HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-14, Page 28PAGF 12A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVt MBE i 14, 1974
Do you ever :Tit down and
read the -Classified ads - in ours
or ANY paper?
Take the big papers - the
Classified pages are so filled
withotinv, tiny ads-- and print
that sou go cross-eyed studying
Nut so with the Signal, you
can see the word classified ads
,very clearly and the display ads
- the ones with the plain or
fano borders - or no border at
all - airy! really stand out and
demand yuirr ,attention.
With anywhere from four •to
six pages of concentrated ads in
Signal lately, you can`t :;ay they
look 'small townish' or unin-
teresting They're far from that
- and what counts most is the
fact that they're fast workers
in LOST and FOUNI) a
sew trig machine is missing,
misplaced, picked up or
something It happens -that this
ad has. had no results other
sham , people. - like me •
calling about it,
So, it sou see a loose blue
Singer around anywhere or if
Ou saw it escaping, somehow,
the little (adv at 4.6012 Would
love to 'ktaotw HOW the caper
was pulled.
'('here are all sorts of in-
ere:,ttng• happenings on these
rage. - so take another look.
Y : :1,' 1 1 notice, too, ,that the
woods rtul' -World of Real
Estate - which they're not
making "any more of has a
: duple of bright pages of its
ow n
1'ht� type of concentrated ad-
vertising changes drasti"Cally
each week - but is still worth•
McGees with their cute pic-
tures always have the welcome
mat out - you can't miss
THEIR -ads - and they doo miss
They Bay Leaf - a wee shop
with a lot of pleasant surprises
lust H A'S to he ' tsited. re's
right across trim) M Gee's .
Service Electric w ants to "do
your,dishes" - They have a
Speed Queen PORTABLE that
takes lover, is • quiet - doesn't
talk back or drop the clips and
you can hide it in the cupboard
if you want to How about
N1ax Curt's "buys of the
Week" are eagerly read - and
you'll rub elbows with all your
friends each week This just
HAS to he the biggest little
;tare in existence. They've -got
You can't deny that the cover
of the Second. Section with all
the pictures is one of the mist
interesting of any of the various
papers. Remember the S'OC,K
-HOP in the Fabulous Fifties? If'
you had to wash the socks then
YOU remember. The GDCI had
a great evening of entertain-
ment and 'Jeff was there to
record it for, us. ;,
This in itsell~ , a • wonderful
service - taking photos Of your
big event. An Anniversary • a
party, a ,the graduation` or
whatever, the Signal's
photographer breaks his neck
to he there.
Our Editor even tries to
make sure viii are never disap-
pointed, Do- give' them time to
arrange their t ime for your
photos, as they like to eat and
sleep, and stay home once in a
while -' tOo! '
We have a full page ad from
Exeter 'Saveway" guess it is
not . to() far away, is•.it?_ A
bargain is a bargain these days,
so you really sclrutinize this ad-
1. Zenith • 100% Solid State
2. Zenith Advanced 11 Chromacolor
Picture tube
3. Zenith's .Energy, saving chassis
4. Zenith's 1 button tuning system
S. Zenith's patented po-wer
voltage regulator
6. Zenith Automatic fine tuning
M O D'EL F4549 .2 5"
5849 95
Chisholm TV
Smiles Fisheries - open severs
days a week. I'm dumb enough
to say "where?" Anyway
they're probably down at THE
DOCK - and that fierce fish
they show would taste good
I like the little block called
Each block gives the name and
place - sharp and clear - and in
a hurry it iss easy to find. (I
hope you excused my bad gram-
mar years ago!)
Keg Bell - a dandy top-
tometrist and a wonderful
help with Little Theatre - Ron
McDonald, Chartered Accoun-
tant are always here. Ross
Shoes - with shoes for the
whole family - Anderson's
Book Store, just around the
corner, also 'has just about
anything you can think •of or
need - in several dines,
Chisholm Fuels - always keeps
that tank filled and Diesel
Equipment on Bayfield Rd. are
ready to serve you.
The Fashion Shoppe shows
one lovely coat and you know
they have lots of other lovelies.
McKillop Fire insurance ad
is one you should read. It only
costs a- little to be safe. Now
THAT page had just a few ads
and lots of interesting reading.
Now comes the Entertain-
ment - and you'll be really
amazed when you really read
these blocks.
•Jim's on West Street. - still
an excellent -.restaurant carries
'on a good reputation for good
food since . the Neil Witmers
gave up the Lakeview. S_ altford
Valley Hall say' they are for
rent -.but don't wait too long -
it is: a' busy place.
Hockey and other :sports are
usually advertised in, .this sec-
tion. Have you seen a LIVE`
game lately? The Candlelight is
advertising for C.hristnias and
New . Years entertainment
make up- your mind and your
party and take careof this little
Little Theatre tell you of
their productions for this
_season - and believe me it is ex-
cellent entertainment for you -
and the price is right. The
Burger Bar on Kingston Street
features good food and quick
service. -
Blyth Inn Hotel - also in the
"entertainment" business. an=
pounce their entertainers for
the week.
• Pete MacEwan wants to
know if you're going SOUTH
this winter do you have that ex-
tra insurance. you later 'wish
you had. I hope you read about
Channel 12. The next page with
the Bulletin Board, is a wealth
of information.
Frank and Gus still bring
• your pizza - real fastand you
can't beat that kind of service.
The new Kentucky 'Fried are
. ready with" the barrels when
you need them 'most and you.
sure need them when you have
unexpected. company. • „ -
The Park T.heatre and .the
Candlelight announce their
programs - also the Candlelight
has that great Sunday
Smorgasbord now so' popular.
Eric Carman does EVERY
type of: photography so your
photos are hound to be just
GREAT. Mona Mulhern adver-
tises her lovely macrame work
and paintings at hen.,.home,
Kung -Fu - being taught
,Tuesday and Thursdays , at
Salt -ford Valley Hall your
chance to learn.
A & P WEO has a full page
ad of specials ever,, otie needs
AND the ad looks GREAT.
The next page just -doesn't
pay for itself, but •I knygtInaby
wouldn't want to . miss hese
great write-ups. I have not met
the Rev. Marvin L. Barz who
writes, now and then, for The
Minister's Studs but Mrs. Barz
is a terrific personality and I
am happy just thinking about
her. Now - do try to meet them.
Bruce Erskine 86 North St.
advertises on this page and I
isee the fabulous 'McMillan
Family had their special music
a. at Huron Men's Chapel in'
Auburn nbt long ago.
The Churches also advertise
on this page - and do you
realize 'how many NEW ones
there are and where they are?
This is a good spot for
- Denomme Flower Shop
and you can phone them at
ANY time. ,Bob McCallum tells
of his Memorials here, too,
Another page of reading but
Hoffineyer gets his few cents
worth in here, Krohmer Con-
struction wants you to know he
has over 25 years experience
and knowhow in this business.
Alvin's TV with Rogers
Majestic and excellent service --
especially for your antenna and
tower insta!iations is at your
heck and call. CKNX introduce
vnu to their lively bunch. This
Huron Fed. of Ag.
will study paces,
profits on tertll:izer
Federatiberson (())ff. AgruriculturenCu
, att
their annual ,meeting held in
Ontario St. United Church
Hall, Clinton, ; recent\'
unanimously passed two
resolutions submitted by the
Resolutions Committee con-
sisting of James McIntosh,
Tuckersmith; Arthur Bolton,
McKillop; and`Allan Turnbull,
Grand Bend.
One stated that "whereas far-
mers . have experienced drastic
price increases in fertilizer° in
the past twelve months, may it
he resolved that Ontario
Federation of Agriculture looks
into the pricing of . fertilizer,
specifically the profit margins
of manufacturers, distributors,
etc." • .
The other resolution was a
little longer: W,
"Whereas Ontario beef
Century farm
markers still
"Century. Farm", a centen-
nial sign project initiated by
the .Junior Farmers'
Association. in 1967, identifies
farms in Ontario that have
been owned by descendents of
the same family for 100 years
dr- more:-- With = considerable
renewed interest in the project
U by owner families nosy' eligible,
as ' well as• the need for
replacement of original signs,
the -Junior Farmers'
Association of Ontario is un-
dertaking the project again as
one of its current activities.
The new signs — 16. by 19 in-
ches and pre -drilled for
hanging — are constructed of
high, quality, 'sati,r 'coat steel.
They are printed on both sides,
• with the 'only difference from
those distributed in 1967 being
that the year is .removed.
Persons wishing to apply for:
one of the signs must meet the
qualifications established for
the project. Each farm must
have been owned by direct,
descendents of the same family
for. 100 years or more. In ad-
dition, the farm must have
someone` living on it and still
be in active production. ncor-
porated i farms are eligible if
they are still owned by the
same family. A county or
district supervi:sing committee
will make the final decisions on
the eligibility of a farm in each
The signs will be sold to
qualifying owners by the Junior
Farmers' Association of On-
tario at cost price—$7, subject
to change without notice.
Application forms for the
project and further information
should be obtained' from the
county or district Junior Far-
mer provincial director or from
the local offices of the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and
Mustard Report is a MUST to
read or inquire about before we
get tied up in. a health care
system we can't overthrow.
'Davidson of Wingham has a
good ad on his well drilling.
Dear Mr.- W.E. Elliott talks
about Milburn - awakening - at
Dunlop Corners and thisatakes
most of that-,pa.ge;_
Mac Campbell wants you to
know he is' still going strong on
your photographic needs, Hen-
derson's Book Store has lovely
china for your gift buying -
AND the Signal has some NEW
.maps for you. Bruce
MacDonald Electric is going
strong again, Denomtne In-
dustrial Centre on Hamilton
St. has your hip waders and a
lot of other good stuff you
should know about.
I hope you had that color
portrait of your little one taken
not, long ago - if not check the
Peoples store for other dates.
Canadian Tire finish the
second section nicely with a full
page ad - and I don't know a
more popular Place (other than
the IN and OtJT stores) for just
Enything yosioneed for your car
or your hcyl/te,
Well, t>Nlt', there's no way I
can eaten ALL these adver-
tisers but if you really read
your paper you'll see what I
mean when I say they have
great acts and are great people.
P.S. You'll have to marMarthak, your.
calendar very carefully there's
so much happening:
producers , are experiencing
severe financial difficulties;
and whereas there is no in
dication of any . price im-
provement in the foreseeable
future; and •whereas the
depressed beef prices are., the
,result of oversupplv'to market;
and whereas Goi.'ernments
seem iInwilling to provide any
significant relief for beef
"And whereas products from
dead and disabled livestock are
sold comineryially and are com-
peting with marketable
livestock; and whereas many
Ontario farmers .are' looking to
,the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture for leadership in
meeting this crisis;
"Therefore, be it resolved
that the OFA organize, -develop
and coordinate a programme to
withhold all dead and disabled
livestock _from commercial
markets; also, -that we en-
courage • Ontario Beef Im-
provement Association' to assist
in implementing 'this
Top 4 H-er.....
(continued from page 11A)
Gorrie, 907; South Huron 4-H
Multi -project Club - Barb
Miller, RR 3, Exeter, 904 for
white beans, Forage - Alan
Powe, 852; corn - Paul Pavkeje,
RR 2, Centralia, 882; junior
leager project, Barb Miller.
Tuckersmith 4-H Field Crops
Club - corn,. Randy Wilson RR
1, Brucefield, 882; forage; Barry
Gordon, RR .1, Seaforth, 635;
beans, 'Jeff Allan, Brucefield
875. y1-Juron County 4-4-1 Sod
Busters: Jim N.ivins, RR '3,
Auburn,' 917; Huron County 4-
H' Tractor Club, Jim Fairies,
RR 1, Gorrie 924'.
Other. , clubs; with projects
completed but not given points
were North Huron 4-H
Snowmobile Club; Central and
South Huron 4-H snowmobile
club; Belrnore 4-H maple syrup
club; Senior 4-H Dairy
Management Club.
George Thbmpson 'of RR 2, Clinton received the Robert McKinley Citizenship Trophy. for
being the outstanding 4-H member in Huron County in the past year. It was the top awaad
made at the 4-H Acti'ievement Night in Clinton last Friday.. Mr. McKinley, left, MP for Huron- .
Middlesex, made the presentation. (News -Record photo).
For Automobile Insurance
524_$100 AGENCY $24-9442.
• k..
We Represent :-
cDominion of Canada
Economical Mutual
Gore Mutual
Commercial Union
Perth Insurance
Royal Insurance
Shaw .& Begg
Waterloo Mutual
Wawanesa Mutual'
Zurich Insurance
•While we have the widest stock
•The latest styles . K.. -
*Avoid the winter rush and slush -_get
your boots. today " f.
*We carry boots by weather-quard s Non staining