HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-14, Page 13.E, ng, on ig. ng ia. G. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR ALL your sewing phone 524- 6246.---44,.46 WOULD care for infant in my own home five days a week, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone 524- 2207.--46x WILL BABYSIT in my home, one child. Phone 524-9376.-46 SAW, chains sharpened while you wait. Service to most makes of saws. Steve Argyle Outdoor Equipment, Bayfield, phone 565-2840.-- 46A/R ACE RADIO & TV • Asolvesoill Sales & Service 'Repairs to all makes of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 H.OFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APP•LI-ANCES. 55 -KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, drye'r's, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 14. NOTICE TO CREDITOR./ 19, BUSINESS` OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS HENRY WILSON, LATE of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Retired Watchman, ALL persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 25th day of November, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, Barristers, 18 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 44,45,46A/R G.W.• Rivett ,BOOKKEEPER God,rch Phone 524-6931 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Custom Rec. Rooms & Bars Home Remodelling of any kind Special winter rates Vernon Glenn Phone Collect 526-7238 Auburn SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis--Moffat—Beatty Sales—Service Repairs to all makes 36•Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 —17t1 SCREENED 'TOP SOIL Lyle Montgomery Clinton` 482-7644 ti. Sid Bruinsnia FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS . BACKHOE . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS a* 4I 44 ...:..,SEWERS FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 BUSINESS COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE and CLEANING Fisher 524-2445 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES' & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA' • 262-5748 gctfn 'YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE'THE BEST! 'COMPLETE LANDSCAPING "SERVICE lk SUPPLIES Dutch Bulbs Fall Evergreens it Trees Open Mon. -Sat. 111- dark Sunday - Noon to 6 p.m ART'. LANDSCAPING,` , RSERY and GARDEN ENTRE 166 BENN ST. E. ODERICH 524.9126. Deweerd PAINTING PAPER HANGING Free Estimates Special Winter Rates 482-7550 Clinton 15. PUBLIC NOTICE CRANE! I will 'no longer be reslJon-' slide for 11ny .deem incurred by my wife Elsa Rose Crane, as of October :11, '197.1.—Mike ('rine. --14,-11,46 i will no longer be'sponsible for debts incurred by my husband Donald George Baxter Sr. as of this day, November ,14, 1974.—Mrs. Claudine Baxter. -46,47,48 PUL,SIFER MUSIC Seaforth 527-0053 Open Mon. Tues. Thurs. , 3:30 to 6 p.m. Fri. 9' a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. .Pianos, organs; drums, guitars, etc. Piano tuning and repairs Rental and' lessons on electric guitar,base, accordion, drums and banjo. Lowest prices on Willis pianos and Optigan organs. COUNTY, OF HURON LY E.IMIONTGOMERY-• - CONSTRUCTION Crushed Road gravel; crushed stone (for drainage work) Clean Cement Gravel, Pit Run and Fill Gravel, Back hoe work,, Screened Top Soil CLINTON - 482-7644 Phone evenings or before 7 a.m. tin 14. NOTICE TO. CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ANN- LAMBERTUS, late of the Town- ' ship of Ashfield, in' the County of Huron, Housewife, ALL. PERSONS claiming against the above Estate are required to forward , full particulars .cif their claims to the undersigned, sin- or before the 25th day of November; 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY; Barristers, 18 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Estate . 44,45,46A/R IN THE ESTATE OF MARY .JOHNSTON, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GODERIKH, IN THE ' COUNTY OF • HURON, Housewife, ALL PERSONS claiming against the above Estate are required to forward • full particulars of thei claims to the undersigned, on/r before the 25th day of Noverr}ber, 1974, after- which date the 'ssets will be distributed. DONNELLY & ,M I RPHY, arrititers, 18 he Square, ' GODER Solicitors Ontario. for the Estate 44,45,46A/R . . 5. PUBLIC NOTICE TREASURER'S SALE+ OF LANDS IN • ARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, December 10, 1974 at 10:00 a.m. re any unpaid taxes still out- standing at that date, as shown -on the list published in the On- tario Gazette on September. 7,, 1974 • NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER 'GIVEN that if any of the unsaid lands remain unsold, an adjour- ned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 17, 1974 at the same hour and place. Lists of the properties involved may be secured at my office in tne,Court House, Goderich, On- Jerio. JOHN 6. BERRY , Treasurer COUNTY' OF HURON Offset Printing Shop in Owen Sound Specializing in instant printing equipment including AB Dick 350, 1 Tek Camera, Kenro Plate maker, Davidson 323 offset 12 station collator electric folder, cutter, all necessary equipment ' plus inventory, business is one year old grossing 1,500 month. Fantastic Potential, asking $12,000. Small Down Payment. CALL 519-376-2478 ammommosmaimimami 21. BIRTHS SCHILTHUIS: Dr. and Mrs: William A.. :Schilthuis, RR 2, Goderich, thank God for the safe arrival of their son„ Kevin Harm, November 6, 1974. A little brother for Trevor. -46 PENTLAND: At Alexandra Hospital, November 11, 1974, to Mr, and Mrs'' -John Pentland, RR 6, Goderich, a son. SUPLAT: .At Alexandra Hospital, November' 12, 1974, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Supiat; Goderich, a daughter, . Sherry Lynn. 23. -ENGAGEMENTS With much happiness, Sgt. and Mrs. C. A. Hardy of Prescott announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lynn to Mark, son of Dr. and Mrs. 'W. N. Wafters of Goderich: The marriage will take place in North. Street United Church, Goderich, at 6• o'clock on 1. the evening of the 14th of December, 1974.-46x Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Goderich,- Ontario, -are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Kathleen Mary, to 1Vjr. -Joseph Percy Dumigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dumigan, Grand Bend, Ontario, The' wedding will take`place on Saturday, Decem- ber 7th,• in North Street United' Church at four o'cloc•k.-46 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison, Goderich, .Ontario, are pleased to announce' the engagement of• their— eldest heireldest daughter, Brenda May, to Paul • Likes, idaho Falls, . Idaho, • {J,S.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Likes, Idaho Falls, Idaho, U.S.A. The wedding' to take place the later part - of November, in Goderich.-46 • 25. IN MEMORIAM . GLENN:• In' loving memory of George Glenn, who passed away 'Three years lip; ,November 17, 1971. Years'go by, but memories stay, As near and dear as yesterday - It's not the :words, they are but few, Id's the loving memories, we keep of -you. ` —Ever' remembered by wife, children and grandchildren, -46x 16. PERS9NAL DO YO have marriage or family proble s? The Ministry of Com- mon v,& Socia l Services offers help in e form of marriage and family c' inselling either in your home or n: the Wingham Office, 199 `Josephine Street, Tor appointment, phone 357-3370.-8tf 20. TO GIVE AWAY PUPPIES to give away, 8 weeks • old. Phone 524-2202. --45,46 IN THE STATE OF DAVID - . ALEXA r ER HAY , — Retired Labour , Deceased. ; , ' All ersons having (`laims against the . tate of the above mentioned, . la of Holmesville,;,i the County of ron, Township of Goderich, who ied at the City of London on the 25th day of January, 1974; are required' to file proof of same with the undersigned an or before the 16th day of December, 1974: After that date the PublicVrustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only,to the claims of which . he then shall have had notice. DATED at Toronto this 6th day of November, 1974. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto, ADMINISTRATOR 46 FULLER: In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Reginald M. Fuller, who passed away November . 13, 1959, Looking back with memories Upon .the path you 'trod We bless the hours we had with you And leave the rest with God. ' —Always remetnbered by wife and family. ---46 • 26. CARD OF THANKS FINNIGAN: We would. like to thank our friends; neighbors and relatives 'for the lovely gifts and cards we received on our 25th an- niversary and those who earn.- out in the evening to help celebrate the occasion.—Chester and Rui7y.. Fin- nigan. --=46 15. PUBLIC NOTICE LTownsh.ip of Colborne atepayers Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 26. 8 p.m. TOWnship Hall - Carlow The reeve & coun611 will report for 1973-74 Wilmer Hardy Clerk, Treasurer 411111111111111111111111111111W 4• ,.r o moos m, 26. CARD OF THANKS° PENHALE: 'We wish to take this opportunity .to thank everyone who made our ' 50th Wedding Anniver. sary the memc,rable 44 B'. on we have to cherish Very special thanks to our family, the Hayfield t' (''A' and the L.Q L. No 24, Mrs Vera Turner and our good friends on the Bronson and Bluewater, to the neighbours both past and present who took time to call on us at our Open House 'and, t he cram. many beautiful gifts we were given Words cannot 'express our gratitude and the .happy memories we now have to• look back on of this day in the years we hope to be spared to share together. -Harold and Li.alian Penhale.-46x THIS WEEK'S' CLUB Winners CLUB NO. 1 MRS. POLLY McKELLAR ' CLUB NO. 2 MRS. J.M. SIMONS CLUB NO, 3 , MISS KAREN TAYLOR You can be next' -Nothing to buy Nothing to lose Enquire today ' • N. T. ORMANDY DIAMOND SPECIALIST GODERICH • a C WANTED WANTED — Hay for horses. Phone 524-9362,-46 WANTED TO' BUY -- Timothy hay for horses. Phone 524- 8529.-46,47 F - FOR RENT ACCOMMODATION for 'hoarding horses. Phone Brussels 1•887- 6798.-45,46 .887-6798.-45,46 DON'T BURN CANADA'S FORESTS: GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1974 --PAGE 13 D'.E. send SS scarves to needy school in Georgian Bay The Maple. Leaf Chapter, o I.O.D.E. met on November 5 at .the, home of Mrs. Glen -lays, Essex Street, with the Regent,° Mrs. Alvin McGee presiding. Following the I.O:D.E• opening prayer, reports were heardTfrom the secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer and hospitality convener. Mrs. Rayner, Services Con- vener, told the group that knit- ting and sewing done by mem- bers had been sent to Provin- cial Headquarters. In par- ticular 55 hand knitted scarves have been forwarded to the adopted school on Christian Island in Peorgian Bay. Membership convener, Mrs. Murphy stated that Mrs. C.H. Dalton, Provincial Organizing Secretary, would be present at the December meeting. Three newly accepted members " will take their affirmation at that time. Mrs. J.H. Stringer, Oppor- tunity Shop treasurer, re,ported a successful October. The Shop will be closed from December 19 to January 6. The Regent commented upon several directories received from Provincial. In reply to a letter received from 'the Goderich '"Meals on Wheels" committee, the chapter voted funds to cover the purchasing of food containers for this wor- thwhile project. A letter was read by Mrs. Slinger from "Mother's Day Out" committee and ,commen- ' ted • upon by Mrs. Van den ' Broeck. Those present were reminded of the annual Remembrance Day Service, November 11 at the Cenotaph and the Red Cross Blood Clinic November 20. Plans for the annual Christ- mas dinner meeting were left in the hands of a special commit- tee,- namely, mesdames Hassel, McIntyre, Murphy, Morrissey and Papernick. , The important business of allocating monies to various Provincial and National Funds was begun. Following lively discussion, on the motion of Mrs. Breckenridge. and. Mrs. Hays, the ,Maple Leaf Chapter Police report four major accidents A.. two -car collision on The Square last Friday resulted in $450 damage. Damage to the vehicle of Robert T. Scott, 188 Britannia Rd., was estimated at $300. The other vehicle, driven' by Daniel Demeres, 197 Bayfie-ld Rd., received$150 damage. There were no 'in- juries. Another'two-car accident Oc- tober 23, resulted in $250 "-damage to a vehicle driven by Wayne E: Moulton, 65 CAmbria Rd., and $10 damage to the other vehicle driven by Henry C. Brim.icombe, RR, . 2, Goderich. The ' collision. Oc- curred at the corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets. No injuries were reported. Two cars collided at the cor- • ner of .Jones and Bennett Streets, last Saturday, resulting in $225 damage. A vehicle driven by Larry -E. Schertzl, RR • 4 Goderich, received $150 damage.. The other vehicle, driven. by Norman E. Dale, RR 2 Goderich, received $75 damage. There were no injuries reported. At noon Monday, a transport truck missed the curve on Huron Road at Elgin Avenue and Cambria Road, and,,,skid- ded on the wet road, over -the curb into a guardrail. The . truck, driven by Ray Darwin • Gollnitz, Shakespeare, Ont., received $300 damage. Damage to the guardrail and posts was estimated at $250. There were no injuries reported. During the week, police laid five charges under the Criminal Code, 20 under• the Highway Traffic Act, four under the Liquor Control Act, and' ,five bylaw charges. Police Chief P.D. King urges everyone to lock their cars, as there have been several car thefts recently. Golden Agers to carpet bowl The Goderich Golder`r •Age club has received a New . Horizons,gran't from the federal government, for $1,500. .The club has ordered an.indoor car- pet bowling set, including the carpet and balls, a loudspeaker.,, tables and chairs. "A man from New Horizons advised us to'get it," said club secretary, Mrs. -Hazel Salter. "We're , expecting it in about three weeks, and we'll have it set up by the start of next wear. Hopefully,.it'll go over well." The set will be available to the club's 70 to 75 members, .New Horizons is, a federal 'government programwhich gives grants to senior citizens' groups, for any worthwhile . projects. accepted the proposed • budget • which embraced some eight I.O.D.E. projects. ' A series of beautiful slides ee`pting the International Peace Garden, situated on the border between Manitoba and North Dakota, was enjoyed. Commentary was given by Mrs. McGee. The Garden, virtually a huge park, is a tribute to the long years of peaceful co -existence enjoyed by Canada and United States. It is maintained both by governmental and private groups, one of whom is the I.O.D.E. The Peace Garden includes picnic, camping and hiking areas, formal and informal gar- dens, as well as providing training camps for youth or- chestras and theatre groups, aquatic and equestrian sports. Mrs. Hughes spoke on behalf of the chapter in thanking Mrs. Hays for her gracious hospitality. At the close of the meeting refreshments , were en- joyed. I -1 b TQN TALK Mrs, Wallace (Bud) Desdar- dine, the former Mary Ann • Hayter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Hayter, Goderich, received her Associate of Music Vocal Diploma at the Annual Convocation of the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music on Saturday, November 2 at Althouse College. At the Fifth Annual 'Awards Night tomorrow evening (Friday, November 15, ) Miss Kathryn Taylor,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor, RR '4 Goderich, will receive one of five Atkinson Foundation Awards, Guest speaker at the function ,is Gordon. W. Walker, MPP, London North. Paula Butler, 14 -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Butler, Goderich, was the silver medalist for Grade ,4 violin 197:3-74 'at the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music in Lon- don with a mark of 90. Miss Butler studies 'violin in Lon - „don. She is a Grade 10 student at GDCI. Mrs. Henry Bradley and Mrs. Hugh Glen returned Sunday from Key West, Florida, . after spending an enjoyable holiday for two weeks with the latter's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cris Ray and wee grandson Cedric. Harbor repast Noverriber 5 the Helen Evans arrived light from Detroit for salt, November 7 ' the. Agawa Canyon arrived light from 'Hamilton for salt. November 8 the George Hindman arrived light fron Conneaut for grain. a IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS We Are Moving NEXT WEEK As you know, American Motors has been on a STEADY INCREASE in thast few years a'hd has reached a point where today They produce a very highly,acceted.line-up of automobiles, accepted by both the ger>'eral public and, as used vehlles, by com- petitive dealers who pay premium prices especially on our compacts. This can only mean One thing - American Motors produces a reliable product that is widely accepted now. When business grows you must grow with it. Therefore, within the next 10 days, American Motors will be located in a NEW and one of the most modern premises in Southwestern Ontario at 346 HURON ROAD. As our facilities near completion, we feel that we will be able to offer you'the UTMOST in SERVICE, SEfiLECYT N, etc, And we can Ail sure you our 1975 models have a host of new things to off P:at' coidpetitive prices. - Watch for our OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT and GRAND OPENING. Nothing much will be changed except for a name and a couRle of new faces. 'the BIG, change will be our NEW PREMISES in which we hope we will b4 able to offer you the, tit - most in selection of fine products ,all the way from our very popular GREMLIN to the full line-up of the ever increasing popular 4 WHEEL DRIVE JEEP vehicles. We hope during the changeover that we will not have to inconvenience you too much and that you will bear with us. See you 'at 346 HURON ROAD. GRAFTS FINA SERVICE 268 Baytieid Road Goderich 524-841.1 or 524-8841 Gord Munroe Aal»orlcarn Motors and Jeep JOHN GRAF, GORD MUNROE' November9 the J.F. Sckpllkopf J.R. arrived light . from Port Huron for salt. November 10 the Westdale arrived witha load • of grain from Thunder Bay. November 10 the tugboat Roger R. Simons,, arrived. . Philodendron small and. versatile The versatile Philodendron is an attractive addition to most houseplant collections. Some varieties afe vine -like an - •. be twisted onto small 'arbors, hi - others are "low growing. •ayes are heart - shaped and can, be large or small depending on the variety. Philodendrons. are easily established, although they prefer the low light conditions and indirect sunlight usually found only in north windows. They also need high humidity and good drainage: "Once a Philodendron starts growing, it does best if not disturbed", em- phasizes R.F. Gomme, Ontario °Ministry of Agriculture and Food horticulturist. "It needs water only occasionally 'and should not he over fertilized." Should your Philodendron become stringy, pinch off the ends 'to produce shorter, thicker growth. Propagate it by taking cuttings containing at least four leaves from the top ends, Ind placing them .in sand or water after removing the two bottom leaves. The nodes. where the two lower leaves were will grow into roots,