniture EX T MB Willbe the fate this week. The unus- nal size and variety of the line does t II not admit giving pieces in detail. Odd Pieces WillWillbe especially attractive in. price, and all wlio wish for much, in return for small outlay,will not be disappointed. S. OIDLEY & SON. ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in,generdi il, that he keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUI•LDING Mt1TERIAL r tDRESSE'D.AND•UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH r4AND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled, to.be tiler Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six. to forty years in any climate. ..T.A.S. WI3.5L15 Want a Bicycle? THE G. & J. OIL, OIL, OIL, OIL PNEUMATIC rtr"Es TIRE w ;9,� oar.. ,not THE BOBLER PRODUChi CO. have decided to Retail Oil a Wholesale Prices Best Canadian Oil, - Best Canadian Water White Best American Water White COME ONE, COME ALL. Is the only Tire that gave satisfaction last year MANUFACTURED BY The Book! Bicycle C®/ LTD. IIS YONOE STREET, Brantford, Ont TORONTO PERE-INS & MARTIN Fanson'e Block. A Turning Over Has been going on in our upholstered stook. There is nothing in it but the latest and best manufactured. Yet we feel we have too much of this one line - and now you get the benefit. PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture Line. R. N ROWE. Fashioaahia S1l:! 0 J.I)IATKINSON E'cia0 Furniture Dealer. ATCI1 --FOR IT - EXT WEEK 12c. 17e. 20e. THE CORER PRODUCE CD. re Make a better filing for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more - elastic than any. oth3r make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores., �S CENTRAL SHAVING A MAN A. HASTINGS M'ROZ,M,X TOR. Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. FANSON•S BLOCK. A Full Stock —OF— MEL v?puES AT- OVERCOATS Browning s an always Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Tailor.. We have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from - Natty Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, made up in any style, and fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. Our customers never Hesitate but answer3-01-11\T with a knowingngsmile, C.Jt O � 1\ S The Tailor - IN =D> Al ns L - Books - S l,atoner and �r - Fancy - Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Bores, Etc., etc. J. W Ear g7 S BOOKSTORE. See that horse • Best Ordered Clothing produced.. in tutor Gentlemen 1 leave yourorders easly,tor with thebast s r staff of Tailors • the bets: stook of Pine Trimmings, and the best Gutting in Town, yea, are sure of ia*ieteot ton st‘s N + rolira He bas a smooth an d glossy coat and feed in good enough ocnditiou to wia the "bt>:RlBX tee iao would ti horns 1f it owner need DIOS.'S BLOOD PUR1„VIEFt. It renews the system, enriehee tht blood 'and Rinse nature a fair chance, is also ler: unfailing eradicator for bets and WOrrne. It i. suet as good for (settle ' as for horses. 'Try a too pack - a e if your horses or oattio are not thriving. Fora epaitin, curb, timebone or splint, use WI, LEAD. Je Murray & Cori The - Exeter - Foundry Manufacturer of PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufaeturers of Plow Castings. Also General Castings con tracted for in Iron and Brass, Also Manufacturers of Bride Bolt ends, , Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- ed,' Change 32. Eu,zis.es SN ELL'S Butcher Shop! Haring purchased the Butcheringbus inese of Messrs. Wood ties.,. will take. possession on A'pr'il 1st, and I woiilrl 'res' pectflully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and tta many new ones *mean favor me with a call. Dicke $liet�r Eo .2ko. inaflodotnhe-uopik M pr7dnenifo, � aeiltltilsItia tirofullystsirrtat lg ia wny rl sa YOrtnatnetats foerueoraatebtlds,aoert0a,c2dseiaake,entd peaertsCoof DICK 6t 00 l 0.110 MitiwrrtAt, oaai i,to �rne`e dlX a, * !