HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-14, Page 23Scottish theme
On ,October tl12, Thomas- R. gathering basket of yellow
Crawford and Cheryl C. iceburg mums, gold suede rib- St. Peter's Roman Catholic
Stewart were united in bon and'red.-wheat. 'was set-
Church, Goderich,
marriage at Knox Presbyterian, Groomsman was Wayne Cfor the marriage the Mary
Church . by Rev. Lockhart . Draper of Goderich. Ushers ting
Royal. were Larry McCabe, also, from Jane Schneiker, only daughter
The altar was decorated with ' Goderich; and Ted Crawford of Mr. and Mrs. • Carl
gold candelabras with red and Terry Crawford, brothers Schneiker, Goderich, and
Stratford. Donald Kenneth Allain, Down -
gladioli, white iceburg mums• of the groom, sview, of Mrs. Allain,
Down -
and red wheat. - Ringbearer was Brent Fowler, svTiew,
son and the late Claude
The bride is the daughter of nephew of the bride, who. ,,oFriday, de
Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Stewart, carried a white heart shaped Allain, at 7 o'clocky,October the
Goderich, and Mr. and 'Mrs. evening. Y
Ross Crawford, Stratford, are
the parents- of the groom. -
Soloist was Mrs. Clayton Ed-
ward of Goderich who sang'
' (photo by Carmen Studio)
ed in,Goderich
pillow bordered 'with spariis Father Raymond
lace. Moynahan, the pastor, was the
The 'bride's- mother- --wore`:_a _.. - officiating -clergyman.
floor -length gown of peachSeveral wedding,hymns were
polyester crepe with matching sung by Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Will Never Walk Alone and cape. She wore a corsage of , Robinson, the latter also being
The Wedding Song. '• stephanotis and gardenia. accompanist.
The bride's gown was made .. The groom's mother chose a The bride given in marriage
of white satin bordered with floor -length gown of ivory
by- her father, chose an
spanish lace with an empire french crepe with brief gold exquisitely simple gown of
waistline, a high Victorian trim on her matching jacket. white chiffon wool garnished
neckline and a long cathedral
train. Her floor -length veil was
also bordered in spanish lace.
She,.carried a. cascading
bouquet of white miniature car-
nations, red sweetheart roses,
stephanotis, baby's breath and
myrtle. -
Matron of honor was. Mrs.
Denese McCabe, friend of the
bride, who was dressed in a
long A-line skirt Made of the
Royal Stewart tartan, white
polyester blouse and .black vest Crawford, Stratford. Mrs. Les.
with a red neck scarf •and a Pitblado gave a miscellaneous
scottish tarn to match her skirt. shower with the help of Mrs..
Bridesmaids were Miss Jon Ginn, Mrs. Gail Masse and
Heather Stewart' and Mrs.. Mrs. Karen Carter. A kitchen
Darlene Fowler, sisters of the shower was also given' by Mrs.
bride and Miss Lynn Crawford Denese McCabe.
of . Stratford, sister of the A rehearsal party was given
groom, Flowergirl was Miss by the groom's mother, at the
Shannon Stewart, sister of the • home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
bride. ' • ' McMillan.
All wore dresses identical.:to After a honeymoon trip to
the one worn by the matron of Nassau, the couple will reside
. , at .103 Waterloo Street,
honor. �
Each attendant carried a Goderich.
She wore a corsage of orange with Alencon lace. A chapel
delight ,roses. • train and monk's hood com-
The reception followed . at pleted her ensemble. •
Saltfor,d. Valley Hall. Her_attendants, her sister -in -
For travelling the bride wore law, Mrs. John (Gale)
a floor -length gown of peach Schneiker •and her niece, Lisa
polyester crepe with white ac- Schneiker, were identically
cessories and a corsage of white gowned in long bitter-sweet
miniature carriations. matte' jersey dresses, which
The bride was honored' with featured long sleeves and high
a Jack and Jill shower given at necklines.
the home of Mrs. Barb
Couple married
in .Knox chapel
Claudia Claire Elliott and
Arthur 'W'esley Morris ex-
changed marriage vows Oc-
tober 5 in Knox Presbyterian
Chapel, Goderich, with Rev.
Lockhart Royal officiating, •
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Elliott of
Goderich. The' groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs.. James
Morris, RR1 Welland..
The bride was given in
marriage by her Jather and
mother, and was aitencled 'tiv
Cheryl Elliott as maid of honor
and Martha Reid as
Stan Horseman was groom-
sman and Dayid Morris
ushered guests..
A reception was held at Knox
Prefibyterian Church,
The couple now
reside in
would Tike to ca y
"housewatrning gifts" and. in-
• formation about your new'
location. The Hostess will be
glad to arrange your subscrip•
tion to the Signal -Star
Call her at 524-7854
t Vacuum Cleaners
▪ Washer/Spin Dryers
• Portable Dryers
on easy term's.
'308 HURON RD.
Joanme.Sutcliffe wed in
Wedding vows were ex-
changed by Joanne Marie Sut-
cliffe of Wingham and John
Edward McPherson of Kit-
chener as they became husband
and wife'in a setting of yellow
pompon mums and daisies on
Saturday, October 5, at 4:30
,o'clock in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Robert H. Armstrong
performed the double ring
,ceremony and Mrs• Don Rober-
tson provided suitable organ
music. She also 'accompanied
the soloist, Miss Doris Coultes,
who sang ' The..,Twelfth of ' Donald Dubeau, a friend of
Never", '"The Lord's Prayer" the groom, of London, was
and "The Wedding Song". groomsman and ushering
Mr. and Mrs• Gordon Sut- guests were two friends, Robert
cliffe of Wingham are the . Corrigan of 'Bluevale and Ed -
bride's parents and the groom . ward Blackwell of Teeswater,
is 'the son of Mr. and Mrs. and Dennis Galley, the groom's
Douglas McPherson of brother-in-law, of Walkerton.
Teeswater, • , Yellow pompon mums and
Given in, marriage by her daisies and yellow, candles
father, 'the bride wore a floor- ,decorated the Wingham Legion
Autumn hued flowers in
bronze and yellow were carried
by the bridal party. '
Groomsman was Michael
Thys, Toronto, and guests were
ushered by John Schneiker,
Goderich, and Clarence
Rendell, Peterborough.
After the ceremony, an infor-
mal reception was held at the
Maitland Country Club, ,at
which the toast' to the bride
was proposed by her godfather,
Mr._.Justice..Donnelly. L thing_ jacket. She carped a
For their honeymoon at The- { nosegay of yellow .Sweetheart
Mill, the bride wore a long.two- roses, daisies and ivy.
piece beige .woollen tailored In matching ensembles,
dress with brown accessories,
and a corsage of bronze mums.
The young couple are
residing on campus at York.
University, Downsview, 'where
the • •groom ' is completing his
post graduate studies in
Business Administration.
Prior to her marriage the
bride was entertained locally at'
a tea given by her aunt, Mrs.
Earl MacLaren; also a shower
at the home of Mrs. Donald
Smith, .at which Mrs. Smith
and Mrs. V.J. Tobin were joint.
"similar to..that of the maid or
honor, were the bridesmaids,
Miss Jane Bateson of•
Wingham, Mrs: Kendra
Miles II of London; both
friends of the bride; and Mrs.
Jill Galley of Whlkerton, sister
of the groom.
Miss Laurie McPh+rson - of
Teeswater, sister of the groom°,
was flowergirl and wore a gown
of white eyelet lined with royal
blue and trimmed with royal
blue velvet ribbons. She carried
a nosegay of yellow:Sweetheart,
roses, daisies and ivy,
The bride is a .graduate of
Lougheed Business College,
Guests •attended the wedding
from Oshawa, Chatham,
Exeter, Clinton, Teeswater,
Toronto, Port Elgin, Kitchener,
length gown of maracaine jer-
sey and guipure lace. The dress
was styled with high neckline
Hall for the reception which
followed. The bride's mother.
.wore a floor -length gown of
adorned with guipure lace and mint green maracaine jersey
floral appliques and hand- with high neckline trimmed
beaded with pearls.? It featured -with seed pearls. A corsage of
a softly draped bodice, long full yellow roses completed her en -
bishop sleeves and a full-length sernble. - attached chapel Strain. A mat- The_ groom's mother chose a
ching draped jersey Juliet cap, floor -length gown of coral jer-
with matching guipure lace and sey peau ,. with full bishop
pearls, held in place a full- sleeves and' a corsage of coral
length nylon illusion veil edged roses.
in matching lace and she For travelling to Nassau and
carried a cascade bouquet of the Bahamas, the bride wore a
white Sweetheart roses and ivy. blue plaid suit with black ac -
Miss Karen Sutcliffe of cessories and a corsage of pink
Wingham was her "sister's maid roses.
1 will
of honor, becomingly attired in On their
a sleeveless gown of royal blue reside at 88
maracaine jersey, teamed with chetaer.
"'a hooded long=sleeved mat -
return they
Bruce Street,
Heavy Dut9 Weight Comfort fit design, by National Safety En-
Nylon and cotton blod, Lightweight ' but . warm
Goderich and the Wingharn
area. .
Honored guests were the
bride's grandmother., Mrs.
Mamie° Sutcliffe of ,Goderich,
and the groom's grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Groves 9f
Port Elgin.. -
168 ' THE SQUARE, GOQERICH.. .524.7532\
skaMinistry o \
---.-- Ho us i n g
Ontario Housing Corporation
WED., NOVI :20
2-•5 And 6:30-.8i30
Advertisement Published By
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Hip Waders by Acton' Co • Canadian made from $21.95 0_
irllnitlntnitnnntnllntnun 111111ituunitnntiniillmillnttnlllntillllllln illiminuullllunllnlllilllnntntunlultlnullnl1n111111�
66 Hamilton St., Goderich
k...,.. If home ownership has been • eluding you,
Ontario Housing Corporation's Horne Owner-
'- ship Made Easy (H.,O.M.E.) Plan may provide
you with the key that will open the door to
your own home.
OHC has allocated serviced building lots for ,„
the construction'of 38 three ci`nd four-bedroom k
detached houses for sale under the H.O.M.E.
# '
Pian in the Huron Ridge subdivision, west
Queen Street on the northern boundary of
These houses include four three-bedroom units
which will ,be bought by OHC for allocation
to applicants for rental housing selected from
OHC's waiting list, .
They will be rented on` a geared -to -income scale
as part of Ministry of Housing -policy into inte-
grated rental housing in the general community.
• The remainder will be allocated on a first-come,
first-served basis. -
Sixty per cent of the dwellings will be three-
bedroom units and the remaining 40 per cent
four-bedroom units.
Families interested in purchasing one of the
houses should contact the builder of their
choice, As this program is designed• to assist
families obtain home ownership, only couples,
or single individuals with at least one legal
dependent, .tire.eligible.
Delbar'Investments of
Goderich Ltd.
36A East Street
Goderich, Ontario
Tel 1519) 524-2332
8 three•bedroom
Royal Homes Limited 30 three and
P,. Box 370 four•bedroom houses
Wingham, Ontario •• • 524,500 526.500
Tel. '519! 357.2606
By' leasing the land on which the houses will
be built, OHC removes the land costs from
necessary down paymen��th a dow
result, homes may be pischas d w
payment as low as five per cent.of the house
price. With a minimum down payment, a family-
amilywith a gross annual income of $9,520 may
qualify for a house. • , .
The Tots are offered on the basis of a 50 -year
lease, with the home -owner time after five years
to buy the land at any
Of the lease have elapsed. Monthly land lease
payments will be approximately
Mortgage financing for the purchase of these
houses is being. provided by the Province at
83/4 per cent interest on a five-year term with
an amortization period of '35 years.
The purchase of H2O.M•.E. Plan houses is limited
to single -income families whose earnings do
not exceed' $14,500 and combined -income
families -whose earnings do not exceed
$17,000 annually. Only families who 1h64
� been residents in Ontario for at least one 4year
are eligible.,