HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-14, Page 30. Our readers write..... (continued from page 2) that everyone also keep in mind ° the point that, as indicated in the' 'working document by Minister of National Health. and Welfare, Mark Lalonde, A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians, "The annual rate of cost escalation has been bet- ween 12 percent and 16 per- cent, which is,far in excess of the economic growth of the country; if unchecked, health pare costs will soon be beyond the capacity of 'society to finance them." Also, according to the Lalonde document, "it is estimated that about half the burden of. illness is psychological in origin and this proportion is growing." Under the current Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan it is profitable - for physicians to spend a great deal of their valuable time and use expensive hospital facilities. treating such illnesses, many of which could be cared for equally as well in the com- munity by other professions, such as nurses, so.cial workers, and psychologists, at far less expense to the taxpayers. One proposal,in the Mustard Report is• a group delivery of services including such. professions as those mentioned above ' along with the physicians.. For such a system to work, the report indicates that the professionals 'frust put the,_, problem . of ^Fheaith—care delivery before their -,profession -- end respect the knowledge of others and their right to par- ticipate. • A hope was expressed that the attitude of the professional ass.ociations would help in this respect. obviously this is not the case where the Ontario Medical Association is concer- ned (also from the October 31st Signal -Star publication). It is not difficult to understand the animosity , of the medical profession towards the Mustard Report when one considers the. financial implications it has for the physicians. I do 'not wish to state that the points Dr. Mills makes are inaccurate and should be ignored. But, I would like to suggest that 'before everyone hurries to rally around his flag and reject the Mustard Report, they look carefully at that flag and make certain that it is the maple leaf they see there and not the snake entwined symbol of the medical profession. Sincerely yours, (Name withheld by request) Used stamps . Dear Editor, Especially; at Christmas time,. I think of all the used postage stamps that are needlessly discarded. .These seemingly worthless articles, from any country,°are sold in bulk by the Scarboro Fathers, to stamp dealers, to help finance mission • projects throughout the worid. In 10 months I have received over 100 lbs. of cancelled postage stamps, in small quan- tities, in very large quantities, from schools, service clubs, companies, individuals etc. Alley add up . quickly if everyone collects them for me. It „hardly takes a second to rip the used postage stamps off of an envelope leaving a bit of paper around it. • • This can be YOUR way of - helping the world's poor without costing YOU a lot of time or money. Please send (by "Third Class" Mail) or bring all your cancelled postage stamps, anytime of -the year to: Mrs. R. M. Chmay, 230 Jarvis Street, or Mrs. J, C. Lawrence, 6782 Dorchester Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Thank you, R. M. Chmay. Issue not dead Dear Editor, Dding May Of 1972, the very important Transport Commit- tee ,of the •House of Commons conducted thorough, and exten- si .'e public hs arings throughout Southwestern Ontario tin the need, the desire for, and ad- visability of restored rail passenger service in our area. The response from citizens in our area was swift and Com- plete, and the good M.P.'s returned to Ottawa to table an unanimous report. This unanimous recommen- dation of the Committee was quote 'That all rail passenger service discontinued in Nov. 1970 be re -instated im- •mediately.' The majority of the Transport Committee were Liberal members. No govern- ment (or cabinet) action followed -this recommendation. Following , 197.2 Summer recess, Parliament was dissolved, a general election called, and a minority Liberal government was returned to of- fice. Once again, no action on the recommendation was un- dertaken. Now, with a majority Liberal Goyernment re-elected, we believe we -have the right to ask the Prime Minister, and 4Fthe Minister 'of' Transport a . few questions, and in return to receive some straight -forward; yes or no, black and white an- swers. 1 Why would' the Govern- ment spend hundreds of thousands of dollar`s on public , rail: hearings for our area, if it ,did not intend' to take action? 2. Is, not. the running and control, of our„ railways a Federal responsibility?. 3: Are not vital issues such as preservation of the ecology, the control of pollution, rising traf- fic fatalities, skyrocketing costs of highway construction and maintenance sufficient reasons for immediate implementation of the Transport Committee ° recommendation of June 1'972? - 4. When are we going to get honest -to -goodness, yes or no, -black and white answers, in- stead of evasive tactics or stony silence? You, as a tax -paying resident of this area, have the right and • privilege of asking the., Prime Minister and the Minister of Transport these questions throijgh your own M.P.. Correspondence to M.P.'s* in Canada's Parliament ;mailed postage -free: Remember; with the total elimination of rail passenger service . in this area,' we have become second-class citizens. Rvcnnn cP. wanted transportation -wise. Retnember also, no issue is dead, when it is kept continually before the at- tention .of our country's elected representatives. Sincerely yours, Robert S. Cherry,, Palmerston, Ont. 444 9 fj GODERICH SIGNAI.-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMRZ,R 14, 197- PAGE 3 influenced by their a1 ministrative officers. It is the "administration itself that offers one of the most fruitful areas for economies. I feel that education is essen- tially the business of the tax- payer, especially parents and their children. There is nothing too technical or obscure about education that the •average citizen cannot readily un`der- stand.•The'people must"be kept .informed, have available to them through the press and other media the debate and, decisions reached at Board meetings. The Board is supposed to represent the people, but if the people do not know what their board members say, how they vote, ^or whether they are even attending the meeting, then this representation becomes an illusion. I have given my energy and dedication in the classroom to many generations of Colborne and Goderich township students. I would now ask that I be given `the opportunity to continue to strive for educational quality at reasonable cost by representing these townships on the ,Huron County Board of Education. Donald S. McKee Fort Erie,. Ontario, Stabilize prices ti Dear -Editor, The National Union has initiated a plan of action to take place right across Canada to focus attention to the need of a stabilized price for farm products. At the present time there is a crisis in the red meat industry, and every crisps the farmers go through is Worse than the last. one._ Cow -calf operators need imrpediate help as these far- mers have no facilities to house their calves•through the winter. The N.F.U. does not condone the slaughter of calves. Most farmers feel it is a ridiculous situation that they do not receive an adequate in= come for 'producing food in a world that is suffering from hunger. Ottawa has been approached, and there will be demon- strations in capitals across Canada to press the Govern-' ments to take caltner meat off the ,market and make it available • where needed. The long term goal of the N.F.U,- is to establish a national meat authority which would have'the authority to control imports. Research has shown • that production and"consumption of meat in Canada is about equal. Imports make the -"surplus". G. Austin Burger Bar Midget "B" 's Joey Morrissey who played a scored the Port Elgin Club 13 All Stars ,are being entered into strong game for Goderich, and, to 2•. the W.0.1 -1.A. League' Division, Dave Eastwood were the Sun's Danny Maillet and Robert which consists of Clinton; scorers Darrell Graham McDonald both earned them- Seaforth, Mitchell, Zurich and assisted on both Goderich selves a hat trick plus' two j goals. • assists for Maillet and one for The rugged Hanover crew McDonald, while Larry, Madge took nine of the twelve scored twice and was credited penalties handed out, giving with five assists• Goderich a two "man advantage Captain Mike Hodges earned near the end of the third two goals and one helper and period, but the Suns could not Robby Trebish assisted in the get the equalizer past Tim scoring of three, Randy Brown in the Hanover net• Graham and Duane Elliott The game was well played by each scored their first goal'` of both teams and had the large the Pee Wee. season while Mark crowd stirred up, especially in Rowe earned his first the last minute when Sun's. assistance credits by helping coach Richard Madge lifted his on two. . goalie in favour of an extra at- The second game goal -getters tacker. were Robby Trebish, Mike This Saturday, Walkerton, Hodges, Jeff Denomy and who are expected to have a Robert McDonald' with singles strong team, will be visitors on and Larry Kelly two scores: Goderich ice, playing the Suns Two passing assistance credits at 6 p.m. went to Willie Denomme and ^ On Monday, the Suns travel' •one to' Randy Graham and to Listowel for a 7 p.m game. Danny Maillet to bring the ATOM HOUSE LEAGUE grand total to 6 for Goderich and 2 for Port Elgin. We have 'four teams in the The Lions travelled to Atom Division or should we Hanover on Sunday for their call it the County Assessment fourth scheduled game. They Dept. as most of the presonal played. strongly to gain a 7-4 help comes' from the margin over Hanover. Fourteen Assessment office. seconds after ' the opposition Conveners for this Atom - 'scored the opener, Rand' Division are Gerald Morgan, Graham opened the scoring for and Ken Fagan who have done the Lions by getting two fast a magnificent job of setting up goals and one assist as did the schedule, game reports, and'Larry Madge. a list of all the players and Robby Trebish skated hard coaches. throughout the game and Glenmark Homes 'is coached tallied one goal and one assist by Barry Eastwood and Ron as did Larry Kelly, Robert Whetkton°for Canadian Legion "McOona'Id got 'the remaining Auxiliary, Larry H'ough and goal. Credits went to Danny Orville Wayland'are at the Maillet, Stuart Crew, Ken Reid Grand Bend. G.M,H.A, als will have "B" All Star teams the Bantam and Pee Division. We have a new team in the• Novice House League, ' replacing MacDonald Marige. They will be Mr. Stereo, the orange and white candy stripe _music' store on West Street, Many thanks to Gord Davidson ^and Ray Mathers for suppor- ting Minor Hockey in Goderich. n ee More openness Dear Editor, At the suggestion of a num- ber of people, I have decided `to run for school trustee represen- . ting Colborne and .Goderich Townships. "With rising costs, it is going to be difficult to maintain Huron County's traditional high educational standards without increasing the burden on the taxpayer. It is my con- tention that in the past our School Board has been unduly ., GODERICH LEGION AUXILIARY NOVICE ALL - STARS Last Saturday the boys met probably one of the strongest Novice teams this side of Toronto when they lost to Hamilton 19-0 and 10-1. Even though the locals were badly outclassed, they learned a lot about hockey in just 2 games,. ''Sunday morning was the best game for the boys as they checked and skated well. They checked so•well that they held Hirtiilton to 1-0 after the first period and 5-1 after the second. Mike Eastwood scored Goderich's only goal with John Thompson "assisting. This Saturday the schedule for the Novice begins, with Grand Bend ' coming to the local arena for a game at 5 p.m. On-Su-nday:the-team- wil•I an exhibition game in St. *Marys at 2 p.m, Dear Editor, On October 25,26, and 27 the Ontario - Status of Women Council and the Secretariat for Social ,Development sponsored a conference on the Ontario Law Reform Commission's Proposals on Family Property Law: • The Status of Women Coun- cil would appreciate response to those proposals from citizens .-in Ontario. Copies of sum- maries of the proposals on' Family Property Law can be obtained- from the Ontario Council on the Status of Women, 401 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. Comments and responses should be sent to the same address. Sincerely, Mary Ann. Shanahan t Helms. George Osmond is back and Duane Elliott.for their NOVICE HOUSE LEAGUE coachingGoderich Electric,' On Thursday, November 7, passing assistance.. the House League saw its first along with Allan Coyne. Mcln- Next Friday the Goderich'' •action with• Graham Electric tee Real Estate have George Pee Wees meet St. Marys in edging Gardiner's Dairy 1-0, in Gould and Bryan ,Schmidt as exhibition in St. Marys, On - a closely fought contest. Doug coacheti, also,, returning from Saturday the Lions encounter Shelly scored the only goal of last year• the --Walkerton Pee Wees on the game on a break-away.The' regular schedule com- home ice at 7:15 And on The' Mike Mcisaac drew the assist. menced last Satur ay, Glen - Gordon Harper drew the ber 2. The first game sawshutout for Graham's. 'Both .mark Homes defeat Mclntee ' teams started slowly, but as the Real Estate 4-2. All goals for Manager Richard Eisler are night went on, they were tear- Glenmark were scored by sen- anticipating an exciting game ning their positions and skating tre Tim I•assaline. Mclntee on Saturday'as Walkerton beat better. goal scorers were Brian Murray the Lions there in exhibition Gardiners Dairy came back and Darrin Moore, with David play previously. Buxton assisting on the last on Friday, November 8, with a goal.PEE WEE HOUSE LEAGUE 4-1 win over MacDonald Elec- tric. Kenny Huff notched' two a You can see by the play of First game of the Pee Vee both teams, that the players are House League Division com- learning goalsfor Gardiner's with Steve gpositional Shutt and Robin Moore adding to play ood p menced on Monday, November the other. Ja Williamson, hockey and the defer, ce and of, 4th. Sifto Salt edged Denomme Jay, fence were exceptionally strong. Flowers 4-3. Stephen Boyce Robin Moore, Doug Town- ee upthe good work coaches. sbury, and Ken Huff had Keep greceived a perfect pass from assists. David Jewell.scored .the Second game Saturday mor- Mike Wedlock to beat Robert it was the Canadian Cummings in the nest for MacDonald Goal on a solo ef- mag 'Legion Auxiliary over Goderich® Denomme's. • • fort. • Electric' 3-1. This game KevinFeagan and. Trevor . � Adrian a •Bos combined with featured strong goal tending by ,John Fuller and Ted Doherty Erb in the nets -for Gardiner's w and MacDonald's respectively each team, Paul McCartney to tie the game. Before the end were outstanding. The. game. and •Mike Moriarty. Referees of the first Philip Brown scored was close until Gardiner's for the game were Paul for Sifto and Joe Burbine got broke through with 3 goals .in Schaefer and Dennis Reed, whoone for Denommes. Both goals three minutes late in the game. did a commendable job. Goals were on break -a -ways. Only MacDonald Marine created a goal the Legion team_ were • oal in the second 'period was 3 way tie for first as they shutscored by Del Bedard, Brian by Sifto player Randy Middel, h• El t•20 •on Shortreed, and Ron Stoddart. also unassisted. Novern sday the Goderich team travel to Listowel, ' • . Coach Don .,Elliott and out Gra am ec tic 1 Drawing assists on these goo s Saturday, November 9. Michael were Donald Littlechild and Fuller recorded the shut -out. Ronald Stoddart, Goderich David . Jewell opened the Electric's lone goal was by Tom scoring early in the• game, Profit and assisted by Joe unassisted. With two minutes Melody. ,.., left, Trevor Erb scored with Tuesday, double header in - • Ron Chapman and John Stokes the first game Canadian Legion assisting. sr il lost close ame and k f 1 all Auxiliary a g After one wee o p av ,three teams have a record of Mclntee Real Estate 5-3.: one win and one loss each.' We Leading the attack for Mclntee hope this balance continues. was Thomas Smith, with went New sweaters 'will be here in goals. Single' counters' went• to a week or so, replacing the old Mike Worsell, and Brian worn out ones from MacDonald Murray. Picking up assists on Marine. The new sponsors will. these, goals were Danny Shad- be Gord Davidson and Ray dick, Raymond Vanstone, Mather of Mr. Stereo. David R•uxton, and Greg -SUNCOAST SUNS " Chris Knox got- Canadian ATOM ALL-STARS Legion . Auxiliary first goal. Greg Kirkconnell scored on a •The Suncoast Suns Atcrm break -away unassisted for All -Stars split a pair of games Legions second goal, and Allan in weekend action. Playing. here Hough got the °final Legion Saturday night, the Suns goals as Ron Stoddart started the, play. s Ainslie Market limited p 5�4-$55D GROUPID CHUCK �b. 8 9c FRESH PORK Li.VER • c SHOULDER AND BUTT PORK CHOPS LEAN • MAPLE SMOKED (CENTRE SLICED BACON SLICES) SHOULQER OR SHORT RIB ROAST (BONE IN) 1 !b, lb L 48c.0 ssc II 19a 98c L . •Lapeine. defeated Port Elgin 6-4. Outstanding goal tending by On Sunday in Hanover, the Steve Hunter of Mclntee, which Suns were edged 3-2 in an ex kept his team in the game as he citing, well played game made at least four saves on In four league games so far, break -sways. Brian Shortreed the Suns have two victories, played a strong game as he one doss and a tie. came up with two- assists and Against Port Elgin, the had at least brelk-a-ways but Goderich team built up a 4-0 was fooled on ,his efforts• first period lead on two goals First irst penalty shot of the by Darrell Graham and one season - Goderich Electric each by David Eastwood and player Warren Erb couldn't Brad Armstrong. Jim Mathers heat Glenmark Homes goalten- had two assists, as did East - der Patrick Bisset. wood, Glenmark came up with a 5-1 -- The Suns scored first in the victory, over Goderich Electric second period when Joey as 'Tim Lassaline had four Morrissey found the range, but goals, all unassisted to lead the Port Elgin came back with attack: Frazer Abbott opened three goals to get back in the the scoring for Glenmark game, Jim Carmichael, Gary .rw Michael Sheardown Tucker and Gord McPherson Homes, were `the Port marksmen. assisting. Spoiling Pat Bisset's Each team seared once in the shut out was Steve Profit who third period. David Gallow got got Goderich Electric's only 1 of theme unassisted the Sun's counter and Peter goo game Kennedy scored for Port Elgin. Captain Jeff Speer scoredall three Hanover goals to give his team their •victory' over the Suns. GODERICH LiON PEEWEES The Lions met Port Elgin in two scheduled games this week. On Wednesday, the Lions out .41( Star othe week 401( Tim Lassaline, high :;coring centre for Glenmark Homes in Ear * the. Goderich Minor Hockey House League, has been selected T as this week's Player of the Week. Tim has demonstrated an outstanding talent for scoring • goals without slacking on his responsibilities for winning faceoffs and •hackchecking. The 10 -year-old centre has chalked up ten goals in three • games, eight of them in his team's last two games. He has not handled 'the feat alone and is quick to credit his linemen for their work in the corners. • "I've had a lot of breakaways because of the -wingers digging the puck out'of the corners and passing it up to me;" he said, "and they feed, me the puck in the slot all the time" j[ - Tim said about half of the ten goals were as a result of P` • breakaways"and the other half he• scored from faceoffs or y� forechecking. His teammates work the puck out 'of" •the ners for nim and pass it in . front Of the net where Tirir • positions himself ready for the dhapice to score. 'TC_ This is the last year Tim' will.play in' the. Rouse League. . Air Five wears in the division, he hopeohis, team -can finish first T. and win the championship, for him the third championship ixteam. Next year he hopes to make the All-Star tearii and from there he has his eye on the. NHL. Tim lives at 113 .Brock Street in Goderich. ****************4,°1 ?f. Bos, Rick Miller and ,Robert goal with 8 minutes left in the game. The Falcons didn't give up. Paul Helesic combined with Roger` Lewis who let a BANTAM 'ALL-STARS wrist shot go and scored which The Goderich Police Falcons proved to be the final goal of won their first _ game of the ,the game. schedule right in Port Elgin, 5- The: Falcons , alth they 4. The Falcons wereoff to a were..,heat.en 6-2, played good bad start when Morris clean hockey. Hanover ac - MacPherson of Port Elgin let. a cumulated 40 minutes in wrist shot go• to open the• penalties. Two -of -them were 10 scoring at the 30 second mark minute misconducts and • han- of the first period. ded out after the final whistle. A Goderich player passed the Total penalties for Goderich puck right onto the stick of Port was only 18 minutes. Elgin's Bill Kischuck who in Coach Mike Pope felt his' turn made a good pass to players -n were very well Howard Wark • who scored at disciplined compared • to •tlie 2:50 making it 2-0. Hanover Team. The Falcons fought back. The Falcons play their next Gary Peters picked up a loose game : on Saturday night in puck, passed .• it- to Paul Goderich at 8:30, when they Dougherty, who beat goalten- play host to Walkerton. der . Robbie Lawlor for oderich'. first goal. BANTAM HOUSE LEAGUE Huff. POLICE FALCONS Denomme Flowers fought The Falcons came back in hard ,in the third and 'finally the second determined to win. beat Paul Bellinger in the nets 'when the Peters boys connec- for Sifto Joe Burbine got his ted. Billy passed to Gary,, who `second goal of the game. Win- scored the tying goal, at the ning goal was scored with ' 2:14 'mark. Larry Daer set up Denomme a man short 'as 1. Ferry Kisch who let a slap shot o rt give the Falcons the lead -2. Wedlock and Paul'. Meriam. • The third per od- wr s touch Second game, Monday night, and go. Port Lgin' tied the .O•P•P. 3, Goderich Restaurant game at the 2:29 mark, Paul 1. Ontario Provincial Police got Helesic came through with a a goal in each period and their ' nice pass from Ronan Conlon, net minder Brad Shortreed to make it 4-3. Then Paul came up with several outstan- Dougherty made a pass to Dale ding savesto preserve the win. Clements scored •on..a` three way passing play from Mike Duncan who made no mistake. Allan Bakker beat Martin Mid- Port Elgin scored the last goal del as Gilbert Vanderheul star- of the game. Goderich Police ted the' play for the O•P:P,'s. Falcons 5, Port Elgin 4:', Dean Bowra made it 2-0. The Falcons played their Defenseman Mike Paqtiette" return game Saturday night in drew the. assist. Goderich as they defeated Port Goderich Restaurant got `Elgin 3-0. In the first period, no their only goal of the game, this scoring by either team. came from the stick of Paul Goderich planed terrific hockey Young. Barry Tranquada, right in the second period and winger, started the play. managed to score all three In Friday's contest, Novem- goals. ber 8, two shutouts were recur- Paul Helesic got the first ded. First game Brad Shortreed„- -'assisted by Rick Rawson, at the registered one for Goderich 8:27 mark. Then Hugh Hanly O.P.P. as• they wort their picked up the•`loose puck and second straight game. All passed it to Rick Rawson who , scoring was done in the second blasted a high one. The final period as Robert Jeffrey goal was scored by Roger Lewis received -a pass from Danny who let a shot go. It .deflected Redpath to beat Sifto Salt's off the cross bar and bounced goalie Paul Bellinger. Before in the end of the period, Allan Stars of the game were all Bakker skated in all alone' to defencemen for the Falcons. make the final sco 2-0 for Goaltenders for Goderich were Goderich O.P.P. over Sifto Salt'. Gerry Gaynor and Tony Second game Denomme I Bedard. Both played outstan- Flowers thumped the winless ding. { , Goderich Restaurant 10-0 as Gcr'tderich Police Falcons Robert Cummings picked up travelled to Hanover on Sun - his first shut out of the season, day, night and were beaten 6-2. Leading the attack with five At the end of the first period goals waAfi "Ted Doherty -and the score was 4-0 for Hanover. picking up the hat trick for It stayed that way until the Denomme Flowers was defen- third when Hanover made it 5 - Opening their r=egular schedule Monday. evening,. McGee G.M..Parts were thum- ped,. 6-2. Brian • Reed, for Goderich Elevators started the season off with the hat, trick as he opened the game with two quick goals in the first two minutes of play. Eric° Skirten made it 3-0 as Ian Chisholm" cleared the puck to him from the corner, and Mark Jones had no chance. McGee"' G.M. spoiled Mike , Reynold's shut out as John Bird heat,hirn on a high hard blast. Goderich Elevators got two more goals in the second as Eric Skirten got his second of the game and Ian Chisholm the other goal• . Rick Leddy' and Mark Taylor • set up Brian Reeds third goal in the final period for Goderich Elevator. McGee's second goal , of the game was by Doug 'Cruikshank unassisted. Chrivener Jim Peters has been advised that a hearing will be held .by the referees and GIM.H.A. President Bill Reid as to penalties which occurred in Wednesday's and Thur sday's night games. In. Wednesday's game, Wayne Jackson scored the win- ning goal with about a minute remaining as Don Hoist Real Estate edged out a win 3-2 over McGee's G.M. Parts. Doug Cruickshank scored both McGee's goals. No other details are available. • Goderich Elevator's earned 'a win over Don Hoist in Thur- sday's game and this game . report is also being held by Ken Crawford, , Referee -in -Chief, pending a hearing. Spearing was the infraction and con- vener* onvener* Jim Peters says "they are ' definitely going to crack down semen Steve Sager. John Little 0 Falcons finally got on the on unnecessary penattres tot is andSteve Walters rounded score sheet. , Bantam Division. Rick Leddy out the scoring picking up Rick Stoddart let a slap shot picked up four; points and two points in assists were Brad go from the blue line. Hanovercontinued on page) Donev, )David Fisher, Arian came back and scored their 6th